Community Crates Economy Griefprotection Landclaim Smp Spawnershop Sur Survival

new crossplay server! Overcraft survival SMP

Looking to create an active community within this Minecraft server.

have a discord server to accompany this and I’m actively taking in members and listening to community feedback and suggestions.

we have an economy going with a server shop to buy items you may need aswell as selling items you farm. Player stores are also on going aswell as crates.

land claims are available so you can be sure your hard work is protected. We have pvp however as it stands we are generally a peaceful server :)

I hope to see you online soon




port: 25578

Economy Economysurvival Griefprotection Pve Pvp Survival

Cube Survival – ⚡FREE RANKS⚡ [1.8 – 1.20+] [SMP]

A Survival SMP server with /claim, /rtp, /back, /store, PVE, PVP, and much much more! We have custom plugin development and an active staff as well. Come visit and see all we have to offer!!

Griefprotection Semivanilla Survival

True Semi Vanilla Server

Hey All I made a basic Minecraft server. Right now I only have a maximum of 20 people but if owning a Minecraft server is fun Ill add more RAM for more people. I started this because I wanted to have a server that is bare bones, basically just grief protection and some quality of life plugins. But it seemed like everything out there had something that fundamentally changed the way Minecraft is played. If not that, they gave you items that you are suppose to earn for voting or donating. I didnt want any of that so I made a server. The map was made 1/14/24 so its brand new. Depending on how things go, this map may be temporary and I may refresh the map for a more permanent one in 6 months or so.

Right now I only have Grief Protection, but in the future I might add teleporting. Other than that I do not see this server having a bunch of plug ins.

Communitysurvival Griefprotection Smp Survival Vanilla Vanillaish

Tab N Friend’s Minimal Survival MP

  • No complicated plugins or convoluted mechanics
    here. Jump in, mine, build, and explore at your own pace – just like the
    good ol’ days.
  • MCMMO Integration: Elevate your adventure with the subtle infusion of
    MCMMO. Level up your skills, master your trades, and become a true
    Minecraft artisan.
  • No Griefing Allowed: We believe in a world where creations flourish, not
    crumble. Our strict no-griefing policy ensures that your masterpieces
    stand the test of time.
  • Fun for Everyone: Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a novice
    adventurer, our server is designed for all. Friendly faces,
    collaborative builds, and shared experiences await!

  • Categories
    Antigrief Brewery Communitysurvival Customitems Discord Dynmap Events Freebuild Freetoplay Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Friendlysurvival Giveaways Griefprevention Griefprotection Javabedrockcrossplay Lgbtowned Lgbtqfriendly Lookingforbuilders Lookingforplayers Lookingforstaff Lore Newserver Nocheat Nogrief Nolag Nowhitelist Proximitychat Proximityvoicechat Resourcepack Roleplay Semivanilla Shopkeepers Shoppingdistrict Smp Survival Towns Vote Warps

    Shizen Survival – 1.20.*

    Come hop in and play Shizen Survival

  • We are a Semi-Vanilla SMP with a few QOL plugins!
  • Our community is super friendly and everyone is welcome!
  • We are pro LGBTQI+ so we are super inclusive!
  • All the server events are planned by players so hop on and plan an event!
  • There are a few towns so you will definitely find some people to live with!
  • We are bedrock compatibile!
  • We have a few custom items with our server resource pack and we plan to add a ton more!
  • You can connect on any of the 1.20 minecraft versions! 🙂
  • If anything above interests you, please hop on and make some friends!

    Bedrock Geyser Griefprotection Java Javaedition Purpur Survival Vanilla Vote Votifier Votingrewards


    Welcome to our Vanilla Survival Minecraft Server!

    Dive into a fantastic, family-friendly world where players can enjoy the pure essence of Minecraft in a safe and welcoming environment. Our server is tailored for all ages, ensuring a fun and enjoyable experience for both new and seasoned players.

    We prioritize a grief-free experience and provide robust protection measures to ensure your builds and progress remain safe. Embrace the true essence of survival gameplay without the worry of griefing or unwanted destruction.

    Earn ranks through your dedication and progress in the game, as well as through voting, which grants you access to exclusive perks and features. These ranks are designed to reward your commitment and enhance your gameplay experience.

    Discover a world where you don’t need mods to enjoy a unique twist – we offer custom items and features that add a touch of excitement and diversity to the gameplay. However, rest assured that these additions do not compromise the core vanilla experience.

    Join us and experience the pure joy of Minecraft’s survival mode, meet other players, build, explore, and thrive without the need for mods or extensive setups. Our community is ready to welcome you with open arms and help you embark on your Minecraft journey!

    Claimfly Customenchants Economy Griefprotection Survival

    Simplicity Craft

    ❤️Community Server❤️
    IP :

    What We have
    ✔️Custom Enchants
    ✔️Backpack plugin
    ✔️Grief Prevention
    ✔️Keep Inv
    ✔️Claim fly
    ✔️24/7 Host

    What we don’t have
    ✖️Abusive staff who micromanage everything you do
    ✖️Owners/admins who have too much going on IRL to make the server better for the players
    ✖️ You!

    Arena Discord End Griefprotection Nether Nocheat Noclaims Nogrief Nohacks Paper Pvp Pvparena Raiding Randomteleport Rtp Semivanilla Sethome Spawn Survival Warps

    Melon Survival

    MelonSurvival is a semi-vanilla survival server on 1.20.1, with a chill and growing
    community. We are always adding new features to the server and building
    onto spawn. We look forward to playing with you!

    Important information:
    Chat Reporting is disabled server-side
    Hard gamemode – survival. Never pay to win.
    Raiding & PVP friendly. Nothing disabled except Phantoms.
    No hacks, No griefing, no claims, no back, no keep inventory.
    Owners are active and involved, and neither Owners nor Admins are permitted to raid.
    Use /sethome instead of beds to save your location. Players have 2 homes by default.
    /rtp to teleport up to 5000 blocks away from /spawn. We suggest that
    you build outside of this range to avoid being raided easily.
    World border is 20k and will expand with new terrain releases.


  • No cheats/exploits.
    includes: x-ray, game algorithm exploits, hacked clients, mini-maps,
    replay mods autoclickers, macros, intentional glitching, other
    unapproved mods, item duping, book&quill exploits, block rotation
    calculations, simultaneous alt use, seed related endeavors, and more.
  • No major griefing
    This includes destruction of another player’s builds, farms, etc.
    Explosive pvp within a town or an array of builds will be considered major grief.
  • No access or use of the nether roof.
  • No Lag Machines or intentional lagging of the server
    Attempting to crash the server results in a permanent ban.
  • Respect all fellow players. no political or religious discussion.
    excessive swearing or offensive language. Hate speech, racism,
    scamming, and threatening behavior are all considered toxic. Trade
    swiping and being dishonest while using official server facilities is
    also considered toxic. No role playing politicians. doxxing and
    ip-grabbing will result in a permanent server and discord ban.
  • No advertisement or links in-game
    Do not advertise other servers. Do not post any links in game chat.
  • No spam
    Do not use excessive caps or otherwise spam chat. Do not flood the chat with several messages.
  • No NSFW/sensitive content.
    Do not use or encourage sensitive or inappropriate content, including builds, names, and skins.
  • Do not evade a ban/mute.
    or mute evasion by any method will result in a permanent server ban. If
    you wish to contest any disciplinary measures taken by our staff, do so
    in appeals.

    We reserve the right to ban any player we deem harmful to the community.

  •   Arena Guidelines

  • Teleporting out is disabled.
  • Elytra are disabled
  • Crystal and anchor pvp are enabled within the cpvp arena.

  • Categories
    Bank Betterstructures Challenges Collectibles Customworld Discord Dragonslayer Dynmap Economysurvival Elitemobs Enhancedsurvival Events Excellentcrates Griefingallowed Griefprotection Itemsadder Landclaim Lands Minigames Moremobheads Nocheat Permanent Playershops Proximitychat Puzzles Pvparena Quests Streamerfriendly Survival Teams Villagermarket Wars

    Mythic FarLands


    Welcome to the Mythic FarLands!

    Our server is a custom survival server, designed to expand upon and enhance existing Vanilla Minecraft gameplay! There are tons of new items and new features to give you endless options as to how you approach the game!

    Creative Dynmap Economy Griefprevention Griefprotection Plugins Pve Pvp Survival Vanillalike

    SomeOrdinaryServer – Java Server/PaperMC 1.20.1 Vanilla + Plugins [Discord]

    The server is still in its beginning phase and the staff team is still working on details, but players may allready join and play.


  • variety of commands like /home /gsit /rtp to use
  • creative world access
  • online map
  • builder rank for access to WorldEdit (needs verification)
  • you can request region protection to prevent griefing on your structures
  • Create shops via Chests or Shopkeepers
  • The stability of the server has been tested and it runs at stable 20 TPS.

    Please join our discord and read through our info channels on how to join and play:

    Backpack Backpacks Chile Dragoncraft Economy Ftc Lets Mc Server Mcmmo Pve Pvp Rings Roleplay Survival Trades


    MC Server 1.14.4 RPG with multiple dungeons and bosses, items with Skills and uniques, special trades, PvE and PvP, amulets-rings-talismans-backpacks (rpg inventory)

    Afk Anarchy Anarchy Server Color Colors Economy Etho Family Friendly Machines Nick Pve Pvp Raiding Sethome Survival

    the crack shack

    This is a brand new semi-anarchy server! Anything except hacking, spamming, and lag machines goes.
    There is no censorship, and we allow raiding and griefing. This is not meant to be family friendly. There is literally no way to get banned unless you hack.
    We have an in-game economy as well.

    We have some basic commands for player viability such as:
    /sethome (3 homes)
    / afkan
    We also have chat colors enabled.

    Box Cosmetic Cosmetics Creative Detail Detailed Economy Factions Ftc Myst Mystery Osmetics Pvp Survival Towny


    DeftCraft is an up and coming server with great and friendly staff. We work every day to improve our server and are working on new gamemodes all the time! Come join us on DeftCraft for amazing games, great community, and awesome fun
    We have a full cosmetics system, full ranking system, detailed hub and server worlds, as well as mystery boxes!

    Auction Auctions Autorank Different Factions Human Mall Maybe Mcmmo Medival Pat Pvp Raiding Roleplay Rp Server

    Humanity Craft

    Faction RP server with:
    – MCMMO
    – AutoRank system with different paths.
    – Auctions
    – Medival
    – Faction
    We are looking for a small community. Come check the server maybe its the one you are looking for.

    Antigrief Client Economy Factions Greif Greifing Massive Prize Prizes Pvp Raiding Steal Survival Survival World Weekly

    Doobin MC

    Tactical Faction gameplay with premium antigrief client. While we do not allow greifing, we do allow raiding and PvP! So come on by, build something you wont be worried about losing, and become the next top faction! Weekly events will be held by Flammendrew featuring massive prizes that will give you a leg up in the survival world, but be careful… people may want to steal them ;D

    Default Economy Exchange Guide Mcmmo Modifications Overpowered Overworld Positive Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay


    Renegade is a server born from a disdain for pay to win, overpowered/excessive modifications and inappropriate/misguided moderation and administration.
    We recognize that the most important thing a server has to offer is an active and vibrant community. We intend to foster this by facilitating positive experiences for all our players. This will be done by:
    * Listening to our players and responding to their needs.
    * Moderating in good faith with the goal of creating a positive experience for all players.
    * Not offering any advantages in exchange for real world money.
    * Having clear and concise rules and policies. See here: (
    * Having a limited amount of modifications and alterations from vanilla gameplay.
    * Striking a balance between players who do and do not want PVP. PVP is not enabled within land claims. PVP toggle in the overworld, and on by default in the Nether and End.
    Our ranks are almost entirely cosmetic. There are no purchasable items, homes, warps, claims, or anything else that grants a material advantage. Rank info here:

    Anything Economy Element Elements Mcmmo Nether Overworld Pve Pvp Safe Skill The End Towny Waste Wasteland


    Were a towny based PvE and PvP server with RPG elements like quests and McMMO skills.
    The overworld is safe and grief-free but the end and the nether are rural wastelands where anything could happen.

    Conquer Deal Domina Factions Grind Hardcore League Machines Maintenance Mcmmo Need Staff Raiding Slime Suggestions Unlock


    Come join us in Factions.IO Where you can use experience to unlock amazing machines through slimefun, to be able to conquer your opponents, and dominate the league in factions. Make sure to grind your mcmmo skills to take a greater advantage in the server. We are still under maintenance and are open to any suggestions but we DONT need staff. The ideal server is right under your nose, you just gotta help us create it!

    130 Economy Factions Geopol Geopolitical Mcmmo Movecraft Nolog Planes Politic Political Pvp Ships Techno Technology

    Network policy

    Network Policy!
    A Geopolitical Minecraft server with an Earth Map! You can create your nation, develop your technology with Slimefun, make amazing ships and planes with movecraft and so much more!
    1.15.2-1.16 Dynmap

    Chunk East Easter Eastereggs Egg Eggs Evolution Hidden Kitpvp Lite Payout Payouts Pvp Release Revolutionary


    this is a revolutionary kitpvp server come thrive on its brand new release
    special abilites, hidden eastereggs, Pvp, payouts and much more

    1.16 1.16.1 A Minecraft Ages Allowed Command Date Economy Helper Helpers Minecraft Survival Server North Protection Sub Survival


    The Northern-Dudes Minecraft server is a Minecraft survival server with grief-protection. The server’s version of Minecraft is currently 1.16.1, but we try to keep it as up-to-date as possible! Use the in-game command /helpop to send messages to the helpers if you need help. Also use the /rules command to see what is not allowed on the server. You can also submit a report using /report.

    Club Day Evolution First Fres Fresh Kind Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Oda Pure Rac Today Truly

    Xenix Club

    Xenix Club, the first of its kind. A truly free KitPVP server, breathe a breath of fresh from other KitPVP servers. Xenix is a pure KitPVP experience, absent of all the other distractions. Come join us today and join the revolution.

    Atm Away Couple Crazy Daily Enviro Environment Hats Lucky Lunar Pixelmon Survival Texture Textures Weekly

    Lunar Pixelmon


    Atm we are working on the server and trying to get a community up on discord! join up to become apart of a crazy adventure!

    Lunar Pixelmon is run by a couple thats been studying pixelmon to create the best environment for you .
    This server is not pay to win, so everything you buy outside of the game has no effect on ur ingame.
    Everything you buy is also achievable ingame through give aways or lucky crates.

    No pay to win.
    Custom Textures.
    Daily / Weekly Give Aways!

    Hope to see you soon on Lunar Pixelmon!

    Astro Companies Dates Economy Island Levels Plane Planet Pvp Skyblock Space Theme Themed Updates Virtual


    Astronia is a Spaced / Planet themed Skyblock Network with plenty of custom features to offer!
    We are always looking to add new features so be sure to join our Discord Server to get updates on new gameplay!

    Earth Features:
    – ON Economy
    – Virtual Island Levels
    – $1500 Island Top Rewards
    – Invest in Companies


    1.16.1 Balanced Barren Barrenrealms Economy Lms Mcmmo Mypet Nre Pve Realms Silk Solo Survival Vanilla

    Barren Realms

    Barren Realms is the best survival experience on 1.16.1! Grab yourself some friends or venture off solo and enjoy an epic semi-vanilla survival experience!

    The server features Land Claiming, McMMO, Balanced Economy, MyPet, Auctions, PVP Toggle, Silk Spawners and much, much more!

    Join today and become apart of our growing community!

    Apex Crafting Endless Factions Fall Legacy Nation Pvp Rise Risen Roleplay Rule Ruler Survival The Fall

    Spartas Legacy

    Welcome to Spartas Legacy! In the years after the fall of Sparta, factions have risen in pursuit to become the next ruler of the nation. On Spartas Legacy, team up to create a faction to become the best there is. With custom items, custom crafting, and custom plugins, the possibilities are endless!

    Apartment City Cops Crime Economy Government Law Lockpicking Nerd Police Rime Robbers Roleplay Survival Toc

    NerdCraft DarkMC: DarkRP in Minecraft [1.16, Custom Plugin]

    Welcome to Nerdcraft DarkMC

    Nerdcraft uses DarkMC, a custom plugin that allows for the ultimate roleplay experience. Rent an apartment, trade stock, become an officer or rob your neighbors. It’s your choice and your opportunity to make a name for yourself.

    – Plot system
    – Door ownership system
    – Rent system
    – Custom shop system
    – Close-economy
    – Government
    – Police and law
    – Lockpicking and crime
    – Dedicated community

    Economy Gang Gangs Hades Housing Oppriso Opprison Parkour Pickaxe Playtime Prison Pvp Races Roleplay Survival

    Hades OPPrison

    For those Interested in a brand new type of way to play on Minecraft servers, we are creating a brand new OP Prison. This prison will include(in development) up to 50 different ranks, custom enchantments, PvP and PvE, custom personal housing, pick upgrades, custom gangs, races, crates, and more with a twist…
    + Custom Pickaxe and Tool Enchants
    + Custom player Gangs
    + Over 50+ different ranks
    + Personal player housing plots
    + Crate keys that allow random player rewards
    + PlayTime rewards
    + Custom Player Gangs

    Brand Buycraft Cell Compete Economy Grind Mini Games Mpet Parkour Pete Prestige Prestiges Prison Pvp Weekly


    Welcome to PumaMC, a brand new Prison minecraft server where you can compete for cell top and gain weekly buycraft rewards or you can enjoy the game and grind over our 45 prestiges! Add us to your server list!

    Dead Faction Pvp Floating Forest Lake Lava Minecraft Java Mountain Mountains Nether Update Surprise Titan Waste Wasteland Wtf

    Come and play in a minecraft java 1.16.1 server! We have two fully custom Factions maps the first is a wasteland in honor of the nether update there are custom volcanos large mountains lava rivers and lakes with islands dead forests and more surprises. The second is a sky islands with tons of floating biome’s. We have a lot of minigames parkour an auction house, player made shops, custom PVP maps and more will be added! Tell your friends

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and New Survival Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!