Adventurer Camp Campfire Children Cliffs Collectibles Destiny Economy Eula EULA Friendly Iffs Pve Pvp Survival Tiny

Eastcliff Middle School

Hello Adventurer! Are you looking for a great story to tell at a campfire? Wanna tell a tale for your children when you get old? Join Eastcliff to write your own destiny. Fight epic monsters, collect legendary loot, lead the strongest clan! The server is EULA friendly.
– Friendly community (but pvp is allowed)
– Land claim
– Custom loot
– Collectibles
– PvP and PvE gameplay
SMP with extra features
– Lucky crates
– Vote rewards
– Vote rank system
– Auction house
and a lot more…

Actually Airport Children Difficulty Direct Fru Jet Kid Kids Maine Race Sun Survival The Quest Wrath


  • With six children in tow, Catherine raced to the airport departing gate. This wasn’t an easy task as the children had other priorities than to get to the gate. She knew that she was tight on time and the frustration came out as she yelled at the kids to keep up. They continued to test her, pretending not to listen and to move in directions that only slowed them down. They had no idea the wrath they were about to receive when Catherine made it to the gate only to be informed that they had all missed the plane.
  • Nobody really understood Kevin. It wasn’t that he was super strange or difficult. It was more that there wasn’t enough there that anyone wanted to take the time to understand him. This was a shame as Kevin had many of the answers to the important questions most people who knew him had. It was even more of a shame that they’d refuse to listen even if Kevin offered to give them the answers. So, Kevin remained silent, misunderstood, and kept those important answers to life to himself.
  • Finding the truth wouldn’t be easy, that’s for sure. Then there was the question of whether or not Jane really wanted to know the truth. That’s the thing that bothered her most. It wasn’t the difficulty of actually finding out what happened that was the obstacle, but having to live with that information once it was found.
  • It had become a far too common an event in her life. She has specifically placed the key to the box in a special place so that she wouldn’t lose it and know exactly where it was when the key was needed. Now that she needed to open the box, she had absolutely no idea where that special spot she placed the key might be.

  • Categories
    200 2021 Children Corn Corner Dark Dead Him It.. Minecraft 1.8 Professional Soul Souls Survival Multiplayer World Wide

    DEAD-S SERVER 1.8 – 1.12 server Minecraft

    [DEAD-S GTPS] Last Corner 2009-2021 (Minecraft 1.8 – 1.12.2)

    Servers come and go, new ones appear, old ones go…

    Successful and not so professional and those made by schoolchildren…

    Unique and the simplest. Any … Everything is forgotten and covered with dust …

    But there is a server that was the very first. Which will be the latest.

    The last refuge of forgotten souls…

    There are no players there.

    There is no administration.

    There the world is ruled only by the player himself, who does not exist…

    This is the last server on the network. A server from the dustiest and darkest outskirts of the world wide web…

    Think before you enter. Do you need it…

    Charity Children Different Exploring Extralife Graveyard Loot Minecon Mmo New Respawn Roleplay Rpg Small Trading

    Faithful Achates

    Hello, welcome to Fidus Achates, devoted friends!

    We are a brand new server with some staff that have been playing the game since 2010. One of our staff, Kormak1234, formerly gameroy8, was even at one of the first Minecon conventions! He’s my cousin. If you’ve ever been on BurlywoodsMC way back in the day, that was his server, now he runs Fidus Achates with me.

    We’re very little right now but we are running an Extra Life charity event.

    Server Features

  • A graveyard checkpoint style respawn system
  • McMMO
  • Quests
  • Custom Loot
  • Players can buy/rent inn rooms, houses, and plots of land to build on.
  • Active Staff
  • Discord
  • Donation link for Extra Life Charity for Children’s Miracle Networks
  • economy system
  • NPCs
  • Etc.
  • News

  • Currently Beta Testing the server, scoping out people to be mods (please don’t ask, we will offer if we think you’re a good fit)
  • Taking in ideas for story, builds, development, etc.
  • Extra Life Night is November 5th
  • Social


  • Categories
    19x Anembra Cafe Capture Children Economy Flag Griefing Mature Minecraft Pve Pvp Runecraft Survival Towny

    ★ [1.19.x]Anembra Minecraft[PvE][Open][Survival – Hard Difficulty] – mature, no kiddos. ★

    ★ [1.19.x]Anembra Minecraft[PvE][Open][Survival - Hard Difficulty]  - mature, no kiddos. ★ Minecraft Server

    Most importantly, we do not accept anyone even with a hint of being a minor.

    If you are, been told, or are generally known for acting like an insolent child – do not bother joining.

    If you’re on the other hand are a mature and older player we welcome you with open arms.
    Here you’ll find lots of interesting players all joined for enjoyable, casual gameplay on a solid server and a lively community.

    We’ve been around for many, many years running our Minecraft server.

    For ingame /tpa access, simply vote for us here (don’t forget to enter your ingame username).

    Server Info

    We’ve done our best to stabilize and fine-tune our server.
    Our server runs on a powerful processor with sufficient RAM and fast HDD’s, to ensure smooth gameplay and low downtime if shit hits the fan.

    The server restarts twice a day to ensure that the server is running smoothly and to give it a chance to flush any memory leakages.

    Automated scripts monitor the server and brings it back up in case of a halt.


  • A mature environment with many personalities.
  • Experienced and dedicated staff.
  • A vast, untouched world and mine-world.
  • Large realtime map.
  • Plugins such as:

  • Towny
  • Multiverse
  • Rewards for killing monsters
  • Lift
  • Chairs
  • And of course, much more. Come see for yourself!

    Join Us
    Our server is now open, and you do not need to apply for whitelist access.
    Simply use to connect and play right away.

    Make sure to have read our rules – and use the random teleporter at the hub – you can always return using /spawn.
    Happy building!


    Click here for images from Anembra Minecraft!
    ★ [1.19.x]Anembra Minecraft[PvE][Open][Survival - Hard Difficulty]  - mature, no kiddos. ★ Minecraft Server
    “House of Kapten_Knas” – Kapten_Knas

    ★ [1.19.x]Anembra Minecraft[PvE][Open][Survival - Hard Difficulty]  - mature, no kiddos. ★ Minecraft Server
    “girrraffe’s RV” – ScatGingaNinja

    “House of Mjaf” – Mjaf

    “Enjoying Firebuck’s Café” – Kapten_Knas

    “Atlas’ Rune Confusion” – Kapten_Knas

    “Girrr’s Park, Phoenix” – ScatGingaNinja

    More screenshots by our community can be found here.

    Click here for videos from Anembra Minecraft!
    To be added!

    Children Cracked Flat Foot Football Gateway Hatred Lifesteal Massa Paper Pvp Shoot Smp Thor Truck

    lifesteal swp’s

    The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. Now the author of the urn vulputate luctus sollicitudinum. Aeneas was hurled, before and the members of the pulvinar, unless the ugly hendrerit ex, but it would be followed by the hatred of the court or for It is a therapeutic massage, not a necessity, nor a soft result. Until and out of the members, pregnant diam eu, said urn. And now the very mouth, that great truck, flatters the urn. There is no element of the targeted football price now. Until he was free, he didn’t shoot the ball. Maecenas’s course rather than the author’s quiver. The children want to be an employee, but he is the author of football football. A mass of high school, always life now, but some course. It was a clinical investment and a convenient gateway.

    Battle Children Elite Lite Mom Near Pixelmon Pixelmonreforged Pixelmonserver Presents Proper Property Rtp Starting Tower

    G.O.D.S. Gaming Pixelmon

    G.O.D.S. Gaming Presents Pixelmon! Its very own server! Cross through our own custom Pixelmon linear adventure starting back where it all began! At your moms house, all the way on to the elite four and battle tower!! Or start your own adventure in the wilds with an RTP!. ( WIP, Not responsible for lost or stolen property this includes wives husbands and children. )

    1.9 Anarchy Children Client Edition Geyser Java Edition Let's Party Porte Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla Zap

    the fn party

    1.9.4+ clients supported. java edition only. i might add geyser if you ask nice enough.
    no whitelist, the only rules: 1) use common sense, 2) i will ban if i feel like it.

    now now, children. let’s all play nice now 🙂

    1.9 Ask Child Children Client Edit Edition Geyser Java Edition Let's Party Porte Support Vanilla Zap

    el f’n party

    1.9.4+ clients supported. java edition only. i might add geyser if you ask nice enough.
    no whitelist, the only rules: 1) use common sense, 2) i will ban if i feel like it.

    now now, children. let’s all play nice now 🙂

    Children Fake Memes Mute Paper Papermc Property Pvptoggle Simple Smp Spawn Eggs Spigot Survival Unfair Yoshi

    ShibylCraft (13+)

    Welcome to ShibylCraft!

    ShibylCraft is a simple SMP server by me, YoShibyl (please call me “Yoshi” for short). The server runs on Paper and has some plugins to enhance the experience. Currently, this server features:

  • Per-player PVP toggle : Type /pvptoggle to enable or disable the ability to fight with other players. Both players must have it enabled to inflict damage to each other.
  • A Discord server to chat with people about the server, share memes, etc.
  • And other cool stuff, like these spawnable NPC things: (I might offer them as buyable spawn eggs soon™)
  • Fake player NPC things


  • You must be 13 years or older to play on this server. This is because the server chat may contain profanity (not safe for young children)
  • No griefing or stealing. Will result in restoration of stolen/griefed property and temporary or permanent ban.
  • No using hacks or game-breaking exploits to gain an unfair advantage or to duplicate items.
  • Absolutely no racism or any kind of hate speech. Will likely result in a permaban.
  • No spammy messages in chat. Will result in warning, mute, or ban.
  • Don’t ask admins or others for free stuff. Basically, no begging or annoying others.
  • No scams of any kind. Real-world scams will result in a permaban.
  • No advertising other Minecraft or Discord servers.
  • If you see anyone or anything violating the rules, let me know in the #violation-reports channel on the Discord server!

    Active Ass Class Com End Erver Friend Friendly Game Games Has Ill Lms Mini Minigame Minigames Real Realm Realms Riendly Rvival Server Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer Taff Time


    BogRealms is a server that has minigames, survival games, Survival, and much more. With a friendly staff, you will never have a bad time!

    Achievements Ass Auction Auction House Blo Block Class Com Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy House Mine Mines Play Pve Pvp Quest Quests Raft Sky Skyblock Sts Style Uests


    Skyblock – Auction House – Achievements – Quests – Economy – Mines – PvP – PvE


    Action Active Ass Bend Bending Cked Class Craft End Erver Ked Kind Lmao Mc Server Pac Pack Raft Server Survival Multiplayer


    HeilCraft is a 24/7 action packed, never-a-dull-moment kind of MC Server. With Bending!

    Arena Arenas Bee Class Community Crack Cracked Craft Custom Donator Download End Enjin Epic Experience Fast Friendly Fun Inecraft Item Items Join Mine Minecraft Need Noop Online Open Perks Play Player Players Pvp Server Staff Survival Survive Version Whitelist


    Scrimcraft has been around for 2 years now in a fast fun online experience. With friendly players/staff Scrimcraft has been a server favorite to many. Join now and survive with us 😀

    -24/7 SERVER
    -Massive Community



    Active Awesome Ball Block Buycraft Class Craft Creative Donate Dungeon Dungeons Features Game Games Grief Hunger Hungergames Island Land Owner Paintball Perk Perks Pet Plot Pro Protect Protected Pvp Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Time Tree Vis


    Survival (fully grief protected)
    – Creative (your very own plot)
    – Hungergames
    – Paintball
    – Dungeons
    – Skyblock (your own protected island)
    – PvP
    – Pet system!
    – Donate to get awesome perks! —>

    Owner: treetimestricky
    Owner: Mythix13
    Owner: XXGIEDY5XX

    Active Best Cat Class Craft Creative Dedi Dedicated Enjoy Event Events Experience Fun Game Games Great Hunger Hungergames Inecraft Mature Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Play Player Players Plot Plots Pvp Server Servers Staff Suggestions Survival Survival Multiplayer


    Welcome to Agedcraft.

    Minecraft 1.7.2
    Hosted in the US
    Plenty of events/minigames
    Creative plots
    Survival and PvP

    We take any feedback and suggestions into great consideration in order to make it a fun server for everyone to play on.

    We hope you enjoy the server!

    Active Ass Class Element Erver Game Games Lmao Mini Minigame Minigames Prison Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tmc


    ElementMC is a survival/minigames server.

    Active Best Build Class Craft Creative Easy End Extreme Free Friendly Fun Grief Griefing Hard Iconomy Ill Lag Mcmmo Mini Games Mmo Mod Need Nether Normal Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Rank Rol Server Survival Tech World


    AmbarCraft is a fun and friendly multiworld server in which you can rank up and enjoy yourself in the world which best suits you 🙂

    We currently run 2 main worlds (+ Their nethers and Ends): – Survival World (Normal survival with a bunch of fun plugins like mcMMO, iConomy and others!) – Creative World (Everyone is set to creative mode; here you can build everything you can imagine)

    In order to get started at AmbarCraft, you will need to complete any one quest of your choice from our 8 available; ranging from easy to extremely hard 😉

    Tech Info: The server should be lag free for all players, even under heavy loads. Backups are done regularly and griefing can be rolled back easily.

    Active Class Classes Combat Craft Crafting Eco Econ Economy Event Events Fac Faction Farm Game Good King Land Lands Mature Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Plot Plots Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Story Storyline Survival Team Title Unique World


    So fancy trying yourself to become a rich land owner? A Powerful Mage? A Master Assassin? or even just content running your farm, or local smithy? The choice is entirely yours..

    Action Anarchy Aus Bee Class Com Community Core Create Ect Erver Fac Faction Hard Hardcore Has Host Ill Infinite Kill King Looking New Noop Open Play Pro Protect Protection Server Servers Soon Style Survive Tea This Unique


    Server IP:

    Why play Infinite Anarchy? Because we are unique. Imagine a faction server without the protection. The result is Infinite Anarchy.

    The entire reason this server was created was a of lack of servers without any form of protection. I knew I wasnt alone, and this has been proven by out community.

    If youre looking for a hardcore community where the only way to survive is to kill and be cautious, this is the server for you.

    We are run off a 24/7 host, and hope to see you soon.


    9.2 Active Ass Class Craft God Hype Hyper Lec Lmao Pol Pos Raft Serwer Survival Multiplayer Tim Time Uptime


    Nazwa Serwera: Hypercraft
    IP serwera:
    Ilość slotów: 80
    Typ serwera: FB&SV&SG
    Godziny uptime: 24/7
    Poszukujemy budowniczych!

    115server Ass Block Class Com Comunidad Content Craft Dedi Discord Dom Ect Erver Espanol Inecraft Land List Mine Minecraft Miner Mini Network One Ores Pro Public Roleplay Rvival Server Servers Servidor Slimefun Spanish Style Survival Title Two

    MineRD – Server survival Dominicano!

    Primera Network Dominicana con su servidor principal dedicado al survival 1.15.2. Contamos con: – Actualizaciones constante – Soporte via discord y93DZxe – Abierto a oportunidades y creadores de contenido y mucho mas! MineRD es un proyecto nuevo en la comunidad, buscamos ser la mejor de Republica Dominicana!

    Active Ars Ass Blo Block Class CTF Day Economy Erver Factions Game Games Has Hunger Hungergame Hungergames Join Kywars Pvp Rvival Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Splegg Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Time Today War Wars

    SurvivalTime Skywars/ HungerGames

    SurvivalTime Has 14Servers in 1 IP
    SkyBlock And Much More, Join Today!

    Added Ass Class Com Eat Erver Features Follow Fun Game Gamer Great Hate Ill Join New Noop Open Quest Server Share Sit Site Stuff Style Sur

    The Gamer Heaven

    The Gamer Heaven, newly opened server. Not 24/7, Still , join us and have lots of fun. Request for whatever you may like to be added to our server. Any new features or ideas or stuff are greatly appreciated. And also be sure to share. 🙂


    Active Capture Cat Class Com Counter Craft Deticated Ect End Erver Event Events Flag Friendly Game Games Great Help Hunger Hunger Games Infected Lag Pro Pvp Riendly Rvival Server Staff Supreme Survival Survival Multiplayer Time Uptime War Who World


    SupremeCraft is a server deticated to Hunger Games, Infected, Capture the Flag, and other PvP events. We offer 24/7 no lag uptime, with a great communitiy, and friendly staff to help you with any problems you might encounter. For those who don’t like PvP we also have a survival world.
    We look forward to seeing you!

    Action Actions Amazing Ass Awesome Build Class Com Combat Community Creative Design Erver Fac Faction Factions Fight Free Freebuild Going Ice Join Nice Night Noop Open Ree Rvival Server Sign Signs Staff Style Surviva Survival Survive Vive

    Enomalia Server

    The Enomalia server.

    Survive the night in survival, build your most amazing designs in creative and freebuild, or prepare to fight in factions using the 1.8 combat system.
    With nice staff, an awesome community and lots of things to do.
    Enomalia is the server you are going to like.

    Join now on:


    Action Actions Active Art Ass Class Com Daily Fac Faction Factions Good Item Items Join Kit Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Plugin Plugins Pvp Staff Star Start Survival Multiplayer Taff Ter Voting


    Come join uPvp, We have daily voting for items mcmmo, factions and tons more plugins. We have a good kit starter and tons of good staff

    Ace Active Call Cat Class Community Craft Creative Dedi Dedicated Economy Fun Growing Home Inecraft King Lag Make Mature Mine Minecraft Mini Games New Owner Play Player Players Pro Protect Real Red Rvival Server Staff Survival Tea Time


    “We had gone from server to server to server looking for a place that really fit what we were looking for, but we could never find one. Either the staff was incredibly immature or useless, or there was way too much lag, or they charged an arm and a leg just to protect your stuff, and on and on the list goes. After months of searching for a place to call home, we finally said, ‘Let’s just make one.’ Welcome to DuskCraft.”
    -laRoux87, server co-owner

    DuskCraft is a fun new survival server! We are looking for new players to enhance our steadily growing community. As a 24/7 dedicated Minecraft server with a 99% up-time, we are definitely worth a look!

    Ass Back Bee Class Com Eng Erver Follow Has New Noop Open Owner Pvp Run Server Style Survival Multiplayer Weeb


    the server has been running for four year, avengeful was founded by dale and the new owner is jayisback12


    Active Admin Admins Craft Create Custom Easy Economy End Faction Factions Friendly Fun Games Good Job Jobs Join Market Mature Minigame Minigames Network Networks New Play Player Plugin Plugins Safe Shop Simple Sky Skyblock Spawn Staff Survival Town Towny Trans


    Lpcraftnetworks is a thriving towny/Factions/Skyblock network with many fun activities such as fun minigames that have been custom made by one of our admins, NyanCat_713. We recently created a new more functional spawn that is far more friendly to all new players, easy to navigate, and very functional. We have a custom made virtual shop plugin that makes player to player buisiness transactions much simpler for all players. Our staff are very mature and good at keeping LPCraft a safe and enjoyable place for all new comers. On LPCraft we have multipl plugins that take away the difficulty of making money and add purpose such as the Jobs plugin, our Real Stock Market Plugin, and out Virtual Shop plugin. With all the fun activities that we have to offer, how could you not want to join?

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and 2b2t Server ip Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!