Active Art Ass Beta Class Cool Craft Day Dayz Erver Exp Ill Lit Nam New Play Prison Public Raft Restart Rvival Server Star Start Sub Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ubs Vanilla Wild


EXPrison (BMECraft’s new name!) is up for a survival like public BETA server now!!! Glitches and Bugs is SURELY here, and the server will restart ALOT! but go on! Play as a wild tiger! 😀

Cool Dayz ~dr_subscribe

Ages Class Color Craft Creative Fac Faction Factions Fair Fly Game Games Grief Griefing Hack Haven Irl Keepinv Keepinventory Minigame Minigames New Peace Peaceful Perks Play Playing Plot Plots Pvp Raid Raids Server Sign Sky Skyblock Survival World

-=| H a v e n c r a f t |=-

[img alt=”” src=”” style=”max-width:100%”]

[div style=”text-align:center”][span style=”font-size:xx-large”][font color=”#ff0000″]-[/font][/span][b style=”font-size:xx-large”][font color=”#ffad00″]-[/font][/b][span style=”font-size:xx-large”][font color=”#fff500″]-[/font][/span][b style=”font-size:xx-large”][font color=”#7aff00″]-[/font][font color=”#00ffa3″]-[/font][font color=”#00b8ff”]-[/font][font color=”#000aff”]=[/font][font color=”#9900ff”]|[/font] [font color=”#ff0000″]HAVEN[/font][font color=”#0014ff”]CRAFT[/font] [font color=”#8f00ff”]|[/font][font color=”#ff00d6″]=[/font][font color=”#ff0000″]-[/font][font color=”#ffc200″]-[/font][font color=”#e0ff00″]-[/font][font color=”#00fff5″]-[/font][font color=”#001fff”]-[/font][font color=”#eb00ff”]-[/font][/b][/div][div style=”text-align:center”][span style=”font-size:xx-large”]
[font size=”5″]What describes havencraft? A fairly new hybrid server designed to have it all.

[font color=”#e60e0e”]Do you like factions, griefing and raids? Try our factions world.[/font]
[font color=”#0ee676″]Want peacefull creative plots? Visit the plot world.[/font]
[font color=”#0ebbe6″]Feel like playing skyblock? We have that too.[/font]
[font color=”#bb0ee6″]How about some minigames? Test out the minigames world.[/font]
[font color=”#bbbb0c”]Or would you like a non pvp, no griefing survival with keepinventory set to true, and god and fly as perks?[/font]

Whatever you want we probably have it

[img alt=”” src=”” style=”max-width:100%”]


Ass Class Classic Craft Erver Free To Play Minecraft Gold Grief Protected Has Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraft Clans Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Survival Nam Need Players No Dupes Old Owner Rad Raft Russian Minecraft Server Ter This Trade Vanilla Vanilla Like

❤️VANILLA SERVER❤️GOLDNAMED⚜️1.15.2 Minecraft server

Server description The server owner ❤️ АН VANILLY SERVER ❤️ GOLDNAMED ⚜️ 1.15.2 ’has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Active Ages Anti Arena Arenas Battle Block Build Class Combat End Enjoy Essentials Explore Fight Grief Head Ill Join Kit Kitpvp Lore Mine Nation New Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Semi Server Survival Tea Team Vanilla World

PvP-Legends is a brand new semi-vanilla survival server unlike any other! Mine, build, and explore a 5 million x 5 million block world. Fight in any of our 6 /godkit pvp arenas or join our massive never ending battleground. Search for bases to Raid, Steal, and GRIEF! Enjoy your time here any way you like! It will leave you hooked for ages as you fight for domination!

Plugins: Essentials, Anti-CheatPlus, ExLog, CombatTag, BattleArena, TeamPlugin, Headhunter

Adventure Amazing Build Building Challenge Claim Custom Eco End Event Forge Fun Games Grief Griefing Hard Home Homes Map Minecraft Mod New Normal Play Player Plugin Plugins Quest Quests Ranks Reset Safe Server Servers Skills Spawn Spawns Survival Who

Pokeballers Pixelmon Server

Come and check us out at
Come and join our server with

Requires Forge and Pixelmon Mod Installed to Join.
You can look here at for the specific versions needed.

Adventure: Once on the server, you will be able to go out on your very own Pixelmon adventure and capture 339+ different Pixelmon. Be sure to train them up and challenge our live gym leaders where you can earn your very own badges and test your skills against other players. We have all 8 gyms from both the first and second regions of Pokémon for you to challenge and work your way up to face the Elite 4 and the Pokémon Champion.

If you like to take on the world and all the Pixelmon at the same time, we have a Survival server where you can join in one of the many custom built communities put together by our very own players. You can claim your own land and build your own Pixelmon home with all your friends as your neighbours. There is also an adventure side of this server with live gym leaders and custom made quests to help fill your journey. Come and show off not only your badass team of Pixelmon, but also your ability to build amazing structures.

If you remember back in the day playing Pokémon Red/Blue or Fire Red/Leaf Green on your Game Boy then you will love this server. The Kanto server is an exact recreation of those games put on a Minecraft map. Instead of looking down from a birds eye view, immerse yourself fully in a 3D world you know and love. With NPC trainers around every corner and custom spawns on every route, youll be reliving your childhood.

Here you will find many different islands, each with a different selection of Pixelmon spawning. To get to each island you will need to complete a custom quest as well. After you join, you will have one month to capture and train your team of Pixelmon, as well as search for trade for TMs and many other helpful items. At the end of each month there will be tournaments held every 6 hours, and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of every tournament will then win prizes. After the final day of tournaments, the server will reset all player files, have new quests put in, and allow everyone to come on and do it all over again.

Mystery Dungeon:
Much like the Kanto server, this is a remake of the gameboy mystery dungeon games. You will find yourself on a quest based journey saving pokemon, and building up your own rescue team as you rise through the ranks. This server even has its own way that it has you interact with pokemon as well as the same evolution crystal needed to evolve your pokes as they wont evolve normally. This is a whole new way to enjoy the amazing pixelmon mod and relive your favorite games in a immersive 3D world.

Custom Plugins:
We have a wide variety of easy to use plugins on the server that allow us to make your time on our server not only fun, but safe as well. On our Adventure servers, we have plugins that allow us to protect the homes you have paid for from theft by other players, ensuring all your hard earned items stay right where you left them. Meanwhile, on the Survival server, we have great plugins to prevent many kinds of griefing so that there will be no theft or random players tearing down the walls of your buildings. Every effort has been made to ensure that your projects will remain as you left them until you return to Pixelmon next.


Active Age Ars Cat Class Com Dedi Dedicated End Erver Event Events Everything Experience Experienced Free Friendly Hey Host Increased Lag Legendary New Pixelmon Play Riendly Rol Server Servers Spawn Staff Survival Tea Team Who

From Ashes MC

Hey guys, Kiwi here!

From Ashes MC is a brand new pixelmon server that is being run by a VERY experienced staff team. My team and I have run a Pixelmon server, KiwiServersMC, for almost 2 years, and have now decided to re-do everything – hence the birth of From Ashes!

We boast increased spawn rates, legendary spawning events, increased shiny days, friendly staff, as well as a lag free server!

The server is hosted on our own fully dedicated server to ensure we have full control over EVERYTHING.

Rather than write out a whole Shakespearean play here, I encourage you to check us out at and see what we are all about.

The actual server can be found at

I hope to see you on there 😀

Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Art Ass Back Bran Brand Class Craft Drop Dropparty Erver Fac Faction Factions Mcm Mcmmo Mmo New Party Partys Pixel Pvp Raft Ran Server Style


DJ_Daniel_ & DannyOP are back with a brand new server. Without MCMMO, NL Pvp Factions Droppartys and MORE.


Admin Anarchy Base Build Cat Class Craft Create Dedi Dedicated Dreams Enjoy Game Has Inecraft Lit Mine Minecraft Mini Mod People Play Player Players Power Pro Project Server Servers Shop Support This Time Version

GrandNex – Server of your dreams! Minecraft server

Description of the GrandNex server – The only server with two game modes! Anarchy and Vulture! The project has an adequate and responsive administration. Servers are created exclusively for a pleasant pastime!

›Most importantly, enjoy the game on our server! Play in both modes! Build traps, bases, as well as navigate other people’s bases, griffon players and all this can be done on our GrandNex server, come in and enjoy the game!

›Data from our servers:
›Port: 19132 – Version: 1.1.0 – 1.1.7
›Autodonat –

›Want to support a project or feel the power on the server and be some sort of dedicated character, then in literally 1 minute you can buy a privilege on our server.

Active Amazing Build Builds Clan Clans Class Cloud Community Crate Crates Custom Economy Enchant Enchants End Features Friendly Gangs Ill Job Jobs Mystery Parkour Plugin Plugins Pro Protect Protection Pve Pvp Quest Quests Server Staff Survival Unique


RandomMC is the most amazing cloud server you will ever find.
We have mind-blowing amazing builds, a lot of friendly and supportive staff, and an active community!

We offer some amazing features, which are:
– Unique Area Protection
– Mystery Box (crates)
– Custom Enchants
– Custom Plugins
– Gangs (clans)
– Quests
– Jobs
– and more!

Based Bungee Cat Class Craft Create Explore Fun Game Games Ill Inecraft Item Items Lag Latest Lit Lore Mine Minecraft Minimal Mission Network Online Pay Play Player Players Playing Safe Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Ungee Update Updated Version Website

The Trinity Network


Current Minecraft Version 1.8.3

Welcome everyone to the Network, Our main goal is to create a stable and inventive server
for players to enjoy and explore.

Our servers are currently running the latest versions of minecraft which means you can use
all the game content that was included in the game.
We impose NO limitations when it comes to items and are a big disbeliever in
P2W (Pay to Win) games.

Our server has only just gone live problems will happen, please report them *LINK*

Our server is based of the Bungee server base code meaning we have the ability
to string multiple servers together meaning minimal server downtime.
Our permissions and other systems are held in a SQL database meaning all permissions
are automatically and funtions are updated from the Website to ALL our servers at the same time meaning minimal lagg between servers.

All our servers are backed up hourly in case of catastrophic failure of any server, your
playing hours are safe with us.

We hope to see you online.

Thank You.

The Trinity Network


Active Ass Class Com Cool Craft Economy Erver Factions Inecraft Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Server Mini Games Pvp Raft Server Survival

i-Cool Server

A Hong Kong Minecraft Server.

Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Awesome Beta Class Com Crack Cracked Crate Crates Current Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Please Rat Rates Server Silk Silktouch Silktouchspawners Spawn Spawner Spawners Style Vis Voting Website


DeltaMC is a 24/7 cracked faction server with awesome features like Mcmmo, Crates, Factions, Voting, SilkTouchSpawners and much more.

The server is currently in BETA, if you want beta acces please visit our website(



Ass Class Classic Craft Donate Erver Free Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Hack Has Inecraft Many Players Mine Minecraft Minecraft Clans Minecraft Creative Minecraft Donate Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Marriages No Anti Cheat Nut Owner Pvp Raft Ree Russian Minecraft Server Ter This

Free donate / hack Minecraft server

Server description The owner of the server “Donut / hack” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Active Ban Based Bee Class Craft Creative Ddos End Factions Forums Game Games Has History Ill Lol Mini Games Minigame Minigames Pro Prophunt Server Spleef Stable Story Survival Survivalgame Survivalgames Tnt Tntrun Website Who World Worlds


RadialCraft is a Creative based server. Other then creative worlds we have got our survival world and minigames:

– Prophunt SurvivalGames TNTRun Spleef
History of the server:
3 years ago, A server formed called grabcraft. It’s still running, but it’s dead. Back in the day that server was lead by Niklon and Durrant. They both been throught a lot and that ended up bad. Around a year ago Niklon took over that server and banned durrant from it. According to that he decided to make his own server, called RadialCraft. The server been through a lot, from a person called surgetheurge who decided to dump our whole ftp into the toilet, and other things such as ddoss attacks or the LOLJesusDied Object.

After all this hassle, we managed to get a suitable and stable management over the server of what it is right now. We exist over a year and we are proud!
Connect/server details:

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build Builds City Class Craft Create Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Elves End Fac Faction Factions Farm Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mining Mmo Old Perks Play Playing Plugin Plugins Raid Rules Server Ships Skills Small Trade Vanilla World

Craftian Crusade

CraftianCrusade takes Minecraft factions at its heart and builds upon it. We pride ourselves on offering simplistic factions, no gimmicks or dumb rules. Just log on and start playing. We also offer McMMO in order to enhance the vanilla experience. Build an army of dedicated soldiers or pride yourself as a mining city and dominate the economy. All of this is possible on CraftianCrusade.

Core Plugins

Factions – The backbone of the server. Join with other members and create the most powerful faction in the world, or become a small colony focused on trade. The choice is yours.

McMMO – Gain experience points as you use certain skills. You will build proficiencies in each of these skills and become a better miner, farmer, or swordsman. Spend the gained points to unlock additional perks.

Ships – Create immense sea faring vessels that can let travel quickly and more importantly raid swiftly.


Active Adventure Class Craft Custom Economy End Enjin Experience Features Friends Fun Help Helpful Item Items Join Mad Maze Mazes Mcmmo Mmo Money New Parkour Play Player Players Prizes Rewards Shop Skyblock Survival Town Towny Venture War World Worlds

Worldstone Origins

Worldstone Origins ( includes many fun, entertaining, and helpful features such as towny, runecraft, mcMMO, custom made mazes and parkours. Most of our features reward you with prizes! For example, completing a maze or parkour rewards you with money you can later on use to buy items in our custom made shop! Join Worldstone Origins now and experience a wonderful adventure with your friends or new players.

Block Class Community Core Custom Donate Donation Donations Eco Enjin Game Games Gaming Good Hard Hardcore Help Hunger Hunger Games Ill Join Mall Nation Nations Network New Perk Perks Real Server Servers Sky Skyblock Small Staff Survival Website

Inferno Gaming Network


Welcome to the NEW Inferno Gaming Network. We are currently a really small community and you are welcome to join us.

We currently have these servers:

We will be adding:
Hunger Games
One in the quiver
and more

Want to become staff go to:

Since we are very small it would be generous of you to DONATE. We have some really good perks and for good deals too. These donations will help us: Maintain our website, Find and maintain a server host, and add more servers.


Ass Ations Bit Class Clown Craft Discord Donation Donations Erver Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mod Mode Nation Nations New No Donations Private Pro Raft Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter Tes Tps Vanilla

MyLiberty Vanilla Survival Minecraft Server

New vanilla minecraft server, survival mode.
There are no privates on the server, no donations and privileges.
On the server is prohibited theft of things and clowning!

Server discord

Adventure Build Challenge Community Crates Customenchants Custommobs Customterrain Economy Fly Flying Jobs Kits Minecraft Multiplayer Mythicmobs Parkour Pve Pve Economy Pvesurvival Pvp Pvpsurvival Quest Questing Quests Rankup Roleplay Semivanilla Server Slimefun Survival Towny Voterewards Voting

MCForest (/Fly Enabled!)

Welcome to MCForest!

(Version 1.14.4)


Join with

Join with your friends to explore the vast survival world with /fly and create huge structures, towns, and bases. Create your own player shops, and feel free to branch out and create towns and cities for other players to live in!

– Be respectful
– No griefing
– No spamming
– No impersonations
– No glitching / hacking
– Please use common sense and be polite

Have fun!

– /fly – Fly around the world to build and explore!
– Vast survival world to explore
– Griefprevention used to protect an area, grief rollback in case you get griefed
– Commands such as /tpa and /tpahere to go to your friends
– Shop to purchase items (But player shops are encouraged)
– Other helpful plugins, simply type /help

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Army Ass Buy Class Erver Game Hardcore Join Kit Kitpvp Kits Lmao Mon Money One Pvp Roleplay Server


Join Now!
PvP Fest Server – ArmyPvP
Buy kits with in-game money!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and One Block Server ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!