Active Ares Ass Bit Bot Class Core Event Gar Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Lmao Mega Pvp Sub World


Worlda e : Hardcore PvP
Vsqka Subota i Nedelq Mega Eventi ๐Ÿ™‚
Molq vlezte shte vi haresa ๐Ÿ™‚
Koito e Lybitel na PVP ๐Ÿ™‚

Active Arena Ass Auction Auctions Bar Bend Bending Class Com Craft Economy End Erver Lag Mob Moba Mobarena Official Owny Play Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Town Towny

PassionCraft Bending&Towny

Our server includes:
– Survival
– Bending (Official server)
– No Lag
– 24/7
– Towny
– PvP
– MobArena
– Auctions

An “Official Bending Server!”
Come play with us!

Ark Ass Build Class Com Conquer Craft Cru Dom Empire Empires End Erver Follow Help King Kingdom Land New Noop Open Owny Raft Server Style This Town Towny Welcome World


Welcome to the NEW towny server. Conquer the land, build your kingdom, and recruit other to help defend it. Can You leave a mark on this world?


Active Arena Battle Build Cash Class Craft Death Fight Food Game Games Ill Kill Killing Mob Mobs Money Play Player Players Plot Pro Protected Pvp Resource Resources Rewards Spleef Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer War Wild Wilderness


Darmacraft offers a variety of things to do and keep you entertained. Stressed out? No worries, come to the PVP arena and fight it off. Gain some extra cash for killing players! Still not cutting it? Come down to the Mob Arena and battle mobs to victory. Gain rewards and XP quick! Battle other players to their death and gain money in Spleef! Still bored? Collect food and resources from the wilderness and build a masterpiece on your own protected plot! Oh and did I mention, we have Survival Games!

Allowed Awesome Ban Bans Chestshop Citizens Community Crates Creative Custom Dedicated Economy Enchants End Forums Friendly Fun Good Grief Hack Hacks Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Online Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Skyblock Spawners Spleef Staff Towny Trading Website


World8-4 is a Minecraft gaming community and we love to have fun. We have an awesome dedicated server set-up and we serve all of our own servers, websites, databases…pretty much anything. Basically, we know Minecraft. We always have a good time and the staff have a great sense of humour and dedication to the community. Dont believe me? come check us out..

The server Im advertising today is our 1.8 Towny / McMMO / Jobs Server. Its completely setup for an awesome experience and more complete than any other server. I honestly believe that. We are fun and friendly so come check us out..

*1.8 Towny Server Address:* ****

*Website:* ****

*Team Speak:* ****

**Some Features:**

– Running 1.8 Spigot
– Towny
– Jobs
– Infernal Mobs
– Heaven Stones
– Battle Crates
– PvP Arenas with Spleef and Sky Arena
– Mob Arena
– Epic Enchants
– Back Packs
– Online Web Auction System
– Ability to form Parties and Teleport to other players.
– Mobs Drop Money
– Chestshop
– Self Run Player Market System
– Bottling System for Mob EXP
– LWC – Lock your Chests, Doors and More.
– Citizens
– iConomy
– Lotteries
– Silk Spawners
– PvP Manager
– Customized Player to Player Trading System
– Repair Shops
– Prodigy Pack
– + Tons more. Over *95 Plugins* currently installed
– Custom Chat System with Multiple Channels and Ability to Ignore Players / Leave Channels etc..
– Full Website to server integration with McMMO Stats / Player Stats / Ban Management / Prism and more.

**Mini Games**

* The Bridges
* Speed Run
* Skyblock

**Creative Server**

We have an Economy Creative Server. Each plot is 500 credits and you can buy as many as you can afford. Each member also gets full access to World Edit

**Rules** for ALL Servers, Chatrooms and Websites

– Please be respectful and civil towards your fellow players. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.

– No sexism, racism, homophobia or any type of hate speech.

– Excessively negative comments or arguments in global chat are not
tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, discussions concerning
politics, religion, issues with staff, issues with specific other
players, or validity of bans. Any and all such conversations should be
conducted in personal messages or on our forums with a staff member.

– No griefing (Exception is the Wild on the Towny Server – See Below)
or stealing, including but not limited to, destroying
blocks placed by other players without permission, placing blocks or
leaving inappropriate signs on other playerโ€™s structures, flooding

– If you are banned under one account you cannot play on other accounts
on the server while the ban is still in effect. If you are caught
playing on alt accounts while your main account is banned will result in
your alt accounts and main being permanently banned.

– Do not spam chat. This includes but it not limited to, advertising
non world8-4 servers, trolling, role-play, excessive swearing/cursing,
caps or sending repetitive messages.

– No posting of other players personal information without their
permission in general chat or to anyone else on the servers, including
but not limited to, names, photographs, addresses, and social networking
profiles. This includes illegal content.

– Players using modifications to change gameplay, this includes, but is
not limited to, noclip, invincibility, speed modification,
xray/ore-detection, and duping hacks.

– Do not abuse/spam commands, this includes but is not limited to, jemotes, teleporting to players repetitively, messaging.

– No attempts to bypass or abuse any protections on the server,
including but not limited to the server scripts and plugins, chest
protection, block protection.

– No use of bugs or exploits (e.g.: item duping, permission mistakes)

– No NSFW constructions or areas.

– No offensive or inappropriate skins.

– No impersonating a staff member or pretending to be someone that youโ€™re not.

– You are responsible for your own account, if it was hacked/stolen is
it not our fault. You will be punished for what the account has done.

– Staff members override all of these rules at their discretion, do not argue with them.

– Lag creating redstone mechanisms, dispensers, and pistons may be removed at staff discretion.

– Threats against the servers stability itself. (e.g.: ddosing, flooding)

**Banning Policy**

Breaking any of the rules above may result in a kick, ban or mute depending on severity.

We will not discuss ban appeals on in-game chat, contact us on the forums or a staff member personally.

Removing bans is at the discretion of the mods and admins, not players.

**Other Info**

All of these are subject to change without notice, check back to this post for updates.

Rules advertised in game over-ride these rules if posted on a date after this post.
Exception: Towny Server – Griefing in the wild on this server is allowed as long as its not done with lava buckets / water buckets.


Active Admin Arena Art Ass Bar Build Class Cow Craft Dawn Die Edm Free Freebuild Game Games Map Mini One Owo Pie Popular Premium Ree Rvival Serwer Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer Ter Two Ultimate Zia

UltimateCraft SV/FB/SG

[center]Serwer Ultimate Craft SV/FB/SG nie jest typowym serwerem. U nas, na mapie Survival, moลผesz budowaฤ‡ gdzie zechcesz, zakล‚adaฤ‡ gildie, przyjmowaฤ‡ graczy do swojej gildii i odbieraฤ‡ innym ich tereny oraz przedmioty. Na mapie FreeBuild moลผesz jednak kupiฤ‡ dziaล‚ki za zarobione pieniฤ…dze, kopaฤ‡ na specjalnie do tego stworzonej mapie surowcowej i zarazem to wszystko moลผesz zawsze poล‚ฤ…czyฤ‡ w jednฤ… caล‚oล›ฤ‡ i graฤ‡ tam, gdzie zechcesz. Od niedawna dodatkowo uruchomiliล›my popularne “Igrzyska ล›mierci”, zatem zapraszamy graczy do gry na serwerze Survival/FreeBuild jak i do bicia siฤ™ na arenach survival games

PS: Ostatnie zmiany: dodanie Survival Games (Igrzyska ล›mierci) i mapy FreeBuild

Nazwa serwera : Ultimate Craft SV/FB/SG
IP Serwera :
Maksymalna liczba graczy : 20
Typ serwera : Survival/FreeBuild
Premium : Nie
Administracja : Bartekniko, sonipes

Brand Cat Class Com Custom Dwo Erver Future God Hard High History Ill Network New Noop Open Original Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Popular Pro Run Rvival Server Servers Story Style Survival Two War World


GodWorld is a brand new 24/7 network built upon its 2 year history of its original popular survival server. It all began in April 2011 and the server still continues to grow, improve and attract a lot of players. We run on very high specification hardware and software and our servers offer plenty of custom plugins with a lot more planned for the future.


Active Bee Class Community Craft End Erver Friendly Fun Hard Has Inecraft Invite Join King Mall Mine Minecraft Minecraft Survival New Plugin Plugins Pro Public Real Release Riendly Rvival Server Small Star Start Survival Survival Multiplayer Time Universe


Welcome to Mine Universe!
Welcome to our new and improved MineCraft survival server. We have been working hard to prepare the server for a public release and that time has finally come! We are proud to announce that all the plugins have been debugged and are now ready for real use. We invite you now to join our server at and start the fun. We already have a small and friendly community waiting!

Active Community Craft Create End Faction Factions Friendly Fun Games Going Hack Hard Hardcore Hungergames Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mod New Open Peace Peaceful Play Player Prison Pvp Server Servers Staff Survival Survivalgames Unique War Wars Website World Worldedit


ShadowXCraft is a great Minecraft server.
ShadowXCraft has been running for two years now. Once you join you will see why it has lasted. It has a great community that gets along, has fun, and demolishes hackers..

This server also has a lot of fun gamemodes to do, including:
-Itโ€™s unique KitPVP server.
-A factions server.
-A prison server.
-A peaceful plotted survival server.
-An advanced created plot server (With worldedit.)
-A professional HungerGames server (AKA SurvivalGames).
-Two UltraHardCore servers.
-A cool TurfWars server.
-A bridges server.(NEW.)

You are going to love the gamemodes. We have spent a lot of time on them.

The server has active staff that make sure players are following the rules. We punish the hackers (Thousands.). They are also friendly and fun to play with. (Just donโ€™t bug them)

100% uptime and almost no lag.

Check out the server website at for news and more.
Join with the address


Action Active Art Ass Class Com Craft Eam Economy Esp Esports Fac Faction Grief Griefing Hard Inecraft Mine Minecraft Music No Griefing Play Port Ports Pvp Raid Raiding Rts Rvival Sports Stream Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Ter Tps Twitch Witch

Novus eCraft

PVP/Faction Survival, No Griefing/raiding
Come Play, we dont bite… hard…
we stream music on
and i stream on

Active Ass Build Builds Class Contest Contests Cool Craft Creative Die Eat Erver Fanta Fantasy Fun Hun Ice Inecraft Join Medieval Mine Minecraft Minecraft Creative Mon Price Prices Raft Ring Server Sts Survival Multiplayer Tes Test

The Chunk Creative

A Minecraft Creative Server, featuring medieval and fantasy builds mainly! Join us now!
We offer Monthly Contests with cool prices and lots of fun!

Anti Ban Best Class Community Custom Eco Elves End Enjin Europe European Friendly FTB Fun Game Going Good Grief Griefing Home Item Items Join Need New Open Plugin Plugins Server Servers Sign Sky Speak Team Teamspeak Unique Website Whitelist World

Ineffable Direwolf

Get involved and join one of the very first Direwolf20 1.6.4 servers, the brand new pack in the FTB launcher.

We pride ourselves on our fantastic friendly community, and with no banned items and fully functional Anti-Griefing alongside that, there really is no reason not to join our server and keep the revolution going.

The server is, European hosted with a good ping world wide, we have a teamspeak server and have constant text communication through Skype. We have custom made plugin add ons to give us the best and most unique anti grief experience

Game Version: Direwolf 1.6.4 (We will always use the recommended version.) IP: / Teamspeak IP: /

Please sign up on our website to keep informed.

We are a whitelist server so youll need to fill out this short application form to gain access.

Whitelist Application:


Abilities Active Amazing Arena Best Boss Capture Classes Craft CTF Death Dungeon Eco End Event Flag Friends Games Hardcore Kitpvp Koth Lag Lore Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mob Mod Paintball Parkour Puzzles Pve Pvp Race Server Skills Spells Unique War


PVPZone is a not your regular Minecraft server. Explore over 10 unique classes each with amazing skills, spells, and abilities to upgrade. Mastering these classes not only keeps you busy, but keeps you entertained as you do it. As you upgrade your favorite classes, you will not only grow to love the server but will also find yourself striving to become the best!

Take part in intense Capture the Flag games to earn cash to upgrade your favorite classes. Also compete in many other gamemodes like Team Death Match, Death Match, Plant the Bomb, Steal the Cake, Parkour Race, Paintball, Zombie Defense, and much more. We also have a fantastic Mob Arena where you can take your favorite class and team up with friends to defeat monsters. Or explore the Dungeon room by room, solve puzzles, kill monsters, and eventually fight the evil Demon Boss at the end.

CTF, TDM, KOTH, we have it all!

Amazing Ban Boss Bosses Build Bukkit Create Creative Custom Death Dedicated Dungeons Earth End Faction Factions Fun Good Kits Minecraft Mob Network Play Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Quest Quests Server Servers Skills Small Spleef Staff Survival Town Towny Unique

Devine Network

We are the Devine-Network, the “all in one” network. We have almost every popular gameplay and server type minecraft offers. If we dont have it and there is enough requests we will get it. We are a down to earth staff team, we want to be big but never to the point where the players suggestions and thoughts get ignored.

The official network of Devinity. Devinity is a completely custom game play, and is the most advanced server on the whole Devine-Network. The aim of the game is to help your team get to 1000 Devine Tears, Tears can be collected via Killing the other teams players, mining, and woodcutting once youve gotten some tears run back to your base and deposit them. Players can also mine quartz blocks which can be used for walls, bases and other structures to protect the resources in no mans land or your base. Be careful because TNT blows up quartz blocks. Every player on the winning team receives 50 Network Points each.

Visit our partner CraftBook on their dedicated server, see some of the amazing things CraftBook can do while having fun and enjoying the challenging limited crafting survival. One of our custom gameplays.

Create your Faction, recruit members and build your base. Earn power and expand your land. Factions is a constant all-out battle for control of the limited map. There is no setup or cleanup – just hop on and join the fight.

Fight to the death using set kits, unlock kits via kills, network points and purchasing a premium package. Straight Kit PVP or Extended Kit PVP your choice, your Victory. Kill or be killed.

Devine-Towny. Verse bosses, complete dungeons, grow grapes and create wineries with your town and friends. Rule the network towny server, by creating the servers largest nation. Do you have what it takes?

Participate in the Minecraft Survival Games. Play on a large variety of epic maps. Unique addition on Devine Network, is the fact you can build your own arenas. Find loot, buy items, earn money, and more.

Creative your way. Upcoming features including woodwork mode: Wooden blocks only. Create your own Hunger Games and Infected maps, if your above tier two. Tier based creative, with higher tiers having access to WorldEdit and VoxelSniper.

Hunt or be hunted in Devines Infected. Start as the survivor or the alpha zombie, and hunt down the humans on our large variety of different maps, small, medium and large maps available as well as player made ones. Destroy all Humans.

Who doesnt love the good old days, before plugins and bukkit was even invented. Go back to basics and show your survival skills. Trust no one remember.

Join our Cade Server. The ultimate mini-games server, with spleef, mobarena, and a tonne of other mini-games. The sky is the limit for our cade server. Games are being added each week.

Work your way through the cell blocks, of the Devine Prison. Careful you dont get caught with contraband. Harsh punishments for those who do.



9.2 Action Actions Active Ass Bukkit Class Enw Fac Faction Factions Ffa Fun Guard Join Kit Pvp Rvival Sever Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer World Zen


Join Our Sever Now It is Fun We Have:
Factions,Survival,Bukkit,World Guard,

Ass Class Com Enjin Erver Follow Lmao Mcserver Nation Noop Open Rac Server Style Survival Multiplayer

Miracle Nation


Active Amazing Build Community Craft Creative Custom End Free Freebuild Friendly Games Kit Kitpvp Leaderboards Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mmo Need Paintball Parkour Play Plots Pvp Quest Quests Roleplay Rpg Skills Staff Story Storyline Survival Towny World Youtube


TMM is a non-profit community, we all just love our game.

Come and enjoy our amazing custom features such as:
Community YouTube channel
Many minigames (Including: Survival Games, Splegg, KitPVP, Prophunt / Hide & Seek, Paintball, Murder, One in the Chamber, Parkour, Dodgeball & More!)
RPG Storyline (NPC’s and Quests)
Dynamic Live Map
Leaderboards for minigames
McMMO (With custom skills!)
Creative/Freebuild worlds (Also plots!)
Creative & Museum world
And much more!

At TooMuchMinecraft, we are all about enhancing our users’ play time and will do so with our friendly and highly skilled staff team, here to aid any of your needs. We have been around since Minecraft Alpha in 2009, and there’s a reason for that.

Age Beta Block Build Builder Builders Buycraft Class Com Craft Discord Ect Erver Giveaways Ill Inecraft Item King Looking Mine Minecraft New Noop Open Pay Paypal Planet Planetminecraft Play Player Players Server Servers Sky Staff Title

Ac3Sky beta New Server Looking for staff 1.8-1.15

looking for staff, builders and players of course
once server is official opened there will be buycraft and paypal giveaways

Active Arena Auction Awesome Class Cracked Craft Creative CTF Factions Features Game Games Inecraft Join Lag Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mmo Mob Mobarena Nolag Paintball Plot Plots Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Special Spleef Survival Survivalgames Website World


What is LavaCraft?
โ˜†Well LavaCraft is a cracked minecraft server with many awesome features such as SkyBlock ,
MobArena ,Creative World, CTF,SurvivalGames,Paintball,NoLagg
Spleef ,mcMMO , floAuction ,Plots and much more. We also do Drop-Parties On
Special Occasions!
Ip: LavaCraftMS.Com
Join Now


Anti Antigrief Best Class Community Discord End Experience Family Friendly Grief Home Ill King Land Landclaim Noop Nopvp Open Pay Play Plugin Pve Pvp Rank Ranking Ranks Rewards Semi Semivanilla Server Survival Title Vanilla Vote War Website World


Welcome To HomeLand a semi-vanilla non-grief survival!

HomeLand is a family-friendly semi-vanilla survival community with a strong focus. We strive to provide everyone the best atmosphere and survival experience in the community. All griefs can be undone and we have an anti-grief plugin that automatically locks the doors, trapdoors, furnaces, chests, etc. In our survival world, PvP is disabled.

We are not a pay-to-win server. Our ranks are base on our ranking system, where you vote to rank up and to receive rewards.

What are you waiting for? Come check us out!

Server IP:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best mc Faction Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!