1.17 1.17.1 1.7 1.7.10 Age Apex Factions Kor Long Pvp Quest Skyblock Survival Vanilla Versions


A Minecraft server with various things such as Survival, Skyblock, Factions and more! We have a friendly community along with a friendly owner. If you have any questions, message Korner on his discord at The1stKorner#0018.

Versions Range from 1.7.10 -> 1.17.1

Arrow Buff Economy Inside Morph Particles Playershop Playershops Playerwarp Playerwarps Survival Tokens Trail Trails Vanilla


**Anti-Cheat** – Anti-Cheat Protection, Everyone plays fair
**Grief Protection** – Claim your builds
**Raid Protection** – Anti-Stealing inside Claimed land
**Auctions** – Auction your items for in-game money
**Economy** – Sell Items and Buy Items from server shop
**Quests** – Tons of Quests with Rewards
**PlayerShops** – Sell your extra blocks
**Skills** – level up skills to earn stat buffs, unlock and level up abilities, and more
**PlayerWarps** – Create warps for players to visit you!
**Tickets** – InGame Ticket Manager for reporting bugs/players
**Trade System** – Safely Trade Items, Money, Claim Blocks between players
**Cosmetics** – Pets, Death Effects, Kill Effects, Particles, Arrow Trails, Morphs
**Token Shop** – Earn from Voting, Spend Tokens on Cosmetics

Beau Beautiful Control Eau Empire Flower Flowers Inside Multiplayer Protected Structure Structures Stuff Survival Survival Multiplayer

MC Flower Garden

Come and smell the flowers in our Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server! Build an empire with your friends and control the economy, all while keeping your stuff protected inside a sharable claim, or just build beautiful structures with them instead.

1.16.5 4gb Anything Box Dont Feat Features Lag Mcp Pixelmon Pvp Server Ram Survival Survival Games Vanilla


Join the server | This server is a really Cool, box pvp server with a lot of Cool features! This server runs on 1.16.5 | This server is also lag free with 4gb of ram so you Dont have to worry about anything! Join now.

1.17 1.17.1 1000 Edit Edition Generation In Minecraft Pocket Pocket Edition Pvp Rock Season Seasonal Survival Vanilla

Mcps official server

Minecraft Cross Platform server
play Java,Bedrock and Pocket edition in one server in minecraft
Mcps is a 1.17.1 Survival server where you can play with friends
We have custom generation in world, seasonal calendar and 1000 new advancement.
We need new players for playing

Better Gameplay Mean Minecraft Vanilla Ores Play Minecraft Pve Pvp Restart Safe Sever Survival Survival Minecraft Server Vanilla Vulcan

Probity Survival

Probity is a pure survival Minecraft server. It means there is no /tp, /home, or /spawn commands.
All we have is several plugins that allow us to play Minecraft vanilla with a better aspect (like the TAB), safe gameplay (autorestart plugin with warnings) and also a good anti-cheat (vulcan anti-cheat).

Air Airport Anarchy Auction Auction House Banned City Economy House Impossible Moddé Modded Pvp Vault Vaults


A heavily plugin/modded 1.12 anarchy server with things such as an auction house /ah, player vaults /pv, a shop /shop, ECONOMY! It is impossible to get banned unless you anger me {LowCity}.

Airport system!

Art Ava Bed Bedro Bedrock Cool Give Java Need Ommunity Player Rock Star Start Survival


Hysuan Is a cool survival server started by a bedrock player and a java player. Hysuan is here to give you the community you need the most.

Custom Origins Daily Dating Endless Level Leveling Obby Origin Origins Parkour Sieg Siege Survival Updating Wither


WitherSiege is a fun Origin Server! We have over 12 custom origins to choose from. Get crates from leveling up in our hub, and completing obbys! Play in an endless world where the possibilities are endless! We have a friendly staff team who are always able to help! Join on any version you want! We are online and updating daily so make sure to join today!

Basic Cked Crack Cracké Cracked Dream Dream Smp Economy Group Groups Oup Pos Post Soup Survival

Soup SMP

An a cracked smp server, with a friendly community, has some wars and groups, we even have wanted posters. (its basicly dream smp but everyone can join)

Atm Atmosphere Balanced Corn Death Economy Frog Moddé Modded Modded Server Pog Pve Pvp Realistic Survival


Experience a balanced system of mods to create a realistic and fence atmosphere where death can be just around the corner.

Pogfrog1 is a modded server.

Anarchy Bots Coc Economy Impossible Nicknames Nico North Prefixes Pve Pvp Roleplay Roles Survival Vanilla


Las Cucarachas is a callback to a simpler time. Inspired by the servers of the early 2010s, Las Cucarachas is a community where you can build freely without worrying about griefing or theft; work collaboratively on whatever projects you dream up and make new friends along the way; and enjoy the freedom to play how you want to play.

Our Discord Server isn’t littered with unnecessary bots and excessive channels and the community is generally pretty nice. The voice chat is reasonably active and the vibe is pretty chill.

Las Cucarachas values free speech, you will never be reprimanded for having an opinion, making a joke, or anything like that.

Our economy is 100% vanilla — the most common currency is diamond and all of the shops are player-made. We do have a designated shopping district, although you’re welcome to build your business wherever you’d like!

Land-claim and rollback plugins make vandalism virtually impossible. Our staff members are responsive and helpful — if you have any issues with griefing or theft, let a staff-member know and we’ll get it fixed promptly.

We like to keep things simple. There aren’t any roles, obnoxious prefixes and technicolor nicknames; you will never be solicited for donations, and there is absolutely no pay-to-win or buyable cosmetics or any of that malarkey.

Las Cucarachas is primarily composed of USA, CA, and EU players. The server is hosted in North America (Toronto), and peak hours are typically afternoon/night EST. The server is relatively small and the server hardware is robust so lag is minimal.

Las Cucarachas is still a relatively new server so you won’t have to work too hard to make new friends, find a place to collect resources and build, and make a name for yourself. Feel free to hop on and check us out!

570 Economy Full Good Hank Hanks Nks Prize Prizes Roleplay Survival Thanks These Unique Wait


Enter the strongest Survival server and have fun, we are expecting you !! The server is full of unique things to discover what are these unique things Join the Server thanks. If vote-as on our server on the server, a lot of good prizes are waiting for you, enjoy 🙂

Download Enjoy Mall Mmu Mod Mods Ommunity Orc Som Survival Talk Tim Time Unit Unity


Server with survival mods, to enjoy and spend some time with the community !! Enter the discord to download the moods and talk if there is any error !!

Box Earth Mc Economy Geopol Geopolitical Nations Politic Political Pvp Sand Sandbox Scale Survival Towns Towny

AuroEarth MC

AuroEarth MC is a towny geopolitical sandbox server for Minecraft. We offer a custom 1:500 scale earth world for towns and nations to prosper.

Insane Landmark Pickaxe Purely Pve Pvp Raiding Savage Simplistic Suck Survival Teleporting Towny Vanilla Wtf


A 1.17 survival Minecraft server, where a simplistic and stylistic multiplayer experience is guaranteed

Spice is a small Minecraft community where the core values of the game are most important. No “INSANE AUTOSMELT PICKAXE” or “BUY OP FOR $1”, it is the most simple server experience, yet adding a small hint of spice to the overall gameplay.

The key features that set us apart:
– We believe in privacy and a generally appealing experience to every user
– Pay2Win sucks, our packages are either obtainable through survival, purely cosmetic or are very slight modifications to the game
– There are no claims – this doesn’t mean we are savages! Griefing, stealing or building too close to other builds is not permitted
– There is no economy (as of yet) – this allows for natural progression, if you think that a certain item is more valuable than others, then use it to trade with other players!
– There is no teleporting, this means you have to save landmarks in a text file, just like how we all used to do before servers! The same applies with /spawn and teleporting to other players

Overall, we offer a unique but fresh experience, with frequent updates and we listen to the community. Come join Spice.

Ark Complet Cpvp Fight Kitpvp Map Maps Park Parkour People Pvp Server Ranks Skep Special Vanilla


SkepticPvp is a kitpvp server where people can hang out, have fun, and fight each other! Special rank for completing the main parkour course! Adding ranks and more maps soon.

1.17.1 Airplane Anarchy Dupe Dupes Enhanced Hoe Patch Performance Phoenix Phoenixanarchy Pvp Roleplay Survival Vanilla


PhoenixAnarchy is a 1.17.1 anarchy server, running on the latest version of Airplane.

– Custom plugins for enhanced performance;
– Patched dupes
– Maintaining 20 TPS

Door Doors Function Functional Hcf Incredible Lost Planet Mix Mixed Pat Plane Planet Prison Survival Vanilla

Lost Planet

The best improved vanilla server has opened its doors! Being a vanilla server mixed with HCF to improve the gaming experience, in addition to being compatible from 1.12.2 onwards, this server provides you with incredible functionalities and in development! What are you waiting for!

Big Challenge Change Classic Crypto Economy Job Reward Rewards Skin Skins Super Survival Toc Virtual


– The server is focused on Survival
– You will have a lot of fun
– we offer you a change of skins, events for super rewards
– You can also play classic survival with economy system and virtual cryptocurrencies
– and you can also take a big challenge: Survival
– Web:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Skywars Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!