Anarchy Anarchysurvival Freezing Hardcore Nether Oneblock Prison Pvp Semivanilla Smp Survival War

JunkPixel Network

Vanilla SMP:

A semi-vanilla smp experience with no p2w bs and just focusses on having
fun playing the game itself! There are no land claiming yet and we’re
currently semi-anarchy.

We’re open to feedback from the community but we are looking for old
school vibes for this server without the stomach churning of modern day
servers (OP ranks, loot crates etc). We just want a classic, less hands
on approach for players to just enjoy playing old school style of SMP!


Trash PvP is our Hardcore, Lifesteal, PvP Server. It’s main focus is to
blend elements of a traditional Hardcore SMP with Lifesteal. We also do
our best to encourage PvP with certain features of the server. Like
constantly rotating out the PVP Map every 30-60 days and placing a cap
on the world border! Don’t worry: your persistent storage (enderchests,
vaults/backpacks etc), money balances etc are safe during map resets.
Your bases, items in physical chests etc are NOT however. The PVP worlds
will have a small worldborder between 500×500 – 1,500×1,500 blocks!


You’ll start off as a slave in hell, playing much like a prison server
but don’t worry it’s not too hard to work your way up to “freedom”. When
we say freedom, we use that term very loosely 😂 as there is no
overworld or end dimensions on the server. You’re in hell afterall.
You’ve already lived your best life and failed to come out of it a
descent human being. You’re stuck in eternal damnation and the best you
can do is try to live out an eternity as best as you can in hell.

You’ll feel pain, in fact pain is enhanced in hell. You’ll be able to
die but you’ll always come back! Not only will you have to deal with
hard hostile mobs and hardened other members of hell but you’ll always
be in a constant battle with the heat! You’ll have to find and craft
ways to keep your body temperature down.


Frostbite is an ambitious project by me to feed all the masochists out
there in the world with a brutally challenging hardcore survival server
experience. Something a bit different from other SMP servers. There will
be several custom plugins developed for this project!

Some overall differences with this project:

Temperature system

You’ll now get cold/hot depending on what biome you’re in and what
clothes/armor you’re wearing. Most of this server will be a winter
hellscape so good luck on being hot :p

Elements protection:

Each armors set (leather, iron, gold, copper, diamond & netherite) provides different levels of protection.

There are also custom hats and items that will help you combat the cold elements like our cute wool hats ❤️


During nighttime the environment temperature tends to get lower and
during day a tad bit higher. For full immersion we can detect strong
heat sources (campfire, fire, lava, magma blocks) and weak (lantern,
torch) to better adjust the impact of surrounding temperatures on the
player. We can also provide slight boosts to your core body temperature
when holding certain blocks in your main or off-hand!

In cold areas (most of the world), shelters provide additional
protection against cold, and tend to stabilize the player’s body
temperature (but you will need to heat the space with a heat source such
as furnace or campfire etc). In hot biomes, shelters tend to protect
players against the sun. In this world however, you shouldn’t really
find any hot biomes 😉

Rain & Snow

To provide even MORE immersion, during rain players will get wet. If
his/her clothes soak up, then protection against cold shall be lowered,
but against heat increased. So it’s a semi-intelligent and immersive
system 😛 HOWEVER when it’s freezing temperatures there is no rain, ONLY

Body Temperature

If your body temperature gets too low you’ll start getting certain
status effects like slowness, your hunger will drain more quickly and
much more. If it gets too low you’ll begin taking damage. Use clothing,
armor, items and heat sources to get your body temperature up!

Location & Elevation Matters

Caves and underground is a bit warmer than the surface level. High
elevation such as mountains and cliffs are colder than the surface
level. Near oceans and rivers will be a bit colder as well due to the
lake effect!

One Block:

Traditional one block experience but…. WITH FRIENDS! You can invite others to join you on your oneblock journey!

120server Auctionhouse Base Basebuilding Duels Faction Faction Pvp Factions Factionspvp Nether Openworld Potion Potionspvp Pvp Raiding Server Smp Smpvp Survival Survival Multiplayer Team Viaversion Vote Voterewards Voting

RawPVP – OG Factions PVP Server 1.8 – 1.20+

RawPVP - OG Factions PVP Server 1.8 - 1.20+
This server is a Old-School based Factions PVP Server. How factions used to be before everything went to custom enchants and things like chunk busters and other items were added, giving you a Nostalgia feel for factions again, it is a 1.8 Based map but you can join on any version past 1.8, Server has friendly staff

Adminshop Auction Auctionhouse Challenges Chestshop Economy Home Homes Island Nether Npcs Other Pvp Redstone Redstoneenabled Searchingforplayers Searchingforteam Sethome Shop Skills Skyblock Skyblockserver Survival Trading Visiting Warps

SkyHub – Skyblock

SkyHub is a classic Skyblock server with just a few extras
  • Create an island and play with up to 50 team members!
  • Improve your skills by farming, mining, fishing and much more!
  • Trade with other players”
  • Create auctions
  • Become the richest!
  • Set up to 5 homes!
  • Get custom items
  • Vote daily and get fantastic rewards
  • IP:
    Version 1.20.1 (older versions also work)

    Note: Server is still under development. More game features will be added soon…

    1122server 112server 112skyblock 113server 1162server 116server 116skyblock 116survival 1201smp 120server Adventure Best Bestserver Communitydiscord Crates Cristian Customenchantments Customenchants Customitems Customterrain Discord Easy Economy End Familyfriendly Fun Jobs Magic Mcmmo Nether Other Pve Economy Pvp Ranks Skyblockserver Smpve Smpvp Survival

    ✨🔥⚡✯Xcraft – Survival SMP JAVA) (1.20+) [Fully Custom Survival][New Challenges][Dungeons][Economy][Ranks][NoReset]✯⚡🔥✨

    ✨🔥⚡✯Xcraft - Survival SMP JAVA) (1.20+) [Fully Custom Survival][New Challenges][Dungeons][Economy][Ranks][NoReset]✯⚡🔥✨ Minecraft Server

    ✨🔥⚡✯Xcraft - Survival SMP JAVA) (1.20+) [Fully Custom Survival][New Challenges][Dungeons][Economy][Ranks][NoReset]✯⚡🔥✨ Minecraft Server
    ✨🔥⚡✯Xcraft - Survival SMP JAVA) (1.20+) [Fully Custom Survival][New Challenges][Dungeons][Economy][Ranks][NoReset]✯⚡🔥✨ Minecraft Server



    discord logo

    Click the icon to join our discord!

    Looking forward to seeing you there!,
    Tell them “X” Sent Ya!

    Click the head above to visit our website!


    Arena Discord End Griefprotection Nether Nocheat Noclaims Nogrief Nohacks Paper Pvp Pvparena Raiding Randomteleport Rtp Semivanilla Sethome Spawn Survival Warps

    Melon Survival

    MelonSurvival is a semi-vanilla survival server on 1.20.1, with a chill and growing
    community. We are always adding new features to the server and building
    onto spawn. We look forward to playing with you!

    Important information:
    Chat Reporting is disabled server-side
    Hard gamemode – survival. Never pay to win.
    Raiding & PVP friendly. Nothing disabled except Phantoms.
    No hacks, No griefing, no claims, no back, no keep inventory.
    Owners are active and involved, and neither Owners nor Admins are permitted to raid.
    Use /sethome instead of beds to save your location. Players have 2 homes by default.
    /rtp to teleport up to 5000 blocks away from /spawn. We suggest that
    you build outside of this range to avoid being raided easily.
    World border is 20k and will expand with new terrain releases.


  • No cheats/exploits.
    includes: x-ray, game algorithm exploits, hacked clients, mini-maps,
    replay mods autoclickers, macros, intentional glitching, other
    unapproved mods, item duping, book&quill exploits, block rotation
    calculations, simultaneous alt use, seed related endeavors, and more.
  • No major griefing
    This includes destruction of another player’s builds, farms, etc.
    Explosive pvp within a town or an array of builds will be considered major grief.
  • No access or use of the nether roof.
  • No Lag Machines or intentional lagging of the server
    Attempting to crash the server results in a permanent ban.
  • Respect all fellow players. no political or religious discussion.
    excessive swearing or offensive language. Hate speech, racism,
    scamming, and threatening behavior are all considered toxic. Trade
    swiping and being dishonest while using official server facilities is
    also considered toxic. No role playing politicians. doxxing and
    ip-grabbing will result in a permanent server and discord ban.
  • No advertisement or links in-game
    Do not advertise other servers. Do not post any links in game chat.
  • No spam
    Do not use excessive caps or otherwise spam chat. Do not flood the chat with several messages.
  • No NSFW/sensitive content.
    Do not use or encourage sensitive or inappropriate content, including builds, names, and skins.
  • Do not evade a ban/mute.
    or mute evasion by any method will result in a permanent server ban. If
    you wish to contest any disciplinary measures taken by our staff, do so
    in appeals.

    We reserve the right to ban any player we deem harmful to the community.

  •   Arena Guidelines

  • Teleporting out is disabled.
  • Elytra are disabled
  • Crystal and anchor pvp are enabled within the cpvp arena.

  • Categories
    Containment Create Eco Een Laboratory Multiplayer Multiplayer Game Nether Normal Player Ranks React Rifle Rol Take

    LABORATORY server Minecraft

    LABORATORY – This is a multiplayer game created in minecraft.

    There has been a containment breach at Netherhill’s D7 facility.

    Your task is to take on the role of “Specialist” and escape from the complex. Or, armed with a rifle and “CSG” armor, join the ranks of the Operatives in order to fulfill their mission: “Eliminate the Specialists, a dangerous Monster and normalize the operation of the Reactor.” It is also possible to become a dangerous object “NH-67B”, which can tear everyone to shreds.

    Astral Custom Dedicated Discord Ele End Mal Nct Nether Pve Sel Server Survival Text Tüm

    AstralSanctum | Survival

    AstralSanctum is a small survival server based on 1.19.4. PvE and Team based survival server. Custom terrain in the overworld, nether and the end. Come and enjoy the server with us!

    Best Build Building Der Desk Din Get Join Now Layer Nether Nethers Pvp Survival Survival Smp Tab

    Hyper Cool

    Best Survival smp. Need Players Please join now and get builder rank for building a best build. | JOIN NOW!!!

    Anarchy Cheat Death Deathchest Hack Hes Map Nether Nochatreports Plugin Plugins Regeneration Reset Survival Title

    Shackelford Anarchy

    Shakelford Anarchy is a new anarchy server looking to grow. The map will never be reset and there are very few plugins. There is also no anti cheat.
    Natural regeneration of health has been turned off, for a little more fun.

    Plugins included are a death chest plugin and a no nether roof plugin.

    Hope you have fun!

    Base Based Economy Eth Help Hold Lands Large Largest Nether Netherlands Old Skyblock Survival Ten


    This is our minecraft server
    this server is survival and skyblock based and we will often hold fun events and we will try to become the largest server in the Netherlands. can you help us with that?

    Prison Pvp

    Surreal MC

    Welcome to Surreal MC, an outstanding Minecraft server that offers limitless possibilities. Immerse yourself in a captivating world where reality bends and creativity thrives. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure that awaits you! Join us now and seize the moment.
    Experience our standout feature: the unique main game mode, Prison. Explore intricately designed prison depths and embark on an exciting journey of progress. Engage in thrilling mining, gather valuable resources, and tackle captivating quests as you strive to earn your freedom. Our Prison mode is currently in beta testing, providing an exclusive opportunity to shape its development and be part of an ever-evolving experience.
    But there’s more! We have exciting plans for the future. Our dedicated team is working hard to introduce two additional game modes: Kit PvP and Survival. Soon!



    Welcome to JCEarthSMP, a Minecraft server where realistic landscapes meet customizable vehicles and a thriving player-driven economy. Cruise in cars, fly helicopters, and dive into a dynamic marketplace. Choose professions, tackle quests, and join a vibrant community for an immersive and fast-paced gaming experience. Welcome to JCEarthSMP, where the adventure never ends!

    Economy Hardcore Mcmmo Pvp Survival Towny


    Enter GamerzWA now and join our community, we recently opened the beta, come and make new friends and have a lot of fun in our towny!
    In the future, we will also open a PT rankup for everyone to have even more fun!
    Enter now and embark on this journey with us!

    Anarchy Survival Vanilla


    An anarchic server? Yeah.
    But the goal is to create a healthy and not so toxic community.
    It is a simple survival 1.20.4 with few plugins. You can find us on our Discord server 🙂

    Economy Survival

    Brosburg is Survival Server with economy elements, You might see me and my friends play on this server. go mining and or crafting your friends in a community, Become leader Through democracy or through uprising,

    Cross-Play Economy Factions Survival

    Jujutsu Craft

    This server has a Survival mode where pvp is active but there are protections so you can keep your most precious things in your base.

    Hardcore Lifesteal Survival Vanilla

    From The Fog Survival

    From The Fog Survival is a New Minecraft Server that features not only Herobrine, but also some new entities that lurk in the darkness…

    Anarchy Economy Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla


    » Fun PvP : With the removal of netherite armor, totems, and end crystals we ensure a fast paced pvp experience.
    » Diamond Based Economy : Currency is backed by diamonds for a balanced and long lasting economy.
    » Raiding : There are no rules against griefing or raiding other bases, do as you wish in the free world!
    » Leaderboards : Climb the leaderboards and rise to the top!
    » Proximity Voice Chat : Talk with others using the Simple Voice Chat mod! (Not required to join)
    Voice Chat Mod :
    » IP :
    Currently no bedrock support

    Kitpvp Parkour Skyblock Survival


    Welcome to BlueplanetMC!
    Step into the extraordinary world of BlueplanetMC, where the horizon is boundless, and adventure soars high in the sky. We offer a unique combination of Survival and Skyblock, providing players with the freedom to play in various ways.
    Explore the Survival Adventure:
    Immerse yourself in the vast survival world of BlueplanetMC, where challenging environments and wondrous landscapes await you. Gather resources, construct beautiful structures, and brave the dangers hidden in the expansive terrain.
    Explore the Skyblock:
    Embark on the Skyblock challenge and experience life high above the clouds. Start with a modest island and expand it into a floating paradise. Survive with limited resources and collaborate with fellow island residents to create the ultimate skyblock empire.
    Join the BlueplanetMC Community:
    Become a part of our growing community of adventurers, builders, and survivors. Make friends, share your creations, and leave your unique mark in the world of BlueplanetMC.
    Whether you’re exploring the ground or reaching for the stars, BlueplanetMC offers an unparalleled gaming experience. Join us and discover the limitless possibilities of our Survival and Skyblock Minecraft server!

    Bedwars Cross-Play Lifesteal Mini Games Pvp Skywars

    CTM Network

    Best Telugu Network Ever Made.Both Bedrock And Java Players Can Join And Have Fun.The Server Includes Lifesteal,Minigames,Bedwars and Many More!!Most Importantly The Is Also For Cracked Player.Enjoy!

    Earth Roleplay Survival Games

    Hyper Mc Network

    Hi this is a minecraft server with lots of friendly staff and members…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

    Cross-Play Survival Towny

    Middle School Mustards

    “Mustards SMP: Embarking on an Unforgettable Survival Journey”
    Journey into the heart of Mustards SMP, a Minecraft Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that redefines the classic survival experience. In this meticulously crafted world, survival is more than just conquering monsters and gathering resources; it’s about thriving in a dynamic player-driven economy and unraveling unique treasures within custom crates.
    **Immersive Survival Adventure:**
    Mustards SMP encapsulates the true essence of survival gameplay, urging players to gather resources, collaborate, and build as they navigate the vast and ever-evolving world.
    **Custom Crates Extravaganza:**
    The server introduces an exciting twist with its custom crates system. Players can obtain keys through various in-game activities, unlocking special crates filled with rare items, custom enchantments, and unique resources, adding an extra layer of excitement to the survival experience.

    Survival Multiplayer


    Server owner “FLASHRISE. – . GRIFFER SERVER FROM GRIFFERS TO GRIFFERS” has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.



    The home of Skyblock!
    Survival at its best! Create your own Skyblock and play with others!
    Skyblock Java, IP:
    – [1.20.1] Version
    – The original Skyblock experience.
    – Custom items.
    – New School Server with awesome comunity!

    Cross-Play Economy Prison Pve Pvp Skyblock Survival


    Welcome to HexedMC!
    HexedMC is a Minecraft network filled with various cool concepts and features. Some of our gamemodes are Prison, Gens, Skyblock, and more to come! Feel free to join our network and compete among other players to get on the leaderboards.
    • Information
    | IP Address »
    | Bedrock Port » 19132
    | Discord »
    | Store »
    | Website »

    Mini Games Oneblock Prison Skyblock has that difference then self PC java/pin Word Login Or for server Hacker Auto Report
    >Mini Games
    Bedrock Java 19132
    Server Restart PE Minecraft web Server Not found



    Cross-Play Mcmmo Pvp Survival


    Our server currently has the following sections:
    Gens Tycoon/Skycoon
    BoxPvp (Soon)
     JAVA: | PORT: 25565
     BEDROCK: | PORT: 19132

    Economy Pvp Skyblock

    FutureMC Skyblock

    Hello have you been in search for a new skyblock server, I think you’re search is now over Come join us on your adventure and have the time of you’re life!
    Server Features:
    – Custom Resource Pack
    – Minions
    – Custom Plugins
    – Custom Mission
    – Custom Islands
    – Bridge Themes
    – Player Skills

    Mini Games Pve Pvp

    Astros Network

    Servidor Dayz 1.16 – 1.20.x
    Server with 3D weapons, PVP and PVE.
    – Clan System
    – Functional Weapons
    – Crates
    – Player Store by Menu
    – Cash System
    – AUTOMATIC texturing
    – Rentable Apartments
    – Sistema de /menu

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Cool Servers to Play on Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!