Hello, dear Minecrafter! Let me guess: you are searching for a place to build your next base, a place to call home. A place with a friendly and active community. Well, look no further! The current season of Paxterya is running since December 1st, 2019, but we’re far from finished! We still have many building projects on our agenda and would be happy to welcome you to our small community. Also, you have lots of places to discover on our server. Who knows, maybe you’ll want to join the Town of Paxterya or one of the member-founded towns!
We try to make the Minecraft Vanilla experience as interesting as possible and that is why Paxterya is under constant development. We also highly value feedback and new ideas from members, let’s make this feature list longer together!
So far, nothing bad has happened on our server, as everyone is really nice! To keep it this way, every member of Paxterya has to follow these simple rules:
Community Rules
In-game Rules
These rules can be modified at any time. They are kept up to date on our website: https://paxterya.com/rules