1000 Clip Clips Customize Customized Dimension Early Mining Playtime Pve Economy Revelation Revelations Rtp Stage Twilight

Eclipse Economy – FTB Revelations 1.12 – NEED STAFF

We are currently in early stages of development but have reached a significant part in our launch where we are able to welcome new players from around the world to test out our server!



– Rankup with Playtime, use /ru check
– Customized jobs to earn money
– Sell any item at the shops or using /sell
– /rtp anywhere in the world
– Crates and Coin Purses
– Kits with /kits
– Player shops
– Lost dimension, Wild world, Mining dimension, Twilight dimension more…

Come take a look at the server today with

1.19 Ban Banner Brawl Customplugins Deo Edit Ideo Kitpvp Needstaff Pvp Tes Test Video Youtube

HomieBrawl Server

Test this will edited when we have Banner and Bio and also youtube video.

Citizens Custom Mob Custom Mobs Denizen Economy Exclusive Factions Loot Mcmmo Mythic Pve Pvp Sentinel Tizen Zen


(Members who join before 10-23-20 will receive an exclusive rank!)

A friendly factions-based server. Includes:

– FactionsX
– Citizens
– Mythic Mobs
– Economy
– Quests+
– Bosses
– Custom mobs and loot
– Denizens
– Sentinel

Competitive Competitive Minecraft Economy Envoy Factions Globe Mcmmo Minion Minions Pirate Prison Prisons Pvp Skyblock Towny


PvPGlobe Competitive Minecraft Network
– Skyblock
– Prisons
– Factions
– Minions
– Free Fly
– Events
– PvP
– Free Ranks
– Need staff
– Pirate Theme
– Envoy
– King of the hill

Difficulty Economy Expansion Fighting Grinding Hardcore Increased Launching Mounts Pve Survival Survival Multiplayer Tweak Vanilla Weak


A brand new take on the survival multiplayer experience!

Alacrity offers the chance for players to play in a “hardcore” survival experience. The mobs have been increased in frequency and difficulty creating a harder experience for players. Alongside the increased difficulty. we have the opportunity for players to gain wealth using a jobs system (with a slight tweak in the amount of money gained for each job). This economy system will require time and dedication to grinding out money on the server to use in the shops. In addition to jobs and shops, players have an opportunity to complete quests to gain more wealth, as well as the potential for custom items (not available at launch).

In a week’s time, we will be launching the expansion of the server. We will be releasing the dungeons and custom items. The dungeons will offer a different survival experience. Players will be tasked with fighting numerous amounts of mobs and the occasional boss. After completion players will receive various rewards, such as custom items. Custom items will only be available by completing hard quests and dungeons. They will not be available for purchase in shops, creating a high demand and difficulty in obtaining the best items on the server.

We hope you love what Alacrity offers in its unique take on the SMP experience and hope to you see you there!


Among Us Amongus Everything Factions Factionspvp Gamemode Gamemodes Mc Server Noop Royale Skyblock Space Story Survival Together || Among Us || Factions || Royale || Survival || Story Mode

Welcome to TerminusMC!

We are a space-age mc server with lots to enjoy! Try us out today, you won’t regret it! Everything in the server links together, making it a very unique feel!

Here are all of our custom Gamemodes!
Story Mode (Coming Soon)


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Bosses Economy Faction Factions Killtheking Mcmmo Peaceful Peacefull Pve Pvp Ranks Ship Survival Theking Throne

KillTheKing Network

KillTheKing Network is a server where you can play peacefully and build big bases without being killed and destroyed or you can become the king of the server and have factions coming after you for your benefits. The main goal is to gather together a faction and kill the king of the server over and over until they can no longer hold their land. once they have dropped down to 0 power they must hand over leadership of the faction "Throne" and a new king will be appointed.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Anti Anticheat Cheat Cod Coded Core Gar Heat Kitpvp Rail Sea Season Shade Trail Trailer


ShadedPVP Season 1 is HERE! We’re looking for Staff. 1.8-1.16 KitPVP Server with a custom coded core, efficient anticheat, regardless of your ping, and improved hit detection. Check our trailer below!

Anarchy Death Hub Long Meet Minecraft Survival Parkour Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Survival Tak THC Vanilla

Death Craft

A new take on minecraft Survival!
Join up with some friends start a team with them and
take over the world!
Raid the second you get it!
meet some new friends along the way
Looking For Staff currently!

247server 247survival 247uptime Friendly Lite Noobfriendly Pub Public Smallcommunity Smallserver Smallsurvivalserver Smp Survival TERA Vanilla

Just an SMP

Literally just an SMP with some friends I am making public. Just plain vanilla. The only plugin we have is an anti cheat.

Note: we’re not an anarchy server.

Server Founded 10-9-20!

Ability Currency Economy Family Family Friendly Hero Heroes Mcmmo Meet Nameless System Towns Towny Uests Wns

Nameless Heroes

Welcome to Nameless Heroes! Nameless Heroes is a towny server currently in version 1.16.1. It is a family friendly server with custom quests, a currency system, and the ability to create towns with your friends or people you meet online. If you are interested in joining, be sure to join the server discord!

A Minecraft Best Big Forum Forums Minigame Minigames Prison Prisons Servers Skyblock Start Starting The Best Way


Hydrith is a minecraft network with big plans behind, starting from skyblock, we are planning to have prisons, factions, survival and minigames servers! We are always looking for the best player experience, in game, in discord and on the forums.

Breeding Community Contraption Crops Optifine Plant Pranks Seasons Seed Server Survival Tweaks Vanilla Whitelist Whitlist



About the Server
Our server and our community already have quite the past!

First launched in 2017 as the prowdcraft server, then early 2018 we decided to rename it to the PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY, since the server would no longer be just the map, we play on, but the people that stuck to this project since its beginning. Along with the map reset, we got alot of new members and had a great time!

Mid 2018 when 1.13 came out, we decided as a group to restart again, because of the major changes that the update brought. Alot of people came and some left again, but the core of the party is still loyal to this day!

NOW(!) its time for YOU(?) to become part of this wonderful group of people and join us for our fourth season of
the PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY! We dont expect you, but we would very much appreciate you to become another long-term member and friend of everyone of us!

About Us
We are all pretty mature and would like people AT LEAST the age of 16 preferably even older than that.
Streamers and Youtubers are very welcome but its not a requirement at all.
Two things, that are most important to me, are:
1. Being friendly to everybody
2. Staying active and not leave after 1 week of playing
Therefore I will be very picky about accepting applications..

Our Plans
For this season of PIXEL BANANA COMMUNITY, we plan on not roaming too far from spawn.
More infos here:

Pixel Banana Trailer

The seed we play on will be following: 17451728208755585

There will be a list of datapacks from the “Hermitcraft Vanilla Tweaks” installed to enhance our possibilities and
make everything more playerfriendly and fun!

That said, here are the Rules!


– Be nice to everybody.
– Dont grief. (This includes: not fixing creeper holes, not replanting crops or rebreeding animals after killing them, etc.)
– Dont cheat. (I have ways to detect if someone uses mods or texture packs that are more than visiuell like Optifine, so dont even try)
– Dont spam or swear in the chat.
– PvP is enabled, but only do it if both parties consent
– Dont steal from anyone.
– Always ask for permission, if you use a machine or other redstone contraption at someones base. (not including communal stuff at spawn)
– Discord is required. Sorry to force you having it, but every announcement and news will be posted there, and I like to have ways to communicate with everone other than minecraft chat.
– Stick to the plan! We thoroughly thought about the idea of this seasons playstyle (see above in Our Plans) so please respect that and try to adjust your playstyle, if needed..
– Server difficulty is normal

– DUPING and using BUGS is allowed! – Dont give someone duped items.
– Dont make the server crash with bugs.
– Dont dupe something that is selled by someone at spawn.
– Dont go overbored and destroy your own fun by overusing bugs.. :/

– PRANKING is allowed!
– No TNT, Lava, Fire, End Crystal, etc. Pranks.. they are just too destructive
– No Pranks that involve killing
– No Pranks around Redstone stuff, you dont want to ruin someones machine.
– Leave a sign! Dont prank someone without them knowing it was you, show some attitude!
– You must be creative! Placing a stack of Obsidian in someones house is annoying and not funny. Building a huge man inside a ring-shaped base using it as a hula hoop is indeed funny!
– Use your own material when pranking someone. And the pranked guy can keep it if he wants.

If you have questions on a rule or are uncertain in any way, contact me before you do something!

Application formular (please copy it as a comment and fill in the answers)

Nickname (How we will call you):
Youtube-Account (if available):
Twitch-Account (if available):
Usual playstyle (Redstone/ Builder/ Parkour/ Survival/ Something else?):
How many hours do/will you play weekly?:
Did you read the rules and do you agree with them?:
Tell us a little bit about yourself:

If you want you can add pictures of some of your builds here:

Alone Diamond Easy Forever Friends Interesting Lag Lone Make Plugin Plugins Semi Survival Villa Village

The Diamond Village

The Diamond Village is a Semi-Vanilla Server with a few plugins to make it more interesting and easy! Play survival with your friends or alone! 🙂 *forever alone*

Auctions Easy Economy Gems Hats Hidden Lottery Mcmmo Parkour Pvp Rading Roleplay Survival Trading Vanilla

Rixos Survival

Welcome to Rixos Survival!

This server was built with the player in mind. Lag free, unique features, easy to understand and most importantly a friendly community.

Some of out coolest features include:
Hidden gems
Custom interface
Weekly events
Chat games

If you need a survival server thats easy to get into, hop in and see what Rixos is all about!

2020 Amplified Anarchic Anarchy Anarchy Server Create Gen Generation Hate Mad Mpl Pvp Rule Survival Vanilla


Hisparquia is a Hispanic Anarchy Server that was made in August of 2020, the server’s generation is Amplified, there’s no rules, you can do whatever you want!

You can vote for the server for /nc
If you vote, you can get / nc for free in the game.

Hisparquia is a Hispanic Anarchic Server that was created in August 2020, the server generation is Amplified, there are no rules, you can do whatever you want!

Boom Economy Experience Factions Factions Server Friendly Friends Good Great Mcmmo Player Players Pvp Raiding Survival

MCBoomCraft Coming Soon

MCBoomCraft is a friendly PVP Factions server built by good friends in order to foster a great experience to all players!

Ae2 Appliedenergistics Bots BuildCraft Cells Computers Defense Draconic evolution Forestry Industrial Craft Lord of The Rings Minecraft Thaumcraft Opencomputers Shade Twilight Forest

GromadaCraft TechnoMagic Minecraft server

Tired of lagging projects where there are a lot of servers on one machine? Then welcome to GromadaCraft! Our server is dedicated to TechnoMagic and only 1 server is installed on our server machine, so that players can feel comfortable and not be stressed by constant “micro-kickbacks” and waste time due to the cut-down tick-rate on the mechanisms!

Tired of the fact that only VIPs can use their favorite mechanisms and objects? Then welcome to us!

And also for lovers of scripting and computational processes, we have installed nice mods in the face of OpenComputers, OpenSecurity and Computronics! Program robots and drones, build defense algorithms using turrets, motion sensors, set traps for griffers thanks to radars … You will find all this and much more on a project called GromadaCraft!

We are waiting for you!
Register, download the launcher and play!

List of mods on our server:
1 – AdvancedMachine
2 – AE2 stuff
3 – AFSU
4 – Alfheim
5 – AppliedEnergistics 2
6 – AutoMagy
7 – Avaritia
8 – Avaritiaddons
9 – BetterQuest
10 – BloodArsenal
11 – BloodMagic
12 – Botania
13 – Custom NPCs
14 – Compact Solars
15 – Draconic Evolution
16 – Electro Magic Tools
17 – Ender Core
18 – Ender IO
19 – ExtraCells
20 – Extra Utilities
21 – Forbidden Magic
22 – Forestry
23 – Immersive Engineering
24 – IndustrialCraft 2
25 – Iron Chest
26 – Mantle
27 – Power Utils
28 – Standart Expansion
29 – Super Solar Panels
30 – TConstruct
31 – Thaumcraft
32 – Thaumcraft neiplugin
33 – Thaumic Energistics
34 – Thaumic Horizons
35 – Thaumic Tinkerer
36 – Thermal Dynamics
37 – Thermal Expansion
38 – Thermal Foundation
49 – TwilightForest
50 – XP Teleporters
51 – OpenComputers
52 – OpenSecurity
53 – Computronics

BSL shaders are also included in the assembly!

Barebones Bid Bone Bones Ebones Inventory Pvp Sand Secret Semivanilla Ssl Survival Usa Vanilla Walking


vaeria survival is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server that aims to give players a barebones survival experiences with quality of life additions to make your experience easier.

All players have access to /tpa, which allows you to teleport to your friends and vise versa. This eliminates the hassle of walking thousands of blocks to their base.

Note, there is no grief prevention and that means your bases aren’t always safe. Remember to keep your base secretive and as far away as possible.

You can play on the server however you want. Team up with friends or be a lone wolf, destroy or grief someone’s hard work. Just make sure you’re abiding by the server rules.


Custom Mob Custom Mobs Hut Islands Kills Mobs Persona Personal Prison Pve Pvp Skill Skills Skyblock Survival


Unique Prison with personal islands, custom mobs, skills, and more. (Note: This is a work in progress server)

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Bedwars ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!