Bedrock Bedwars Crossplatform Crossplay Javabedrockcrossplay Minecraft Pvp Survival

H3L Worlds

H3L World
JAVA [ ]
BEDROCK [ (Port: 19132) ]

We are H3L World, An cross-platform server with many minigames to come! We currently have H3L Nations, a replica of the entire world 1:9000, where you can make alliances, trade, and start fights! BedWars, where PvP is essenetial, destroy beds and win!

What we offer
Anticheat (We take cheating very seriously, so we have discussed to add an anticheating system.)- Staff support (We provide support everyday, so there’s nothing to worry about!)- 24/7 Server (No matter your timezone, it is open everyday!)

We are looking for staff which can help the server efficently.- We are looking for media which can help spread the word of!

Thank you and enjoy your stay in H3L World!




Yo. we are currently on season 14 (been running this server since 2019)
It's a decent server with chill people. A good bit of us are decent builders. Some of us are good with redstone and create cool contraptions, or simply end up over engineering things.
We are between 20-40 so if that's you, welcome.


server ip java & bedrock:




I do suggest you take a look at the world map just look around at some of our builds.

Please take a look at the current page on the websiteIts got some info that you'd probably like to know before joining.


  • no racist shit.
  • no leaving trees floating.
  • no pvp without consent
  • no cheat/hacking/greifing

    simple,yes. :slight_smile:


  • Skills
  • Magic Mirror (an item that makes travel easier, we don't all have the time to spend walking around everywhere)
  • Ingame Voice Chat (using simple voice chat)
  • Keep Some Inventory (you keep some gear after death)

If you made this far, and do join make sure you read the board at spawn.
At spawn you'll see our little city that gets pasted into each new season(not always), it's not a place to build at, just something to look at right when you join. We also tend to add things to it each season. Right out the main gate of spawn you'll find the Shopping District, once you get yourself some diamonds to make a stop there, or even get your own spot going.
Anyways, hope to see you there. :wave:


Allium SMP

Allium SMP Season 7 – True vanilla with performance, community and redstone farms in mind.

After 5 years of Allium SMP and on our 7th season we are looking for more players to join our community and make the server even more lively. Our players are extremely proud of the community we have created. We welcome all sorts of players, meaning that things like TNT duping, worldeaters and mods like tweakaroo and minihud are permitted.

We frequently hold in-game events, host a Mayoral vote every two months, and even have a dedicated fully vanilla player built shopping area. We use a small number of useful Discord bots and very few plugins and data packs. Our goal is to enhance the vanilla experience while staying mostly unchanged. While there are no claims, we have rollback software to deter and undo griefing. We have some amazing builders and are looking for more to bring the server to life, including a massive railroad that we are in the process of building!

We are a multicultural, fun, friendly community that welcomes all sorts of people. Every single player is safe and welcome on Allium, and our staff will make sure of that.

If you are interested, please message me and/or join our Discord, and we will get you permissions!

Discord: (You need to apply to get perms)

Server IP:


Faction Pvp

AND DonkeyLand

OG Factions server, nothing but the basics like the old days :D. Its under development for the first week but will work hard to get everything figured out…. Its been awhile lol. DonkeyLand was a server I owned awhile ago but after it got ran over by minigames and a crazy amount of plugins it got boring and to much to manage. I hope yall now can enjoy a good basic factions server to just have fun on and not get confused of the main point of factions.


Amethyst Abyss

Amethyst Abyss is a new economy survival server with the goal of balancing every way of making money, from mining to boss farming. The server features a shop with over 400 balanced price items, as well as a player marketplace. Currently under development and many high tier items may be overpriced but will be adjusted over time.

Survival Tekkit Tekkit2

Tekkit 2 Server for CHILLERS ONLY

Small Tekkit 2 server with a general be nice rule and minimal plugins

For those who don’t know Tekkit 2 is a modpack that adds a ton of additional content to the game.
Build a factory, become and alchemist, go to the moon, and more!

To play on this server you must follow these steps.

1. Download the Technic Launcher:

2. After installing login with your Microsoft account, click modpacks, and install Tekkit 2.

That’s it, once you’re in join the server just like normal!

Remember to be nice!!!

If there is an issue with the server and I am not online to correct it please let me know at this Discord channel



PhantixMC is an immersive Minecraft server where players can embark on exciting adventures, build their own empires, and interact with a supportive community. Here’s what you can expect when you join:

  • Land Claiming: Protect your builds and establish your own empire by claiming land.
  • Jobs: Choose from various professions such as miner, farmer, hunter, and fisherman to earn resources and contribute to the community.
  • Quests: Engage in thrilling quests that offer epic rewards, elevating your survival experience to new heights.
  • Skill Progression: Level up your skills to unlock new items and abilities, enhancing your capabilities as an adventurer.
  • Player Shops: Trade with other players through player-run shops, creating a vibrant economy within the server.
  • Community: Join a welcoming and supportive community of fellow adventurers from diverse backgrounds, where collaboration and camaraderie thrive.
  • PhantixMC is committed to delivering the ultimate survival experience while fostering inclusivity and friendship among its players. Don’t miss out on the endless possibilities and exciting adventures awaiting you. Join PhantixMC today and embark on your journey into a world where every corner holds a new discovery!

    Feel free to join the PhantixMC Discord for further engagement and updates!

    Survival Vanilla Whitelist

    Purple Mafia

    New minecraft SMP with voice mods, vanilla gameplay join discord to apply

    looking for fun people to create a survival server with, no drama and no second chances for cheating or griefing



    Towny server for Everyone.
    The Server was Founded on 07/07/2022, it is Owner is Foxboiii96 and Later we want to Create a Server Community or Join a Decent Server Community.
    We may be from Hungary, but we respect equal values.
    Achievement 1: First Players. 50/3 – Done
    Achievement 2: 10 Players – Soon

    Earth Economy Factions Hardcore Lifesteal Survival Vanilla


    This is a Minehut lifesteal server!
    It is custom coded with skript!
    If you wish to play it you can join the discord server or the minecraft server with the IP:
    Thank you so much for reading this and for voting for us!



    Welcome To 200b200t Anarchy
    We Are Between The Versions 1.12.2 And 1.18.2 or 1.19 (didnt try)
    Its Cracked Too
    So Hop On
    Also Can You Guys Donate So We Can Upgrade From Aternos To Smth Else
    I Got A YT Channel So Sub To That Too And Tell Me Plugin Suggestions

    Anarchy Pvp Survival Vanilla


    A public survival server for the players of, old and new! Anyone is welcome! has a large and active community that welcomes all! This server is extremely minimal for the hardcore type of player, borderline Anarchy.

    Here are our server rules:
    – No discrimination
    – No racism
    – No homophobia
    – No personally attacking another user
    – No cheating
    – No lag machines or anything that disrupts the server’s performance for others
    – Respect the spawn, build what you like but keep it clean or it’ll just get removed later. Ie: If you’re gonna do a lavacast, do it elsewhere

    – Everything else is allowed, such as griefing, TNT cannons, xyz



    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

    Bedwars Citybuild Network Netzwerk Onlyup Other Rplace


    Welcome to Minecosia, your creative and varied Minecraft network!
    We offer a city build as well as well-known mini-games like Bedwars, OnlyUp and more!


    The Bagelverse

    Would you like to get straight to it? Get access to the Cottage Witch Recast server here:

    The Bagelverse now offers a Cottage Witch Recast server! Marvel at this whimsical modpack that empowers your witchy endeavors!

    Modpack and Server features:

    • Pack version 1.5.3 (Latest) on Forge 1.19.2
    • Over 250 mods which include tons of magic mods such as Ars Nouveau and Hexerei, unique decoration mods like Fairy Lightsand Create for automation.
    • Come see our beautiful Ghibli-style spawn where you can find shops and mobs that drop coins for spending! You can get tons of in-game goodies to start your journey with 😉
    • /rtp /back /home and /tpa is available to all players.
    • In-game chat is accessible through Discord! You can talk to other players without even joining the game.
    • Proximity voice chat with Simple Voice Chat.
    • NO pay-to-win! We only do donations <3
    • MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! The best community ever 😀

    Interested? Get started by joining the Bagelverse Discord server:

    see you there ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ


    PossiblySurvival | Semi-Whitelisted | PvE | MCMMO

    Almost vanilla survival Minecraft, with two sets of worlds and the MCMMO plugin. The first set of worlds are persistent with a relatively small world border (increased as needed) and the second set are resource worlds with no world border. The resource worlds get reset as needed.

    There’s no claiming mechanic in place, opting for everyone to have access to coreprotect logging. If/when griefing occurs, it will be rolled back to its previous state, undoing any damage, and bans will likely be issued.

    There are no donation packages of any sort on this server. The reason being, in the past I’ve tried a few Minecraft servers and every single one had some level of pay to win. It always leaves a bad taste… So that won’t be done here.

    Every time the server is advertised on server lists, the whitelist is disabled. Anyone who joins during this time gets automatically whitelisted. This allows me to watch new players and filter out blatant trolls, cheaters, and griefers. When I’m not around to monitor new players, the whitelist will be on to help prevent potential problems with new players when nobody is around to solve the problem.

    Max Render Distance:
    32 chunks
    Simulation Distance:
    15 chunks
    Server IP:



    The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm

    Here at the Binecraft Bealm, We started out as a small group of friends and decided to open up our Hard Difficulty survival server to everyone!

    Now we are looking for people to help us expand our server and help us grow into an active community! Whether you want to build or Adventure! The choice is yours!

    At the moment, we have a few community builds, but are looking for people willing to help us in creating a new spawn area, more community areas and with hopes of opening up a shopping district! Our Discord is currently undergoing a makeover to become more user friendly. Where all Suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group! Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid!

    Our No griefing/no stealing server has no plans of resetting the world. This means no losing any builds, whether they be big or small. We are accessible 24/7, so no sitting around waiting for the server to open up.

    We are New player friendly, So you could be new to the game or experienced, and you would be welcomed with open arms to our world. We also have no limitiations on the size or purpose of your builds. So build away with the only restriction being common sense. Eg. no hate symbols, anything too political ect.

    With accessible Nether Hub and Highway You can travel around the world without having to worry about getting lost or running into unfriendly beings!

    Optional mods include:

    Prox chat

    Litematica Mod




    -Mature 16+ age limit

    -Must have discord



    Hi, I am fbievana founder of the FrozenSMP server here on Discord.

    The FrozenSMP server is a tight-knit community that consists of players that enjoy and play minecraft. This server orginally started as a friend-owned and operated community server, but we have decided to open our doors and allow people in.

    Some Info

    1. VERSION: 1.20.4
    2. KeepInventory is Off
    3. Diffculty: Hard

    We use these datapacks

    1. OnePlayersleep
    2. Double Shulker Shells
    3. Player Head Drops

    We also have a creative server to allow players to test their ideas

    We provide

    1. Grief protection and rollbacks
    2. A community
    3. A fully in-house operated server
    4. Discord bridge!
    5. A Live-updating Map

    We have some simple rules

    1. No Griefing
    2. Don't steal
    3. Most client-side mods are allowed (Things like journey map, and full bright is fine)
    4. Respect other peoples' choices and respect others boundaries
    5. Don't build on other peoples builds, try to again follow the previous rule
    6. Be Kind
    7. No exploits/glitches (Duping, etc)

    There is a guiding principle that we have: Moderation should be the last resort, and not the first.

    The plugins we use are

    1. Carbon Chat
    2. DiscordSRV
    3. Coreprotect
    4. Luckperms (internal use)
    5. Freedomchat

    If you want to join, click Here and ask to get whitelisted!

    Economy Ekonomia Minecraft Minecraftserver Public Pvp Smp Survival – Your entertainment center in Minecraft

    A server for you and your friends, start a great adventure on a unique Survival server, get to know new bosses and systems of cities and countries, join the server and conquer the rankings!


    Caledonian SMP

    Hey there, welcome to Caledonian SMP!

    We're a small server that started just over a month ago and are looking to add some new faces to our group. We are a mostly vanilla SMP featuring a few datapacks as well as Simple Voice Chat (optional), DiscordIntegration, and Dynmap to enhance the experience and encourage collaboration within the community. To see a more in depth list of server features join our discord!

    1. Be a good person. respect other people and use common sense
    2. No greifing or raiding/stealing of other people builds or items
    3. No cheats or hacks. Mods such as optifine, minimap, and JEI are allowed.
    4. No Item duping. TNT duping is allowed, but general item duping is not.
    5. Must be 18 or older to join the server.
    If any of this sounds interesting to you, join our discord and apply!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!