Adventures Commands Custom Mob Custom Mobs Data Mobs Moderator Moderators New Update Playtime Rod Survival Multiplayer Trades Village Villager

1.16.1 survival – New updates every day

Hi there, I run a small survival server that is always adding things every day to make your 1.16 survival experience the best.

We have commands and plugins that help your adventures, commands such as;

/back, /top, /echest
and so much more!
We offer Custom mobs, worlds, villager trades, and a lot more.

Feel free to hop on the server and check it out! We have rewards every day as well as playtime rewards for you to acquire during your gameplay.
Things such as Jobs have also recently been introduced 🙂

I am looking for some new moderators to replace some of the old inactive ones, as well as some additions. Join the discord and apply 🙂

Adventures Commands Custom Mob Custom Mobs Data Mobs Moderator Moderators Playtime Rod Survival Trade Trades Village Villager

Developing 1.16 survival server

Hi there, I run a small survival server that is always adding things every day to make your 1.16 survival experience the best.

We have commands and plugins that help your adventures, commands such as;

/back, /top, /echest
and so much more!
We offer Custom mobs, worlds, villager trades, and a lot more.

Feel free to hop on the server and check it out! We have rewards every day as well as playtime rewards for you to acquire during your gameplay.
Things such as Jobs have also recently been introduced 🙂

I am looking for some new moderators to replace some of the old inactive ones, as well as some additions. Join the discord and apply 🙂

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Donator Donators Griefprevention Items Keep Nether Prevention Pub Public Shopkeeper Survival Trade Trades Village Villager

Rob’s Server

SMP Server with GriefPrevention and Shopkeeper. There is a public shop in the nether for donators and an item based economy. The shopkeeper plugins allows for custom villager trades, which players can use to trade items with others without having to be there.

Custom Item Drops Factions Fooled Hardcore Lucky Needed Powerful Pve Pvp Raiding Stupid Survival Trades Twist


30sc. A server that’s like any other server except with a few twists. Random items. Trades. Custom items…and mobs. Stupidly powerful mobs which can sometimes drop the required drops needed for powerful gear. Don’t be fooled though. The drop chances, are very low. Consider yourself, lucky.

Atapacks Casual Datapack Datapacks Discord District Districts Hulk Legacysmp Mindcrack Smp Statues Survival Trades Whitelist

Celestial Dreams

Hello there!~
Celestial Dreams is a private, whitelisted, SMP style server.
Although we have a few datapacks, we strive to stay as close to vanilla as possible.

Our Goal

The main thing we are trying to accomplish is a fun and friendly community where all can feel welcome.
Similar to other SMP servers such as Hermitcraft, LegacySMP, Mindcrack etc. we hope to fill the server with
the same sort of creative juices, redstone prowess, exploration loving energy for all to enjoy!
Community projects, builds, districts, games etc. are all up for suggestions and ideas are very welcome!~

Our Rules

  • No modded clients/resource packs that give an unfair advantage over other players.
  • No griefing or stealing of any kind. Always ask for permission before taking or altering another players things.
  • No inappropriate or offensive builds.
  • No lag machines. You may be asked to fix or remove a redstone device if it is found to cause too much server lag.
  • Alts are allowed. Up to 3 alts may be added to server.
  • Keep swearing to a minimum. Do not direct it towards another player.
  • Respect everyone. Keep the server friendly.~
  • No inappropriate or offensive chat/skins/or usernames.
  • No advertising without permission. Ask owner first.
  • Please keep all arguments/fights out of public chat.
  • PVP is only allowed when both parties agree.
  • Please keep the server clean! No need for random pillars, floating trees etc.
  • Datapacks

  • Anti Creeper Grief
  • Anti Enderman Grief
  • Anti Ghast Grief
  • Double Shulker Shells
  • More Mob Heads
  • Armor Statues
  • Durability Ping
  • Multiplayer Sleep
  • Player Head Drops
  • Wandering Trades
  • Whitelist

    To get whitelisted simply join the server Discord.
    I ask that you read the server rules and agree with them, then head over to the “whitelist-apply” and submit
    you minecraft username. I will whitelist you as soon as I can.~



    If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to join the discord and let us know!

    I hope to see this community grow and look forward to starting a new adventure!~
    Thank you and have an amazing day!


    Farms Food Hardcore No Mods Server Singlelife Solo Survival Trades Twitch Vanilla Video Videos Villager Villagers


    Hello all. I’d like to invite you to our server. We’re allowing 18 more players in the world. It is a HARDCORE world so if you die, you’re out and we will get a new player in. This is meant to test your skills of survival. There are a few rules: Myself and the co-creator have a main base near spawn, You can use our villagers for trades and farms for food. But nothing else. If we find out you stole anything from our chests you will be immediately banned. We have no mods on this server it’s completely vanilla and we trust you to treat it like a solo survival or a friends survival if you make any.

    Just reply to this post with:
    your username
    minecraft experience in years
    youtube channel/twitch channel

    It is not required you post videos or stream but highly recommended. If you get in, I will reply to your post with the IP address.
    We look forward to having you all.

    100% Access Aesthetic Auctions Cherry Config Farm Mechanics Parkour Shopping Survival Trade Trades Vip Warp


    CherryCraft a Semi-OP survival server 1.8 – 1.15. Includes various mines, shopping center, auctions, parkour, PVP well, Farm, accessible ranges, OP trades, VIP warp with trades, mine and shop; We are looking for builders and staff! We also have a 100% configured and aesthetic discord with many mechanics. We will wait for you!

    Abuse Bans Brain Cheats hardcore minecraft Initial Local Misc Painful Projects Rights Survival Multiplayer Technical Teleports Trades

    Imptovskii Place – a Hardcore Minecraft Server Minecraft server

    Imptovskii Place – a Hardcore Minecraft Server.

    This is a project where there are no rules and restrictions – do what you want.

    The concept of this server is to provide players with that classic survival experience. As in the good old days, on the first Minecraft servers. PVP, there are no serious restrictions and bans for any sneeze and misconduct.

    Initially, the server was local for playing with friends, since at that time we simply could not find an adequate server for playing together. But at some point we decided to make our server public, so that you can join us. The project is constantly evolving and refined for greater comfort in the game.

    Key Features:
    – Classic no-frills survival
    – Difficulty on the server: “Hard” – mobs hit painfully
    – As such, there are no rules, as well as restrictions
    – Neck allowed
    – Cheats are allowed if you bypass the anti-cheat, of course. For abuse of cheats, you will simply be kicked from the server.
    – Privat, teleports and stuff like that is disabled for more atmosphere
    – PVP – every man for himself
    – Simple clan system via / clan command
    – There is a system of trades through the / trade command
    – Random spawn of players 1000 blocks away
    – Everyone on the server is equal – there is no donation system that can give an advantage over other players, but you can always help the administration financially for the further development of the server.
    – The administration is trying most of the time to maintain a high TPS server for a more comfortable game, to promptly process player complaints from the server side.

    What is discouraged:
    – Disrupt the stable operation of the server, use various types of exploits, unauthorized access to administrator rights.
    – Begging. Requests like: “Admin, give diamonds” or “Admin, tphni” – will be ignored by the administration.
    – Take out the brain of the administration and moderators not on technical issues.
    – You can get a header for spam and advertising of other people’s projects.
    – Completely block the exit from the spawn.

    If you are interested in us, welcome to the server!
    And enjoy the game!

    0 VoteGet Button Code

    Auction House Currency Economy Head Highlights Infinite Plus Ports Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Trades Vast Virtual


    The world of HOLOCRON is dedicated to the good old Survival mode plus PvP in a single, fresh server. Hurry up! Don’t miss out the chance to get a head start.
    A vast world of adventure and infinite possibilities awaits you.
    Come to discover it!

    – Virtual currency.
    – In-game item shops.
    – Player auction house.
    – Player trades.
    and more…

    Supports 1.8-1.14 (1.14 Recommended)

    Backpack Backpacks Chile Dragoncraft Economy Ftc Lets Mc Server Mcmmo Pve Pvp Rings Roleplay Survival Trades


    MC Server 1.14.4 RPG with multiple dungeons and bosses, items with Skills and uniques, special trades, PvE and PvP, amulets-rings-talismans-backpacks (rpg inventory)

    Beau Beautiful Craftmc Creation Creations Donator Donators Eau Fun Networks Ranks Rmc Shops Simply Talk


    YouCraft is the creation of BelcherMC. Previously staff a few other networks, Belcher wanted to create a community to hang out with friends WITHOUT the pressure of donating. YouCraft is about YOU – the player. You can rank up with the SAME RANKS as donators simply by playing the game and having fun.

    Build a shop and sell to other players, build beautiful creations, or just hang out and talk. Wed love to have you.


    Battle Content Economy Events Exclusive Factions Iris Merge Pvp Raiding Sea Season Seasonal Seasons Survival

    Iris Factions

    Iris Factions, a server in which players can battle to the top and reach top faction, with seasonal events and quarterly seasons, Iris Factions gives out exclusive content to top leading factions.

    Will you be the faction to emerge victorious?

    Bounties Command Commands Early Journey Nitro Opening Pire Populated Ranks Starting Towny Uests Upgrade Upgrades


    Advantia was a populated server in 2013, and its making a comeback.

    Advantia is a simple Towny server, where to make money you embark on an adventurous journey and complete quests. You can sell items, kill bounties, complete quests and vote everyday to earn money.

    Wed like to give people the chance to run, and expand their town. Everyone can afford a town on their first day of playing. We are a new server, so if you come early, you get a chance to become one of the first towns, which could result in you starting an empire before others join.

    We also offer auto ranks, instead of donation ranks. Play longer, and earn more commands. Youll be able to fly once you reach top rank. If you want to help us out and help support upgrades, we will have one donation rank (Work in Progress, Donation rank will be available soon).

    Were still currently working on the server, so expect frequent additions to our server. We would love your suggestions on what we should add. Were looking for staff in the future, so come get to know the server and check us out.


    1.16.1 Address Anti-grief Aves Courage Nether Update Projects Rage Save Sleep Survival The End Updated Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay

    Nether Update Vanilla Gameplay

    Vanilla Gameplay.

    Non-Vanilla Additions:
    -Better Sleep Plugin
    -Administrative plugins/Anti-cheat/Anti-Griefing

    Worldsaves and active monitoring to encourage large group projects.
    Clans/PVP welcome.

    Check out our Vanilla+ feature-rich server on port 20!
    Same IP address, but add “:20” to the end.

    24h Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Casino Curse Custom Enchanted Envoy Eula Factions Mystery Storyline Swords Vanilla Warz Warzone


    CurseMC supplies alot of custom features + systems, here are some examples of what we have to offer: Boss Ranking System (You kill a boss with a specific amount of health and receive a Rank Slip, McMMO and cash, this is EULA friendly as it takes around 60 seconds too a minute to kill) – Book Enchant system (Used to have custom enchantments on Armour) – CurseKits (A system where you can type /cursekit and recieve a random custom enchanted armour set every time, has a 24hour cool down like any other kit) – Custom WarZones (Themed with a Storyline) – Factions game mode ( a Styled Medieval theme & Storyline) – Voting Keys/Mystery Keys/Super Keys/Spawner Keys/Rank Keys (Casino like key system) SupplyDrop System (Like an Envoy but drops Enchant Books + Rank Bosses, Emblems like a DeEnchant Emblem or Book Dusts and many more custom items) – XP System (A Custom Enchant for Swords can give you more XP + XP Event Emblems can globally give everyone x3 more XP that usual vanilla)


    1.19 Auction Auction House Feature Fut Future Gamemode Gamemodes House Kitpvp Lands Pot Potato Pvp Use

    Potato Lands

    Hello.Do you have spare time?
    If you do join Potato Lands!
    We are a kitpvp server which will add more gamemodes in the future.
    We have many features such as
    -Auction House

    Abuse Applications Cities Custom Custom Item Custom Items Dungeons Economy Nationsmc Ports Share Stands Story Survival Tags


    DNMC Stands for Developing Nations Minecraft, our server focuses on Economy, RPG, and Survival. This is a great server to go to if youre looking for a mature crowd, active owners, and nice staff. Our staff must be on the server for a while before sending in an application, we never rank up those who are not experienced, and we never rank up those who abuse their power. The owners are very experienced, and have had a history in server making before DNMC. They are also quite nice and want to get to know you.

    We constantly share the latest here– Check it out on our Facebook Page —

    Our Main Page can be found here, we mainly use this page for forums, general chat, applications, bug reports, etc can all be found there —

    Some of the tags wed put on this server (What you can expect to see on it):
    No-Grief — Survival — Economy — Cities — Dungeons — Custom Items — Great Voting Rewards — Great Community — Well-Trained Staff.

    We hope to see you soon.


    420 Anarchy Apex Chill Couple Dungeon Dungeons Inside Loot Pog Poggers Sethome Survival Tpa Vanilla


    1.15.2 Anarchy Server. Don’t care what you do at all, as long as you don’t lag the server I’m chill. We do have a couple plugins, that being /tpa /sethome /home /back also I like to make custom dungeons randomly around the world with unobtainable loot inside. so look out for those! Poggers

    1.8 Arena Ares Factions Fps Man Minecraft 1.8 Mines Mon Nes Plot Plots Ran Rank Rankup


    Minecraft 1.8 Server Active 24/7
    … among many more …


    Arrow Easter Economy Eggs Fairy Fallout Forest League Mini Games Nuclear Pixelmon Roleplay Sketch Survival Tournament

    Pokemon Gold

    [b]GOLD PIXELMON [8.0.2][/b]

    What we offer:
    The Narrow Band Pixelmon server offers a large map to explore, multiple challenges, gyms, easter eggs, and a ton of fun tournaments and events hosted weekly! Grind your way to become the servers master trainer, challenge the Elite 4, and beat the reigning Champion!
    The map is custom-built, and spans over 1.5k blocks in length and width, and is being expanded every day by our own build team. Journey through massive cities, nuclear fallout, fairy forests, and sketchy back alleys to become the ultimate pokemon trainer and challenge the pokemon league!

    Ages Anything Dev Development Early Elo Happy New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Opening Plane Planet Please Survival Multiplayer Vis

    Zion Minecraft

    I am very happy to announce the opening of our new Minecraft server “ZION”, although it is very early in development it is open to all players.

    As said before the server is still in the making including our enjin website, artwork, Planet Minecraft pages, and more. Please do not take anything you see as a final draft.

    On behalf of the Zion staff I welcome everyone to come visit and help us make the server great again.


    Cannon Cannons Diverse Euro Europe Fru Gun Guns Leplay Meta Metal New Meta Plugins Towny Vegeta

    Empire: Napoleonic Era

    Empire: Napoleonic Era is a 1.8.8 Towny server that involves roleplay in 19th century Europe.
    Players will experience many diverse plugins that add fruits and vegetables, new metal ingots, guns, and cannons.
    Check out our website to read up on the server itself.


    1v1 Bat Battle Buildbattle Ein Free Friends Hack Kitpvp Lands Love Players Skyblock Survival Games Talk


    Get Your Free Muffins By Battleing Players 1v1 And BuildBattle And Play Skyblock, Get New Friends And And Talk With The Lovely Staff Team But Remeber DONT HACK


    Cars Datapack Economy Legacy Planes Political Role Play Role playing Roleplay Survival Tax Titan Towny Vehicle Vehicles


    Legacy Community is a server based on role playing in political nations. Members may join a nation or create their own, collect taxes, wage war, and build magnificent cities. Our server has many resources that makes us unique. LegacyCommunity uses the mechanization datapack which allows us to add many new machines. Players may find new ore like copper, tin, Uranium, and titanium. Players may also purchase vehicles like cars, rafts, and planes. Come check out a better way to play minecraft. Join a new community!

    Crates Events Factions Fun Gun Guns Hack Hacker Pets Plugins Pvp Rol Roll Troll Troller

    TrixCraft 1.8

    Welcome to TrixCraft, the home of the best factions, and a REALLY fun server to play on.

    We have a lot of plugins such as Guns, Pets, Vote crates and much more…

    Also we have a really good anti-cheat which prevents hackers and trollers to play on our server.



    Battle Bedwar Bedwars Car Gmc Kitbattle Kitpvp Minecarft Mini Games Park Parkour Pvp Skyblock Skywars Survival

    PGMC Network

    Server Minecarft
    Form Thailand!!!!
    Minigames : Survival,Bedwars,Skyblock,Skywars,KitBattle,CS:GO,Parkour,more..

    JOIN NOW!!!!!! 1.8-1.15

    Chill Coffe Coffee Cup Hill Punch Pve Quick Simplistic Skyblock Steam Survival Tree Trees Vanilla

    Coffee Skyblock and Chill

    We’re a simple, plain-white-T Minecraft server.

    Grab you a cup of coffee, sit in your favorite chair, and come punch trees with us.

    No BS or overly complicated descriptions, just a bunch of people playing their favorite game.

    We’re gaining a lot of steam in the Skyblock game, and the reason why is because we’re dedicated, simplistic, and we have a quickly growing community.

    Our rules can be found on our discord!

    $5000 1v1 1v1s 5000 Cheap Cratekey Cratekeys Faction Pvp Gapple Keys Newish Oys Plugins Pvp Pvping

    Kryptic Craft

    Hello, Im ItzZailah from KrypticCraft, the server is a newish Faction PvP server, we have a 1v1 plugin which allows players to practise pvping without losing their faction gear. If you win one of these 1v1s you receive 2 gapples and $5000 which you can use in the faction world. The server offers great supporting staff which will take suggestion from players. The server also has cratekeys, you can get a vote key by voting and other keys by donation. All donations are VERY cheap and all donations are currently 50% off. I hope everyone enjoys the server.


    Cube Duel Factions Jus Kitpvp Players Plugin Pve Pvp Shop Stuff Survival Unch Vanilla You


    Welcome to MZEcraft.

    MZEcraft is a faction, PvP, PvE Server where you just have fun with other players!

    There are a bunch of pluging like Shop, duel/PvP, And other stuff

    Hope you enjoy!!!

    Adventure Adventures Crafter Crafters Dcraft Dventure Emerald Full Fun Mods Oda Plugins Pos Table Venture

    Emerald Crafters

    Welcome to Emerald Crafters, a new server that opens a world full of adventures and fun. Our staff is there to help you each step of the way and make your staying as comfortable as possible. We got alot of plugins and mods that will make you stay. Stop by today.


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!