Abilities Apocalypse Boss Bosses Challenge Community Cosmetics Craft Custom Dayz Dungeons Dwo Economy End Games Hard Kitpvp Map Maze Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mines Minigame Minigames Mob Mobs Mod Network Play Player Popular Pvp Quest Quests Server Survival Survive Thirst Unique

The GamesLabs Network

Server IP –

The GamesLabs network was once a popular Minecraft network. After a year of hardwork we are finally bringing it back to life!
The network contains A LOT of unique features such as custom sounds, UIs, cosmetics, challenges, a season pass, …. and of course games!

We have over 50 different mini-games playable on a game board or in our party mode.

We also have three major games, here is a list of our games with a brief deion of each:
Minescape. One of our most popular games. Minescape is a game inspired by Runescape. It contains more than 20 kills, quests, mobs, sounds, a grand exchange, custom items and runescape map!
Apocalypse. This game is a mix between DayZ and Zelda Breath Of The Wild. The goal is to try to survive as long as possible on an hostile island. Thirst, hunger, temperature, weather, sounds, weapons, armors, bosses and dungeons are key gameplay elements.
Battle Of The Heroes. This is a crossplay of our different games. It is a hero based pvp games. Select a hero and fight using abilities in an epic arena!
Mix-Up, Bit-Trip, Ghost-Run and Quiddcraft are old minigames that we used to have on our network. We revamped them to match with the quality of our current work!
Our goal is to bring a very unique experience to all our players. We want our players to be amazed by every bit they see. We are doing weekly updates and are constantly listening to our community for improvements.
Our network has features that you have never seen on any server before. Custom ambient sounds, unique UIs, a high render distance up to 32 chunks, unique cosmetics….
You can join our network by using the following ip:

Amazing Australia Australian Build Community Craft Custom Customenchants Customplugins Dedicated Dedicatedserver End Event Events Games Hard Head Market Mine Minecraft New Open Pay Perks Play Plugin Plugins Reset Server Servers Sky Spleef Survival Title Unique Website Who World Zombies

Sky Servers – Survival – Australian Hosted

Spoiler – click to reveal

Based Bukkit Bungeecord Communities Craft Difficulty Fetalfeast Hard Pvp Semi Spigot Survival Sweden Swedish Tokens Vanilla

Steinercraft – Vanilla Survival | 1.15.2

Welcome to Steinercraft’s server page!We are running a survival Minecraft server. Our aim is to preserve vanilla gameplay mechanics as much as we see fit, with the exception of teleportation commands. There are no claims. Griefing, raiding and PvP are allowed. More information can be found by joining the server.

Discord server:

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Bedwars Best Class Community Craft Custom Customenchants Discord Economy Fac Faction Factions Games Griefing Hard Kit Kitpvp Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Parkour Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Server Team Tech Technology Title War


MeowMC [​1.8 – 1.15.2]

The server consists of 4 game modes; Factions, KitPVP, Prison and MiniGames. We are a brand server with completely custom plugins and fresh maps for our players to begin adventuring on. We make sure our community has the best Minecraft experience by listening to truly what matters for all of the people and not just for the people on the top!
Our server has an uptime of 99% and consist of the best hardware and software technology. If you have any issues please contact our support team on


114multiplayer 114release 114server Adult Bestserver Clan Clans Discord Domainprotection Donation Economy Events Fun Grief Grinders Hard Hardcore Hardmode Increased Mature Mob Playerheads Pvp Ranks Ranksystem Rewards Semivanilla Server Simplysurvival Spawners Spawns Staff Standard Survival Teamspeak Teen Vanilla Voting Votingranks Website

ITS SIMPLY SURVIVAL :: An Official 1.15.2 Minecraft Server

–= Its Simply Survival =–

Hello, Survivors

The time has finally come – ISS is now updated to Minecraft 1.15.2!
We have opened our brand new 1.15.2 Survival & Creative Worlds

Now Featuring:

– Standard & City Grief Protection
– Player driven economy with Player & Admin shops!

– TPA, RTP & Home Commands Enabled!
– Creative World Plot
– Adult Run / Mature Community
– More of our beloved ISS features to be added in the future!



Come join us for an official 1.15.2 Survival & Creative Experience!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Auctionhouse Best Bosses Bossmobs Community Crates Custom Customenchantments Customenchants Customplugins Donation Eco Economy Enchants Faction Factions Factionspvpraiding Forums Fun Hack Hard Leveling Lore Mcmmo Mmo New Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Ranks Server Servers Shop Spawners Staff Unique Voting


Welcome to DaylightPvP
a unique Factions/McMMO Experience. Our server is compatible with 1.8 and 1.9 clients, and we’ve engineered our server to provide a unique and outstanding PvP experience

How Are We Different From Other Servers?

Custom Enchants We have loads of custom enchants 200+! We have two custom enchants plugins to bring you loads of new enchants for each one of your items.
Unique McMMO
With our own experience curve and intensely configured and calculated drop rates, experience grants, ability stats, and more, we’ve tailored a McMMO system that further integrates life-based talents into the strategic realm of PvP, as well as making the leveling system far more rewarding without putting new players at a complete disadvantage.

Server-Integrated Economy
Our Economy features a strategically-priced and incredibly-organized GUI Shop (with Spawners) as well as a Player-Run AuctionHouse Board. We believe putting the economy in the hands of the players allows for a better all-around experience in the long run.

Community Functions & Forums (And Crates!!)
Our developers are always hard at work creating the best possible server, and the community is the most important element! Our forums are an integral part of the full server experience, which provides a place for players to talk, suggest changes, report abusive hackers and even staff, and so much more! In addition, we make sure to give back to our supportive community through well-established donation ranks as well as Crate keys for voting!

So what are you waiting for? Join Daylight now!

Server IP:

20w16a 20w17a 20w18a 20w19a 20w20b Block Class Content Craft Datapack Difficult Difficulty Hard Host Hot Inecraft Latest Latestversion Mine Minecraft Minecraftsurvivalserver Multi Multiplayer Network No Resets Play Player Reset Resets Server Servers Shot Snapshot Snapshots Title Vanilla Who World

Latest Minecraft Snapshot 20w20b! No Resets 1.16

Hosting the latest Minecraft Snapshots (1.16) for anyone who would like to play them on Multiplayer.

No world resets.

No world border.

Multiplayer sleep datapack.

Hard difficulty

115server Auction Build Claim Claiming Crates Creative Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Family Grief Hard Home Landclaim Latest Market Minecraft Network Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Ranks Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Skyblock Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title Town Vanilla War

🔥 FamilyMC 1.15.2 Network 🔥 Survival, Creative, SkyBlock, Vanilla Full 1.15.2 Bees🔥

Welcome to the FamilyMC network! We are fully 1.15.2 release. We strive to provide a safe environment for everyone to play in 24/7 with 100% uptime and absolutely 0 lag.

We run across two high quality professional dedicated servers featuring our main machine with an overclocked i9-9900k running at 5.1GHz. Through our high performing hardware we are able to provide a high performing minecraft server even on the latest and most demanding minecraft releases!

We offer Survival, Creative, Vanilla, and SkyBlock servers.

Our Survival 1.15.2 server offers: Land claiming, player shops, player warps, in game ranks, and more!
We run a regular world in /warp OldTown and the Amplified 1.15.2 world at /spawn

Keep inventory is enabled
You can be randomly teleported into the wild to start playing, or look around spawn and find a place to build a shop.
Useful Commands:
/start – for a tutorial
/warp ClaimTutorial
/warp ShopTutorial

Our Vanilla 1.15.2 server offers: vanilla game play with no plugins, basic rules such as no griefing, and always running the latest version. If a grief ever occurs, message staff and they can have it completely fixed within seconds!

Our SkyBlock 1.14.4 is one of our favorites. It’s fully 1.14.4 and has custom islands, crates, spawners, an auction house, and a vast market place with every material and item you could possibly need!

We can’t wait to see you in game at!

Be sure to join our discord:

114server Admin Anarchy Ban Community Coop Craft Create Creative Discord Environment Event Grief Hack Hard Map Mine Minecraft Mod New Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Reset Rey Semianarchy Server Smp Spawn Survival Title Vanilla Vanillasurvival War

A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.15.2} {Semi-anarchy} {No Cheating}

  • Hello gamers. Thank you for taking the time to consider A Zombie Pigman Broke My Door. I consider the server a lawless server because there is only 1 rule, No cheating. My goal as someone hosting a server is to create an environment where people can enjoy all the mechanics of vanilla minecraft, both pvp and pve.
  • What really makes minecraft shine is when people work together and it is all the more impressive when people decide to work together on a lawless server. While I encourage cooperation, I also enjoy some chaos and that is why there is only 1 rule.
  • Please note, there are minimal plugins on this server (to prevent lag during tps drops). And there is minimal intervention by admins. Everything built in the game is built in survival mode, creative mode is not permitted.
  • Most people login to server and immediately die, over and over, then they rage quit. Be warned the server is set to hard mode and because there is very little lag the monsters will make your life difficult. I have constructed several mini bases around the spawn area (spawn radius is set to 1000) to help new players, but because this is anarchy it is a constant battle to keep these bases stocked with supplies.
  • Some people asked me, why the server has the name it does. Well, when I first started the server, a zombie pigman broke my door.
  • Other things of note, the map will never be reset and the seed will never be given out.
  • Discord:

    Running: 1.15.2

    Location: Montreal, Canada

    Difficulty: Hard

    Clarification on no cheating. No cheating means using any client or code to give you an advantage or “hack” the game. Duping is a grey area because it’s using an ingame mechanic or exploit to give you a benefit in the game. Since duping is almost impossible to reliably police we will not be banning people for duping, but it is frowned upon by the community. What this means is most of our players look very negatively upon it and will be less likely to work with you if you are a known duper and may be more likely to target you for griefs or pvp.

    Allowed Bukkit Claim Discord Eco Econ Economy Events Farm Grief Griefing Griefprevention Hard Land Land Claim Landclaim Map Mob Nether Open Paper Play Player Players Pve Pvp Redstone Reset Semivanilla Semivanillasmp Server Spigot Survival Title Tnt Tpa Vanilla Website World

    Esoteric Survival

    Esoteric is a 1.15.2 semi-vanilla survival server with land claim that welcomes everyone. Our map is fresh, as it was reset in December and our Nether will be reset for 1.16

    Difficulty: Hard
    Economy: Player run
    TPA: Available
    PvP: On, outside of claimed land
    World Border: 15,000 x 15,000
    Griefing: Mob griefing is on, players can grief outside of claimed land
    No hard restrictions on redstone / entitites / farms, TNT duping allowed

    More information can be found on our website:

    Arabic Creative Economy Factions Food Hate Mma Mon Money Non Pvp Rat Rates Sell Tes


    Arab Anoncraft halal arabic caliphate emirates join ummayd caliphate


    sell food

    Black Bus Fou Griefers Hacking Lemon Mincraft Powerful Prem Premium Survival Tool Tools Uptime Vanilla

    Sam Black

    Come to get away from the hustle and bustle of special game modes? Want to play some quality SMP? Check out Lemon SMP a free premium Mincraft Server dedicated to making SMP enjoyable, safe and fun. With powerful moderation tools, hacking, griefers and other malicious users are found and punished accordingly! We have 99.99 percent uptime, only closing the server to update the server. Additionally, we have custom player GUI’s and a friendly player base. Check it out!

    Beyond Dedi Dedicated Economy Gestion Mcmmo Nda Perfect Post Pve Pvp Rive Suggestions Survival Towny

    Beyond MC

    BeyondMc is a brand new server dedicated to creating a perfect player experience. With a player driven server, we listen to most reasonable recommendations posted on our discord server’s “suggestions” channel.

    1 20 1.16.5 2021 Ava Hack Hacking High High School Java Java Smp No hacking Rule Schoo School Survival

    appleflex junior high school

    This is a java smp. rules are no hacking.
    This is a java smp. rules are no hacking.
    This is a java smp. rules are no hacking.
    This is a java smp. rules are no hacking
    Its on 1.16.5
    its might go down on may 1 2021

    Admins Anarchy Average Couple Hacking Hardcore Helper Helpers No hacking Oup Pvp Rage Raiding Survival Vanilla


    The anarchy server with 1 rule, no hacking. The servers been around for a couple months, and we have an average 3-5 players at one time.
    There will no admins – helpers in game
    You can find out more at:

    Beta Economy Jus Limited Mount New Pos Poses Rad Ram Soon Tes Test Testing Upgrade

    NewDale Beta

    This server is just for testing purposes it just has a limited amount of ram but will get upgraded soon!

    Ace Age Blocks Break Creative Mpl Place Rank Ranking Round Sim Simp Simply Sol Solo

    Break Blocks Place

    … Juste Break and Place Blocks …
    You simply have to place more blocks than the other players to appear in the ranking.
    Build solo or with other players from around the world on the blank page of the world.

    Biome Biomes Cities Custom Map Defeat Design Elite Factions Gym Gyms Mcmmo Pixelmon Pve Resource Resources

    Pixelmon World

    Custom Map with 8 unique cities, and gyms. Go on an adventure in the uniquely designed map with all biomes built it and Finite Resources. Defeat all the Gyms and try your luck at becoming the Elite Four! Adventure Survival. Factions. + More!

    Cube Domina Economy Factions Heaven Job Jobs Kills Money Raid Rive Skill Skills Survival Survival Plugins

    Cube Heaven

    – Factions with survival plugins
    – Earn Skills and have jobs to make money
    – Raid other Factions and dominate the map
    – Community driven Server

    Abuse Challenging Economy Enemy Forever Greifing Pve Pvp Raiding Teleportation Towny Vanilla Vast Wildernes Wilderness


    If you want a CHALLENGING mostly vanilla experience with greif protection using the towny plugin then THIS IS THE SERVER FOR YOU. You can protect the things you build from greifing by creating or joining towns and nations. Any player can create their own town and/or nation. Teleportation is determined by what nation you are in. You can teleport to any allied town but you cannot teleport your way out of an enemy town or of the wilderness except for once a day. PVP and Greifing are allowed in the wilderness and in towny plots where PVP and/or greifing are enabled, determined by the player who owns the plot. Start with nothing and build or join a great town and a vast Empire. The server spawn is small so you can start playing right away. This server will never be reset so anything you build could be there forever. The server owner and staff are only allowed to use fly or any other admin ability when performing admin functions. Staff abuse is not tolerated. We are looking to add active Server Staff. ErrantCraft is rated PG. Continuous use of foul language will not be tolerated.

    1.16.5 Almost Club Defender Dynmap Economy Ender Grief Prevention Griefdefender Lore Mcmmo Ored Pve Survival Vanilla


    New 1.16.5 Java server. Player ran economy. Jobs/Mcmmo. GriefDefender protection (Almost the same as Grief prevention). Unexplored map. Dynmap available.

    Arenas Bar Bedrock Bedrock And Java Creative Dbl Different Head Island Islands Pvp Pvp Arena Skyblock Survival Survival World

    The Barkup

    A Minecraft server with many different activities to do including Creative plot building, PvP arenas, Skyblock islands and a survival world.
    Runs on Bedrock and Java.

    1.16.3 Anarchy Hank Hanks Make Nks Player Players Pretty Rule Sun Survival Thanks Une Vanilla

    thanks anarchy

    pretty much no rules, do what you want, the server is on 1.16.3
    had to make a new server so all new players are appreciated

    Aim Bro Bros Claim Family Ffa Help Laim Man Need Open Plugin Rac Strongest Survival


    The Strongest Family
    New Open
    Only Na
    If You Need Help
    Owner I You!
    He also has Claim
    Plugin Neda Igracima Da Vam Griffaju Bazu

    Bedrock Server Creative Economy Factions Grind Ideo Maybe Mcmmo Oneblock Pvp Rod Skyblock Survival Video Videos

    ExaltedGaming Network

    Introducing Exalted Gaming:

    Server IP (Java):
    Bedrock Server IP:

    Tired of BedWars? Want to join a community where you can just relax and build a house on creative?
    Or maybe you want to join a faction, and grind materials?
    Or how about make some videos on our Skyblock section, or maybe OneBlock.

    We have that option as well, where you can join on your phone, and connect to our server while on the go, away from your main rig!
    Bedrock Server IP:
    You will never stop playing, no device will stop you know.

    Auction House Drop Economy Farm Freebuild Function Happy Kills Learn Mcmmo Minecraft Java Pve Sell Skills Survival


    Welcome to our Minecraft Java Server

    You can:

    – Build your own base in the freebuild world
    – Farm items in the farm world
    – Ally with other players
    – Sell items in the auction house
    – Learn new skills with the MCMMO skill function
    – and most importantly: have fun!

    We would be happy if you drop by! 🙂

    Adult Adults Almost Drama Grand Mcmmo Opening Pub Public Ram Survival Survive Vanilla Vive Whitelist



    Adults Only Survival Server
    Come have some almost drama free fun in SurviveMine.

    Big Bigb Bunny Creative Heir Mini Games Pvp Skywars Uber Unity Vie Viewers Youtube Youtuber Youtubers


    The Bunsy Network is a community server from Schnoggy and BigBunny. 2 YouTubers who decided to create a Minecraft server for their viewers. We hope you have a lot of fun on our server! 🙂
    LG Bunny and Schnoggy

    1.16.5 Claiming Custom Item Custom Items Economy Multiplay Perfect Pve Pvp Roleplay Survival Survival Games Survival Minecraft Server Tool Vanilla

    The ToolCraft SMP is a 24/7 no-griefing pvp multiplayer survival Minecraft server with claiming and a player-based economy!
    the server is the perfect balance between pvp and pve. We have a ton of custom items and mobs to discover!

    Server IP: (Java)
    Server Version: 1.16.5, Java (Survival)

    Border Buildings Economy Emerald Pot Pve Pvp Rading Rtp Shadow Shadows Slots Survival Teleport Trading


    Shadows2 is a survival server that comes with a bunch of new features like personal shops, auctions, spawners, slots, jobs, quests and much more!

    We preserve your survival experience, therefore you can protect your buildings with an emerald block.
    If you like survival, this is the server for you!

    Each vote grants you a vote key which you can use to open the “Vote Crate”, at last you’ll receive a random item!

    Use the /rtp command to teleport to a random spot on the map where you can set your new home!

    There is no world border set yet, therefore you can explore the world as much as you want!

    Also make sure to visit our player shops, where you can try your hand at making your own fortune by trading with other players.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!