Emo Follow Gamemode Gamemodes Ken Learn Pvp Sit Site Skyblock Skypvp Sts Uhc Vis Website


Kraken-Spectral is a network which consists of the following gamemodes:

* SkyPvP
* Skyblock

To learn more, visit our website ,, or join the server at!

Creative Design Economy Factions Generation Hardcore Idea Ideas Kitpvp Minecraft Servers Mini Games Next Gen Survival Trans Uhc


AsterosPvP is part of the next generation of Minecraft servers. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent. Designed for all.

– Factions
– Skyblock
– Prison
– Creative
– KitPVP


Actually Economy Element Generation Hardcore Hosted Kitpvp Light Mcmmo North Parkour Pvp Regeneration Skyblock Uhc


Welcome to NorthernNetwork!
Northern is a server comprising of skyblock and kitpvp, and a once a month UHC. Our server is unique, in that the skyblock experience is generic, but has a PVP element to it! Kitpvp is 1.8 pvp, ensuting the best experience.

I believe that there is no such thing as a minecraft server without a community, and that’s why we’ve started and hosted this server! To meet new people, and to invite them onto a friendly server where they can enjoy skyblock and kitpvp along with us.

UHC is at the beginning of each month, and costs $2.50 to take part in, for a team of two. The UHC is slightly different, in that natural regeneration is actually enabled. The winner can win money up to $14.00!!

Chill Cool Creative Date Dev Economy Fish Hill Kitpvp Looking Mini Games Pvp Survival Uhc Update


FishFisher Network

Devlopped by Lananasbleu

Cool staff (Looking for)
Chill server
Pvp 1.8
Lots of update comming soon !

Battle Royal Battle Royale Bungee Bungeecord Economy Greifprevention Legit Mini Games Pve Royale Skyblock Survival Survival Multiplayer Uhc Ungee


New server hoping for a large community. Running on BungeeCord network.
Survival Multiplayer with GreifPrevention land claiming and a GUI /trade system. Simply place down a chest and edit your zone with a golden shovel. Earn more blocks by playing. NOW WITH ELITE MOBS AND WORLD BOSSES WITH CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS!
Skyblock with economy and /trading. Earn money by completing a set of challenges and aim to be the number 1 player on Skyblock.
UHC-Core battle royale gather resources and enchant your gear to fight to the death and be the last man standing.

Chill Duck Duel Duels Ffa Hill Minecraft Pvp Pot Pot Pvp Pvp Skep Skeppy Soup Sumo Uhc

Duck Lands PvP And Pro Building – (NOT A SKEPPY FAN SERVER) Chill Server

Chill Minecraft PVP and Build, soup PvP, pot PvP, UHC FFA, Sumo, Duels

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Amazing Bran Brand Dev Development Feature Kitpvp New Minecraft Prison Sieg Siege Sin Survival Uhc Working

Hell Siege

Hellsiege is a brand new Minecraft network. We feature a lot of servers like survival, kitpvp, UHC and we are working on an amazing RPG Prison server that is currently in development and will be releasing soon. You should come check us out at

Dev Developer Developers Elo Learn Learning Mad Mcm Mini Games Minigame Minigames Normal Survival Survival Games Uhc


This is a community server made by learning developers, come check us out! We have fun minigames such as UHC’s, normal survival, and many more!

Bee Coop Cooperative Fullpvp Hardcore Hcf Kitpvp Nline Pvp Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival Survivalop Uhc

Minexplay Network


It is a network that has been online for 3 months and with a community
Very cooperative, come in and have fun.


18pvp Economy Hardcore Mcmmo Multiverse Oldcombat Oldcombatmechanics Oldcombatsystem Planetoids Pve Pve Economy Signshop Spigot Survival Uhc


This is GybiMC, a pretty average survival server running Spigot 1.10.2!

We have various plugins such as mcMMO, GriefPrevention for claims, Multiverse, SignShop, and more!

Aside from normal survival, I currently have two other game modes set up. Planetoids, which is similar to skyblock, but the sky is full of differing planets, and a “UHC” mode on sky islands controlled by the ExtraHardMode plugin if you think vanilla survival is too easy.

Also, as I really dislike the combat update, I have installed OldCombatMechanics to remove some of the new 1.9 features while keeping the neat ones like end cities. I also installed ViaVersion, so you don’t need to worry about downgrading your client to play! (Keep in mind, you can’t use any 1.11+ features as it’s still a 1.10 server)

118server Achievement Achievements Bon Bone Bones Griefprevention Irl Paid Pve Pvp Ranked Semivanilla Smp Survival

Lightcraft SMP

Welcome! This server is fairly bare-bones at the moment as stuff will be added over time.
This server does not have paid ranks. All you need to do to get ranks are earn in-game achievements to be ranked up.

1.18 Armor Boss Bosses Clans Combine Custom Development Die Kind Lab Medieval Party Useful Versions

⚡Medieval Age 1.16-1.18.1 RPG CLANS BOSSES⚡ Minecraft server

Medieval Age is available for entry on versions from 1.16 to 1.18.1.

On the server you will see:

– Custom bosses

– Improved armor, which is a kind of class armor that you can combine with armor of another class, thereby making yourself the top set.

– Quests. Very useful thing for development

– Clans – create your clan and become the best on the server

– Party – team up with players and get more experience together

Balancedeconomy Brandnew Community Communitydriven Economy Economysurvival Ecosmp Farming Fly Freefly Freeranks Guishop Ingameranks Jobs New Nftsmp Playerdriven Playerdriveneconomy Playershop Ranks Shops Smp Survival Towny Townyeconomy Townyflight

Player-Driven Economy SMP – 1.18.1

• Experience that classic SMP feel while taking part in one of the most balanced and intuitive player-driven economies ever made. Built by real economy experts and Minecraft veterans

• Search all player shops to find exactly what you’re looking for or manage your own shop all from one visual GUI accessible from anywhere on the server. Built to eliminate inflation and provide a realistic experience

• Make money automatically doing things you enjoy in the game. This includes hundreds of actions from mining, building, hunting, farming, chopping wood, smelting items, fishing, and running your shop. All jobs pay out a balanced amount of money factoring in time and difficulty for each action

• Climb your way up the in-game ranks with your earnings or use it to grow your town/nation into a glistening empire. We could go on for days about the features and little details we have spent endless hours perfecting but instead we’d like to invite you to come experience it for yourself

1.9 Break Broke Broken Compete Diamonds Economy Login Miners My Minecraft Server Nothing Pete Problems Survival Vanilla


Server version – 1.18.1, login is possible from 1.9 – 1.18

Vanilla survival with private and economy.

— the server is being updated, something new will appear

— the balance of survival is not broken, only diamond miners do not run around the server

– responsive administration

— private, clans, economy

— enough hostile mobs spawn on the server for interesting survival

Survival – the main server, clans, economy, auction, there are no teams that break the balance of survival on the server (like dupa), ONLY DIAMONDS DO NOT RUN ON THE SERVER, the balance of survival is not broken. The server has an adequate administration that competently solves the problems of the players. There is nothing more to describe, you will see for yourself)))

189pvp 189server 2021server Classic Classicfactions Faction Pvp Factions Factions18 Factionsmcmmo Factionsnew Factionsserver Goodcommunity Goodfactions Goodstaff Maturestaff Mcmmo Mcmmofactions Newfactions Newfactionsserver Newserver Nolag Nopay2winfactions Nopaytowin Oldfactions Oldpvp Oldschoolfaction Oldschoolfactions Oldschoolpvp Pvp Pvpfactions Pvpserver Raidingandpvp Survival Survivalpvp


« PRIMAL FACTIONS » CLASSIC 1.8.9 FACTIONS SERVER 2022 ♛ NO PAY TO WIN ♛ Classic OG Factions Minecraft Server
Primal Factions Brings Back The Fun We All Miss!

  We created Primal Factions out of our love for that classic 1.8 factions experience we missed so much. Servers like these are hard to find and most have game breaking aspects so we sought out to create our own server. Our staff team and server want to stick to the pure simplicity that made factions back then so much fun and we hope to see you on the server!
Sever IP –
Sever Website –

Server Info & Features
KOTH Events w/ Custom Arenas
Custom PvP Arena w/ Events
In Game Rank Progression
PvP Enovys
Gapple Cooldowns
Custom Crates
Combat Log
Mending In 1.8
10k World Boarder
End & Nether Warps
Old School Setup & Style


Cdgs Challenges Classic Factions Good Game Growing Hardcore Jail Mcp Non Popular Prison Prisons Pvp Survival

Minecraft Community Prison (MCP)

MCP is a very old prison formed by time and player feedback. It is for players with a good understanding of prisons and those who like custom challenges to work towards.

This is a non op classic prison and focuses on good gameplay as opposed to big numbers.

Come check out our website at Community Driven Game servers

There is always something to do so players tend to stick around for a long time!

/s/ 2022 Computer Factions Factionsurvival Mods Nuclear Pvp Server Ip Address Survival Tech Ucl Volts Voltz War

Nuclear Button

Server Modpack Download
(Manual Download)

Server Store

Server IP Address

❗ Please do not view/access/download links that aren’t endorsed by our community on this channel, you risk subjecting your computer to malicious content.NuclearButton |

Bedrock Blox Building Building Game Creative Follow Java Javaandbedrock Kitpvp Link Minigames Noop Server Skygen Survival



Welcome To The Page Of BloxyMC, A Fun Server For You And Your Friends, To Play In A Survival SMP, A Creative Building Gamemode, PVP In KitPVP Or Play Some Minigames Such As SkyGen! To Join Our Discord Click The Link!

Apply Builds Dps Farm Farms Hosting Mean Minecraft Smp Rmc Share Smp Vanilla Vanillasmp Whitelist Whitelisted


Hi! Welcome to qbdpsmp.
This is a Minecraft SMP.
You’re welcome.

We are a small SMP for fun. We use a free hosting and we are whitelisted. That means that you need to apply via our Discord to play first!
The server is very brand new and it has not many things to do on it but we’ll be glad you will apply and join our SMP 🙂
On it you can play, share builds, make farms and just have fun with yar fellas
Hope you enjoy.
Our Discord server.

1.18 1.8.9 Cod Coded Core Dates Exciting Factions Ign Kitpvp Practice Prison Pvp Survival Working

Fade Network

Version: 1.8.9-1.18.1
Platform: Java

FIY: Only Practice is working currently but we are planning to finish Factions and Prison by May

FadeMC is a fun & exciting server offering the best PvP experience. With our fully custom coded core, constant updates & frequent community events & wars there is no reason to play anywhere else. So What are you waiting for? Come and play FadeMC today at!


Adventure Air Almost Creates Doc Fabric Idea Simplevoicechat Spainish Survival Usa Vanilla Vanillasurvival Voice Voicechat

Simple server survival + voicechat


Version server: 1.17.1

This is a simple server, there are almost no rules, we have the fair and necessary mods,

The idea is to play a simple minecraft.

We have voice chat usa: simplevoicechat for forge or fabric in version 1.17.1.


Amplifiednether Bosses Custom Customitems Customterrain Dungeons Hard Levelling Nopvp Nullscape Pve Pve Economy Quests Stats Terralith2

Dark Dungeons

Release: 1.0
-Custom Items
-Randomly Spawning Bosses
-Get Better Stats For Levelling Up Skills
-Custom Overworld Terrain
-Custom Nether Terrain
-Custom End Terrain

Ip: DarkDungeons.MC.GG

Ash Conquest Data Demo Demon Demon Slayer Demon Slayers Demonforge Demons Demonslayer Hut Slayer Slayers Survival Wrath

Ashello’s Demon Slayer Server

This is Ashello’s Demon Slayer Server, Join the Demon Slayers, to end the wrath of the demons, or join the Demons in their conquest to take over the server

Join the discord!

Advertising Helper Helpers Join Need Need Staff Onour Rtp Server Staff Survival Survivalcraft Thanks Today Wild

We need staff on our minecraft server join today

Hello helpers and minecraft server owners / admins we need some help whith our server cyz we need helpers and staffs so join today cuz we really need staff on our server thanks and install plugins and fix them and make the server good / advertising so u could help us and a litel bit of information this is a survivalcraft server the best server but we need to fix the server and install plugins to the server so its good and this is a survival server that u can go to wildness just using the command /rtp and here is the ip

Actu Actually Hank Hanks Mob Mobs Plane Planet Pvp Review Smp Survival Thanks Vie Vive

Genocraft Network

Hello Planet Minecraft, I am Justin the owner of Genocraft Network.
Genocraft was created for players like you and I to survive, mine, kill mobs, have an economy, rewards, and so much more.
My explaining of what this server is can sound brief but actually being in this server will tell you more i promise!
Take a look at the pictures, etc!

Thanks for reviewing my server.
Hope to see you there!

Ats Cod Data Discord Economy Group Hats Jobs Lol Master Masters Mcpe Oup Survival Survivalgames

Master Survival Network

Java/Bedrock version : 1.17.1

MasterSurvival IP :-

ip :

ip :
port : 25647

whatsapp group :

Official Discord :

Auction Auction House Auctionhouse Auctions Claims Ert Faction Factions Follow House Kits Nameless Ops Pvp Shops

Nameless Community

Just another community looking to entertain players!


You can find the following on our server:
– Factions
– PvP
– Auction House
– Shops
– Friendly players

Claims Custom Customarmor Customenchant Custommobs Economy Griefprevention Latest Mobarena Pvepvp Quests Shops Smp Survival Unique

🌠CelestialCraft 🌠 | A unique SMP experience. [1.18.1]

🌠 Server IP: 🌠

🌟 Who are we? 🌟

CelestialCraft is a new Minecraft server that focuses on the player’s gameplay experience, respects their feedback, and gives them the most priority! If you’re looking for a new, relatively peaceful server to play on, you’ll love this place!

🌀 Why us? 🌀

🌟 We just launched on Sept 1st! If you’re looking for a new community to join, this is for you!

🌟We have a fresh new world for 1.18! Launched on December 20th!

💸 We’re a non-P2W server, and never will be! All donation ranks grant purely cosmetic perks and benefits!

😄 Friendly staff and community! We encourage all of our players and staff members to be as friendly as possible!

💰 A realistic, dynamic economy. The server has a finite amount of money to distribute between players. That amount increases dynamically as the server grows and prospers! Simply put, anything you do in the economy has a direct impact on everyone else!🏴‍☠️ A special Black Market, where you can get rare and powerful items, but with a little twist!

👻 A customized Graveyard! If you’re tired of dying constantly and losing all your items, fear no more! With our graveyard system, you can easily collect all your lost items in a flash! Just go to /warp graves the moment you die, and you’ll find most of your items collected!

💪 A well-thought-out, balanced, and progressive ranking system, with each rank containing a specific set of perks, custom enchantments for each rank, and more! Join our server now and check it out with /ranks.

✨ A custom enchanting system, which uses in-game money instead of XP and lapis! Come check it out with /ve!

⚔️ A fully custom Mob Arena, where you can fight hordes of mobs and bosses, buy upgrades for yourself using special coins dropped in the arena, revive your fallen teammates, and so much more! You can join the arena by doing /ma join. Pick a kit first!

⚔️ Custom mobs, drops, and armor sets! We’ve got an exciting set of custom mobs, all of which live in a different realm from the primary worlds! Each mob drops a special item, which, with enough work, can be combined to create 3 Separate Custom Sets, with each set having special abilities, downsides, and upsides!

⏲️ Bi-Monthly Updates. The server is always getting updates and new content to keep you hooked! The updates happen almost twice a month!

➕ And so, so much more! An auction house, player warps, dueling system, chest shops, quests, claims, player-made guilds, and the list goes on!What are you waiting for? Join our server and start your journey today!

🌠 Server IP: 🌠
🌠 Bedrock Port: 19132 🌠
🌠 Discord Link:🌠

Arena Compete Competetive Kits Mpet Paw Pet Pete Pos Pvp Rts Sloth Speed Support Voting



SlothPvP is a startup server with all sorts of possibilities to compete with other players

– Custom Made spawn
– Custom Made arena
– Speedy staff support
– Many kits to choose from
– Voting
– Economy

Dynmap Economy Jobs Jobsreborn Landclaim Landclaiming Market New Newserver Randomteleport Randomtp Ranksystem Rtp Server Shop Shops Slimefun Slimefun4 Survival

New Haven (Beta testers needed)

To be a Bete tester pleas join our discord
Welcome to New Haven!!
Server is curently Under Construction!!!
We are a friendly 1.18.1 community looking to gain a few friends.
Server only has 3 rules:
1) No Griefing
2) No pvp unless you ask before and they agree
3) No hack clients, xray packs, or any form of cheating

Click here to join our Discord

» 26 exclusive menus
» 6 Kits
» Custom plots
» Item shop
» Auction house
» Bar “Sale of drinks with long effects”
» Mining area “unlockable with experience”
» Spawners and eggs shop
» RandomTp
» Combat Log
» Unlockable skills
» Custom tab “HEX Colors”
» Tag per rank “HEX Colors”
» Custom Chat “HEX Colors”
» Jobs
» Auction upgrade shop
» Base version 1.18.1
» End zone “unlockable with ender eyes”
» 4 Crates with different prizes
» Missions
» Top millionaires
» Server optimization “stable tps”
» Land Claiming
» New market zone
» Language system
» Shops

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Bedrock Servers With Skyblock. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!