Class Community Create Custom Discord Eco Econ Familyfriendly Friendly Going Good Home Job Jobs King Land Mod Money New Open Play Plot Plots Pve Quest Quests Rpg Server Shop Sky Skyblock Spawn Survival Title Unique War Website World

Tiny Island Life



Tiny Island Life (TIL) is a community oriented server with a unique gamemode
made up of elements from Skyblock, Survival, Plots, and a bit of RPG.

You start out in Las Piñas which is the spawn island. This island is home
to the natives called Las Piñeros which you can interact with.

To create your own private island do /is – this will be your home and you can shape it any way you want to!

Gathering materials to create your dream island can be done in two ways, first is through the shop accessible through /shop, and the second way is by going to the resource world (/warp resource) – WARNING: The resource world is dangerous and filled with monsters!

Money and tokens are the two currencies of TIL. Money can be earned by working (/jobs) and tokens can be earned through quests (/warp quests). Both can be used to buy from /shop, but tokens are used for upgrades and special goods.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Capture Clan Clans Class Craft Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy Edit Event Events Factions Hard Hardcore Pvp Help King Magic Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minecraftpvp Mmo Murder Open Pay Play Player Plot Plots Plugin Pvp Server Simple Skills Survival Title Youtube


Lostshard is a NON-PAY2WIN, fully survival, PvP server built on a fully custom code.

On Lostshard, pvp and surviving is the name of the game. Our server is the perfect place for anyone looking to experience a NON-PAY2WIN minecraft server, and we feature a plugin code built up from the ground that includes:

🔮 Simple Magic

⚗️ Mana & Stamina

🚩 Capture Events (Hostility & Havok)

⚒️Custom MCMMO Skills


🕉️Karma system (Worthy, Criminal, Murderer)


💰Player-based Economy


⚔️1.8 PvP (shields disabled, no hit timer)


Version: 1.15.2 (with 1.8 pvp) (shields disabled, no hit timer)

Releases: June 6th, 2pm EST

Youtube: [b=false][/b]

Discord: [b=false][/b]
Help page: [b=false][/b]

Allowed Arcade Block Build Builder Bukkit Class Community Creative Creativeplots Friendly Game Games Grief Griefing Griefingallowed Hunger Games Hungergames Ill Mini Games New Old Open Plot Plots Rank Ranks School Server Shop Small Survival Survivalgames Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival War Wars

𝔼𝕩𝕑𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕖 π”Έπ••π•§π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕦𝕣𝕖 1.15.2 Vanilla Survival Server – MCEXA.TK:25580

Old school vanilla server with small community. Mini games to come soon. Open to feedback. Griefing allowed


Ars Ass Auto Bed Bee Blo Block Blocks Blockshop Building Class Die Economy Ect Elf Erver Help Host Hosting Ken Kie Lin Mine Minetopia Nen Network Open Plot Ree Roleplay Server Shop Title Top Two Zen


Welkom op onze FAKE minetopia server! Op onze server is het de bedoeling dat jij alles zelf kan doen! Je kan bijvoorbeeld gaan minen in onze mine om geld te verdienen, eens je genoeg geld hebt kan je een plot kopen en blokken in de blockshop halen om iets leuk te bouwen op je eigen plot! Verder kan je ook nog kiezen welk pad je uitgaat.. Wil jij liefst een crimineel worden die iedereen neerschiet? Of ben jij liever iemand die de nieuwe spelers helpt? De keuze is aan jou!

Amazing Arena Best Block Cash Class Craft Custom Donation Donations Dynamic Easy Economy Great Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Nation Nations Npc Plot Plots Pro Quest Quests Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Title Town Towny

Steel Craft Survival!

Survival Towny to protect plots, easy jobs, dynamic shop, mob arena for xp and cash, quests, mcmmo, npc shop, ranks by time spent on server but can be done through donations –

Animal Areas Ban Class Craft Dioses Eco End Fac Familia Forge Fun Hack Head Irl Lag Lit Magia Magic Mca Medieval Mine Minecraft Mod Modpack Mods Movie Open Plot Reino Rey Rol Role Server Servers Sign Title

Reino de Mods 1.12.2 – Tres Servidores de Mods en uno.

De la mano de los Creadores del Servidor Dioses Vivos Reyes Muertos se inaugura este Servidor llamado Reino de Mods bastante distinto de lo que estamos acostumbrados ¡disfrutalo!

Realmente son 3 servidores de Mods 1.12.2, cada uno con su propio modpack, inventario, mundo, e Historia independiente, solo comparten la direccion IP.

¿por que tres y no uno?
Bueno, los mods son una de las maravillas de Minecraft, algunos pueden cambiar completamente el juego y hacerte vivir una experiencia que ni creias posible, el problema es que hay grupos de mods que no son compatibles entre ellos, y por separado son perfectos pero al unirlos se arruinan la experiencia unos a otros.

¿si hay 3 modpacks cual meto en mi carpeta mods?
El truco es usar perfiles de Launcher y a cada perfil le pones un modpack, si no sabes que es esto aqui va un rapido tutorial con imagenes:

Como instalar los 3 modpacks usando perfiles de Launcher

¿puedo mezclar los 3 modpacks en mi carpeta mods y asi no tener que cambiar de perfil en el launcher?
Tecnicamente es posible, aunque tendras que configurar todo bien y jugaras con mas lag, lo aconsejable es que uses 3 perfiles de tu launcher de minecraft

Protege tu terreno con una parcela para que no te roben y a disfrutar de la magia de Thaumcraft, el mejor mod de magia que jamas existio, estaras rodeado de animalitos del mod Better Animals, te acompañara tu familia de aldeanos MCA que podras decidir proteger o abandonar, rolea y crea tu propia Historia.

Para entrar al servidor Reino de Mods 1.12.2 necesitas tener Forge y los mods instalados:


– 1.12.2-forge- [clic para descargar]

[clic para descargar todos los mods comprimidos en un ZIP de MEGA]

Historia y Rol:

Desde el comienzo de los Tiempos, ha existido un campo de Energia Magica que envuelve toda la Realidad, similar a un oceano que sumerge todas las cosas, este campo de energia fue llamado Aura por los antiguos eruditos. El Aura es invisible a los ojos mundanos, pero detectable por muchas criaturas magicas.

En el “oceano” del Aura fluye una energia natural llamada Vis moviendose como si el agua de este oceano se tratara.

No se conoce a ciencia cierta que produce el Vis, pero se sabe que la Luna tiene una poderosa influencia en su generacion, ademas de unos misteriosos y sagrados arboles llamados Arboles de Plata que parecen ayudar a que aumente el Vis en el Aura.

Durante siglos, una casta de Hombres Sabios ha estudiado el Aura y las formas de extraer el Vis de esta. Esta elite de eruditos fueron llamados Taumaturgos, y las ignorantes lenguas llamaban “magia” a la manipulacion del Vis para fines practicos que ellos realizaban.

El Vis esta presente en todas las cosas materiales en forma de lo que llaman Esencias, estas son una manifestacion material del Vis, que se clasifica en 37 esencias distintas: Aqua, Aer, Terra, Ignis, Ordo, Perditio, Victus, Mortus, Vacuos, Alienis…

Si quieres iniciarte en los dominios de la manipulacion del Vis o como algunos lo llaman “magia”, debes instruirte en los siguientes conocimientos:


Ciencia que consiste en extraer las esencias de los objetos de la naturaleza para “embotellar” estas esencias y poder utilizarlas para creaciones magicas.


Ciencia que consiste en la creacion de maquinas que interactuen con el Vis presente en el Aura para lograr cosas increibles.


Ciencia que estudia la creacion de criaturas obedientes que mediante el uso del Vis haran las tareas mas tediosas por ti. Como talar, recolectar tu huerto, ordenar tus cofres o incluso ¡ir de mineria!


Ciencia que estudia la creacion de los llamados Focus poderosas orbes que mediante un guante capaz de extraer Vis del Aura pueden desde lanzar bolas de fuego, congelar el agua, romper bloques, crear trampas…

Creaciones en el Altar Arcano:

Ciencia que estudia como construir un poderoso y complejisimo Altar Magico que sirve para crear objetos extremadamente poderosos. La funcion basica del Altar Arcano es infundir esencias liquidas conseguidas mediante la Alquimia dentro de objetos mundanos, y al meterles estas esencias se convierten en objetos poderosos.

Y ya esta, que bonita es la “magia” que inocente parece todo. ¿que podria salir mal? Averigualo.

El uso de Xray o mods para obtener ventajas sobre otros jugadores sera sancionado con la expulsion del servidor.

¡Larga Vida al Rey!

Block Class Create Different Economy Has Join King Long Mean Mine Mines Need New Non Nonop Pay Play Player Players Plot Plots Prison Pro Pvp Rank Ranks Red Sell Server Servers Shop Shops Testing Title Trade

Commie Prison

New Non-op prison server with plots. Work your way through the ranks, unlocking new and improved mines along the way. Each mine has a shop to sell materials, increasing in price to encourage players to create shops within their plots to trade with other players in different ranks. We are improving our server and testing is needed.

We got tired of the current prison servers with op tools and progression that does not feel meaningful, so we created our own. Our server is non-pay-to-win. Join Commie Prison today!

Class Community Craft Create Currency Custom Discord Enchantments Free Fun Game Great Home Homes Ill Inecraft Join Lag Land Loot Mine Minecraft Mod Multiplayer Open Play Player Plot Plots Popular Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Smp Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Vanilla

Exibillia – [SMP][24/7]

Dear future Exibillia player

This server is a completely free to play survival multiplayer server!!
We created this server for every player to enjoy a fun game of “vanilla” Minecrafts survival mode.
We’d like to create a great community and everyone can be part of it. No selections based on popularity, not only for streamers, nope, ANYONE can join!!!

Join our Discord for more information about the server itself:

To give you an idea of what you can expect: currency, shops, a fancy village, your own land plots, homes, custom enchantments and more incoming (ranks, loot boxes, …)

We’ll see you soon!

Action Ass Block Class Content Craft Creative Erver Event Fac Faction Factions Free Ftop Generator Grief Griefprevention Huge Lag Mcmmo Minigames Mmo Mod: Spigot Play Plot Plots Prevention Raid Raiding Ree Roleplay Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Survival Top

Server IP –

Survival with GriefPrevention and McMMO, SkyBlock with IS TOP, Factions McMMO, raiding, FTOP, Generators and more, Creative huge plots and more – 24/7, LAG-FREE!

Adventure Auction Build Building Chestshop Claim Craft Custom Dedicated Easy Fac Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Grief Hack Land Landprotection Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Nogrief Nolag Old Play Player Plot Plugin Plugins Protection Server Servers Shop Spawn Survival Title World


Blazelite –


Here at blazelite we provide you with adventure, innovation and a new experience all together.

We offer you a Minecraft Server dedicated to Survival No-Grief, with a 150,000 by 150,000 worldborder to better facilitate your building desires.

We are constantly tweaking our server with our custom-plugin configuration, our server spawn and our plugins to enhance our servers’ enjoyability.

  • Grief Protection: Grief Protection allows you to claim your house and any buildings you may have. No one can grief your land unless they are trusted to your plot, make sure to use the golden shovel.
  • mcMMO: This plugin allows for an RGP-like levelling system with multiple stats.
  • Worldborder: The border is set to 150,000 blocks away from spawn.
  • Chestshop: The server shop is at spawn. You can both buy and sell items there.
  • Auction: Provides an easy way to buy and sell items to players.
  • NoCheat+: Down with the hackers!

  • Categories
    Alia Economy Enchant Enchants Gui Mca Mcmmo Minecraft One Minecraft Oneblock Oneblock Pvp Shopgui Spawn Spawner Spawners


    This is a really cool and fun minecraft oneblock server we have custom enchants shopgui`s custom spawners and much more

    2.11 Airship Ftc Pass Perfect Prod Pve Pvp Rod Ship Ships Tweak Tweaks Ultimate Weak

    Prodigous Craf

    Come and join, New players are welcome!
    ► ProdigiousCraft is a perfect little server. Very simple MinecraftCraft server with just some tweaks which makes it unique from any other server.
    ► ProdigiousCraft server started in 2011 and we still continue on 10 years later! The ownership of the server has been passed down through two other people. Now to resurface by another’s hands once more,
    ► We do try to make this server as close to vanilla as possible to insure the games originality. You can sail any ship or airship you make, there is no set limit.
    So what are you waiting for? Come and join us and try the ultimate experience!

    1.18 Bal Balkan Economy Kingdoms Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Serb Serbia Serbian Social Socializing Srbija Survival Vanilla


    A real Balkan Minecraft Survival Server

    What do we offer you?
    + survival (vanilla)
    + kingdoms
    + war with kingdoms (you don’t have to of course)
    + usually socializing and surviving with others
    + jobs
    + shop

    Enjoy the server! Version 1.18.1


    Amazing Awesome Blue Economy Gameplay Gui Guide Level Levels Pvp Quests Reviv Revive Reward Skyblock

    Blue Skyblock

    Blue Skyblock is a brand new Custom fun skyblock server. Amazing players and awesome custom economy. Really worth a play! Tons of free rewards! Custom cobble gen with tons of levels – and cool hoppers! Lots of quests to guide you through gameplay.

    Bmc Creative Development Hbm Large Needed Nline Origin Origins Realm Scale Selection Skyblock Survival Towny


    Welcome to A1 Realm
    Currently Only Towny is online due to development being needed and improvements
    – Towny
    Towny Other Features
    – Earth Map
    – Origins Selection
    – Large Scale Map
    Check Out Our Discord Server

    Base Based Complet Eth Good Lit Mai Mpl Oda Origin Original Prison Pvp Together Use

    Belicos Network

    Our server is mainly based on the prison op. Having a completely original modality and with a good player base. Come in and have fun together with all the other users.

    Amazing Earth Feat Feature Features Fun Life Oda Real Life Things Tod Today Town Towns Wns


    SurvivalEarth is a earth minecraft server with real life features.
    You can declare war on other towns and make your own towns.
    SurvivalEarth has loads of amazing fun things to do. Join today.


    Download Economy Experience Full List Mcmmo Mods Pvp Roleplay Sit Site Survival Terra Terraria Vanilla

    Saiyans2.0 Terraria Craft

    note for full experience download the listed mods on our vid list on this site

    000 100 1000 Address Chat Community Enjoy Ffa Max Mum Non P2w Players Pvp Warp


    WarpedFFA – a non-p2w server to PvP on and chat.
    Have fun with other players.
    New community, be sure to join.
    IP Address:
    Maximum players: 1000 players.
    WarpedFFA – a non-p2w server for all to enjoy.

    Carrot Economy Hypixel Jartex Kitpvp Minecraft Servers Mini Games Non Offline Parkour Prem Premium Prison Skyblock Skywars

    LazyCarrot Network

    LazyCarrot is a Minecraft server for all the people who cannot play Hypixel or any of the other premium Minecraft servers. Our server is set to offline mode, meaning both, premium and non-premium players, are allowed to play. Join us and let your fun new adventure begin today!

    130 250 500 Development Fort Fut Future Minecraft Servers Mines Parkour Pve Pvp Servers For Minecraft Table Vanilla


    Minecraft servers for a comfortable game. We are just beginning our development. Choose the game mode that you like and start playing on servers for Minecraft. The server was created with the support of monitoring Minecraft and will be promoted in the future.

    Minecraft servers for a comfortable game. We are just beginning our development. Choose the game mode you like and start playing on servers for Minecraft. The server was created with the support of Minecraft monitoring and will be promoted in the future.

    Amazing Awesome Content Eso High Kitpvp Mines Quality Server Ip Skyblock Store Strike Survival Ten Unique


    MineStrike is a high-quality Minecraft KitPvP, Survival and Skyblock server featuring unique content and an amazing community, friendly staff, and awesome players like you!

    Server Ip:
    Server Store:

    Boost Booster Challenge Challenges Command Commands Content Daily Economy Giveaway Giveaways Porte Skyblock Survival Weekly

    I see it

    Vexlo is a high-quality Skyblock server featuring unique content and an amazing community, friendly staff, and awesome players like you!

    Version: 1.17.1

    » Daily Crates
    » Weekly Crates
    » Ranks
    » Rank Kits
    » Discord Giveaways
    » Challenges
    » Boosters
    » Custom commands

    Economy Evolved Friendship Last Day Mini Games Mixed Origins Real Life Roleplay Ships StratΓ©gie Survival Survival Fr Towny Vanilla

    NovaWorld Survival

    ⭐ Family Survival! ⭐
    『 』
    NovaWorld was born in 2019 as a simple Survival Friendly, a group of friends who love Minecraft unaware of the story that would have created the Server
    During the course of 2020 the server has evolved giving new Gameplay strategies, organization, events and many new users, who still form the Community today!
    The NovaWorld community grows, to the point of creating real friendships even in real life, new acquaintances and new habits are born …
    In July 2020 NovaWorld evolves into Network, offering more modalities for its community, until the last days of June 2021!
    Server reopens in December 2021, bringing Server origins back, now Mixed Survival RPG!
    Survival 1.18
    ⭐ Classic style of Survival, mixed RPG with the introduction of the Guild System where users can create real Clans in all respects!
    ⭐ Leveling System: We reward the most active players with automatic leveling which offers several advantages at higher ranks!
    ⭐ The Events are organized directly by the Team Staff weekly to keep the community lively, we offer every type of event, from classic, to PvP, UHC, or events requested by users, not to be forgotten by tradition: The weekly GiveAway Event on Saturday !

    Cod Codex Esp Esport Esports Mcmmo New Cod Ports Pvp Rts Sport Sports Survival Survival Games Vanilla

    Codexia Esports

    Join our new Codexia Esports minecraft server

    1.17.1 1.18 Bit Economy Java And Bedrock Mcmmo Mission Missions Pat Protect Protection Protections Survival Tombs Vanilla

    New Saltadilla

    Server of the city of Nueva saltadilla 1.17.1 to 1.18 compatible with java and bedrock.
    Protections …
    In the discord you can find the IP and the port.
    What are you waiting for come to the city of Nueva Saltadilla !!!!

    Amazing Economy Enjoy Entertainment Ert Factions Fres Fresh Hey Kitpvp Lab Paw Pvp Spawn Survival

    EU Minecraft

    Hey and welcome to UE Minecraft!
    We’ve got an amazing fresh server for all to enjoy!
    It’s a Factions based server with KitPvP spawn so you can get right into the action!
    We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we have to create it!

    1.18 Achievement Achievements Customize Customized Economy Hermit Hermitcraft Incredible Overworld Proper Survival Terralith Trades Vanilla Like

    DerCraft Middle School

    New HermitCraft like SMP server for 1.18
    This server started as a vision of a server with no land claiming, where everyone trades with eachother for what they need, building and creating their own story and enjoyment.
    We have released the overworld on the 8th of December 2021.
    The Nether is releasing on the 25th of December 2021.
    The end will be released on the 29th of January.We plan on being as vanilla like as possible!
    Although we are still adding custom enchants, nothing to OP, we are going for quality of life instead of number of enchantments.
    Amazing custom world generation, working with 1.18 blocks (Terralith)
    Although we don’t have Land Claiming, we expect there will be NO GRIEFING! Any griefing found will be reverted back and the propertitor of these actions will be banned.
    There have customized over 1000 achievements to work toward, some of them with incredible and unique rewards.
    Have fun outthere! o/

    Claims Cringe Epic Factions Fou Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Mobs Pve Pvp Steal Survival Vanilla


    Hey, are you looking for epic server?
    Then join Cringe Boi SMP!
    This server has a lot of fun plugins like:
    Lifesteal, Levelled mobs and claims!
    If any of this interests you, please join the discord server!
    The server does have a whitelist, more info can be found in the discord server.
    Hope to see you there!

    Anarchy Ats Best Minecraft Cats Extreme Going Kitten Minecraft Version Pat Performance Pvp Survival Versions Vol Xtreme

    Kittens Craft

    Kitten’s Craft is the all new and best Minecraft network where we all revolve around cats to keep us going :3 The server is available to play on most Minecraft versions with extreme compatibility and performance. We have a friendly staff team, friendly community and so much more. Current game modes include Survival.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!