Auctions Blackmarket Casino Dropparty Events Faction Pvp Factions Lootcrates Market Pvp

Lunar Legacy Factions

Welcome to Lunar Legacy MC

🌍 IP:
🎮 Java 1.19.3

Join Lunar Legacy MC’s community for an immersive Minecraft experience with unique features, boundless exploration, and exciting challenges.


🌍 Factions: Band together with your friends to take down and conquer opposing factions to gain control and loot.

✨ Custom Features: Enjoy Crates filled with unique loot, 50+ custom enchants, 6+ unique kits, Black market and Auction exclusive items, Plus many more features to discover.

⚔️ Challenge Awaits: PvP wagering and betting.

🤗 Friendly Community: Active staff and friendly community fit for anyone.

🎉 Regular Updates: Fresh content and improvements based on player feedback.

Adventure Ccs Creative Dropparty Friendly Ken Kenneth Kens Magicspells Plots Roleplay Server Simplify3 Survival Time

SIMC: Ken’s Creative Server 1.18.2

SIMC: Ken’s Server Recrafted
NOW SUPPORTING 1.8 – 1.19 and BEDROCK edition on port 25565! also _NEW SPAWN_
thinking about doing something lol hm. .-Ken, September 29th, 2019

After years of waiting, Ken’s Creative/Roleplay Server is finally up and running again! With much newer and better technology.

This server has plenty to offer, including:

Plots: Protected creative builds for every user – now with plenty of space to build whatever your heart desires.

Roleplay: You can roleplay wherever you want, but we have some prebuilt maps incase you wanted that kind of experience.

Events: Rotating events, with new minigames every month. Minigames can range from PVP to collaborative builds.

And much more to discover!

Join the Discord, for updates, server broadcasts, or just chatting with fellow server members

4/30/2022-Upgraded to 1.18.2-Hardest upgrade since 1.6.4, but we made it!
-Switched from Bukkit to Spigot

-Fresh start-Had to remove a lot of plugins, there were way too many to keep track
-New maps, warps, worlds – clean slates
-Your old builds are still safe, and we’ll look into porting them over to 1.18.2, but they won’t be functional
-New OP list
-Improved Plot system (PlotSquared v6)
-Monthly* rotating events/minigames

Ken’s Server 2012-2014
Upgraded to 1.7.9. 4/22/2014

We’re at 1.7.5 now! hope it works! 4/9/2014

Hardest upgrade yet but 1.6.4 is ready – and we’re ready for 1.7.2 when it comes out for bukkit!

Also changed category to Roleplay – we ARE creative but there is a lot of roleplaying that goes on. So I’ll try this category for a bit.

NOW upgraded to 1.6.2 I know it took a long time but I didn’t want anybody’s work to be lost. Hundreds of thousands of combined hours of work from all the 23000 people who have come and I don’t want to lose a single block.


Make friends and get married in Minecraft. Your friendships you make on Ken’s Server will last you even when you stop coming here, if you ever leave! Roleplaying, Creative, 3000+ warps – read on. <3 you all! -Ken simplify3 Kenneth Udut (add me to your Skype / G+ / FB / KiK / DrawCast and say "Hai!")

now upgraded to 1.5.2 !

placeblocks now open [​closed] – amazing what you can do with JSONAPI – check it out – Ken made it himself 😛

Affordable Trapping 239-465-9291 Naples, FL USA – removal of rats, raccoons, armadillos, opossums, bees, snakes, dead animal removal. That’s my company 😛 –

i have the most amazing people on Ken’s Server. and yeah I’m Ken.

This is the awesome multiverse. Type /warp for list of warps.

/warp p2 for regular plots /warp bigplot for the big plots

The community is FANTASTIC! I couldn’t have greater people here.

Planets is great stuff. Magicspells too.

added /tardis for tardis travel. colored nicks are popular. The marry plugin is unbelievably popular…. great peeps.

/rocketboots on are on! you can finally go SUPERFAST – my new favorite addition 🙂

/warp wild /warp snowpvp and a whole lotta other warps.

We have special maps besides the plots and big plots and wild and world
we have Equestria and the land of Ooo – for Bronies and Adventure Time fanatics respectively.

Entire list of warps as of 12/7/2012 (1029 WARPS REDACTED FOR SECURITY REASONS)
2299jamesvenom 2ndshop a aajames100 aajames1002 admin admins adminshop adventuretime_d aeroplane airplane airport airport2 ajsprivate alex alexcity amandamemorial amazing_castle apartments appellusa applestore architects architectscastle areana arena army armybase armyplane army_apt ass aubrey aubssteakhouse autowheat av awesomemc_hq awesome_ awesome_world awsom b bad bar bar2 barge bar_pub bata batcave battelarena bdogmbs_club be beautiful beer beeratocity bef befchurch bestspawnever beth bigplot bigshop big_huse blackmarket_methlab blacksmiths blacksmiths2 blie block_to_the_past blood blueteam bob boob book bookshop boopland bowpractice bp brickmart brick_party brokendown btfchurch bub buildingcontest butt butter by c cabin cafe cake cakespawn camping campingatbeach candy_kingdom canterlot canterlotwedding castle cave cavesurviv ccathedral cccpark cccstatues ccctown cell1 cell2 cell3 cell4 cell5 cell6 chapel chapel12 chapel2 chapel3 chapel4 chapil chayville chay_town checkersretreat cheezyslibrary chest chipshq choppa chotel chrisarmybase christmasvacationhouse church church1 cities cityoferodedsphinx cloud_parkour club clubjake coal coaster coastery cobblestonefactory colbys colezfamily colosseum competition cooldoor cooldude_s corruptionhotel coster creeper creeperwedding creeper_wedding crystal_faction ctf ctp danceclub darkwhiz death deathhole desertcity desertpvp diamondskyscraper diamondthing die dig digcity dighotel digmall digs digs2 dig_jail dimond dimond_castel dimond_castle dimond_huse disco_club discrase dj_s dj_sdiamond dj_set dog dogtown dragonguard dreamhouse dropparty dungeon dustysnake dylansandpancakeshouse elor end endcity enderdragon enderman epfarmybase epichouse epicshop equestria erodedsphinx ethan_smouse evanhotel even exisphere exit extremetrees ezios ezio_sbar facpvp1 facpvp2 factory fairland falll fallll familyguy famous fcation finns_cabin finn_is_sleeping finn_s_pixel_land finn_s_plot flatlands floor1 floor2 floor3 floor4 floor5 floor6 flubb forsale fort fred freestuff frozenshadow fuck funland funland_ funnybuildings funny_thing gardenoflove gatewayportal girlcraft girlltown glassmaze gokubar goku_sbar greatest297_smansion greendeadmansworld guess halloween halloweenparty halloween_ happyhalloween heggydig hell hello herrkoch_slibrary hg hi hi1234 hippo hole hole_du_la_hole home homecabin home_to_pvp hospital hotel hotel1 hotel2 hotel3 hotel300 hotelboat hotelc how_to_be_a_admin hq hugetower hyrule i ihatemylife iluvmusic im infinitycoaster ironthing iss iss2 jail jail44 jail_ jarjar jasons_bar jodvill jog jungle jungle1 jungle2 junglearena ken kenwild kill killers kingdom kings ksichurch kyle_srestaurant lavajungle lavamobdome ldhotel leapoffaith legacynovv legoscity lewis liam liamjamesrhouse lilysshop lol lolwut look love loveclub lovers love_o_matic lowerbase lucas_sspawnentry ma maddiswagg maddi_srestaurant madman mall mansion mansion_2 mariogalaxy market marrying_perfect_place marryyourlove maxenhotel maze mcbuilders mcdonalds mchg mchg2 me medieval medieval_build medievilvillage meet megacastle megahotel melrinsgift menno merlin merlinsbaby merlinsbay meth methlab meth_and_pothouse mgpa midevil mik milatary military minecity minecon minigolf minister missioncontrol mob mobarena mobtrap moo mushroom mylifesucks nah2001land nether newspawn nicebro nightmare noob notch notch_fight npcs nqh2001 nuclearbase nyanface obsticle office oh oh_yeha old_spawn olli omg ooo orphanage oshacafe ourhouse outpost p2 palace parkorspawn parkour parkour2 parkourmobarena partaay party partyman partyroom party_building party_building2 pavelow penguin pewdiepie piggy piggydinner pigkiller pirate pirateship pixelart plane planet planets player1 player2 plaza plot2 plotland plotland2 plots plots__ pokeboss1 police ponyvill pool pooop poopdeck prison project project2 projectiss projectmansion pub pvp pvp2 pvparena pvparena1 pvpforpvpkings pvpmaze pvps pvpshop pvp_pvp qbchallenge quick quiz r1 r4 ragavill ragaville random1 redstone redstone_city redteam relaxing remember rentalvillage repair ridvic1_s rocket rocketbase1 rocks_island rockyankh rollercoaster rollercoaster1 royalpalace rules rulez sasha_smansion school school1 secret self_defense_castle servivelgames sexparty shadow shadowm sheep shgri_holghtar shop sicknous sillyville silverstorm skatepark skatepark2 skatzombiz sky skydiving skyfantasy skyoffice skyvillage sky_huse sky_s slave slenderandme slime snowpvp soccer spawn spawn2 spawn3 spawnchurch spear spherejail sphereland sphereplaces spherepvp spleed1 spleef spleef1 sponge spy_skylord_here stach stach2 starship store stuff subscribers subway suicide suicide_ suicide_booth superboy4_s supercation supercoaster superstar surface survival survival1 survival2 survivalgames survivalisland survivalspawn survivalwild survivalx survival_game survive teehee temp tempel tent the theblackmarket thebuilding theloverscabin themall themostbosshalloweenever thesnackshack the_land_of_ooo the_wrong_spot throwns2 tigercaves tigerfivehouse tigerplot tigersjail tikibar titanic tnt tourament town trade train trap treehouse troll trollface trollhotel trollkingdom trolls_ trolololo trools

Additional NotesMultiverse, Plotland, PlotSquared, /warp plot /warp donorplot

Anticheat Dropparties Dropparty Dungeons Faction Pvp Factions Magiccarpet Mcmmo Obsideandestroyer Obsidianbreaker Oldpvp Parkour Pvparena Pvpfactions Ranks Rewards Shop Silkspawners Theend Thenether

Schattered Factions

This is a FACTIONS server above all. To succeed in this server you should create a faction with as many players as you can recruit so that you can create a strong base. Then raid other’s faction’s base, while also maintaining your own.

First users to join will receive free kits : First server referrals receive FREE Rank upgrades

Here is a list of plugins you can use on our server:

• Factions • MCMMO • Loot Crates •
Old Combat • Anti-Cheat • CombatLogX •
• Flying Carpet • Silk Spawners • Duels •
• AJ Parkour • Ultimate TNT • Libs Disguises •

About Us
Schattered Factions begins with an OG 2013 factions group with years of PVP, base building and destroying, our top servers died out and we had fell out of the factions scene for a bit, but are now back to give you all the sickest and most interactive factions server of all. We’ll be following an original style of old school factions, with 1.8pvp, and a 1.18.2 world.

2022 Artic Dropparty Economy Griefprevention Jail Milk Milky Pets Selection Shop Spawners Staff Survival Warps

Artic Empire

Artic empire Server Releasing On 31st March
Release Time : 12 GMT+0
Exact Time In Your TimeZone : Sunday, March 31st, 2022

We Working Hard On It
Be Sure To Check It Out



Custom Bosses

Join When Released
IP: Play.articmc.TK

Helper Selection Will Be open
And New Helper Will Be Selected On 31st

Analyzedcannons Cannoning Coinflip Customplugins Dropparty Economy Faction Pvp Factionpayout Factions Harvest Mcmmo Outpost Outposts Pvp Sellwands

PimpFactions [1.8 – 1.15]

PimpFactions is a [​1.8-1.15] factions server completely analyzed around factions and cannoning. We have amazing plugins and a completely balanced economy with mulitple ways to make millions! We have put alot of work in so far. Join our discord and come play!

– Fixed/Massive cannons!

– FTOP giveaway upon reset

– Buycraft giveaways

– Vote rewards

– Chunkbusters/Genbuckets

– Automatic DropParty events!

– 1V1 DUELS with bets!

– CoinFlip bets!

– Effecient economy and shops!

– Sell Wands/Harvester hoes/Trench pickaxe and more!

– Outposts and KOTH(Coming Soon).

Advertisement Battles Bows Caps Dropparty Economy Ftp Greif Hide Parkour Pvp Spigot Plugin Survival Vanilla Wildernes

Craft Portal

Craft Portal – SMP Survival (Vanilla Experience with Spigot plugins)(Join the server today! IP: Fred121212CURRENTLY SUPPORTING 1.15 versions!!Friendly community where you can play SMP vanilla with plugins such as Grief Prevention to make your game more enjoyable. Team up with friends or survive by yourself, prepare yourself for battles in the wilderness and start rivalries with other players to see who can survive the longest.You can now donate at to help fund our server – check out rewards at!Vote today and receive free rewards –!Join us on discord – reward dedicated players and we have a friendly staff team who are happy to help!Parties! Events! Spleef! Hunger Games! And more!RULES:Dont greif!Dont spam!Dont ask admins for stuff!Dont use mod!Dont hack!Be nice in the chat!Dont ask for higher rank!No advertisement!Dont use CAPS in every sentence!Welcome to Craft Portal!This is a Towny and PvP server were you need to survive and protect your self!There is loads of events and more fun stuff, like: Parkour, Race, Paintball, DropParty, KitPvP, Spleef, BowSpleef, Hide and Seek and more to come! Join us Today!Welcome to Craft Portal!This is a SMP PvP server were you nead to survive and protect yourself!There is loads of events/minigames and more fun stuff, like: Parkour, Race, Paintball, DropParty, KitPvP, Spleef, BowSpleef, Hide and Seek and more to come! Events coming soon!

Dropparty Economy Factions Kings Knight Knights Lords Mini Games Nights Parkour Pvp Queen Queens Wizard Wizards

The Kingdom

Our server is faction type. Its working like a kingdom, there are kings, queens, lords, wizards and knights. We also have cool thing that called “water Arena”
You get a helmet that help you to breath. And you just “fly” around and kill players.
we do alot of Giveaways , DropParty and events!
So join today!

Alia Dropparty Envoy Factions Mca Mcmmo Nether Party Pot Raiding Rps Score Sever Warp Warps


An awesome Custom Enchant Factions Server, with a great community! Several warps including: Warp Envoy, Warp DropParty, Warp Staff, Warp Shop, Warp Pots, Warp PvP, Warp Parkour, Warp Nether, and last, Warp Enchant. Come Play!

Cheap Donor Drop Dropparty Faction Pvp Factions Forever Mcmmo Mom Non Party Pay Pvp Raiding Ush


DrycraftNetwork 1.8.*

Faction PvP: ONLINE
In our factions we have: 10 online = !!DROPPARTY!!!
Only factions is open at the moment..

(We ressetted our servers)
We are running non-cheap servers to keep this Network running.
Soo that means we pay a lot of money to keep it in a clean run.
We are not pushing players to donate but those who will,
get rewarded with a donor rank wich has lots of features!
The donors will also get a cool prefix and the rank is forever.

Conquer Custom Developed Dropparty Factions Fun Grand Leb Needed Opening Plugins Powerful Rebirth Starting Thg

Rebirth Gaming – Factions

Looking for a server that is well developed and a lot of fun? How about one were you have the opportunity to build up a powerful faction and conquer anyone in your path? If youre looking for any of these two things than our factions server is the right place for you. Not only is their custom and premium plugins that offer a wider variety of things to do, but we listen to what you have to say and if youd like us to add anything at all then we will do it. Were just starting up and because of that were giving away special rewards on our server to celebrate our grand opening. DropParty at 30 players. What are you waiting for? Join our amazing community today.

Staff needed.


Active Advanced Base Bee Build Builds Cat Challenge Class Craft Has History House Houses Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Old Ores Parkour Play Player Players Pve Pvp Raiding Red Reset Server Story Survival Survive Wild Wilderness World

ArcticForest – Wilderness Survival

ArcticForest – Wilderness Survival also known as ArcticForestMC is a Survival server for advanced Minecraft players that may require some patience and courage to survive. The world has not been reset for 8 years, however there had been old Alpha chunks deleted. There are 100’s even 1000 builds, bases, houses scattered across the entire world. If you’re up for the challenge then go for it, if not then why are you still reading this? Nows your time to be in the history books.

Class Craft Creative End Fac Faction Factions Free Game Games Grief Join Kit Kitpvp Lag Land Lands Mcmmo Mine Minez Minigame Minigames Mmo Online Open Play Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Survival Games


FireCraftNL: MineZ, Survival, Factions, PvP, MiniGames, KitPvP, Prison, Creative, mcMMO.

* Survival
* Factions PvP
* Prison & PvP
* Survival Games
* MiniGames
* MineZ
* KitPvP
* Shop
* mcMMO

* Free creative with big plots
* Nederlandse server
* vriendelijke staff

De server is op dit moment alleen s avonds en in het weekend online, als het drukker wordt gaat de server vaker online.

Join FireCraftNL, ip:

Kijk ook eens op


Active Adventure Ark Ass Bar Base Based Capture Clan Class Com Core Craft Create Dcraft Dventure Erver Flag Game Incredible Join Lag Nen One Play Pvp Red Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Server Surviva Survival Survive Venture Vive

Fractured Craft


Ace Admin Admins Art Call Class Com Community End Erver Fun Great Join Love Lwc Mod Moderator Moderators New Non Old One Owner Red Server Staff Star Start Style This Town Towny Trust Who World

AxeWorld | Towny | LWC | FUN |

New towny server, branced from an old community called Aceworld. We might end up starting up Aceworld again who knows ? Want to be a part of this great community ? Come in and join the fun with us. We would love to see you on our server today,
Staff :

Owner : Icalindor
Admins : Fredrikol
Moderators: None


Active Ages Class Community Craft Creative Custom Development Force Fun Game Games Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames Murder Non Play Player Plot Plots Prison Pve Pvp Raiding Server Small Special Spleef Staff Super Survival Tea Team


PurpurMC is Minecraft server in it’s early stages of development.
We try to be specialized in minigames.
With at this moment 4 custom games + Survival, Non-OP Prison and Plots
With a small staff team and player base. -yet a fun community.

– Purpur Force
– Survival
– Non-OP Prison
– Plots
– Super Craft Brothers
– Murder Run
– Spleef

333 Ass Class Config Craft Dom Eco Econ Erver Follow Gold King Kingdom Noop Old Open Plugin Plugins Prison Raft Ree Server Staff Style Taff Tps

GoldenCraft is een kingdom en Prison server met ervaren staff, goed geconfigureerde plugins en een leuke sfeer. kom jij ook?

IP: 33.333.333.333:26243

Active Anarchy Art Ass Class Com Craft Creative Dedi Edit Erver Free Fun Inecraft Lab Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Particles Play Player Playerparticles Plugin Plugins Power Powerful Public Pvp Raiding Rules Server Survival This Time World Worldedit


Kaboom is more than your regular free OP server for Minecraft. This public multiplayer server combines free OP with anarchy. Use powerful operator commands as much as you like, without having to worry about rules. Fun and useful plugins such as WorldEdit, CommandSpy and PlayerParticles are available at any time.

Action Ark Ass Class Com Craft Erver Fac Faction Follow Inecraft Market Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Raft Server Sit Site Staff Style Survival Multiplayer Taff Tps Website


-{: faction server, met leuke en gezellige staff. :}—
—{: Onze website :}—


Action Active Age Amazing Anarchy Build Builds Class Com Competitive Ect Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Fun Game Gui Hey Ill Incredible Kitpvp Link Lms Lore Mpet Pet Play Real Realm Realms Red Server Skyblock Tag This Time

Apollo Realms

Apollo Realms is a competitive faction’s server with a flurry of amazing features, stunning builds and incredible things to do – The following is the information you can use to your advantage to wrap your mind around how this server functions; we hope that you will be able to find time to read these guidelines and links as they are imperative to the game-play aspect on the server!

Action Actions Ass Ations Class Com Custom Donation Donations Enjin Fac Faction Factions Follow Lag Nation Nations Nolag Nolagg Noop Open Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Staff Style Taff Tom Twd


– Factions
– Raiding
– Nolagg
– Donations
– Custom plugins
– Activate staff.


Auction Auctions Backpack Boss Bosses Cars Claim Claims Create Custom Death Dungeons Enchants Free Guns Helicopters Home Homes Job Jobs Jobsreborn Keys Latest Minecraft Nether New Pay Planes Play Quest Questing Rol Safe Server Spawn Survival Title Unique World

Mythic Survival [Custom World+Nether] [Custom ORE & CROPS] [Free Keys]

Mythic Minecraft 1.15.2 Survival

Started June 15, 2020

>> 9 custom ores, 5 custom crops

>> 2 Custom world generators (I have never seen on any other server)

>> NOT PAY2play or PAY2win

>> Unique weather; from sand, wind and rain storms to tornadoes and more

>> 5+ NEW custom bosses, created in 2020

>> Enchanted food items – that give potion effects

>> Real time in-chat auctions

>> Mini Dungeons

>> Furniture!

>> Race cars, hover crafts, planes, helicopters and submarines

>> Custom crafting recipes for enchanted food, furniture, backpacks and weapons (incl. guns)

Non-mythic features:

-> Backpacks (craftable)

-> Clue scrolls for questing

-> Custom fishing

-> Golden Shovel Land Claims

-> JobsReborn

-> 100+ enchants (7 custom made just for our server) – latest – “Lava Walker”

Settings: New users get 2 set homes, safe spawn and buy inventory back on death.

Downside: Brand NEW server, no established user base, and *I* hate the spawn, but am working to replace. (-:

Active Adventure Ark Auction Class Craft Crate Crates Create Economy End Friends Fun Good Head Heads House Interesting Join Market Markets Mcmmo Mod New Normal Play Player Pvp Sell Server Shop Survival Town Towny Vanilla Venture

Crafters Union

Crafters Union is an all new survival server! We have so many fun things such as player markets, crates, auction house, headshop, and so much more! Crafters Union is survival with a twist. We added things to the normal survival mode to make it more fun and interesting! Join today and begin your adventure! Create a town with your friends or even a shop to sell your goods!

Anarchy Best Build Clan Clans Crates Envoys Faction Faction Pvp Factions Hard Home Homes Job Jobs Kit Kits Koth Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Needstaff New Play Player Plugin Plugins Premium Pve Pvp Ranks Server Servers Smp Staff Survival Tech Technology Title War

OG Clans – MC Factions – PVP – [ALL Versions][Looking for Staff]

OG Clans is an oldschool Factions Server, with new-age technology. We have everything you love about advanced minecraft servers, and everything you love about old school factions. We use premium hardware, and premium plugins, ensuring you the best gaming session’s possible.

We Feature things like:
Battle Pass
Free Ranks

Warp member

Plenty of Kits
Free rank for everyone who wants one
3 Homes for player with just a free rank!
Max 10 people per faction, so individual factions aren’t ever to strong.
Skilled, kind, capable, and hard working staff brings you security that your fair play is protected.

Join us on IP :

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Build Claim Class Community Craft Create Crops Eco Econ Econom Economy Factions Farm Farming Farms Ffa Fun Inecraft Join King Land Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Perk Perks Pve Pvp Raiding Rank Roleplay Sell Server Tea Team Teams Unique


MF Farms is a unique farming economy server! Sell crops to rank up, claim land, create teams and gain perks! Looking to build a community minecraft server! Join today to see what we have to offer! Have fun!

Auction Buycraft Class Competitive Craft Crates Custom End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Friends Fun Happy Join King Mine Minecraft Need New Open Pets Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Popular Rank Ranks Server Staff Store Team Vault Vaults Website Who


Server IP:
Server Store:
Server Website: Coming Soon

What is DotzCraft: This is DotzCraft, a competitive minecraft server where u can have lots of fun with friends. We have friendly staff,custom plugins
and even more that u can experience when u join the server. It might look like were an ordinary faction server, but were actually a lot more then that. The owner and the
whole staff team are working on the server everyday too make the experience better for u guys. So maybe ur wondering why were not popular We got quality but quantity
is just not there for us, were trying too reach out too new players, but we need a lot of support from u guys for that. So we would be happy if u could make us a server
review. What do we have to offer

✓ Regular Factions
✓ Costum Time Ranks
✓ Crates
✓ Custom Plugins
✓ Pets
✓ Auction
✓ Vaults
✓ And More


Active Air Arrow Ass Away Awesome Blo Block Call Chat Class Cool Discord Eat Elf Erver Eso Features Fun Give Giveaway Giveaways Join Play Playing Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Stuff Super Sur Way


Join our super cool awesome skyblock server. We got allot of features and more awesome stuff. Be sure to check it out yourself, also join the discord server. We do regulair giveaways, and its fun to chat/call while playing.

Active Ass Bal Balance Build Class Com Craft Economy Exp Free Freebuild Ill Inecraft Magi Mine Minecraft Mon Plugin Plugins Pve Raft Ree Serveur Simp Sur Surv Survie Survival Vanilla


Bienvenue sur SupraCraft! Un serveur qui se démarque des autres grâces à sa simplicitée. Vous voulez jouer au bon vieux minecraft mais sans ces centaines de plugins compliqués qui ajoute de la magie ou même des fusils? SupraCraft est fait pour vous avec notre balance entre Vanilla et quelques bons plugins essentiels au jeu votre expérience de jeu sera comme dans le bon vieux temps. nous sommes un serveur Freebuild Survie et le monde est en Difficile pour donner un peu de mordant 😉

Ass Class Craft Erver Game Games Join Lin Lmao Master Mini Minigame Minigames Nline Online Raft Server Staff Style Survival Multiplayer Taff Ter


Leuke en gezellige server met grote keuze uit minigames.Aardige staff en vaak online.
Waar wacht je nog op?
Join op:


Active Art Ass Awesome Class Com Conomy Custom Earth Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Geo Geoearth Huge Item Items Map Mod Mods Mon Money One Ores Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Towny Vehicle Vehicles Weapons

GeoEarth MC

GeoEarth Is an awesome Survival Earth Server!

We have a huge map with custom ores!
We have an economy with money, weapons vehicles, custom items, mods and more!

Come check us out!

Accepting Active Application Apply Ass Ations Cat Class Com Community Craft Discord Erver Ill Join List Mall New Ommunity Open Play Player Players Rvival Server Slots Small Staff Sur Surviv Surviva Survival This Vanilla Way Welcome Whitelist Whitelisted


This is a completely vanilla survival server! We are a small community and always welcome new players. This server is whitelisted and to join just go to our discord to find out how. ALso we are accepting staff applications! We have a lot of staff slots to fill since we just opened up. Come joing and apply!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server Always Online. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!