Antigrief Best Beta Community Craft Create Discord Edit End Interesting Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Network Networks New Nostalgia Old Open Pay Play Player Playing Plugin Semivanilla Server Servers Shop Shops Small Spawn Survival Title Vanilla Who World


~ Bastion Minecraft ~

The next interpretation of survival craft
We get it, we really do. You’re tired of Minecraft aren’t you? The endless server hopping. The pay to win “OP” servers, the endless amount of “networks” being set up by 12 year olds that are too invested in daddy’s credit card, Minecraft really just doesn’t feel like Minecraft anymore does it?
Whoever you are, wherever you came from. Thank your lucky stars that you’ve found us because we’re also tired of all the garbage, we too, miss the nostalgia of loading up your first singleplayer world back in inf dev, alpha, beta, whichever era you come from.
Again, let me welcome you to Bastion MC where our motto is that we’re the “Last Bastion in Gaming” and more specifically in Minecraft. We aim to offer you that old feeling of playing Minecraft in a community where players interact with one another on the basis of trust and friendship. We aren’t “insert ridiculous giant server name here” we’re simply a small scale Survival Minecraft Server put together by people like you, who just want to play the game the way it was meant to be played.
BastionMC is the final product of my 5 years of playing Minecraft. Everything that I’ve ever learned, experienced, or felt while playing this game has been poured into this server to give you the best possible playing experience we can create. Along with the help of Cbfstudios, another long time Minecraft player and fan, we’ve pooled our knowledge together to take all the best aspects of modded Minecraft and put the bits we enjoy, and we think you’ll enjoy, into a server based in vanilla Minecraft.
From our keyboards to yours, I present to you, player, Bastion MC.
We have a Discord Server if you’re looking for more information:
Here’s some pictures for those who want to see:

This is our spawn! You can find everything useful here! Shops, plugin information, and everything else!

These are some more pictures from around our spawn showcasing its beauty and some more of the interesting areas within!

This is where you’ll end up once you make the drop. Exit the small protected shelter and you’re now in natures hands, and boy can she be cruel. Watch yourself out there. This legacy is yours to make.

We hope you have the best time here! Please let us know if there’s anything we can do for you!

Admin Ban Build Building Community Create Creative Currency Discord End Essentials Event Events Fly Friendly Grief Griefprevention Hack Hacks Hard Hub Medieval Minecraft Nether New Online Open Paper Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Quest Quests Semivanilla Server Survival Tech Vanilla

The Righteous Path [Survival&CreativeZone] [QUARANTINE PARTY-ZONE] [NO HACKS] [NO TOILET PAPER]

[​Survival][​Medieval][​Grief Protection][​24/7][​No Hacks]

Discord : available from an admin

Hello Traveler!

We have built 52.5 Km (34.42mi) of paths for horse friendly travel of our Role play area.

Our Server was founded in the hopes to create a place to relax and enjoy Minecraft with members of our community, new and old!

The Righteous Path is now two years old and is full of medieval themed settlements and people passionate about building and creating a thriving community.

We host regular community events and quests for players and we are also working on a currency system, nether hub, trade zone and more!

  • WORLD LIMIT is currently 10k Blocks
  • Difficulty: Hard++
  • Players are not permitted to use mods to x-ray, fly or hack in any other way. Using these will result in a ban.
  • We ask that all players are respectful to one another, any forms of abuse will not be tolerated and will result in a ban.
  • We have free horses to start your Journey and over 21 kilometers of horse friendly paths (no stairs only slabs, with high ceiling caves)
    Players may build between spawn and 3k. Although if we feel your build isn’t fitting with the landscape, we will find you a nice spot past the 3k distance.

    We hope to see you online soon!


    For our players enjoyment and safety we have Grief protection and essentials installed.

    You can read about grief protection here:

    Admin Admins Build Donate Donations Free Lag Minecraft Mod Moderators Old Oldest Popular Semivanilla Server Staff Survival Vanilla

    True survival, without the grief.

    Home of Freedonia – the oldest minecraft server.

    MinecraftOnline is a free-build server with zero tolerance to grief. This means you don’t need protection for your buildings, and you aren’t limited in where and what you can build – as long as you don’t damage anything anyone else made, you’re free to do what you want. Our effective staff team make sure that your work is always safe from grief.

    Friendly, helpful and professional staff team present 24/7. Close-knit community of intelligent and mature individuals. Zero tolerance to grief, all bans are permanent.

    Free speech – nothing you can say can get you banned or muted, as long as you don’t spam.

    Massive world that has been online and open to free build continuously since 4th August 2010 – over 150,000 unique players have built here.

    Heavily customised software – the majority of our software has been written by our own programmers specifically for MinecraftOnline.

    High-end proffessional hardware hosted in a well connected European data centre – no lag either in Europe or the US.
    Loads of minigames – Pigchinko, Spleef, mazes, arenas.

    Run your own shops.

    Construct advanced machines using Craftbook Extra – gates, drawbridges, railway stations, factories.

    Fast travel with teleport pads, warps, a railway network, and personal fast travel commands.

    Reputation and friend system.

    Website with sophisticated control panel offering player info, mail, notifications and more.

    The server has an active well-maintained wiki with a great deal of player-submitted information about the server, features, commands, towns, buildings, organisations, how-to articles and advice:

    Explore the massive and detailed world on the online map, updated in real-time with location info from the wiki:

    Large international community with over 200,000 likes on Facebook:

    Join us on Discord:

    Join us on IRC:
    #minecraftonline on

    Anarchy Clan Clans Class Community Craft Custom Donation Donations Donator Fun Games Help Join King Minigame Minigames Mob Mobs Mod Mods Nations Need Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Server Sky Skyblock Survival Title Update Vanilla Vote War Who

    Astroid Anarchy
    Astroid Anarchy is a anarchy server featuring customized crafting and randomly generating mobs. Our anarchy server also has clans, you may join, ally, or go to war with any clan of your choosing. You will not need any mods to join our community server, we run completely off of plugins.
    Other features:
    We are currently in the process of creating more minigames for players to play whenever they grow bored of anarchy, we also are looking for more ways to expand on the idea of semi-vanilla survival. Skyblock as of right now is currently being setup along with a few other gamemodes. (5/11/2020)
    Future updates:
    Donations are how we run our server, funds allow us to expand and grow the community. That being said, we will allow all donators to vote for the next feature to add to the server. This will let us see what the community wants based on the players who help it expand.

    Ban Banner Best Build Builds Claim Community Craft Dedicated Discord Eco Econ Economy End Environment Friendly Fun Good Grief Mine Minecraft Open Paper Pay Play Player Pve Pve Economy Rank Ranks Rol Server Servers Spigot Staff Survival Title Vanilla Website Youtube

    OtterCraft Survival – 1.15.2 | Friendly | Economy | No Land Claim



    OtterCraft is a friendly PvE, “mostly” vanilla Minecraft server started on 1/29/17. Unlike most servers, we have no land-claim system(make a ticket when you’re griefed, and staff will ban/roll back the damage). Also, All of our ranks are balanced, and go directly against hosting a pay-to-win environment. Most of our community have been around for well over a year, and we’re all here to play good ol’e minecraft, and indulge in fun and friendly chat.

    Community Links

  • Discord
  • Website
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Basic Server Specs

  • Server runs on paper-spigot builds, for best performance.
  • Located in Dallas, Texas on a Dedicated Machine.
  • Daily remote backups.
  • 64 player slots.
  • 24GB ram.

  • Categories
    Arena Build Builds Bungeecord Community Craft Creative Donation Eco Econ Economy End Faction Factions Free Friendly Lag Map Mcmmo Mechanics Mine Minecraft Mmo Network Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Raiding Rank Ranks Server Staff Survival Title Tnt Unique Vanilla


    (1.8 – 1.15+)

    I-Network consists of a Survival server, Factions server, Vanilla server, and a Prison server with even more selections upcoming in the future!


  • Little to ZERO lag; lag free!
  • A close-knit community
  • A helpful and understanding staff team
  • Balanced donation ranks
  • 99.9% uptime
  • Factions (1.8 – 1.15):

  • 1.7 TNT mechanics
  • Enhanced PvP
  • Sell-Sticks
  • GenBuckets
  • mcMMO
  • Many more unique plugins!
  • Survival (1.12 – 1.15):

  • Protected builds
  • Immense map size
  • PvP arena
  • Economy-based
  • Friendly community
  • IPs: (Factions) (Survival) (Prison) (Vanilla)

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Abilities Active Allowed Build Building Clan Clans Community Create Creative Discord Donation Eco End Exploration Good Grief Griefing Minecraft Mmo Nations New Open Play Player Playershops Plots Pvp Pvpsurvival Server Shop Shops Small Spawn Staff Survival Title Vanilla

    The ‘Minelanders

    Welcome to the ‘Minelanders! Server address:


    The ‘Minelanders is a semi-vanilla survival server. We believe that Minecraft can be a political game as well as a creative and PvP game, and our server is intended to lean into that. This means our server includes this general structure:

    * Griefing is allowed, except in protected player plots

    * Stealing is allowed, everywhere

    * Player clans can be created for a small in-game cost, with access to clan chat.

    * Protection plots can be purchased in three sizes (11×11, 31×31, 101×101) for not-so-small in-game costs

    – The world is restricted to 6,000 by 6,000 blocks, to encourage additional player interaction

    – Player shops are available near spawn to encourage player bartering.

    – We have no teleport systems, to encourage players to interact with the world and increase player vulnerabilities.

    – Despite all this, griefing tends to be less common in our community, as there’s also a desire to connect and build alliances between clans.

    The Details

    Due to a resurgence of support from our community (which dates back to 2010), we’ve decided to relaunch a minecraft server and start advertising to a broader community. Our new version for this Summer launched 2 weeks ago, and we are eager to welcome new people into the community! Log in to check out our player built spawn, and say hello! There aren’t many major bases public yet, given that the server is so fresh, but there are already a few clans with the largest plot size (101×101) building private areas before becoming more public. With shops and an area for player built shops at spawn, it tends to see a decent amount of traffic.

    This server is guaranteed to be hosted for at least the next six months. If the server has an active player base in six months, it will likely be hosted for a full year, as donations have already covered the cost so far. Donations give no in-game advantage, but they make me, the server owner, happy. We plan to expand the world by 1000 blocks in every direction after a few months, to encourage additional exploration.

    We hope to see you in our community! You can join our Discord server ( ) for announcements and more information, or just join the server and play along that way. Be careful to protect your things though, some of our players have nimble fingers!


  • Play in good faith
  • Be respectful of other players
  • No asking for stuff or being annoying
  • Griefing is allowed
  • No cheating
  • Alt accounts must be known to staff
  • Advertising is prohibited
  • No releasing personal information about another player
  • Details on each rule are posted in the help files on the server. Just type /help rules.

    Block Build Building Class Creative Dragon End Flatworld Free Friendly Grief Help Ill Join King Ming Mountain New Normal Play Player Players Plot Plots Riendly Rvival Server Sky Spawn Staff Survival Title Vanilla Welcoming World

    DragonMC Creative Server

    Welcome to my new server! We are looking for new players and staff! Currently we are only accepting helpers.

    We currently have:

    – Plots: Build anything you can imagine without fear of being griefed!
    – Survival world: Vanilla survival.
    -The normal world: Where you first spawn! Feel free to roam and build something!
    – Flatworld: A flat world for building without pesky mountains getting in the way!

    We are friendly and welcoming, come and join us!

    Achievements Build Claim Claims Community Creative Discord Eco Economy Grief Griefing Head Job Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Nations New Open Play Player Plugin Pvp Server Shop Shops Smp Standard Stealing Story Survival Swearing Title Town Towns Towny Vanilla World

    Mineverse 1.15.2 [SMP] [PVP] {Towny} {Economy} {mcMMO} {Creative World}

    Mineverse is a fully-featured survival server with Towny, a plugin that lets you build your own towns and nations and puts emphasis on collaboration and economics. Mineverse was started almost 8 years ago, and has has an on-again-off-again history. This is its third iteration, and we are excited to utilize the newest features that Minecraft has to offer! Many of the server’s original members have returned and have helped foster a really great community.

    You can join our Discord at:
    Server Details

    We have a robust economy, featuring jobs and a system of shops. We offer a Vanilla-esque experience, with Towny for land claims and mcMMO for greater range of levelling and achievements. We also offer a player head drops plugin, a creative world, and much more!

    Rules: Relatively standard stuff here…

    1. Be respectful and considerate.2. Please avoid sensitive topics.3. Use common sense.4. Swearing, sure. Slurs, no.5. No spamming or excessive caps.6. No griefing or stealing.7. Don’t cheat.

    We are excited to have you! Come join our growing community 🙂

    Auction Auctions Challenge Claim Claims Community Crates Eco End Friendly Games Head Heads Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mod Network Perks Play Player Rank Ranks Rewards Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title Vanilla Vote War

    MineFrost Network | Lag free | GREAT community

    Join the MineFrost Network today!
    – Friendly Players and staff
    – Many features to enhance your play
    – Skyblock and Survival game modes
    – Cross network chat
    – Timed Ranks with perks
    – Vote rewards and crates
    – Editable armor stands
    – Live Auctions
    – Night can pass with only one person sleeping
    – Player shops
    – MCMMO
    – Full GUI server shops
    – Mineable mob spawners (Overwold)
    – Land claims
    – Elevator blocks
    – Gamebox (various games to play by yourself or with others)
    – Buy decorative heads

    Blo Bloc Block Blocks Cri Fin His Infini Infinite Ini Lock Nite Our Script Survival Multiplayer

    InfBlocks Infinite Blocks Minecraft server

    The owner of InfBlocks Infinite Blocks has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    8.3 Argent Argentina Bedrock And Java Difficult Difficulty Hard Icu Mines Pat Salt Store Survival Survival Game Tina

    From MineSalta

    Minecraft server from Argentina, compatible with Bedrock and Java. Come in we lack people xd, survival game mode with a single store and hard difficulty

    1.18.2 Awa Away Citybuild German Germany Giveaway Giveaways Going Little Maintenance Nda Panda Survival Whos


    PandaGames – CityBuild

    Hello, we are PandaGames – a Java server.

    PandaGames is one of the only 1.18.2 CityBuild servers in Germany

    whose system is constantly being expanded to offer our community the best gaming fun.

    WHY WE?
    PandaGames will probably always do events and giveaways. First there is Citybuild and Survival and little by little we will increase our system.

    Attention Our server is currently undergoing maintenance

    1192server Aesthetic Custombiomes Girl Incendium Landclaiming Modded Nullscape Pretty Pve Sereneseasons Smp Survival Terralith Vanillaplus



    Notable mods included: Incendium, Nullscape, Serene Seasons, & Terralith

    Need an amazing server on but don’t know where to find one? Create your own with Bisect Hosting! Click the image below!

    LavenderCraft Minecraft Server

    Ander Child Childhood Creation Fans High School Leplay Little Live Pmc Recreation Roleplay Seri Sèrie Series

    YandereHighschool Recreation

    Hello! This is our Yandere High School Recreation for fans of the Series,
    Come Join us, And re-live Your Childhood!
    in This Little Roleplay Community, !Discord coming soon!

    Dream Dream Smp Forever Gon Gone Hermit Hermitcraft Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Quick Smp Survival

    Periodic SMP! (NEW!)

    Welcome to Periodic SMP! Period SMP is an SMP that is similar to Dream SMP, Lifesteal SMP, and Hermitcraft. Joining will require a whitelist. To get whitelisted, join our Discord Server!. Join quickly to get your own veteran ticket before it is gone forever!

    Ass Center Class Count Cri Ded Description Has His Ngrok Our Owner Script Survival Multiplayer This

    minecraft server minecraft server

    Minecraft Server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Anti Ats Bull Bully Cheats Custom Item Custom Items Hacks Hypixel Item Jartex Len Prop Remember Survival


    Welcome to Silent Survival!

    Here there are CUSTOM items like Hypixel/Jartex skyblock!


    This is an SMP!


    Remember no hacks, bullying, anarchy, cheats or inappropriate items.

    Civilisation Critic Hardcore Inside Lisa Neworld One Life Onelife Politics Pve Pvp Survival Survival Games Vanilla Virtual

    One World – One Life

    One World – a Minecraft Server with a Twist: If you die, you’re tempbanned.

    One World One Life is a project to encourage critical survival thinking inside of virtual worlds – possibly creating civilisation, politics and a world order in a world without fundamental rules.

    The server’s difficulty is set to ‘Normal’. The current tempban period is 3 days.

    Beau Beautiful Bedwars Eau Factions Lof Lofty Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Mus Prize Prizes Pvp Skyblock Voting


    Hello Minecraft Players!
    You can win beautiful prizes by voting on our server.
    CAUTION! You must be in the game when voting 🙂
    İp :

    Economy Factions Forum Forums Instant Law Pvp Random Rps Rtp Survival Teleport Teleporting Warps Wild


    We are a 24/7 low-rules PVP-Faction server
    Features of our server:
    Instant TPA and warps, so no delay when teleporting

    Admin shop at spawn, which contains most blocks

    mcMMO is in the works and will be installed and working sometime next week

    We have a /rtp command (random teleport, or also known as /wild)

    An online forums website and a discord server

    Come and join us!

    Anarchy Data Dev Development Donor Early Economy Elo Op Prison Op Prison Server Opm Prison Pvp Rome Today


    OP PRISON SERVER. JOIN TODAY AND MENTION WHERE YOU CAME FROM FOR FREE DONOR RANK. Prison server in early development. Please join and have fun!

    Ceb Data Entertainment Ert Focus Gaming Interaction Mai Mcmmo Pve Pvp Rac Survival TERA Uses


    Miming is a Cebuano Discord Community that mainly focuses on entertainment, interaction, and gaming.

    Join our Discord/Minecraft Server now!

    2022 Bus Construction Donor Economy Ender Factions Magic Opening Pvp Raiding Render Skyblock Survival Vanilla


    MagicMC [1.8.X – 1.19.X]

    Modalities: Survival Custom PVP, SkyBlock

    Looking for staff, and donors to improve the server that is still under construction

    Opening of the server 5/11/2022

    [Estamos en busca de staff con experiencia y sin experiencia pero que quieran aprender]

    Creative Cru Economy Factions Lobby Obby Partner Partners Partnerships Recruiting Ship Ships Survie Survival Vanilla


    The server has:

    – 16GB of ram for as little lag as possible.
    Plugins to improve the game experience without spoiling the basic survival mode.
    – A lobby, a creative world and the survival world.
    – We are recruiting staff.
    – Partnerships for all types of servers.

    Join us soon!

    Anarchy Blood Cool Data Dsmp Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Met Need Pvp Steal Survival Whitelist


    this is blood smp
    we have players
    we just need more
    its sometimes lifesteal
    its cool
    join the discord for whitelist

    Active Staff Data Economy Epl Gameplay Interactive Lifesteal Long Newest Perfect Pvp Raiding Steal TERA Way


    Newest and best life steal server coming along the way. Perfect economy, active staff and interactive gameplay!

    Auction House Custom Item Custom Items Dio Drop Economy Gems Lvl Rtp Spawner Spawners Studio Survival Survival Game These

    RGS MC

    This is a minecraft server that has these gamemodes:

    In our survival gamemode there is:
    Auction house
    Custom items
    Mobs with lvls
    Mobs can drop custom items and gems that can used for adding custom enchants

    Bases Casual Coop Gar Isa Kyn Newbie Para Parkour Regular Sable Skyblock Song Survival Usa


    CasualParadigum is a open cracked server which alows player to make greef free bases in their smp this is what makes us diffrent from others we people also have disabled pvp for newbies so join us at and enjoy the server note this server is in devlopment phase and will be made good soon so give us your support we will make your exprience in our server better each and everyday Thank You
    Please join the servers discord so that you can get regular updates about the server
    Regards Owner
    We are currently usong a host that uses player coopration and alows us to stay online so please click this link to add 1hr30min to server you will be rewarded.

    Creatures Crops Darkness Economy Factions Hardened Magicka Mythical Pve Roleplay Survival Treasures Warriors Whitelist Witchcraft

    Legend of Eternia Realm of Myth & Magick

    The Realm of Myth and Magick is fraught with adventure, peril, mythical creatures, magick, and powerful treasures.

    We have a helpful, friendly, and active community, a wonderful Administrative team with years of experience.
    We cater to all walks of minecraft, the Adventurers and Builders and Hardened warriors alike.
    Wether you enjoy building massive projects, farming items and crops, trading with other players, fighting in PVP battles, or diving into dungeons exploring the World, we have something for you here in The Kingdom of Eternia.
    Come, be a part of our Story, and Face the Darkness with Us.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!