Active Ass Class Com Combat Discord Eam Emo Exp Google Ill Imple Nopremium Oce One Plane Premium Pve Pvp Rvival Semi Servidor Staff Super Supervivencia Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survivalpvp Ten Ter Tps Vanilla Vive


Servidor NoPremium SURVIVALPVP Semi-Vanilla 1.15.2 con combate de la 1.7/1.8.
Únete a nuestro discord para conocer más @
Tenemos un staff activo y planeamos actualizaciones con nuevos implementos regularmente para generar una experiencia de supervivencia mucho más viva y dinámica. ¡No dudes en entrar!

Ace Active Arena Arenas Bedrock Block Claim Claims Class Edit End Enjoy Experience Friendly Friends Grief Home Ill Lgbt Lgbtq Peace Peaceful Play Player Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Rps Semi Server Shop Shops Vanilla War Warp Warps

Peaceful Vanilla Club

Bedrock Edition (MCPE, Windows 10 Edition) can connect to this server too!

– Semi-vanilla
– No warps/tp/home
– No PvP
– Claim blocks
– Player shops
– Claims

LGBTQ+ Friendly.

Enjoy a peaceful vanilla experience, with no grief, no vip ranks and no PvP outside arenas.Play like you do on single player, but with friends! With no worries.

Active Base Based Claim Class Community Core Craft Creative Death Discord Eco Econ Economy Experience Game Hard Hardcore Inecraft Jail King Land Landclaim Mine Minecraft Mod Network Pet Pets Play Pve Pvp Quest Quests Ring Server Servers Survival


Welcome to ViibeNetwork!

Viibe Network is a Survival based experience, currently offering a Landclaim server and a Hardcore mode server.

With Quests, Economy, Pets, and much more on Landclaim, its the perfect Minecraft experience.

Looking for something harder? Try our hardcore mode, a 1 week jail on death and no game-play alterations.

With an active community on the servers and on discord, you’ll fit right in!

Wesbite :

Active Admin Admins Class Custom Death Discord Dropparty Economy Event Events Fun Games Good Grief Help Home Homes King Kit Minigame Minigames Mod Mods New Online Pixelmon Play Player Players Prevention Rewards Safe Server Shop Staff Vote Voting War


VOTE SHOP ( – ) More benefits and rewards for voting!
ANTI-FALL DAMAGE ( – ) No more death from falling off cliffs!
ELITE-4 ( – ) Looking for ELITE-4 Trainers! Apply today!
GRIEF PREVENTION ( – ) Your homes are safe from thieves!
GTS ( – ) Sell and buy your goodies and Pixelmon!
GYMS ( – ) 10 fully custom built gyms!
KEEP INVENTORY ( – ) cant lose your precious gear on death!
EVENTS ( – ) Fun minigames, DropParty, Discord events, etc!
ACTIVE STAFF ( – ) Helpers, Mods, and Admins online daily!
GIANT STARTER KIT ( – ) Start off with a crate key and good loot!
SHINY STARTERS ( – ) All shiny starters for new players!

Active Ass Brasil Brasileiro Class Economy Erver Forge Google Ios Mon Persona Personal Personalizado Pixel Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pve Pvp Reforged Server Staff Taff

Route Pixelmon

Pixelmon Reforged 7.0.6 – Server Brasileiro. Torneios, Ginásios, Baús, Conteúdo personalizado, Staff amigável, e muito mais.

Active Anti Anticheat Ban Bans Block Cheat Class Community Economy Emo Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Good Great Hcf Hcfactions Kit Kitpvp Map Mod Network Old Opfactions Opskyblock Play Player Players Pvp Sky Skyblock Social Staff Tea Team


Social community, great gamemodes including: OPFactions, OPSkyBlock, KitMap, HCFactions and Practice. We have an experienced management team which makes everything more fun for players. We also have a good anticheat which IPbans and active staff members.

Ass Ations Aus Block Class Com Craft Creative Discord Economy Ect Erver Hey Ill Inecraft Item Items Link Mine Minecraft Mines Mod Nation Noop Open Plugin Plugins Plus Pro Semi Semimodded Server Style Survival Title Towny Townysurvival Youtube


Hey, Nous allons ouvrir un serveur Minecaft sous le nom de “Aration” !

Nous recherchons des YouTubeurs qui pourrait nous aidé à attiraient du mondes !

Aration est un serveur Minecraft “semi Modée” (plugins) avec des Nouvelles Machines et des Nouvelles armes et outils…

En tout le serveur Dispose plus de 400+ Nouveaux Items !!!

Vous pouvez aussi, créer votre propre Ville et Nation !

Voila pour plus d’informations répond moi ^^

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Block Build Class Community Craft Create Creative Custom Elves Extreme Features Growing Hard Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Network Original Play Pvp Rol Role Roleplay Scale Server Sky Skyblock Survival Tale Tea Team World Youtube Youtuber


The Official Network of YouTuber Alan Becker. Originally created as a massive scale recreation of the worlds of Studio Ghibli, it has since evolved to include Creative mode, a Survival server, PvP, and McMMO. We pride ourselves in our beautiful resource pack and extremely talented build team. Whether you are a die hard fan of Studio Ghibli or you have never heard of it before, you’ll enjoy being part of our ever growing community.

-Custom Resource Pack (made by Alan)


YouTube channel:

Active Admin Allowed Build Community Creative Currency Dedicated Eco Economy End Enjin Event Events Forums Freedom Friendly Fun Map Market New Normal Play Player Plugin Plugins Quest Server Servers Shop Sky Skyblock Small Spawn Staff Story Survival Town Unique Website


Minetown is a classic survival server that has been around since September of 2010. We have a fun and friendly community and we welcome every type of player! We have Survival, Creative, Skyblock, Special Events and UHC. Our unique survival experience features economy, regular and special events, and much more. Join us in-game at or on our forums at

Economy – Our economy revolves around the player. The server currency can be obtained in a variety of ways, making it easy for all players to get involved in the economy. A widely used method to obtain currency would be to set up shop in any location or in our market area. Prices of items are not server regulated, giving the player an equal chance to succeed in the economy. In addition, many normally unobtainable items are available in the admin shop near the center of spawn.

Spawn – Minetown’s spawn area is simple and small, allowing new players to find their way out quickly and easily. We also feature a rail system that stretches to the furthest areas of the map, allowing players to build as close to spawn or as far away as desired.

History – Minetown has been around since September of 2010. We’re proud to be one of the oldest servers around! In the last 8 years, we’ve had the opportunity to build up some rich history, and a dedicated community of friendly players. In all of our history there have only been three survival maps – Classic, Agharta and Main. Our website has been running just as long as our server, and we are proud to have over 47,000 registered users on our Enjin forum!

Freedom – Having been around for a long time has allowed us to design a system of rules and a collection of plugins that allow us to improve everyone’s playing experience without impeding on anyone’s freedom. Our server guidelines and rules can be found in detail on our website if there are any questions about what is or is not allowed.

Staff – Our staff is just as friendly as our community and are ever present to make sure that we can provide as much enjoyment as possible. To ensure staff do not ruin the player’s experience, they are subjected to strict policies to make sure your playing experience is fair and enjoyable.

Claim Claims Craft Crates Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Free Fun Hermitcraft Land Land Claim Landclaim Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Open Play Player Playershops Playerwarps Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Rewards Server Shop Shops Simple Staff Survival Title War Who Wilderness


Hello, everyone!
We are looking for players who are very invested in playing survival Minecraft!
Ever wanted to play in a server similar to Hermitcraft? Well say no more!

Welcome to Evercraft Survival!
A dedicated Minecraft server with simple plugins such as player shops, land claims, mcmmo, and more!
Our main features are: playtime ranks, daily rewards, free wilderness, custom crates, and player warps!

Since we are a new server, we are also looking for players who are interested in becoming staffs as helpers!
Want to become a staff? this is your chance! Play on our server and we’ll let you know!

If you are interested, feel free to join our server!

Active Amazing Best Build Building Claim Claims Community Craft Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Econ Economy Enchantments Event Events Interesting Job Jobs Marriage Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Perks Play Player Plugin Prison Rank Ranks Server Skyblock Survival Town Towny Website


~ Xironite ~ is a Minecraft Towny server dedicated to interacting with our community by hosting Events and listening to our players!

Our server isn’t a basic Survival one, we’ve got multiple features to keep your Minecraft experience interesting. Some of these features are mcMMO, Custom Enchantments, Jobs, Claims, a Marriage plugin and so much more!
With Custom Player Ranks, we allow everyone to have amazing perks by just playing on our server!

Our biggest feature is Towny which gives you the option to work together, or even compete with other players by growing your Town and recruiting residents. You can do whatever you want, from building the best looking town, to dominating the economy and even more!


Server IP:

Active Ars Ass Base Based Class Conquest Erver Exp Explore FTB Galaxy Google Link Lore Mine Miner Miners Mod Modpack Pack Pro Pve Pvp Quest Ring Server Solo Star Star Wars Survival Tech Tekkit Universe Vis War Wars Website

Star Wars Conquest

Miners League: Star Wars is a sci-fi, tech modpack based upon
a galaxy far, far away. Explore the Star Wars universe on our official server, or solo, and progress through the over 80+ on your way to conquering, or liberating, the universe!

Visit our website for a link to the modpack!

1.15 Active Ass City Class Google Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Mine Minecity Network Port Ports Prison Pvp Rts Sit Site Store Support Tps Two Website Work


MineCity Network | OP-Prison & KitPvP

Supports 1.8 – 1.15


Build Builds Class Community Craft Custom Discord Economy End Epic Event Events Forge Friendly Fun Games Giveaways Help King Mine Minecraft Mod Multiplayer Newserver Open Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Player Players Playing Pokemon Popular Server Servers Staff Store Survival Title Website

Pixel Abyss | Pixelmon 7.3.1 |

Pixel Abyss

IP >
Website >
Discord >

Pixelmon 7.3.1 >

Events and giveaways hosted on the servers discord and in-game!
Monthly tournaments, big events and more surprises!
Fantastic custom builds, POIs and more!
We are also always looking for more Staff Members and Gym Leaders to help make this community better!

If you’re a fan of Minecraft as well as everyone childhood favourite game Pokemon, we at Pixel Abyss have the Pixelmon Reforged mod to combine the two onto a friendly server!
Pixel Abyss has the popular pokemon mod called Pixelmon and brings it to the multiplayer scene! Here you can interact with a bunch of players in events, tournaments, and just while playing in general!
This brings the Pokémon games, and makes this genuinely feel like an accurate depiction of a Pokémon game in minecraft.

Enjoy your stay and we cant wait to see you in the Abyss!

Active Class Discord Economy End Enjin Features Free Friends Game Job Jobs Join King Mcmmo Mmo New Play Player Players Pvp Quest Quests Rank Ranks Reset Server Staff Star Survival Town Towny Website World Youtube Youtuber Youtubers


LonksMC is a New Towny server in the works with a brand new world. Just reset so you and you friends can startup your very own town or join some-one elses.

* Towny
* 35+ Free Ranks
* Jobs
* 25 + Quests

We are always looking for new players, Youtubers and staff!

Active Art Ash Ass Class Conquer Craft Earth Erver Geo Geopol Geopolitical Google Inecraft Join Lit Map Mine Minecraft Nation Pol Political Pvp Raft Raiding Roleplay Server Sit Smp Survival Town Towny Vis World


AshpixCraft is a geopolitical SMP server for Minecraft. Form your own town, join a nation and conquer earth!

Visit to view our world map!

Active Ass Biome Biomes Class Crack Cracked Crate Custom Economy Edit Enchant End Erver Free Friendly Google Java Ked Keys Lag Mini Games Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Rat Ree Riendly Server Skyblock Spawn Staff Survival Tea Team Towny Version World


[!] ImpressivePvP [!]

Java Version : (1.8.x to 1.15.x)
Pocket Edition : 1.14.60

Custom World *With 50+ Biomes*
Custom Enchant
Custom Spawn
Custom Plugins
Crate Keys
Cracked Server
Lag Free
Friendly staff team

Active Ass Best Class Com Craft Economy Emo Erver Follow Game Gamemode Gamemodes Google India Indian Inecraft Join Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Ming Mod Mode Pvp Rvival Server Soon Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Vanilla


Best Indian Minecraft Server With Following Gamemodes:
1) Survival
2) KitPvP
And More Coming Soon!!!
So, What are you waiting for?? Join Now!!!!!!!!

Active Adventure Build Cards Claim Community Craft Creative Discord Disease Diseases Eco End Event Events Free Friendly Grief Join Mcmmo Mod New Play Player Plugin Plugins Quest Quests Rank Ranks Server Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Town Towns Unique Wns


[1.15.2] ICN is a community-led server with active staff contactable 24/7. Play however you want. Become the richest player, build the most elaborate towns, or live with others.
Anti-Grief Survival
FREE In Game Ranks
Adventure Mode: Get diseases, do quests and be careful stepping out of your claim…
Staff available 24/7
Friendly Community!
Weekly events hosted!
Staff Cards! A unique and collectible card game on Survival! Win free prizes!
New and exciting plugins added frequently!
Survival | Creative | Skyblock | Adventure Mode
Join us now! IP:

Active Ass Block Class Com Community Craft Economy Edm Factions Future Google Hot Huge Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Ming Network Networks People Punch Pve Release Released Roleplay Rvival Sky Skyblock Surviva Survival Time Two Unch


PunchedMC is the future of Minecraft networks. We are a huge community of people that just want to hang out with eachother. We offer Survival released now with Skyblock coming sometime in the future.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Wild Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!