Access Claiming Country Empire Empires Factions Mus Oli Pol Politic Political Religion Religions Stand Wise

Empire Forge

Empire Forge is a Minecraft Country Political Server. We are a community based on the minecraft server where you can do whatever you desire such as building empires, making religions, claiming land. We highly suggest for you to join our discord so that you can understand the rules in depth and to claim land you must have access to the discord otherwise you can’t.

Crossplay Economy Empires Markets Mega Megabuild Megabuilds Middle School Parkour Projects Pve Pvp Survival Towny Vanilla

Middle School Druffles

Druffles SMP is an chill survival server with a unique and friendly community. We have a few plugins that will make your vanilla experience even better! Plan your projects, megabuilds and towns, markets and empires on here! You can create player warps, buy and sell items to other players and a lot more!

Bedrock IP:
Bedrock port: 19132

What are you waiting for?!
Join our welcoming, friendly and epic community!

2.11 Anarchy Creative Economy Empire Empires Imperium Minecraftserver Minecraftservers Peace Peaceful Pvp Role Sign Survival

Empire’s SMP

To the people joining off of, it is required that you join the discord server and if your on the Minecraft server but not on the discord server we will send you the discord server link so you can join but click the discord link to join! Enjoy

Welcome to Imperiums SMP @everyone! Imperiums SMP is an smp that is all about creating or joining your own empire! Empires ranging ranging from empires that want to be peaceful with everyone and empires who want to have war with everyone! If you have any more questions just dm me! Once you have created/joined an empire dm me and I will create your role and assign it to you and the others in your empire! I hope you enjoy the smp! -BenGK

1.18 Empires Green Landscape Midnight Minecraft Launcher Nerd Notes Rose Semi Vanilla Snapshot Snapshots Stage Survival Vibe

Midnight Survival

-=- Midnight Survival -=-

Version: 1.18-Pre 5 | NOTE: Dev testing! Very unstable!

Hello! My name is Rose, i am in the process of making a survival server and decided to play around with the VERY dev version of spigot 1.18.

(Nerd Stuff) I am working on this privately at home and will be uploading files when new updates are required. As of now i have most of spawn made and have moved into the plugin development and configuration stage.

(Fun Stuff) The goal for the server is to be a challenging semi vanilla with a chill vibe. Be as creative as you want and explore the landscape, build empires or simple homes. You can run the player based economy or simply buy wood whenever you need it.

(Notes) This is very very very early stage and there is much more to come as i work on development.

Please feel free to join the discord where you can keep up to date and suggest future features!
Discord Link
How to join?

Open your minecraft launcher, at the top you will see play and next to that you click on Installations.

Next you will have to click on Snapshots under Versions, make sure Snapshots has a green check!

Click on new installation, give it a name like 1.18-pre5

Click on Version and scroll until you see SNAPSHOT 1.18-pre5, click it and then click create at the bottom.

Finally you go back to Play and select the version you just created.

Hope to see you soon! ♥

1.13 Ages Anarchy Custom Map Empire Empires Fight Kingdom Mines Pire Pvp Survival Villa Village Villages

Land Of Empires

Welcome to Land of Empires, build your kingdom and fight with others. We have a custom map with custom mines and villages. Join the server and have fun!

Bully Clan Clanchat Dreamsmp Empires Enviroment Exception Friends Fun Hardcore Lobby New Rome Smp Survival


is a new survival based server providing multiple survival modes for players to enjoy, our server isnt and will never be pay to win and we hope to have fun events for players to compete and win prizes outside and inside the game We provide a fun enviroment for all types of players, our gamemodes include give all players to join a server depending on how they want to play. some modes offer anarchy type behaviour and others are more friendly for people to build freely,

Survival Mode: Our survival mode is a semi-vanilla
survival world with custom biomes , pvp events, no hacking and other
fun features to create a more enjoyable experience, we have a no hacking
and no pay to win tolerance raiding and griefing will be allowed, very
few chat rules for players to talk freely with the exception of certain
words. More Info in discord

Empire Mode: empire
mode is a more friendly mode for players who do not want toxic
behaviour, griefing wont be allowed as server has land claiming,
bullying, insulting and harrassing wont be allowed and players can
report players in discord to remove any unwanted people.

Hardcore Mode:Hardcore
mode willl be the the hardest mode of them so players who want to play
with more of a challenge this is the mode for them as players will
recieve 1 day temp ban every death they get with only 100k set boarder.
Custom biomes will also create harder lands to travel through, killing ,
stealing and most things are allowed in hardcore apart from no hacking.


1.19 Biomes Bully Claims Empires Enviroment Exception Hardcore Hardcore Mode Inside Kitpvp Remo Rome Smp Survival


DarkxCraft is a new survival based server providing multiple survival modes for players to enjoy, our server isnt and will never be pay to win and we hope to have fun events for players to compete and win prizes outside and inside the game We provide a fun enviroment for all types of players, our gamemodes include give all players to join a server depending on how they want to play. some modes offer anarchy type behaviour and others are more friendly for people to build freely,
Survival Mode: Our survival mode is a semi-vanilla survival world with custom biomes , pvp events, no hacking and other fun features to create a more enjoyable experience, we have a no hacking and no pay to win tolerance raiding and griefing will be allowed, very few chat rules for players to talk freely with the exception of certain words. More Info in discord

Empire Mode: empire mode is a more friendly mode for players who do not want toxic behaviour, griefing wont be allowed as server has land claiming, bullying, insulting and harrassing wont be allowed and players can report players in discord to remove any unwanted people.

Hardcore Mode:Hardcore mode willl be the the hardest mode of them so players who want to play with more of a challenge this is the mode for them as players will recieve 1 day temp ban every death they get with only 100k set boarder. Custom biomes will also create harder lands to travel through, killing , stealing and most things are allowed in hardcore apart from no hacking.

Buildings Cities Civilized Empires Fun Gun Hermit Hermitcraft Minecraft Newsmp Serves Smp Smpsurvival Survival Trust

Limitless SMP (NEW!) Hermitcraft like server, build cities, create empires! Sell itmes in a shop! FRIENDLY SERVER

Hey there! Welcome to Limitless SMP, owned and founded by PeepPlayz12. I hope that we can have great times on the server, there are no claims so we are trusting you not to grief/steal/insult any other players. Everyone deserves a fun time, right? Anyways, there is no world border so you can explore very far, I hope you have a great time on the server and I hope to see you there. Thanks, (and remember, the server has just begun so there are no buildings or anything yet 🙂

Building Competitions Crown Empires Infinite World Oldschool Paper Pvp Qualifier Supportive Survival Teams Tournaments Vanilla Wiki

OnlyVanilla – 1.17.1

Remember the days where servers didn’t have all those fancy plugins that got in the way of what the true Minecraft experience is like? Here at OnlyVanilla we strive to give you Minecraft in its purest form.

What we offer:

  • Minecraft (1.17) as it is. no drop parties, no kits, no crazy ranks, just classic Minecraft.
  • An infinite world without a world border.
  • No admin interference
  • Tight knit and supportive community
  • A server wiki to document the servers history
  • A discord so you can communicate with players outside the game.
  • A website (
  • An extremely active admin
  • “The Champions Tour”
  • You are on paper not vanilla! This server does have a few plugins for moderation. This is necessary as players would be able to easily cheat without getting caught. The plugins are NOT noticeable unless you are breaking the rules.

    For those who need more than vanilla we have something for you! We have a champions tour that happens every so often and it is a server wide event. This tour has multiple gamemodes and qualifiers. The tournament is one month long and crowns a new champion everytime.


    Boy Cities Cool Date Datemc Dates Dating Dungeons Empires Friendlystaff Girl Hypixel Kits Lag Love Lovecraft Marriage Mcmmo Plugins Pvp Raiding Realm Roleplay Romance Server Servers Skins Special Survival Town Towney Townie Towns Towny Townyserver Townysurvival Townywars Unique Villages Worldedit

    Realm of Towny – Revived


    Realm of Towny - Revived Minecraft Server
    Commonly referred to as “RoT” short for Realm of Towny; Realm of Towny is a game server which engages users in Minecraft gameplay for which players may make “nations” that compete with each other virtually. The Realm of Towny game server has a virtual economy driven by “auctions” of in-game items, and players may also generate income by completing specific tasks.




    Realm of Towny - Revived Minecraft Server

    This section of documentation is meant to describe Realm of Towny’s gameplay experience, this is a very brief description, and should not be used to determine real gameplay experiences.

    Realm of Towny is similar to any other Towny Minecraft server; users may make “towns” and “nations.” Towns are owned by their creator, users who join the town (by either invitation, or because that town is a “open” town) can, build houses, sell plots of land to other members of the town, and build walls to defend their town. The owner of that town may also make ranks for their town members that possess the ability to make changes to that town that are specified by that town’s owner. However, unlike other Towny servers, each town posses “defense points” that circumscribe that town’s strength. Defense points are earned by means of specific “ideologies,” which have their own positives and negatives. Primary ideologies can allow for additional defense points if specific requirements are met. These requirements are dependent on the chosen ideology, and can consist of; more members in that town, more money in that town, and land that town possesses. Users may also associate with other users and form alliances between their nations. Once allied, these nations can secure trade routes with their allied nation’s towns, allowing for income for an exchange of items; such as valuable goods, food items, weaponry, and building supplies. If, however, a nation declares war on another nation, that nation may then, attack those nations towns. If the towns defense points reach a number below zero, the town then will become part of the nation that lowered the towns defense points below zero, and that town may then repair damages by regenerating their terrain and buildings, this is done by a price determined on the severity of damage done to that town. Additionally, A player may start a rebellion within his/her nation; if he/she can get enough players within his/her nation, the player can engage in battle with the nation in a similar fashion a nation attacks a town, eventually the player who kills the nation’s leader, will then become that nation’s leader.

    Note that these nations do not claim land, they (instead) are a collection of towns and these towns can leave that nation if they please.

    In-game currency is essential for accessing important features on Realm of Towny, in order to access certain features, users must pay the cost that is defined by either seller of specific items, or a flat server cost for these features (e.g. getting an in-game pet). Players do not pay actual money for the basic features of gameplay, they do, however, have to use “in-game currency,” as a means of exchange. This currency may be obtained by completing specific tasks such as selling an item, or by forming trade routes within allied nations. Players, by default, begin with $2500 dollars of the in-game currency and may spend it however they please. Players may lose this money by either dying often, or purchasing in-game items, or in-game features.

    Realm of Towny - Revived Minecraft Server


    We love Minecraft player and appreciate anyone who wishes to get involved! Using the information listed below, we hope to see you participate in our fantastic Minecraft server sometime soon!






    Action Actions Added Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Auction Cked Class Craft Dcraft Fac Faction Factions Follow Game Ill Ked Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Noop Open Play Pvp Raft Style


    WreckedCraft | Factions PvP | Mcmmo | Auction | 1.7.2 | More game will be added. |


    Action Actions Active Ass Class Com Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Join Lmao Raft Rule Rules Server Survival Multiplayer Welcome

    Cwazy Craft Factions 24/7

    Welcome To Cwazy Craft

    Join The Server And Read The Rules

    Ass Class Com Custom Enjin Erver Follow Lit Lms New Noop Open Real Realm Realms Rvival Server Sky Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tom Unique World

    Skylit Realms

    Skylit Realms is a new unique survival server with a custom world.


    Active Apply Ask Better Castle Chill Class Creation Donate Epic Fire Help Hill Ill Kill Make Need Owner Parents Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Protection Pvp Server Spyro Staff Survival Multiplayer Sword Tea Website World

    The World of Fury

    Website link: Server Ip:

    The World of Fury is a server where its your own, your creations. YOU, no teachers or parents nagging “Tidy up” or “Do this Do that” you do what YOU want. You can go kill players, or make an epic castle or just chill with your mates, do what you want. You can help out too buy applying for staff to help and make Fury better. We run many plugins and love to entertain our user. You can donate and reciever Protection 4 armour and Sharpness 4 and FireAspect 2 Swords and own everyone. Its completely up to YOU. If you need help just ask one of the staff or the owner, SpyroXI

    – Spyro

    Active Arena Auction Auctions Bar Cat Chill Class Dedicated Fac Faction Factions Game Games Ill King Lit Mcmmo Minigame Minigames Mmo Mob Mobarena Money Need Network New Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Server Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer


    Name:MassacrePvP IP: Host:

    Welcome to MassacrePvP, Where PvP is the only thing that matters!
    We have an exstensive collection of plugins ranging from Factions, mcMMO, Auctions, Mobarena, Mobhealth, And much more!
    If you ever get bored we’re working on implementing survival games to earn money for winning! We have some minigames for
    players if they ever just need to chill, We have litte to no players due to it being a sort’ve newer server.

    Server Specs:
    Intel® Xeon® Processor E3-1290V2 (8M Cache, 3.70 GHz)

    32GB ECC RAM

    1 Gbps dedicated network connection

    2 x 128GB Intel Solid state drives

    4 x 150GB WD Velociraptor drives for backups

    Off-site storage for daily backups

    Arena Ass Class Com Craft Date Enjoy Erver Ftp Fun Game Games Ill Inecraft Mad Mall Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplay Multiplayer Play Player Pro Pve Pvp Server Small Sol Solo Spleef Style This Uhc Update

    Ares Games

    This is a small Minecraft server I made on my own that includes a few multiplayer and solo games. Like PvP and PvE arena, UHC, Spleef and more. Hope you enjoy and have fun. However this is still work in progress and I will update the server regularly.


    Active Ander Ass Ban Class Craft Eam Erver Gang Gun Inecraft Kid Mine Minecraft Raft Rol Roll Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teamwork Ter Troll Work


    Mine4ever ist ein Survival Minecraft Server.
    Wir legen viel wert auf Teamwork und ein Familiären Umgang untereinander.
    “Trolle” und “Kiddis” werden bei uns nicht geduldet und sofort gebannt.
    Für alle anderen stehen wir gerne zu Verfügung und freuen uns auf euch.

    Admin Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Auction Auctions Create Death Donation Eco Economy End Enjin Faction Faction Pvp Factions Freedom Home Kits Lore Mcmmo Mmo Nether Perks Play Plots Plugin Plugins Popular Prison Pvp Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Staff Survival Teamspeak Vote Website

    Ascension Prison

    Welcome To Ascension Prison.

    We are a Faction PvP prison server, with popular plugins like McMMO, TimeIsMoney, Factions, PrisonMine, NoCheatPlus, Obsidian Destroyer, and many more. Professional, trustworthy, non-abusive staff devoted to server sucess, and player satisfaction. You start off at D-Block, where you must mine with your fellow inmates to rise through the ranks, one by one, to earn your freedom to the outside world. Once free, you are able to explore the open natural Overworld, End, and Nether, where you can create factions and bases with your friends, and compete against other players for total domination of your enemys. Open staff applications.

    Join Our Website.

    Join Our Teamspeak.

    Server Released To Public On 12/9/14
    No Lag, To Promote Superb PvP
    24/7 Uptime
    Active Administration
    NoCheatPlus To Prevent Any Unfair Advantages
    Optimized PvP Areas To Promote Survival, And Death.
    Fresh, Untouched Map
    5 Different Challenging Blocks
    Shop In Each Block
    Vote For The Server To Receive Money And In Game Items
    Free Spawn & Shop
    McMMO Enabled In Prison
    Enderpearls Enabled In Prison
    10 Prestige Ranks With Powerful Kits For Each Rank
    Donation Ranks With Incredible Perks
    World Borders
    Obsidian Destroyer
    Well Balanced Economy
    Virtual Chests
    Mine Partys
    Drop Partys
    Future Plots/Black Market


    Best Beta Chill Class Community Competitive Crates Create Creative Discord End Fac Faction Factions Friends Going Join Jungle King Kit Kitpvp Land Lore Minigames Need Nice Pay Pvp Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Staff Testing Title Top Uhc War Warzone

    Sky Isles – Skyblock, Factions, KitPvP, and UHC

    Welcome to Sky Isles.

    SkyIsles is a competitive SkyBlock server, tailored to suit competitive gamers whilst also providing a nice, chilled out atmosphere for everyone to enjoy. You can endure creating an island with your friends, and working your way to the top to win exclusive PayPal rewards which will be given to the best island at the end of the season! This Summer, we are launching with our Jungle-themed realm; however, we plan to expand this as we go.

    What can I do in SkyIsles?

  • You can create an Island with your friends, to conquer the rest.
  • You can satisfy your PvP needs in our Warzone.
  • You can try your luck with our Crates system.
  • Enjoy interacting with the kind staff and heart-warming community.
  • + A lot more!
    Can I gain access to the BETA Testing?
    We are currently looking for BETA Testers, and you can be invited to this process by doing one of the following.
  • Create your own invite link and invite 10 friends
  • Win it in a giveaway

    When is it going to be released?
    The release is July 1st @ 1:00PM EST, but you can join us in our discord or in our BETA testing phase even earlier!

  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Active Build Cannon Cannons Class Craft Denizen Eco Experience Fac Faction Hard Hardcore Ill Inecraft Item Items Join Mine Minecraft New Non Pirate Play Plugin Pvp Quest Quests Server Spawn Story Storyline Survival Survival Multiplayer Theme Themed Unique

    PiratesAge MC

    This is a hardcore-pvp, pirate-themed mc server. Around spawn you will find many, many quests. Each quest is 100% unique with its own storyline *NO QUESTS ARE DONE ATM! AFTER LEARNING DENIZEN, I HOPE TO GET 2-3 QUESTS OUT A WEEK!* We do have the cannons plugin! Come join and experience a one of a kind server!

    2nd desc.

    PiratesAge MC is a new pirate themed survival Minecraft server. Build up a crew, obtain valuable items, and become the strongest faction alive.

    Aether Ark Ass Boss Chat Class Com Craft Eam Enjoy Erver Eth Follow Full Herb Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Mini Minimal Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Raft Server Style Tea Team Ter


    The Team

    Enjoy Minimal Players, Clutter, Plugins, Chat

    Be your own person on the only server that fully allows you to


    Allowed Backpack Backpacks Best Claims Class Craft Crates Death Discord Economy Experience Grief Griefing Home Inecraft Item Items Join Lookingforplayers Lookingforstaff Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Open Play Player Pve Pvp Rtp Safe Server Servers Survival Title Tpa Trade Update

    🔰 🔰 💎 Survival ⚔ PVP ⚔ 💎 ◾ Backpack ◾ Crates ◾ MCMMO ◾

    Welcome to 44MC !

    At 44MC we aim for the best possible player experience,
    100% uptime and promise to keep server up forever.
    PVP and Grief is ALLOWED! Remember to protect your home!
    You get your own Backpack which you keep on death.

    Safe Trade to exchange items availble.

    Updates every day.

    Join our Discord:


    Active Build Builder Claim Class Community Craft Create Enjoy Fac Faction Ffa Free Game Gaming Gui Guild Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Monsters Play Player Players Plugin Pve Pvp Rol Role Roleplay Server Simple Store Survival Multiplayer

    MildSeven FFA Community

    Do you wonder what kind of server we host ?

    The answer is pretty simple, we have no ‘type’ of gaming on our Minecraft server.

    You can be a strong miner, a builder, a PvP, PvE guy, or a roleplayer if you wish. We use the term “Free For All” and “Community” on purpose.

    Once your faction (guild) created, you will be able to disable or enable PvP and monsters in the area you claimed.

    Buy stuff from other player stores, create your own.

    Our view of gaming permits our players to be fully autonomous and enjoy the Minecraft the way THEY like.

    Please check out our plugin list to have a full overview of what you can do in-game!

    Ability Ace Big Block Class Community Crack Cracked Discord Enjoy Free Game Griefing Head Heads Home Hot Join King Lit Mcmmo Mmo Network New Noop Open Play Playing Race Server Sethome Shade Spawn Survival Tea Title Tpa

    Grace and Gavin’s Survival Network 24/7

    Welcome to our server page, we are a relatively new server looking to grow
    we’re currently a survival server with everything we’d hope you want to enjoy playing
    commands; /sethome
    we also use Mcmmo to keep you busy if things are getting boring as well as the ability to steal people’s heads and use them as trophies.
    We also allow cracked clients to join if you don’t own the game!

    Our server community has grown quite big over the past year, if you’d like to be apart of our community feel free to join our discord
    Discord (click here)

    Shader used in the screenshots is SEUS PTGI 11

    Active Ages Allowed Bukkit Class Craft Custom End Experience Features Flag FTB Grief Hard Help Home Ill King Kit Lag Level Mechanics Mod Peace Peaceful Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranking Rules Server Sign Survival Survival Multiplayer World


    * **Description**: Modembug is a hard core survival server that currently runs CraftBukkit [v1.5]. Modembug has been hosting this persistent server since May of 2011, we aspire to maintain excellent uptimes and innovative features with our custom plugins and play mechanics that compliment the out of box experience Mojang envisioned.
    We have built a ranking system that will grant you access to various worlds depending on the level your player account gets to (using built in level system). This helps to alleviate grief/theft from the peaceful worlds while allowing players to go nuts in the starting worlds. All worlds have PVP allowed as long as it is a mutual fight. We have designed a plugin that allows players to set their PVP flag to true/false to indicate they are willing participants in PVP.

    * **Rules**: No Grief/Theft! (in peaceful worlds); No cussing; No advertising; / [Official Rules](

    Action Active Age Ban Bans Chest Chestshop Class Detail Dupe Erver Essentials Fac Faction Factions Good Head Heads Ill Mad Mcmmo Mmo New Play Player Playerheads Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Shop Staff Survival Multiplayer Tail This Time


    welcome to the brand new server, BozzPvP have a good time 🙂
    the server is made by detail but if u find any but just report it to any staff on the server and it will be fixed!
    Plugins we want u to know on our server:
    Chestshop (we have fixed dupe)
    this server is now 1.5!!!

    Ass Blo Block Cafe Chat Class Com Craft Data Discord Ect Emo Erp Erver Inecraft Kit Mine Minecraft Noop One Open Pro Protect Protected Protection Public Rat Republic Rvival Server Sol Style Surviv Surviva Survival Website Welcome


    ExtremoPro Minecraft Server
    1.14.3 Survival

    Email: [email protected]
    Discord: Resoluciones#2960



    Active Allowed Challenge Challenges City Class Classic Custom Dedicated Economy End Farm Farming Free Freedom Friendly Grief Griefing Lag Land Lands Map Play Player Players Protection Pvp Server Servers Shop Shops Sign Signshop Sky Skyblock Spawn Staff Super Survival

    TCSG – Skyblock Survival

    Classic Skyblock with a Twist:
    PVP map
    – Farming is super efficient (200%) and very high spawn rates.
    – griefing/heavy PVP are not only allowed, but encouraged.
    Classic Skyblock map
    – 100x100x256 islands
    – Freedom to scam players and steal from unlocked chests.
    – Custom Challenges.

    Server Info:
    – Powerful dedicated server leads to zero lag
    – No White-List
    – Friendly Staff
    – Lockette Container and Door protection
    – SignShop for Player-run shops

    Apply Bee Class Craft Enjin Experience Fac Fresh Has Help Inecraft King Map Maps Mine Minecraft New Old Online Play Player Players Please Plot Plotme Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Server Staff Tail Vis World

    AuraCraft [Prison] [PvP/ Facti

    Old map is deleted, and server is back online, looking for some new staff and players. Please only apply for a staff position of you have previous experience using plugins.. All maps are fresh. New Prison map has been added, new PlotMe world as well. Come check it out and help develop the server.

    For more details or to apply for staff positions visit here: http://AuracraftMinecraft.Enjin.Com


    Active Best Build City Class Community Contests Craft Eco Econ Economy Elves Event Events Free Fun Game Great Join Lag Mine Minecraft Mpet New Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Server Servers Survival Top Unique Vanilla Welcoming

    The Minefrag Survival Server is a medium sized community for Minecraft. Providing up to date plugins to ensure a fun play time while maintaining the vanilla survival style of the game we pride ourselves upon the great, welcoming and tight knitted community we have to share. Running 24/7 we try our best to make sure you never have to stand not having anything to do. And with a capacity of 30 players and the maintenance of a lag free experience we make sure your gameplay is uninterrupted. Hosting regular contests such as build competitions we try to enrich you with new experiences and knowledge shared by other players.

    Features we offer:
    – A stable in-game economy.
    – A great, tightly knitted community.
    – Constant up to date plugins and servers.
    – Regular events such as build competitions.
    – Constant support for any bugs/issues in-game.

    Why join the Minefrag community?

    A lot of the time we ask ourselves the same thing, why should players join our server out of the countless others. Although we can’t provide every ones ‘cup of tea’ we strive to provide a wide range of aspects in a server. We want to provide a server that people can stay on continuously playing, not one where people log on and leave after playing 30 minutes. And we strive to be the top of your “personal preference list”.

    But ultimately it’s up to the players; players are what make a server, and that’s why as a server and Minecraft community we listen to our players. We implement ideas that have been brought up by players, and provide what the players want as much as we can. This in our opinion makes us an even more unique Minecraft community.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!