Allowed Arena Arenas Backpack Backpacks Block Class Custom Dungeon Dungeons Eco Econ Economy Enchants Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Global Grief Griefing Job Jobs Play Player Players Playershop Playershops Pvp Rol Server Shop Shops Survival Title Website World

mc.DrauguDraudze. com 1.15.2
PVP | Factions | Jobs | PlayerShops | Arenas | Dungeons
Website and more to come! Global world PVP, Griefing is allowed and encouraged, economy controlled by players with playershops, custom enchants, backpacks (Can be purchased at the shop)

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ace Best Block Class Community Craft Discord Economy Enjoy Fac Free Fun Galaxy Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver New Noop Open Peaceful Play Pve Pve Economy Semivanilla Server Servers Staff Staffapps Survival Tea Team Title Top Website Youtube

✭✦ Galactic Survival ✦✭

Thank you very much for checking us out! We hope you enjoy your time on Galaxy!
Please feel free to contact any staff member about any community-related issue/topic.”>

Ass Base Based Block Build Business Civ Civilization Civs Class Com Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Empire End Erver Friendly Fun Job Jobs Join King Looking Play Player Players Pro Riendly Server Staff Survival Title

MC Civ Sim

An economy based civilization simulator. Get jobs, hire players, buy property, own business, and build your empire! We are currently looking for staff of all kinds and we have a friendly player base. Come join and have fun today!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Best Block Cat Class Community Craft Dedicated Economy Elves End Experience Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Fun Furry Furryfandom Game Going Inecraft Join Lgbt Mine Minecraft Nice Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Server Shops Small Staff Survival Team Title Who

Lovesgrove Minecraft Community!

Cascxde Claiming Community Custom Custommobs Customplugins Dedicated Dexe Discord Economy Events Griefprevention Landclaiming Lillianrzp Mcmmo Mythicmobs Nopvp Playershops Pve Rampen88 Skulxr Survival

SkuadMC 1.15.2

Hey all! Let me introduce myself! My name is Skulxr (just Sku is fine) and I’m one of the three Managers of SkuadMC! SkuadMC is a community oriented survival server that strives to deliver a familiar yet interesting SMP experience. We utilize a combination of commonly used plugins as well as custom plugins to accomplish our goal and provide this experience. A few notable features we have are as follows:

GriefPrevention (Land Claiming)

By far our most important feature, this commonly used plugin allows players to select areas of land to claim and own. As you may know, this plugin also allows you do things such as add friends to your claims, buy and sell claim blocks, and specify how other people can interact with things in your claim. However, we have added a Flag plugin that allows you to apply flags with various effects to your claims, such as not allowing others to enter, changing the time and weather, and even flight and biome changing.

SkuadMC Levels (Progression System)

This feature is custom to our server. We have this feature to provide players with a form of progression that keeps them interested and gives them a goal to strive towards. The two lowest ranks, Newcomer and Member, unlock various perks and rewards as they progress through the server such as money and experience as well as mcMMO boosters and other perks. However, the most important thing this feature does is restricts donor perks. Donors and regular players start off almost completely the same save for access to cosmetic perks. Donors unlock their commands and perks through leveling up, even their kits are restricted. This provides everyone with the same starting point and makes things much more fair for the average player.

MythicMobs/Artifacts (Custom Mobs and Items)

Now, to some this might be a turn off, and we get that. Even on our staff team this has divided us. So we reached a compromise. Within the first 15k blocks around spawn (the range of the RTP command), everything is normal. Mobs work as expected and drop normal items. However, past this 15k border reside the Mythic Mobs. These are custom mobs with in depth attacks and abilities that drop ingredients for custom recipes and tools. The Ender Dragon boss fight is of particular notability, as it has been bumped up in difficulty and now requires a group to beat.

Other Features (Shops, Auctions, Crates, etc)

We of course have a wide variety of smaller features throughout the server. At spawn you’ll find shop stalls that you can rent by the week with the ability to customize. Chest shops come into play here as they are vital in making money, as there is no server market here. Alternatively you can choose to Auction any item you wish in our GUI based Auction House. Then of course there is voting, which gets you crate keys that can be used to get some pretty cool loot. We also have a referral system that lets you get rewards for inviting new people to the server by giving them a code to use when they login.

There are many many more things to talk about, but we’d prefer if you just joined and experienced them for yourself. But before I go I’d like to talk a bit about the most defining feature, our community. The community here is very close and welcoming. We primarily talk and chat via our Discord server, which you can find linked below. You’re certain to find friends here no matter what you decide to do.

Thanks for reading if you read all of this! We hope to see you on the server soon!
– Skulxr, SkuadMC Management




Admin Block Class Com Community Conomy Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Grief Help Ill Job Jobs Join Mcmmo Mmo Pro Protect Protection Pve Pve Economy Pvparena Rank Ranks Server Survival Survivalgames Survivalserver Title Vanilla Vault


Skrillaville 1.15.2 Vanilla PvE server with mcMMO, Jobs, grief protection, economy, ranks, and tons of user customization. Come join us and help our community grow!

Now interviewing for admin positions.

Action Active Age Ages Ass Block Class Com Community Economy Ect End Erver Fac Faction Factions Fps Friendly Fun Join Lag Mature Play Ports Pve Riendly Rts Semivanilla Server Staff Style Support Survival Title Version

OutlastMC Factions – Supports 1.8.8+


Block Class Community Craft Crate Crates Custom Customfeatues Customplugins Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Features Friendly Fun Future Inecraft Item Items Job Jobs Join Mine Minecraft Mining Play Rewards Rpg Semi Server Survival Title War | 1.15.2

LazuriteMC is a semi-custom 1.15.2 RPG survival economy Minecraft server with a friendly community. It features, custom fishing, custom mining, custom items, jobs, crates, daily rewards, events, and more coming in the future! Any of those features interest you? If so, come check out and join our wonderful community!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Allowed Ban Community Coop Discord Eco Econ Economy End Farm Free Grief Hard Java Lands Mod Mods Open Play Player Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Small Staff Survival Title Town Towny Vanilla Welcoming Whitelist World


Alinea is a small hard mode and close-to-vanilla survival server! We are a welcoming and tight-knit community from all around the world and for people of all ages!


  • Small world with no teleports
  • Very Close to vanilla with minimal commands
  • PVP is allowed in the wild
  • Balanced player-based economy
  • Tangible features (physical money, physical shops, etc…)
  • Server Address (IP):


  • Protect your land, yourself, and friends with Towny
  • The world is on hard, cooperation is encouraged!
  • Multinational Staff (US, EU, AUS) for near 24/7 support
  • 24/7 uptime with minimum lag
  • This is a hard mode server! We recommend joining a town straight away to get started more easily, and have shelter from the outside world!

    We try to limit rules as much as possible, and usually are pretty lenient. Nevertheless:

  • Be respectful to others. Do not bully anyone.
  • Do not escalate conflicts.’
  • Do not cheat, exploit or use modifications. A whitelist of mods is available.
  • Do not grief protected lands. Unprotected lands are fair-game. PvP is on.
  • Do not spam chat.
  • Do not ask staff for free items or ranks
  • Do not intentionally cause lag or crash the server. This includes 0-tick machines and AFK-fish farms.
  • No circumventing the AFK kick! AFK-farms are banned, background-farms are not!
  • Server Address (IP):

    Best Build Building Class Community Coreprotect Craft Eco Econ Economy Edit End Essentials Essentialsx Friends Fun Lwc Mine Minecraft New Play Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Rtp Semivanilla Server Servers Simple Small Smp Spigot Survival Title Vault World Worldedit Worldguard


    Welcome to Aegea!

    We are a new Spigot SMP server with a few plugins for fun gameplay, simple economy and ranks.

    “My best memories of Minecraft are of servers with close-knit communities. Meeting friends from all over the world and building something over time… I think its what the Internet is all about. Lets build something.”
    – ArrowJ123


    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Bran Brand Chest Clicker Economy Meet Money Nks Prestige Rich Riche Richest Unique Unlock Upgrade


    Meet FancyClicker, the brand new and unique Clicker-type server! Click to earn money, upgrade your clicker, unlock Prestige ranks and more! Be the richest clicker in the world!

    119 Bug Everyone Grand Iron Launch Mini game Mini Games Opening Parkour Port Ronin See Survival Games Unch


    Hello Everyone I Am Here To Announce The launch of my serve this portions is just my mini games server. I have spent countless hours setting this server up ironing out bugs and setting up one of the 11 games we offer. i really hope you all enjoy and hope to see you august 23rd For the Grand Opening of the server.

    Builds Claim Claiming Craftmc Item Items Keep Laim Land Claim Long Oli Safe Survival Tmc Vanilla


    Welcome to Colincraft! We offer a 24/7 vanilla survival server with land claiming and other plugins to keep you and your builds and items safe! Come Along and see what’s happening! Enjoy you stay!

    Amazing Anarchy Anarchy Server Apex Ban Bans Days Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Anarchy Server Nes Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Vanilla

    Minecraft Wednesday

    Minecraft Wednesday is an Amazing Minecraft Anarchy Server! No Rules! No Bans! And An Amazing community! Come join our Minecraft Server Now!

    1.6 Bed Bedwar Bedwars Lol Meg Mega Mini Games Need Need Staff Park Parkour Riendly Survival Vis


    Visionary is an Mega Survival server! but we also have parkour, and bedwars (but the bedwars is scuffed lol) its a fun and friendly server and we need staff!

    Computer Counter Economy Godly Gods Greek Lightning Lightning Rod Playing Minecraft Poseidon Pvp Survival Trident Vanilla Zeus


    The UGS Minecraft Server takes the astonishing experience of playing Minecraft survival and dips it into the power of the Greek Gods. Our server brings Olympus right to your computer screen, and you may even get the chance to own godly weapons like Poseidon’s trident and Zeus’s lightning rod. The UGS Minecraft server offers more than just the vanilla Minecraft encounter, with the Olympians on our side we have incorporated many godly features that sets our server aside from others. On top of that, with around the clock access to the god’s power we will continue to bring new aspects to the server to ensure that your server experience never runs dry.

    Ava Basic Bedro Bedrock Bot Focus Java Monk Pat Rock Run Special Stream Streamer Survival


    1.8 9.2 Epl Eth Good Join Land Lands Nether Netherlands Play Plays Replay Replays Survival


    A very good SMP! Join now! Netherlands only!​​​​​​ ​​​​​‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎

    1.17.1 Cut Ds3 Early Hermit Hermitcraft Land Claims Mcu Near Release Sea Season Survival Ush Vanilla


    1.17.1 – Utopiacraft Survival +New release | nearly vanilla smp | Land Claims | Hermitcraft like server

    Utopia craft 1.17.1 Survival Smp Season 1
    Our ip adress :
    our website :
    our discord server :
    please read our #:pushpin:・rules・

    1.17 1.17.1 Griefing Inventory Mob Mountain Multi Multiplay Multiplayer Phantom Pve Survival Tla Together Vanilla


    This is a small, no-griefing 1.17.1 server where you can play survival with your friends! Everyone is welcome.
    For a more friendly multiplayer experience, we have keep inventory on, phantoms off, and mob griefing off.
    We hope you’ll join us and build something cool together!

    Active Staff Bot Bots Dsmp Exclusive Lets Mcmmo Perk Perks Playtime Pve Pvp Sell Selling Voting

    Fabeld SMP

    Friendly survival server to suit all needs! We offer a active staff team, as well as a discord with many of your favorite bots! The server lets you earn ranks with exclusive perks through playtime, and by earning money through selling items, or voting for the server! Hope to see you!

    Battle Economy Items Lms Mcmmo Monster Monsters Moon Pve Realm Realms Villa Village Villager Villagers

    The Realms of Moonshire

    Join us in a battle against the Corruption that has tainted the world! Choose a Class, Fight Monsters, Collect Items, Trade with Villagers, and Fight Monsters!

    1.17 1.17.1 1.18 Anarchy Generation Good Hank Hanks Hate How Good Nks Survival Terra Terralith Thanks


    Whateveryoulike is an anarchy minecraft server in 1.17.1

    Thanks to the terralith plugin, it is using the 1.18 generation ! Come and see how good it is.

    2b2t Anarchy Anticheat Anticheats Ats Basic Better Call Cheats Clone Edu Hacks Lone Maj Vanilla

    2BNT Anarchy server

    We are full anarchy basically a clone of 2b2t we have added some plugins to make the experaince better and reduce lag, we added anticheats to prevent major hacks other than that do what ever you’d like!

    A Minecraft Allowed Bad Badlion Ban Client Hack Hacks Lie Luna Lunar Official Survival Vanilla Vanilla Minecraft


    vanilla minecraft junior server !!!!!!!!
    no hacks
    allowed clients official minecraft, badlion, lunar.

    Detail Details Economy Enchant Enchants Little Mcmmo Paid Pve Pvp Slime Slimefun Starting Survival Tail


    Welcome to exilemc!
    We are a baby server starting out, it would be an honor if we could have u playing on our little server! here are some details.
    -Free and paid ranks! (paid ranks to be expanded on)
    -custom enchants!
    Come check us out when u want to!

    Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Server Economy Factions Gods Greek League Lover Lovers Mini Games Powers Pvp Roleplay Survival Towny

    League of Gods

    Best Minecraft server for all greek myth lovers and Slime-fun lovers. Harness the powers of the gods, build your own kingdoms, and evolve with new awesome techs.
    *Join our discord server too.

    1.17.1 Abuse Antidupe Antixray Cart Deadchest Economy Middle School Minecart Pvp Survival Swearing Swords Towny Xray

    Middle school swords

    ~– Middle School SWORD –~
    We have useful plugin like TPA, Deadchest, grief protection/claim, 1 Player Sleep, so much more.
    We have dynmap/live map too! the server have a nation and a team.
    – Active and Fun Members
    – Minecart Car Plugin
    – Sometimes Wars and sometimes peace
    – Good Anticheat/AntiDupe and AntiXray
    – Moderator that have experiences.
    – No Admin/OP Abuse
    – Cursing/Swearing Allowed

    Dynmap/live map ip :
    Version : [ 1.17.1 ]

    Aesthetic Anarchy Economy Established Extra Little Live Pve Pvp Roleplay Season Seasons Story Survival Vanilla

    Olive Garden

    TOTAL ANARCHY! Only 1 rule, don’t lag the server. Come build a fun little community and start the server’s ‘story’! More features are to come once the community is a little bit more established, but expect the addition of seasons and extra fun modes, all with a completely vanilla feel and aesthetic.

    Anarchy Economy Factions Midnight Nights No Mods Pete Pvp Raiding Starterkit Survival Survival Games Texture Texture Pack Texture Packs


    Factions-Custom Items-Dead Chest-Ah /shop-Economy
    Compete with other players against custom bosses!
    No Mods Or Texture Packs Required
    StarterKits and /tpr
    Join Today!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!