Active Build Builder Claim Class Community Craft Create Enjoy Fac Faction Ffa Free Game Gaming Gui Guild Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Monsters Play Player Players Plugin Pve Pvp Rol Role Roleplay Server Simple Store Survival Multiplayer

MildSeven FFA Community

Do you wonder what kind of server we host ?

The answer is pretty simple, we have no ‘type’ of gaming on our Minecraft server.

You can be a strong miner, a builder, a PvP, PvE guy, or a roleplayer if you wish. We use the term “Free For All” and “Community” on purpose.

Once your faction (guild) created, you will be able to disable or enable PvP and monsters in the area you claimed.

Buy stuff from other player stores, create your own.

Our view of gaming permits our players to be fully autonomous and enjoy the Minecraft the way THEY like.

Please check out our plugin list to have a full overview of what you can do in-game!

Ability Ace Big Block Class Community Crack Cracked Discord Enjoy Free Game Griefing Head Heads Home Hot Join King Lit Mcmmo Mmo Network New Noop Open Play Playing Race Server Sethome Shade Spawn Survival Tea Title Tpa

Grace and Gavin’s Survival Network 24/7

Welcome to our server page, we are a relatively new server looking to grow
we’re currently a survival server with everything we’d hope you want to enjoy playing
commands; /sethome
we also use Mcmmo to keep you busy if things are getting boring as well as the ability to steal people’s heads and use them as trophies.
We also allow cracked clients to join if you don’t own the game!

Our server community has grown quite big over the past year, if you’d like to be apart of our community feel free to join our discord
Discord (click here)

Shader used in the screenshots is SEUS PTGI 11

Active Ages Allowed Bukkit Class Craft Custom End Experience Features Flag FTB Grief Hard Help Home Ill King Kit Lag Level Mechanics Mod Peace Peaceful Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranking Rules Server Sign Survival Survival Multiplayer World


* **Description**: Modembug is a hard core survival server that currently runs CraftBukkit [v1.5]. Modembug has been hosting this persistent server since May of 2011, we aspire to maintain excellent uptimes and innovative features with our custom plugins and play mechanics that compliment the out of box experience Mojang envisioned.
We have built a ranking system that will grant you access to various worlds depending on the level your player account gets to (using built in level system). This helps to alleviate grief/theft from the peaceful worlds while allowing players to go nuts in the starting worlds. All worlds have PVP allowed as long as it is a mutual fight. We have designed a plugin that allows players to set their PVP flag to true/false to indicate they are willing participants in PVP.

* **Rules**: No Grief/Theft! (in peaceful worlds); No cussing; No advertising; / [Official Rules](

Action Active Age Ban Bans Chest Chestshop Class Detail Dupe Erver Essentials Fac Faction Factions Good Head Heads Ill Mad Mcmmo Mmo New Play Player Playerheads Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Shop Staff Survival Multiplayer Tail This Time


welcome to the brand new server, BozzPvP have a good time 🙂
the server is made by detail but if u find any but just report it to any staff on the server and it will be fixed!
Plugins we want u to know on our server:
Chestshop (we have fixed dupe)
this server is now 1.5!!!

Ass Blo Block Cafe Chat Class Com Craft Data Discord Ect Emo Erp Erver Inecraft Kit Mine Minecraft Noop One Open Pro Protect Protected Protection Public Rat Republic Rvival Server Sol Style Surviv Surviva Survival Website Welcome


ExtremoPro Minecraft Server
1.14.3 Survival

Email: [email protected]
Discord: Resoluciones#2960



Active Allowed Challenge Challenges City Class Classic Custom Dedicated Economy End Farm Farming Free Freedom Friendly Grief Griefing Lag Land Lands Map Play Player Players Protection Pvp Server Servers Shop Shops Sign Signshop Sky Skyblock Spawn Staff Super Survival

TCSG – Skyblock Survival

Classic Skyblock with a Twist:
PVP map
– Farming is super efficient (200%) and very high spawn rates.
– griefing/heavy PVP are not only allowed, but encouraged.
Classic Skyblock map
– 100x100x256 islands
– Freedom to scam players and steal from unlocked chests.
– Custom Challenges.

Server Info:
– Powerful dedicated server leads to zero lag
– No White-List
– Friendly Staff
– Lockette Container and Door protection
– SignShop for Player-run shops

Apply Bee Class Craft Enjin Experience Fac Fresh Has Help Inecraft King Map Maps Mine Minecraft New Old Online Play Player Players Please Plot Plotme Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Server Staff Tail Vis World

AuraCraft [Prison] [PvP/ Facti

Old map is deleted, and server is back online, looking for some new staff and players. Please only apply for a staff position of you have previous experience using plugins.. All maps are fresh. New Prison map has been added, new PlotMe world as well. Come check it out and help develop the server.

For more details or to apply for staff positions visit here: http://AuracraftMinecraft.Enjin.Com


Active Best Build City Class Community Contests Craft Eco Econ Economy Elves Event Events Free Fun Game Great Join Lag Mine Minecraft Mpet New Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Server Servers Survival Top Unique Vanilla Welcoming

The Minefrag Survival Server is a medium sized community for Minecraft. Providing up to date plugins to ensure a fun play time while maintaining the vanilla survival style of the game we pride ourselves upon the great, welcoming and tight knitted community we have to share. Running 24/7 we try our best to make sure you never have to stand not having anything to do. And with a capacity of 30 players and the maintenance of a lag free experience we make sure your gameplay is uninterrupted. Hosting regular contests such as build competitions we try to enrich you with new experiences and knowledge shared by other players.

Features we offer:
– A stable in-game economy.
– A great, tightly knitted community.
– Constant up to date plugins and servers.
– Regular events such as build competitions.
– Constant support for any bugs/issues in-game.

Why join the Minefrag community?

A lot of the time we ask ourselves the same thing, why should players join our server out of the countless others. Although we can’t provide every ones ‘cup of tea’ we strive to provide a wide range of aspects in a server. We want to provide a server that people can stay on continuously playing, not one where people log on and leave after playing 30 minutes. And we strive to be the top of your “personal preference list”.

But ultimately it’s up to the players; players are what make a server, and that’s why as a server and Minecraft community we listen to our players. We implement ideas that have been brought up by players, and provide what the players want as much as we can. This in our opinion makes us an even more unique Minecraft community.

Active Ass Build Class Com Craft Diverse Erver Free Freebuild Raft Ree Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Fr Survival Multiplayer Welcome

Diverse Craft

Welcome To Diverse Craft!


Survival FreeBuild Server

Action Actions Active Age Ars Ass Awesome Class Com Day Erver Eso Fac Faction Factions Fortress Free Fun Game Games Job Jobs Join Mcm Mcmmo Mini Mini Games Mmo Owner Ree Server Spleef Survival Multiplayer Today War Wars

Fortress Wars

An awesome factions server! Equipped with MCMMO, jobs, spleef, and other mini games. Come join the fun today!! Message evanbpautz and get a free 500$

Server Owner = (Zaxome)

8.2 Ass Brasil Class Erver Follow Forum Lan Lmao Noop Open Rserver Server Style Survival Multiplayer



1v1 Active Arena Build Building Class Competitive Cool Currency Custom Economy End Fac Faction Factions Fly Fun Hard Help Item Items Mpet Nation New Normal Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Pvping Quest Server Servers Simple Staff Tpa Who


Hi guys! I am Matt, the owner of OG, and I am here to give you guys a brief explanation of what our server is about..I
know this is probably cheesy, and many servers/server owners say this, but OG is truly about the players. When you log
in, you will see all the staff hard at work helping all the players who have questions, simple or hard. You will see
the owner (me) hard at work building, adding new cool features to the server, or also helping players. And you will see
players pvping, yelling at each other (in a competitive way), and people throwing items at each other (normally dirt).

Plugins include things such as:
Matt Crypto- a crypto currency plugin
Jetpacks – Jetpacks fly endlessly 😀
Factions – (we all know what this)
1v1s – A custom plugin that allows multiple 1v1’s to happen in the same arena, and allow for spectators to see all fights.
And various other showy and/or functional plugins!

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build Chestshop Creative End Enjin Event Forums Friendly Fun Good Grief Griefprevention Home Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Mypet New Parkour Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Pvp Ranks Server Servers Shop Skyblock Staff Store Survival Town Towny Website

Golden Apple Servers

FAMILY FRIENDLY SERVERS with Survival, Towny, Creative, Skyblock.
Plugins: ASkyblock, GriefPrevention, Towny, Swear Prevention, McMMO, MyPet, Mobarena, AreaShop, ChestShop, JOBS, Giants, EZRanks, HorseStore and others.

No need to sign up on website unless you want to use Forums.
Our worlds are freshly generated for 1.8.3, with heaps of free build space.
We dont sell our ranks for real money, but for skill levels achieved, items and cash earned ingame.

Our servers are at IP:

Naturally spawning Giant Mobs, Jobs and HorseStore plugins. Brilliant Mobarenas help you earn extra goodies. Fun new Parkour .

The Towny Server allows PVP in the wilderness.

The Creative Server is mixed game-mode. You can choose /gm 1 or 0.

Great staff, friendly atmosphere, beautiful worlds. Come join us. This is a server you can call home.


Action Actions Active Arena Ass Bar Blo Block Civ Civilization Class Craft Craftmc Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hun Hunger Hungergame Hungergames Mob Moba Mobarena Multi Multiverse Owny Raft Sky Skyblock Survival Multiplayer Tmc Town Towny



Ark Ass Ava Base Based Class Com Community Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Enjin Erver Has Item Items Lab Lag Mall Noop Ommunity Open Park Paw Pvp Rvival Server Shop Shops Small Spawn Style Sur Surviv Surviva Survival


SparkAura is a small community based survival PVP server. Economy and spawn shop with almost all items available for purchase. 24/7 No lag.


Action Actions Active Ass Class Cod Com Company Craft Eat Fac Faction Factions Features Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Raft Rvival Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Zombie Zombies


Hunger Games
COD style zombies

Awesome Class Create Eco End Enjin Enjoy Great Help Home Horde Ice Ill Kit Lag Mega Mini Mining Nice Noop Open Play Playing Plot Plotme Rank Rankup Sell Server Shop Shops Spawn Staff Star Store War Warp


Its a 24/7 hosted server with host horde, defiantly recommend, no lag and awesome staff that are always there to help so get on and start playing, i guarantee that you will enjoy our great server.

1. spawn in with a nice op kit
2. warp to a to start mining
3. /plotme auto to get a plot, store your stuff 😀
4. sell your stuff at a
5 earn enough and then rank up 😀 with /rankup
6. create your own shop on your plot:


Active Ball Class Craft Creative Fun Game Games Grid Help Helpful Ice Inecraft Lag Mine Minecraft Mini Mini Games Nice Ortal Parkour Plot Plotworld Portal Portals Pvp Rvival Server Sky Skygrid Spawn Spleef Staff Survival Unique World Worlds


BallaghCraft! A Fun MineCraft Server For Everyone!
Unique Spawn with portals to Mini-Games, Survival-Games,Survival worlds, Mini-Games and more
PvP, Spleef, deatmatch, SkyGrid, Plotworld etc.

Nice and helpfull Staff with access 247. Staff positions available.

Active Amazing Class Craft Developed Experience Fast Game Help Helpful Huge Ill Inecraft Join Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mission Missions Mmo Multiplayer Nation Permissions Play Player Plugin Plugins Quest Quests Rank Residence Server Simple Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer World

SoundCraft – Survival

Calling the world of minecraft and all multiplayer junkies !!!

This is SoundCraft-Survival: An amazing combination of 43 plugins makes you experience Minecraft like you never did before! Five world-maps and a full automated residence system generate the perfect conditions to discover nearly everything what’s possible in this game. To make it even more exciting we developed a rank-system (Lvl 1-8) and added “mcMMO”. Visitors will start as a “Guest” with very few permissions, but climb up to the next Rank very fast after doing some simple quests. When you advance to the highest rank (Big_Kahuna), you will be able to use ALL PLUGINS and to own huge estates. We got very helpful staff and a detailed server – guide (Help-Center) on So what are you waitin for? C’mon and JOIN NOW!

Arena Arenas Awesome Clan Class Community Craft Create Donation Donations End Enjin Fun Going Job Join Lobby Mine Minecraft Nations New Open Paintball Perks Play Player Players Rank Ranks Server Shop Shops Spawn Spawns Team Unique War Website Wns


Welcome to AxBlade PaintBall. This server brings a fun and challenging game to minecraft. It is a unique server with ranks you can earn by killing players and earning points, an in-game shop so you can spend your paintball cash and awesome arenas with new ones added frequently. There is always a game going on so you will never be bored.

Join our website at to join the community and have fun.

Consider donating to the server if you are enjoying it and appreciate what we are doing. All donations will go towards the server and its development. Some perks include being able to create a clan and a reserved slot as well as many other things. If you wish to do this then visit here:

How the game works:

In the lobby you can choose from the teams red, blue, random or spectator. When the game starts it is your job to kill as many of the other players as you can without dying yourself. You have 3 respawns before you are OUT. When a team loses all of their players the other team wins. The is a match time limt of 15 minutes to stop long matches. You can right click with the book to enter the in-game shop or use the command system to do it. You can also left click with your snowballs to shoot faster than usual.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server Modpack. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!