Ass Class Content Discord Economy Erver Forge Join Leplay Life Mcmmo Minigames Mod Mod: Spigot Modpack Mon One Pack Pixel Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Plus Pve Real Reallife Reforged Rol Role Roleplay Run Server Survival Tech Technic Ten Tps Ultimate


Server IP –

Were running Pixelmon Reforged v7.3.1

Use our Technic Modpack to join us:

If youre having any issues, hop into our Discord for assistance:

Age Ass Block Class Dbc Discord Dragon Dragon Block C Dragonballz Dragonblockc Ect Erver Full Fun Join Lin Mod Modded Modpack Noop One Open Pack Pot Real Server Sky Skyblock Tech Technic This Title

Dragon Block C Skyblock

The title says it all. We are a DBC – Skyblock mix. Now that might sound weird but it is really
fun and full of potential. Either way, we hope to see you there!

Join our discord for more information!

Our Technic Page:

Also if the IP up there does not work use this one

Animal Areas Ban Class Craft Dioses Eco End Fac Familia Forge Fun Hack Head Irl Lag Lit Magia Magic Mca Medieval Mine Minecraft Mod Modpack Mods Movie Open Plot Reino Rey Rol Role Server Servers Sign Title

Reino de Mods 1.12.2 – Tres Servidores de Mods en uno.

De la mano de los Creadores del Servidor Dioses Vivos Reyes Muertos se inaugura este Servidor llamado Reino de Mods bastante distinto de lo que estamos acostumbrados ¡disfrutalo!

Realmente son 3 servidores de Mods 1.12.2, cada uno con su propio modpack, inventario, mundo, e Historia independiente, solo comparten la direccion IP.

¿por que tres y no uno?
Bueno, los mods son una de las maravillas de Minecraft, algunos pueden cambiar completamente el juego y hacerte vivir una experiencia que ni creias posible, el problema es que hay grupos de mods que no son compatibles entre ellos, y por separado son perfectos pero al unirlos se arruinan la experiencia unos a otros.

¿si hay 3 modpacks cual meto en mi carpeta mods?
El truco es usar perfiles de Launcher y a cada perfil le pones un modpack, si no sabes que es esto aqui va un rapido tutorial con imagenes:

Como instalar los 3 modpacks usando perfiles de Launcher

¿puedo mezclar los 3 modpacks en mi carpeta mods y asi no tener que cambiar de perfil en el launcher?
Tecnicamente es posible, aunque tendras que configurar todo bien y jugaras con mas lag, lo aconsejable es que uses 3 perfiles de tu launcher de minecraft

Protege tu terreno con una parcela para que no te roben y a disfrutar de la magia de Thaumcraft, el mejor mod de magia que jamas existio, estaras rodeado de animalitos del mod Better Animals, te acompañara tu familia de aldeanos MCA que podras decidir proteger o abandonar, rolea y crea tu propia Historia.

Para entrar al servidor Reino de Mods 1.12.2 necesitas tener Forge y los mods instalados:


– 1.12.2-forge- [clic para descargar]

[clic para descargar todos los mods comprimidos en un ZIP de MEGA]

Historia y Rol:

Desde el comienzo de los Tiempos, ha existido un campo de Energia Magica que envuelve toda la Realidad, similar a un oceano que sumerge todas las cosas, este campo de energia fue llamado Aura por los antiguos eruditos. El Aura es invisible a los ojos mundanos, pero detectable por muchas criaturas magicas.

En el “oceano” del Aura fluye una energia natural llamada Vis moviendose como si el agua de este oceano se tratara.

No se conoce a ciencia cierta que produce el Vis, pero se sabe que la Luna tiene una poderosa influencia en su generacion, ademas de unos misteriosos y sagrados arboles llamados Arboles de Plata que parecen ayudar a que aumente el Vis en el Aura.

Durante siglos, una casta de Hombres Sabios ha estudiado el Aura y las formas de extraer el Vis de esta. Esta elite de eruditos fueron llamados Taumaturgos, y las ignorantes lenguas llamaban “magia” a la manipulacion del Vis para fines practicos que ellos realizaban.

El Vis esta presente en todas las cosas materiales en forma de lo que llaman Esencias, estas son una manifestacion material del Vis, que se clasifica en 37 esencias distintas: Aqua, Aer, Terra, Ignis, Ordo, Perditio, Victus, Mortus, Vacuos, Alienis…

Si quieres iniciarte en los dominios de la manipulacion del Vis o como algunos lo llaman “magia”, debes instruirte en los siguientes conocimientos:


Ciencia que consiste en extraer las esencias de los objetos de la naturaleza para “embotellar” estas esencias y poder utilizarlas para creaciones magicas.


Ciencia que consiste en la creacion de maquinas que interactuen con el Vis presente en el Aura para lograr cosas increibles.


Ciencia que estudia la creacion de criaturas obedientes que mediante el uso del Vis haran las tareas mas tediosas por ti. Como talar, recolectar tu huerto, ordenar tus cofres o incluso ¡ir de mineria!


Ciencia que estudia la creacion de los llamados Focus poderosas orbes que mediante un guante capaz de extraer Vis del Aura pueden desde lanzar bolas de fuego, congelar el agua, romper bloques, crear trampas…

Creaciones en el Altar Arcano:

Ciencia que estudia como construir un poderoso y complejisimo Altar Magico que sirve para crear objetos extremadamente poderosos. La funcion basica del Altar Arcano es infundir esencias liquidas conseguidas mediante la Alquimia dentro de objetos mundanos, y al meterles estas esencias se convierten en objetos poderosos.

Y ya esta, que bonita es la “magia” que inocente parece todo. ¿que podria salir mal? Averigualo.

El uso de Xray o mods para obtener ventajas sobre otros jugadores sera sancionado con la expulsion del servidor.

¡Larga Vida al Rey!

Block Chill Class Com Community Custom Discord Download End Erver Friendly Friends Gun Guns Hangout Join King Looking Mall Mob Mod Modded Modpack Music Play Player Players Server Small Smp Social Survival Tech Title Town Vibe

Dork’s Hangout

Dork’s Hangout is a 1.12.2 custom modpack server including tech, guns, automobiles, and music..? we are a small local community looking for friends and players, so come on! Join the discord to download the pack**

Australia Class Community Craft Developed Eternal Fac Free FTB Gaming Ill Inecraft Join Lag Land Lit Lol Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Modpack Network New Open Play Player Players Server Servers Sky Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla War Welcoming Who World

Creation Reborn – Oceanic Minecraft Network – FTB Modpacks – Vanilla

Welcome to the Creation Reborn Minecraft Server

Creation Reborn is a New Zealand based gaming community and Minecraft network, born from the staff of (EST. 2011) which was shut down in June of 2019. The staff who have been hosting servers since 2011 take pride in delivering a high quality Minecraft experience to players around the world, including New Zealand, Australia, Asia, and the United States.

As one of the largest Minecraft servers in New Zealand, and the largest modded Minecraft operator in Oceania, we have developed a reputation for a warm and welcoming community, with excellent staff and a lag-free experience.

We offer multiple servers If you’d like to come check us out, you can join our server at: or check the list below

Project Ozone 3 (KAPPA Mode)





Sky Factory 4

StoneBlock 2

Glacial Awakening


Vanilla Survival 1.15.1

Ass Class Club Content Discord Economy Erver Forge Join Leplay Life Mcmmo Minigames Mod Modpack Mon Pack Pixel Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Pve Real Reallife Reforged Rol Role Roleplay Run Server Survival Tech Technic Technicpack Ten Tps Ultimate


Server IP –

Were running Pixelmon Reforged v7.3.1

Use our Technic Modpack to join us:

If youre having any issues, hop into our Discord for assistance:

Adventure Build Craft Custom Dragon Dungeon Dungeons End English Exploration Factions Forge Fun Going Help Magic Mine Minecraft Mod Modified Modpack Mods Need Open Pvp Quest Quests Resources Rewards Server Shop Shops Survival Tech Technic Technology Title War

Schwifty – Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles

in order to use this server, you will have to download the Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles mod pack from the twitch client or from;

Over 20 Months of development (and still going ) have formed a wonderful and balanced Modpack around Extended Crafting Tables and Artisan Workshops.

Almost every recipe and all configurations have been modified!

This Pack comes with a large variety of powerful Magic and Technic mods. They are all balanced in each other.
Use Magic Mods to give you advantages in terms of Technology and vice versa! At a certain Point you will need to follow both paths to build powerful things.
All Machines require items from different mods and are crafted in big Workbenches. (5×5, 7×7, 9×9)
You will need a lot of resources if you want to master everything!

Also, there are a lot of Exploration and Adventure mods to have as much fun as possible! You will find a lot of useful stuff.. believe me, it’s worth it!

Currently there are 1750+ Quests in English & Pусский!
The quests are custom made to fit perfectly in with the modpack. Most of the quests have rewards which help you along with other quests. These quests guide you through the pack, helping you reach the end objective.

Aedf Anti Ban Base Block Chestshop Class Construction Craft Discord Eco Econ Econom Economia Economy End Griefprevention Hardcore Ill Invite Ios Isa Link Mod Modpack Mods Noop Open Play Player Players Rey Server Sever Tech Technic Title Vanilla

TotalCraft AEDF PLUS

Servidor Aedf 1 com vários mods adicionados, 90% dos bugs corrigidos, uma pequena quantidade de itens banidos, trazendo mais diversão aos players.
Technic: – link para pesquisa no technic

ModPack conta com 99 mods ao total, diversas possibilidades para crescimento dentro do servidor.

Economia arrojada baseada em itens de mods e não itens vanilla.

Auction Auctions Buycraft Clan Clans Craft Crates Dedicated Donation Eco Econ Economy Event Grief Land Land Claim Lucky Block Market Mod Mod: Bukkit Modded Modpack Online Play Player Prevention Protection Pve Pvp Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Survival War Website


Server IP –

by CraftersLand – [Modded SkyBlock | FTB ModPack]
Website: | Forum:

Server address:

SkyFactory3 Modpack by FTB

This modpack can be found on FTB and Curse launchers!
More about this modpack:

Server Info:
Server hosted in Datacenter on a Dedicated Server.
Online 24/7.
Protection and island creation with Grief Prevention system.
Economy – Auctions, Players Market and Server Shops.
Chance blocks.
Crates and Rewards.

Restricted Items list:
Donation Shop:

We run multiple servers, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 247.

115server Civilization Civilizations Community Creative Economy Essentials Fastasyncworldedit Hubserver Jobs Landclaiming Largeplots Minigames Mmoitems Mmorpg Moddedserver Modpack Mypet Mythicmobs Nogriefing Nowhitelist Pixelmon Pixelmonreforged Plots Plotscreative Plotsquared Publicserver Pve Economy Shops Skyblock Slimefun Slimefunskyblock Smallserver Survival Townyeconomy Unlimitedworldedit Worldedit

RealmportalMC (Vanilla 1.15.2) / Modded Minecraft
Is looking for new members who want to be part of a welcoming and
friendly community. 24/7 Server. Dedicated machine. Minimal lag.

We offer several game types on the network. Creative, Survival, Skyblock,
Minigames, CivsRPG, And possibly more in the future. We try to not reset
worlds too often. We are stable and don’t plan on going away any time

The Game Types:

3 256 by 256 plots. Nearly unrestricted worldedit and voxelsniper
(including brushes and copy/paste). custom skulls, an armor stand editor
and various other utilities.

Due to recent poll results, the Survival server will likley be reset
for the 1.16 update. However, We are looking for community feedback on
which types of mechanics should be added.

Skyblock on RealmportalMC is heavily centered around Slimefun; which
adds many new features to the game, from New Weapons and Items to
jetpacks and nulcear reactors.

Realmportal has some of the standard games you may see on other
minigame servers such as bedwars and Paintball, but we also have some
more unique games such as our snowball fight with grappling hooks.

Brings town based survival to a whole new level.
Survival/Economy/Towns/RPGMMO Plus a touch of Factions all in one. Build
structures to perform automatic tasks, Explore and collect new items,
fight custom monsters, choose your government type and work together to
run your town the way you want to. Choose from different classes each of
which have unique abilities. Bringing friends will help you succeed, as
town population affects certain aspects of gameplay.

The Rules:

> PG Subject Matter / No Swearing / No NSFW (We want everyone to feel welcomed)
> No Griefing/Raiding/Stealing (We can see who was responsible and roll it back)
> Don’t Cheat (It ruins the fun for everyone)
> Don’t Harass Others (You want to be respected; so do others.)
> General Abuse (No lag machines, flooding chat, using crash exploits, etc)

Additional Information:
We like to hear feedback from the community. If you have suggestions, Please let us know.

If you have questions, or need assistance finding your way. Just ask. We will be glad
to help.

Connect at:

Cosmetic Cosmetics Economy Mcmmo Nft Osmetics Prize Prizes Pve Pvp Roleplay Skill Smo Survival Towny

Smol Buddies

Smol Buddies is a survival economy with quests, skills, and land. Play and earn cool prizes like kits, cosmetics and even NFT’s!

Cod Coding Heir Hun Ian Mcmmo People Run Som Survival Tim Time Vanilla Welcome Who


This is a Norwegian Survival server run by some people from Trondheim who like minecraft and coding in their spare time! You’re welcome!

1165server 1165survival Aquatic Atlantis Byg Discord Forge Modded Northamerica Pirates Pvp Rats Seasons Survival Virus

Little Rat Bastard

Hello welcome to the L.R.B. Minecraft server! We are a 1.16.5 Forge PC server with 55 mods. Come join a world full of pirates on the aquatic ocean, survive the harsh elements and seasons or settle down in a cozy village to complete bounties, find a rat to keep as a friend, maybe even find ratlantis on the way.


1) Don’t discriminate against race, gender, or sexuality.
2) Be respectful.
3) Sending/Linking any harmful material such as viruses, IP grabbers or hardware results in an immediate, permanent ban.
4) Usage of excessive extreme inappropriate language is prohibited.
5) Don’t post someone’s personal information without permission.
6) Listen to what Staff says.
7) Don’t be a nuisance. (spamming, attempting to exploit a rule.)


Minecraft server IP:

Minecraft version: PC Forge 1.16.5

Bentobox Cross-Play Economy Launching Media October Para Paradise Pass Rading Roleplay Skyblock Survival Trading Travel

Paradise Island MC

Paradise Minecraft is a network of various Vanilla Based servers, some come with more plugins than others.
We are a new network that is slowly growing and hope that you will join us!

Currently we are launching our first skyblock server on October 1st at 3PM EST. This server runs bentobox skyblock, and has a reset cycle of around ~3 months.

Each server will feature its own unique economy through trading, shops, custom resources & items, materials and more!

When joining our servers, you will be immediately thrown into the world or onto your island, bypassing those travel times from spawn.

Additional Arena Economy Fight Gold Imple Kill Kitpvp Paw Pvp Shock Shockbyte Sim Spawn Upgrade

Cortex PvP

We are a simple semi-vanilla server with an additional feature where you get geared when you spawn. You can fight in a pre made arena. When you kill other players you earn gold what you can use to upgrade your gear.

550 Anarchy Arme Donations Earnings Economy Force Mature Orc Powerful Purely Pve Speak Survival Vanilla


Powerful servers.

Best location and ping.

Purely Ukrainian-speaking and adequate players.

We send 30% of all donations to the Armed Forces.

Real earnings without investments.

Weekly events.

Adequate, mature administration.

Bedrockjavacrossplay Bedwars Calls Cross-Play Crossplayserver Duck Ducks Generators Hearts Lifestealsmp Mobile Proximityvoicechat Respawn Survival Walking

Unfolded LifeSteal SMP – A server for Java and Bedrock

Or more specifically we are a cross-play server with the main gamemode being LifeSteal, but we also offer other gamemodes such as BedWars. Using a discord plugin we also offer proximity chat (works through joining a discord VC, no extra software required!)

You can join playing on both bedrock and Java edition
We all have that one friend who is a mobile player (no just me?). Well if so know that this server can be your way to join your Bedrock friends from Java and you Java friends from Bedrock! Both Java and Bedrock players are able to join and play in perfect harmony!

Java IP:

Bedrock IP:
Bedrock Port: 19551

We are a LifeSteal server
For those that don’t already know, LifeSteal is a popular survival gamemode in which you can take hearts from other players! (which is done by brutally murdering them). But you can also lose hearts by being killed by another player! Max hearts is 60 and the low is 0. What happens when you hit 0 hearts? You are banned from the server!

We also offer other games!
As of right now we offer BedWars matches. Destroy other players beds so they cannot respawn, buy you gear from the shop; use the generators to get gold, iron, etc. 

We have a proximity chat that works using Discord Voice Calls
Proximity chat is a special server VC that based on your location in game allows you to talk to other players nearby. For example, say you and another player are in the proximity chat VC on Discord. By walking within 80 blocks of this player you can talk to them! But if you walk too far away you cannot hear them and they cannot hear you! The coolest thing is you don’t actually have to download anything. Furthermore, you are NEVER required to join the proximity chat and are able to play the game perfectly normal with or without it!

Chant Earth Earth Smp Earth Smp Server Enchant Enchants Era Fall Feature Features Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Sever Survival

Falls Network

Come join us on our Earth SMP Server. Here we have plugins such as MCMMO, Factions, PVP, Custom Enchants and Several Other Features. Come play now at!

A Minecraft Account Added Ass Des Has Join Joins Las Oins Owner Rip Survival Multiplayer This You

A Minecraft Server

The owner of A Minecraft Server has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Anarchy Crossplay Donator Donators Fight Limited Nite Novroskraft Paper Pvp Rich Sklyarcraft Survival Tat Unlimited

NovRosKraft anarchy server

NovRosKraft anarchy server allows you to be anarchist or make state. If you unite, you may get strong, if you fight, you may get rich. Please donate.
You also may join Sklyarcraft crossplay anarchy server.
We will always like new members and Donators.

Anything Follow Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Mid Middle Middle School Rock Rocket Schoo Steal Survival Target

Rocket Lifesteal Middle School

My new lifesteal server smp its a very fun server come join and play and make new friends join the discord server and if u need anything dm me on the server and tell me if u need anything

2b2talternative 2b2tclone 2b2torg Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Anarchyserver Anarchysurvivalminecraft Fou Going Lose Minecraftanarchyserver Offline Seri Serious Survival 1.12.2 Anarchy!

Hi there, was founded to give people the opportunity to have a serious and performant anarchy server.
It wont go offline like many other small servers that just close down because they didnt got the players they expected to get.
The server isn’t old yet, so now is the best time to really get going.

138 247server Access Aternosserver Exclusive Explora Exploration Legend Legends Minecraft Minecraft Smp Minecraftserver Regular Survival Yes

SmpOfLegends For Java (Cracked)

Hi Everyone,
We have just created a fully funtioned Minecraft Smp for both JAVA with Exclusive Plugins and Games:
– Bedwars
– Exploration!
– Parkour
– Skywars
Make sure to join our Server!
IP !
Regular Playes can also get Server online access! (Dm me for that)
Dont Forget to join!

Chest Chestchop Essentialsx Jobs Jobsreborn Legend Legends Mcmmo Mcmmotowny Shops Simplsit Special Survival Towny Towny Server

Legends Of Morons

no need to use the port in the ip. This server is a Towny Server. we have mcMMO Jobs Chest shops and more. we will be adding more and making special items you can get just in this server as the server grows.

Actu Actually Bfa Fabric Flan Freeloot Freeranks God Armor Journeymap Lifestealsmp Pvp Pvpsurvival Starter Starterkit Worldedit


Welcome to lifestealsmpCRAFTABLE first 100 gets GOD armor! and free ranks for first 50 people! join the server now! list of mods:actuallyunbreaking-1.18.2-0.5.0.jar32.61 kB
bfapi.jar165.68 kB
collective-fabric-1.18.x-4.9.jar465.36 kB
essential_commands-0.24.5-mc1.18.1.jar460.66 kB
fabric-api-0.46.6+1.18.jar1.12 MB
flan-1.18.1-1.7.3-fabric.jar609.54 kB
journeymap-1.18.1-5.8.1-fabric.jar6.98 MB
lifesteal-2.0.0.jar42.73 kB
starterkit-fabric_1.18.x-3.1.jar18.00 kB

Ass Donate Easy For You Has Latin Lpl Nat Owner Plat Platinum Survival Multiplayer This Top Umc

fl dlPlatinum flCraft clDonat fl fldl flTHE TOP SERVER FOR YOU AND Minecraft server

The server owner “fl dlPlatinum flCraft clDonat fl fldl flTHE TOP SERVER FOR YOU AND” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Ats Brain Built Cheat Cheats Community Creative Mode Mad Minecraft New Pay Pay To Win Played Ring Vanilla

UMinecraft – Community Vanilla

Looking for a community Vanilla Minecraft server? UMinecraft is just what you need. We built UMinecraft to be for the community and run by the community. No pay to win, no creative mode / cheats, and no game altering plugins. Vanilla Minecraft – the way it was made to be played.

Join the community today!

– UMinecraft was created and run by The Brainless Community; Discord

Calm Explore Gamemodes Historic Historical Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifestealsmp Lore Safe Skyblock Survival Youtuber In Server

HistoricalMC -> LifeSteal -> Survival -> Skyblock

HistoricalMC is a minecraft network that aims to provide a fun and safe experience for all users.

We have a wide array of gamemodes so there’s always something new to explore and check out!

City Country Create Gen Legend Legendary Lit Nda Oli Pol Politic Political Story Survival Multiplayer Time

PolitTime – the beginning of the legendary story Minecraft server

Political server where you can create your own country or city!

2022 Bit Bytestobits Content Dev Follow Ign Network Official Skyblock Survival Ten Test Testo Upload


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!