Active Anti Ass Class Color Construir Economy Emo Esp Exp Explora Google Ita Lin Map Mercado Mod Neko Nline Online Pos Rvival Servidor Sit Skin Skins Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ten Vanilla Vis


Visita nuestro mapa online:

Somos un servidor pequeño, pero con ganas de crecer. Nuestro principal modo de juego es Survival, donde tenemos mercado y mucho espacio para explorar y construir!

Poseemos: Sistema antigrifeo, cambio de skins, sistema de venta de objetos, color de nombre, votación de día/noche, y salvado de esquemáticas, etc.

Active Auction Auctions Claim Claims Color Community Crates Custom Eco Econ Economy Event Grief Home Homes Kit Kits Land Lore Mcmmo Mmo Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Rank Rankup Saga Server Shop Survival Trading Vault Vote Voting War

The Survival Saga

The Survival Saga is an Economy Survival server version 1.15.2 with many features that include, voting, crates, mcmmo, GUI shop, grief prevention, custom plugins and many more. On the survival saga, we have a rank-up system where you can use in-game money to /rankup and receive more homes, colored chat, etc. We strive to keep a 99.9% uptime forever so our community has no worries of us shutting down.
– Economy
– Voting – Crates
– Custom GUIS – Rank-up
– Vote Party – Auctions- Coin flip – Land Claims – Trading
– PlayerWarps – Vaults
– Mcmmo – Perks – Shop GUI – Kits – No Lag
And more to come…
IP –
Release Date – 13th April

Active Build Casual Class Color Community Craft Creative Eco Econ Economy Event Free Fun Grief Inclusive Job Jobs Join Mcmmo Mmo Mod Network New Play Player Players Plot Prevention Pve Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Simple Survival Unique World

Prism Party

We’re Prism Party! A community-based 1.14.4+ server network aimed at providing everyone a fun, safe, and inclusive, place to play! Our main game modes–survival and creative–offer a casual space where players can express their creativity, have fun, and meet new people. Built around community interest, our servers are handcrafted to be intuitive and simple, while still providing a fun and unique gameplay experience; we offer many well-known features such as McMMO, Jobs, economy, grief prevention, player shops, and plot and free-build creative worlds. Our server is constantly growing with new players and features. Join us today and let your colors shine!

Access Active Ass Boost Class Color Com Command Day Elo Elytra Google Island Land Nation Paw Pirate Pirates Rat Rates Reward Rewards Season Ship Sit Site Sites Skyblock Spawn Survival Tag Time Tpa Vanilla Vote Votes War


Taggernation Season 4

Revamped Spawn Island
Changed color Scheme of Spawn Island
Added Pirates Ship in Spawn island
Go and Discover Spawn
More Vote Rewards
When you vote on all 4 sites you get Tpa access
16 Votes streak
When you vote for 16 times a week you get Elytra boost for 4 Days
20 Votes Streak
When you vote for 20 times you get 1 week access to /HAT command

Active Allowed Anarchy Ban Class Color Eco Econ Economy Elytra Grief Griefing Hack Hacks Hate Help Helpful Ill Join Lag Land Lit Lore New Open Play Player Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Riverland Server Small Trade Vanilla Version War World

Riverland Anarchy

Hello! Riverland Anarchy is a brand new Anarchy server opening in 1.15.2!
-Hacked clients are encouraged
-Griefing is allowed
-All major hacks are enabled.
-Unmitigated use of elytra+
-Dupes have been patched to maintain a healthy economy
-Backwards and forwards compatibility. Join with whatever version you’d like!
-Worldborder of 1 Million
-/trade To promote a server wide economy
-ranks which provide access to helpful commands and nicknames
-colored anvil
We are not a pure Anarchy server as we want to keep the server playable, and thus lagg machines are banned. Anything else goes! Come join us today! We have a small but strong player base already established and we’d love for you to come join us.


Auction Auctionhouse Buycraft Chat Class Color Craft Economy Edit End Game Irl Item Items Lottery Minion Minions Parkourcourse Particles Play Player Players Plugin Pvparena Rank Ranks Ranksystem Server Silkspawners Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title Top War

-==Royal Skyblock==-

Royal skyblock is a server where players can play royal skyblock! We have UltimateStacker and a referal system to gain players! In game ranks are coming this upcoming this weekend.

Royal Skyblock includes
-Is top reward for $50 buycraft credit
-#2 Is top reward for $25 buycraft credit
-Auction House where players can auction their items!
-IRL Ranks
-Chat color
-Lottery Plugin
-Player Particles

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Action Block Chat Chatcolor Class Cod Color Com Core Craft Custom Customplugins Discord Ect Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Factionserver Features Free Fun Inecraft Mine Minecraft Need Needstaff New Plugin Plugins Server Staff Survival Title Vanilla

Code Craft Server [NEW FREE ROAM]

Code Craft Factions NEED STAFF
A brand new server with many features and custom plugins.
Custom commands/plugins:
  • /discord
  • /staff
  • /chatcolor
  • /punish
  • Code Craft Core Plugin
  • And many more!
    Need staff on discord!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Build Builds Claim Class Color Community Craft CTF Discord Eco Free Friendly Fun Grief Griefing Join King Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mob Mobs Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Server Ships Shop Simple Smp Spawn Staff Survival Title Vanilla

    Quera SMP

    Quera SMP!!

    We are a Semi-Pure Vanilla Minecraft server, and we are a community and we are looking for players!

    Some of our plugins we have include: QuickShop, SinglePlayerSleep, HolographicDisplays, and much more!

    We would love to have a ton of more players join Quera SMP!

    Our rules are simple, be respectful, and have fun!

    Our spawn is filled with airships of all different colors, and a big castle with a lot of decorations!

    Please feel free to join the IP above, and our discord! We would love to have you! We are open to every single player out there!

    We also have anti mob griefing so mobs will not destroy your builds, in addition, keep inventory is turned on everywhere so you will not lose your items when you die! In addition, we also have NO LAND CLAIM! Come join us!

    Discord Join Link:

    Server IP:

    Antigrief Boss Claim Claims Clan Color Custom Dimension Eco Economy End Fun Grief Head Heads Hermitcraft Home Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod Mods Multiplayer Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Rewards Rol Server Survival Title Town Towny Vanilla Vanillasurvival War

    Blood Italian – An Italian Minecraft Vanilla Server

    BloodItalian è un server vanilla nato nel lontano 2011. Veniva hostato inizialmente tramite hamachi e solo fra amici, una piccola cerchia di giocatori che poi si è unita in un clan, BloodItalian per l’appunto. Dopo poco il server fu chiuso, per poi essere riaperto tramite server dedicato alla fine del 2019. È un server vanilla, e per questo non usa mod o plugin di sorta, ma non per questo si vieta nel proporre dungeon custom o pvp arene!

    Come si gioca nel server

    Ricapitolando, si può giocare nelle seguenti maniere dentro il server:
    1. Survival Vanilla – Nulla di diverso dal solito noto.
    2. Fazioni – Impossessati di un terreno e fallo tuo, crea il tuo castello e sfida le altre fazioni affinché solo la migliore abbia la meglio sulle altre!
    3. Towny – Crea la tua città e diventane il sindaco, o unisciti alla città di qualche altro giocatore per avere il tuo appezzamento al sicuro.
    4. PvP Arene – Gettati direttamente nelle arene e sfida gli altri giocatori, ottieni il miglior punteggio e fai prevalere la tua forza sugli altri!
    5. Quest – Esplora il mondo di gioco armato come si deve e preparati a fronteggiare pericolosi nemici e boss ordinariamente sconosciuti.


    Come già detto, questo è un server Vanilla, ovvero:
    Un server si può reputare Vanilla se non utilizza alcun programma di terze parti che alterino la versione originale del gioco, quali plugins e/o mods.
    Sono permessi ai fini di rimanere nella categoria Vanilla datapacks & command blocks, in quanto utensili interni al gioco.

    Nel rispetto di ciò, il server utilizza le seguenti datapacks:

    • Economy BloodItalian – Datapack che gestisce l’economia del server. Questo integra le due valute del game, ovvero i PR ed i $. I primi sono ottenibili uccidendo mobs&players, vincendo alle arene pvp, tramite il daily rewards oppure donando al server. I secondi sono ottenibili scambiando minerali in $, tramite il daily rewards oppure tramite il negozio Punti Rewards.
    • Stake a Claim – Chunk [​BloodItalian Edition] – Datapack ideato da ZyRail e modificato affinché sia sufficiente per soddisfare i bisogni del server. Gestisce la possibilità dei giocatori di creare dei claims ed aquistare i plot, proteggendo tali aree in base agli id generati dai giocatori usando l’apposito libro. È connesso al datapack Economy in quanto usa i $.
    • Home Lite [​BloodItalian Edition] – Datapack leggero che permette di creare un waypoint in qualsiasi dimensione, teletrasportarcisi ed in caso teletrasportarsi alo World Spawn. È connesso al datapak Economy in quanto usa i $.
    • More Mob Heads – Datapack provieniente direttamente dal Hermitcraft Season 7, aggiunge le teste di tutti i mob al gioco.
    • Wandering Trades [​No Hermit Head] – Datapack provieniente direttamente dal Hermitcraft Season 7, reworka i Wandering Trader o Mercanti Ambulanti affinché abbiano dei trade custom, i quali permettono di acquistare le versione teste di blocchi specifici.
    • AntiGrief – Datapack che previene ai creepers, wither e ravangers la possibilità di distruggere le zone vicino ai claims. Inoltre disattiva la tnt, tnt dentro i minecart e gli end crystall vicino ai claims
    • Multiplayer Sleep – Datapack provieniente direttamente dal Hermitcraft Season 7,
    • Login BloodItalian – Datapack nativo del server. In quanto il server è aperto pure ai giocatori sp, ovvero coloro che hanno la versione crackata di minecraft, permette di controllare gli account in maniera tale che solo chi conosce la password di un account può giocare con esso. Funziona come Auth Me

    In conclusione
    Ora tocca a te!
    Speriamo di vederti fra i nostri e giocare insieme

    Active Artmap Block Class Color Community Custom Developer Dynmap Erver Features Free Fun King Link Lwc Map Mcmmo New Noop Open Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Residences Server Style Survival Title Town Towny Vis Welcome


    Welcome to Camarosa!
    We are a towny server with a few tricks up our sleeve! We have a fun community, plenty of plugins, and active developers constantly working on new features and ideas for the server!

    Features include:
    Custom ranks!
    And more!

    Feel free to come visit at [style b=false i=false size=16px color=” var(–text-link)” bgcolor=rgba(4,4,5,0.07)][/style]
    We hope to see you there!

    Architecture Ass Beautiful Cat Class Conomy Craft Creative Dedi Dedicated Eat Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Eset Hard Ill Inecraft Kill Mine Minecraft Noop One Open Pro Red Redstone Reset Server Skill Skills Staff Style World


    StellarCraft is a Minecraft server with a skills system, an economy, a Creative world, and dedicated staff. Though the server will constantly change and improve, we will never reset so you will not have to worry about losing your hard earned skills and beautiful architecture and redstone machinery.


    Active Ass Base Based Car Class Com Craft Design Economy Erver Gon Inecraft Join Mcm Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Raft Sad Server Sign Survival

    New Dagon

    Adelaide based McMMO Server. Come and join us!

    Action Actions Age Ass Awsome Class Donation Dutch Eng English Erver Eth Fac Faction Factions Follow Full Fun Help Helpful Ill Maybe Nation Need Play Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Staff Stuff Style Ter This Twitter


    this server is english and dutch, This is a pvp server… Factions,Pvp..
    we have a lot of plugins. a donation page and a lot more awsome stuff
    Follow us on twitter. @Awsomenesserver
    We have a lot of helpfull staff.. if you need something (not to op) we will maybe give it to you.

    Have fun playing.


    Action Actions Active Ass Class Craft Creative Eat Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Free Grave Inecraft Join List Mine Minecraft New Pvp Raft Ree Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Whitelist


    The new Minecraft server Free to join (no whitelist).

    – Factions
    – Creative

    Active Anti Art Ass Build Class Craft Crafting Erver Free Freebuild Has Ill Inecraft Join Leb Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Nen Nut Pie Pro Pvp Raft Ran Rat Ree Run Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Tes Test War


    Willkommen auf Procrating, dem Minecraftserver.
    Erleben auf unserem Server, von Spiele und PVP bis zu Grundstücke und Freebuild. Es ist garantiert für jeden etwas dabei.
    Also auf was wartest du? Joine den Server und baue deine Welt.

    Du bist Benutzer des Servers, aber hast noch keinen Account? Dann wird es woll höchste Zeit,
    denn du bekommst einen Stack XP-Flaschen für deine Registrierung.

    Action Actions Army Ass Blo Block Class Create Creative Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Hey Ill Nation Noop Open People Play Raid Server Sky Skyblock Style


    Play as you wish. Create factions, raise an army, and raid other people for all they are worth. Server will also include Creative, Skyblock, and The Walls.


    Active Aus Aves Build Business Cheat Cheating Claim Class Create End Explore Friends Fun Game Has Help Helpful King Land Lore Old Owner Play Player Players Playing Server Small Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Survive Who World


    Essence is survival server for people who likes to build, hunt, explore and make friends. This small server is for people not only to play together but also get to know each other. This world has mixed bi-oms with a lot of caves. It’s staff personnel is kind and helpful to make anyone’s surviving fun and save. In the Essence players can claim their land with golden shovel.Owner of Essence created this server for playing and fun,not for business. She is
    treating the players the same way. However;in Essence is not raking, cheating or op-ing because everyone should survive in game the same – equal way.

    Action Actions Ass Balance Balanced Best Cell Class Cpvp Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Great Ill Kit Kitpvp Lag Network One Play Port Pvp Ring Run Rvival Server Servers Style Support Surviv Surviva Survival Two Vpv


    FeralCraft Factions / KITPVP / Survival

    FeralCraft – network with most balanced servers you will ever find.
    Great to play on and have fun. Excellent support, no gliches and lags,
    up and running 24/7 featuring one of the best Factions setup.


    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Class Community Craft Custom Dungeon Dungeons Eco Econ Economy End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Fun Grief Griefing King Land Lands Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Nation Open Play Player Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Slimefun Unique


    ❂ Factions » Raiding, Griefing, and Lockpicking

    ❂ PvP » Intense PvP with MCMMO and more.

    ❂ PvE » Unique Mobs with Custom Loot and dangerous dungeons.

    ❂ Slimefun » Over 500 unique and custom craftables never seen in Minecraft.

    ❂ Custom Maps » Landscapes and Trees never seen in Minecraft before.

    ❂ Economy » Become rich in a player driven economy.

    ❂ Diverse Community » A friendly international community from all corners of the globe.


    Active Anti Ars Ass Atla Bee Cked Class Crack Cracked Erver Everyone False Has Ked Lin Mod Mode Nline One Online Open Red Register Rvival Server Slots Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Tla


    Survival, open to everyone, Cracked (online-mode=false), /register is required, 8 slots.
    The server has been around for years.


    Action Awesome Best Buycraft Chest Chestshop Class Content Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Hey Join Mission Missions Noop Open Permissions Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Rank Ranked Ranks Server Sex Shop Store Style Usa Website

    Crusader-Craft 1.7.10 – Factio

    We have alot of awesome content.
    We have Factions, In-Game Store, Permissions, Buy-able ranks and alot more.
    Our players have ranked us one of the best server they played on so far.

    Join Today.
    Plugins installed on server: Factions, PermissionsEx, ChestShop and MUCH MORE


    Active Arena Auction Auctions Class Community Different End Features Friendly Fun Game Games Great Happy Help Helpful Ill Job Jobs Land Mcmmo Minigame Minigames Mmo Mob Mypet Pet Play Playing Pve Pvp Server Spleef Staff Survival Tea Team Top


    We are a friendly, survival server with helpful staff and a great community. Our server features a few fun extras such as; mcmmo, mypet, jobs,auctions,and several different PVP arena (mob,regular and class PVP). We also have some fun minigames: kickin’ chicken, spleef, and a COD spin-off.

    Stop by and say HI!
    Happy playing
    The Z-Team!

    Ass Auto Bcraft Best Class Com Craft Eco End Exp Experience Fight Follow Friend Friends Grandtheft Grandtheftauto Gta Gun Guns Inecraft Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Raft Ran Riends Ring Rings Style Survival Multiplayer

    AlbCraft GTA

    AlbCraftGTA brings you the best GrandTheftAuto minecraft experience.
    Play with your friends and fight the bad guys to become the best.
    Guns and more and more.


    Active Admin Admins Adventure Amazing Arena Arenas Ark Battle Chill Class Company Emo End Fight Free Friends Gyms Hard Hill Huge Ill Join Lit Need Park Pixelmon Pokemon Server Star Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Unique Venture World


    Welcome to the world of pixelmon! On McSlyShrooms amazing pixelmon server you will be sent off on a unique survival adventure! Of course you will get your free starter pokemon to accompany you. Go about the world collecting pokemon and trying to conquer all 8 gyms! Once you collect all the badges train hard to even have a chance against our elite four group! If you do beat them you can take the title of a pokemon master! We also have an amazing Pokepark where you can chill with your pokemon and friends! Battle arenas are there to encase you want to pick a fight. With our amazing admins we also have a site where you can look at amazing pixel art to give you a huge confidence boost just in case you need it or to just look at! This server contains 50 slots and is 24/7! So what are you waiting for? come join ours server right now and enter the world of pixelmon!

    server ip=

    Ace Action Arena Ars Beast Class Community Craft Fac Faction Game Games Great Head Home Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Mob Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Power Server Sky Suggestions Survival Survival Games War Wars


    Welcome to

    Hosted by Beastnode


    Sundacraft is a faction and minigame server with a goal to make this into the greatest Minecraft community ever. Our ideal is to make this a place for players to feel at home.

    Survival Games
    Mob Arena
    Sky Wars

    Have any Minigame/Plugin suggestions?
    Let us know in the comments below, or head over to and tell us in the forum.



    Active Ass Class Com Craft Epic Erver Host Icc Lmao Raft Real Realism Server Survival Multiplayer Welcome


    Welcome to EpicCraft The realism server!

    Ages Amazing Big Build Cat Class Community Create Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Enjin Fun Great Join Mmo Nation Nations Noop Open Play Player Players Plot Plotme Quest Server Staff Survival Survive Tea Team Town Towns Towny Wns World

    Lunar Isles

    Lunar Isles is a survival and towny server with a vibrant atmosphere, great community and bustling economy. We welcome people of all ages to come and be part of our amazing server. We have a dedicated staff team on hand to answer any questions.
    Players can join together and create towns and nations, stay solo and survive in the world, or build on a plot in a separate plotme world. Come join in the fun and see what all the commotion is about on the worlds next big server.


    Active Animal Arena Build Bukkit Class Creative Eco Econ Economy Fair Forums Game Games Help Helpful Hunger Games Ill Irl King Kit Land Mod Mods Plugin Plugins Pve Server Small Survival Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Vanilla War Wns World


    We are a Bukkit based PVE survival server. We also have a creative world and are working on a gameworld that will include a hunger games arena. But this is far from vanilla. This is a fairly small server where everyone is quite helpful. We have a large variety of Plugins ranging from protecting your land, animals, and self to mods that make the game more challanging, as well as an economy fueled by users buying and selling to eachother. We highly encourage towns and user built things. Check out our forums for more information at We look forward to meeting you!

    Admin Age Art Ass Ats Chill Claim Class Com Craft Drop Dropparty Ect End Erver Hill Ill Inecraft King Laim Land Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Nen Noop Open Ops Party Pro Protect Protected Protection Server Shop Shops Style


    Deze server is net begonnen en kan daarom nog actieve leden gebruiken. Daarnaast zoeken we nog 1 goede admin.

    Op de server kan er land geclaimd worden door een kist te plaatsen. Daarna kan het geclaimde gebied uitgebreid worden.
    Ook zijn er verschillende shops op de server te vinden waar je spullen kunt kopen en verkopen.

    Daarnaast vind er op de server willekeurig een dropparty plaats.

    voor vragen of opmerkingen kunt u mailen naar: [email protected]


    Ace Action Active Build Building Class Com Community Craft Custom Easy End Erver Factions Friendly Game Games Great Inecraft Jump Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Play Plugin Pvp Riendly Server Support Tea Team Time Website

    ActionPVP – Minigames

    Here at ActionPVP we didn’t just want to build a Minecraft server, we wanted to build a community of PVP’ers. So we put together a team of great coders and set out on building a fully custom plugin and website to support our dream of an easy friendly place to jump in and play PVP matches at any time.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!