Build Building Claim Create Custom Discord End Event Farm Grief Grind Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftlikeserver Hermitcraftstyle Java Mob New Open Play Plugin Prevention Server Shop Shops Smp Spawner Spawners Survival Timber Title Trading Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay Vanillaish Vanillalike Vanillaserver Vanillastyle Vanillasurvival Vanillia

WiseCraft [SMP] {HermitCraft inspired}

WiseCraft(java) is a version 1.15.2 Hermitcraft inspired server, we’re trying to make the playing experience as vanilla as possible, but with few additions to make some things less grindy. This server has been running for over a year.

Server IP:
Discord server:

Some features include (but aren’t limited to)
– Vein miner and timber, break the bottom block while crouching and the whole thing will come crashing down!
– Per player mob caps (for those of you who make mob farms without spawners, and no, you can’t silk touch spawners)
– Shop world and /trade for safe trading
– Sleep plugin so only half of every survival player needs to sleep
– Data packs like ArmorStandCustomizer (Ask General_Zimmer for the book)
– Discord integration giving the server features like chatting with players ingame from discord (and vice versa) and automatically join voice channels with people near you ingame
– Grief prevention, you can claim and resize your claims with a golden shovel, and you can get claim blocks from Zimmer if you’re building big builds
– Items dropped by players dying are protected
– Loot chests are refilled

When you first join the server, you’ll be Newcomer and you’ll have limited access to commands (Don’t worry, if your friend invited you, he can teleport you to him), you can gain citizen automatically by playing on the server, which will grant you access to commands/permissions to trade, create shops, and more teleport commands. You can check the rules anytime on the #welcome-message channel or with /rules ingame. Also, if you don’t have any texture packs on or use very minor ones, feel free to use the server’s texture pack. It makes minimal changes to the default vanilla texture pack.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Best Build Building Community Country Custom Dark Discord End Farm Grief Head Heads Hermitcraft Hub Map Minecraft Mob Multiplayer Nether New Online Play Pvp Quest Server Servers Shop Shops Small Smp Title Town Vanilla Vanillasurvival War Whitelist Whitelisted

CloudCraft SMP[Hermitcraft Like]


We are a small group of friends who have played Minecraft together over the past few years. We are looking for a few more people to join our relatively new multiplayer server that started on Saturday, April 25. Some of the community aspects of our past servers include a spawn town, community builds (town hall, nether hub, etc.), shops, community farms, games, and more. So far we consistently have 2-4 players online and at peak hours from 9 pm-2 am est we have upwards to 10 players on at the same. We are only looking for a few more players that will be active and contribute to the server in a positive way.


Server Location: United States(Specifically Los Angeles)

Version: 20w17a Vanilla

server started on: April 25, 2020

Server Host: CubedHost 4GB

Data packs: afk display, anti enderman, armour statues, double shulker shells, durability ping, more mob heads, multiplayer sleep, player head drops, silence mobs (nametag called silence)

Custom Crafting recipes: Quartz and dark prismarine


– No griefing and/or stealing

– No mods/cheating (mini maps and optifine are ok)

– PVP only if the other person agrees

– Must join discord server


Please copy the questions below and reply to this thread or message us directly with your application. You will be invited to the discord if accepted.

Minecraft IGN:
Where you are from(country/timezone):

Age (18+ only):

Discord username (Ex. UserName#0000) :

Tell us about yourself:

What’s your favorite thing to do on a Minecraft server/world (Ex. Building/Redstone):

Please insert screenshots of your best build’s(Greatly appreciated):

115server 115x Based Block Cash Class Contest Contests Cool Experience Fun Game Good Hard Hardcore Hardcoresurvival Ill Map Nether New Open Play Player Players Prizes Reset Server Spawn Survival Tea Team Title Tweak Tweaks Vanilla Vanillasurvival



A true to vanilla hardcore experience, with a few notable tweaks:

* Players start at random X, Z
* You get a single-use teleport (for brand new players to team up)
* Monthly mini-contests, usually based on a game statistic, with cash prizes (20-150$ US dollars)
* Currently allows respawn after 48hr+ cool down, but ALL player data is reset

The map was opened on August 5th, 2019
Most (uninhabited parts) of the nether was reset for 1.16

Good luck, don’t die, and have fun!

Adult Amazing Awesome Ban Best Build Building City Community Contests Creative Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Economy End Events Friendly Fun Good Hard Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo New Play Plots Plugin Plugins Server Shops Staff Story Survival Towny Vanilla Website

Mountain Pass

Server IP:

Quick Info:
– Survival – Vanilla gameplay w/ McMMO
– Creative World – Extra large plots for your immagination!
– Earn money doing Jobs! Economy is still under development.
– Super friendly community!
– We’re owned and operated by adults, with adult staff.
– 24/7 Uptime. Running on high-end hardware. Lag free!

Mountain Pass is a beautiful builder-community-based server dedicated to giving you the best Minecraft experience. Whether you are looking to build a city with others in Survival, make awesome projects in the Creative world, or to just make new friends in an awesome community, you’ll find something to do in Mountain Pass.

Mountain Pass has a deep history dating back to late-2012.

Eight years ago, the original idea of Mountain Pass was to be a Minecraft Towny Server without any real goal besides to have fun and maybe make some new friends. The server was opened on January 1st, 2013 (Minecraft version 1.4) and was open for four years. In the beginning, we had no clue that it it would eventually blossom into such an amazing community of wonderful people.

With community-driven contests and events such as a Windmill Competition in the middle of March 2013, the Great Ore Tree Hunt on May 1st 2013, a community Ender Dragon fight in the same month and in June the creation of a new spawn, the server was on a very good path for the future for the rest of 2013. Between Febuary to July of 2014 we worked on a new city named Redshire, but it all got cut short on October 24, 2014 when the server was retired due to a high lack in motivation, and an increasing decline in server popularity.

However in September of 2015 there was a teaser posted on the forum of an amazing new spawn. The Return of Mountain Pass happened on October 17th, 2015 featuring brand new custom economy shops, infinitely generated custom terrain and the same amazing community. Although the hype seemed to match expectations, Minecraft was declining in popularity. The daily connected players never seemed to be what it was before and the server eventually dropped into a state of hibernation, eventually going offline after Halloween in 2017.

Now three years later with the start of a new year comes a new spark of intuition and motivation to revive the server, which has brought a lot of previous members together for the rebirth of Mountain Pass. After many long days of plugin configuration, revamping & remodeling old buildings from Redshire, and installing premium plugins, Mountain pass is back. We are a server which has been through a lot over time, and we all have grown up significantly in the past eight years. We’re happy you’ve found us!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Activestaff Admin Adventure Build Building Community Communityoriented Create Death Discord Dynmap Eco End Event Events Friendly Fun Grief Griefprevention Mob Nogrief Noraiding Open Play Playereconomy Playershops Pvp Quest Quests Ranks Server Shop Shops Small Smp Staff Survival Tech Vanilla

EmpireCraft SMP 1.15.2

EmpireCraft SMP 1.15.2

Join us for an exciting survival adventure!

Our goal is to create a friendly and joyful relatively small community, not a massive server.

Main Features:
– Vanilla experience
– Player-run shops
– Dynmap (Live view of the world, including player locations)

Discord Link:

Dynamp Link:

Committed to making sure your experience on EmpireCraft is as smooth and wonderful as possible!

Questions about how to play can be directed to helpers and moderators

Issues/questions with in-game technicalities can be directed to administrators and higher ranks.

Helpers: SensoryMercury
Moderators: TheCoolaman, Skxll
Administrators: Deathinmate
Operator: NeoStarBG
Owner: Goldenhawk1000

Other Information:
We hold events a couple times a month, such as building competitions, Kit PvP, Escorts, and Mob Arena.

Quests are coming soon, stay tuned!

Most importantly, HAVE FUN! 😀

Active Amazing Best Build Claim Community Crazy Currency Discord Dynmap Economy Events Grief Hack Map Minecraft Minigames Mod Mods New Open Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raids Server Shop Shops Smp Title Town Towns Vanilla War Youtube

AltaVelos SMP – Vanilla Minecraft Experience – No Land Claim – Vanilla Towns – Discord – Simple – Active

Welcome to AltaVelos SMP, the best possible way to play Minecraft.
(Started 1.13 now in 1.15.2)

My name is Shiloh, In game name is EpiphonicG, I’m 23yo and I purchased 24/7 server hosting. Let me tell you all about it.

We stick to the BASICS of Vanilla Minecraft… No Crazy plugins! But here are some things that make us the best new Minecraft server of 2020

We got an active Discord (check in game)


We got WORLDBORDER set to 15000 blocks wide! perfect size!

We’ve got an amazing spawn with some rules then jump off and the rest is yours.

We got PLENTY of space to build and many biomes in our worldborder.

We have player made towns! HUGE ones! Come be a part of Carthage! /warp Carthage.

TNT and creepers will damage you but not grief the land.

When you die, you keep your inventory. So no rage quits!

use /bal to see your balance and /pay to use your money to purchase anything from anyone! We have player shops spread about all over town! Come make your own!

We got PVP enabled, although we prefer when you participate in DUELS rather than KILLING RAIDS.

We’ve got a DYNMAP set up so you can see whats going on in the world live without logging on! *not up yet since new host.

The biggest rule is NO HACK CLIENTS! We have other rules so come check them out at spawn.

Come and be a part of an interactive community with an abundance of daily members. We need MODS.

Block Build Class Community Donation Dynmap Eco Econ Economy End Experience Explore Free Friendly Happy House Ill Lore Map Nation Noop Open Play Player Players Real Realistic Semi Semi Vanilla Server Shop Survival Title Top Vanilla

The CaptainKirk55 Experience [1.15.2]

This server is just a laid back semi vanilla type experience with a realistic economy. Come play and build a house, make a shop, or just explore. It’s all up to you.


There is no donation page, everyone has the same opportunity as other players.

Server is friendly with a happy community 🙂 Feel free to stop by.

Ban Chestshop Claim Claiming Craft Create Discord Eco Econ Economy End Event Free Fun Grief Griefprevention Irl Job Jobs Leveling Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nice Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Safe Server Servers Shop Survival Title Vanilla Vault War Who World

Element Craft

Element Craft

This is a semi-vanilla server that was originally created to house my friends and I on our discord server. This server has very minimal plugins and very few rules. We wanted this server to be incredibly straight forward, while still offering some form of economy and leveling + progression. We used a world generator to improve upon the boring vanilla one and make the world look a little nicer.

Plugins in use:

[] McMMO
[] Jobs
[] EpicWorldGenerator – Improved vanilla generator
[] Chestshop
[] GriefPrevention – Default Golden Shovel tool switched to Wooden Shovel
[] Vault

The remainder of plugins are necessary but unnoticeable ones to help the one’s listed above function

Feel free to join us, and if you have that low-IQ stupid friend, who really doesn’t get Minecraft servers, this place is definitely safe for them.


1. We have anti-cheats but if you still find a way around them, and we witness it, you’re banned.
2. We welcome idiots of all forms, but if you start getting really annoying and disrespectful, we may just mute you
3. If you threaten to harm people IRL or the server in some way, you’re out of here

Pretty straight forward… grief and pvp to your heart’s desire, because we have land claiming plugins for a reason…

Best Boy Economy Events Know Life Mad Setup Survival Uber Vanilla Voting Youtube Youtuber Youtubers

Ultima survival

This is a server made by the small youtuber know as stazboy its a very fun new survival server looking for youtubers and staff join for one of the best server experiences of your life nice staff and fun events. join now! voting will be setup soon

1.13 Ages Dwo Economy Elf Emc Eng Engaging Feature Hardwork Meet Skyblock Treasure Wait Working


Connect from version 1.8 – 1.13.1!

Welcome to TreasureMC! We offer a fun and engaging Minecraft experience for all ages. The server is filled with custom features and a hardworking staff team. Join the great community now and admire the fun experience for yourself!


We can’t wait to meet you!

127 лвл Entertaining Eye Eyes Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pvp Rpg Selection

24Main v.0.14.x Minecraft server

Welcome! We recommend you a server on version 0.14.x – 24Main! This is one of the servers of our project, which contains the best features for your maximum comfort. And also, we have such features: our starter kits will give you resources that will help you in further survival; warps – a place in which a certain building is located, bearing in itself an exclusively entertaining character, in our case, we store 7 warps; mini-game: SkyWars with standings; store – a place where you can purchase resources for game coins; a large selection of donations – voluntary payment without coercion, that is, payment in gratitude for an already existing thing or received service.
As you saw, there are such buns on the server. We could list all that is available, but why, if you can see with our own eyes. We hold various contests in the VKontakte group, as well as events on the server itself. Join us and be happy!

Attributes Economy Factions Feu Feudal Fit Kingdoms Points Pve Pvp Raiding Ship Sign Skill System


X-Kingdoms takes on the philosophy of Feudal, a system of land ownership and duties. You will start off as a nobody, as you must select a skill by typing /f. Once you’ve selected your skill, you need to assign points which you get at the start to your attributes which you will greatly benefit from.

Atapacks Community Crates Datapack Datapacks Discord Economy Impossible Lockdown New Playershop Rankup Semivanilla Ssl Survival

FruitMC 1.16.1

1.16.1 new nether, Survival ,discord community
if you are anything like me I can imagine lockdown has got you bored and you need something to do! Well my server is a great server to just log on and play endlessly without even realising youve played that long!.

If you are also a fan of Fruitmc and have always wanted to be apart of a server like that, this is your best option! We have all the same datapacks as aswell as /warp, etc.

Basic rules are Dont X-RAY! No other hacks please! Be friendly swearing is allowed just not at other players No stealing from shops we have a land claim plugin so its impossible to steal from peoples bases.

1.17 9.2 Admin Admins Cities Create Diamond Fun Meet Miner People Pve Pvp Survival Tree

Diamond Tree

Join this server to create or join cities, meet new people, and have fun.
The Only Owner is Mrminer969
No Admins
We are not looking for Admins currently

Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher Pve Pvp Russian Minecraft

❤️ SugarMine ❤️ PvP, Clans, Weapons ⭐ 1.9-1.15 + Minecraft server

ஜ════════ ۩[SugarMine]۩ ஜ═══════ஜ
1. === Ip: ===
2. 24/7 === 350 – slots. 1.9-1.15 +
3. PvP: Enabled
4. Auto-donate:
5. No lags.
6. Useful plugins. There are Clans, Weapons, PvP, Weddings, Auto-mine, Mini-Games
7. Steep and fair administration
8. We are waiting for you on our server! Good luck 🙂
9. Server group

Bedrock Edition Java Java Edition Jobs Liveandbuild Mcmmo Minecraft Nogriefing Pve Pvp Residence Server Smp Survival

LiveAndBuild.Net | Survival Server (Java & Bedrock)

CROSS PLATFORM! Both Minecraft: Java Edition and Minecraft: Bedrock Edition can join!

Welcome to LiveAndBuild.Net… Completely based around the community, using user feedback we believe we have crafted one of the best survival Minecraft servers on the planet. With over 8 years experience running game servers you can have trust in us to provide fair, equal, and balanced game play. Whether you like to PvP, or just build in peace we offer the tools to do this.

What are you waiting for? Join MC.LIVEANDBUILD.NET today!

Admins Building Dev Friendly Grief Imple Minimal Obby Protect Protection Sim Simp Simple Skyblock Survival Games


We are devoted to building a friendly community and need your help to do so!

Admins create the server, players make it what it is.

1.10 Change Factions Hardcore Hot Mini Games Orc Pve Pvp Raiders Raiding Relax Shot Unch Vega


Hello and welcome to Raiderscraft! We are a Minigames and Factions server! If you just want to relax and have some fun play the games, if you are more hardcore and want an unchanged 1.10 factions experience than play factions! Come give our server a shot!

Allowed Anarchy Anarchy Server Ctm Evolution Going Hack Hacking Journey Pve Pvp Raiding Rules Survival Vanilla

Reconnect Revolution | Anarchy

Welcome to Reconnect Revolution, the #1 anarchy server going around this server has no rules, no staff, hacking is allowed and also grieing / raiding is allowed. Join now and journey on this amazing new server!

Ball Economy Egg Enviro Environment Kid Kids Mini Games Paintball Pvp Safe Skyblock Smo Smooth Splegg

StompCraft Network

This server provides a safe environment for kids, and has many game options. Some of the games include Paintball, Splegg, and Skyblock. New vertions of the server come out all the time with new games, and makes sure that the server is up to date and runs smoothly all the time.

Accounts Birds Destruction Economy Elon Eye Hard Survival Hardcore Hunting Incredible Interactive Mojang Pvp Survival Towny


Unlock the mystery of Melonia

Main focus on Very Hard Survival

Custom Loot | Custom Mobs | Mob Arena | Economy

Enjoy the Dark Lore of Melonia while hunting down Real Players, taking their Heads and making a Profit
Dozens of Customized Armor, Weapons and Crafting Materials that drop from Custom Mobs; hellbent on your destruction
Stake your claim out on our Open Map. With a 30,000 Block Diameter Area you are sure to never run out of room!

Enjoy a birds eye view of your creation real time with our incredible and highly interactive Dynmap!
*Only Authentic Mojang Accounts accepted
*Age Recommendation: 14+

/3/ 1.10 1.11 201 A Minecraft Date Easy Minecraft Pvp Minecraft Version Nline Online Origin Original Pvp Update


WARRSS is a minecraft PVP rank server
this server very easy to play
about original PVP.
minecraft version: 1.11.2
servers minecraft version: 1.10 – 1.11+
servers version: 0.1
servers last update: 17/3/2017
online mode: ture

Creative Grief Prevention Homes Insta Isa Little Mcmmo Nether Overworld Prevention Sable Survival Teleport Teleportation Warp


HZ MC is a friendly survival server. PvP is disabled in the Overworld, but enabled in the Nether. We have a grief prevention plugin, so that you can protect your homes. Also, you will be able to set up to 12 homes, which is a lot more than in most other servers. Teleportation is instant. You can also do /warp creative to warp to the creative world. There are little to no restrictions on in the creative world, and the whole thing is one big build area.

Best Custom Era Exp Experience Info Player Ram Roleplay Sit Site Store Tom Website Welcome


Welcome to DimeraMC, we want to provide the best custom experience that any other player would have when joining DimeraMC.

Join now! @

Economy House Houses Ign Item Items Pig Piggy Private Semi Sign Survival Tpa Whitelist Whitelisted


PiggyCraft is a Survival and Economy Semi Private Server to get whitelisted sign up at Build houses buy items in the shop go /tpa go /home and much much more! Sign up at and join with the IP:

Backpacks Battleground Bounties Business Businesses Economy Factions Homes Infinite World Mcmmo Mini Games Protections Survival Teleportation Trades

BattleGround Minecraft

We are a fairly new and growing community, dedicated to the experience of our fellow gamers. We currently offer Ultimate Survival and Factions, with more coming soon!

Features: Infinite World, Starting Items, Backpacks, Journals, McMMO, Homes, Teleportation, Grief Prevention, Businesses, Shops, Economy, Auctions, Safe Trades, Bounties, Death Protections, Crates, Arenas, Loot, Fame, and Glory!

Twitter: @battleground_mc

/l/ A New World Data Minecraftserver Minecraftservers New World Protected Protection Pvp Roleplay Survival Together Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted


Welcome to Aeresdale, a semi-vanilla Minecraft server. We are focused on small community and a great Minecraft experience. This is a new server, so come and help build a new world together!

Whitelisted, contact me with your ingame user.
[email protected]

100 138 201 8.2 Admin Admins Buycraft Event Factions Iron Ken Mall Problems Roble Small


Are you tied of finding bad servers or bad admins…
Then try IronZone out!
Info: The server is 24/7 and got some small problems
Buycraft will be fixed!
We also got weekend event come try it out!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!