Dungeons Generation Twitch Twitchstreamers Vanilla Vanillalike Vanillaserver Vanillasmp

🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑

The NightCraft 2.5 minecraft server is the second and a half season of the original Vanilla+++ minecraft server, we have rethought the server pass system, so now almost anyone can get on it! If you have any questions, you can write to the discord – telegram – or at least on twitch when I stream there – (2) night_sculptor – Twitch



🌟 Emperix – Now Live and Open for Everyone! Join us on Emperix, your go-to Vanilla+ SMP community!

Recently refurbished and featuring a brand-new, active Discord server, we're dedicated to offering a high-quality, community-focused Minecraft experience.

Why Choose Emperix SMP?

We Offer: Many QOL plugins and features, such as /tpa, /find item, /rtp, player owned shops, duels and much more!!

How to Join: Visit our Discord server to learn more and connect with our friendly staff:

Don't miss out on your chance to be part of a thriving Minecraft community. Join Emperix SMP today! 🚀Vanilla+ Gameplay: Enjoy the purity of vanilla Minecraft or explore our customized features for a unique twist. Long-Term World Preservation: No more worries about server resets disrupting your progress. Build and achieve your goals without fear!

A welcoming community for both seasoned players and newcomers. Whether you're into monumental builds or collaborative projects, redstone farms, and anything your imagination can dream of!! Our server supports all play styles, come join today!


Raw Charms

Server IP:

TTAC is a basic vanilla server started about 2 years ago. We have an active community, filled with nice players and amazing builders. We encourage co-op on the server and players are rewarded for bringing a friend(s) on. We have a voting system which helps the server grow across several websites. TTAC is becoming bigger and better everyday! Are you the next leader? The Journey begins here.

Server Features:

Friendly Staff, World Backups, 24/7, Support, No Lag, Dedicated Server, No Limits, Discord


Spawn Protection: 100 Blocks

Worlds: Backed up daily

Server Rules (Permanent Ban):

No Hacking, No Cheating, No Exploiting, No Racisms, No Lag Machines, No Threating, No X-Ray, No Bullying, Keep Chat Clean, Don't Be Dumb.

Server Rules (Allowed):

PVP, Teaming, Unlimited Farming, Greifing, Mob Farming, Redstone Machines, Building, New Chunk Loading, Stealing, Raiding



I've created a 1.21 vanilla smp that I play on with my friends. Im looking for a few people to play and help us create an amazing world and community. The survival is online 24/7! Please comment with your discord if you are interested! 18(m)

Discord: runalossariot

Survival Vanilla

❤️ HARD EVOLUTION ✨ EVOLUTION 🔥 WIPE 12.07 Minecraft server

⭐HardEvolution – evolution from Antiquity to Modern Times.

You will have to go through all the stages of human development – from the invention of the first wheel to the discovery of electricity.

Thanks to a large number of mods, locations and quests, you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the most interesting world of industrialization with exciting elements of magic and adventure!

Despite the name, the server is not complex, but represents and draws an analogy with the difficult and difficult evolution of mankind.

Improve your survival skills and discover new technologies, because maybe you will be the one to discover the mysterious 5th era…

⭐Assembly concept

The concept of the build is based on the gradual evolution of the player with the gradual opening of items, dimensions, crafts and opportunities. As you open a new era/stage, you will unlock:

⭐Dimensions – until you open a dimension, you cannot get into it in any way: teleportation through a team, through portals, teleportation to a player, etc.

For example: the dimension of hell will open to you from the 2nd era, 1st substage

⭐Items – until you open an item, you will not be able to use it in any way: hold it in your hand, see it in JEI, pick it up from the ground, etc.

For example: you cannot use any electronic equipment until the 4th stage of evolution.

⭐Crafts – until you open the craft, you will not be able to use it, and it will also be hidden in JEI.

For example: vanilla crafting of boards will open for you from the 2nd era.

⭐Abilities – you cannot use blocks with an interface if they are higher than your evolution stage.

For example: you can't use the stove until the 2nd stage of evolution

⭐Ore generation is distributed across all worlds and contains ores only from the era to which it belongs.

For example: in the normal world you can only find: copper, tin, 4 types of coal and emeralds. Iron is generated in the Forest and Cave World.

⭐Your occupation is also closely related to the era. In Antiquity, you do everything manually, without any automation, crafts are tedious and long, you create everything from scratch from different materials. However, in the Renaissance, thanks to the Create mod, you can build an entire cake factory that will feed the entire server.


Tge embassy

Hello everyone, me and my friends have created a realm on bedrock we are going to be very select with the people who we allow to join as we have encounter many hackers and greifers. We don’t really want to rush into making progress to fast so we don’t get bored which is why we are not going to be making any xp farms for the time being. Add my discord litehour if you wanna join

Creative Discord Mini Games Parkour Skyblock Survival Vanilla

SquareFace Minecraft Server

SquareFace — cozy servers for survival and construction without wipes. From classic vanilla to servers with mods! No donations: all privileges are available for in-game currency!

We offer more than 10 servers with various themes (switch between them with the /server command):

Main: comfortable survival with flight, privates, admin store of blocks and resources and much more.
Creative: Create epic builds with full access to Creative Mode and WorldEdit commands in a flat world or a world with beautiful biomes.
SkyBlock/OneBlock: an unusual survival game on an island in the void, alone or with friends.
Magic: Become a wizard, use a variety of spells and powerful magic items to improve your game.
Industrial: 1.18 server with mods that add new tools and mechanics to Minecraft. Join our Discord (/discord in-game) for mod installation instructions!
Mini-games: parkour, mobarena, spleef and other games.
and many other servers: descriptions available in the lobby!

Our servers are connected by a global chat and Discord to communicate with friends and players at any time!

We hold regular competitions with unique prizes!

This is just a small part of what you will find here! Come and explore!


Dawn MC: A New Era

Dawn MC is a Vanilla server featuring some datapacks to add some quality of life. All the data packs are inspired by Hermitcraft. We are looking for some very active players to strengthen our tight community!

This wipe we're all building on a continent which consists of (almost) every biome.

World Map


  • Be mature and treat each other with respect
  • 21+
  • No duping/cheating of any kind
  • No stealing, PVP-ing without consent of both parties
  • Do not settle down at spawn (Shopping District)
  • Get permission from your neighbour(s) if you're building close to them

If you want to invite your friends to play on the server please contact one of the staff beforehand

Use this template if you are interested in joining Dawn MC (post below or msg on Discord):

Minecraft IGN:

Discord IGN:

Year of Birth:

Location (Timezone):

How often will you play on the server?:

What is unique about your playstyle?:

Why should you be whitelisted?:

Tell us about yourself:

Add me on Discord: : astrovalk

We hope to see you soon!


Hardrada Worldbuilding

Are you ready to conquer the world? Hardrada Worldbuilding offers you unparalleled freedom and endless possibilities! Whether you dream of building vast empires, engaging in complex political strategies, or crafting epic stories, this is the place for you.

Why Choose Our Server?

Unmatched Freedom: Create, expand, and rule your empire the way you envision. From peaceful villages to sprawling metropolises, the choice is yours.

Fair and Supportive Staff: Our dedicated and impartial staff team ensures a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. We're here to support your journey and maintain a balanced and friendly environment.

Player-Driven Stories: Forge your path and shape the server's history. Engage in diplomacy, trade, and alliances, or compete in epic wars and political intrigue. The stories you create will become legends!

Community and Collaboration: Join a community of like-minded players who share your passion for worldbuilding and storytelling. Collaborate with others to build magnificent structures, create thriving economies, and participate in dynamic events.

Dynamic World: Our server evolves with the actions of its players. Your decisions will impact the world around you, creating a living, breathing environment where every choice matters.

Features: Economy and Trade: Engage in a player-driven economy with custom shops, currency, and trade opportunities.

Quests and Events: Participate in regular quests, events, and challenges to earn unique rewards and recognition.

PvP and Warfare: Test your skills in strategic battles and wars, or focus on peaceful growth and diplomacy.

Join Us Today!


Anarchy Nohacks Smp Survival Vanilla

Forged SMP

We are a No-Hack anarchy server that just started. We have a welcoming player base, and amazing style of server. So come check us out I don’t think you will be disappointed!

Chronos Counter Counterstrike Eggwars Factions Fun Hidenseek Murder Murdermystery Mystery Speed Speedbuild Speedbuilders Strike Survival

Chronos 1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11

Chronos Network is server for Endless fun.
↓ Game List ↓
▶ SheepWARS
▶ MurderMystery
▶ CounterStrike
▶ HideNSeek
▶ SpeedBuilders
▶ Factions version 1.11.2
Survival version 1.11.2


Animals Engineer Engineering Familia Magica Magical Minecraft Pvp Mystic Mystical Nolog Scale Survival Multiplayer Techno Technology Witchcraft

TechnoMagic 1.7.10 | Minecraft PvP Server

TechnoMagic server is a magical place where you are shown mysticism is closely connected with engineering. The development of technology, large-scale power production stations, mystical objects and witchcraft, a new kind of animals and even familiars that can be a source of vis-radiation! Having entered the server, you will be enveloped by an unprecedented magical surge of energy, which will make you become the best technomage on the TechnoMagic server!

8.2 Bee Economy Emb Exiting Factions Hank Hey Love Pvp Raiding Rank Ranks Spartan Suggestions


We are a 24/7 server with loyal staff and a great community. We are a factions server with ranks you can buy. We would love to have you on our server you will not regret it. It will be the most exiting factions server you have ever been on. If you have any suggestions just tell our staff they listen really well. Thank you and remember to join

Coop Economy Expansion First Fun History Hut Little Minigames Persona Personal Pig Sad Story Towny

The Chicken Coop

Hello everyone. Id like to present to you: The Chicken Coop. A little history of this server:

When I first started playing MC, I joined a server called Pigzcraft (sadly its down now). The server was a simple towny server, where everyone helped each other grow. A month goes by, I become staff, my first time being staff ever. And I adored it. I was able to help people play on a server which I found fun. Sadly, a year goes by, and I leave the server due to personal issues. The server has since been shut down, but I wish to bring what I felt back alive. I wish to give a place for a community to form strong, and to gain people who wish to play alike and be friends to one another (naive i know). So come and join me.

Watch out for our first expansion.

This server will be towny, economy-based, with some minigames (will be added later). Join our website at:

-TCC Staff


620 Buggy Deadly Disease Diseases Fat Minecraft 1.8 Realistic Redstone Survival Tempe Temperature Thirst Thread Versions



RedstoneMC is a realistic survival server with diseases and a temperature system, thirst and a lot more.

Some diseases are deadly some are annoying.

The temperature is different per biome. Too high temperature is deadly and you will get slowness with mining fatique. If you are too cold you
will get nausea etc. and its deadly too.

If you cure a disease you will have a lower chance of getting it again. This is because of our immunity system.

more info can be found here:














Q: Do you need staff?

A: Yes you can apply on our forum ( you will need to register.)

Q: Which versions are supported?

A: Minecraft 1.8.X – 1.11.X, 1.8 can be buggy.
Useful links

If you have any questions pm me or send an email to [email protected]


Custom Custom Item Custom Items Drama Economy Factions Fun Particles Plugins Pvp Raiding Root Ruins Survival Vaults

Celestial Gaming [1.13]


★ Celestial Gaming
The future of community survival

Celestial Gaming is a survival server that has the goal of bringing you back to the roots of Minecraft. We dont want factions, raiding, drama or any other thing that ruins the true fun of Minecraft. In this brand new server, you can make friends, build whatever you want, PvP if you want without losing any items and so much more. We are not “pay to win” and use our donations strictly to improve the quality of Celestial Gaming. We have several fun plugins that are open to everyone such as Custom Items, Particles, Player Vaults, etc.

Some of our features include:

No Grief
Friendly Community
Gamerule Keep Inventory
Land Claiming
No Lag, 24/7 Server
And much more.


Cheats Allowed Classic Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Naruto Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival Need Players No Dupes No Launcher No Resets Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

⚡ ShostCraft ⚡ PvP, Things of God ⭐1.8-1.12.2 Minecraft server

– Good admins
– many players
– Honest Donat
– No lags
– Cool server

IP –
VK Group:

Ass Bed Cpvp Cub Cube Cubed Custom Lmao Ore Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Style Tom


We have Custom Plugins.
And More


Commands Custom Difficult Free Gym Insta Launch Launcher Modpack Npc Ranks Shops Tall Technic Technicpack

PixelPack Official Server

Official server to the Pixelpack Modpack..
Offering a unique blend of mods to enrich the players Pixelmon experience.

Features Include:
Custom Shop that is simple and provides a fair enviorment.
Lag-Free Environment
Custom Ranks that can modify experience gained and commands
Land Protection
Craftable Pixelmon Items
Difficult NPC Gym Leaders
Fair non pay-to-win environment
Awesome Mature Community
+ Much More.

Come Join us, Install the mod-pack from the Technic Launcher.


1.15 1.15.2 Added Creativ Creative Eat Eco Free To Play Minecraft Has Minecraft Clans Minecraft Creative Minecraft Donate Owner Ter This

Creative Server 1.15.2 Minecraft Server

Server description The owner of the server “CREATIVE SERVER 1.15.2” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Commands Days Design Donators Early Hate Hats Homes Near Networks Pay Pub Spawners Survival Travel

Celestial Reborn

This is what youve been looking for. Its hard to find a good community survival in the clutter of todays minecraft networks. Thats why we bring you Celestial Gaming. This brand new server is so well designed that nearly everything is available to a common player. We hate “pay-2-win” servers that give OP commands to their donators. Features such as Picking up spawners, setting multiple homes, fast travel, etc. are all available to the public.


Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Server Best Minecraft Servers Bmc Detail Detailed Information Leb Mc Server Mcserver Minecraft Servers Nline Online Survival Multiplayer Tail

World of MC Server

Minecraft Servers List provides the best Minecraft servers with the most detailed information on each server


Added Button Cod Games Has Mew Mini Minigame Minigames Owner Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer This Vote World MiniGames server Minecraft

Server description The owner of the server “ MiniGames” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

0 VoteGet button code

Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Mystery No Dupes Pvp Rights Russia Russian Minecraft

CubeMc.Ru – Ricardo is waiting for you! Minecraft server

Minecraft server description 1.8-1.14 ➜ IP:
Russian minecraft server “CubeMc”
Copy ip and come in will be fun!
★ ➜ | All rights for 50 rubles |
★ ➜ | Vulture mode |
★ ➜ | Bedwars |
★ ➜ | Skywars |
★ ➜ | MyrderMystery |
★ ➜ | SurvivalGames |
★ ➜ | Effects |
★ ➜ | Your spawn |
★ ➜ | And much more |
★ We are in Contact ★
➜ IP – [1.8-1.14]

Blo Bloc Block Com Enjin Lmao Lock Sky Skyblock Style Sub Subs Tps Ubs Zap




Ammo Compete Competetive Crates Custom Default Factions Generator Noob Pvp Ranks Road Schematic Skyblock Warrior



FlamingMC is a new network that recently opened. The network started as a single server, which is skyblock. The server slowly starting expanding and broadening its horizons. The server soon turned into a network , today called FlamingMC. FlamingMc consists of a friendly community a well as a Dedicated staff team. We try our best to better the server and really do appreciate constructive criticism. Many of the servers features all started from ideas from multiple users. We have many custom features on all of our servers. Allow me to introduce you to the networks servers:

and more to come.

Skyblock is where the whole server started. The main inspiration for skyblock was the fact that it was a classic game mode. Many people appreciated skyblock back in the day. On our skyblock server we have a custom schematic loaded in as everyones islands. The skyblock islands give you a head start as they already consist of a mini farm, as well as a cobblestone generator. This along with a cow named Daisey, which you should keep alive, she depends on you. Our server also has custom crates which can be redeemed by voting or buying keys in the store. We have monthly PVP events as well as drop parties, once a certain ammount of people have joined the server.

Start as a warrior and end as a Champion. This gamemode sure will bring your competetive skills into play. Wether you are skilled PVPer or you are a noob with a OP kit, we have a place for you. Fight your enemies with your enchanted diamond armour, or build up your XP level and custom enchant your own weapon. Players start as warrior as a default rank, and need to redeem 40 kills to rank up to Veteran . We work on a kill rankup basis. This allows all players to achieve the same ranks. Our custom PVP map comes filled with many “easter eggs” all around. From Epic hiding spots to killing players left right and centre with your OP sword. We cater for everyone.

Create your own faction and conquer the world. Not feeling like creating a faction? No problem, join someone elses faction and fight with them. Factions also has custom kits, along with an amazing spawn . Our global ranks affects every single server on the network, including faction. Our faction does come with a twist on the other hand, as trapping is allowed on the server. Which makes our factions very competetive.

Want to know more? Come join us right now.


Elf Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Grief Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft See Ter World You

StuckWorld Minecraft Server

Description of the server Come in and see for yourself.

Coded Custom Discord Fun Islands Lucky Lucky Block Lucky Blocks Monthly Plugins Price Prices Shops Skyblock Skyworld




2bt2 Dupes Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Survival Pve Pvp Rpg Russian Minecraft Stalker

FantasyLine SkyBlock, 2bt2 and survival on the 1.15.2 Minecraft server

Description of the server FantasyLine – a project that is ready to implement
your imagination in minecraft thanks to the tube atmosphere
on the best games and modes.
Here’s what we can boast of:

Survival – the latest version of the game ever! HONEST SURVIVAL ONLY!

● BedWars – starter kits and more

● SkyWars – whale kits and more

● Creative – Creative server without wipes and cool plop.


● Stalker – a fully thought-out mode with a copy of the famous game Stalker.

We will be glad to see you on our project!
Come from versions 1.8 to 1.15+

1.10 Clan Clans Factions First Generation Generations Gym Gyms Minecraft Version Npc Poke Pokemon Towns Wns

TBG – Pixelmon

5.0.3 Pixelmon | 1.10.2 Minecraft Version | First 3 – Generations of Pokemon | Player And NPC Gyms | Factions | Towns | Clans |


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server ip Address Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!