Creative Griefprotection Mcmmo Moba Mobarena Music Plotsquared Pve Pyre Ranked Secure Sethomes Square Survival Weather

The Great Spyre

The Great Spyre
PvE – Creative – mcMMO – Quests – Plots – WorldEdit – Bank
About Us

Here at The Great Spyre, we provide a fun survival and creative experience for all players to enjoy. With ranks that can be earned with playtime, survival quests, and creative builds, players can get access to all sorts of great perks and rewards for their time here.

Our survival world holds all sorts of unique perks, including protected claims with griefprotection (goldshovel), as well as hitmarkers, mcmmo, quests, sethomes, kits, and a bank to store money, items, and exp.

The creative world offers plots to build in from PlotSquared. You can build whatever you want, and if you are daring, submit your builds to staff and be ranked up to get access to more plots, and eventually, world edit. You can even control your own time, weather, and plot music.

We currently are in Beta, so we are still adding more things to the server every day. We soon hope to add minigames, such as spleef and mobarena, and hope that players will be able to influence more ideas as we continue to grow.

Hope you enjoy the server, and feel free to contact us on discord with any questions you may have. Have fun.

1.18 Bar Clanes Encantamientos Hardcore Kills Moba Mobarena Mobs Pvp Servidor Skills Survival Tall Vanilla


Servidor Survival 1.8-1.18.x MUY Difícil Con PvP, Clanes, Encantamientos Avanzados, Skills mejorables, Pase de batalla, Mobarena, Mobs con niveles, y mucho más!

Adult Customize Customized Economy Grinding Lang Mini Games Moba Mobarena Pve Pvp Roles Skin Survival Xtreme

DRG Survival

DRGSurvival is a Minecraft survival server with a Village protection system. Start a village and begin grinding your way to the top of our server. We have customized quests, jobs, MobArena, a constantly improving economy and an overall fun community.

We try to be a more mature/adult laid-back server with less rules than other servers. We still do have rules but we want our players to be able to express themselves and have fun. Our server has filters to monitor more extreme language but we feel that most people should be allowed the freedom our server provides.

We are currently looking for staff to add to our ranks as well. If you wish to apply please join our server and play for a bit before asking to apply. We may be looking for staff but we want players who are dedicated to playing our server to fill those roles.

We also are looking for feedback, suggestions and general improvement advice from players. If you think something on our server should be improved, changed or added please let us know!

Bombs Bounties Drugs Economy Elemental Elementaltrees Free Kits Gambling Kits Mobarena Prestige Prison Pvp Ranks Skyblock

MissionPrison (+ SkyBlock)

MissionPrison is an OP Prison + Skyblock server with a twist.

Earn money by selling drugs, planting elemental trees or simply mine to rank up!

At MissionPrison, sky’s the limit & the players always come first!

==+== Main Features ==+==
Free Kits

Elite Gen1 Gym Kanto League Lite Mcmmo Mobarena Mod Oce Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pokemon Reforged Skyblock

*・゚✧KANTO:1997✧˚・* POKéMON ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) GEN 1

This is a brand new Pixelmon Reforged mod server we are still in the process of setting up. Currently we are looking for players to be Gym Leaders for our 1997 Kanto Pokemon League and Elite 4.

Join our Discord:

Or log into the server at:

Capture Custom Factions Flag Great Mcmmo Minecraft Minigames Mobarena Plugins Pve Pvp Server Servers Survival

Surrealcraft » Factions | Survival | Skyblock | Prison | Minigames | INCREDIBLE COMMUNITY

IP –

Surrealcraft is a premium Minecraft network with the following gamemodes:
Survival | Earth
• Factions Oblivion
• Prison
• Skyblock Valhalla

Minigames, incredible community, and much more!

2021 2b2tclone Anarchy Content Exploit Fightclub Herobrine Jjk Mobarena Norules Pugins Pvp Sub Survival Upload

NR2EL no rule lv one lags are allowed and 2t2b alternative cracked

the best alternative 2b3t and the high lv exploit scanner only lv one lags a allowed and sub me realcraft – YouTubeUCFnFjJKSDJZpngG2CpWEcRw123

Back Backups Creative Economy Grieffree Hard Home Mobarena Playerownedshops Plugins Pos Rollback Survival Vanilla Vote



Best Economy Fun Guards Loot Looting Mcmmo Mines Mobarena Mobarenas Mythicdrops Mythicmobs Plots Plotz Prison Pve Pvp Ranks Rollplay Rollplaying Shops Survival Version1151 Version1152

Super awesome fun prison 9000

Come join a one of a kind crafted server experience.


RP-Prison features

  • Quests to feel a great sense of immersion.
  • Fight players in the centre courtyard. or start a fight with the guards anywhere.
  • Rank system to progress through the prison and earn respect.
  • A constant hate for the warden and his minions.
  • Extreme frustration when guards find your contraband.
  • Mob arena. We have it.
  • Feel like being a rich prison king-pin. Shops, auctions, trading and more included.
  • Scheduled events all around the prison.
  • A underground Ratrun for all the lawless players.
  • Role-play and lots of it.
  • Boss fights.
  • RP-Prison rules

  • No cheats or hacks, obviously. We use anti-cheat.
  • No advertising other IP addresses.
  • When outside role-play scenarios, respect staff and do as they say.
  • No spamming in the chat.
  • No racism, Ever.
  • One large, one small prison cell per player.
  • Abuse of flawed plugin mechanics is strictly forbidden.
  • Never ask for admin.
  • A message from the warden

    Welcome to my prison. This is my domain and will be your hell for the rest of eternity. If you step out of line I will not hesitate to end your miserable life. You are scum. Worst of the worst. Its my duty to make sure you have a horrible time. Something I very, very much like doing.

    Adventure Creative Economy Fancycraft Hunger Kitpvp Marriage Mcmmo Mobarena Parkour Plots Pvp Shop Skyblock Skywars Survival Survivalgames

    Fancycraft Server 1.17.1

    Fancycraft is a Minecraft server Network that offers you only the best.With features like:Creative, Survival, KitPvP, Parkour, Survival Games, MobArena, Infected Zombies and many more…!
    This is a server you do not want to miss out on 🙂

    Play in Creative and enjoy building and having fun with your friends!

    Survival is a Great place to start the adventure and survive, get resources and build a house and shelter and have fun!
    SHOP! You can easily buy/sell items in the virtual shop by right clicking on a clock or type /shop in the game! Its so cool, we think you’ll love it.

    We have lots of Games with custom and unique maps:

    > KitPvP with fun kits
    > Parkour with fan made custom maps
    > Survival Games
    > MobArena
    > Sky Wars
    > And many more…!

    We worked extra hard to make this family friendly amazing server for anyone to join and enjoy playing with their friends!

    People and staff on this Server are friendly and awesome, you will have a lot of fun!

    You can join with us the IP bellow:

    Live Map:

    Bar Beta Block Claim Class Craft Crate Crates Discord Emo Fly Free Fun Grief Griefing Ill Inecraft Job Jobs Lit Mine Minecraft Play Plugin Plugins Rank Rol Server Shop Staff Store Survival Swedish Title Vanilla War

    HalfCrafted | 1.15.2 | Swedish

    HalfCrafted är en Svensk Minecraft Server som har fokus på att ha en så vanilla baserad server som möjligt, men ska samtidigt kunna erbjuda extra funktioner i spelet som gör allt lite roligare.
    Griefing är inte tillåtet. Men vi har inte heller några claim plugins!
    Staffs har full möjlighet att kolla upp vem som förstört och kan sedan återställa det som blivit griefat. Servern är free2play vilket betyder att vi INTE säljer ranker, nycklar och allt annat skräp som andra servrar har. 🙂

    * Jobb
    För att lättare tjäna pengar på servern har vi introducerat jobb! Med hjälp av kommandot /jobs kan du lätt gå med i ett jobb och göra uppgifter för att kunna samla ihop lite pengar!

    * Ekonomi
    På denna server använder vi oss av en virtuell valuta. Denna valutan tjänar du varje dag genom att skriva reward och/eller via /jobs, samt att vi under den senaste tiden arbetat på /shop.

    * Spelläge
    Här spelar vi inte i något annat än Survival. Målet med våran server är att få en känsla av en vanilla server, därav använder vi oss inte av en massa plugins

    * Doneringar/Shop
    På erbjuder vi inga ranker med /fly, /god eller andra kommandon som rakt av förstör eller gör så det känns orättvist för andra spelare. Vi försöker att hålla servern så “free2play” som möjligt. Därav har vi inte heller några crates!

    * Staffs
    För att göra det lättare för oss själva så har vi bara 1 staff rank. Alla har samma förmåner och har därav samma uppgifter. Va tar inte emot ansökningar för tillfället.

    * Discord
    Glöm inte att gå med i våran Discord Server för att kunna vara en del av våran gemenskap!

    Amazing Anarchy Antigrief Awesome Boss Bosses Bungeecord Combat Community Craft Crates Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy Enchantments End Friendly Fun Join Mine Minecraft Open Perks Pets Play Player Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rewards Server Store Survival Title Voting War Website


    Welcome to Indiecraft !-
    Having a fun, friendly minecraft community always is our 1st goal,
    player’s experience is also very important to us, amazing minecraft
    community, enjoy your stay on IndieCraft

    Survival 1.15.2-
    – with some custom enchantments
    – custom pets which can be used as a Becon,in combat,ridable pet and much more
    – Quests with custom coded bosses and crates
    – ranks with awesome perks
    – voting rewards
    – evryday rewards

    and much more join now
    Website: Indiecraft store
    Discord : Indiecraft Discord

    Address Ass Auto Blo Block Clan Clans Class Economy Ect Erver Event Events Fun Nam Port Ports Pvp Rad Rts Rvival Server Support Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Title Trade Trades

    Magma Survival

    Magma Survival is a Survival server! Don’t mind the server address. The server is 1.14.4 and supports clans! We do events and supports trades too!

    Action Auction Auctions Block Class Craft Crate Crates Erver Essentials Experience Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Features Free Join Loot Mcmmo Mmo New Normal Ops Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Rvival Server Shop Shops Survival This Title

    Ham Factions! – MCMMO + Ranks + Loot Crates!

    Survival Factions With Bonus Features!

    Here at Hamcraft, we love Factions! You can expect a normal factions experience here with these additional features:

    – Ranks free ranks that you can get by achieving certain requirements
    – Auctions + shops
    – Loot crates
    – MCMMO
    – More!

    Come join us! This is a completely new relaunch!
    Plugins installed on server: factions, essentials, mcmmo

    Active Community Creative Discord Donor Economy Event Events Grief Job Jobs Mob New Open Perks Play Player Prevention Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rankup Rewards Server Shop Shops Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title Trade Unique Vault Vaults War

    FruitMc – Survival – InfinityStones – Shop – Jobs – Discord

    Welcome to fruitmc!fruitmc is an tight-knit community that loves to welcome all new members and give each other a hand.Were highly community oriented and value the opinions of our playerbase.We offer a lot to our community including donor items through our special in-game rank up system!We have listed and detailed some of our biggest features we have to offer!Rank System – We have 100 ranks that can give you unique items, perks, and accessories that you cant get any other way.Player Shops – Open to the community to sell and trade with others in creative ways.Quests – A unique way to get in-game money and rewards for completing tasks.Special Hoppers – These can gather all of your crop or mob drops in a chunk.Discord – An active community that allows our players to keep up with events, giveaways, and server updates.Other things we have to offer:Grief PreventionPlayer VaultsSilk Touch SpawnersActive Community Stafffruitmc

    Chat Class Craft Currency Eco Econ Economy End Friends Guns Home Homes Item Join Leaderboards Map Money Open Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Server Shops Spawn Survival Title Vote War Warp Weapons World

    Battlecraft USA

    About US:

    BattlecraftUSA was founded as a project between a group of friends to experiment with coding and plugins. Today it is a premiere loot and shoot server. The server features a decently large map, economy, and several ranks. Play with and against your friends in the large open-world map and climb the leaderboards. Sell and buy items and dominate the map. We look forward to playing with you!!!

    How to Play:

    1) Upon spawning into the world, the player has access to numerous things to do at spawn. Buy and sell weapons, vote for a chance to win in-game currency and loot, chat with other players, and warp to the numerous map locations.

    2) Upon joining the PVP world you must loot various respawning chests around the map. Kill other player to recieve money, increase your KDR, and boost yourself on the leaderboards.

    3) After you are completely done looting and killing return to spawn via /spawn to sell your weapons for in-game currency.

    *Currency can be used to buy ranks, guns, homes(coming soon), food, and armor*

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Anarchy Anarchypvp Avatar Bending Bosses Cosmetics Creative Faction Faction Pvp Factions Market Mcmmo Prison Projectkorra Pve Pvp Rpg Skyblock Space Survival Towny

    Apex [Bending – Prison – Anarchy – Towny – Competitive]

    Apex is a newly created network with a few options to choose from. With a fully custom Bending server loosely based around Avatar: The Last Airbender, an Anarchy server so you can go insane to your wildest dreams, and an amazingly put together Prison! We have a multitude of things to do, including:

    * PvP- Take on the role of a bender or astronaut and show off your moves to your friends and enemies! Keep in mind that your friends could turn on you! 😉

    * PvE- Use your element and take it for the ultimate test. The custom mob bosses in Bending were created by the staff and based around the actual villains from the Avatar: The Last Airbender TV show. Ones you may have heard of, ones you may have not! Each drop custom loot and specialized cosmetics. Are you ready?

    * Factions- Not feeling the PvP or PvE element? Hop on over to the survival world in Bending and create your own faction! With a massive world, use bending to defend against enemies, play with friends, protect your land and explore new territories.

    * Cosmetics- With over 100 cosmetic items to choose from (and more to come!), you can either purchase a Mystery Box with our online store or you can earn them by killing bosses.

    * Marketplace- You have the option to head over to our Market and purchase new abilities and items with in-game currency, just hang out by the Cabbage Man (but don’t mess with his cabbages!), check out the Blacksmith and Alchemy shops, or perhaps visit Iroh in the Jasmine Dragon.

    * Bending Tournaments Weekly- Within Bending, there are bending tournaments in which anyone can participate to show off their skills, have fun, and win prizes. Great fun for everyone involved!

    * Updates and Responsive Admins- Updates happen frequently to improve the server’s capabilities, from new types of Bending to evening out the playing ground. The Admins are always ready to fix problems and add in members’ ideas in any way that they can.

    * Many more features planned and more to come!

    Play now!

    Claim Class Cracked Craft Crates Custom Customenchants Donator Enchantments Enchants End Friendly Game Grief Guilds Job Jobs King Kings Land Landclaim Lit Mcmmo Mmo New Play Player Playershops Premium Pvp Quest Quests Rank Ranks Server Staff Survival Title Vote

    Kingscraft PH

    Welcome To Kingscraft!

    Premium Gameplay – Cracked Server
    Survival – LandClaim – Custom Enchants – Jobs – MCMMO – Player Ranks – No Grief

    KingsCraft! version 1.15.2!






    ➣Player leaderboard!

    ➣Custom Enchantments!

    ➣5 Ranks






    ➣2 Donator ranks





    ➣Friendly and approachable staffs!

    Block City Class Com Community Conomy Crime Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect End Erver Job Jobs Life Lit Mature Ming Ops Play Player Real Safe Server Shop Shops Staff Style Survival Title Vehicle Vehicles Welcoming

    Community MC

    Escape the stress of real life on Community MC.

    Community MC is a city economy server with jobs, player-ran shops, crime, vehicles and more.

    The possibilities are endless!

    We strive to have a welcoming, safe community with mature staff and consistency.

    Based Block Class Combat Craft Custom Development Discord Event Events Fac Faction Factions Game Hub Ill Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Kits Land Lands Mine Minecraft Mod Noop Open Parkour Play Pvp Rank Ranks Server Sky Skyblock Skylands Special Terrain Title



    »————— (⧫︎) —————«

    CombatPvP is a Minecraft server in its early development, there are two pvp based game modes:

    🏱︎ – Skylands is a Skyblock and Factions hybrid server, with custom terrain.
    🏱︎ – KitPvP has special kits which gives you an advantage in some way or another.

    »————— (⧫︎) —————«

    We also include events that are scheduled by our very owner.
    Everyone will be able to participate and win prizes such as ranks!

    Bar Barebones Base Based Block Bone Claim Claims Class Diamond Eco Econ Econom Economy Economysurvival Fun Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Ill Land Land Claim Non Nonp2w Nonpay2win Nonpaytowin Ops Play Player Public Rading Server Shop Shops Survival Title Trading Vanilla


    A non p2w survival server that is nearly 100 percent vanilla. Here at barebonesmc we feature a diamond based economy with player trading shops and land claims. No gimmicks, just fun!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Cells Custom Customachievements Customenchants Customplugins Economy Envoys Minions Oppickaxe Payouts Prestiges Prison Pvp Ranks Warzone

    ⚡ Galactic Prison ⚡ 🔥 RANKS 🔥


    ★ Galactic Prison ★

    The Galaxies of the Unknown to be Known!!!

    Server IP:


    Galactic Prison Features:

    PRISON SEASON 7 FULL RESET! COMPLETE REDESIGN! The Galactic Prison Server is a Progression Server with OP Pick Upgrades, Easy Rankups, CELLS, Custom Enchants, Custom Achievements, Auction House, Epic Spawners, 25+ ranks, 99+ Prestiges, 14+ Prestige Challenges with REWARDS, and 134+ extra challenges with rewards and minions! Enjoy friendly competitive rivalry to become the best player and have the best cell in the server. It comes with minions, mcmmo, epic spawners, cell upgrades, auction house, chest shops, and sell wands. Lastly, there are seasonal & monthly payout rewards to Paypal & Buycraft.

    In order to apply for staff, you must be have 6 hours of online time on the server.





    Alliances Block Class Craft Create Discord Dynmap Earth Explore Fight Ill Inecraft Join Large Lore Map Mine Minecraft Modern Nation New Noop Open Plugin Plugins Rules Server Store Survival Title Town Towny War Website Wiki


    EarthCraft is a server that uses a 1:500 map of the earth in Minecraft. It will be a Towny 1.15.2 server with war plugins and a new massive map to explore, complete with a Dynmap, Discord, Store, etc. Make a town, create a nation and fight others. Form alliances, make enemies and destroy foes with your nation’s might!

    View our website/wiki for the rules!

    Also Join our Discord as well! =

    Fly Freeranks Gymleaders Gyms Keepinventory Landclaim Legendarypixelmon Legendarypokemon Nogrief Noraid Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pixelmonbestserver Pixelmonextras Pixelmonmod Pixelmonreforged Pokemon Pve Pvpdisabled Roleplay Rpg Shinystarters




    Welcome to the land of I-Pixelmon,

    On I-Pixelmon you and you friends can enjoy the delights youd encounter in the game of Pokemon! Whats different? Well, of course its in minecraft! You can catch Legendary pokemon, battle others, and even fight our gym leaders!

    How are we different from other servers? Well, you have the option of building and claiming your own house!

    We are a Network ran server that has been online since December of 2012. We give our players expected uptime as well as no resets or worry of progress being gone from an unexpected server closure like most new servers nowadays.

    Adventure Creative Cynder Cynderthedragon Dragon Dragoncraft Dragons Dragonserver Dragonssurvival Factions Greifprevention Spyro Spyrothedragon Story Storymode Survival

    The Dragons Server

    Official Server Associated with

    Prove your worth with Quick Desire.
    Ice and Earth. Electric. . . Fire. . .

    – Creative
    – Factions
    – Story Mode
    – Art contests
    – Build contest
    – Cash Rewards

    Balance Balanced Block Class Custom Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Experience Extreme Join King Mpet Noop Open Opprison Opprisonserver Opprisonwithplots Ops Pet Play Player Players Plot Plugin Plugins Prison Pro Server Shop Shops Title Unique

    Gravity Prison

    We have custom plugins and combine them all together to provide a unique prison experience. The economy is extremely balanced and players have a blast making plot shops and competing. Join today!

    Event Events Hiring Hiringstaff Minion Minions Needbuilders Needhelp Needplayers Needstaff Payout Payouts Pvp Pvparena Pvpserver Pvpsurvival Skyblock Skyblockislands Skyblockminions Skyblockserver Skyblockservers Staff Staffhiring Staffneed Staffneeded Staffspotsopen Staffwanted Survival Survivalserver Survivalworld Tntrun Toppayouts Votecrates Votifier

    HyperMC Network | Island Top Payouts | 1.7-1.15

    Welcome to HyperMC!

    HyperMC is a community where you can talk to other people without having to deal with all those annoying people that just make it a bad experience. There’s also Skyblock island top payouts, and more. 😀

    What does the HyperMC community have?

    ↬ Giveaways
    ↬ Live Streams
    ↬ Reaction Roles
    Minecraft Server
    ↬ Skyblock Island Top Payouts
    ↬ Friendly Staff
    ↬ Discord bots
    ↬ Music Channels
    ↬ Active Support Team
    ↬ And More!

    We hope to see you in the HyperMC community very soon!


    113server Bedwars Claims Dnd Dungeonsanddragons Dynmap Economy Economypvp Educational Griefprevention Hawaiian Hawaiiankingdom Hawaiimc Jobs Jobsplugin Jobsreborn Jobsystem Kingdom Kingdoms Mortalkombat Multiverse Multiversity Parkour Politics Prisonbreak Roleplay School Schoolwars Spigot Stats Survival Tournaments Vanilla Vanillalike Vanillaserver Vanillasurvival Vault Worldsmultiverse Worldspawn Writing

    AGILE Multiversity


    Join our server and play around any time.


    Adventure Bikes Build Class Craft Crafting Custom Customterrain Customworld Experience Explore Fac Faction Factions Floating Fly Fun Guild Guilds Join Lore New Planes Play Player Server Ships Slimefun Survival Tech Timber Title Trade Trees Unique Vault Vaults Vehicle Vehicles World


    Welcome to KunaiCraft!

    KunaiCraft is a survival experience that puts its own unique spin on the classic genre. Choose one of 4 “guilds” to be a part of. Adventure, Build, Tech, and Trade. Each one of these guilds have their own unique perk that allows you to explore the custom generated world that is scarce of ores in your own way.

    Some add-ons we have to enhance the experience is:

      - Vehicles (Use planes, rafts, or bikes to get around in the Adventure Guild)
      - Factions/Faction Fly (Fly in your own faction if you are part of the Build Guild)
      - Airships (Build complicated floating ships in the Tech Guild)
      - Player Vaults (5 double chests worth of extra storage space in the Trade Guild)
      - SlimeFun (New crafting recipes, and overall expanded experience)
      - SmoothTimber (Cut down trees with ease)

    Talk is cheap. The only real way for you to know what makes this fun is if you join us.
    Hope to see you around!


    Areas Ban Bank Banking Block Build Building Cat Cities City Class Create Creative Dedicated Discord Eco Econ Economy Experience Home Job Jobs King Noop Open Public Real Realistic Roleplay Server Shop Staff Team Title Town Trans World Youtube

    Noctora City

    Criss Jami once said, “Create with the heart; build with the mind.” Here at Noctora, that’s exactly what we are doing. At Noctora, what we are is a team simply dedicated to building an experience centered around our passion for creating cities. Our immense world is home to many attractions, including realistic jobs, transportation, and economy. Our zoning allows for us to include residential areas, a banking and financial district, shopping district, and even a university! Visit Noctora City today to see more.

    Create. Inspire. Innovate. Noctora.

    Official Site
    YouTube | Discord | Instagram | 1.14.4

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!