Action Active Avengers Base Based Cheat Cheating Clan Class Event Events Fac Faction Factions Fight Hack Host Ill Kill Level Levels Mcmmo Mmo Party Play Player Playing Plugin Pvp Raid Server Skills Survival Multiplayer Sword Top Who


Factions: A group/clan of people that raid/fight other factions.
PvP: The whole server is based on PvP (player vs. player).
MCMMO: A plugin that allows levels to be gained in certain skills (swords, axes, archery, acrobatics, etc.)
No Cheat: We use a system that stops cheating or cheaters from playing on our server. We take action aginst hackers if we see a no cheat violation.
Events: We will be hosting various events; May include the following: kickback, xp event, party, etc.

Action Active Ark Ass Blo Block Class Com Core Eco Elf Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Game Games Hunger Hunger Games Make Mini Minigame Minigames Old One Park Parkour Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Spleef Survival Multiplayer Video Youtube


We have lots of minigames! Spleef, Hunger Games, skyblock, and alot more! We also are a Faction Pvp Parkour server! There is so much to do so, come on and see for yourself! Also make a youtube video!

Action Actions Active Ass Beast Class Core Craft East Erver Fac Faction Factions Hard Hardcore Owner Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer This Win Wind


This is a Factions/Hardcore/PVP/Survival server, the Co-Owners and Owners are Cbeast155(Co-Owner) Bagdar as owner.

Active Advancements Ass Class Com Craft Dating Day Erver Huge Inecraft King Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Server New Play Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Updating Way


A new and always updating minecraft server! We are making huge advancements every day!

Active Admin Admins Allowed Build Combat Craft Eco Econ Economy Elevators Enjin Faction Factions Grief Griefing Hack Hacks Home Land Lands Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Moderator Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Server Spawn Staff Survive

PvPFaction Craft

Have you ever joined a server, and just thought rules were weighing you down. You couldnt do anything as a moderator would just harass you? Well if thats the case, then PvPFaction Craft is for you – we have limited rules, in fact, most rules are common sense.

The PvPFaction Craft is a Minecraft server which allows users to fight alone, or team up, it allows the players to survive in the vast lands.

Mine the rarest minerals, build the base of your desire, fight for your dominance.

Now we have limited rules, these must be followed if not then action will be taken –
No Spawn Killing/Blowing up spawn
Griefing is ALLOWED (protect your house)
No asking for items from staff.
The odd frustrated swear word is allowed.
No constant verbal harassment of other players.
No cheats/hacks/exploits
No advertising

Admins have final say. As griefing is allowed we advise you to protect your home. Remember this is a Faction server and your home will be raided.

Active Plugins:
-No Cheat
-Craftbook (Bridges, Elevators, and Lights)
-And More…

Economy coming soon

So come play on this server and help it grow. Race against others to be the most powerful faction of all, by battling each other for land and power.

Server is located in Chicago
Feedback is appreciated.
Thanks for reading. See you soon.


Action Active Amazing Arena Class Community Craft Diamond Diamonds Donator Eco Econ Econom Economy Fac Faction Factions Fun Hub Inecraft Join Mew Mine Minecraft Mob Pvp Rank Ranks Server Slime Spleef Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Vote War Warhub World


SlimeWorld is a fun Minecraft server. We have pvp – survival – economy – donator ranks- Vote for diamonds – amazing staff and community – mob arena – warhub – spleef – and so much more!

You can also join our faction server

Active Best Chat Class Combat Craft Dedicated Disguise End Essentials Fac Faction Factions Friends Gaming Item Join Lit Lottery Mcmmo Mmo Mob Money Need Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Relaxed Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Top Welcoming


We Have A Wide Range Of Ranks For Our Players, Each Rank Allows You To Do Something Better Than The Previous Rank!
We Also Have A Wide Range Of Plugins To Make Sure Our Costumers Get The Best Gaming Quality!
Some Of Our Plugins Are:
– Mob Disguise – Allows You To Be Hidden As A Mob To Other Players!
– Factions – You Can Now Join Up In A Group With Friends To Fight Others!
– Essentials – Just The Basic Commands Every Server Needs!
– mcMMO – You Can Now Repair Enchanted Items And Earn Skill Point!
– Spam Guard – Stops The Noobs From Spamming Our Chat!
– Combat Tag – Stops The Pussies From Leaving During PvP!
– Lottery – You Can Buy Lottery Tickets To Earn Money!
Join Our Server Now And Experience The Welcoming Players And Relaxed Atmosphere!
Additional Details
SideCraft Is A Dedicated Server That Will Be Up Almost 24/7. We Have Brilliant Staff That Will Always Listen To Your Points And Take Them In Account.

Active Amazing Arena Build Class Craft Development Donor End Experience Going Great Help Ill Inecraft Market Mine Minecraft Need Old Owner Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Spawn Staff Survival Multiplayer Team Theme Website World

Hero World

Hero World.

With extensive plugins, and development. Donor ranks from 5$ to 300$, and an amazing hand built spawn.. Hero World is going to be the most amazing minecraft experience you have ever had!

With a roman theme, our Colosseum PvP arena, dome spawn, information hall and market we are very build up.

At Hero World, our number #1 goal is to tend to each players individual needs. With a full team of staff to help players out, you will never go forgotten or not helped.

Owners adamcurwen and LaLaLa_Goldfish both have a great and extensive experience developing servers, plugins and more. 2 great minds in 1 server equals an amazing place to build, pvp, make friend and much more.



Admin Admins Ban Class End Experience Fac Faction Factions Friendly Fun Game Games Grief Griefing Houses Ill Join King Land Lands Mcmmo Minigame Minigames Mmo Noop Open Play Pvp Server Shop Shops Unique Vault Website Who World


A Co-Op PvP world and a flat out PvP world enable you to choose your play style. Either have faction lands and work together in a faction, or open up your faction for griefing while having others to grief in the PvP World.

We also have minigames (not yet implemented)

With a unique vault system (you have a physical bank where you may keep anything) this might just be the server youre looking for.

We have mcMMO, factions, shops, buyable houses, friendly admins,and many more to give you a unique experience here on our server.

All are welcome to join, except for those who want to spoil our fun.

P.S. Our website is basic right now, it will improve a lot soon.


Active Ass Bee Beecraft Class Craft Economy Erver Eset Fun Ill King List Make Mcmmo Open Parkour Pve Raft Reset Rvival Server Stuff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Time Whitelist Work


Survival Open server.
No Whitelist.
We will be reseting the server from time to time.
Make sure to have fun but remember that we’re still working on stuff!

Allowed Build Class Combat Craft Death Eco Econ Economy Explore Fac Faction Factions Hard Ill Lore Map Mcmmo Mmo Need Nether New Play Player Players Pvp Server Shop Shops Skyblock Spawn Survive Tnt Update Updated Who World Zombies

Straycraft – Factions PvP

Server Features

MCMMO: Takes surviving and PvP to a whole new level.
PvP: Combat between players allowed outside the spawn border.
ObsidianDestroyer: Five blasts of TNT will break obsidian.
Nether: Explore the real nether in its glory (Updated 1.6.1).
Hard: This server is set to Hard, meaning zombies break down your doors, and you can starve to death.
Abundance of space: A large map with a vast amount of room to build and survive. (Worldborder set at 3000)
Economy: A balanced economy with a large shop at spawn for all your needs.
We have much more to offer.


Active Arena Build Building Craft Create Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Event Events Farm Farming Help Map Mature Mine Minecraft Mining Mob Mobs New Old Peace Peaceful Play Pvp Safe Server Smp Spawn Staff Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Trade Website Wns

All in the Mined

The server is wiping on February 28th. A new map will be generated and playable on that date.

All in the Mined (AITM), is a SMP server focused on PvP, towns and economy. You can join a town and help people by building, mining, farming, killing, etc. Or you can create your own town and invite people which will help you to keep your town alive. When you reach a high amount of residents, you can create more towns and group them with a nation. There’s also a peaceful area called spawn. There are no mobs spawning and pvp is disabled. In spawn, you can : trade “safely” (scams are not monitored), buy and sell items. You will also find an arena which will hold mob and pvp events. This is a brief summary of some features. On top of all this, we have the staff team. Mature, dedicated and over 2 years of experience in the Minecraft field, they know how to help and how to solve a lot of problems in Minecraft effectively.

For more information, please visit our website at

Active Cat Class Cool Craft Crafting Dedicated Donate Donator Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Games Gaming Hack Hacks Happy Hard Help Hunger Games Inecraft Lwc Mine Minecraft Need Normal Perks Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Safe Server Staff Survival Multiplayer World

Havoc Factions PVP

We are officialy a Hunger games and survial server with many cool plugins to choose from, if you donate now you

get awsome perks in the games and a donator rank in the normal world, we have factions to keep your stuff safe when you need it and LWC to lock up all your stuff! We also have dedicated staff there to help you when you need it. So have fun and happy minecrafting!!

Allowed Build Class Combat Craft Death Eco Econ Economy Explore Hard Ill Level Lore Map Mcmmo Mmo Need Nether New Play Player Players Pvp Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spawn Survive Tnt Update Updated Who World Zombie Zombies

SkyBlock – Hosted by Straycraf

Server Features

MCMMO: Takes surviving and PvP to a whole new level.
PvP: Combat between players allowed outside the spawn border.
ObsidianDestroyer: Five blasts of TNT will break obsidian.
Nether: Explore the real nether in its glory (Updated 1.6.1).
Hard: This server is set to Hard, meaning zombies break down your doors, and you can starve to death.
Abundance of space: A large map with a vast amount of room to build and survive. (Worldborder set at 3000)
Economy: A balanced economy with a large shop at spawn for all your needs.
We have much more to offer.


Action Active Air Class Erver Fac Faction Fair Fast Fun Hero Heroes Home Ill Kill Map Mcmmo Mmo Mod Play Player Players Pro Protect Protected Pvp Raid Semi Server Sethome Spawn Survival Multiplayer Tpa Vanilla


The Wall is a semi-vanilla server with no unfair PVP modifiers like mcmmo or heroes. The entire map is raid-able and the only protected spot is spawn and faction territory which. Players use skill and tactics to kill one another, we do offer some commands like /sethome, or /tpa to get around faster hope you have fun surviving….

Ability Active Block Chest Class Craft Death Eco Econ Econom Economy Fly Free Grief Inecraft Lag Land Lit Mine Minecraft Mob Music New Parkour Plot Plots Pro Protect Protection Pvp Rank Rol Shop Sky Skyblock Spawn Survival Unlimited Vote

Waffle Minecraft


Active Active Staff Ass Base Class Com Community Contemporary Craft Economy Epic Inecraft Join Lin Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nline Online Original Play Player Pro Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Rvival Sol Staff Survival Town Towny Welcome


Welcome to the original Minecraft community – Online since 2011 and thriving with active staff, a solid player base and contemporary survival. Towny, Mcmmo, Progressive Ranks and much more. Join now at ip

Build Chat Class Craft Donate Eco Econ Enjin Fun Game Help Ill Item Items Join Kill Kit Mine Mines Money Multiplayer Open Play Player Pvp Raid Rules Server Shop Shops Sword Top Vote Voting War Website


–Respect Everyone–
Dont ask to be Oped
Dont ask for unnecessary Help
Dont ask to help you build
Dont complain about being killed
Dont complain about being raided
Dont Spam In Chat
Dont Advertise
You Should Report any bug you find we will reward you
You Should Follow the Rules to Have Fun
Have Fun.

How To Earn Money?
– Sell Items In Shop /sell or /buy to buy
– Vote Everyday to earn more than 5000$ In Game Cash
– Donate

How To Vote?
– Go To The Website
– Find The Voting Links there are 5 at the moment
– Now open the first link (you can do it on the others 4)
– A Webpage will popup
– you have to wait 5 seconds (to help the server not to download anything)
– Now press Close Ad on the top right corner
– After that it will redirect you to one of the voting sites (Pmc..Minestatus..)
– Find To Complete Captcha and enter your username
– Now press the confirmation button

How to Play?
– Press Multiplayer
– Thereafter Press Add Server
– in Name put the server name “RebornCraft”
– Ip Address put or
– Now Hit Join The Server
– if you Dont know how to register type in game chat
– /register thepasswordYouWant retypeit
– then the next time you join you shall use /login andthepasswordyouregisteredbefore
– Now type /kit info for more information in game.


Active Apocalypse Bee Class Craft Eco Econ Economy Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Ill Join Mine Mmo Mob Mobs Nether Play Player Pro Protection Pve Pvp Rewards Rps Semi Server Spawn Survival Multiplayer Survive Tweak Vanilla War World Zombie Zombies

CreeperCraft PvP

Welcome to CreeperCraft

Are you ready for 2012?!

Semi-Hardcore PvP | Hardcore PvE | Zombie Apocalypse | Economy | Heros MMO

About this Server

Are you ready for 2012?! Are you ready for the Zombie Apocalypse? CreeperCraft presents a semi-hardcore PvP server (Some Protections Enabled) with a hardcore PvE Zombie Apocalypse server. The mobs in this server are by no means vanilla mobs. Nearly all aspects of Mob behavior and spawning has been tweaked. Zombies don’t burn in the sun light, mobs formally constrained to the nether now spawn in the world and mobs grant you extra rewards when you slay them. Also, Zombies now slowly dig through walls (only when a player is present) and even stack corpses to reach you. Are you ready for the apocalypse when it comes; if you think you have what it takes to survive – Join CreeperCraft!

Visit the server description page for more info:

Arena Ars Ban Banner Battle Block Class Duty Emo Fun Game Gamemode Games Hot Hub Ill Kill Kywars Mod New Noop Old Open Pay Plugin Plugins Pvp Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Skypvp Skywars War Wars Website Zombie Zombies

Skygames Hub

Welcome to our server page.

Videos and photos and banner are old, we will upload new one soon

Gamemodes we have:

Call of Duty (TDM AND MORE)

We have alot of fun plugins like:

Call of Duty
Kill rewards
and much more.

Want to know more?



See you soon.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Java Survival Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!