Aesthetic Aesthetics Customplugins Economy Foxes Keepinventory Lgbtqia Menus Mobarena Nur Pool Premier Pve Smp Survival

SnowfoxMC! 1.19 | PvE SMP | Custom Features + Custom Coded!

Welcome to SnowfoxMC – an extremely custom, no-resets PvE Survival server loaded with custom items, QoL and gameplay features, custom-coded from the ground up! (Yes, foxes are tameable!) What’s unique about us? With the exception of some basic ones (like WorldEdit, LuckPerms, etc), you won’t find our plugins anywhere else – they’re custom-made for this server! How? Well, the server is run by two software engineers (one of whom is also an artist)! We write our own plugins, so you can be sure of steady flow of creative gameplay updates!

Our goal is to offer the ultimate Survival Minecraft experience by building upon the base game, while keeping an eye on aesthetics and accessibility. With extensive documentation both in-game (via interactive help menus and the /whatis command) and out-of-game (via our detailed Wiki), information is always at your fingertips!

Note: We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, and have a strict no-nonsense policy. All staff are mid-20’s or older, and we’ve all had our share of nonsense. We believe a community should be nurtured, and one bad apple spoils the bunch; thus, Rule #1 is “Don’t be a d***.” We absolutely will not hesitate to ban anyone who breaks that rule. Cool with you? Great! Read on!

And no, we’re NOT modded! You do NOT need mods to play!

Just a small taste of the many highlights we offer:

💼 KeepInventory is Enabled!
Losing your stuff on death sucks. So we made it so you can’t anymore! Don’t worry if you think this makes the game too easy – there’s plenty of more (optional!) challenging pieces of content that you’ll be glad this gamerule is on for 😉

💎 Custom items galore!
From custom fishto custom foodto custom cropsto QoL additions and fun items!

⚔️ Mob Arena… Reimagined!
Our server’s premier (and only) minigame, play Mob Arena like you’ve never seen it before – choose from one of 7 Classes and pick a loadout of 5 unique, upgrade-able Abilities out of a pool of over 100 to battle against hoards of mobs and bosses that get faster, stronger, and healthier as time goes on! In our version, the UI looks much nicer, and you can get revived if you die!

🐾 Enhanced Pets!
Wolves, cats, and foxes will all fight for you when tamed (yes, foxes are tameable), are immortal when nametagged, spawn with unique traitsand can be trained up to level 100!

📊 Skills!
Custom skillsnot McMMO or some McMMO reskin! Train up 10 unique skills, each with passive effects and unlocks!

🐉 Custom Ender Dragon Fight!
The “final boss” of Minecraft finally gets the fight it deserves! The fight has been reimagined and transformed into an epic, repeatable, instanced, MMO-style raid! There’s even an “Ultimate” version, complete with shiny weapon rewards…

🗡️ Boss Fights!
Several bosses are available to be fought in instanced areas, and can drop Legendary loot

✨ Constant updates!
The server is run by two seasoned software engineers (one of whom’s an artist too!) – we write our own plugins, so you can be sure of a consistent stream of creative updates, including plenty of player suggestions! Because basically all our plugins are custom, we also update very fast when new Minecraft versions are released, since we have very efficient workflows and there’s no waiting for other plugin authors to update their plugins!

👍 Not P2W, and never will be!
The perks we offer for donations either give no competitive gameplay advantage, or apply to the entire server, thus fully complying with Mojang’s EULA!

…and much, much more! If you haven’t clicked any of the handy links yet (I told you we had good documentation!), check out our Wiki for a more complete list of features!

Hope to see you soon!

Coaster Communitydriven Communityoriented Creative Creativeplots Customplugins Largeplots Openaudiomc Plots Plotsquared Rollercoaster Themepark Themeparks Traincarts Worldedit Worldediting

Creative Skies | 1.18.2 | BRAND NEW SERVER | World Edit | Train Carts | Community ran!

Welcome to Creative Skies!

We are a brand new creative Minecraft server with the tools and features to let your imagination soar!


  • World Edit
  • Train Carts
  • Head Database
  • Armor Stand Tools
  • 501×501 plots
  • Plot Warps
  • Community Events
  • More coming soon!
  • IP:


    Ability Anarchy Anarchypvp Anarchysurvival Clans Custom Customplugins Economy Fit Haven Land Claims Pvp Semianarchy Survival Teams

    MineHaven ✧ Semi-Anarchy Survival

    MineHaven offers a true survival experience with no land claims, all out pvp and the ability to play however you see fit!

    We offer a variety of custom plugins to improve upon the base game all while keeping the vanilla feel.

    2022 Business Custom Customplugins Dynmap Economy Economysurvival Function Functional Leaderboard Markets Pve Economy Toc Wiki Winter

    SecoMC Custom Survival Economy Server

    SecoMC Custom Survival Economy Server Minecraft Server
    Is Looking for new players for a new Server currently in Beta!
    Bring functional stock markets and real estate markets to Minecraft!

    SecoMC Custom Survival Economy Server Minecraft Server

    We are a fully custom Survival Economy Server

    Will you be the next person on top of the business leaderboard?
    Do you have what it takes to maintain the top spot on the Networth leader board?

    Do you want to take your minecraft experience to a whole new level?

    SecoMC Custom Survival Economy Server Minecraft Server

    Custom Stock Markets
    Custom Business System
    Custom Real Estate System
    Custom Real Estate Markets
    Many Perks Avalible

    Join now with

    Too Learn more about our server Join us on discord or glance at our Server Wiki

    All of how to use and play our server is documented on our Server wiki most questions can be answered here if not ask one of our staff or long time players

    Custom Mob Custom Mobs Customplugins Dance Mcmmo Mineraze Minigames Parties Plant Plugins Pmc Spleef Survival Towny Votifier

    ★★MineRaze★★ ➤1.18 Survival ▎ McMMO/Jobs ▎ Custom Items ▎ Dungeons ▎Towns ▎ Custom Plugins

    MINERAZE is a Minecraft survival server. Our primary focus is providing a high-quality survival experience, which we aim to achieve through our many custom features and our unique content.

    ❄ Custom Towny
    ❄ Custom Items
    ❄ Custom Blocks & Plants
    ❄ Custom Mobs
    ❄ Jobs
    ❄ Dungeons
    ❄ Spleef
    ❄ Dance Parties
    ❄ Friendly Community
    ❄ Economy
    ❄ Land Claiming
    ❄ Player Shops
    ❄ Auction House
    ❄ And so much more.

    Join with:

    We hope you will join us and become part of the community!

    Buildingcompetitions Crates Customenchants Customizedexperience Customplugins Keepinventory Playershops Rewards Shops Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalserver Town Towny Wine

    The Dark Side of the Moon [Towny] [Custom Survival]

                Create. Craft. Customize.

    The Dark Side of the Moon, or most commonly referred to as “DSOTM”, is a Java Minecraft server developed in 2019.
    The aim of the server is to run a custom survival Minecraft environment, that spans over multiple platforms and caters
    to all types of Minecraft players. While staying family friendly, expansive, and intertwined.

    Inspire others while inspiring yourself

    “We are all creatives in this world, and deserve a free place to express that. -Kickroqs 2019”

    Addition information expected soon.

    Auction Auctionhouse Booster Customencahnts Custommobs Customplugins Economy Fly Free Freefly Giveaway Kitpvp Koth Mobs Oneblock Pets Pve Pve Economy Pvp Roleplay Rpg Shop Shops Trade

    GodMC English + German [Most english] Oneblock+Kitpvp+PVP+Shops+FreeFly+Booster+PVE+Pets+Auctionhouse

    A cool server with OneBlock as main but you can play KITPVP and soon more! we have Customenchants,pets,booster, and more!
    we want add every week new cool stuff! you can fight here with youre friends or Only Trade and build. or you want farm mobs then can you too go in PVE arena! Kitpvp can you play every time too! we want help you to have more fun on minecraft gaming servers and we have too a Discord for give aways and and more you can join discord look into the chat the link will be automessaged in all worlds! we have too Envoys and King of the hill installed and you can get Really cool stuff from it! come and play on 🙂

    Cracked Custom Customcrates Customenchants Customitems Custommap Custommobs Customplugins Customterrain Customworld Economy Essentials Landclaim Mcmmo Mythicmobs Questing Quests Slimefun Slimefun4 Slimexpansion Smp Survival


    ArtiseMC is a 1.18.2 Next Generation Minecraft Survival server focused on high-quality Content. Our server is a unique Minecraft server, that offer a unique gameplay that is above other servers. What make us stand out? Artise stans out for its custom 1.18.2 genration, Bedrock Compatible, custom plugins + scripts, dungeon bosses, slimefun, balanced economy and much more!! we also allow cracked players!!

    Bedrock IP: : 19132

    Bloodmoon Bosses Custom Customplugins Dinosaurs Epic Fun Plugins Pve Pvp Roleplay Siege Smp Survival Towny

    Lord of The Realms – No Mods Needed –

    Copy and pasted boring servers have negatively affected the minecraft community. It can take hours to find a good one, however, Lord of the Realms is beyond quality and is now starting to set the standard of what a good server is. Custom bosses, terrain, and plugins are all used to give a unique PvE and PvP experience without the requirements of any mods. The bloodmoon puts fear back into veteran players, to give them the same experience they had their first night playing the game. Players can create towns and band together to fight the new horrors of the night and defend their territory, or lay siege to rival towns and claim their territory. The server also features beautiful terrain that was purposely designed with unique trees, custom finds, and rewards for exploration. Once players become strong enough, they can attempt to unravel the mysteries of the bloodmoon by attempting a high risk reward maneuver and taking on one of the many dungeons. These dungeon can give unique armor sets, weapons, and abilities that make easier to take on progressively harder dungeons. The uniqueness of said dungeons are incredible as one even has you travel back in time to fight dinosaurs. Overall, an amazing bond building experience. Admins have also been recorded to assist in the lore of multiple player’s town. For example, a town member can find a cave with a vast amount of gold. Understandably, he would take it back to his town. A few moments later, a giant dragon attacks in a fit of rage because the player stole from his den. Eventually through banding together, the town was able to stop the attack. If Elden Ring and minecraft came together, this will be it. Please feel to join their discord, and write your own story.

    Classicsurvival Customobs Customplugins Customterrains Customworld Dynmap Fantasyroleplay Mmorpg Precious Pvesurvival Pvpsurvival Relics Roleplay Rpgsurvival Spirits

    Asherons Call 8BitAC

    The Story of Asheron’s Call…
    The legendary magician Asheron has summoned many to Dereth; only the bravest have answered the call. Here, warriors battle creatures of awesome might, magicians will discover magical items and create new spells, and treasure hunters will seek out precious relics. Quests will impel adventurers to uncover the wealth and lore of legend. Adventurers will form allegiance and fellowships, for often many can accomplish what one alone cannot.

    Asheron also experimented with portals for travel to and from other worlds until one experiment unleashed the Olthoi upon Dereth. When the Empyrean fled the world though the portals Asheron created to save them, their departure produced a disruption in portal space. This caused many new portals to appear in Dereth from other worlds—including Ispar, the human home world.

    Dereth: The Word That Is
    When humans first arrived in Dereth, it was in ruins, overrun with ferocious creatures. Faced with the prospect that they might never return to Ispar, humans have made the island their new home. They have built towns and carved out small pockets of safety in a perilous world.

    Though the Empyrean have vanished, some of what they wrought remains; magic flows through the land; mystical portals carry travelers many miles in a heartbeat; enchanted Lifestones bind the spirits of those who use them, allowing the dead to be resurrected. Those that come back to life find that some of their life force has been drained away—some say to power Asheron’s magic. Even more ancient secrets may lie amid the crumbled remnants of Empyrean society.

    The World That Could Be
    Many challenges await newcomers to Dereth. Exploring the island is both dangerous and rewarding: monsters lurk everywhere, especially in the hostile Direlands, and wondrous sights, both natural and crafted by the Empyrean, await the adventurous. Scores of dungeons—some built by the Empyrean for arcane purposes, others dug by the Olthoi or other creatures as lairs—riddle the earth. Somewhere among these is the stronghold of Asheron himself, it location lost with Elysa Strathelar and waiting to be found again.

    The island of Dereth is strange, beautiful, and perilous. Power and riches are here for the taking. Many mysteries wait to be explored and solved, not the least of which is the whereabouts of the lost Empyrean race. And, it is said, there is a deep and ancient darkness at the heart of things, striving to reawaken. These quests are not for the faint of heart—brave adventurers are needed to explore the dangerous wilds, probe the deepest catacombs, and rise as rulers in this new world.

    Here @ 8BitAc we plan on re capturing the classic old feel of Rpg mmo experience here in Minecraft! our map is 100% complete and the server is being blasting with towns city’s, outpost, dungeons and more our current build progress is 50% as of 5-4-2022 and we expect to hit 100% with in the next 3-5 months !

    Active Awesome Boss Community Creative Custom Dedicated Dungeons Eco Econ Economy End Event Friendly Job Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Mythicdrops New Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Rank Server Servers Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Town Towny


    Maestrea – Minecraft Towny survival as it was meant to be!
    SERVER VERSION: Only 1.15.1! With beeees

    Having run servers for a long time, our team knows what we’re doing. Being one of the fastest growing Towny servers with awesome plugins like Towny, Mythic Drops and McMMO, Jobs as well as a ton of custom developed plugins and greatly configured ones as well, to enhance your experience and make sure your time on the server will never be boring.
    With involved owners and an active, dedicated staff team, we’re able to release new content and updates often! We put the players and their friends first and there are many plugins that our close-knit community enjoys.

    We have a custom ranking system allowing you to unlock new features by ranking up and getting more perks for yourself and your Town & Friends.
    As well as a Brewing plugin that adds 80+ custom brewing recipes!

    Towny, McMMO, MythicDrops, Jobs, Economy, 6 Dungeons, Survival, PVE, Custom items, Custom Mobs, Mob Arena, Brewing, Active Staff, Friendly Community, Dedicated Server, Skyblock, Invasion event, Boss arenas, Custom Mobs

    Hope to see you on the server!

    Action Active Class Custom Drug Drugs Dutch Eco Econ Economy Enjoy Fac Faction Factions Factionserver Google Gun Guns King Kingdom Kingdoms Land Lands Nederlands Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Server Servers Staff Staffteam Survival Tea Team Wands Website


    Factions (Guns||Drugs) / Kingdom (Wands/ Nederlands)


    Hey jij daar zin om je Eigen Kingdom te runnen Kom zeker langs wij zoeken Actieve Koningen. Het is een Custom plugins / wands met veel spelers. Enjoy. -StaffTeam

    Action Active Ass Best Class Classic Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Google Ill Mcmmo Network Origin Philippines Pvp Raiding Ring Roleplay Rvival Sky Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Two Work

    SkyPinas Network

    SkyPinas Network originated in Philippines will bring you the best classic Survival Faction experience.

    Active Ass Block Class Discord Dungeon Dungeons Economy Esp Geo Google Host Mercado Mini Games Misiones Mon Network One Pet Pets Pixel Pixelmon Premium Pvp Roleplay Rvival Servidor Sky Skyblock Surviva Survival Survive Tea Trabajos Two Uhc Vive


    FtoSurvive Network:
    [ Survival 1.14.4 | Survival 1.15 | SkyBlock | UHC | Pixelmon ]
    [ No Premium ]
    – 24/7 | Hosteado España
    – Servidor DISCORD:

    Active Boss Bosses Class Community Craft Dedicated Economy Epic Experience Forge Free Game Gaming Going Ill Inecraft Kill King Kingdom Leveling Mcmmo Medieval Mine Minecraft Money Online Play Player Players Premium Pve Quest Server Skills Survival Top Towny Unique World

    Medieval Lords of Minecraft


    Medieval Lords is a massive online gaming community dedicated to bringing players PREMIUM online gaming benefits FOR FREE!

    Medieval Lords of MineCraft is a top rated server world wide with over 650,000 players registered!

    With a gameplay featuring ruling your own kingdom, earning money by going through our one-of-a-kind quest system, and leveling up your character to be stronger with unique skills at every turn to fight epic bosses, we weave together a seamless and unforgettable experience.

    Please give us a try. You will not be let down.

    Your Kingdom Awaits…

    Action Active Ars Battle Block Build Buildbattle Class Com Craft Creative Creativo Fac Faction Factions Google Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Kywars Mega Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Ores Planet Pvp Rvival Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival Tower War Wars

    MEGA Planet

    Bienvenidos al servidor MEGA Planet, donde podrás acceder a una gran variedad de modalidades y jugar con una de las mejores comunidades hispanohablantes de minecraft.

    1.8 -> 1.14
    -Survival, Factions, Creativo, SkyBlock, SkyWars, TheTowers, KitPvP, HG, BuildBattle… Y mucho más!

    ¿Te lo vas a perder?

    Active Best Block Class Classic Community Craft Creative Discord Economy Emo Enjoyable Fac Faction Factions Features Game Growing Inclusive Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mod Network Networks New Original Play Player Players Pro Real Realm Server Sky Skyblock Website World

    Pure Realms

    Pure Realms is a growing Minecraft Network, with the players at the heart of everything we do. We are focused on providing innovative features, enjoyable gameplay and a community that feels inclusive to all. We have both a range of classic and new gamemodes, consisting of –

    – Skyblock
    – Creative
    – Factions
    – Your favourite server here – Let us know!

    Pure Realms was originally founded in 2012 and quickly grew to being one of the biggest and best Minecraft Networks in the world, before closing our doors in 2015.

    Now we’re back and we’re better than ever before. Don’t miss out. Join today.

    IP –
    Discord –
    Website –

    Active Best Build Builds Claim Clan Class Community Eco Economy Forge Free Gyms Help Keys Multi Need Npc Pixelmon Play Player Players Pve Pvp Reforged Rewards Server Servers Shop Spawn Special Staff Tournaments War World

    Pixelmon OG Reforged

    June’s 200 USD FREE RAFFLE!
    10x Spawn Rates!
    NPC Gyms
    Automatic Tournaments with Keys as rewards
    Clan System (Clan Gyms On the Way)
    GTS Shop system
    PokeMart with all you need
    Claim system for your builds
    And much more!
    Special reward for first players to get 95% on Pokedex!
    Staff and Helper positions available too!

    Active Adventure Adventures Ass Ats Auction Class Com Crate Crates Discord Download Economy End Erver Event Events Family Features Friendly Google Hats House Mod Modpack Pack Pixelmon Play Pro Pve Reward Riendly Server Survival Tech Technic Towny Venture War Website

    Pixelmon Adventures

    Pixelmon Adventures

    Server IP:

    Download Pixelmon Adventures here:

    * Events
    * Auction house
    * PokeSashes
    * PokeHats
    * Reward Crates
    * Family Friendly

    Active Ass Ava Class Craft Creative Economy Fall Google Inecraft Love Mine Minecraft Mini Games Network Pvp Raft Rvival Star Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Two Work


    Slovenski minecraft network. Rezultat združitve slo-survival ter starfall’s networkov. Pridite in se zabavajte!

    Active Adventure Anarchy Ban Boss Bosses Build Building City Create Custom Dungeons Eco End Fly Friendly Fun Good Guns Kit Kitpvp Kits Lore Minecraft Mmo Network New Play Popular Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Server Survival Survive Town Towns Unique


    Join the New and growing Yom network! We host a growing number of unique custom gamemodes for you to enjoy for weeks!!! Our most popular server is InfectedRPG DayZ and our newest and fastest growing gamemode is WarZone! We have Infernal Realms gamemode on the way and countless more after that!

    InfectedRPG DayZ
    InfectedRPG is a DayZ based survival PvP PvE server with guns and much much more. Your ultimate goal is to survive and thrive starting from nothing and ending up an unstoppable veteran survivor. Zombies are a threat to your survival and will kill you or worse infect you and turn you into one of them. Other players may be friendly and help you survive, or they could be a bandit and murder you for your supplies. We have over 200 different types of custom weaponry including guns ranging from pistols to RPG’s, over 12 different types of melee weapons including minecrafts default swords, a huge arsenal of explosives for you to use and blow up, and even nuclear bombs! Explore massive cities or abandoned military bases and loot the supplies people left behind to help you survive! Find and drive boats, horses, and even helicopters! Earn tokens by killing zombies and rank up to unlock new kits and more! Find sleeping bags, barbed wire, barricades, and storage boxes to build your own base and defend it from zombies and bandits! There is endless things to do on this server so enjoy and goodluck!

    WarZone PvP
    WarZone PvP is a massive Kit PvP type server with guns set in a massive destructible city. You start off in a C130 Aircraft and choose your loadout and kits then Skydive out of the plane into the WarZone. You fight 100’s of other players with over 80 types of unlockable guns and weapons. Use bombs to blow up buildings, snipe people from 100 blocks away, fly through the city, make a team, build a base. Kill people to earn money then use that money to rankup and unlock more guns and kits. Are you ready to join the fight?

    Infernal Realms
    Infernal Realms is an MMO RPG PvP Adventure server! You pick a class, fight monsters, level up, conquer dungeons and bosses, create and rule towns, command armies, unlock gear, wage war and become King of the realm! The fun never ends on Infernal Realms!

    Active Best Community Craft Creative Eco End Faction Factions Friendly Ftop Games Good Great Hard Help Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Network New Pay Play Plot Plots Prison Professional Reset Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywars Staff Survival War Wars Website

    Good Gaming Network

    OP Prison x3 | OP Sky Block x4 | Factions | Survival | Creative | SkyWars | More!

    The Good Gaming Minecraft Network is the best, anti-p2w, up and coming Minecraft network! Come play on our professional quality servers, hang out with our friendly staff team, and help us come up with new ideas!

    Our network currently offers more than six feature-rich games to choose from: Survival, OP Prison (Creative plots at p15!), OP SkyBlock, Creative, Factions, and even our minigame network Minecade! Come play with us and become a part of something great!


    Friendly, active staff
    Great community
    Powerful hardware

    Active Art Ass Box Class Conomy Earth Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Geo Geopol Geopolitical Gold Google Haven King Lit Mcmmo Mod Old Political Pve Pvp Ring Roleplay Sand Sandbox Scale Server Servers Survival Town Towny


    TownyHavens is a Geopolitical Earth Sandbox. Taking its roots from other Geopolitical servers and adding its own spin. Featuring a fully working Gold economy, 1:500 scale model of Earth, The moon, and much more!

    Active Auction Auctions Awesome Claim Claiming Crates Custom Eco Economy Enchants Event Events Farm Grief Grind Grinders Home Job Jobs Lottery Mcmmo Mmo Mob Pets Play Player Pve Pvp Ranks Rewards Roleplay Shop Shops Spawn Survival Vote Voting War


    Version: 1.15.2 Supported
    Awesome features such as:
    1. Cool and huge spawn
    2. Anti Grief/Land Claiming, Keep Inventory / Exp
    3. Voting Ranks
    4. Respawn on your first home
    5. Economy, Jobs & MCMMO
    6. Daily Voting Rewards & Bonus Top Voters Rewards
    7. Crates, Disguises
    8. Free mob, animal farms, grinders, resource area ,ines
    9. Lottery, Auctions, Shops, Player Shops
    10. Pets (Pet Blocks) & Player Warps
    11. Monthly Events (Drop party,
    PvP Tournament, Treasure hunting)
    12. Custom Enchants

    Active Best Build Class Classic Community Craft Custom Economy Emo End Experience Features Forge Game Inecraft Legendary Lit Mine Minecraft Mod Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Player Players Popular Pro Pve Reforged Ring Server Spawn Spawns Survival Vanilla Wns


    Reforged 7.0.5 | Shiny Starters | Custom UI’s | Play2Win | x3 LEGENDARY SPAWNS | x3 SHINY SPAWNS |

    Poke Voyage is a server providing the popular pixelmon reforged gamemode, full of expansive and custom features to expand on the classic minecraft experience. At Poke Voyage we strive to bring the best quality gameplay for all players in mind, whilst trying to build and connect a community together.

    Active Build Cat Class Craft Event Experience Free Grief Ill Inecraft King Lag Lit Mad Mine Minecraft Mod Modified Multi Multiplayer Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pve Semi Server Shop Shops Simple Survival Survive Vanilla Who


    Play Minecraft As It Should Be Played! Unmodified and Simplified!

    Simplex is a semi-vanilla server made for players who are seeking to play Minecraft in the most genuine way possible; free from the modifications that take away from the true multiplayer Minecraft experience. In Simplex, you must build, survive, suffer or prosper all by yourself. There’s no shops, plugins, or modifications which will take-away from the brutality of vanilla survival. Only ones which will prevent the theft and grief of your creations and keep lag to an absolute minimum.

    Active Best Class Craft Crafting Custom Drops Economy Experience Features Free Fun Game Inecraft Item Items Lag Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mod Modified Mythicdrops New Perks Play Plugin Plugins Pve Rank Ranks Server Servers Slimefun Survival Town Towny Version

    DifferentCraft Towny

    DifferentCraft is a Minecraft Survival server bursting with custom features, striving to be one of the best Towny servers out there! DifferentCraft runs on a custom built machine which is hosted at a Tier-1 data center to guarantee you the smoothest experience possible!

    We run a bunch of custom-made plugins so you’ll never get bored! You’ll find custom items and crafting systems at your fingertips, a rank progression system that grants you new perks while climbing the ranks! Some other things you’ll find are a brewing plugin that adds 60+ custom brewing recipes, a modified version of Slimefun to offer over 200 new items with lag free gameplay, MythicDrops and so much more!

    Active Ats Block Class Classic Craft Creative Custom Emo Fac Faction Factions Features Fox Game Gamemode King Kingdom Kingdoms Kit Kitpvp Mod Multi Network Online Prison Pro Pvp Roleplay Server Sky Skyblock Stats Survival Version Versions


    Foxcraft is a network that consists of multiple classic gamemodes like Prison, Skyblock, Survival, Creative, etc. All of these gamemodes have custom features that you won’t be able to find on any other generic gamemode server. We also provide custom gamemodes like Kingdoms (a custom take on the factions gamemode).

    Our gamemodes:

    We support versions 1.8-1.14.4

    Online since 2011!

    Active Adult Best Build Claim Claims Community Contests Craft Forums Games Grief Griefing Hard Home Homes Land Lore Map Mature Mine Minecraft New Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Server Servers Spigot Survival Survival Games Vanilla War Website

    NO Land Claims, NO Grief Protection, No Keep Inventory, PvP Enabled and Encouraged!!! Vnlla is a 1.15+ Semi-Vanilla Style Minecraft Server with Raiding, Griefing, PVP, PVE, TPA, Set Homes, a Large Map, much more! We write many of our own plugins to give you a better experience in gameplay all while staying within the boundaries of the Semi-Vanilla structure. Join us to play the game the way you want, its up to you whether you team up or explore on your own, build an empire or destroy another players hard work! We run build contests and other survival games on the server to change things up from time to time and to entertain the community as well. We boast that we have the best and most mature community on Semi-Vanilla-based servers will stand by that claim. We cater towards more of an adult audience, however a younger crowd is also welcome! Give us a try, we welcome you to check our server, our website and our forums!

    Action Active Ark Ars Block Build Cannon Class Creative Fac Faction Factions Hcf Ice Kit Kitpvp Kywars Link Mine New Non Oppvp Ops Opskyblock Opsurvival Park Parkour Play Practice Prison Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival War Wars



    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!