Ace Action Active Age Ass Class Concours Economy Fac Fact Faction Factions Google Maga Minage One Place Plus Pvp Serveur Sin Sur Survival Use


Bienvenue sur le serveur SezFac amusez vous et créer la plus grosse faction !
dans le serveur il y a : un magasin , une arène de pvp, une zone de minage et des concours seront mis en place ; )

Active Age Anarchy Ass Ban Bans Bit Class Com Community Courage Discord End Google Ill Join Lag Mmu Ommunity One Pure Pve Pvp Rage Ring Survival Vanilla


The purest form of anarchy.
any form of lag machine will be inhibited.
No bans.
Endearing community!
I encourage anyone that wishes to join to join our discord for more info.

Active Anarchy Ass Awesome Blo Block Class Com Craft Creative Day Eat Erver Eso Google King Looking Mod Mode One Pure Raft Raiding Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival


Looking for an awesome server? PureCraft is the one for you! We have all types of modes such as survival, creative, Skyblock and MORE COMIING EVERY DAY!

Active Best Beta Class Content Currency Custom Economy Ect Erver Exclusive Exp Experience Forge Gaming Google Gts Join Mcmmo Ming Mini Games Mmo Need One Pack Pixelmon Play Player Reforged Rewards Ring Server Staff Survival This Trade War


Reforged v7.2.2 –
Our Pixelmon server is packed with custom & exclusive content like:
GTS, WonderTrade, McMMO, Dex Rewards, Custom Currency etc
all this to bring the best possible gaming experience to you, the player.

Currently in beta, but anyone can join!

115server Ass Auto Beta Blo Block Class Com Ect End Ender Erver Eset Everyone Guard Ill Nam New Newserver One Reset Resets Server Sky Skyblock Style Ter Title Welcome

EnderGuard | 1.9 – 1.15 | New


1.9 – 1.15
Everyone is welcomed!
New Server
We are still in BETA and resets may happen.

Active Age Ark Boss Bosses Class Classes Crate Crates Creative Custom Dark Economy Ect Fire Google Ill Kill Knight Mage Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs One Premium Pro Pvp Rol Roleplay Rpg Run Rvival Skills Special Survival War Warz Warzone

AspiriaBG Survival


Survival WARZONE

– Premium SKILLS PRO ( Custom Classes Dark Knight, Dark Mage, Fire Mage etc. )

Active Age Art Ass Build Campfire Class Com Craft Decent Erver Everyone Fire Google Hack Hey Home Ill Inecraft Mean Mine Minecraft Nostalgic One Perk Perks Play Pretty Pvp Relax Server Star Start Survival Vanilla Way


Come take a seat at the campfire, relax, build a shack, have a snack, etc. Do minecraft the right way, and by that I mean vanilla with a few perks. No one wants to walk all the way to their home only to find if blown up by your neighbor. Pretty much the same as that nostalgic server everyone used to play on when they first started. It’s a pretty decent server if I say so myself.

Active Ass Better Class Com Community Eat Economy Enchant End Erver Features Friend Friendly Fun Google Hardcore Ill Kill Mon Money Ommunity One Play Player Players Pro Pvp Relax Relaxing Riendly Server Skill Skills Survival Ter Ultimate


Ravinity is a player vs. player type server with tons of other features
that you must check out! You must kill players to earn money, enchant better
gear and ultimately have the most money in the server.

The main goal of our server is to improve your PvP skills while having fun
in a relaxing and friendly community.

Active Ass Class Creative Discord Economy Erver Google Grief Griefing Hdb Inventory Job Jobs Join Land Make Mob Mod Moderator Mon Money Nick One Open Ops Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Rat Rvival Server Shop Shops Surviva Survival Vanilla


Survival Server with some plugins!
Keep Inventory – ON
Mob Griefing – OFF
Jobs are avaliable to make money!
Player shops avaliable!
Join our discord!

Ace Active Backpack Backpacks Class Com Community Custom Discord Economy End Erver Event Events Fresh Friendly Google Join Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Money One Open Pack Pve Rank Ranks Riendly Rvival Server Space Survival Town Towny


Come join our server! We have survival and towny!
We also have custom mobs and custom events!
Backpacks! (More inventory space)
Ranks and Rank ups that don’t require money!
We freshly opened too, so you won’t be far behind at all!
A discord server too!
A loving a friendly community awaits you!

Claims Dating Economy Gui Kills Land Claims Minecraft 1.18 Pve Quests Skill Skills Survival Uests Updating Vanilla

Foray Survival

Minecraft 1.18 SMP server! Brand new with lots of great features such as jobs, quests, skills, land claims (all with GUI), and more to come! Constantly updating and adding new features

Anarchy Die Kor Korea Live North Oli Pire Roleplay Sol Soldier Super Tat Tizen Zen

North Korea RP | SuperoLife Community

North Korea RP | SuperoLife Community

Wanna live the life of a citizen/soldier in North Korea?
We’re the first server to make you able to do that!

Inspired from statements from people who previously lived in DPRK.

1.19 170 580 Application Bean Griefers Oce Pve Rare Rollback Survival Terra Terrain Vanilla Whitelist

Vanilla Bean SMP

Vanilla Bean SMP is a small, whitelisted, vanilla survival server. Don’t worry, the whitelist is mostly a formality and is super easy to fill out an application for. To submit an application, join our discord server which you can find here:

The whitelist and application process is just to make sure we know you’re in the discord and it also acts as a filter for any would-be griefers to make it a little harder for them. In the rare case that griefs or any violations of our rules happen, we do have some server side plugins to selectively rollback the world, inventories and entities but they don’t effect gameplay at all. If a grief does happen, just ping an admin on our discord server and we’ll get it sorted out as soon as possible. Our server is also as lag free as possible, running on a dedicated hardware 24/7 with over 10,000 blocks of pre-generated 1.19 terrain. I hope to see you soon.

Adventures Aventure Bug Creato Creator Easy Everything Evil Hey Mobs Pure Remo Skyblock Swe Venture

SkyAventures server Minecraft

Hi all! This is a PURE skyblock server, there is no donation on it and it is unlikely that it will ever be. The administration is always online and answers questions! By the way, it’s not so easy at spawn, sometimes evil mobs appear from the beginning, the creator of the server wanted to remove them, he already covered everything, but they only spawned more and he decided “not a bug but a feature” something like this 🙂

Cas Case Help Inca Max Maxcraft Modpack Noop Origin Origins Originsmod Pac Pack People Survival

nebdoods origin server

a origins server for people to join and enjoy. Join our discord server for the modpack and incase you need any help.

Aureliumskills Claims Clicker Economyshop Economyshopgui Excellentcrates Excellentechantments Exploration Pool Pvp Trap Quests Scrim Smp Survival Trapping

The Sin Bin

Ahoy, Welcome to the Sin Bin.
We are a smaller scale java smp leaning towards creativity and exploration, the smp runs off an economy for players to buy blocks or items to skip the time of grinding more tedious resources.
The server uses a variety of fun plugins such as Aurelium Skills, EconomyShop GUI and Quests to breathe variety into the server.

The servers rules are mostly relaxed as far as language goes just don’t go too overboard.
Server Rules:
1. No hacking, exploits or x-ray.
2. No griefing, stealing or PVP Trapping.
3. No AFK pools or auto-clickers.
4. One account per-user only.
5. No bullying, discrimination or predatory behaviour.
6. Don’t beg for free stuff.

Please join the discord server to keep track of server news.

Group List Mall Noop Oup People Play Minecraft Sim Simp Simply Small Sounds Survival Whitelist Whitelisted

Coral smp


welcome to coral smp,

we are just a small group of people that simply wanna play Minecraft and make friends, and if that sounds fun just join the discord and get whitelisted now 😀

Aternos Blm Got Pig Rip Sit Site Spigot Spigotmc Survival Multiplayer Tmc Web Webs Website You

blm-rl SpigotMc blm-elWebsite server Minecraft

The owner of server “blm-rl SpigotMc blm-elWebsite” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Ancient Apocalypse Aztec Challenge Cities Civilization Discord Discordsrv Economy Empire Games Mcverse Megabuilds Mobs Monster Patreon Project Pvp Rpg Survival

Aztec Empire

Aztec Empire MCVerse

An RPG experience unlike other! This server presents as a hybrid rpg with a complex campaign, a Free Forge SMP and Multiple mini games.

The server has officially gone through the next iteration with a hard reboot. A lot of the maps have been scraped and is being re done and released to the public over time. I have finally found someone who is able to create custom plugins for the server and most of them are being coded at this moment. Please let staff know if you experience any bugs! I still need someone who is able to create a custom resource pack, Please DM me on Discord if you are able to do so.

SHORT Progress notes:
The list below details All of the things that have been completed, in progress or planed for the server Please see the official discord for the most up to date Patch notes and announcements

Campaign City/location list (planned)

Aztec Empire MCVerse OST (compositions planned & or in progress)
– Overture [​main menu theme]
– The City of Gold
– A Dark Path
– Salvation
– The Great Sacrifice
– Betrayal
– Twisted Fate
– The Unknown
– Resistance
– Unwanted truce
– Revelation
– Wilderness
– Sanctuary
– Epilogue
I Twitch stream this server occasionally, make sure to follow if you would like to see how I build on my server:

Aztec Empire Minecraft Server

Any exciting Ideas that would improve this server? please state and explain in the comment section below 😉

Apiary Bee Bees Bukkit Community Coreprotect Cottagecore Creative Creativeworld Discord Dynmap Essentials Essentialsx Friendly Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Howtojoin Hub Join Lobby Map Nice Original Paper Semivanilla Server Smp Smpdiscord Smpserver Spigot Survival Survivalserver Vanilla Wholesome Worldedit

Apiary 🌻 Community Survival Minecraft Server 🌻 1.19

apiary, noun; a place where bees are kept

Season 1 Opening July 2nd

Bee Themed Text Separator
Welcome to The Apiary! ✿ Java 1.19

{Join our Discord here to apply}

Bee Themed Text Separator
Hey! We get it.
You just wanna play some good Minecraft and let yourself get lost in it for a while.
Do what you love. We’re right there with you.

Here’s the buzz

The Apiary is a wholesome bee-themed server,
with quality-of-life tweaks and fun social features.
We’re like HermitCraft. Our community is our soul.

If you’d like to know all the server’s details like what commands we have
and what tweaks we use, check out the handbook we’ve made!

We also have a diverse and trustworthy staff team and distinct rules.
These ensure a pleasant experience for any players who just want to relax and filter out the nonsense.
If you’ve been looking for a nice little haven, you’re in the right place.

You can get whitelisted by reading our #welcome channel and following the straightforward steps to apply.

{Join our Discord here to apply}

Beehive Themed Text Separator

Community opened May 20th (International Bee Day)
Season 1 Opening July 2nd! 💐💐💐

Anarchy Bases Dupe Emb Emperor Glitch Hacking I'm Member No hacking Remember Smp Survival Year Years

Emperor SMP

Well, um I’m the only player, no one else here. Hop on if you want and there is only one rule which is NO HACKING. Please you can dupe and glitch and grief but just no hacking. Has plugins that I don’t even remember anymore and bases from years ago.

Bomb Bombs Building Buildings Ita Kingdom Kingdoms Military Smp Strong Strongest Survival Throne Thrones War

Kingdoms SMP! (10+) (Whitelist)

Kingdoms SMP Is a SMP Where you can join, or Create your own kingdom, Declare war, and build up your kingdom to be the strongest. Make bombs, buildings, thrones, build up your military and become the best on the Kingdoms SMP

Aim Among Bal First Global Goal Mana Manage Management Mc Server Pvp Rol Servers Skyblock Small

SkyLock Mc

SkyLock Mc server is a server that aims to be among Turkish Servers and then Global Servers as its first target. We believe that we will achieve this goal with a small management team and you, our players!

Abusing Afk Awaken Awaken Smp Camp Hob Homo Human Mages NSFW Racism Residence Sfw Survival Thatsmyname

Tomato Awken SMP

This Awaken SMP Server Has A Twist For Every LVL You Get You Get 1 Heart

The Rules! ( = Applies to Discord | 🟢 = Applies to Minecraft)

NO Hatefulness/Hate Speech
– No Homophobia 🟣 🟢
– No Racism 🟣 🟢
– No Toxicity 🟣 🟢
– No Ableism 🟣 🟢

NO Hurtful/NSFW Images
– NSFW 🟣
– Images of Self-harm 🟣
– Images of Human Feces 🟣

PLEASE Respect Privacy
– Don’t ask for Place of Residence 🟣 🟢
– Don’t ask for Number 🟣 🟢
– Don’t ask for Age 🟣 🟢

DONT be a troll
– Don’t Ping Executive/Mods for no reason 🟣
– No spamming chat 🟣 🟢
– No Loud Mic 🟣
-No Abusing Spawn Proteicton🟢
-No Offline Raiding🟢
-Dont Kill Afks🟢
-No Hacking No Xray🟢
-New Player Get 1 hour of Grace🟢
-No ALT🟢
-No Combat Logging🟢
-No Spawn Camping/Farming

Buildings Economy Fire Holiday Planetminecraft Relax Remo Seasons Spring Summer Survival Tale Tempe Temperature Winter

ZenTale Official — Enchanced Survival [NEW, BETA] 1.18.2

ZenTale Official — Enchanced Survival

ZenTale is a newly made server and we are mainly based more in survival. We strive to grow a none-toxic, friendly community to where everyone can just chill, relax and have a great time.

Come check us out and join in the fun! We really need your full support <3



Seasons and Holidays: Experience Spring, Fall, Summer and Winter! Every season there are diffirent mobs and the Biome changes. Oh! and also there are temperature indicator for you to see whether you are hot or cold. Hot Season: Summer, Cold Season: Winter.

Economy: A system to where you can sell, buy, pay, invest and start a bussiness!

Grief Prevention: Who likes griefers? NO ONE! A system to where your buildings are safe from griefers. That’s right! Claim a land to where only you can interact with it. No one can build, remove, place anything on your claim unless if you give them permission to do so. Pretty neat right!


300 Bucket Crafting Craftingstore Faction Keys Koth Koths Monthly Nitro Opening Sale Season1 Wand Wands



We’re officially releasing 4th of July 5pm PST






Join Our Discord For Release.

Attributes Claim Claims Completed Developer Economy Launched Lucky Lucky Block Nowhere Streaming Survival Twitch Vote

Kappemistic’s Refuge

Kappemistic’s Refuge

this server is brand new and was launched with a team of only 3 players: 1 developer, 1 builder and 1 owner (me). Big thanks to the developer and builder for helping with the server! However it is nowhere near fully completed, therefore I suggest that you join the server discord[​link below] to be notified of any recent updates, bug fixes, and more!

FYI – Image gallery contains screenshots of the spawn island.

This server consists of many attributes such as:

– Kappemistic’s Refuge discord =
– Friendly staff
– Custom Plugins [​new lucky block + custom Kappa Currency 😉 ]
– Live streaming the server on the link below
¬¬¬ ¬¬¬

119server Brewery Chairs Clearlag Custommap Customworld Essentialsx Factions Factionsserver Harbor Luckperms Saber Smp Smpserver Survival

1.19 java factions server SMP (13k x 13k custom map)

This is a SMP server with factions for 1.19, with a custom 13k x 13k map, with all the new features of the update. It also contains a couple of plugins, without differing much from vanilla minecraft. Dynmap link:

Plugins: ClearLag, LuckPerms, Chairs, Vault, ActionHealth, Brewery, dynmap, EssentialsX, Harbor, Saber Factions.

1234 Account Cent Gio Host Las Leg Legion Mcp Mcpe Ost Rip Storm Survival Multiplayer You

LegionCraft-Mcpe-1.1 Minecraft server

The owner of LegionCraft-Mcpe-1.1 has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Army Bedrockcompatible Couple Crossplay Early Economy Job Joey Mcmmo Money New Update Seek Semivanilla Share Survival


New Economy Vanilla based server, we have jobs, and lots to offer in economy. We are seeking active and great players who would love to share the same passion we do! Join now and be apart of the early access to see how great the server will be and all the changes that will be made in the near future. New updates will be dropping daily and or every couple of days! If you have any suggestions feel free to leave feedback!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Pvp Servers Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!