Build Building Community Craft Creative Discord Earth Earthmap Earthsmp Ecconomy Gamemode Games Gaming Hardcore Helpful Helpfull Kits Lifesteal Lifestealserver Lobby Lobbyserver Minecraft Nonpay2win Nontoxic Nontoxicstaff Plasma Plasmacraft Plasmakraft Play Players Plugins Pvp Ranks Safe Server Servers Skyblock Store Story Survival

Plasma Power

Plasma Power
Come join the fun and chaos of a newly surfacing server; PlasmaKraft. A multi-cultural, java server with multiple different gamemodes to suit your needs, hosting events fairly often. With helpful and respectful staff and a non-toxic community, who don’t tolerate disrespect from players who ruin the fun for others. So, what has PlasmaKraft got to offer?

Lifesteal:The first gamemode from our structuring collection; Lifesteal. Our specific version of Lifesteal is considered an anarchy server, with hardly any rules, simply, don’t hack, don’t cheat, don’t be inappropriate in any form. This gamemode is recommended for the sweaty players, who enjoy a good grind. With crates and keys for this specific gamemodes, there are different ranks and armors either from our crates and ranks or from bosses you kill, which can be used and applied to help as you fight and escape! The difference from Lifesteal and other gamemodes is that you can have any amount up to 100 hearts, as you gain them from killing other players or crafting them, but don’t get too confident, if you get killed, you will also lose hearts!

Skyblock:For the more light-hearted players who enjoy puzzle solving and living off limited resources, this economy gamemode brings the survival to you, in a small island in the sky, where you must expand and grind money to become the top islander. Earn ranks from increasing your MCMMO skills, grinding money and having the most island experience and value. Increase your score or purchase a raffle ticket to earn from our lucky pot, where you can earn things like spawners! Complete missions and find creative ways to survive and become number one!

Earth SMP:Come back down to earth, as you play in a free-roam survival world set on a 1:1 scale replica of Earth. Grind money and become baltop in the economy. Claim your land. Earn money from jobs. Buy from our in-game shop. Grind for kits, buy ranks or earn some by increasing your skill set and doing other tasks, or grind EXP from our minable and purchasable spawners, to get custom enchants to make you even stronger, and then you can fight other players (fairly as wild killing is not allowed on ESMP) or form a formidable team to tackle our tough bosses, rank up and grinding your way to the top!

More coming soon:With even more gamemodes coming soon, come and enjoy yourself with a friendly community at PlasmaKraft, soon to update its gamemodes and release even more fun for all!

Costomworld Enchanting Exciting Fun Java Javaandbedrock Javaandbedrockserver Javabedrockcrossplay Javaedition Server Servers Survival


Sever Description:
Enchantify is a Minecraft server I, SoulToast had made. It Has a bunch of cool Stuff and is still very much in development. It does have Java/Bedrock compatibility though.
Server IP:
java IP:
bedrock IP:
bedrock port: 25573
Server Information:
Enchantify has numerous plugins and data packs to let if work the way it does,


  • AuraSkills
  • ChestShop
  • CreeperHeal2
  • EnchantsSquared
  • Geyser
  • Floodgate
  • Luckperms
  • RTP
  • Smoothtimber
  • Viabackwards
  • ViaVersion
  • Vault
  •   Datapacks Include:

  • Ctov
  • DnT Stronghold Overhaul
  • Dungeons and Taverns
  • Dungeons arise
  • Explorify
  • Hopobettermineshaft
  • Hopobetterruinedportal
  • Fire
  • Infinity cave
  • Ships
  • Stellarity
  • Structory
  • Tectonic
  • Terralith
  • Towns and Towers
  • William Wythers overhauled Overworld
    Discord(Including period): soultoast.

    A server Hub is currently being worked on.
    If you are some kind of Server Wizard, Pls Contact me, I have no clue as to what I am doing 😀


    just below in the comments, il get back to you

    Factions Servers Survival

    Saphira Factions V3.0 ((JUST LAUNCHED))

    After playing Minecraft Factions servers for over 12 years Sink (The Owner of Saphira Factions) finally had enough of poorly managed and poorly staffed servers. Saphira Factions aims to provide a unique old-school inspired, refined, and tight nit Factions Server for all the enjoy. With the player experience always at the forefront of our philosophy, we are pleased to say Saphira is a PLAY to WIN server.

    Recommended Game Version: 1.20.1
    Cross Compatibility Versions:
    (pretty much any 1.19 or 1.20 version of mc is compatible) Recommend 1.20.1

    Base Bedrock Build Crime Gun Guns Hbm Immersive Immersiveengineering Immersiveintelligence Java Javaedition Javaeditionserver Mod Modded Mode Mods Nuclear Nuclearwar Nuke Nukes Pve Pvp Server Servers Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalpvp Survivalserver Sweat War Warcrimemode

    NTM Extended 1.12.2

    —-{{((WarCrimeMode Actived))}}—-
    -Raid other players
    -new armors
    -get soldiers (ancient warfare)
    -missiles and more booms
    and etc.

    —[​Rules Below]—

    1. No attacking your enemies when 50% of their team is offline. (unless they are gone for more than 7 days)

    2. Your allowed to scout your enemies base when they are offline, but you cannot loot or damage it in any way.

    3. 8 Max allies per team.

    4. No trying to rush world domination (We want this to be elongated this as much as possible)

    5. No keeping prisoners for over 6 hours (They can attempt to escape)

    6. Try to make wars last.

    7. you must warn a team or give them a hint when your about to attack them

    8. no mining into bases that isn’t yours.

    9. no insiding your team. (joining them and then backstabbing them.)

    10. No hacking or abuse of glitches/bugs

    Crystalpvp Economysurvival Servers Survival

    Chillin SMP

    Economy Servers and Crystal PvP Practice low latency ping recommended for play economy and cpvp jddj djdj jddj jdndbfnsk djbdjs jfnss djjssj dhdhs hdjdsbhfhds h. djdbdbdb sjdbd jsjs dhdhs hfjes hfhebehes hrejejex jddhdbsbsjdjeejwj sjsjdjejwj ehejdhrjws hdehjesjs dbdjsjsjdjdjdbe djdhsbsjdbrbe dbsjsjshdbejek jddjdbdbsjsj ejdjd hdbjdbjdbjd j dj djbdj djd jd djbdjss ns shs sjsnsjds jd dje sjd ejsEconomy Servers and Crystal PvP Practice low latency ping recommended for play economy and cpvp jddj djdj jddj jdndbfnsk djbdjs jfnss djjssj dhdhs hdjdsbhfhds h. djdbdbdb sjdbd jsjs dhdhs hfjes hfhebehes hrejejex jddhdbsbsjdjeejwj sjsjdjejwj ehejdhrjws hdehjesjs dbdjsjsjdjdjdbe djdhsbsjdbrbe dbsjsjshdbejek jddjdbdbsjsj ejdjd hdbjdbjdbjd j dj djbdj djd jd djbdjss ns shs sjsnsjds jd dje sjd ejsbfjs djbdjs dhrbsjdbdjd h ehe dhe dhdbddb bfjs djbdjs dhrbsjdbdjd h ehe dhe dhdbddb Economy Servers and Crystal PvP Practice low latency ping recommended for play economy and cpvp jddj djdj jddj jdndbfnsk djbdjs jfnss djjssj dhdhs hdjdsbhfhds h. djdbdbdb sjdbd jsjs dhdhs hfjes hfhebehes hrejejex jddhdbsbsjdjeejwj sjsjdjejwj ehejdhrjws hdehjesjs dbdjsjsjdjdjdbe djdhsbsjdbrbe dbsjsjshdbejek jddjdbdbsjsj ejdjd hdbjdbjdbjd j dj djbdj djd jd djbdjss ns shs sjsnsjds jd dje sjd ejsbfjs djbdjs dhrbsjdbdjd h ehe dhe dhdbddb

    Bedrock Best Chill Combat Cool Cracked Creative Custom Custommobs Dungeons Economy Empire Faction Free Friendly Fun Geyser Good Java Kingdoms Lands Modded Nations New Official Public Pvp Raiding Roleplay Server Servers Small Smp Streamer Survival Towny Vanilla Wholesome Youtube Youtuber

    ❗JOIN WOOPMC❗| Kingdoms🏰 | PVP ⚔️ | Non-Player Staff🛡️ | Quests🔥 | Events🎉

    ❗JOIN WOOPMC❗| Kingdoms🏰 | PVP ⚔️ | Non-Player Staff🛡️ | Quests🔥 | Events🎉 Minecraft Server
    ⬥🔶⬥🔹 ────Basic Info────🔹⬥🔶⬥Java IP »
    Bedrock IP »
    Website » WoopMC | Discord » Discord

    Founded: March 2011
    Version: 1.20.2+

    Location: Midwest, USA

    ⬥🔶⬥🔹 ────Features────🔹⬥🔶⬥

    🏰 Kingdom PvP at its Finest: WoopMC is a dedicated Kingdom PvP server, where players can establish and lead their own kingdoms. Engage in intense battles for supremacy, capture rival territories, and prove your strategic prowess to dominate the ever-changing landscape.

    ⚔️ Custom Enhancements: Our server boasts a plethora of custom enhancements that take the Minecraft PvP experience to new heights. From unique weapons and armor sets to special abilities and enchantments, WoopMC offers a truly customized and dynamic gameplay experience.

    🌐 Expansive World: Explore a vast and beautifully crafted world filled with diverse landscapes, challenging dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether you’re a lone wanderer or part of a mighty kingdom, there’s always something new to discover on WoopMC.

    🤝 Alliances and Diplomacy: Forge alliances with other kingdoms to strengthen your position or engage in strategic diplomacy to outmaneuver your rivals. The political landscape of WoopMC is ever-changing, and alliances can be the key to survival in this dynamic environment.

    🔧 Continuous Updates: At WoopMC, we are committed to providing a constantly evolving and engaging experience. Expect regular updates with new features, quests, and challenges to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting.

    🎉 Events and Tournaments: Participate in thrilling events and tournaments that test your skills and offer fantastic rewards. From epic PvP battles to parkour challenges, WoopMC hosts a variety of events to keep players on their toes.

    🛡️ Fair and Balanced Gameplay: We strive to maintain a fair and balanced gameplay experience for all players. Our dedicated team actively monitors and addresses any issues to ensure a level playing field for everyone.

    Join WoopMC today and embark on an epic journey of conquest, strategy, and camaraderie. Will you rise to become the ruler of a powerful kingdom, or will you fall in the face of fierce opposition? The fate of the realm is in your hands!

    Formerly known as WoopGaming and MyCreeper. We’re back to celebrate our 12th Anniversary!

    Minigame Minigames Minigameserver Server Servers Spleef Spleefminigames Spleefserver Survival

    Spleef Legeends

    This is Spleef Legeends, here you can play spleef and hang out!

    Minecraft Version: Java 1.19 to 1.20.1

    We have 4 gamemodes mainly based on spleef!

    These are:

    1. Insane Spleef (Duels)
    2. Classic Spleef (Duels)
    3. Multiplayer Spleef (3-8 Player Chaotic Spleef)

    4. Bridge Spleef (Normal Bridge but with instant-break)

    Join our discord:

    Anarchy Anarchysurvival New Server Servers Survival Vanilla

    Banana Anarchy

    🍌 Welcome to Banana Anarchy Minecraft Server! 🍌

    Greetings, fellow adventurers! Step into the vibrant world of Banana Anarchy, where chaos meets creativity in the most delightful way. We’re thrilled to have you join our ever-growing community of passionate Minecraft enthusiasts.

    🌐 Server Information:

    Name: Banana Anarchy
    Reset Schedule: Every Friday at 9 PM EST
    Rule #1: No cheats allowed – pure skill and creativity!
    Rule #2: Everyone is welcome! Bring your friends, foes, and banana-loving companions.
    🚀 What Sets Us Apart:
    Banana Anarchy isn’t just a server; it’s a playground of endless possibilities. Embrace the challenge as the world resets every Friday, offering a fresh canvas for your Minecraft adventures. Here, your survival skills and creativity will be put to the test in an environment where chaos reigns, and only the strongest thrive.

    🍌 Banana Enthusiasts Unite:
    If you have a penchant for bananas, you’re in for a treat! Our community celebrates the glorious fruit, and if you share our love for bananas, you’re bound to feel right at home. This server is a haven for all banana enthusiasts.

    👥 A Community Like No Other:
    At Banana Anarchy, we believe in the power of community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a Minecraft novice, everyone is welcome to join the fun. Forge alliances, embark on epic quests, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

    🔒 Fair Play, Maximum Fun:
    We value fair play and the spirit of competition. Cheats and shortcuts have no place here. Every achievement, every structure, and every victory is earned through hard work and dedication.

    🌈 Join Us Today:
    Embark on a journey of creativity, camaraderie, and chaos. Join Banana Anarchy today and experience Minecraft like never before. The fun never stops, and the adventures are limitless.

    📅 Mark your calendars! Every Friday at 9 PM EST, the world resets, and a new chapter begins. Are you ready for the challenge?

    🍌 Banana Anarchy – Where Chaos and Creativity Collide! 🍌

    Build Builder Economy Hardcore Pvp Server Servers Survival Survivalserver Vanilla Vanillasurvival


    SkollCraft is a primarily Survival server with a potential Semi-RP and PvP focus. The goal being to have as much fun as possible, it offers players different environments that can appeal to multiple players.
    An economy and a ranking of wealth
    PvP arenas and unique tradable items
    Additional quests and objectives

    You play as a Human who discovers the city of Skoll and its problems as a Wanderer. You contribute to the emancipation and resolution of these problems by playing. Your playing time allows you to unlock ranks and curiosity is not a fault here. Shop quests and objectives are hidden on the Spawn. Create your base, make other players envious of your possessions. Sell ​​your resources in town or follow the server’s Lore by completing quests. Create your guild, play with your friends, and fight with or without them in the different arenas.

    247server 247uptime Anarchy Creative Custom Economy Event Events Free Fun Host Hosting Minehut Player Players Plots Realm Realms Roleplay School Series Seriousroleplay Seriousrp Server Servers Survival Youtube Youtubers


    Analogy MC is a fun roleplay server that allows you to create your own unique roleplay with tons of amazing tools at your disposal such as hats, props, pets, and if you’re not into our premade roleplay map then you can design your very own using our Realms systems! Analogy Realms allows the user to customize their roleplay experience to whatever they desire! Not into roleplay? no problem! create a unique minigame such as Murder Mystery, creative plots, bedwars, anarchy or a SMP!

    Ranks are coming in the next update so please be patient.

    Anarchy Anarchy Server Anti Anything Aternos Cheat Classic Complet Hacks Heat Hey Inde Long Survival Vanilla

    Classic Vanilla Anarchy

    CVA (Classic Vanilla Anarchy) is a new semi-anarchy server with no hacks. The server has no plugins except for an anti-cheat plugin and an anti-lag plugin. Besides this, there is no other admin intervention. Players are completely independent. They may do anything they want as long as they don’t hack.

    Economy Elite Gang Lite Modifiers Nut Progression Pve Pvp Qol Survival Tga Tinker Tinkers Vanilla

    Walnut Gang Survival

    Version 1.15.2
    Were a small survival server with added QOL features and an improved progression system!
    We have:
    – Tinkers Construct-like modifiers,
    – Frequent Server events
    – Admin shop
    – Vote crates
    – Elite enemies and special loot

    Join now!

    – The Walnut Gang

    1.15 Aim Best Destroy Economy Empire Factions Kingdom Kingdoms Laim People Pire Pvp Raiding Survival

    Kon Factions

    Hello and welcome to Kon Factions! We are a loving community surrounded by the best server gametype out there, factions! You can build your empire and claim your land around the world, destroy and raid other peoples kingdoms, and so much more! So come join us, on version 1.15.2!

    Abusing Afk Curse Deaths Livemap Lwc Maj Pvp Respawn Scream Survival Teleports Texture Texture Packs Vanilla

    Welcome to, We are old time gamers getting back into Minecraft.Old Servers we owned – (2016-2018)- (2009-2016)We have been around since the beginning and look forward to seeing you on the server..NOTE: If you build something Majestic (truly Awww) looking, we will protect it from getting griefed (Rollback or World Guard (PVP will still be enabled).What are the rules?- ADMINS PVP FAIRLY. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SPAWN OR ENCHANT THEIR GEAR, HIDE FROM LIVEMAP, OR TP TO TARGETS. IF YOU SEE AN ADMIN YOU THINK IS ABUSING, REPORT IT TO IT_DEATHS, DO NOT INSANELY SCREAM ABUSE AT THE ACCUSED ADMIN, OR ANY ADMIN. WE CHECK THE LOGS CONSTANTLY FOR SIGNS OF ABUSE.- No killing people at their respawn point, or straight outside of spawn.- No client side hacks, mods (this INCLUDES XRAY!), or XRay texture packs.- You may not curse excessively, especially at other players or admins.- Image No racist or vulgar skins.- Griefing/Stealing ARE VERY MUCH ALLOWED!- No setting homes in other players homes.What commands can us defaults use?- /sethome – Will set your home.- /home – Teleports you to your home.- /afk – Alerts players that you are AFK.- /suicide – Self explanatory.- /msg – Sends a message to a player that you type in.- /ignore – Ignores a player.- /r – Quick way of responding to a message.- /lock – Use LWC to lock your chests!- /tpa – Request a teleport command.

    Cosmetic Cosmetics Crafting Ecipes Mystery Osmetics Prison Prisons Pvp Recipes Signs Tool Tools Unlock Wood


    Welcome to Firedanx Prisons! There are custom enchants, commands, and more! The mines are A-K, a wood mine, and a mine full of blocks for building! If you need any help, type /help or contact a staff member. Sell your items with signs or on the auction house! Unlock cosmetics with mystery dust and mystery boxes! Craft OP tools with custom pure materials! Type /recipes for a list of custom, crafting recipes.

    Anarchy Anarchy Server Ban Banned Edu Fly Hack Hacks Lag Newest Oda Optimized Rule Speed Vanilla

    Alcatraz-MC Anarchy

    Alcatraz MC [Anarchy]

    Newest anarchy server! Optimized to reduce lag! No fly and speed hacks!

    NO RULES!!!


    Apex Chill Easy Economy Entertaining Hill Land Claim Live Mad Stream Streams Survival Twitch Witch


    Welcome to SluppyCraft!
    This server was made so I could play with my twitch audience on a game we all know and love! We have friendly staff, a working economy and easy land claim! If you’re looking for a chill community, entertaining live streams and an active discord, come join us at !
    Remember to check out my page over at too !

    Access Banned Change Dynmap Economy FTB Helpful Infinity Items Jump Level Levels Minimal Mining Survival

    Infinity Mining

    Infinity Mining welcomes all experience levels to jump onto our server and have a great time.

    ■ No Banned Items
    ■ Very Few Rules
    ■ No Recipe Changes
    ■ Minimal Lag (UK-Based Server)

    ■ Dynmap Access

    Crate Dejavu Economy Factions Factions Server Feature Growing Paw Rates Reward Spawner Spawners Survival Voting Win


    DejaVu Factions – An ever growing factions server with friendly staff, custom crates and voting rewards! Our server also features a shop and spawners!

    Bar Big Chat Chill Chillcraft Club Economy Factions Helpful Hill Meet People Special Survival Vanilla


    We are a big community on discord which started recently with it’s own minecraft server.

    Wanna meet cool and friendly people?
    Then come and join!

    Chat between discord and minecraft
    Friendly and helpful people
    Special club events

    Economy Koth Mcmmo Minecraft Pvp Minecraft Pvp Server New Minecraft Opkit Opkits Pve Pvp Residence Survival Vehicle Vehicles Vertex



    And much more!

    Shop –

    Across Applications Hermit Hermitcraft Login Mid Middle Middle School Mindcrack No Commands Pride School Survival Teleportation Vanilla

    NotSoBad Middle School

    NotSoBad is a vanilla, PvE survival server set on hard mode. We strive to keep a clean and fun community for everyone to enjoy. Only the best membership applications get accepted by us. We pride ourselves on remaining as vanilla as possible. No teleportation, no commands, no game changing additions to the game play. Just a simple, raw Minecraft experience on a highly active server who’s map has been carefully chosen.

    Working together as a community, making towns and helping one another is something we cherish. If you’re looking for an attempt to mimic Hermitcraft or Mindcrack this isn’t it. We are bigger and better than those servers and have a large mature, grief free player base that is active at all hours of the day. Our players login from across the world to join in our community.

    Bases Coded Cops Developed Drug Drugs Drugserver Economy Jail Leaderboard Leaderboards Mana Manage Pvp Survival

    The Drug Server

    A drug server completely custom coded from the ground up. Buy and sell drugs to earn your way to the top of the leaderboards. Lookout for the cops, if caught you’ll end up in jail. Run out into the wild and build your base or look for bases to raid its up to you.

    Professionally managed, activley developed, and friendly community.

    1.9 Cpvp Crafting Economy English Fur German Mcmmo Mechanics Poke Pvp Raiding Spoke Suggestions Survival


    Good day, and thank you for checking by.

    We are an English / German faction server that uses the way of old fashioned PvP mechanics, crafting and more, prior to the 1.9 update.

    We currently offer McMMO and Survival. To add up for more possibilities, we are open for suggestions. The staff members are all friendly and open to be spoken to.

    This server is still young and work in progress. If you’d like to support us, feel free to spend some of your time on here, leave a vote or leave suggestions.

    For further information or contact, feel free to join our Discord.

    Thank you for reading, good luck on finding your desired server and have a great day.

    Alliance Alliances Base Bases Economy House Houses Loot Make Raiding Smp Star Start Survival Ultra


    UltraX is a server ran by o9b. It is a SMP Server where you can build houses, start alliances, make bases, and get lots of loot! Even though there is already a lot on the server, there is lots more to come!

    Best Experience God High Hut Kitpvp Kits Level Levels Lit Minehut Pvp Quality Reward Rewards


    The best kitpvp server ever! There are a lot of levels and rewards! [STAFF 24/7] [HIGH QUALITY KITS] [BEST PVP EXPERIENCE EVER]

    Apes April Bots Computer Computers Dice Economy Gates Icepvp Kitpvp Mini Games Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla


    DicePVP has just opened its gates to all players!!!!!
    DicePVP is still in beta and
    QuantumComputers the Developer and Owner of DicePvP is working hard to add new gamemodes in the future.
    DicePvP is paid out of pocket by QuantumComputers and money gathered from ranks helps pay for the server and is very appreciated.
    New Gamemode: Practice PvP
    New Gamemode: KitPvP
    Practice PvP now has bots you can fight in parties or a 1v1 situation, to enhance your skills with real players.
    Anticheat has been worked on heavily
    BuyCraft Ranks have been setup With More coming soon.
    50 Off Sale Until April 30th
    Cheapest Rank is Now USD 2.50

    Abilities Factions Hoe Job Jobs Night Phoenix Prem Pvp Raiding Rankup Rankups Tnt Upgrade Upgrades

    Nightmare Phoenix

    Nightmare Phoenix
    — Factions 1.15.x —

    + Factions
    + Factions Upgrades
    + Rankups
    + TNT
    + Jobs
    + Abilities
    + Kits

    — Premium —


    Ages Anarchy Griefing Hacks Lol Mountain Mountains Ores Outpost Post Pvp Survival Vanilla Village Villages

    BruzzTheHuzz Anarchy Server

    a new server that has no rules! Hacks, griefing, etc are allowed here. We also have an elaborate spawn with multiple villages, a pillager outpost, mountains, and many ores. Join today!

    2020 Ask Aus Bug Economy Factions Fair Forward Going Growing Irl Mcmmo Official Pvp Raiding


    Welcome to IceTeaCraft!

    After success of previous server called IceTeaCraft, we are going to open another server!
    Everyone is welcome!

    We use Factions in our server.
    The server is online 24/7 & it is a growing server.
    We officially opened on 4/1/2020. Because the server is fairly new, there will still be some bugg’s.

    We also have our own discord! Ask for it in the server.

    We look forward to seeing you on our minecraft!


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Cool Minecraft Servers Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!