Arena Arenas Build Class Cool Craft Diamond Donator Enjin Event Game Grief Griefprevention Help Houses Ill Inecraft Land Lands Lit Mine Minecraft Money Nice Open Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Rank Rewards Semi Server Staff Survival Vanilla Vote Voting War



This server is about Survival , its Semi-Vanilla that means that we try to keep as less plugins as possible to keep the vanilla Survival, we do have pvp and arenas.
For the moment we have enough staff but you can apply as staff , donators have higher chances of getting the staff rank because they put trust in the server by keeping it alive.
We hope you guys have nice ideas to build you houses.

Ofcourse we use plugins to protect our lands the plugin this server uses is GriefPrevention.
And we have a cool pet plugin for donators.

Voting helps the server alot and you will get rewards for it 2 diamonds, 32 xp bottles and 1000 in-game money on each vote.
If there are any bugs/glitches report it to the staff-members.

See you on the server )


Arena Arenas Bar Class Craft Event Events Grief Guard Iconomy Ill Join Kill Land Lands Make Mcmmo Mine Mmo Mob Mobarena Mobarenas Nederlands Open Owner Pro Protect Pvp Quest Quests Server Shop Shops Skillz Spawn Vis World Worldguard


Mineapolis is een Nederlandse/Engelse 24/7 server met o.a. mcMMO, MobArena, iConomy, Shops en Quests.

Je kan kiezen om in de stad rond de spawn te bouwen, zelf ergens te gaan bouwen of een eigen stad te beginnen.

Met iConomy en QuickShop kan je zelf een shop bij je huis maken en zo je spullen verkopen en spullen inkopen, ook is er een shop bij de spawn.

McMMO voegt het trainen van vaardigheden toe aan onze server. Kan je goed vissen, dan kan het goed zijn dat je een keer een pickaxe op vist.

Er zijn meerdere leuke MobArenas en er komen er steeds meer bij.

Vraag aan een van de owners of hij je huis kan protecten met WorldGuard en geen griefer kan je wat maken.

In de PvP Arena kan je je PvP Skillz trainen en winnen in de wekelijkse events.



Active Arenas Awesome Best Build Community Craft Custom Dedicated Donation Event Events Fun Lands Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Open Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Premium Rank Ranks Server Socializing Spawn Spawns Staff Survival Unique Vote Website Whitelist Who Wns


Nederlandse eigenaar, maar we doen alles in het Engels, dus vandaar ook een Engelse beschrijving:

Vivalgaming: Minevival is a dedicated 24 hour hosted premium minecraft server that has been built by the old Minevival team. The server is highly community focused, and covers the whole minecraft section in the Vivalgaming community.

The goal of Minevival is to build a strong community with players that enjoy socializing and playing minecraft with each other. Our staff team will not only ensure that youll have fun playing minecraft with awesome people, but they will also provide you with the best gameplay that you can possibly access. We can achieve these goals with our many special features, like custom built spawns and arenas, a plot system which is used to built a community spawn, McMMO to boost your regular survival experience, many plugins that are customly made for our server to provide a unique way of playing and much more other cool stuff.

Because Minevival values their community, the staff team will hold close bonds to the players itself. We will try to organize as much events as possible, and the community can make suggestion and vote about future ingame features.

Another aspect that Minevival values, is that we dont want our server to have a pay-to-win system. This is why all our donation ranks exists for the sole reason to support the community and the server.(and for some great cosmetic effects.) Weve also got monthly donation goals, and server-wide packages.

Minevival is currently not accessible for everyone, but is using a whitelist. However, you can get acces to this awesome community by filling in a form on our website, and being an active member.

If youre interested to join this community, you should definitely check out our website:


1vs1 Active Arena Arenas Ars Best Class Craft Emo Experience Features Ffa Game Gamemode Games Google Inecraft Kywars Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Network New Oitc Parkour Play Player Players Pvp Server Sky Skywars Survival Survival Games War Wars Youtube

Sticky YT Server

The Sticky YT Server is a Brand New Network of Minecraft Gamemodes. We are constantly adding new features and systems to ensure the best experience for our players.

– 1VS1
– Survival Games (3 Arenas)
– Skywars
– OITC (One in the Chamber)


Active Arena Arenas Ats Chess Class Com Community Cosmetics Crate Crates Custom Economy End Ender Erver Fun Generator Giveaways Google Hats Ill Invite Join Kill Mini Games Network Pack Play Player Pro Rank Ranks Rol Role Roles Server Skyblock Survival Tpa

Render Network

Render Network is a fun community server for everyone with
*Custom Ore Generators!
*Invite Roles!
*Member Dependent Giveaways!
*Chess Arenas to prove your skill.
*Dad jokes on every player join

Active Arena Arenas Auction Class Craft Custom Economy End Experience Fun Game Games Inecraft Job Jobs Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames New Perks Play Playing Plugin Plugins Roleplay Rpg Server Servers Shop Sky Skywars Special Town Towny War Wars World


Opheon is a new but growing server. On it you can experience the fun of using bending for Avatar the last airbender on servers such as towny, minigames, skywars, and an RPG server of the Avatar world. We have custom jobs, custom bending configuration, custom Bending Arenas, Auction plugins, shop plugins, towny war plugins and much much more. We also have special perks for VIP members~ Come check us out, relax, and have a fun time bending while playing minecraft!

Active Arena Arenas Balance Cells Class Community Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy Enchants Epic Factions Free Grind Join Leaderboards Legacy Mine Mob Mobs New Play Player Players Prison Pvp Rank Server Sky Survival Tokens Top Unique Update Updated Void

Atomix Prison

Join Atomix Prison and Define your Legacy as an epic player on the server.

250 Prestiges | Mine from A – Z Rank to prestige!
Active Discord | Come join our Community!
SkyCells | Expand your own personal cell that hovers above the void…
The Void | Unlock new mobs to grind every 10 Prestiges!
PvP | Duel Arenas and Free-for-All PvP Arena
Custom Enchants (found only on Atomix!)
Leaderboards | Rank amongst the top players on the server on our Leaderboards
Balanced Economies | Atoms, Tokens, and Crystals
Updated Frequently | We base our updates on player input and unique ideas!

Active Arena Arenas Art Ass Cheat Class Com Compete Craft Desert Eat Edit Event Evento Eventos Google Heat Loja Mad Mpet Pet Plot Plotme Plugin Pos Prison Pvp Raft Skywars Staff Taff Ten Vip Vips


Plugin AntCheat
– Loja PvP com itens Edits
– Plotmes
– Varias Arenas
– Arena x1
– Eventos Todos os dias
Staff competente
– 5 Tipos de VIP’s
– Vips a Parti de 12 Reais
– Mina Madeira
– Mina
– Mina PvP
– Arena Principal
– Arena Deserto

Active Amazing Arenas Custom Death Easy Eco Econ Economy End Forge Fun Games Going Good Hunger Games Kit Kits Land Map Minigame Minigames Mod New Parkour Play Player Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival Games Survive War Wars Who Youtube Youtuber

The Nova

The Nova is a fun minigame server that offers a good experience for every type of player. Whether you like PvP, parkour or just hanging out with friends: we’ll make you comfortable. Owned by the YouTubers GameplayerHD and ExplodingTNT, there’s always something fun going on.

We have a wide variety of minigames to offer, including:
?: Buy fun kits and fight to death in amazing arenas. Exciting battles are easy to find, but danger is everywhere. Will you be the victor?
– – – –
?: Play custom made parkour maps and unlock new packs of maps. The more you play, the more fun! Compete with others and jump sky high in our custom Parkour minigame.
– – – –
?: Survive on your SkyBlock island, without forgetting that there are others nearby ready to hunt you down. It’s a race against the clock: who gets the win? Buy kits assist you and become worthy of your skyblock island!

On every minigame, you can earn coins. We have a global economy, meaning you can spend these coins on any minigame you’d like! You can win coins on Parkour and spend them in Hunger Games. It’s all up to you!

And we’ve just started. We’re constantly adding new things and new gamemodes and features are being coded behind the scenes as we speak. Join regularly to check what’s new!

Active Arena Arenas Ark Ars Block Class Cloud Craft Economy Inecraft Island Job Jobs Kywars Land Mall Marry Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mob Money Park Parkour Partner Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Skywars Small War Wars

Cloud Of SkyCraft

Cloud of Skycraft:
Is a 1.11.2 Minecraft Skyblock Server

Jobs: Get a Job to Earn Money.
Marry: get a Partner and marry Him/her/it.
Mob Arena: We have a couple Arenas that give you rewards.
SkyWars: PvP with your own small temporary island.
parkour: Earn Money with this pakour Plugin

Clash Cobblemon Curse Curseforge Economy Lemon Mcmmo Modpacks Mts Opening Pixelmon Poke Survival Technic Technicpack

PokeClash Cobblemon

PokeClash Cobblemon is a new Cobblemon server that is opening soon! It wants to blend Cobblemon and Minecraft survival, while adding fun things to do over the top. The PokeClash Cobblemon server is a small time venture and its features include things like jobs, quests, free ranks, land claiming and more. Join the Discord to get updates!

Server Links & Info
Modrinth Modpack:
CurseForge Modpack:
Technic Modpack:

Arielcraft Bukkit Cool Miecraft Minecraftserver New Newserver Newworld Paper Plugins Realism Spigot Survival Tonsofstuff Verycool


TONs of stuff todo 24/7 skills adding soon and we will have a discord up soon too come check us out and make your kingdom today, i didnt mention Build kingdoms create your faction of the kingdom name custom biomes for more realism in making we will have all your kingdoms and faction names in discord when made but its basically a semi-vanilla but with factions and some other cool plugins!!!

check us out today!!

Artifact Artifacts Economy Facts Hardcore Leaderboards Mcmmo Minecraft Adventure Pirate Pirated Pvp Saint Survival Vanilla World Of Minecraft

Rede Saint

Introducing Redesaint Minecraft Servers!

Survival Refuge: This server is the perfect choice for those looking for an exciting Minecraft adventure. Compatible with Java and Bedrock, pirated and original versions, you can play from version 1.12! Survival Refuge offers everything a player needs to survive in the world of Minecraft, including special artifacts, clans, McMMO, war, special events, online store, land protection, tournaments, market and much more! Enjoy all the fun and excitement of a survival server with friends or alone.

Rankup Space: Compatible with Java and Bedrock, pirated and original versions, you can play in Rankup from version 1.8 to 1.19.3! This server is perfect for those looking for an exciting challenge, with unique features such as rank system, special mines, special mining pickaxe, plot system, webshop, war, special events, clans and much more! Challenge yourself and reach the top of the leaderboards with your friends and other players.

Door to BEDROCK: 19132


Ball Economy Fair Foot Football Irl Mini Games Problems Roble Roleplay Slime Sport Stad Stadium Stadiums


Futslime is a unique one of a kind community server that focuses on bringing the sport Football into minecraft! This server is fairly new and its in open beta, so any problems you may find, you can report them in the discord server! This server has loads of stadiums, a shop, unique gamemodes and much more! Join right now at

Creative Datapack Economy Immersive Mcmmo Meadow Mini Games Mythic Mythical Parkour Peek Prison Roles Survival Terralith

mythical meadows

mythical meadows is an upcoming minecraft server that offers an exciting and immersive gameplay experience for all players. the server features a range of popular plugins, including mcmmo, economy, and grief prevention, to enhance your gameplay and make your time on the server more enjoyable.

in addition, the server also uses the terralith datapack to bring new biomes to the server. this datapack introduces over 80 new biomes for you to explore.

the server is currently not open to the public, but you can join the discord community to get sneak peeks, become a tester, and earn special roles. as a tester, you’ll have early access to the server and the opportunity to provide feedback to help shape the server’s development.

overall, mythical meadows is an exciting new minecraft server that offers a range of features and gameplay mechanics that are sure to appeal to all players. join the discord community today to learn more and get involved!

Bounties Bov Earth Earth Smp Greif Greifing Playerwarp Playerwarps Porte Pve Pvp Rading Spawners Survival Trading

MC Builders

Welcome to the MC Builders SMP here We value our community above all else. We have a lot of features that make our SMP unqiue and fun. We have got economy, no greifing, skills, bounties, shops, playerwarps, auction house, upgradable Spawners, active and helpful staff, friendly community, in game trading and a lot more. On top of all these exciting features our map is even more amazing featuring a Earth SMP map.
Version 1.12.2
Discord Link
Supported Versions 1.8 – 1.19

Asa Boom Brand Cas Economy Information Leplay Mods New Role Rol Role Roleplay Roman Romania Survival


BoomMc|Roleplay Romania Server
A Brand New Roleplay Romania Server!!
Join now and play!!
For more information and mods join our discord!

1.19.4 Anarchy Anticheat Chunk Generator Performance Proximity Pve Pvp Raiding Restart Roleplay Silktouch Survival Vanilla


Hello, i’m releasing my server today to stress test
i haven’t really worked all too hard on it tbh beside getting a vps
installing performance plugins etc.
-anarchy (no anticheat)
-latest version as of now (1.19.4)
-proximity mic
-farm protector
-auto restarter

Africa Friendly Full Gaming Limited Link Old Players Pve Pvp South Southafrica Survival Tran Trance


We are TranceGaming South Africa. Come join us in a fully survival server. Limited to 50 Players.

We welcome all new and old players. We are a friendly community.

Bedwars Cross-Play Everyone FTB Invite Kywars Mini Games Server Ip Silver Sim Simply Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival


Welcome to SilverCraftBD!
Were simply a Survival and minigames server with a friendly community of players.

[Game modes]

> Fancy Survival
> Skyblock
> Bedwars
> Skywars

[Server IP]


Everyone Is Invited To Silver Craft

Crates Essentialsx Kitpvp Kits Permissions Plugins Pvp Pvparena Ranks Rewards Silktouchspawners Survival Voting Worldedit Worldguard

Experience Craft


Player based SMP server created to survive, create awesome builds within claims, make new friends, and pvp in arena to steal loot from others.

This server was designed to originally to play with friends, but grew into what it is today!

Bedrock Supported
Port: 63302
Claim Land
Silk Touch Spawners

1.19.4 Actionhouse Bedrock Best Mmo Best Mmorpg Creative Java Mcmmo Minecraft Update Minecraft Updates Modded Next Level Shops Slimefun Survival

1.19.4 | 🌐ZOEBIECRAFT🌐 | MCMMO 🛡️ | Slimefun 💚 | Jobs 💵 | Survival 🎒 | Creative 🏆


Survival/Creative MCMMO, Jobs, Slimefun and More

Server Version: 1.19,
Server IP:

Welcome to Zoebiecraft!!

We are the survival server for any kind of player.

You like vanilla minecraft? We got you.

You like modded minecraft? We got you too.

At Zoebiecraft you have the possibility to either play vanilla minecraft or modded minecraft depending on what you prefer.

We are yet a small server with still loads of land to discover.

We keep up with the latest minecraft updates to keep the gameplay as fun as possible.

To keep our server nice and friendly we do enforce some rules.


1) Be respectful

2) No hacking

3) No spamming

4) No inappropriate language

5) Griefing is allowed in the classic survival (Not modded survival)


Classic Survival:

Our classic survival world is pretty straight forward.

It’s a hard mode survival world.

Just you against the world.

Modded Survival:

Our modded survival world isn’t so straight forward.

With good few mods and plugins does this world elevate survival to the next level.

These feature include:

Slimefun adds a lot of new items to the game and makes the game more challenging to play(/sf open_guide)


Players can set up shops to sell items they have acquired or crafted. They can also purchase items from other players or trade with them to increase their inventory. There is also a general shop for the whole server using /shop.


Players can trade items and resources with each other to acquire what they need or want. This can include items such as weapons, armor, food, and building materials. use /trade to initiate trade with someone.

Hands down the best MMORPG plugin every server needs. This plugin adds in a whole range of unique skills with special abilities, and allows you to level them up to improve the effectiveness of said skills. There are leaderboards, and plenty of skills to focus on!

Auction house:
The server chooses a player run economy, where the players choose what they want to sell. You can sell certain items to the server, however if you want to buy items you must buy from other players. This is to ensure a functioning economy, with fluctuating prices depending on supply and demand. You can purchase items from the auction house,

One of the most exciting features on Zoebiecraft is the jobs plugin. This plugin allows you to join jobs, and earn money doing things you love! The jobs are all level based and can be improved as you perform the tasks.(/jobs browse)


Don’t feel like having to run for your life?

Then creative might be more for you.

In this open world creative world you can claim your own plot of land and start building whatever you want.

If this wasn’t enough motivation to get you to play on Zoebiecraft, then I don’t know what is.

So just give the server a try and you might really like it!

Server Version: 1.19,
Server IP:
Server Application

As of right now we are still looking for staff members and developers.

If you are interested you can apply in our discord server.

Or you can slide into Noobymen DMs on discord.

Whatever you prefer.

Are Aternos Come Ein Inm Layer Nmp Ost Play Player Pos Post Rei Survival Multiplayer Welcome

Welcome to YouareInmposter Player Server Minecraft Server

The “Welcome to the YouareInmposter Player Server” server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Abusing Afk Camp Hob Homo Human Images Mages Netherite NSFW Residence Risen Sfw Survival Thatsmyname

Tomato Risen SMP

The Rules! ( = Applies to Discord | 🟢 = Applies to Minecraft)

NO Hatefulness/Hate Speech
– No Homophobia 🟣 🟢
– No Racism 🟣 🟢
– No Toxicity 🟣 🟢
– No Ableism 🟣 🟢

NO Hurtful/NSFW Images
– NSFW 🟣
– Images of Self-harm 🟣
– Images of Human Feces 🟣

PLEASE Respect Privacy
– Don’t ask for Place of Residence 🟣 🟢
– Don’t ask for Number 🟣 🟢
– Don’t ask for Age 🟣 🟢

DONT be a troll
– Don’t Ping Executive/Mods for no reason 🟣
– No spamming chat 🟣 🟢
– No Loud Mic 🟣
-No Self Promo/Promo🟣
-No Abusing Spawn Proteicton🟢
-Dont Kill Afks🟢
-No Hacking No Xray🟢
-No ALT🟢🟣
-No Combat Logging/Combat Tp🟢
-No Spawn Camping/Farming
-No Selling Cords/Giving Coords In Spec🟢
-Dont Go To The End Until We Say🟢
-Dont Use Netherite Stuff Till We Say🟢

Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Server Best Minecraft Servers Chamber Minecraft Server Network Minecraft Servers Nether Netherlands Network Oitc Prison Skyblock Stuff Survival Upcoming


Releasing soon!
CamelCraft is an upcoming Minecraft server network from the Netherlands.

Focusing mainly on the players, it will feature lots of fun stuff like survival, one in the chamber (OITC), skyblock, prison and more. Join CamelCraft now and get to be one of the very first players who gets to play on what could possibly be one of the next best Minecraft servers!

Communities Gamer Gamers Generation Heir Homes In Minecraft Redstone Safe Social Socializing Stone Survival Terra Terrain


Gamers are often treated as exiles from their own homes or communities.

ExilesSMP is a Vanilla server with some quality of life mods (and terrain generation).

We are looking for friendly people that enjoy building, PvP, redstone, and generally socializing in minecraft.

We are white-listed through Discord. This allows us to keep the server friendly and safe.

Amazing Beta City Different Dio Eren Explore Forward Kill Lore Project Survival Ville Zombie Zombies

Bayville City | Zombie Survival

VERY new beta of Zombie City Survival
Different types of zombies… Come find out!
You can explore and kill zombies!
More to come. **BETA**
Owner is diomaso. I look forward to this project and want to build an amazing community.

1.18.2 Apes Awesome Bit Case Developed Free Minecraft 1.12.2 Quests Secret Skin Skins Tech Technic Technical

❤️GAMEPOINT ❤️ SERVERS WITH MODES FOR 1.18.2 ⚡ Minecraft server


⭐ DONATE CASE every day!

⭐ Free HD skins and HD capes for all players!

⭐ MINIMUM prohibited things!

⭐ Cool /kit start and secret /kit top just for you!

⭐ Awesome online and responsive technical support!

Adn Bombs Crates Donorranks Drugs Enchants Kits OP Items Opprison Prison Pvp Pvparena Rankups Resourcepack Trees


It’s a prison server with mines, bombs, drugs and a lot of stuff to explore.

Infinite prestige/rankup, donor ranks, custom enchants, tokens, crates.

And also, resource trees that drop items.

We’re looking for players to enjoy and help us to improve our server.

Annoying Built Cook Cookie Cut Different Egg Eren Kie Long Money Pay Survival Tir Wall

Something Different

Tired of the same SMP servers over and over again? Tired of the same cookie-cutter servers begging for money? Tired of annoying paywalls, restrictions, and rules? Well, come join this server. This server is built by the community, for the community. Want something in the game? Just let me know and I’ll add it as long as the community wants it too!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!