Custom Guns Military Milsim Navy Realistic Resourcepack Roleplay Uniform Warfare

NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado



“We train for war and fight to win…”


⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.

⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform as realistic as possible, trying to replicate the duties and struggles past and present have done for us.

⚓How is the team organized? – Platoons can be structured to operate as 8-man Squads, 4-man Fire Teams, or 2-man Sniper/Reconnaissance Teams, as required. It is this organizational structure that makes the NSW force light, mobile, swift, flexible, effective and virtually undetectable. Each platoon has a Navy Commander (O-5) in charge. A SEAL platoon consists of two junior officers and 14 enlisted. It is led by the more senior of the two officers, a Navy Lieutenant (O-3).

⚓How do I get started? – Simply fill out the application form. Answer as thoroughly as possible. Your probability to getting accepted is dependent upon how well-structured your sentences and explanations are, as well as the specific criteria involved. After your application is filled out, you are required to accomplish the following:

• 1 event of Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) Training
• 1 event of SEAL Qualification Training
• 1 event of Parachute Jump School

*As soon as you attend your first event, you become a Seaman. When you accomplish all 3 trainings, you are promoted to Petty Officer 3rd Class [E-4]. From there, you will be put into a position and would be permitted to attend Navy SEAL missions.*



CQB (Close Quarter Combat) Training:

Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Training (BUD/S):



KEEP NOTE: Server will be unwhitelisted during training times/events/missions, so it would be wise to join the discord for info.


“The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday…”

Earth Factories Geopol Geopolitical Geopolitics Geopolotical Guns Missiles Modern Nukes Smp Survival Towny

Kevworks Earth

Kevworks Earth is a modern earth SMP with no protection enchants, no potions, and is entirely player controlled. It has guns, vehicles, missiles, and nukes. Along with tool factories to mass produce tools!

Form a nation on a 1:1500 map of the earth.

Stockpile weaponry

Fly (or drive) various vehicles into combat

Nuke your enemies

Server is still a W.I.P but the essentials are set up. – dynmap – Discord

Customitems Earth Earthmap Economy Geopol Geopolitical Geopolitics Guns Rpg Survival Towny Vanilla War


Welcome to Okean!
A brand new towny server based on the Earth map, made to be the ultimate towny experience.
At Okean, we’ve revamped Minecraft’s progression with hundreds of custom items seamlessly blended into the vanilla experience. We focus on keeping the server vanilla-styled, and custom items, while fixing the progression system, will not make you feel like you’re playing another game.

Okean uses siege war, but aside from conflicts, we also focus on:

🏛️ Town-building, with strong incentives for towns to thrive; every week, there are building awards.

💰 Trading: Our economy is almost entirely player-driven.

⛵ Exploration: Some resources are only available in certain parts of the world.

🌲 Survival: Nature in Okean has become mighty; be aware of harsh winters and pillager raids in your town.

🕯️ Religion: Okean introduces a system of faiths, you can chose what god to worship and each god will give you certain blessings or curses!

How will you play?

Will you conquer the world by strength and might? Will you dominate the markets and create a monopoly? It’s up to you!

With regular updates and events, Okean stays exciting. We will actively listen to our community’s suggestions; this server was made with the common issues of towny servers in mind, ensuring endless entertainment without straying from Minecraft’s core.

OKNS.ME Join Okean today! OKNS.ME
The map is scaled at 1:500; there’s plenty of land to explore and conquer. Welcome to the ultimate towny experience!”



Create Factions Guns Modded Moddedserver Smp Team Pvp


Welcome to Shots Fired SMP!

This is a modded pvp smp/factions server! However, there are like guns?! Guns are crafted at a specific station and are fully functional! The server is run on Forge 1.20.1, The server is whitelist only, and whitelist applications are in the discord linked below!

More Information in the discord!

Cars Cityroleplay Cityrp Cityrpg Drugs Guns Politics Realism Realistic Roleplay Smp Vehicles

UrbanCraft – Need Builders & Staff

Hello! My name is Tango, and I am in the process of putting together a group of builders to help decorate and beautify a new city server in development! I would like builders with experience in building asian architecture themed structures, as well as just modern themed buildings (apartments, houses, etc). Please let me know if you are interested in involving yourself with this project! Discord Discord Discord Discord

Faction Pvp Factions Guns Pvp

Minecraft Towers | LIVE LAUNCH 4/26 | Factions WITH GUNS

Join our new server for Factions with GUNS !

Guns can be crafted based on the recipes shown in spawn

What guns or features do you want to see next?
We want to grow a community!
Join our Discord:

Adventure Anarchy Bosses Curseforge Custom Dungeons FTB Guns Magic Minecraft Minecraftserver Modded Multiplayer Public Pvp Raiding Smp Survival Techguns Thaumcraft War

Official Resurgence – COMBAT EVOLVED – Anarchy – *PvP/Raiding 24/7*

The Official Resurgence server is now live and open to the public! 24/7 Raiding, PvP Allowed
(Already one of the largest modded anarchy servers available!)


Here we aim to deliver an almost full Anarchy experience, without the draws backs of hacks/dupes or cheats.

*FRESH BORDER INCREASE 04/22/2024* (We had to make room for all the new members joining!)

We have reached a milestone of 25+ active members in game through the day and we have almost 100 members in our discord, some looking for a team/others looking for action so test out your knowledge and skill in the battlefield! Help us continue to grow and show your support in our discord by saying “hi” or introducing yourself as we’re sure you’ll fit in here.

*PvP/Raiding focused, Tech/Automation/Guns/War and magic to even out the odds in the battlefield!*

Steps to joining:

  • Through the “CurseForge Launcher” search “Resurgence” and download the appropriate modpack (Resurgence – Combat evolved) or click the link
  • Launch the “Resurgence combat evolved” modpack once your download has completed
  • Navigate to the multiplayer menu and add our IP! ‘’
  • *Minecraft version 1.12.2*

    *Vote for us*

    *Our official discord* (almost 100 members!)

    * World border is now 13K x 13K in all dimensions*


    Adventurers get to set foot on soil unexplored and see what our Lush new biomes have to offer!

    We begin our tests in the private server balancing a new mod highlighting “Questing” These balances will take us some time to complete (Balancing items can be tricky and our server owner personally optimizes bulky mods that wouldn’t perform the best normally on slower/older computers (will expand the map in new ways if necessary with increasing player count)

    War… War never changes… We invite you to join us in a tech driven magical world filled with guns, dark arts and community! Help tare it apart or strengthen it. Whether you’re solo or have a group of friends join us for some of the fun.

    Mod list: Thaumcraft 6, Ender IO, Tinker’s, Forestry, Better Bees, Thermal expansion, Tech Guns, Redstone Flux, ProjectRed, Extra Utilities 2, Buildcraft RF, AE2 wireless, Applied Energistics, and more mods catering to a war-like experience. (150+ mods to choose from)

    Resurgence is intended to equip players with the choice to play however they want. Have fun alone building and destroying, or join other players in an all out war in PvE or PvP!

    With this pack, we hope to bring a balanced experience to players who want to work for their weapons, embrace their creativity, and use critical thinking to build the most efficient automated systems.

    There is no /sethome or /tps this is to prevent easy map travel and encourage tech gurus and witches who’ve mastered the dark arts to use their creativity to navigate these hurdles *Beds are valuable*

    We have /spawn enabled to give players a hotspot for PvP / Social interaction
    *Not all players want their competition so consider it a crutch! (Only use it if you know how to get out but don’t worry our fresh spawns will have a chance at the action too)*


  • Slime boots + sling (these combined allow players to travel too fast)
  • Rapier (Deals magic damage and 1 shots players for 0 crafting time)
  • EnderIO Armor/weapons that (allow players to teleport instantly)
  • Staff of traveling (Allows players to teleport instantly)
  • Journeymaps ability to track/view players (Use your eyes)
  • These are removed to bring balance and skill to the game when it comes to PvP
  • I’ll see you all out there! good luck on your quests, progression and becoming the strongest on the server
    we hope you enjoy the Resurgence of machinery and future combat in Minecraft!

    Base Bedrock Build Crime Gun Guns Hbm Immersive Immersiveengineering Immersiveintelligence Java Javaedition Javaeditionserver Mod Modded Mode Mods Nuclear Nuclearwar Nuke Nukes Pve Pvp Server Servers Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalpvp Survivalserver Sweat War Warcrimemode

    NTM Extended 1.12.2

    —-{{((WarCrimeMode Actived))}}—-
    -Raid other players
    -new armors
    -get soldiers (ancient warfare)
    -missiles and more booms
    and etc.

    —[​Rules Below]—

    1. No attacking your enemies when 50% of their team is offline. (unless they are gone for more than 7 days)

    2. Your allowed to scout your enemies base when they are offline, but you cannot loot or damage it in any way.

    3. 8 Max allies per team.

    4. No trying to rush world domination (We want this to be elongated this as much as possible)

    5. No keeping prisoners for over 6 hours (They can attempt to escape)

    6. Try to make wars last.

    7. you must warn a team or give them a hint when your about to attack them

    8. no mining into bases that isn’t yours.

    9. no insiding your team. (joining them and then backstabbing them.)

    10. No hacking or abuse of glitches/bugs

    Build City Community Crafting Custom Donations Enchants Exploration Fight Fun Futurama Guns Leveling Looting Openworld Pve Pvp Quests Server Survival Weapons

    FutureMC | 1.20.4+ | Open world | Guns | Heavily Custom

    FutureMC is a server which contains heavily custom features and gameplay including, weapons, transportation, futurama inspired map, custom crafting, recipes and more.

    Adventure Carribean Colonization Crabs Diplomacy Dynmap Earth Economy Faction Geopol Geopolitical Guns History Island Islands Movecraft Navy Pirate Pirates Political Potpvp Pvp Roleplay Sea Shark Ship Ships Siege Sieges Siegewar Space Survival Towny Treasure Tropical Vehicles

    Vultures | Colonization, Pirates, Fort Building, Fight for Seas, Geopol, Tropical Islands (1.19.x — 1.20.x)


    IP —

    Colonize The New World!

    — Build Forts, Castles. Conquer islands for The King!

    — Construct a strong navy. Have fight for Seas.

    — Be Pirate, Merchant, or even be The King in your own Sea Empire.

    — Fight enemies, destroy their forts, occupy their lands and collect tax.

    — Sail to Expedition for search of Treasure & Gold. But be aware of Mythical Creatures that live under sea surface…

    Acting Axe Creative Creeper Discord Feed Gar Minecraft Version Pve Relax Relaxed Respect Server Ip Survival Welcoming


    We are a friendly and welcoming community to all who join – We have dedicated worlds to survival and creative. Running the latest Minecraft version: 1.15.1 – Everyone is welcome regardless of background. We just ask yo respect our server rules and other players on the server. Want a friendly and relaxed Minecraft environment? Then CreeperIsland is the place for you.

    Server IP:

    We are always open to suggestions and feedback. If you have any for us – Let us know by contacting one of the admins on the server or dropping into our discord server.

    Ancient Bank Bibliocraft Company Conquest Custom Economy Firearms Mew Pvp Shade Ships Towny Tweak Tweaks

    Industrial Conquest

    Technic Modpack:

    [size=20]Make sure to join the official server when you get on the modpack. Just press the “Industrial Conquest Server” button.[/size]

    Server Trailer


    YouTube Spotlight:


    This is a story of war. The nations of a land far, far away have arised and are battling for dominance. Battling for resources using their abilities to control the gases around them, experting in sharpshooting and sword combat. The nations have learned to combine over forty different types of metal to forge the strongest of weapons. They have learned to craft the farthest and fastest shooting firearms. They have learned to tame the gases around them. They have learned to train beasts to do their bidding. And they have learned to make their foes bend to their will. But one question still remains. Which one nation will rise to the top? Controlling the others? And do they know of one player who will change their fate and mark their name in the history of this great land. That player is you.


    image This server uses the unique idea of towny warfare. On this server you get all the commodities of towny with protection over your land. The only way you can get raided is if another nation declares war on you and kill enough players in your town and takes it over. More will be explained about towny warfare on the server.


    On Industrial Conquest we have many different types of weapons. We have dozens of guns, explosives, and even a bi-plane. Also with Tinkers Construct you can create custom weapons made with combinations of over 40 different types of new metals and alloys.


    We exercise the use of a running economy on Industrial Conquest. You can make money in a multitude of ways. You can make money by selling ingame items with /sell or buy with /buy, /market, You can earn money by playing out pvp arena game, or you can get money simply by voting.


    Ever wanted to create your own multinational company in Minecraft? Well now you can on Industrial Conquest. You can hire other players as workers, give wages, create jobs, and have your own company bank in which you can hold all your earnings and become rich.

    -Dynamic Sword Skills

    -Mine and Battle Gear

    -Ancient Warfare 2

    -Archimedes Ships

    -Better Storage


    -Biblio Woods (Biomes O Plenty)

    -Biomes O Plenty

    -Boiler Plate

    -Carpenters Blocks

    -Chisel 2

    -Code Chicken Core

    – CoFHCore

    – Craft heraldry

    – Custom Main Menu

    – Custom NPCs

    – CyanosLootable Bodies

    – Extra TiC

    – Flans Mod

    – Ye olde flans pack

    – modern weapons flans pack

    – FlaxBeards SteamPower

    -Glenns Gases

    -Gases Framework

    -Grappling Hook mod

    -Immersive Engineering

    -Inventory Tweaks

    -Lycanites Mobs


    -Map Writer


    -Metallurgy Core


    -Player API



    -Steam Craft 2

    -Tinkers Construct

    -TiC Tool Tips

    – Waila

    – Wawla

    Screen Shots:






    Bedwar Bedwars Buildbattle Many Players Minigames Murder Murder Mystery Myst Mystery Origin Survival Survivor Tnt Tntrun Village


    There are not many players for this new server

    The server has Original survival, TnTRun, SkyWars, BedWars, BuildBattle, Murder Mystery, Village Defence.

    Ace Current Dev Development Elo Feature Features Kitpv Kitpvp Lands New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Pac Soon Space


    SpaceLands is a new minecraft server that features: KitPVP and more to come soon

    We are currently still in development put its already playable

    Awa Awesome Buycraft Elf Entertainment Ert Eso Factions Free Meet Minigames Multi Tip Uptime Wait

    PixelFyre Network

    PixelFyre Minecraft Network. 24/7 uptime, lag free guaranteed. Multiple game modes . Factions, KitPVP, MiniGames and more await you on this awesome server. We, PixelFyre, meet anyones need for minecraft entertainment.


    Ars Bed Bedwar Bedwars Bot Day Dio Fun Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Oda Today Vip Wars


    Its a Bedwars, KitPvP server with lots of fun its soo fun go and join today or else your an idiot!!!!

    Ammo Delight Detail Details Free Fun Hats Light Overview Quick Ranks Skyblock Tag Tail Towny

    ✀ [EU] DroxNetwork [1.8] ✀


    We are a server that has a lot to offer for our members. Currently we have an avarage of 20 players online and we wish to increase that ammount.

    Get your friends and join the server now whilst we still are improving the details of the server to make your experience even more delightful.

    For a quick overview of our ranks, visit

    Feel free to check our server out whilst it is still new and growing, you can start your empire and take a advantage on other players that have yet not joined the server. Join if you want to try it out. and have fun.

    Our Gamemodes:
    – SkyBlock Coming Soon…
    – Towny
    – KitPvP

    Thats all for now.
    Have fun on DroxNetwork.


    Guilds License Minecraft Clans Minecraft Economy Minecraft Survival No Donations No Dupes No Launcher No Protection No PvP Pve Regeneration Rpg Scale Telegram

    BBya World – Minecraft license server

    Server DescriptionGetting started is easy !!

    Any player can start playing without any requests and restrictions at a distance of 500 blocks from the center of the map.

    If there is no license account, please contact our VK group – we will help you with something.

    For a quiet game:

    World map
    – private property
    – protection against griffers
    – private apartments and security systems
    – ban on PvP in the ordinary world
    – quests, events and skill upgrades
    – joint construction of large-scale projects
    – automated metro

    For traders and entrepreneurs:

    – professions, private shops and firms
    – supply of resources for state orders
    – trade with other players for real
    – auctions, bonuses and special offers
    – exchange of experience

    For fighters:

    – free PvP in hell
    – free PvP between pvpshnikov guilds
    – PvP between clans in their areas of influence
    – artifacts and unique weapons

    Survival + Hard Mode + boost mobs at night + disabled natural regeneration.

    All public buildings are built by the players.
    Players have the opportunity to work with command blocks.

    Serious game without plugins. Minecraft as Notch designed it.

    BBya World – the civilization that we will build with you!

    ————————————————– ————————–


    100x100 Anarchy Creative Exception Exploit Gamers Hacks Interesting Pvp Raiding Square Survival Weekly Whitelisted Wiped

    Gamer style craft

    Gamer style craft is a network with semi-anarchy, 100×100 survival, Creative, and whitelisted.

    The semi-anarchy server has no rules with the exceptions of no hacks, exploits, or anything that messes with the server.

    100×100 is a SMP server with a world border of 100, causing the map to be a 100×100 square. The interesting playstyle makes for very fun gameplay. This is wiped weekly.

    1.17 1122server 9.2 Auto Emc Maps Minecave Minecavemc Nam Name Origin Original Pvp Skywars Skywars Server

    Minecave Skywars

    Minecave is a new Skywars server with original maps and kits!
    Join to check it out!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Custom Explore Function Head Hot Hype Life Lore Non Plugins Primecraft Quality Rime Sea Tir

    Primecraft Island Kingdom

    100 Fully Functioning Plugins – over 100 Plugins. Our entire world is custom generated with lots of amazing places to explore. If youre into a quality Minecraft experience with none of the annoyances Log in and have the time of your life. Make sure to get your equipment at spawn before heading out to sea.


    Arcade Ark Blo Bloc Block Creativ Creative Eat Hypixel Mini Games Park Parkour Pixel Skyblock

    iSkyify >> SkyBlock >> Creative >> Arcade >> Parkour


    █▀ █▄▀ █▄█ █▄▄ █░░ █▀█ █▀▀ █▄▀
    ▄█ █░█ ░█░ █▄█ █▄▄ █▄█ █▄▄ █░█

    █▀▀ █▀█ █▀▀ ▄▀█ ▀█▀ █ █░█ █▀▀
    █▄▄ █▀▄ ██▄ █▀█ ░█░ █ ▀▄▀ ██▄

    Claim Eco Economy Ein Grief Griefing Laim Land Claim Mines No Griefing Port Prison Pvp Support Vanilla


    New server, PVP, Prison, Vanilla, Land Claim, No griefing, Economy, Mines… More soon. Theres no need to donate to enjoy the server. Please come on in, join the server and support our community.


    Bran Brand Dev Development Economy Elo Extreme Factions Mcmmo Pvp Survival Towny Vanilla Venom Xtreme


    NOTE: This server is under extreme development. Please take not that not all games are ready yet.
    Coming soon…
    A Branded ip adress will be coming soon.

    Arenas Economy Enviro Environment Fut Interaction Leb Minigames Pve Pvp Skyblock Social TERA Towny Towny Server


    Towny at its best.

    This is an economy-based Towny server with a focus on PvE, rather than PvP. PvP is possible if you choose to do it, but we like to focus more on social interaction with other players, as well as interaction with the Minecraft Environment.

    We will be adding more gamemodes, such as Minigames, Mob PvE Arenas, Kit PvP, Skyblock, RPG, and more. Come join now and help us shape the future of WaffleBytes.


    1.16 1.16.1 Auto Bloc Block Bro Ect Good Lec Nam Name Nes Oins Title Vanilla


    If you’re reading this, might as well hop on already. Delicious vanilla 1.16.1 goodness πŸ˜‰

    1.16 1.8 Active Bov King Kit Kitpvp Looking Map Port Pvp Staff Support Version Versions

    Anvil PVP

    Anvil PVP!

    Kit map/kit pvp
    we support versions of 1.8 and above

    even 1.16 πŸ˜€

    join now we are looking for staff!

    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Army Claims Default Economy Hats Joey No swearing Nre Pvp Ranks Rules Survival Swearing Thanks

    Bowlys survival. Eco, Claims.

    (NEED STAFF) This is a survival server that is very new.. We currently need more regular members and a bit more staff. You can claim land and there is economy and mcmmo. These are the rules: No swearing, It isnt griefing if it isnt protected, PVP is on so dont complain, No asking for ranks, no asking for items or money. Thats about it for our rules. We do have ranks and stuff but right now the most important thing we need is members because we would like to build a community with this new server. The server is never down or unreachable so you dont have to worry about that. Thats about it thanks for stopping by. The IP is below. IP: (yes the port is default)


    10k Age Aternos Awa Fun Funny Hank King Nation Sever Sub Survival Ubs War Working


    This is a sever for my ifunny page to thank them for 10k subs and this sever will grow and grow as it goes we are still working on it so be aware

    Areas Boat Communities Extra No Mods Plugins Ports Pvp Setup Short Survival Teleport Teleports Vanilla Water


    Vanilla survival server.

    This server has no plugins, no mods, no extras at all just Vanilla game play.

    So far, there is a 30,000,000×30,000,000 block area setup for Vanilla Survival. PvP and PvE are both on, griefing will not be stopped (more on that below).

    Of the survival area, there are teleports, at the spawn area, to teleport you to the center of a 1,000,000×1,000,000 block area (some drop into water, you get a kit that has a boat and some stone tools). I hope there are enough areas to start communities (that are so far spread out) griefers wont become a problem.

    There are 60 teleport areas so far. I should have 255 areas very shortly.

    Work in progress. Looking for Staff


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Servers on Minecraft Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!