Bored Doctor Economy Fanta Fantastic Force Minecraft Version New Minecraft Orc Rce Runic Smo Smooth Survival TERA

Runic-Network Survival/Doctor Who

PG and Friendly community, with fantastic staff, and gameplay is smooth and enjoyable, with rules being enforced and mini-activities to do if you get bored from playing good hours of the new Minecraft version. Interact with the community, and mini-activities!

Club Cru Cut Factions Global Ios Kitpvp Poa Pvp Roman Skyblock Smo Smooth Survival Train


Cu o vechime de aproape 5 ani in spate, echipa serverului MC.Clubcs.Ro isi propune sa satisfaca dorintele in materie de Gaming de calitate ale jucatorilor Romani.

Serverul este Gazduit pe o platforma de hosting noua, cu actualizarile la zi. Noi avem propriile servere dedicate iar acest lucru ne ajuta sa oferim jucatorilor un uptime de aproape 99%, nedepinzand de limitarile clasice ale firmelor de hosting.
Banda de retea Globala de 1Gb/s va oferi jucatorilor Romani dar si celor straini un Ping cat se poate de mic si o experienta de joc *Smooth*.

Daca te-am facut putin curios te invit sa te alaturi comunitatii noastre!


Ations Brand New Factions Server Enjoyable Enviro Environment Factions Free In Minecraft Iron Name Rive Rule Rules Smo Smooth

MineBurn Factions

MineBurn is a brand new Factions server that strives to become the most heard name in Minecraft, we have a team of dedicated, loyal and committed staff who work all around the clock to ensure that we have a smooth, lag-free and enjoyable environment for our players to play in, as well as deter those who violate the rules and regulations of our server.


1.12 1.8 Epl Exp Experienced Gameplay Lag Nitro Power Powerful Smo Smooth Survival Multiplayer Time Version

Nitro Network

Our powerful servers provide smooth and well-experienced gameplay without lag or downtime.
Version: 1.8.x – 1.12.x


Communities Config Custom Dedi Dedicated Experienced Factions High Mad Ops Plugins Rive Smo Smop Unique


We are a new community driven factions server that is run by

highly experienced server owners with 4+ years of server administration experience.

We are dedicated towards giving our players the best Faction server experience possible, and

we achieve that with one of the VERY BEST communities out there as well as that we have

custom made and configured plugins for a unique server experience that TOPS all other servers.


Balance Balanced Breaker Donator Factions Factions Pvp Fair Fou Hardcore No PvP Obby Pvp Smo Smop Tren


TurismoPvP is a unique Factions PvP server offering an amazing PvP experience. Our server is unlike most faction servers, and offers lots of features that are not found on most servers. Some features that set us apart from other servers are:
– Fair donator ranks
– Obby breaker
– Balanced McMMO
– No PvP lag
– Nerfed strength II

32gb Ace Ars Ceb Creative Diamond Facebook FTB Gar Host Lag Official Ram Skyblock Smo


diamondcraft e bulgarski server mnogo qk ima vsi4ko skyblock creative 24/7 host versiq 1.5 1.8 nqma lag 32GB ram hosta nema nikav lag we pedal maikati da eba boklyk smotan: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D : D: D: D: D: D: D: D :: D


Admins Creative Factions Gang Head Helper Helpers Lincoln Prison Rust Smo Smoke Speak Survival Teamspeak



Welcome to Rusted Gaming. Here, we put our best efforts into keeping a 100% Uptime on ALL of our servers as well as keeping each individual player satisfied with our servers. If you would like to see more from RustedGaming visit our website at:

TeamSpeak IP:

Skywars (Soon)
Prison (Soon)
Like our servers? Click Vote and Favorite on the top of this page.
Our Staff Team:

* KrazyKaos
* HooniganGaming




* iMrSmokey


* ISO Helpers apply at [url][/url]

Have Questions? Contact us at our website at: [url][/url]


Creative Factions Feelings Gone Greif In Survival Incredible Perfect Pure Pvp Raiding Smo Smooth Survival Yes


About us:
After numerous of faction server I just couldnt find the one that would mimic the feelings and the excitement when I was playing a year back.
That “perfect” server I had been playing for a long time was gone and its incredible staff and its players that always helped us with such joy were all gone, and here I am to try it make it again with you good players of minecraft. A No-Greif, PvP faction server that we will all enjoy.

Server info:
We have a dedicated IP, with plenty of RAM. Servers primary based on factions, but with no raiding currently, however PVP is allowed, but griefing is not. Its on hard mode, and pure survival at its most, with no creative mods except when the staff has to fix something in the spawn or anywhere else. Even I play in survival mode. The server is capable of running smoothing with all 46 players, and yes I intend to add more if donations come.


1.12 1.12.2 Aether Bukkit Economy Exploring Hosted In Minecraft Mcmmo Minecraft 1.12.2 Smo Smooth Survival Ultra Vanilla

MoaCraft New Aether Survival

Don’t have Minecraft? Don’t worry!

This server is for everyone even if you don’t have a Minecraft account!

New and Improvement the Aether has returned in Minecraft 1.12.2!

Server hosted with 10GB of RAM for ultra-smooth gameplay while exploring the Aether!

The server runs on Bukkit with a total of 25 plugins all carefully selected for the best possible experience.

Action Adult Bee Block Class Community Craft Custom Dayz Discord Enjoy Experience Fac Faction Factions Fresh Inecraft King Mine Minecraft New Nuking Old Pve Pvp Raiding Ram Server Spawn Spongeforge Stand Star Survival Time Title

OldManWinkles Community | The 1.12.2 Pack Server

Hello and welcome to a fresh new server, and experience for all. my community have been around for some time now, we had a DayZ Standalone server. Factions Server for Minecraft and now we our making another server the the 1.12.2 pack. this server is equipped with 30G of ram, pvp, nuking, and more. with a custom spawn and enjoyment for all. come give it a try for a fresh start.

Ace Adult Ass Block Class Com Community Ect Edit Emo End Erver Familyfriendly Friends Great Gym Gyms Help Invite Lit Modded Moddedminecraft One Peace Pixelmon Pixelmonreforged Play Pokemon Quest Rank Ranks Server Title Voting Welcome

One Peace Pixelmon

Welcome to Onepeace pixelmon!

Have you ever played pokemon or are you just getting into it?
Well here on the one peace pixelmon server we have a lot to offer with great help and a wonderful community! Heres a list of what we have –
Elite four, Voting, Gyms, pokemon editor, ranks, quest, and much more!
You can even invite your friends to come and play with you @!

115server Basic Community Communityserver Creativeplots Europe Friendly Global Home Legit Nophantom Playtimeranks Pve Pvptoggle Smp Smpve Smpvp Smpworld Survival Tpa Unique Vanilla Vanillasmp Worldwide


Welcome to Gibbscraft Survival Multi-Player.
Gibbscraft is a classic survival server, we use well established plugins to keep things running smoothly, so you can enjoy survival care-free with other players.

Important stuff:

  • Teleport and sethome
  • Dedicated Server with Intel I7 64 GB RAM.
  • Strong connection worldwide
  • All languages allowed
  • Random Teleport Function
  • Better sleep
  • Trading-based economy. Fully vanilla chest shop and player trading.
  • Diverse, friendly and social community of regular players from all around the world
  • How to join the latest SMP world:
    New maps are created every season, and the previous map is playable anytime

    Gibbscraft should have something for both newbies and veterans to enjoy, so give it a try!

    Apply Aus Block Build Builds Class Craft Discord Donate Donation Donations Donator Fun Good Gui Guild Guilds Ill Inecraft Join King Mine Minecraft Nation Nations Need New Owner Pay Play Playing Pro Rules Server Sky Spawn Staff Title


    Before you join the server and come at me, I am the owner of skyguilds currently looking for builds that can build me a good spawn.
    You will be provided with more information. once you join the server make sure to join the discord. However you may not apply for staff for at-least 1 week. I am badly in need of donators because the server has to renew in the next coming 2 weeks and by then if i do not reach $40 in donations the server unfortunately will be closed until I am in a financial position to pay for the server again.

    Thank you donations will be much appreciated and have fun playing on skyguilds.
    It fine if you are not able to donate my good luck is with you guys as well.
    Join the discord server after joining the minecraft server you will be provided with the rules and everythings. Once again thank you very much.

    247uptime Best Block Boss Bosses Build Class Crazyenchantments Custom Customslimefun Eco Economy End Ender Enjoy Experience Fox Fun Hardcore Ill Long Make Money Play Player Players Pro Pvp Rules Server Shop Slime Slimefun Survival Tech Title Vote


    Fox Tech Is Devoted to giving you the best slime fun experience that anyone can provide this server will have custom bosses and you will have to work your way up the chain to of players to become the best we have player shop a cost no money for you to build or run a shop just a set of rules the server is built for your enjoyment we are lax on the rules as long as you dont make yourself a known offender

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Base Block Claim Claims Class Custom Customenchantments Customenchants Discord Enchant Enchantment Enchantments End Friends Fun Game Grief Join Land Land Claim Landclaim Make Mcmmo Mmo Music New Nogrief Noop Open Play Pve Economy Rtp Server Slime Slimefun Survival Title

    Check out our No Grief Survival Server. We have Slimefun, Custom Enchantments and MCMMO to shake up game play and Land Claims to ensure nobody destroys your base! Come join us and make new friends at

    Join Our Discord:

    Allowed Anti Anticheat Cheat Class Economy Enjoy Experience Factions Free Hack Hacked Ill Join Kit Kitpvp Lag Lit Long Mcmmo Mine Mod Mod: Bukkit Modded Network Online Play Player Players Prison Pvp Roleplay Server Servers Survival Time Unique


    Server IP –

    Minetime is a network established in 2013 with millions of players joined.

    Here on Minetime, you are free to do what you want with the exception of cursing or abusive language Modded or Hacked clients are allowed as long as it bypasses our weak AntiCheat.

    Come play a unique Prison server or check out one of the first KitPvP servers to exist nicknamed PvPFest.

    We are finally back online and are aiming for a quality and lag free experience once again!

    Enjoy your time on Minetime!

    Balance Block Build Class Contest Contests Craft Creative CTF Economy Factions Game Games Ill Kill Level Mini Games Mission Mob Mobs New Ortal Play Player Players Portal Portals Pvp Rank Ranks Rankup Server Skyblock Spawn Special Survival Title World


    Sincraft is a new mini games server with the additions of a Survival and Creative worlds portals. Players can rankup by earning income from wins within the mini games portal, winning Creative build contests, and killing mobs in Survival. Once a player has a sufficient balance, they can travel to the lower level of spawn and purchase the rank of their choosing. Generally the more expensive the rank the more permissions and special commands are received.

    Chest Community Creative Discord Dubtrack Economy Events Family Free Irc Land Mcmmo Minigames Player Professional Protection Ranks Rewards Shops Skyblock Survival Vote

    Bear Nation Network

    Our goal has always been simple. We want to provide a safe place for anyone to come and relax, make friends, and have fun. To do this, we have disabled PvP in survival except for in a specific, opt-in arena, we have trained staff that are able to fix any grief in a matter of seconds, and have created other rules that allow you never have to worry about anyone ruining your belongings.

    Additionaly, we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and friendly server; any trolling, harassment, bullying or otherwise won’t be tolerated.

    We hold vanilla survival close to our hearts but we provide a lot of ‘quality of life’ plugins to make playing a little easier and simpler. We also have mcMMO, a plugin that allows you to level skills such as mining, archery, and herbalism, but we have modified mcMMO from it’s default configuration to preserve the original survival concept.

    Our staff team works hard every day to make Bear Nation a fun place for everyone and to assist you with any problems you may have. A staff member is almost always just a command away no matter what time of day, and we will always be glad to hop on to help you, whether you just have a question about how the server works or need grief fixed.

    As a community driven server, we use multiple different applications to stay in touch with our friends on the server, most notably Discord. If you are familiar with discord, feel free to join our discord server. If you are not familiar with discord, you can use the command /discord ingame to find a short description of the application.

    I, PugaByte, Owner and Developer, work hard to develop the server and customize it to our needs. I have created plugins that allow you to lock your /sethomes and allow only friends to use them, a chat alert system that allows you to be notified via sound whenever someone says your name/a word you want to be notified by, an in-depth ingame clickable help menu and a wiki that provides any information you could possibly need about the server, and so much more!

    So what are you waiting for?! Bear Nation can’t wait to meet you!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Action Actions Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Customenchants Date Discord Ect Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Join Keep Nam Opfactions Play Releasedserver Server Title Tren Whitelisted

    Trenchmc Factions

    Join our discord server to keep up to date with the server status

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Admin Build Building Casino Community Craft Custom Eco Econ Economy Elves End Event Forge Fun Games Good Home Homes Minecraft Minigames Mod Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pve Economy Races Rol Server Shop Shops Survival Title Unique War Who

    High Rollers

    IP Address :

    High Rollers is a Minecraft community that started off with a few friends playing in survival mode and now we want to share it with the public and have others join in on the “action”. “Action” could mean a multitude of things with this server….whether it’s building your dream survival paradise or hitting the resort and throwing some money down on the slot machines or table games, this server has something for everyone. Join today and discover a server that has been designed from the ground up to be fun and enjoyable to all players. High Rollers is run by extremely experienced professionals who have been doing this for a very long time. You can expect reliability, strong gameplay, a great community, and much more if you decide to join us. There are updates every single day that help make the server even better than it already is. We frequently poll features that players have come up with. The server is completely configured around what our players want and our focus above all else is making sure you have a good time on our server.

    We pride ourselves in an extremely balanced player driven economy where the only way to make money is through playing the game effectively. There are many ways to make money on our server, and we consistently monitor the economy to prevent extreme inflation or other unbalanced things. Additionally, we have a load of custom plugins that we develop ourselves to make the experience on our server truly unique.

    Main Features:
    – Survival
    – Economy
    – Mini Games & Sports
    – Casino & Gambling
    – Admin/Player Shops
    – Admin/Player Warps
    – Multiple Player Homes
    – Teleport to Other Players
    – and much more!

    Hop on for an unforgettable experience!

    IP Address :

    Arena Arenas Chill Class Community Craft Custom Datapacks Edit Happy Hard Huge Ill Inecraft Item Java Javaedition Kill King Mature Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mob New Open Play Player Players Pvp Server Shop Spleef Survival Tech Technic Title Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted

    FamousBros – Java Edition Server

    Are you looking for a classic vanilla server with a community of skilled and like minded crafters, custom datapacks and much more?
    Check out our Minecraft Server: The FamousBros Server!

    Currently in 1.15.2 Vanilla.

    We like to think that our server is somewhere between the level of

    “No Try Hards” and “SciCraft”
    Very Chill and Very Technical.

    Always happy to welcome new folks to the server,
    there is always something being built and there are new features introduced every so often.

    If you are a skilled or technical player of java edition,
    looking for a chill community of technical players please shoot us an Application:

    Extra Notes:
    Mature Community.
    There is a huge item shop on the server. As well as an Inn for new players.
    PvP/Mob/Spleef Arenas will be built.


    115server Coreprotect Discord Eco Economy End Essentials Event Fun Grief Griefprevention Hard Magic Mature Mcmmo Mmo Mypet Normal Open Paper Play Player Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Raid Rtp Safe Server Spawn Spigot Surivial Survival Title Vanilla Vault War

    Goobs’ House

    Welcome to Goobs’ Gaming Surivial! We’re a McMMO focused, semi-vanilla survival server running on Paper Spigot 1.15.2
    We offer players a challenging game but also a great time, and safe place to play! The server is NOT economy based. There is no way to make “money.” This server is literally just to play and have fun with your friends on a stable server, so you can almost always expect 20 TPS. 🙂

    Discord Link –

    Hardware –

    Ryzen 7 2700x @ 4.2GHz All Core Overclock
    Corsair Vengeance – 32GB DDR4 3600MHz 4x8GB
    Samsung 860 EVO – 500GB SSD (x4 in RAID 0)



    Allowed Anarchy Aus Australia Block Cheat Cheating Class Discord End Fun Grief Hack Hacking Hot Ill Java King No hacking Noop Open Raid Ram Release Released Server Solo Survival Tea Team Teams Title Vanilla Xray

    No hacking, No cheating, No xray, No duping. etc. No full bright.

    Keep it vanilla. You’re allowed to grief, raid and destroy all you want.
    Seed is hidden for now but will be released soon.


    Teams, or solo vanilla survival. Java 1.15.2


    UP 24/7 unless stated otherwise on the discord –

    Server instagram. Send photos to

    other than that, have fun.

    Allowed Arena Build Claim Cosmetics Craft Creative Discord Dropparties Dropparty Eco Econ Economy Faction Faction Pvp Factions Games Grief Griefing Join Mcmmo Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mmo Mob Open Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Server Spleef Survival Title World

    PrimeCraft |1.15.2|PvP Raid|McMMO| Factions|Economy|PlotMe|MiniGames| DropParties|XPBoosters|Skins

    Welcome to PrimeCraft!

    We are a PvP raid server on 1.15.2 with McMMO, Factions, Economy, and many other plugins. On our server griefing is allowed, so be careful.

    Every Sunday, there is a drop party at 7:00pm ET.

    Aside from the survival worlds, we have do a Plotme world. Claim a plot and build whatever you want using creative!

    We also have mini games like Mob Arena and Spleef. More games coming soon!

    Join our Discord at

    Block Build Cat Class Dedicated Discord Drop Dropparties Dropparty Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Friends Invite Join Land Mcmmo Mmo New Noop Open Party Play Player Pve Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Small Staff Title War Xpboost


    Welcome to PrimeSky!

    We are a new SkyBlock server with a dedicated staff group, and a small, but regular and friendly playerbase!

    Every Saturday, there is a drop party at 7:00pm ET.

    Build your island with friends! Every player you invite to the server gets you rewards!

    Join our Discord at

    Custom Developer Help Minecraft Need New Owner Plugin Plugins Prison Ranking Ranks Server Skyblock Staff Survival Updated


    Welcome to PrisonBreakMC!

    We are one of the most unique prison servers ever created. The ranking system
    remains the same. Players will mine and rank up from A-Z to become free from our castle.
    After rank Z, you will become free and have access to the survival world. If you grow tired of the mining grind,
    you can create a skyblock island to build on and play with your friends.

    In other words, our server is a unique combination of prison, skyblock, survival, and pvp all in one. No need
    for separated servers and chats. Our entire server community is linked as one. Everyone can play together
    and work through the ranks while enjoying skyblock and survival aspects as well.

    Our staff team is always available to help. We are constantly added new perks, ranks, and other features to make
    the server’s replay value exceptional.

    Being a new server, we are currently looking for eligable staff members to help manage the PrisonBreakMC community.
    Join the server, get a feel for how things work, join our Discord, and then apply for Helper on our forums.


    Best Claim Competitive Craft Dedicated End Faction Faction Pvp Factions Good Grind Home Homes Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod New Newserver Oldschool Open Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Raid Rewards Server Servers Shop Testing Title Voting War Website

    Coconut Factions

    ⇒Coconut Factions⇐

    Remember back in 2012 when faction servers were simple and the greatest faction on the server had 1 set of protection 2 diamond armor and a sharpness 3 diamond sword, but they pvp’d with iron so that they wouldn’t lose it? When faction homes were raidable because obsidian didn’t cost $1 for a stack? When you and your 2 best friends logged on and you could have a good pvp battle in full iron with another faction and everything wasn’t so overpowered?

    I remember that.

    I miss that.

    I am trying to bring that back.

    +mcMMO (lose 10% of each stat upon dying)

    +No shop

    +Not pay to win


    +Very Simple

    +Open to criticism and questions

    +Dedicated owners

    We have 2 experienced server owners working on this server. We’re both a little rusty, however we’re dedicated to the server and its player base. All I’m asking is you give it a chance and make it into the minecraft faction server we all used to know and love.

    DISCLAIMER* It is in development mode. We are waiting on the new domain and a website. There will be voting rewards however they will be super basic. The permissions are worked out, however we will be adding more plugins but trying to keep it the same, simple, competitive server that it is.

    Let the grind start now.

    Adventure Amazing Ban Boss Bosses Challenge Claim Clan Clans Classes Creative Custom Donor Dungeons Eco End Events Hard Lore Minecraft Mmo Mmorpg New Npcs Perks Play Pvp Quest Quests Rewards Roleplay Rpg Server Servers Shop Shops Town Unique Website

    Desolate Lands – Open Beta

    Welcome to Desolate Lands, an MMORPG where you battle dangerous monsters, learn powerful abilities, explore the expansive world, and fight against other players in an epic battle for domination.


    We also just had a major update, the Fabled Update. Information on this update is listed at the bottom of this post.

    Here’s a few cool features the server has:

    We have tons of new and interesting quests that were just released, along with an entirely new and custom Quest System. These quests range all the way from Level 0 to Level 150 with extremely unique rewards.

    Powerful, dangerous bosses of all sorts reside all across the world. Whether it’s in a dark cave to the side of a mountain, or the top of a gigantic tree, bosses can show up at any time, any where- even when you least expect it.

    Day/Night conditions
    The world is extremely dynamic, and changes based on day/night or even the weather. Monsters with various abilities can appear at night to attack unprepared explorers. However, daylight is not something to completely desire- different enemies will come for you in the day, too.

    The classes system may seem traditional at first- the typical Mage, Archer, Warrior, and Rogue. However, once you reach Level 30, classes branch to different options to suit your desired play-style. Whether it’s becoming a powerful fire wizard, or a noble healer, you decide how you play.

    Explore the vast world to find all sorts of items. All items have randomized stat values to keep the experience unique. You can find all kinds of items, from Common to Legendary, gaining incredible effects the further up you go. There also exists Special items, which are unique items given from bosses, quests, and events.

    To learn more, visit the website or simply dive in to the server:



    If you’d like some information for what’s new in the Fabled Update, read below:

    It’s been months and months of hard work, but the time has finally come. Desolate Lands has re-opened for the Fabled Update on August 5th.

    Scroll down to see some of the cool new features coming this update!

    Revamped Area – New Kingsview

    Explore a brand new Kingsview, full of new quests, shops, and NPCs to visit. Player shops have been reset, but there is plenty more to be claimed in this beautiful new town. A new shop type has been added, and contains over double the amount of inventory space!

    Revamped Feature – New Quest System

    Complete various new, revamped, and redoable quests across the entire world, ranging all the way from Level 0 to Level 150. This new system is completely custom, and offers all sorts of new features and rewards.

    New Area – Pirate’s Bay

    Venture into a new island, the Pirate’s Bay, and face all sorts of greedy pirates, dangerous sea creatures, and even cute monkeys! This area starts at Level 30, and features a new questline, which can be started by speaking to Mr. Moneybags in the Kingsview Bank. Adventurers can obtain various unique rewards, explore the beautiful island and ships, or even dive to the depths of the sea itself to find sunken treasure.

    Revamped Area – Lost Mines

    Enter the dangerous Lost Mines, a newly revamped Level 40-50 area. This area is now full of amazing structures, new monsters, and a unique questline with powerful rewards. Explore these mines with caution, as an ancient evil resides at the end of the cavern..

    New Region Boss – Rayth the Silent

    A new Tier 3 regional boss has been discovered, Rayth the Silent! He can spawn from Mist Archers who appear during the rain in the Northern Hills, and is the strongest enemy ever to appear on Desolate Lands. Challenge him alone, with a group, or even with an entire clan, it doesn’t matter. You will lose. But if you happen to win, you will receive the greatest reward.

    New Quest – Orc Brawl

    A new quest has appeared in the Savannah Spikes, the Orc Brawl! This quest features a battle against three of the Orc Tribe’s strongest warriors under Azoth, and has great rewards for those strong enough to emerge victorious. And if you do become the champion, you can participate again every six hours, with a chance for Special-tiered items each time.

    New Questline – Darkgrove Corpse Quests

    A creepy yet interesting new questline has appeared in the Darkgrove forest, the Corpse questline! This questline utilizes creative mechanics and has a shop with unique rewards that expands as you progress through the quests.

    New PvP Arena – Library

    A new PvP arena has been added, the Library! This arena is much larger than the previous arena, and is fit for insane battles between clans. Large-scale events will also be held in this arena. You can enter or spectate any arena by typing /fight in-game.

    And much, much more!

    This update has way too much content to fit in a single post, but all will be revealed in the changelog that will be released with the official update. New monsters to fight, class revamps, quests, quality of life additions, items, donor perks, droprate buffs, and the list goes on. Special thanks to the Quest Designers for their extremely hard work on this update: Epikman1234, VolcanoMan3705, and Fishladin. Make sure to thank them in-game when the update is released, as we could not have done it without them. Stay tuned for more information when the update is released!


    Ass Beta Block Class Com Community Craft Custom Ect Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Erver Fun Gun Guns Horde Host Ill Mcmmo Mechanics Mmo Please Plugins Pvp Rvival Semi Server Small Staff Survival Testing Thor Title Vanilla Void

    Voidscraft (beta)

    Voidscraft is a semi-vanilla survival server with added mechanics like custom enchantments, mcmmo, and even guns!
    the server is currently in beta/testing so if you find any issues please report them to a staff member

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!