Action Active Anything Ask Base Based Big Class Com Community Craft End Enjoy Erver Exp Fac Faction Friendly Game Help Ill Join King Looking Mall Ming Need Please Riendly Server Small Staff Straight Survival Multiplayer War Welcome Who


Tamko-Craft is a faction based server. There are many staff members on Tamko-Craft, who enjoy the game just like you. Most staff members are on 24/7 to help you with any need, and we are very friendly. You can ask us anything, and we will answer you with a straight forward answer. Our community, on Tamko-Craft, is very small still, and we are looking to expand that, with you coming aboard. Please consider joining us, and get ready for a big, Welcome!

Action Actions Art Ass Class Drop Dropparty Fac Faction Factions Hard Has Join Lag Nam One Party Partys Pvp Red Redstone Sit Ssd Stone Style Swe Tournament Tournaments Vis


Redstoned PVP has Factions, loads of DropPartys and tournaments aswell.
Join now to learn more.

You wont regret visiting.

Harddisk: 24/7 No-lagg SSD


9.2 Active Ass Ats Base Based Cat Cats Character Characters Class Echo Erver Hun Hunt Hunter Leplay Nam Ninja Play Rol Role Roleplay Roleplay Server Server Survival Multiplayer Ter This War Warrior Warriors

Warriors – Fading Echos

Hello My Name Is RicoTheNinja, This Is A 60 Slot, 24/7 Warriors Roleplay Server. This Server Is Based Off Of Erin Hunters Book Series. The Characters Are Cats.

Ass Class Daily Erver Euro Europe European Everyone Follow Free Game Hank Has Lit Mine Mon Money Noop One Open Please Port Pos Ran Rank Rankup Ree Server Style Support Voting


Minepact is an European server where everyone has the possibility to rankup with free ingame money.
Please support us by voting for us daily. Thank you.


Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Block Buycraft Class Craft Diamond Fac Faction Factions Features Game Great Inecraft Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mines Mmo Nation Noop Open Parkour Planetminecraft Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Spawn Spawner Spawners Vote War Warp


WarPvPz is a factions/pvp/mcMMO minecraft server. Our server features a massive spawn, a shop with many spawners, and a parkour which gives you a diamond block every time you win. Great ranks are available for purchase and if you vote for the server you automatically earn 250 in game dollars. You can vote once every day on Minecraft, Minecraft, Planet Minecraft and Minestatus.

JOIN NOW……………………


Action Active Ark Ass Class Craft Eat Emb Erver Fac Faction Fun Great Join Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raft Server Shark Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff


PVP faction server
Great staff
Great members
Great pvp
Great plugins
And Great fun!

Action Actions Active Art Ass Class Eat Erver Esp Fac Faction Factions Great Head Ill Join Need Need Players Needed New Pie Piece Play Player Players Pro Promotion Pvp Server Slots Staff Star Start Survival Multiplayer Taff This


This is AciesPVP! Join now and get a piece of the Factions PVP action! This is a **NEW** server! Get on and get a head start. We need players to fill up the 60 slots. This is a 24/7 Factions PVP server with great staff! Just join and play! No promotion needed!

Ass Castle Class Craft Day Die Eam Follow Join Lms Long Medieval Noop Open Please Raft Real Realm Realms Speak Style Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Today


Teamspeak: join today…
Please note we are no longer affiliated with castlemc or prxcraft.


Active Anti Anticheat Ass Ats Cat Cheat Cheats Class Conomy Craft Dedi Dedicated Die Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Grief Has Heat Inecraft Job Jobs Lag Medieval Mine Minecraft Pro Protect Protection Rol Rollback Run Server Spanish Survival Multiplayer


MedievalMine its a Spanish Minecraft server. We run it in a dedicated server 24/7 with 0 lag.

The server has economy, jobs, protection, rollbacks, antygrief, anticheats…

9.2 Agar Age Ass Ban Banner Class Com Content Craft Erver Gar Inecraft Lin Link List Mage Make Mine Minecraft Raft Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer Ten Top Tps


image” (Link:


1.19 Active Aden Admin Ass Class Gaming Map Mature Ming Mini Plugin Plugins Pos Pvp Rat Rvival Serveur Sit Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter Unique


Adenia-Gaming est un serveur PVP / Survival. La map limité conduirales joueurs à s’affronter, conquérir pour les dernières ressources disponible. Les nombreux plugins unique seront à votre disposition ainsi qu’une équipe d’administration mature et disponible.

Action Active Ass Awesome Better Class Com Core Donate Eat Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Eso Fac Faction Faction Pvp Full Great Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Help Helpful Lag Make Play Pos Pvp Server Spleef Staff Survival Multiplayer Ter Time Vote War


We are a Hardcore pvp Faction server We have faction pvp and spleef

We are constantly adding more and getting better every week

you can vote and donate for awesome rerwards

We are a 24/7 server with no lag, we have a great communtiy

and lots of helpfull staff to help make your time on our server as enjoyable as possible

Active Allowed Arena Build Building City Craft Creative Custom End Environment Farm Forums Grief Griefing Hub Join Land Mature Mca Mine Minecraft Multiplayer Need Nether New Play Player Players Pvp Server Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Website Whitelist Whitelisted Who World

Description: is a whitelisted survival multiplayer server. We encourage creative building in a survival environment, but we also have a creative world for those who need their quick build fix. At the moment the server includes a spawn city, PvP/Wither fighting arena, fast travel stations/minecart tracks, a nether hub, an enderman farm, and several custom landmarks.

Guests are welcome to log in to the server, but only whitelisted players are allowed to build. Only mature players will be whitelisted. Players under 18 are only accepted on rare occasions.

This is primarily a survival player vs enemy server. PvP is allowed, but only in designated areas or when both parties agree to fight.

Fire spread, creeper terrain damage and enderman griefing has been disabled.

Rules: No Griefing; No Thieving; No Cheating; No cussing; No advertising; / Official Rules:

How to Join: If you just want to look around, then just point your game client to If you’d like to be whitelisted…
– Agree to the server rules (
– Register on (
– Register your minecraft character with our website (
– Say hi on the new member forums (
– Fill out the server whitelist application (
Once your application has been approved, we’ll whitelist you as soon as possible!

Ban Beta Color Craft Custom Donation Donations End Fun Going Guns Hack Hacking Leveling Map Mine Minecraft Mines Mod Modified Mods Nations New Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Reset Server Servers Staff Trans Unique Vote War Website




[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent][color=#ff3333]*Our Website and Server is in alpha, meaning there may be bugs and/or glitches. Report any you find “here” (Link: “”). *[/color][/background][/size][/color][/center]



[center][size=3][color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000]Welcome to MinersWarfare, a brand new Call of Duty inspired Minecraft server. MinersWarfare uses custom coded unique plugins to enhance your gameplay experience. We are currently in an open alpha, when you join you will be max level and will have all the weapons pre unlocked. Once the server has been stabilized we will move into Beta. Please note that all stats will be reset upon going into beta. In beta you will be able to level up regularly and unlock the weapons of your choosing. Remember playing with friends it always more fun than playing by yourself. For more information visit our website. Happy Shooting.[/color][/background][/color][/size][/center]


[center][size=3][color=#000000][background=transparent]Rules must be followed at all times. If you are caught breaking a rule, you are at risk of being banned. Punishments depend on the level of disruption that is caused and may range from a simple mute to a full Ip-ban. If you do not wish to follow the rules, then do not play. If you spot a cheater or rule breaker, report them on your forum. The player will be dealt with.[/background][/color][/size][/center][list]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No Hacking or Modding(This includes modified Clients)(We allow Minimap and Optifine Only.)[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No Donation Scamming of any kind[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]Always Respect staff and other Players[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No using Inappropriate Language[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No Spamming or Advertising[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]Absolutely no Flaming[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No asking for Ranks[/background][/size][/color]
[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]Any client mods that provide an advantage over other players is strictly prohibited. We do allow Minimap and Optifine.[/background][/size][/color][/center]


[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]The leveling system is based off of Modern Warfare 2. You will gain XP and Coins for every kill and game you play. Your in-game level will increase once a certain amount of XP has been reached. A full list of the levels and XP required can be found “here” (Link: “”). You can purchase new guns and equipment with the coins you receive. Once you reach max level which is 70 you can choose to keep playing at lvl 70 or prestige. (Not implemented yet).[/background][/size][/color][/center]


[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MinersWarfare. You can vote once every 24 hours and will receive +++++++ per vote.[/background][/size][/color][/center][list]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MinecraftMP: “” (Link: “”)[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MineStatus: “” (Link: “”)[/background][/size][/color]
[*]PlanetMinecraft:[color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent] [/background][/size][/color]”” (Link: “”)
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MCIndex: “” (Link: “”)[/background][/size][/color]

[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]*Donations have been disabled until beta. More information can be found “here” (Link: “”).*[/background][/size][/color][/center]

[center][size=3][color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000]We are a non-profit server which means all donations at the end of each month, get put back into our servers.[/color][/background][/color][/size][/center]


Active Arena Arenas Best Create Creative Donator Dragon Fac Faction Factions Farm Free Going Grief Help Home Join King Kitpvp Lag Mob Play Player Pvp Raid Server Shop Shops Skyblock Staff Survival Survive Unique Voting War Who World

Dragons Doom

You might be wondering what is like to join the perfect server? Well it is like having heaven in your hands. Dragons’ Doom has been up for about 3 months making everything so perfect that if their is something wrong we will immediately TAKE action to fix the problem! Our staff is helpful and supportive that they will help out with any problem as long as it is within reason. Dragons’ Doom has various creations from PVP to a MOB-ARENA. Our server is 24/7 wishing that people all around the world would play on our server. Dragons’ Doom is so unique because it has a voting system, shops, factions, PVP,shops, mob-arenas, xp farms for those who are donators, and much more!

Their is a unique variety of players each day but sadly not enough! People always ask why our server is not big and full of people.. Well because we were still fixing the issues and bugs the server encountered. NOW our server is LAG FREE. YES LAG FREE! Isn’t that incredible. Only the best for the best.

create a faction, survive, kill or be killed, make allies, make enemies. Take in captives, torture them and let them know that you are going to be the most feared faction that their will ever be. Raid, kill, Grief, but I warn you be careful out their one moment you could be making your home and the next you could be fighting for your life even though you know you will die you will try and come out victorious! Welcome to the fight for survival comrade you will be pushed, stabbed, and even killed… Help yourself and those around you make a run for it survive and free everyone from the terror that is rising
– Dragons’ Doom server

Active Art Ass Base Based Class Conomy Craft Destroy Different Eco Econ Econom Economy Empire Erver Good Grief Hero Herobrine High Join Make Play Player Players Pvp Raid Server Star Start Survival Multiplayer

Craftoholic PVP 1.4.7

We are a high economy pvp based server. You can raid, grief, destroy, and start your empire! What makes us different from all the others is that we dont evolve our server around what we want. We evolve it around the high demand of the players! Hope you join us , good luck player!
Hail Herobrine!

Active Arena Ass Bar Class Com Creative Eat Erver Game Games Hun Hunger Hungergame Hungergames Ming Mob Moba Mobarena Play Pvp Rvival Server Shop Soon Spleef Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer World


Hi doods 😀
Play on my server
there are –
Creative World
and comming soon –

Adventuring Block Blocks Class Community Creative Easy Event Events Fac Free Game Games Going Ill Join Lit Mini Mining Mod Noop Open Play Real Ring Road Server Servers Star Style Survival Tea Team Theme This Time Twitch Witch

Mining Facility

The Mining Facility is an easy going community. The main server is a Mix between survival and creative.
This way we get you started using blocks to be creative right away but still keeping the aspect of adventuring with the survival mode.

The Mining Facility servers are regularly broadcasted on You can then join these theme events.

Everything on the main server is free, however we do have a Hide and Seek event where we play a game to search for real Steam games . This event is broadcasted on Twitch a couple times a week.


Active Admin Ats Awesome Based Boss Build Builder Builders Capture Class Cool Craft Creative End Going Help Ill Inecraft Legendary Mine Minecraft Need New Old Play Player Players Race Rank Server Servers Special Story Storyline Super Survival Survival Multiplayer World


Hello my name is icycoolXD but before i go on this servers going to be REALLY different from alot of Minecraft servers for one the server going to be based on a storyline wich it starts off with me and super in the orginal AwesomeCraft (my old server) when a bunch of people come down and capture the heroes to a new world which turns out to be a race to save the unverse and the players are the heroes!In the first overworld you will have Survival world and thats it once you get approved and ranked up you have a chance to beat a boss enemy upon doing so will grant you acess to the next overworld and creative world inside it and so on and so on until you vs the final boss wich will grant you acess to the Admin world or “Special world” Like i said this is all just the begging so we need as many builders to help this server come to Fruition

Active Ass Class Com Craft Inecraft Infinite Item Join Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Play Raft Survival Multiplayer Welcome


Welcome to infiniteminecraft come join.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Make Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!