Action Active Alliance Alliances Ass Bro Bros Build Class Craft Create Eat Ect End Enjoy Fac Faction Factions Fortress Friend Friends Game Gamer Gui Guild Join Kitpvp Make Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Pvp Riends War


Join SteelCraft and enjoy the faction pluginstrong. Create your own guild with friends and build your fortress to protect you, make alliances. Declare war on the enemy

Ace Active Admin Amazing Block Cat Class Creative Donation Dragon Dragons Fac Faction Factions Game Games Head Hub Join Minigame Minigames Nation Owner Play Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Stable Survival Tale Tales

Sun God Palace

Server Name: Sun God Palace
Server Address/IP:
Server Location: Dallas, Texas
Owner/Admin: Taleson
Ko-Owner: koolguy001
Co-Owner: Ollie55589
Co-Owner: xXHuntDawg2001Xx
HeadAdmin: JellyfishMaster2
Admin: DaleDragonslayer
Admin: jcurrycomet
Admin: Assassin8199

This is a server which rcently recieved a donation of 5 Dell servers! We are now a Hub server! More stable, and more plugins! We have Facitons PvP, Ceative Plots, Skyblock, and Minigames coming soon! Join for an amazing time!

Active Arena Art Ass Bar Battle Class Cool Craft Creative Die Eam Eat Erver Factions Fun Game Games Ill King Kit Kits Mini Games Mob Moba Mobarena Nation Pie Plugin Plugins Premium Pvp Ring Server Survival Tea Team War

Final Craf Premium

► Final-Craft ◄ ►Premium◄ [1.8] Neu !!!!

Der Server ist wieder zurück und wartet darauf mit Spieler gefüllt zu werden. Auf den Server gillt hauptsächlich PvP. Es gibt aber auch Creative oder coole FUN-Games. Es gibt auch nette Plugins viel Spaß bringen, wie die MobArena, BattleKits oder auch War. In Team oder alleine! Entscheide du und zeige wer der King ist 🙂

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

Das FD-PvP Team

Active Ass Class Com Craft Economy Erver Inecraft Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Server Norsk Pve Pvp Raft Server Survival Towny Vis

Vision Fear Server

Dette er en norsk minecraft server
Viss det er noe mere dere lurer på, besøk vår hjemmeside visionfear

Admin Ban Class Color Craft Donation Donations Donator Fac Faction Factions Free Head Home Join King Kit Kits Map Mine Minecraft Nations New Old Open Play Playing Protection Rank Ranks Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Simple Vote War

Simplexity Gaming

[header=6]Simplexity-Gaming is a NEW and developing factions server for people to join.[/header]

[center] [/center]
[center]We have many ranks which can be obtained and they are as follows:[/center]
[center] [/center]
[pre]This is the default rank you obtain when you join the server, this comes with 2 kits, Starter and Peasant which allows you to hold your own against the perils of starting off on a new account on a new server.[/pre]
[/b]This rank is gained from playing on the server for a total of 12 hours at which point you will automatically be ranked up to this rank. Which enables you to gain a new kit and new permissions. This is a little thanks from us for playing on the server.
( This can also be obtained through referrals. )[/pre]

[pre]The donator rank is gained from us simply saying thank you for donating. The minimum donation is £5.50 to gain this rank and we will grant you it for one month. It grants the following:

Set more than one home.
Access to the donator shop.
2x Vote Rewards.
Donator Kit and Tag.
Change the time of day.
Support the server.[/pre]

[header=3]Other ranks are in development.[/header]
If you have any concerns or improvements about the server please email [email protected], feel free to check out our site where you can find information on our ranks, dynamic map, members and recent donations.

We are now also accepting applications. Please fill in the following form:

Application Form
In-game Name:
Little about yourself:
Have you ever been banned on other servers?:
Why you would like to join our server?:
How long have you played Minecraft?:=
What would you bring to our server?:
How long do you expect to play on our server on average over a weekly period?:
Do you have any experience in past server administrator/development?:

[color=rgb(255, 0, 0)]Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope to find you in game some time. :)[/color]


Active Ass Class Couple Craft Factions Free Lag Need New Oup Parkour Please Pvp Raft Ran Rank Real Ree Staff Sub Survival Taff Ubs Who Youtube

Ruin Craft

We need a couple of staff! If you get really close to our staff you might get a rank!!
We are new and we are lag free!!’
Youtube channel = WhoaThereHD please subscribe!!

Active Adventure Based Build Building Cat Class Community Craft Create Dedicated Economy End Enjoyable Experience Free Friends Ill Inecraft Lag Large Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Server Servers Staff Survival Town Towns Towny Who Wns

Penguin Craft

Our community is based on Minecraft survival. A type of survival experience where players can create Towns using the Towny plugin. The Towny plugins allows players to create large towns will all their friends to create the most impressive buildings that you can think of. Our community strives on players and staff who create the enjoyable atmosphere for all.

Unlike the majority of Minecraft servers, Penguin Craft is ran on dedicated hosting. Running on powerful equipment, we can assure you have a lag-free experience on Penguin Craft. Come and start your own adventure on Penguin Craft, you will not regret it.

Build Building Claim Create Creative Custom Eco Faction Factions Games Guns Kit Kitpvp Kits Leveling Map Mod Moderator New Open Parkour Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Server Servers Shop Shops Skills Staff Story Survival Survive Unique Vanilla Website

Ultra Craft

===== Ultra Craft =====
The new kitpvp server contains a custom map built completely by our servers staff, and builders, and runs on a custom KitPvP plugin, developed by MrGarretto, with unique kits, and a KitPvP leveling system. New kits are added all the time.

Vanilla Survival:
The vanilla world is a world where you can survive, without the aid of plugins. Land is not protected, so you must hide your base strategically.

Creative Plotworld:
The creative world is a plotworld, where you can build anything you would like, and can apply for the builder rank by building a house that impresses the moderators. If a staff member finds a build they are very impressed by, it will be featured on the Ultra Craft website (

Show off your skills in these carefully crafted parkour courses, with different skill levels.

The factions world holds a shop where you may purchase custom guns or items to fight with. Claim land and conquer other factions.

Survival Games:
We have over 10 survival games arenas, and you can create an arena for survival games too. Simply create an arena in the creative world, and ask a staff member, and if your arena is decent, it will be added to SG.

===== Games Coming Soon =====
The following are gamemodes that are planned to be added in the future

Ultra Heroes:
Fight against other players, while everyone follows their own story path. You will unlock new characters to become as you journey and fight your way to the top


Action Active Anarchy Ass Bed Cheat Cheating Class Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Exp Fac Faction Factions Fun Grief Heat Home Ill Live Make Mew Please Pvp Raid Raiding Rules Server Sethome Survival Tpa Tpaccept Vanilla

100 Percent Vanilla Server

The server is 100% Vanilla, please dont exploit or cheat on the server, as there is no sethome first thing to do after you find somewhere to live is make a bed, you can pvp raid and grief on the server, have fun.
No sethome
No tpa tpaccept
No Economy
No Factions
No Cheating
No Rules

Action Active Admin Best Class Com Donator Donators Economy Equal Erver Exp Experience Experienced Fac Faction Factions Ice Ill Iron King Kitpvp Make Mature Mean Mini One Pro Professional Pvp Raid Rules Server Servers Staff Swe


IronRaid Factions™
IronRaid Factions is one of the most well setup Factions Servers around. With experienced Staff and professional administrators, the server can be defined as one of the best ones around.

We will do our best to provide the best possible expericence, we make sure that we have no immature and or abusive Staff Members. And take your feedback on Staff seriously, aswell as feedback on other things.
Donators and Members are being 100% equal when it comes to treatment. If a Donator is cought breaking the rules he will be punished. Donating does not mean you are immune against punishment, atleast not on IronRaid Factions!


Aang Age Ass Clan Clans Class Com Craft Custom Die Diverse Element End Erver Inecraft Leplay Make Map Mine Minecraft Nen Nick Nickname Noop Open Play Ring Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Server Special Style Survival Town Towns Wns


Wat is MirageMC ? MirageMC is onstaan omdat er animo was voor een unieke minecraft ervaring die de elementen: Roleplay, Clans en aangepaste survival bij elkaar brengt. Op MirageMC kunnen spelers hun towns creëren en daarmee bondgenoten maken, elkaar afmaken of verdragen maken. Stel deze verdragen op en representeer ze op gebouwen, feesten , en nog veel meer. De server zelf geeft je unieke mogelijkheden zoals je eigen nicknames en een speciale mijn dimensie. Mirage Heeft een enorme custom map van 16k* 14k met ontzettend veel gebieden en een diverse getal aan middelen.


Ass Beast Class Com East Erp Erver Follow Lmao Noop Open Pac Play Pvp Server Style Survival Multiplayer Welcome


Welcome to BeastPvP


Active Ban Build Bukkit Community Craft Eco Econ Economy Empire Enchantments Fac Faction Factions Grief Griefing Join Kit Mine Minecraft New Play Playing Plugin Plugins Protection Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Server Small Spawn Survival Tnt Vanilla War Who World


Do you want to play no-frills survival PvP without a dozen differences to vanilla?
Do you want to participate in PvP and possibly form temporary alliances, but without all the factions hassle?
Do you still want the protection of a world where griefing is a bannable offense and the damage can be undone, where the contents of your chests and your stable are protected?
Do you want to build wherever you want, but have others respect your constructions?

Minecrack is the server for you. Following the creation of a brand new world, we are currently in the process of designing our new spawn. It doesn’t matter if you are merely interested in playing for a short time in a small, close community or want to found your own personal empire to stand the test of time — our vanilla minecraft base coupled with the most essential bukkit plugins will just be perfect for whatever you have planned!

We do not offer ranks, ingame or metagame advantages, items, enchantments, special powers or privileges for sale AT ALL, be it ingame money or real cash. This is guaranteed to NEVER change. The users you see with higher ranks earned these by playing on our server for a long time, and they are not granted any sort of PvP or economical advantage.

So when will YOU start to make a difference in our humble world? Join us now and find out what you have been missing the whole time you went from cobblefort to cobblefort just to find it blown to pieces the next morning on some factions server! (TNT is disabled, we have special rules for still allowing small amounts of griefing in order to access enemy bases, as long as you repair the damage afterwards).

Active Anarchy Ass Cat Class Creative Factions Hardcore Info Kdf Lin Lmao Mini Games Parkour Prison

daf f

dafdfafadkf aldjkfhlkajdhflka jdfhlkaj dhflkajhdfl kajhdf klajh flakjfh lkadjfhl ajkdfh ljadfjgh slfkgh lk jsfghlksjfghl ksjfhg l

Build Builders Chat Class Craft Creative Deathchest End Enjin Friendly Fun Great Grief Griefing Hack Hacks Ill Inecraft Item Items Join King Lit Mine Minecraft Mod Noop Open Play Rol Rules Server Servers Speak Staff Swearing Team Teamspeak

WytozCraft CrackPack

WytozCraft CrackPack |Teamspeak|
Friendly little server that all can join and build+have fun.. Just remember to follow the rules and you will be fine.. So why not come and say hey 🙂 We are always looking for great builders and peoples that like to play minecraft and have fun and not rage.. You can build and have fun no one will disturb you if you dont want to be disturb..

1. No Spamming
2. No Asking for Items, OP, or Creative Mode
3. No Swearing at others
4. No breaking peoples locks if possible
5. Dont complain
6. Dont advertise other servers.
7. Respect Others
8. No Griefing
9. No Sexism
10. No Racism
11. No Caps in Chat
12. Dont ask for items back if lost in a roll back or crash
13. No X-ray
14. No Hacks
15. Dont use glitches or exploits
16. Obey Staff


Active Age Ass Bat Battle Class Custom Defense Emo Erver Full Game Gamemode Gamemodes Games Hub Ill Join Lag Mini Mini game Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mod Play Server Servers Siege Tom Tower Unique Village Zombie


MCShockwave is a server full of custom gamemodes and mini games, such as Zombiez Tower Defense, Siege, and Village Battle! We have over 18 unique minigames, a hub, 3 minigame servers, and much much more! Join now at!

Active Ages Block Class Craft Creative Experience Extreme Game Games Hunger Hunger Games Hungergames Inecraft Join Large Mine Minecraft Parkour Play Player Players Pro Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Survival Tale Time Town Towns Towny Website Wns


ExtremeMC is a large HungerGames server providing a majestical experience for players of all ages and talents. With Hunger Games, Skyblock, Creative, Survival, Towns and a 24/7up-time, you are guaranteed the ultimate minecraft experience. Check out our website now at



Advanced Amazing Ass Awesome Class Com Community Craft Eam Erver Eso Exp Experience Follow Forge Game Games Help Inecraft Journey Make Mine Minecraft Noop Ommunity One Open Server Servers Staff Style Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Way Who


Intelyc is one of the most advanced Minecraft servers on Minecraft. We have various games and we have an awesome community who is waiting on you, we also have an amazing Staff Team who are always ready to help you through out your journey on Intelyc and make your experience on Intelyc an unforgettable one.


Active Ass Aus Australia Australian Class Com Dom Economy Erver Free Freedom Host Ill Kill Killing Lag Mini Mining Mon Money One Play Player Players Power Prison Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Ree Sell Selling Server Survival Welcome

Voli Prison

Voli Prison!
24/7 No Lag Australian Hosted!

Welcome to Voli Prison! The goal of the prison server is to gain money by doing various things such as mining, chopping wood, killing other players, selling things in order to work your way up the Ranks Ladder to freedom and Power!

Active Anything Best City Class Core Craft Download End Erver Friends Gaming Has House Ice Ill Inecraft Invite Mine Minecraft Ming Network Normal Ores Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Power Ram Rvival Server Survival Tech This Vanilla Who


This is the best survival server you will ever play on!
With a player capacity of 6200 players, this server can do anything!
Invite your friends to play on the best minecraft server out there!
With plugins that generate twice as many ores as normal, You are bound to love this server!
The server network has a whopping 100MBs Download and 50MBs upload!
WIth over 30Gb of RAM and a two 8-core powerhouse AMD Fx CPU’s, Everyone can play!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Survival. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!