Admin Best Build Building Claim Claiming Community Dedicated Discord Economy End Farm Farming Friendly Fun Minecraft Online Open Perks Play Player Quest Raid Rank Rewards Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Small Staff Store Survival Title Unique Vanilla War Welcoming Who


About The Server
  • PonyLandMC is a semi-vanilla survival server.
  • We have many unique features surrounding our horse themed twist such as: teams, land claiming, horse claiming and player shops.
  • There are a wide variety of things to do on this server such as building your own house and barn to suit your style, creating a successful and thriving riding team, breeding and competing the best horses, mining and farming for items to sell for in-game money.
  • This server is completely kid-friendly with a zero-tolerance policy for profane or inappropriate content.
  • We have a very professional and competent staff team who are dedicated to making the server an enjoyable and engaging experience for all our players.
  • To enhance your entertaining experience on the server you can also purchase a rank from our online web store which can grant you a wide variety of perks and in-game rewards.
  • Alongside this you can purchase in-game money or claim blocks which are both vital factors on the server.
  • We have a very friendly and welcoming community with a very helpful player base to get you or a friend started on our server.
  • We are always happy to answer any questions regarding the server or help to solve any issues that may arise, never be afraid to either ask the chat for server based questions, /mail an admin, make a ticket on our discord or for any urgent issues you can do @admin in the server chat followed by a summary of the problem.
  • The server IP address, email address, discord and webstore are listed below. For any further questions regarding the server please send us an email or dm an admin through our discord.
  • Remember to have fun <3
  • IP –
    Email – [email protected]
    Discord –
    Webstore –

    Active Areas Ars Balance Balanced Class Community Cosmetics Custom Date End Experience Experienced Farm Farming Friendly Gaming King Mad Ming Mod Modpack Mods Multi Multiplayer Play Player Players Pro Riendly Server Simp Staff Survival Multiplayer Tech This Who


    Parsonage is an up to date server with experienced staff and a friendly community. Looking for valued players such as yourself if your reading this 😛

    Parsonage comes equipped with its own custom modpack and a whole can of woop ……. butt

    The Parsonage experience is a modpack and multiplayer server made for that modpack to allow for a group of balanced mods for focus on improving three major areas of your gaming experience and simply watching how they blend together. Those three main focal points are tech, cosmetics, and farming.

    Active Arena Class Com Community Craft Crafting Economy End Enjoy Erver Event Farm Farming Friendly Great Grief Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Ming Mini Mining Mmo Play Playing Prevention Pve Pvp Relax Resource Riendly Rvival Server Staff Survival World

    Elysium Crafting

    Elysium Crafting is a survival server. We have a great community with friendly members/staff. Our goal is to have a server where our members can just relax and enjoy playing Minecraft.

    We offer Grief Prevention, McMMO, Survival, PvE, PvP arena and a Resource World for mining and farming.

    Anarchy Build Building Custom Death Eco End Event Events Farm Farming Fly Force Hard Hardcore Head Increased Interesting Lore Magic Minecraft Mmo Mob Nether Network New Open Play Reset Server Servers Simulation Small Store Survival Survive Title Trans War


    Getting Started
    First of all, wooden tools and golden tools are removed.

    sword and axe

    So how can you survive without wooden tools? Fear not, a new bunch of new items are added.

    minecraft wood tools
    Understand the usage of tools
    receipts for crafting wood tools

  • Punching wood? Nope. You must use a Hatchet or an Axe for breaking any wooden blocks.
  • Digging dirt with your bare hands? Nope. You must use a Shovel for breaking any dirt/sandy blocks.
  • Breaking stone? You must use a Mattock or Pickaxe for breaking any hard blocks.
  • Gathering fruits or vegetables? You must use a Sickle for harvesting crops.
  • Cut strings or disarm TnT? You must use a Shears for cutting.
  • Placing artificial blocks? You must use a Hammer in your offhand for placing blocks.
  • Survive and thrive
    First, find some trees. Gather some sticks by breaking the leaves. Leaves have 25% chance to drop 1 stick, otherwise no drop.

    Sticks are also obtainable from Saplings.

    craft saplings recipe

    Next, find some gravel. Gather some flint by breaking them. Gravel has 50% chance to drop 1 flint, otherwise no drop, by breaking with bare hands.

    Gravel is usually found near lakes, rivers, extreme hills, caves, and cliffs. Hmm, if you can’t find any gravel in your area, try the following method if it’s available:

    craft flint recipe

    Now you can make a Hatchet with these two items.

    craft hatchet recipe

    Break down some logs with your Hatchet, convert some logs into planks and sticks.

    Now you can make a Mattock.

    craft hattock recipe

    Next, find some stones. No, you can’t break dirt straight down to find stones yet, you will need a shovel. Hence, find a cave, or a mountain. Gather stones, and if you’re lucky, get some coal too.

    To make a workbench, you need the last tool, Hammer.

    hammer crafting recipe

    It is used to make workbenches and build artificial blocks.(See below)
    Get a weapon
    You can choose either using a Stone Sword or Shiv as your basic weapon. Shiv adds poison effect on hit, but with less damage.

    shiv crafting recipe

    Harvest cows and sheep to obtain Leather and String(from Wool)
    If you are thirsty, craft a Bowl to obtain water. Simply throw 1 Bowl into a water source, it will become a Water Bowl.

    minecraft bowl

    Drinking it will quench the thirst, but purified water is recommended when cauldrons are affordable. (See section Thirst).
    Plan and craft
    Then, you craft a Workbench like so:

    workbench crafting recipe

    With your workbench, you can upgrade your tools to stone tools.

    With a shovel, digging Gravel is less risky to get a flint.

    stone tools
    We need to go deeper
    Need to discover the underground? You’ll need Torches. But you need to make a Firestriker for igniting.

    firestriker crafting recipe

    torch crafting recipe

    Firestriker can also be used like flint and steel, cook some meat, smelt some simple items. It has a durability of 8. Right-click on the ground to set it on fire.

    To use the smelting option of a firestriker, right click while sneaking.

    smelt firestriker


  • Put unsmelted/uncooked items in the smelting slot.
  • Click on the result slot to smelt/cook one item.
  • To exit, either click on the Firestriker or press Escape.
  • Firestriker Recipes:

    Any cookable Food



    charcoal firestriker recipe


    glass firestriker recipe


    brick firestriker recipe

    To make a Furnace, further works are required.

    Start gathering some Clay by breaking clay blocks, or:

    clay crafting recipe

    Turn clay balls into Brick with Firestriker, it’s an essential material for making furnaces.

    brick firestriker recipe

    Make your own Furnace in the workbench.

    furnace crafting recipe

    Now you can smelt ores with Furnace.
    Settle down before sunset
    Time to settle, make sure you bring the workbench with you, it’s important.

    Make some Chests to store your items.

    chest crafting recipe

    Build your house This is where hammer comes in handy. All artificially crafted blocks (eg. planks) can only be placed when with the use of a hammer.

    house building tools

    Put a hammer on the off hand, your blocks on the main hand, start building your house!

    Each placed block has 10% chance to reduce hammer’s durability by 1.
    Thirst caps at 40 points, reduced when exhaustion point reaches the maximum. If Thirst drops to 0, you will suffer from dehydration and loses health. See Status for info on how to check your thirst status.

    Thirst points:

  • Melon Slices restore 6 points
  • Water Bowls restore 10 points
  • Hot milk restores 10 points (Be careful, it’ll burn ya)
  • Dirty water bottles restore 13 points
  • Cold milk restores 15 points
  • Clean water bottles restore 18 points
  • Purified water bottles restore 23 points
  • Coffee restores 23 points
  • Mushroom Soup restore 12 points (Hunger is restored too, hybrid)
  • Milk restores 30 points
  • Water bowls bowl
    If you are thirsty, craft a Bowl to obtain water.

    Simply throw 1 Bowl into a water source, it will become a Water Bowl.

    Drinking it will quench the thirst. Drinking impure water runs a 60% risk of getting poisoned for 4 seconds. Purified water is recommended when cauldrons are affordable.
    Water Bottles minecraft water bottles
    Water Bottles can be obtained by right-clicking a glass bottle into a water source, but it’s not purified and not safe to drink.

    Drinking impure water has a high chance to get Poison for 4 seconds.

    To get rid of that risk, you can either clean your water or purify it:
    Clean Water:
    Clean water will have a medium risk of getting poisoned. There’s a couple of ways to get clean water:

    1) Throw a dirty water bottle on the campfire:

    clean water minecraft

    2) Throw a dirty water bottle in a furnace or smoker:

    how to clean water minecraft

    To clean water this way will take longer than most cooking recipes.
    Purified Water:
    Purified water is the cleanest water you can get. It will have no negative side effects and it will replenish your thirst meter a lot quicker.

    1) Make a Cauldron and prepare a fuel block.

    2) Light the Cauldron with fire.

    3) Fill the Cauldron with water.

    boiling water in minecraft
    4) Fill the glass bottles with this purified water.

    purified water
    Coffee: minecraft coffee
    You can craft coffee in their crafting table.

    When drank, it will increase your thirst level by 23 points, and will also refresh your energy level.
    Emptying Containers
    Simply throw a water bottle, water bowl or potion in your workbench, and you will get back an empty bottle/bowl
    You can check your hunger or thirst by typing **/status **

    2 bars representing Hunger and Thirst will be shown

    The bars are also presented when consuming items.

    /status can have one argument to show specific details

  • all – show all status
  • hunger – toggle/show hunger value
  • thirst – toggle/show thirst value
  • fatigue – toggle/show fatigue level
  • nutrients – toggle/show nutrient values
  • none – toggle all status messages off
  • Alerts will be displayed when either one drops down to a dangerous value
    Raw Foods

    Raw Meat will cause food poisoning, with a chance of 80%. Food Poisoning will stack if more raw meats are eaten. Better cook your meat before eating!

    Cookies as Saturated Snacks. Cookies can increase your health when you eat it more and more. Eating one of these will add a stackable 30 seconds of Health Boost.

    Tiers – Eating a cookie when Health Boost’s duration is at least:

  • 15 seconds: Gains Health Boost I, 2 extra hearts
  • 1 minute: Gains Health Boost II, 4 extra hearts
  • 3 minutes: Gains Health Boost III, 6 extra hearts
  • The more you eat, the stronger you are!

    Cookie’s Saturation Point restoration has been increased from 0.4 to 5.

    Beetroots as PowerUPs

    Beetroots can increase your strength when consumed. Eating one of these will add a stackable 10 seconds of Strength. Strength can be stacked up to a maximum of 30 seconds.

    Poisonous Potato as Antidote

    Poisonous Potato can purge all Potion Effects (like Bucket of Milk), and it’s stackable. However, eating one of these has 60% chance to get Poison for 4 seconds.

    Food Diversity

    Why should you only eat one type of food? Let’s make some variations.

    Nutrients in the food are divided into 3 types:

  • Carbohydrates – Mainly grains and sugars
  • Proteins – Mainly meat, poultry, and milk
  • Vitamins and Salts – Mainly vegetables and fruits
  • Eating lesser of a type of food will cause malnutrition, which will cause serious negative effects. Remember, eat healthily!

    You will need to use a sickle to harvest fruits and vegetables in your garden. When you use a stone sickle you will notice there’s a chance that the plants won’t drop any food. You can use an iron sickle which will have a higher chance of dropping more food.


    It’s weird to have instant baby chicks when breeding Chickens.

  • Chickens now lay 1-4 egg(s) instead of breeding a new chick.
  • Eggs have 100% chance to hatch a chick.
  • Sleepy Time minecraft bed
    If you have not slept for an entire night, fatigue level will increase.

    Fatigue levels:

  • Level 0 (Energized): No effects.
  • Level 1 (Sleepy): You felt your eyelids heavy, keep blinking.
  • Level 2 (Overworked): You felt your vision blurred, constantly blackout.
  • Level 3 (Distressed): You felt being enveloped by darkness, unable to see anything.
  • Level 4 and above: You collapsed on the ground, fatigued to death.
  • This can force players to sleep frequently, instead of having overextending night events.
  • Sleeping resets Fatigue Level to 0. Check out Status for info on how to check your fatigue level.
    Custom Cave Monsters – Caves can be scary, so in order to make them as scary as possible, I added scarier mobs.

    Alpha Spider

    Alpha Spiders are the kings of the spider nation. They can poison you on attack, web you, and even summon minions to help attack. They are very dangerous in small spaces due to the fact that they can web you stuck if you are not careful.

    smoke demon

    Smoke Demon

    Smoke Demons are the souls of many miners who have died in gas leaks. Due to their unrest, they hunt you down in the form of a shapeless cloud of poisonous gas. However, bright lights can kill them just like the hungering darkness.

    smoke demon

    Lava Creeper

    Just when creepers couldn’t get any worse, now some that spawn in caves blow up into fire, lava, obsidian, and magma. Bring a water bucket and watch your back if you want to live.

    Lava Creeper Aftermath:

    minecraft lava creeper

    Lava Creepers shoot lava particles out of their head so that you know which type is which.

    Hexed Armor

    Hexed Armor is a more annoying than dangerous mob. If you get hit too many times by hexed armor, the cursed armor will rip off your current armor and glue itself to you.

    minecraft hexxed armor

    hexxed armor

    Magma Monster

    A monster so hot it scorches the land it walks on. Also sets you on fire if you are hit by it so watch out.

    minecraft magma monster


    A monster that jumpscares you if you are not careful. If you look away from it while it is attacking or following you, it will teleport in front of you and jumpscare you. Dangerous with other mobs around, but easy to kill alone.

    minecraft watcher

    TnT Infused Creeper

    A project gone wrong by scientist. During a attempt to increase the explosion power of creepers, some creepers learned to build TNT out of their surroundings and increase their explosion power themselves.

    When the creeper explodes, one to two TNT will appear and also explode causing triple the explosion power.

    tnt infused creeper

    Dead Miner

    Miner who couldn’t find his way out of the caves below. Eventually by some unknown way, he was resurrected as a zombie and now stalks the caves looking for other miners to join him.

    While he walks around, he will place torches if it gets too dark. He also drops items from time to time when he is hit.

    dead miner minecraft


    When the time of wither and their servants were still in their prime, wither scholars explored the vast network of magic that resided in the nether. The only problem is that the infinite amount of knowledge transformed them into a abomination that took on the powers of the wither and attacks any humans on sight.

    minecraft necromancer

    Old Shadow

    A ancient manifestation of the fears of man that hungers for more power. It wanders the dark world of the nether in search of players and devours them inside of itself.


    A being made of lava that is so hot it scorches the ground it steps on.

    minecraft molten


    A ghast trapped within a skeleton. Due to the skeletons power, the ghast can only launch weak fireballs at the player but they still pack a punch without fire resistance.

    minecraft fireball


    A flying eye that sees all and burns all. If a player is spotted, it will burn the player alive unless he is sneaking. Due to their low intelligence, sneaking causes the inferno to loose sight of a player.

    minecraft inferno


    A living error. Further research into the Sherogath gives evidence that the nether is a simulation of the overworld rather than a real dimension.

    minecraft sherrogath


    Living Sound that changes based on how close you are, attacking this sound close enough causes the sound to aggro and attack you back. Invisible Entity! Picture Not Available.

    Alpha Pigman

    Pigman that was given enhanced physical qualities during the great wither war to fight against the ghasts. Now wanders around without purpose with it’s brethren.

    minecraft alpha pigman

    Ghast Buff

    Ghasts have also been improved. They now have a special ability where they can turn invisible for a short amount of time. Their fireballs are also faster and more powerful then they were before.
    Overgrown Nether

    The Nether is a ages old realm in the underworld of minecraft so you would think that over time it would be overgrown by fauna there, but it isn’t. In order to fix this, the nether now generates vines of cobwebs as well as mushrooms to give it that overgrown aesthetic.

    New Nether:

    minecraft hardcore nether

    Old Nether:

    minecraft original nether

    Cave Growth –

    Caves that are inhabited for a long time grow vines, stalagmites, and generate pebbles to make caves look more cave-y and run down.

    minecraft cave growth

    Hungering Darkness –

    The hungering darkness are invisible entities that kill you if they find you in a place with zero light. If you are being targeted by the hungering darkness, you will hear a strange static sound coming towards you. The way to get rid or kill them is by light so make sure you have a lot of torches.

    Cave Ins –

    When very, very low underground you should bring a rabbit foot with you to avoid cave-ins from happening. Once a cave-in happens, the cave around you collapses with a deafening blast while blinding you in the process.

    Cave Temperature –

    When caving, the lava in caves brings the temperature to at least 200,000 C (trust me i’m a scientist). Because of this, when low underground your character will complain and you’ll fatigue every now and then.

    Custom Structures –

    Tiny little structures that spawn throughout caves to make exploring more interesting. Chests that can spawn in these structures contain items that you need to survive, so living only in a cave is now possible without traveling to the surface. There are currently 36 different structures, so finding two of the same is decently difficult to do.
    MiscellaniousBlock Mechanics

  • Soulsand and Netherrack now have new mechanics that change the way you travel / mine in the nether.
  • Netherrack has a chance to spawn fire when mined.
  • Soulsand doesn’t like to be run on. If you are caught running on soulsand, the souls inside the soulsand slow you down drastically so that you can barely run.

  • Categories
    Allowed Ban Boss Bosses Build Claim Claiming Claims Create Custom Dynmap Eco Economy End Enjin Faction Factions Farm Farming Leveling Lore Map Minecraft Mob Mobs Play Player Pvp Races Raid Regeneration Rol Rpg Server Spells Town Unique Website

    Oblivion Forever




    Oblivion Forever is an RPG server with Races, Custom items, tons of spells, and a custom world to build, explore, and play on. Create factions and engage in PVP. There are custom mobs, loot, weapons, and armors along side with item attributes to make items unique.

    Factions: Team up with your friends, make allies and enemies. Go on raids with your faction, engage in large scale battles against players, or custom bosses. With custom spells and items PVP will be different than any other Minecraft experience. TNT damage is disabled, but stealing, killing and betraying are allowed. You can build the creations of your dreams. Whether its from the Elder Scrolls, or just from your imagination. Each player has 45 power, or 45 claims of 16×16 to ensure players can build what they want. However, with faction economy land claiming can be expensive. Get together with your friends and build a castle, a town, whatever you can imagine.

    Custom Map The map is 100% world painted by me. It took 20+ hours for me to make it. Complete with custom trees and even caves. The map is Tamriel, or the continent the Elder Scrolls series takes place on. Click the dynmap link to check it out. The dynmap is set up in a unique way as well. Your location doesnt show up on the dynmap if youre in a house, underground, or its night. You have to be exposed to sunlight to be visible on the map. So players dont have to be worried about being hunted down because of the dynmap. However, traveling outside during the day can be dangerous Bandit players may hunt you down.

    Custom Mobs/Items/Merchants Everytime you level up your Hero, or your Race, You get a Voucher. You can level up by killing mobs, players, fishing, farming, mining, and more. Anyways, you use the Voucher to buy spells from merchants at /spawn. So leveling up pretty much gives you a skillpoint to spend on a spell. Theres a lot of spells as well. Over 200 are made, and over 50 spells are accessible in game. Custom Mythic Mobs spawn randomly in the world. These mobs drop raw loot, such as a hide from the monster- or the heart from a Daedra, ect. You can use these materials to buy custom weapons and armor from merchants. Armors and Weapons have special attributes such as Armor penetration, dodge rate, critical rate, regeneration, and more.


    Action Active Allowed Ass Awesome Base Based Class Cod Com Drug Drugs Erver Fac Faction Factions Farm Farming Fun Ita Join Make Ming Mon Money One Owner Pvp Raid Server Staff Survival Multiplayer This Vital

    Vital PvP

    I am not the owner Kyle8211 or cody is the owner. he allowed me to make this. come join!

    Fun PVP/raid server based on drugs make money from farming them and other stuff

    no factions,kind staff,and awesome PVP

    Active Build Claim Claims Community Create Creative Custom Eco Econ Economy Event Farm Farming Fun Grief Griefing Mcmmo Mmo Mod Mods New Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Reset Rpg Server Shop Shops Smp Staff Survival Unique Whitelist World


    Stuzzcraft is an SMP server that celebrated it’s 3 year anniversary November 2015. We’ve had over 10,000 unique visitors to our server, but are always looking for new people to join the community!

    No Whitelist – No sitting around, waiting for applications to be approved!
    Active Staff – From Mods right up to the Owner
    Farm World – Why tear up the main world – use the often resetting farming world for materials!
    Grief Prevention Claims – Protect your land from all forms of griefing
    Optional Creative World – Build what you want in your own plot using creative mode!
    Player Run Shops – Our players set the economy in a Shop World, using a custom plugin to create shops
    McMMO – Adds a fun, ‘RPG’ aspect to the server
    Many, MANY more custom plugins – one of the perks of having a developer the an owner!

    Active Admin Build Building City Community Cool Craft Creative Custom Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Farm Farming Friendly Friends Join Mine Minecraft Nether New Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Resources Server Shop Shops Skills Survival Survival Multiplayer Town Towny World


    Hi, we hope you enjoy your stay at the new Trefan gaming community! We hope to provide a minecraft experience that combines many play favourites, from PvP, to towny, to creative, and tie it all together with a friendly, enjoyable community!

    Features include:
    A towny world!
    Admin and player shops, with an economy system interlinking with towny!
    A creative world!
    A plot world, where you can build in survival without joining a town!
    A farming world, where players can gather resources from the overworld and the nether to build in towny and plot!
    The farming world also doubles as a PvP world.!
    VIP features, such as a cool VIP castle and extra commands!
    Organized events!
    Custom plugins written by our lead admin!

    We sincerely hope you join our server, and become a valuable part of the community! Whether you want to start a town with some friends, or show off your epic building skills in creative, there is a place for you in Trefan!

    -IP is
    -Max server capacity is 50

    Active Art Base Based Class Craft End Erver Family Farm Farming Friends Game Harvest Harvestcraft Ill Inecraft Love Make Mine Minecraft Ming Mini Mining Pack Party Play Playing Rol Role Season Server Survival Multiplayer Texture This Town Vis Website


    HarvestCraft is a Role Play server based off of Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town. The Goal is to try to keep this as close to the game as we can. Wether you are a fan of Harvest Monn, Minecraft, Farming, Mining, Role playing, or seasonal partying. This family-like server will have something for you to love.


    Active Allowed Challenge Challenges City Class Classic Custom Dedicated Economy End Farm Farming Free Freedom Friendly Grief Griefing Lag Land Lands Map Play Player Players Protection Pvp Server Servers Shop Shops Sign Signshop Sky Skyblock Spawn Staff Super Survival

    TCSG – Skyblock Survival

    Classic Skyblock with a Twist:
    PVP map
    – Farming is super efficient (200%) and very high spawn rates.
    – griefing/heavy PVP are not only allowed, but encouraged.
    Classic Skyblock map
    – 100x100x256 islands
    – Freedom to scam players and steal from unlocked chests.
    – Custom Challenges.

    Server Info:
    – Powerful dedicated server leads to zero lag
    – No White-List
    – Friendly Staff
    – Lockette Container and Door protection
    – SignShop for Player-run shops

    Active Admin Admins Ars Ass Class Com Contest Craft End Erver Event Evento Eventos Factions Game Games Google Hunger Hungergame Hungergames Ios Kit Kywars Pvp Ran Rvival Server Sky Skywar Skywars Sol Super Survival Tienda Version Vip War Wars

    Blurkit Craft

    Bienvenidos a BlurkitCraft un server para diversion y pasarla en grande con tus amigos, contamos con survival pvp, skywars con variación y con mucho entretenimiento y ya estamos trabajando un nuevo hungergames completamente entretenido, entra aqui hay eventos, tienda , compra tu vip , admins super buenos contestan todo y son bastantes solidarios con todos..

    Active Ass Challenge Class Craft Elf Eng Erver Google Inecraft Kitpvp Mad Mine Minecraft Minecraft Pvp Pain People Play Player Players Pro Pvp Raft Server Spain


    It’s a server made for people that want to improve in Minecraft PvP or challenge himself against pro players!

    Anarchy Anti Ass Auto Back Better Blo Block Cheat Class Com Destroy Ect Erver Guard Has Heat Host Ill Isa No Anti Cheat Norule Norules Norulesanarchy Norulesmc Old Rules Server Sol Tall Ter This Title World

    No Rules

    This server has rules no world guard no anti cheat I want Yall to do your worst to this server but I will delete the server after 3 weeks so you better get on and hold nothing back I wanna see this server totally destroyed I will be disappointed if I dont get to see it absolutely destroyed

    Ace Active Air Beta Build Building Buildings Class Create Crops End Experience Fair Fast Friends Going Harvest Home Ill Irl Job Jobs King Open Peace Play Player Players Pro Protect Redstone Rules School Server Simple Straight Survival Vanilla

    Survival With Friends

    Remember back in the day in the beta periods where you would spend a day at school, Thinking about buildings to make and redstone mechanisms, then rush to the computer at home to build it.
    Or you wake up on a saturday morning going straight to the computer to harvest your crops, breed your livestock and but your ore to cook while you eat your breakfast.
    here ar Survival with friends, we try to create that setting with a open fairly laid back server.
    Our rules are simple and there mainly to keep the peace.
    We’re 24/7 and we try keep the server as vanilla as possible but with things like Jobs and redprotect to enhance, but not disrupt players experience.

    Active Art Ass Class Com Craft Day Drop Erver Fun Game Games Good Google Halloween Ill Join Mini Minigame Minigames Party Pvp Raft Server Survival Survival Games Welcome Wild


    welcome to haycraft a server with fun and wild and minigames cume and join befor halloween adn have fun on the drop party and we will like to see you here so join now have a good day

    Action Actions Active Ars Ass Class Com Craft End Fac Faction Factions Google Has Inecraft Kywars Level Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Modalidades Ores Play Pro Pvp Rvival Servidor Sky Skywar Skywars Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survivalfactions Tienda Version War Wars


    Servidor de Minecraft
    Version 1.8 hasta 1.12
    Modalidades: SurvivalFactions, SkyWars, Rex, y muchas cosas nuevas proximamente.

    Apto para toda clase de jugadores.

    Admin Claim Community Create Discord Donation Donations Dynmap End Fun Grief Hack Hacks Home Map Mod Nations Need Open Play Pve Quest Reset Rewards Rey Semivanilla Server Servers Small Smp Spawn Staff Survival Teleportation Title Vanilla Voting War World

    FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla

    Quick features
  • Generous 16 view distance
  • /home, /spawn, /tpa, /back
  • No donations or rewards for voting
  • Everyone restricted to survival mode at all times (Admins included)
  • Average staff member played for 4+ years
  • No limits to claim sizes (within reason)
  • FroobWorld is a small, community-centred survival server that has been running since 2011. If you enjoy the old-school style of survival servers, you will probably enjoy FroobWorld. Our gameplay is simple: Do anything you like, as long as it is constructive.

    Our only real game changer is teleportation. We have /home, /back, /spawn and /tpa for example. Some people don’t like these features, which is understandable, but we find that they help make the world feel more connected. If you plan on playing with friends you can add each other to your friends list using the /friend command. This will allow you to teleport to each other using the /tp command.

    Our current map was created in 1.13. For the 1.14 update we expanded eastwards, doubling the size of our map to 14,000 by 28,000 blocks. We also expanded slightly for the 1.15 update. We like to keep our maps for a reasonable amount of time. For reference, our last map we had from March 2016 to July 2018. We are hoping to keep our current map until at least mid 2021. In any case, all old maps are available for download after a reset.

    We are a greylisted server. This means anyone can join and walk around, but are not able to modify the world until they have been removed from the greylist. To be removed is very simple: you just need to read the rules, type a command and wait for someone to remove you. There is no written application process.


  • Don’t grief.
  • Don’t steal, lure or scam.
  • Don’t use hacks or abuse glitches.
  • Don’t advertise.
  • Respect others.
  • Don’t use profanity anywhere.
  • Have fun!
  • (If you read these rules just type ‘/apply’ in game to request removal from the greylist)
  • Discord:


    Active Admin Arena Build Building City Claim Craft Currency Discord Economy End Home Land Lore Market Mine Minecraft Nether Parkour Play Player Plots Pvp Quest Quests Raid Raiding Safe Server Spawn Store Survival Town Vanilla War Website Who World


    SunnyShadowz is a server based in Sweden that has a lot to offer to people who are looking for a reliable Minecraft server with a twist to the pure vanilla experience. We started almost seven years ago as a building project with very few features but have since then entirely revamped the server.

    So is this server for you? Well, as of today, you can:

    • Explore, fight and build in an unlimited world, which also includes the Nether and the End.
    • Utilize an array of commands to improve your survival experiences, such as set home, teleport requests to players and warps.
    • Sell and buy almost every item in the game in our stores scattered around our detailed spawn town using our in-game currency.
    • Buy plots of land to build in a 100% protected neighbourhood to erase the chance of being raided.
    • Purchase property in our spawn city to flaunt your wealth. You can also buy cheap chest storage to keep items safe, and market stands where you can sell your items to other players.
    • Fight in the arena to defeat your opponents and proclaim yourself as the champion of the server
    • Try out our parkour courses for a chance to win large sums of in-game money.
    • Search for well placed hidden rooms.
    • Join our Discord channel to communicate with the admins and other players, but also to talk to players in-game using our synchronized chats.

    Visit our website to learn more!

    Active Basic Car Claim Claiming Class Classic Craft Difficult End Enjoy Fight Friends Game Gameplay Good Google Home Homes Ill Inecraft Join Laim Mine Minecraft Ming Play Pro Ring Rvival Server Survival Teleport Teleporting Time Vanilla War


    Welcome to Vanillaverse Minecraft Server! We offer the classic Vanilla survival gameplay which is there to enjoy with others!

    Complete with a claiming system, homes and basic teleporting, we guarantee a good time for you and your friends!

    During these difficult times, we are also donating at least half of our profits towards the MSF, one of the many organizations fighting during these difficult times.

    Care to join us?

    Active Ban Class Craft Creative Custom Easy Experience Fac Faction Factions Familia Game Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mod Network New Original Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Servers Simple Sky Skyblock Straight Survival Update War Who

    BananaCraft Network

    BananaCraft Network is a growing Minecraft server with a wide variety of gamemodes. BananaCraft Network launched in February of 2019 and is a reboot of the original BananaCraft. The network currently consists of KitPvP, Factions, Survival, Creative and Skyblock with more gamemodes and updates planned for the future. Our aim for this network is to make the network accessible for all types of players, whether you like PvP, survival or you simply want to hang out on the server, there is always something to do for you.

    We also want our server to be as simple and straight forward as possible so you can start playing right away. To achieve this we write our own custom plugins to guide you through the servers while using as much GUIs as possible so you dont have to type a command for everything you want to do. Our server makes it easy for new players who are not familiar with Minecraft servers while also offering a lot for experienced players.

    Active Chat Claim Claiming Class Community Competitive Cool Craft Creative Discord Economy End Environment Free Freedom Grind Land Land Claim Lit Mcmmo Mmo Mpet Play Player Players Rank Rewards Server Shop Simple Small Staff Survival Trading Unique Vanilla War World


    A genuine and truly worldwide 1.14.4 Survival community. We provide an environment that highly values player creativity and freedom. The gameplay is mostly vanilla with some optional grindy features like McMMO to extend your endgame.

    What’s different?
    – No intrusive chat filter
    – Simple land claiming system
    – Unique approach to community creations
    – A competitive player-owned shop system that rewards quality in-game businesses

    – The most active discord of any Survival server
    – One highly populated server, rather than several small ones
    – Rank vouchers that are purchasable in-game through player trading


    Active Beast Block Cat Class Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Game Games Great Host Ill Inecraft Join Land Lands Latest Level Levels Mine Minecraft Mini Games Network Parkour Pvp Ring Sky Skydoesminecraft Skyland Skylands Survival Survival Games Survivalgame Survivalgames Tnt

    SkyDoesMinecraft Official Network

    Welcome to the official SkyDoesMinecraft Network!

    We are a community dedicated to bring you the latest and greatest Minecraft gametypes such as:

    Survival, TNT Run, ButterSlap, Run from the Beast, Draw that Block, LevelsPVP, SurvivalGames, Assassins Crees, SkylandsPVP, GhostBustes, and a ton more!

    Join today and you will not regret it!

    100 1000 Active Ass Awesome Bal Ball Class Com Eat Epic Erver Eso Forge Google Insta Join Mod Mon Network Pixel Pixelmon Poke Region Regions Ring Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tall Two Work

    Pixelmon Pokeballers

    The Pokeballers Pixelmon Server Network!

    Come and check us out at
    Requires Forge and Pixelmon Mod Installed to Join!

    1000 Slot Pixelmon Network featuring two epic Regions and 1 Awesome Survival Server!

    Active Build Building Chat Cities City Class Community Create Creative Dedicated Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Friendly Friends Game Help Join Map Mod Modern New Play Player Players Realistic Server Shop Small Survival Town Towns Trade Vanilla Wns

    Project City Build

    Project City Build [Survival | Creative]

    PCB is a city building server, dedicated to building realistic, modern, themed or period based towns and cities. PCB has been running since the early days of Classic, and has grown and evolved over the years.

    Whether on our creative or survival mode maps, you can get together with your friends to create your own cities. Our server is based around building large scale towns and cities; help expand an existing town, or start your own!

    Take part in our comprehensive economy, join in our regular build events or even have a chat to us in game. Our economy is a central part of our survival map. Trade with other players by building your own shop in our mall.

    Project City Build is a small and friendly community that will always welcome new members. If you are interested in building things, this server is perfect for you.

    Ace Active Age Bee Block Blocks Build Building Class Custom End Game Games Google Hey Home Ill Lag Lit Mall Map Mean Parkour Pure Pvp Server Sethome Space Survival Thor Tpa Trade Vanilla Village Villager Villagers

    Matrix Pure Vanilla Server

    Matrix is a Pure Vanilla Server, We are about getting back to the roots of what Vanilla is meant to be, so don’t come expecting any of those /sethome /home /tpa etc as even though they’re available in Vanilla, we feel it takes away from how Vanilla was intended.

    The map is restricted in size of building space to 50k in every direction, with space past that allotted for Custom trade Villagers, Games and much much more.

    All of the fancy little tricks and commands we do have are all run via command blocks and have been thoroughly tested to work optimally in 1.15

    Ace Action Active Best Class Craft Donate Drop Event Events Experience Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Google Greif Greifing King Kingdom Parties Play Playing Plugin Pvp Race Races Raid Raiding Rol Role Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Weekly

    KingdomCraft Factions

    We are a role playing faction pvp server. We have kind staff and looking for staff.We have a races plugin.We hope you to have the best Rp faction raiding experience and donate and possibly get staff.We have op drop parties and weekly events.We also encourage raiding greifing and just full out pvp.

    Action Actions Active Ark Ars Ass Class Craft Criativo Fac Faction Factions Google Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Kywars Network Park Parkour Play Plus Port Prison Pvp Raft Servidor Sky Skywar Skywars Smp Soon Two War Wars Work

    PlussyCraft Network

    Junta-te a nós!

    ! Servidor Português !
    > Factions
    > Parkour
    > SkyWars
    > KitPvP
    > Criativo (NOVO)

    > SMP
    > Prison
    > And More!

    Active Anarchy Areas Challenging Class Currency Diamond Eco Econ Game Hardcore Ill Item Items Job Jobs Kill King Lit Mine Mining New Old Parkour Play Prison Pvp Rank Ranking Ranks Rankup Roleplay Server Shop Shops Skills Spawn Trees


    ThePrisonServer is a 24/7 prison server. You will start off as any other prisoner in real life would start out, at the bottom of the totem pole, as you work your way up there will be new skills, levels, items, shops and even housing. There are 5 obtainable ranks D-Prisoner C-Prisoner, B-Prisoner, A-Prisoner, and Elite-Prisoner. Each offer a Different and challenging way to rank up. There is PvP in most locations, besides the Selling and Mining areas. Hope to see you on ThePrisonServer, and remember “Dont Drop The Soap!’

    ThePrisonServer has tons of ranks, and more planned to come in the future. Ranks on the server are obtained with the in-game currency. You can earn in-game currency by mining and doing jobs around each of the blocks. You get to the next rank by typing /rankup.

    The rank of criminal is the default rank. You use this rank to go through the tutorial and learn how to play on ThePrisonServer. To get to the next rank type /rankup then /spawn.

    D-Prisoner is the first rank you actually play as. The goal of a D-Prisoner is to mine and chop trees to rank-up to C-block. Ranking up will cost $40,000 and grant you access to C-Block.

    C-Prisoner is the second rank you can achieve. In C-Block you will Mine and chop down trees to rank-up. The mine now also has gold! Ranking up will cost $140,000 and grant you access to B-Block.

    B-Prisoner is the third rank of ThePrisonServer. B-Block now has diamonds to mine. Also a very difficult parkour course to enchant your items. Ranking up will cost $250,000 and grant you access to A-Block.

    Active Boss Class Community Craft Create Dedicated Economy Element Elves Event Events Extreme Game Games Ill Inecraft Lore Mine Minecraft Parkour Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Public Pve Pvp Quest Quests Semi Server Staff Survival Unique Vanilla World


    SyroCraft is a semi-vanilla survival Minecraft Server. Aka survival, with a few extra plugins to add a few elements to the game. We have been around for over a year of public service with over 1,000 total unique logins and 150,000 forum views. We pride ourselves on being a close-knit community of all types of players that even play other games together.

    Our staff is extremely dedicated:
    We have 2 staff members, not including the owner. Between the two, they have placed over 100 million blocks, spent spent over 50 days of playtime in-game, and continuously supported other players. All while living their own lives.

    Even though the server is a survival server, we have built up our own personal universe with lore. With events like the invasion of Doomskull, Herobrines Revenge, Halloween Mystery, and many more.

    Server Events:
    Our server regularly creates and hosts events. We have seasonal events and other events. Examples: Christmas Event quests, Halloween Event Quest-line, World Boss Events, Player-made events, etc.

    Active Cat Class Communities Community Craft Date Dynmap Fast Google Great Help Hub Inecraft Join Latest Long Map Mine Minecraft Mission Missions Network New Permissions Play Plugin Plugins Rvival Server Servers Star Start Survival Update Updated Wiki


    Join one of the longest running Minecraft communities. Starting a new survival Journey…
    – New map
    – Updated plugins
    – Fast server
    – No bulls***
    – Great community

    Catch the latest server news here:

    Plugins and Server News:


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!