Best Build Challenge Chestshop Creative Custom Discord Economy Events Familia Freebuild Fun Grief Hard Interesting Leveling Lwc Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo New Open Pets Play Player Plots Pve Pvp Quest Quests Server Servers Skills Survival Teen Title Town Towny War Website

[ ShadeCrest – Augmented Survival]
McMMO! Towny! Quests!
Look no further for the best survival Minecraft server, which has been running since Feburary 2011!

We gave McMMO a custom curve to keep leveling fun, making it easier initially and harder as you go.

Towny’s upkeep is based on the number of residents, and having more residents allows you more plots! Town members get a bonus 10% to all McMMO skills!

Quests are a new way to make money, giving players gold for completing challenges. All gold can be traded for rupees at /warp cash4gold. We’re slowly adding more quests to the mix, so stay tuned!

Our main world is split into pvp and pve, so you can choose either epic battles or a more relaxed environment.

Summary of Rules:

  • Don’t be a jerk
  • Keep chat rated ‘T’ for teen
  • Don’t grief or exploit
  • Don’t lag up the server
  • Don’t advertise
  • Try to have fun!
  • Interested in Joining?1. Connect to
    2. Complete the new player tutorial
    3. Find a place to build!

    Optionally, take the time to make an account on our website (matching your in game name) and introduce yourself. Our server resources and Discord are both great ways of finding an interesting place to live and getting familiar with ShadeCrest.

    Build Building Class Craft Creative Currency Eco Econ Economy Edit Events Game Griefprevention Head Landclaim Lit Lore Marriage Money New Pay Pets Play Player Players Plot Plots Pvp Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Title Unique Vehicle Vehicles World Worldedit

    Jigokucraft ➤ Creative ➧ Economy ➧ Marriage ➧ Roleplay | And More!

    With Jigokucraft comes a new era of creative servers. Tailored around an economy and roleplay, this server adds limitless possibilities to the creative experience by adding a roleplay economy.

    Primary Experience-Enriching Features:
    * Economy involving paying other players using in-game currency
    * Plots
    * Marriage
    * Vehicles
    * Pets
    * Head/Skull Database
    * World Edit

    Adventure Best Build Bukkit Discord Enjin Exploration Farm Farming Forge Free Freedom Good Hard Home Kits Mines Need New Online Open Parkour Plots Prison Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rank Ranks Rewards Rpg Safe Server Servers Title War Website Who

    Powder 3.0

    Powder is back and now open for testing!

    Powder has had a HUGE overhaul and we need YOU to test it out! If you’ve stumbled upon this server whilst looking for a typical prison server then you might get a bit of a surprise! As you progress from level 1 on wards you will notice that you have a lot of freedom and choice in the way you can level up. The server has many RPG elements to it but it still gives you that prison feel of using your hard earned money in order to rank up and access that next area.

    As you level up you will unlock new areas, but first you will need money. There
    are many ways to make money in Powder 3.0 such as fishing, farming,
    repeatable quests, slaying monsters for loot and much more!

    Exploration is the best way to find those rare items and loot, but only the adventurers that are willing to take the risk will take the greatest rewards!

    Good items such as diamonds aren’t devalued as much as you find they are on other prison servers, so finding that rare gem will once again give you that sense of excitement and achievement!

    PvP is a large part our the server and because of that there is always a risk while exploring areas far away from safe zones. So be careful who you trust and be sure to stock up on armour, weapons and potions!

    Don’t forget plots! Of course we have plots, once you reach level 3 you will be able to purchase a plot from an NPC. You can build whatever you want on your plot, make cosy little home, a large scale farm, a place to show off all the rare items you’ve collected, a storage place for all your loot, or all of the above and much more!

    Come online and give it a go! Also, don’t forget to leave some feedback, it is always much appreciated so we can continue to improve and grow as a server! 🙂




    Active Arena Chill Class Community Craft Crates Creative Creativeplots Discord Fac Faction Factions Free Help Inecraft Join King Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mob Mobarena Open Play Playing Plot Plots Pve Pvp Server Small Staff Staffneeded Staffwanted Survival Title Votifier


    hey sorry im really bad at making server lists so

    (You’ll also see this stylized as JMC, or JSM.)

    Justsomeminecraft is a small server community which is looking for staff. Currently we support:
    – Crates (Not fully complete, we’re still adding some of them.)
    – Factions
    – Kitpvp
    – Plots/Creative
    – Votifier?
    – Mob arena
    We’re looking for an active playing base to help us grow, and we have a relatively chill atmosphere and staff. Please feel free to join our discord:

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Best Build Buildbattle Bukkit Claim Create Creative Eco Econ Economy End Faction Factions Floating Forge Hub Minigames Mod Play Player Plots Plugin Pvp Server Shop Skills Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawns Spigot Survival Survive Title Vault Vote War Wns World

    The Vault – Factions/Creative/Build-Battle/Skyblock

    Welcome to the Vault!

    The Vault offers a range of gamemodes for you to play on. With in depth plugin mechanics to ensure that you have the best and most high quality experience.

    Spawn in to a 10,000 x 10,000 survival world, where you’re armed only with your survival skills in order to build a base, forge weapons and armour, create factions and team up with your friends, and fight your enemies. In the factions world you can create factions that allow you to work together with your friends, whereby you can create bases and fight enemy factions. We’re running MassiveCore’s factions plugin, allowing for the optimal Factions Experience.

    Our creative plot world is made possible by the PlotSquared plugin and it’s complex creative plots mechanic. In the creative world the sky is literally the limit as you can claim up to two plots and build to your hearts content in this laid back creative mode.

    Our Skyblock gamemode spawns players on their own private floating island, where they’re tasked to utilise the resources that they are given as well as the complex economy and shop system in order to survive against other players and monsters. Our server runs the Iridium Skyblock plugin.

    Build-Battle is a gamemode for 3-12 players where players vote together for a build topic and then with five minutes they must individually build a masterpiece that beats out the other players. The winner is the owner of the build with the most votes at the end of the game!

    We look forward to seeing you soon!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Allowed Build City Community Creative Discord Eco Economy End Event Events Farm Fun Grief Hack Hacking Hard Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Mypet Nogrief Pay Pets Play Plots Pvp Semivanilla Server Shop Shops Smp Survival Title Town Vanilla War

    TatoIQ – Survival | Creative | Semi-Vanilla | No-Grief | Economy | McMMO | Pets [1.15]

    Everyone is welcome! from all regions and all languages!
  • We will upgrade to 1.16 once the first release come out! and you get to keep your builds, balance, levels and pets!
  • We have spawn, a safe place where you can meet other people and use server shops
  • We have creative world in addition to the main survival world
  • Monthly fun events.
  • Teleport to players and to player warps
  • Protect your lands, and choose permissions for your land, you can choose who can build in your land
  • Ability to make a town, you can make plots in your main land to make a town or a mall or where ever your creativity takes you
  • PVP is togglable, you can turn on or off pvp, and even when it is on you are not allowed to kill anyone without their permission to fight
  • Difficulty is set to hard, which gives player the opportunity to take advantage of mobs, villagers and their farms!
  • Ability to chat between discord and miencraft server! so you can talk to your friends in game while you are away, from discord!
  • And much more!
  • All the features are free, you will never have to pay a penny for the server! you get rewarded for your play time
  • Our Rules:

    – No solicitation (ex: “selling/offering Minecraft accounts/capes”)

    – No excessive swearing

    – Do not use inappropriate or offensive nicknames

    – Any form of toxicity (racism, disrespect towards members, suicide encouragement, slurs, etc.) is not allowed

    – No scamming or stealing from other members in any way!

    – No griefing or hacking.

    – No duping, or abusing bugs (You are only allowed to use certain vanilla bugs)

    Adventure Bungeecord Class Community Craft Creative Discord Eco Econ Economy Essentials Gaming Keys Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Old Open Play Player Plot Plots Quest Quests Reset Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spigot Survival Title Town Towny Vanilla Vote

    Codex Craft | Survival | Towny | McMMO | Creative Plots | And more!

    Codex Craft is a Minecraft server that offers multiple varities of the game. All these variations are all based off of community feedback. Features are constantly being added and different variations are always being added.

    All servers include ViaVersion allowing older versions of the game to connect.

    The current variations include ;

    Towny Survival :

    – Towny

    – Lockette

    – Quests

    – Vote Keys and Parties

    – Sleep-most (1 player sleeping resets to night)

    – McMMO

    – Essentials Economy (This includes Player shops.)

    Creative Plots :

    – PlotSquared

    Skyblock :

    – Iridium Skyblock

    – This includes an economy

    We absolutely love all suggestions and criticism. Please let us know your feelings on our Discord :

    16plus Brewery Calm Chillcommunity Creative Creativeplots Dedicatedserver Easytoplay Fluffy Furry Furryfandom Javaedition Paypal Plots Plotsquared Plugins Server Survival Teenandup Vanilla

    Furadise Hidden Islands a Dedicated PVE/Creative Server!

    Furadise Hidden Islands is a Rated T Minecraft Survival/Creative server involving mainly the furry community, but with plenty of non furrys who generally co exist in peace. owned by KuraiSkrap and Joshtiger.
    we have 2 worlds/gameplay styles currently
    a PVE non competitive survival world, friendly community
    and a new creative world with plotsquared, using 64×64 plots with up to 8 unlocked by timed ranks!

    our discord unlocks after 1h of gameplay to avoid trolls

    Want to Support the server?
    join our discord and contact KuraiSkrap

    1152server 115survival 115x Adventure Aus Australia Australianserver Block Craft Creative Dynmap Events Grid Landclaim Map Mcmmo New Newserver Newservers Plot Plots Plotworld Quests Sky Skygrid Skyland Skylands Survival Survivalserver Tree

    [:: AydaaCraft Server ::]

    Online: 24/7 | Survival | QUESTS | McMMO | Multiverse

    AydaaCraft first started in 2019 when 1.14 first came out, since then the server has gained numerous features and multiple worlds! Our server is still very young and we are always looking for new players to join our little community!

    We have a server wide synced chat with Discord integration, so you can chat on the go!

    Can join our Discord here

    Server Features
    Here are some features that makes us unique!

    – Chunk-by-chunk Land claiming (called Villagers)
    – Item based economy
    – McMMo enabled (with double xp events)
    – Time Vote commands
    – Fire Spread is disabled!
    – No tnt/creeper block damage (Still hurts player)
    – Player Graves (keep your items safe for 15 minutes)
    – ServerWide events (effects all players)
    – Admin created quests
    – Customisable Armour Stands
    Mobs have a chance to drop their heads.
    – Extra Advancements
    – Lootboxes
    – Bee Stats
    * Save The Village minigame coming soon!

    Specialty worlds include –
    SkyGrid and SkyLands and Creative PLOTS

    Help support us and grab some awesome perks!

    Admin Bungee Class Coreprotect Creative End Fac Faction Factions Free Friendly Fun Good Grief Hack Hacks Help Interactionsvisualizers Join King Lwc Mcmmo Mod Nice Play Plot Plots Rank Ranks Server Servers Sign Spawn Survival Team Title Ungee Worldedit

    BungeeMC 2020 1.15.2 FREE RANKS*

    BungeeMc 2020. The bungees are BACK AGAIN!!!

    Are you looking for a good server to play on and do whatever you want on it?

    Are you tired of those big crowded servers?

    Come join us on MC.BUNGEETACO.COM.
    We have lot of nice gamemodes like Factions, Plots,Creative
    Do not worry about your stuff getting stolen or griefed because
    We have a good dynamic admin team that is ready to help you anytime.
    Even if we are not here, we can still make your experience
    better than what you find on those big servers.
    We allow XRAY and other kinds of server friendly hacks.
    We won’t cry about it unlike some bad servers
    Because after all, its all about having fun right?
    Don’t wait, just come already!
    If you have any concern or anything to ask, please send a mail to bungeeaumond with /mail
    or leave a message in the designated area in the server Main spawn.

    *ask the owners or an admin to get your rank.

    Active Craft Economy Factions Kitpvp Lmao Network Play Pvp Raft Skyblock Survival Survival Games Two Work

    UGCraft Network

    Aternos Bukkit Extreme Fast Hunt Mc Server Older Paper Papermc Pig Rmc Simply Survival Vanilla Xtreme


    Welcome to Tuffcraft!
    A Semi-Vanilla Minecraft Server

    Created to cater to those wanting a simpler Minecraft Experience without the unnecessary fluff of other plugins.

    Great for those wanting to simply Build, Mine, Hunt, and Survive on Minecraft.

    Built on a PaperMC server to run extremely fast compared to older Spigot and Bukkit Servers.

    Fish Games Hut Minehut Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Pvp Rtp Site Survival Tps Website Youtube


    Fishsquish is a fun server with lots minigames.
    Server ID:

    1.14 Age Ages Bov Goal Home Keep Looking Old Older Pos Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla


    Welcome to Valkyrie! Home of 1.14.4 Vanilla Survival. The goal is to try and keep the server as vanilla as possible.

    Friendly server looking for players above the ages of 17 or older!

    Assassins Economy Factions Generation Kitpvp Mcmmo Networks Next Gen Ports Pvp Risemc Sins Skyblock Survival Trans


    HyriseMC is part of the next generation of networks. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent. Designed for all.

    – Factions
    – Skyblock
    – Assassins Creed


    Supports 1.8-1.14.4

    Active Ass Ayo Class Des Info Jay Join Kit Kitpvp Las Lmao Pixelmon Tab Tive



    Aew Deal Economy Hardcore Kitpvp Morbin Morbin Time Morbius Oys Pvp Raiding Rare Skyblock Survival Vampire


    VampireMC is a unique Network that contains a never seen before experience, in which the server offers many custom features to its players. We appreciate every single member in our community and that is why we have community events going on weekly to make sure that everyone enjoys the gameplay as much as we do.

    VampireMC offers amazing features and deals! We try our best to get fresh and custom plugins. We offer really cool and unique features as this is very rare in servers and is also very fun. Come join us today!


    /r/ College Compete Ports Prefixes Reddit School Server Soccer Sports Students Subreddit Survival Universal Verification

    The Quad! A Minecraft Server for College Students! (PREFIXES + COMPETITIONS)

    Hello! We are The Quad. We are a UNIVERSAL Minecraft Server mainly built for college students!

    Our server features an email verification system allowing you to verify which school you attend to get a custom prefix. This will allow for rivalries and school pride!

    Our server is Survival with minigames. The current minigames that we have are Soccer (for college teams) and MobArena.

    We plan to add more minigames upon request on our [Reddit Page]( or our [Discord](!

    **Here is our server IP:**

    We hope to see you on there!

    Also, you don’t have to be in College to play. The prefix system is just for those currently enrolled/graduated.

    **If any issues occur, send a message to the mods or post on our subreddit or Discord. We’ll fix it ASAP. Sometimes the email system goes down but your code still exists, it just has to be sent**

    Anticheat Auction Auctions Backpack Backpacks Beta Cheat Combat Combatlog Dream Economy Factions Heat Mcmmo Savage

    The Dream Factions

    The Dream Factions is a SAVAGE FACTIONS experience! Now in BETA. Join now for features like AntiCheat, AntiCombatLog, VOTE Crates, Player Auctions, Backpacks, and more!

    1.14 1.14.4 Aternos Day Days Discord End Hun Hunt Ken No PvP Open Survival Ter Vanilla

    Cinnahunt Survival

    No PvP Vanilla Survival 1.14.4

    Weekdays 5pm – 8pm
    Weekends 8am – 8pm



    Apply Aus Create Easy Enjoy Ice Imple Life Looking Paper Sim Simp Simple Smo Survival

    Smoking Papers

    We from Smoking Papers just created a survival server just because we enjoy the simple life of minecraft, yet with easy plugins. Notice! We Are still looking for staff!!!

    so if you wanna join our server and stay you can be able to send us an email and apply for a staff rank its that easy.

    9.2 Economy Factions Izzy Izzycraft Limited Maintenance Mcmmo Mine Craft Official Positive Pvp Raiding Sever Survival


    New SSnizzy Craft Factions Sever. Still Have To Do Some Minor Maintenance But Its Almost Complete. You Can Apply For Staff By Using Our Official Website Link! We Are Looking For Good Staff To Help Us Grow Our Server And To Help Provide Our New Players With A Good Positive Factions Experience.
    You Can Join Now If You Want!!
    Also New Plugins And Events Coming Soon!!!
    ======================================================Also Play On
    Mine Craft Version 1.8.3 And Up
    ==================================================================================================================================================================Free!! $7 Key When Join Limited Time Only!!

    Anti-grief Chats Food Hardmode Hats Health Pot Potion Potions Rdm Regenerate Survival Towny Twist Vanilla


    Hard Mode is a SMP server with a twist – it’s much harder than normal survival. You don’t regenerate health with a full food bar, you need to use health potions or any other form of healing. Along with this we also set up many features that improve the experience, but don’t impact the core gameplay.Features:- Trade Shops- Land Claiming (Anti-Grief)- Timed Rank-Up System- Group ChatsWe also have custom plugins that NO other server has, this allows us to provide a unique experience. We hope to see you here soon! Good luck surviving.

    1.16 1.16.1 116server Best Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Survival Server Join Jus Minecraft Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server New Release Released Survival


    The best minecraft survival server 1.16.1 join now! Just released, friendly staff and community.

    Alpha Anarchy Aternos Eset Factions Hack Hacks Hey Map Mini Games Reset Resets Rule Sets Vanilla

    Alphas Anarchy

    Anarchy-like server. Map never resets,No rules. Hacks are recommended,if you dont use them they will be used against you.

    Bov Competition Competitions Creative Creativeplots Friendlycommunity Giveaway Giveaways Hiring Random Randomized Roleplay Stream Streamer Streamers


    Want to play on a creative or a survival claim server?
    Well if you do DraxRealm© is the place for you!

    What do we offer?

    We have a randomized parkour minigame above spawn,
    Active Giveaways,
    2 creative maps for different sized plots,
    Friendly and active staff team,
    Voting rewards in the survival server
    Active streamers
    Frequent giveaways and creative competitions

    DraxRealm© is also hiring staff.

    What are you waiting for? Join DraxRealm© today!

    Creative Server:

    Survival Server:
    Ip: being made

    Ars Aternos Back Best Break Factions Join Kitpvp Mini Games Parkour Prison Pve Pvp Sign Ter


    The best server with the SupplySign PVP is back!!!
    after 2 years of break we decided that we will back the server back on!!!
    join now for the most fun PVP EVER!!!!

    1.16 1.16.1 Button Cod Commands Currency Fut Future Hex Login Private Professions Regular Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer

    Hex.Server Minecraft server

    Server description Classic server on version 1.16.1. The server has plugins such as login, private and many commands. Professions and currency will appear in the future. The administration is regularly on the server.

    12 VoteGet button code

    201 Cheat Cheating Couple Economy Essential Everything Heat In Survival No Griefing Oup Plane Survival Towny Vanilla

    The Athereal Plane

    We are a small survival server (24/09/2019 Map Start Date)Everything you see on the server is made in survival.Aim to have a small, friendly community with no griefing.Try and keep it as vanilla as possible, with only essential plugin and a couple of others to prevent cheating.

    Cosmetic Cosmetics Cosmic Couple Diverse Friends Hole Opening Osmetics Rankup Sale Simply Survival Towny Unlock

    CosmicMC ~ Opening Weekend Sale 15% Off Whole Store

              –==CosmicMC==–Welcome to CosmicMC! A brand new towny server. Our goal is to provide an open and welcoming community as well as create a fun experience and a place where people can make new friends and play together!

    We have many features on our server. On top of towny, we have a GUI Shop so you can buy and sell items on the go. We have a friends plugin so you can keep track of the new people you meet while online. We have a rankup system to unlock more features with in game money (We didn’t want a pay to win paywall). Our buycraft store is dedicated to Cosmetics, In Game Money, and a couple features that aren’t essentials to playing the game but are cool to have.

    Our server is small and humble but we have a simple goal: Fun and Open. We are looking for a server full of diverse players who are simply just looking to have a fun time and play with others. If you want to give our server a try, feel free to check it out! Or check out our discord before logging on:

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!