Bedwars Build Community Crates Create Custom Death Discord Dungeons Economy Envoys Faction Factions Forums Friendly Good Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mmorpg Mob Online Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Quests Races Rpg Server Skills Skyblock Staff Story Survival Unique Wars Website

⚜️Elder Network⚜️| [Survival] [Skyblock] [Factions] [RPG] [Bedwars] [McMMO] [Crates] [Quests] [Bounties] [Custom Mobs] [Slab Shops] [Custom Terrain] [Our own Build Team]

A Short Intro:

I hope everyone’s having a good day. I would like to share that Elder Network is now in LIVE. If you are looking for a new server to play on or are just plain bored, We would love for you to join and check it out) Additionally, there is a donator rank giveaway to those who find the biggest exploits and glitches in this early phase of the server.
You can connect via:
If you have any feedback about the server, or have ideas about any additional games that you feel would fit the server, please do post it on the website or message me on discord. Thank you.
Hope to see you there!
About the Network:
We believe that the best servers are those which are well designed for the user.

We strive to offer a premium quality experience for people with different preferences in playing styles, and a close interaction with the player-base to create the best experience possible.

Some features of the network:
Well, Hope you like it)

Factions [​Open Beta]:
Currently a small, friendly community
McMMO, Quests, Shop, Envoys
Skyblock [​Open Beta]:
Skyblock, Acid Island, Shop

Elderlands (RPG) [​In Development]:

Recruitment post for Elderlands:
Bedwars [​Coming Soon]:

We got out own twist on it)

Survival – [​Just Launched]:

Our own build team,
Bounty system,
Player-run economy,
Slab shops,
Unique generation worlds,
Custom mobs (careful with these),
Minecord (You will be able to talk by voice to those who you are close to in-game),
Custom furniture plugin,
and others:)
When you log in, simply select Survival from the server selection (compass) tool, and you’re in!
Looking forward to seeing you online!

Some pictures from our projects:
Discord: Click Here!

You can connect via:

Aus Block Class Craft Create Destiny Discord End Friends Inecraft Mall Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Non Nonexistent Noop Open Pit Play Player Real Secret Server Simp Small Smp Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Virtualreality Vivecraft Who


Non-Existent SMP is a Minecraft survival multiplayer server that, believe it or not, exists. Despite what the name implies.
It’s a small server created by a group of friends who just really want to play some Minecraft.

The name Non-Existant SMP came to be simply because it was the only name we could agree on after like an hour of debating. We tried everything from PumkinSMP to Pyronim Destiny when out of nowhere Non-Existant SMP was chucked out there as a joke and we all just went “yeah ok”.

Best Build Chat Community Craft Custom Customitems Donor English Fac Faction Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Home Homes Join Lag Mine Minecraft New Open Play Player Playing Pvp Rank Ranks Server Servers Spawn Staff Survival Title Towny Website Who World


Rexhia is a community like no other to emerge from the world of Minecraft. We value everyone from staff to new players as equals and strive to make each players experience the best it can possibly be. We also allow for multiple play styles as we understand that people like to enjoy Minecraft their own way.

Our IP is
Our website is

Ranks for players excluding Staff and Donor Ranks:

Newcomer. The rank you will be when you first join our servers. While guests have the most limited commands, they can enjoy any of our servers.
After that you have 15 more ranks you can upgrade to that comes with bonus features!

Ranks should not be seen as boundaries of who you can or cannot talk and play with. They are simply to show who is more experienced, or to give the user better satisfaction whilst playing on the LE servers.

In order to enjoy our servers, its important that we all get along and agree to play the game in a civil way.
Some basic rules.

No griefing.
Dont swear at anyone. No abusing, harassment, racism, or sexism.
Dont complain when you are killed by someone in a PVP situation.
No hacking of any kind.
Do not build within 100 blocks of the spawn.
Please speak english only in public chat, though you are welcome to speak in any other language in a private chat.
No spamming or excessive caps. This is shouting, and it is rude.
Do not advertise your server on our server.
No spawn killing. We want everyone to enjoy the game.
No lagging the server on purpose.
You may not set homes or outposts within 20 blocks of another persons creation without its owners permission.

While we have simplified the main rules above, the big, long, and boring explained rules can be found here: None of them require you making a sacrifice to any evil deities, dont worry.

Join today as we are just a porkchop away!

Admin Admins Adminshop Ats Build Bungeecord City Class Craft Creative Creativeplots Discord End Event Events Farm Game Inecraft Intelligent Job Jobs Mine Minecraft Mod Nether Pvp Server Shop Simple Sky Skyblock Spawn Speak Survival Team Teamspeak Title Update Youtube

Kokoscraft | Dein Bauserver!

Wir freuen uns, dass du auf das Kokoscraft Minecraft-Netzwerk gestoßen bist und dich offensichtlich
für unser Netzwerk interessierst. Auf Kokoscraft hast du viele
verschiedene Möglichkeiten, mit deinen Freunden zu spielen. Und dabei
ist es egal, ob sie noch immer auf der Version 1.8.x verharren, oder
stets die neueste Version (derzeit 1.15.2) spielen – auf Kokoscraft
kannst du mit allen Versionen von 1.8.x bis 1.15.2 spielen!
Mit diesem Text möchten wir die Spielmodi und Möglichkeiten auf unserem Netzwerk Kokoscraft etwas genauer erläutern.

Unser Hauptspielmodus ist CityBuild.Hier kannst du Dinge in der Farmwelt erfarmen oder im Adminshop kaufen. Die
Farmwelt bietet dir drei vordefinierte Spawnpunkte, nämlich ein
Waldgebiet, ein Bergegebiet und ein Spawnpunkt im Nether. Du kannst aber
natürlich auch selbst auf die Suche gehen. Damit kannst du dann deine
Base in unserer Grundstückswelt errichten. Geld kannst du verdienen,
indem du Ingame-Jobs (wie z. B. Miner) annimmst und die Aufgaben
erfüllst, oder auch indem du erfarmte Sachen im Adminshop wieder
verkaufst. Ein Grundstück kostet 10.000 $. Du hast ein Startkapital von
10.000 $, damit du dir direkt dein erstes Grundstück kaufen kannst, ohne
vorher noch viel farmen zu müssen.
Hier bist du ganz weit oben in der Luft und hast deine eigene kleine Insel,
die du ausbauen musst. Versuche mit intelligenten Mechanismen wie z. B.
Cobblestone-Farmen, die mächtigste Insel auf Simple-Craft zu errichten!
Hier kannst du auf Grundstücken deine Baukünste unter Beweis stellen. Jedes
Bauwerk, welches unseren Regeln entspricht, ist erlaubt. Du kannst auch
weitere Spieler zu deinem Grundstück hinzufügen, sodass diese ebenso
bauen können. Dort kannst du auch vorbauen, sofern du dich als Architekt
bewerben willst.
Und unsere neueste Spielmodi ist SkyPvP!

Du möchtest, während du auf Kokoscraft spielst, mit den anderen Spielern
sprechen? Dies kannst du bei uns auch – nämlich auf unserem TeamSpeak 3
Server mit 32 Slots. Du hast öffentliche Quatschecken, Channel mit
limitierter Clientzahl sowie die Kokoscraft Zockerecken für die
einzelnen Spielmodi zur Verfügung!
Um immer auf dem aktuellen Stand zu bleiben, kannst du uns auch auf folgenden Plattformen verfolgen:
YouTube: Kokoscraft
Twitter: @KokoscraftDE
Weitere Spielmodi werden mit zukünftigen Updates folgen!
Wir wünschen dir viel Spaß auf Kokoscraft!

Active Antigrief Block Class Community Craft Create Developer Discord End Experience Features Free Friendly Friendlystaff Has Inecraft Item Join Map Mine Minecraft New Noop Open Pay Planetminecraft Play Player Players Server Servers Store Survival Title


A survival server created by experienced developers, with new features consistently being added. StudentMC has a very friendly and active community, and is not pay to win like many survival servers out there. Feel free to join our Discord, with over a 100 other players!

Important Links:

Action Anything Ass Back Block Class Com Community Discord Ect Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Help Helpful Join Mechanics Need New Nostalgic Old Open Play Player Players Ring Server Solo Title Welcome


CorruptMC is a factions experience unlike anything you’ve seen before. We bring back many nostalgic features of old factions as well as bring new mechanics never before seen on any other server. We have a helpful community and we welcome solo players with open arms! If you need to find a faction join our discord and connect with the community!

Block Build Builder Claim Class Craft Creative Custom Dynmap Edit Essentials Forge Forums Guard Inecraft Map Mine Minecraft Multiverse Noop Open Ortal Play Player Plugin Plugins Portal Portals Server Servers Simple Spawn Survival Terrain Title Tree Votifier Whitelist World

LightForge Minecraft Server

Come see out custom terrain worlds, stake out a claim and build your own work either in survival or creative you choose. Server is 1.15.2 Post on out forums to have your username added to the whitelist.
LightForge IS BACK


Essentials X
Holographic Displays
Player Statue Builder
Simple Spawn
Tree Assist
World Guard
World Edit

Ball Bar Best Block Class Crack Cracked Ect Enchant Enchants End Erver Fire God Guard Hero King Kit Kitpvp Play Pvp Rank Ranks Server Spigot Star Start Super This Titan Title Top Vip War Warrior

The Guardian PvP

In this server you can play kit pvp using soups, fireballs, enchants and more.

But the best thing is that the server is CRACKED!!!

Existing ranks: Starter / Warrior / Lord / Tank / King / God / Legend / Hero / Super Hero / Baron / Titan / Destroyer / Unstoppable.

In addition to, there are 2 more ranks: VIP and Member+.

Ass Block City Class Com Community Content Craft Custom Ect Erver Inecraft Lin Link List Mall Mine Minecity Minecraft Noop Open Opprison Plugin Plugins Ports Prison Rts Server Servers Small Store Style Support Title Unique Website

MineCity | Prison + More

MineCity | OP-Prison + Much More

Supports 1.8 – 1.15

Unique content, custom plugins and small community!


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Action Ass Block Bran Brand Buycraft Class Craft Crate Crates Custom Ect Enchant Enchants Envoy Envoys Erver Fac Faction Factions Genbuckets Gkits Ill Kit Kits Koth Loot Lootboxes New Release Rewards Server Title Top War Warrior

Warrior factions

Warrior factions is a brand new faction server, and will release in around 1 month from now on – so in july

What can we offer?
We can offer gkits, envoys, custom enchants, custom sets, lootboxes, monthly crates, slotbot tickets, genbuckets, koth and etc!

There is f top rewards and will be a buycraft voucher for the top 3 to the server only!

Action Auction Aus Australia Australian Best Big Block Bungeenetwork Class Community Custom Customplugins Dirty Discord Economy Erver Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions House King Mcmmo Mmo Network New Play Pvp Rewards Server Shop Title Tydi Voting War

Dirty Dingo Network

DirtyDingo is a newcomer to the Australian scene, but with big goals in mind. We concentrate on making our server the best it can be and having the community be involved with the evolution of the server.

– 1.8.8 Custom Factions
– Shop & Auction House
– Voting rewards
– Ever-evolving server

We hope to see you on the server soon!

Amazing Ass Auto Bat Battle Best Blo Block Class Com Eat Eco Ect Erver Exp Experience Features Join Minecraft Minecraftpvp Nam Play Pvp Server Title Unique

Merciless PvP

Merciless PvP is a unique PvP experience with a variety of amazing features. Connect now and join the battle to become the best!

Admin Ask Ass Block Bran Class Conomy Craft Date Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Event Events Hard Hardeconomy Item Kits Mini Minigames Neko Play Prison Pro Pvp Rpg Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Survival Tea Team Title Update Voting


Ahoj! Rádi bychom tě pozvali k nám na StonksCraft.
Co u nás najdeš?

Kromě fajnové komunity a dospělého Admin Teamu se u nás můžeš zabavit na hard economy survivalu, kde je zajištěno, že nebudeš mít na všechny itemy po pár hodinách hraní. Můžeš si vydělat přes práce, prodávání bloků či eventy. Nabízíme taktéž propracovaný voting systém s několika truhlami, cechy, firmy, batohy, obranné věže atd.

Pořád nemáš dost? Co takhle zaskočit na nějakou tu minihru či si odpočinout u SkyBlocku? Máš nějaké další návrhy, co bys u nás rád/a viděl/a? Neboj se napsat adminům, rádi tvůj názor vyslechneme a kdo ví, třeba se další den probudíš a tvůj vysněný update bude ve hře.

Běžíme od začátku dubna, ale pevně věříme, že společně to dotáhneme daleko. Tak co, přidáš se k nám? 🙂

Za celý tým StonksCraft
Adminka a Hl. Admin: Neko_Ichigo a Dzardys


Active Build Building Challenge City Community Create Eco Elves End Environment Event Events Familia Farm Good Interesting Lore Minecraft Need New Open Play Player Rol Roleplay Server Staff Story Survival Tale Tales Title Town Unique War Website Whitelist Who

Outcast Tales Roleplay

Outcast Tales RP is a new roleplay server with some experienced faces behind it. Many of our players and staff have been active roleplayers, storytellers and dungeonmasters for many years, so we know what it takes to tell a good story. We don’t see ourselves as a Minecraft roleplay server, we see ourselves as a roleplay community using Minecraft as a tool for worldbuilding, and to enhance the storytelling experience.

Our goal is to create an open-ended experience for players to explore their characters in the context of unique environments and an overarching story. Each world has its own unique tale, with events that unfold based on players’ actions, but more important than the story of the world is the story of the individual players. Each decision you make impacts others, and unlike some other worlds, no one person is the protagonist or the savior of the land; each person’s actions have the possibility to change fate itself. If you want to become a humble farmer providing for the town, you can do that. If you want to become a pioneer, exporing the deep recesses of an unfamiliar world, you can do that! If you want to become an economic mogul who establishes the first merchant’s guild of the world…you can do that!

And when we say “you can do that”, we don’t simply mean that you can go dig in the dirt like you’re playing survival Minecraft. No, we have a group of Storytellers – akin to dungeonmasters in DnD, if you will – who will help you achieve your goals, throw unique challenges your way, and otherwise keep your character’s story unique and interesting! If you want to build a logging camp, start a necromancer’s cult, or found a new city, an ST can help you achieve your goals…provided you’re willing to put in the work, that is! Every effort you make will be rewarded appropriately; all you need to do is ask an ST.

If all this sounds like your idea of a good time, then check out our website, fill out a whitelist application, and join us!

Active Community Crates Creative Discord Donor Event Events Grief Mature Mob New Open Perks Play Player Prevention Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rankup Rewards Server Shop Shops Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title Trade Unique Vanilla Vault Vaults War

FruitMC – Survival – Mature Community – New Release

Welcome to fruitmc!fruitmc is an tight-knit community that loves to welcome all new members and give each other a hand.Were highly community oriented and value the opinions of our playerbase.We offer a lot to our community including donor items through our special in-game rank up system!We have listed and detailed some of our biggest features we have to offer!Rank System – We have 100 ranks that can give you unique items, perks, and accessories that you cant get any other way.Player Shops – Open to the community to sell and trade with others in creative ways.Quests – A unique way to get in-game money and rewards for completing tasks.Special Hoppers – These can gather all of your crop or mob drops in a chunk.Discord – An active community that allows our players to keep up with events, giveaways, and server updates.Other things we have to offer:Grief PreventionPlayer VaultsSilk Touch SpawnersActive Community Stafffruitmc

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Community Content Craft Discord Eco Economy Ect Erver Full Inecraft Join List Mine Minecraft Noop Ommunity Open Server Servers Style Survival Ten Ter Title Towns Tps Vanillalike Vis Whitelist Whitelisted

Aqua Ruby Community – Whitelisted


Ready to join?
Connect to

Remember, you must join our discord to become a full member!!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Bee Block Class Custom Ect End Erver Features Host Ill Join King Land Money New One Plugin Plugins Rank Ranking Resource Resources Server Servers Shop Star Start Survival This Thor Time Title Town Towns Towny Wns

BeelandTowns | Towny Server

This server is very new, over the next 72 hours I intend on introducing a plethora of new features. For the time being you join and start getting your resources together and making some money and ranking up. We will be introducing a 100% custom shop plugins and many other custom plugins.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Boss Craftycreeper Crate Creative Dragon Economy Faction Faction Pvp Fires Mcmmo Mobs Roleplay Slimefun Survival Tekkit Titan

Custom Survival

Fires Of Titan
The Best Survival Server
Over 400 NEW Items to craft and use.
Lucky Crates
TOP rewards for voting
No Commands
Slimefun base game play
No Donations, No Online Shop, Totally free to play!

The server IP is

The server website is

Auction Auctionhouse Buycraft Chat Class Color Craft Economy Edit End Game Irl Item Items Lottery Minion Minions Parkourcourse Particles Play Player Players Plugin Pvparena Rank Ranks Ranksystem Server Silkspawners Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title Top War

-==Royal Skyblock==-

Royal skyblock is a server where players can play royal skyblock! We have UltimateStacker and a referal system to gain players! In game ranks are coming this upcoming this weekend.

Royal Skyblock includes
-Is top reward for $50 buycraft credit
-#2 Is top reward for $25 buycraft credit
-Auction House where players can auction their items!
-IRL Ranks
-Chat color
-Lottery Plugin
-Player Particles

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ace Adult Adults Ass Auto Blo Block Build Class Com Community Creative Design Eat Ect Elves Erver Help Ill Kid Kids Ommunity Peace Peaceful Play Ring Safe Server Sign Sky Skyrim Title Ves Welcome


A peaceful community where adults and young kids alike feel welcome and safe to play. Designed to build and play where we can be our silly, creative selves and help bring the same out in others.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Survival 1.8. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!