Awesome Class Community Craft Crafting Custom Ddos Discord End Friendly Game Games Ill Map Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Modpack Network Noop Open Plugin Plugins Protected Pvp Server Servers Speak Staff Team Teamspeak Tech Technic Tekkit Title Unique Website Zombies

Offical Crafting Dead Network

This is the Official Crafting dead Seaport network We have a lot to
offer at The biggest network on the Crafting Dead modpack!
  • ;Minigames
  • :5 unique maps such as “Cardiff,DC,Greenfield,Seaport”
  • ;Custom plugins
  • :Advanced machines
  • :DDos Protected network
  • :Custom website
  • :friendly Staff
  • :Awesome community
  • We hope to see you Soon!

    Discord Server –

    Teamspeak ip –

    2b2t Allowed Anarchy Anti Ban Banner Block Class Craft Diamond Discord Experience Good Hack Hacking Home Ill Inecraft Join King Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver New Noop Open Rules Server Servers Sethome Survival Tea Team Title Tpa Vanilla Vote Voting

    OP Anarchy

    IP: 1.15.2

    Welcome to OP Anarchy! Are you bored of 2b2t waiting times? Well come join OP Anarchy! OP Anarchy is a new anarchy server with absolutely no rules, hacking is allowed!
    We have our own discord now! Here you can: report bugs, share creations, share clients, find teams and more.

    *The server is as vanilla as we can make it, but don’t think that changes the experience!

    You can also vote to get started off. You get random goods like diamond armour and enchanting books.
    One of the few voting sites:

    We are currently using EssentialX so you can do:

    Make sure to come check us out!

    *server banner coming soon*

    Antigrief Buycraft Claim Claims Community Craft Create Discord Donation Donations Eco Event Gravitree Grief Griefing Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Nations Need New Open Perks Play Player Server Shop Sorting Staff Survival Title Vanilla Voting Who World

    WitchyCraft – A Vanilla-ish Survival Server

    WitchyCraft is a brand new, Vanilla-ish Community survival server for players of all ages who want to play and create a new world with others.

    Server Features:
    Land Claims
    Auto-Inventory / Chest Sorting
    Buycraft Shop for donation and purchase of items/Land Claims
    Population Density
    Server Voting for Buffs
    Sleep most

    Mods can become invisible to help prevent griefing and investigate things as needed.

    We are looking for Mods, so if you would like to apply for staff, let me know!

    This server has a Donations Page where you can donate for in-game perks.

    Check out /rules when you hop on for the first time!

    You can find us on Discord here.

    Achievements Backpack Claim Claiming Class Community Craft Custom Discord Economy Friendly Gaming Ill Kill Kit Land Land Claim Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Money Nether New Open Play Player Players Pve Pve Economy Pvesurvival Pvp Rtp Server Shop Shops Survival Title World

    SimplyCrafted | PvP | PvE | Mcmmo | Custom Achievements |

    SimplyCrafted is a brand new server with the goal of getting new players to come form a community.

    RTP Overworld and Nether

    Shops GUI Shop for each player!

    Money earned from killing mobs

    Access to a nine slot backpack

    Land claiming

    Lockette to lock chests, doors, furnaces ect

    Access to /Kit Starter


    Custom achievments

    We hope to see you gaming with us soon!

    Our discord:

    Allowed Ban Build Builds Class Community Craft CTF Custom Diamond End Event Friends Fun Grind Grinding Hack Lit Mentions Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Modded Nation Play Player Players Rank Reset Rol Rules Server Sky Skyblock Staff Title

    GamersNest Skyblock and Oneblock 1.15.2

    I am proud to announce that GamersNest Just Released Skyblock!

    Gamersnest is a minecraft community, that is meant for players to have fun, not spend hours grinding/placing emerald blocks. Have you ever wanted a server, where resets don’t happen for long period of time? Where you and your friends can have fun, and not compete for some virtual number, that means nothing? If so, gamersnest is for you.

    Diamond Rank Drop Soon!

    Port: 25565 (not required)

    ▬▬▬ Rules ▬▬▬

  • You are responsible for every action and event that occurs on your account.
  • Use common sense.
  • No harassment, trolling, bullying, discrimination or abuse of any kind. Be respectful. No excessive cursing, or sexual content.
  • No spam. This includes server invites, mass mentions, caps, screamers, and link spam.
  • Exploiting glitches/mistakes is NOT allowed. If you find something that can be exploited, report it to a staff member immediately.
  • Offensive builds are NOT allowed.
  • Using AutoClickers, modded/hacked clients, X-ray clients/resource packs, etc. is bannable.
  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Ass Auto Blo Block Brewery Class Com Eat Ect Erver Erza Esp Extra Factions Ill Jobs Lands Mcmmo Mythicdrops Mythicmobs Noop One Open Play Quests Ran Server Servidor Style Survival Suvival Ten Ter Time Title Tom Tps Youtube


    Bienvenid@ a este maravilloso mundo de Valkirias.

    Nos espera una buena ventura juntos.
    No es de extrañar que hayamos vuelto, tenia que ser así.

    Durante estos años estuvimos recluidos. Pasado ya el temporal, decidimos retomar este gran periplo y ponernos manos a la obra para traerte de nuevo tu servidor favorito.

    Fuerza y Honor

    Resultó que el Ragnarök no fue el final, si no el principio de todo.

    Active Boss Bosses Community Crates Creative Custom Discord Donor Economy Event Events Grief Job Jobs Kits Mob New Open Perks Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Quest Quests Ranks Rewards Server Shop Shops Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title Unique Vault Voting

    FruitMC – Infinitystones – 100 Rankup -Survival – Jobs

    Welcome to fruitmc!
    fruitmc is an tight-knit community that loves to welcome all new members and give each other a hand.
    Were highly community oriented and value the opinions of our playerbase.
    We offer a lot to our community including donor items through our special in-game rank up system!
    We have listed and detailed some of our biggest features we have to offer!
    Rank System – We have 100 ranks that can give you unique items, perks, and accessories that you cant get any other way.
    Player Shops – Open to the community to sell and trade with others in creative ways.
    Quests – A unique way to get in-game money and rewards for completing tasks.
    Special Hoppers – These can gather all of your crop or mob drops in a chunk.
    Discord – An active community that allows our players to keep up with events, giveaways, and server updates.
    Other things we have to offer:

    Grief Prevention
    Player Vaults

    Silk Touch Spawners

    Daily and Weekly quests



    Custom Plugins

    Infinity stones get stones from mining and craft a infinity key}


    Token shop


    Joining rewards

    Active Community Stafff fruitmc

    Ars Ass Auto Bed Bee Blo Block Blocks Blockshop Building Class Die Economy Ect Elf Erver Help Host Hosting Ken Kie Lin Mine Minetopia Nen Network Open Plot Ree Roleplay Server Shop Title Top Two Zen


    Welkom op onze FAKE minetopia server! Op onze server is het de bedoeling dat jij alles zelf kan doen! Je kan bijvoorbeeld gaan minen in onze mine om geld te verdienen, eens je genoeg geld hebt kan je een plot kopen en blokken in de blockshop halen om iets leuk te bouwen op je eigen plot! Verder kan je ook nog kiezen welk pad je uitgaat.. Wil jij liefst een crimineel worden die iedereen neerschiet? Of ben jij liever iemand die de nieuwe spelers helpt? De keuze is aan jou!

    247server Auctionhouse Backpacks Claims Customenchants Customrecipes Economy Grapplinghooks Login Map Menu Npcs Npcshop Orbs Pvp Ranks Shop Survival Votes

    Pixel Network

    Join our server now with the server address:

    You can see the live map on our website.

    We have a lot of cool custom features that you wont find in the other servers. They will make your gaming experiance wery fun!

    Join our discord for more information:

    We are also looking for some active YouTubers/streamers to make content on our server in order to expand our and their own community. If you have an active youtube channel and you would want to get a YouTuber rank on the server DM me or tag staff in our server.

    Adult Adults Age Ages Block Build Building Class Com Craft Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect End Erver Good Hard Inecraft King Looking Magic Mine Minecraft Mod Noop Open Planet Planetminecraft Please Server Soon Survival Multiplayer Title War Whitelist

    Hard Mode Server for ages 17+

    Hard Mode Server for Ages 17+

    To whitelist, please send me your IGN through the discord server or email [email protected]

    Looking forward to building up a good economy with only adults. See you soon!

    Arena Block Build Builds Class Craft CTF Enviro Environment Familyfriendly Friendlycommunity Friendlysurvival Grief Griefprevention Griefprotection Ill Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Multiplayer Nolag Play Player Plugin Pro Protection Pvp Pvpsurvival Safe Semivanilla Server Survival Survivalserver Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival Welcoming World

    Camper Craft

    -=Camper Craft=-

    Are you looking for the feel of vanilla Minecraft in a multiplayer environment without having to worry about your builds being griefed? You’ve come to the right place!

    We have a wonderful grief protection plugin, your builds are safe!
    PVP is enabled all around the world along with a beautiful PVP arena!

    We offer a safe respectful and welcoming environment!

    Amazing Arena Best Block Cash Class Craft Custom Donation Donations Dynamic Easy Economy Great Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Nation Nations Npc Plot Plots Pro Quest Quests Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Title Town Towny

    Steel Craft Survival!

    Survival Towny to protect plots, easy jobs, dynamic shop, mob arena for xp and cash, quests, mcmmo, npc shop, ranks by time spent on server but can be done through donations –

    Crates Custom Discord Discordsrv Economy Enchant Enchantments Island Mobcoins Pve Economy Rewards Skyblock Spawners Staff Survival Votingcrates Votingrewards

    Zenith MC

    Daily Reward (Spin a wheel every day to get a random reward)
    Daily Crates (Vote 3 times daily and open them to get random rewards)
    Random ore gens (Your cobble gen can give you every single ore in the game, not just cobble)
    Island warps (Visit other islands and vote for them)
    Island Top (Be the top island each season to get real money)
    Custom Plugins (I have spent over $200 on getting custom plugins made for Zenith Networks)
    Here are some of them:
    Zenith Spawners
    – Spawners come in tiers, Tier 1 spawner mobs drop something of low value, the higher the tier, the more money you get from the drops
    – Spawner stacking, stack spawners up to 500x
    – Makes 500 of that mob spawn at once, hence 500x the loot
    Zenith Additions
    – Bosses spawn in the warzone every hour for you to fight, they drop high amounts of rare loot
    – Envoys happen every hour or so, crates spawn in the warzone to fight over
    – Custom /craft command
    Autosell Chests
    – Get autosell chests from crates or from the mobcoin shop
    – Autosell chests will automatically sell everything in them every hour
    – Chunk Chests pick up every item dropped within the same chunk as the chest
    – Autosell chunk chests will pick up everything within the chunk and sell it all every hour
    – do /cf and participate in coinflips against other players
    Auction house
    – do /ah to buy and sell items on the auction house
    Custom enchantments
    – do /enchant to view the menu
    – over 22 new enchantments added that can be won from crates or bought with XP
    Top island payouts
    – number 1 island worth wins 50$ paypal or $80 buycraft
    – Number 1 island votes wins $20 paypal or $40 BuyCraft
    – Number 1 island bank wins $20 paypal or $40 buycraft

    – Different types of robots that can be won or bought
    – THey can automate your island
    – They can kill mobs, pick up items, sell items, fish, chop wood, etc etc

    Ace Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Community Craft Crate Crates Ect Erver Eth Free Gaming Ill Keys Magic Ming Nks Ommunity Place Pve Economy Ran Rank Ranks Rat Rates Ree Server Tes Title Together Way

    Santa Craft

    Santa Craft is the offical server of Magic Santa Gaming and is a place where all the community can come together. Ranks can only be obtained via crates and the keys for those crates will always be given out for free

    Ass Block Class Com Craft Creatif Creative Currency Economie Economy Ect Erver French Game Inecraft Ludik Mine Minecraft Mission Missions Noop Old Open Pack Permissions Planet Planetminecraft Pvp Rvival Server Shop Survie Survival Tantum Texture Texturepack This Title Uhc

    Ludik Entertainment

    This server is my texturepack server holder.

    This server is far from completed.

    SHOP + PERMISSIONS ( Permissions buyable with in-game currency )

    Ats Auto-mine Class Com Competition Competitions Content Custom Edm Enchant Enchants Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Features Gang Gangs Giveaways Good Hats Join Mine Miner Miners Mini Mining Mpet One Pet Play Prison Rewards Server Survival Multiplayer Tokens Unique War Weekly


    Server IP –

    VexedMC is a custom OP Prison server.We offer a lot of features you have never seen before.

    Our goal is to offer a good and unique server thats enjoyable for everyone.

    Some of our custom features are:
    – Auto-Miners
    – Many custom enchants
    – Rename tokens
    – Fully custom gangs with daily rewards
    – Weekly mining competitions
    – Frequent giveaways

    Join us at

    Active Auction Build Buildbattle Cosmetics Creative Custom Eco Econ Economy End Free Friendly Fun Games Irl Kit Kits Minigame Minigames Mob Mod New Nice Parkour Play Player Plots Rank Ranks Rankup Semivanilla Server Small Staff Survival Title Vanilla World

    Cat Realms [Survival, Creative, Minigames, Cosmetics, And more!]

    Greetings and welcome to Cat Realms!
    We are a small yet friendly server with looking for both active and nice people to play with!

    1.-We have Semi-vanilla survival mode, with a nice economy, auction house, and /sell hand command available.

    2.-We have as well a Creative world, using the regular yet efficient PlotSquared system.

    3.-And last but not least, we have some mini games available! such as a custom mob arena, build battle, and a small but fun parkour for you to have fun!

    4.-We just added ranks!, now you can rankup by playing more and more time!, we´ve got 5 ranks, and each one of them contains different kits, more creative plots, money, and we will soonly add more!

    5.-Although we are a fairly new server, we are always listening to our players to keep the server fun, updated, and bug free!!

    6.-We are also looking for active staff members and builders!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Abilities Admin Claim Currency Discord Elves End Friendly Games Grief Job Landclaim Leveling Mcmmo Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mmo Mob Mod Mods New Open Parkour Play Player Plugin Pve Pvp Quest Server Shop Shops Spleef Staff Survival Title Vote Voting


    MineTrack –

    Welcome to the coziest little minecraft server you’ve ever seen! We are a survival based server with a few extras which you can read about below! We pride ourselves in our work and dedication and hope you will come check us out! Come see our friendly staff, beautiful spawn and growing player base for yourself, we promise you won’t regret it! If you’re interested in a potential staff position, let one of our admins know and we will keep your application on file.

    What our server has to offer you!

    MCMMO – A leveling system for almost every ability such as mining or chopping wood, with added special abilities as you level up, minecraft has never been more exciting!

    LandClaim – The land claim plugin allows our players to protect their property without worry of griefers. Players are given the potential to earn more claim blocks as you spend time on the server and vote.

    MiniGames – We currently have a large dome pvp arena, spleef and some tricky parkour for our players to try. Players can also try their hand at our new mob arena! We plan to expand and add more upon request in the future.

    Shops – In spawn we have a large shop area to buy and sell items for, and with in game currency. Players can gain more money by voting or selling items in the shop. Our shop includes villager trades of each job type.

    Friendly Staff – Our staff, consisting of Admins and Mods, are very friendly and happy to help with anything we can. Suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome!

    Discord – A place for our staff and players to communicate with each other on and off the minecraft server! You can join our official MineTrack discord here!

    Ass Class Content Discord Economy Erver Forge Join Leplay Life Mcmmo Minigames Mod Mod: Spigot Modpack Mon One Pack Pixel Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Plus Pve Real Reallife Reforged Rol Role Roleplay Run Server Survival Tech Technic Ten Tps Ultimate


    Server IP –

    Were running Pixelmon Reforged v7.3.1

    Use our Technic Modpack to join us:

    If youre having any issues, hop into our Discord for assistance:

    Ars Base Block Build Building Class Craft Ect End Enjoy Erver Exciting Exp Experience Inecraft Island King Land Live Looking Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Play Player Plugin Plugins Rush Server Sky Skyblock This Title Who


    ClearSkies is a Skyblock Minecraft server whose goal is to deliver the intended multiplayer experience to its player base. If you enjoy the rush of building on a secluded island with exciting plugins, this server might be what you’re looking for!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server Playstation. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!