247server Blog Economy Elytras Faction Faction Pvp Factions Glide Hardcore Mcmmo Nolag Pvp Rpg Shops Survival

QuakeCraft – Faction PVP – AMPLIFIED World! – Climb Anything, No Ladders! – Free Elytras! – 64 PLAYERS – 24/7 – w/ PlayerPoints, Buy/Sell Economy, & No Server Rules!

First 100 Players To Join Receive 2,500 Points To Spend In The Store!!!

Play in a treacherous world where mountains can be as tall as the block limit with drops as far as bedrock. Use your newfound climbing abilities to scale almost any blocks in sight as if they’re covered in ladders! Have you climbed too high? Use your infinite source of Elytras to glide down and fly back to the ground! Trying to go even further or with a little more style? Try out our teleporter bows that blink you to wherever your arrow lands! Have you now climbed, teleported, and flew so far that you’ve found the perfect home location? Now its time to build it up, make a faction. add your friends, then dominate the server as the strongest and richest faction! Come join to play with us all! We’d love to have you 🙂

Server specifications:
32 GB RAM!
64 Slots!
12 TB of backups!
500 Mbps connection!
Automated Lag-Cleaning!

Why play on QuakeCraft?
– Crazy World Generation w/ Massive Cliffs & New Biomes!
– Scale Cliffs With Ease Using Climbing Mechanics and Easy Access To Elytras!
– Hourly Backups made on the reg
– Dedicated and active staff that love new players!
– 64 slots to boot!
– 10 years of server experience and rep!
– No lag!
– Portable Chests!
– Random Teleport Command!

– Extended Day/Night Cycles For Added Realism!
– Mob Drop Loot Pools Have Been Massively Increased!
– Over 60 Unique Types Of Bows To PVP & Traverse With!
– Wide Variety of Unique and Fun Plugins!
– TNT allowed anywhere!
– Trading and shops to buy and sell items and blocks you steal from other factions!
– Constant action!
– Constant updates on the blog!

We are 24/7 uptime, at 99.3%!
Want to know more on the server?
Come join and check us out!

Server: Port: 25565

2023 Anarchy Blog Brain Economy Explosives Fans Firearms How-to Mod Pack Modded Minecraft Modded Minecraft Server Optimized Redstone Survival

Zapped Bugs Modded Minecraft Sever

Hey there, Minecraft fans!

Looking for a unique Minecraft experience? Zapped Bug’s modded Minecraft server has got you covered! Our custom-made mod pack adds a range of exciting items and mobs, including explosives, firearms, magic, wireless redstone, Explosive Brain Worms, Mercenaries, money, and more. These items lead to some crazy fun scenarios that you won’t find in vanilla Minecraft.

Our server is consistently updated and optimized to ensure that you get the best possible experience every time you log in. In Zapped Bug’s server, we’re all about community. We believe that Minecraft is more fun when played with friends, so we’ve created a welcoming and friendly environment for players of all ages and skill levels.

Join us today and experience Minecraft like never before. Our server is open 24/7, so you can log in and play whenever you want. And don’t forget to invite your friends and make new ones along the way!

More info here…

500x 500x500 Blockhunt Blog Creativeplots Minecraft 1.18 Mobarena Multiworld Pvp Pvparena Showcase Spectator Stargate Survival Switch


A short summary
The KnarCraft Minecraft server was originally created in 2011, and was then just called Knar World. It was quite active in 2012-2013, but due to various factors, it wasn’t feasible for me to keep hosting it 24/7. It has been online periodically, and it’s been updated for every version from Minecraft 1.0 to Minecraft 1.18. Some buildings and creations have been lost to time, but the original KnarWorld map is still a part of the server. The survival map is a new one created on 1.17. The PlotWorld world is the same old one, including the buildings from the ancient Freebuild. The hub was created to have a place for minigames and arenas, and features working versions of arenas from KnarWorld.

A map of the server is available at: This map allows you to see all worlds from the four servers.

Here’s some outdated server trailers and stuff: Minecraft – KnarCraft Server (Trailer 2013), KnarCraft Video (Newest) [​HD], How to start the journey on the KnarCraft server [​HD], Minecraft – KnarCraft Server (Trailer), Knar Games Trailer

The KnarCraft BungeeCord networkKnarCraft changed from Multiworld to BungeeCord in 2013 to allow unique plugins for each world and for better performance on multi-core CPUs.
The servers are tied together using my fork of Stargate, which is also used for navigation on the servers.
HubThe Hub server is the server every new player arrives at. It’s the server used for minigames, pvp and parkour. It currently has four PVP arenas, two mob arenas, two CTF arenas, a Spleef arena and a BlockHunt minigame.
CommandsThe Hub server has clickable signs for joining minigames, but if you for some reason want to, or need, to manually join a minigame, here’s the basic commands:

  • / pa join – Used to join a PVPArena arena
  • /ma join – Used to join a MobArena arena
  • /bh join – Used to join BlockHunt
  • SurvivalThe Survival server is a basic Survival server using factions as the main method for protection. Citizens and mcMMO are used to add some RPG elements as well. Factions don’t expire, so you don’t need to worry about your faction disappearing if you haven’t played for a week.

    While Factions is used to protect land, you can lock chests by right-clicking them with a sign.
    CommandsThe survival world has a bunch of commands, but here are some of the important ones:

  • /f create – Used to create a new faction
  • /f claim one – Used to claim a chunk for your faction
  • /spawn – Used to go to the spawn
  • /home – Used to go to your home
  • /sethome – Used to set your home
  • /back – Used to go back after teleporting to spawn or a player
  • /tpa – Used to request teleportation to a player
  • /qs journal – Used to get your quest journal. Some NPCs can offer quests
  • PlotWorldPlotWorld is the creative server. As the name implies, you choose a plot and can build whatever you want inside that plot. Each plot is 500×500 blocks. You can use WorldEdit inside your plot, though there is a block limit to prevent lag.
    CommandsPlotWorld has relatively few plugins compared to the other servers, but some important commands exist:

  • /plot claim – Used to clam the plot you’re standing in, assuming it’s available
  • /plot auto – Used to automatically claim a random empty plot
  • /plot home – Used to go to your plot from anywhere in PlotWorld
  • /spawn – Used to go to the spawn
  • KnarWorldThe KnarWorld server features the original world from 2011. This was turned into a showcase world after some major griefing. After the new terraint generation in 1.18 though, KnarWorld has been expanded with new 1.18 terrain. While you can only look at things in survival within the original KnarWorld, it’s been made possible to freely build in Creative outside the original areas.
    CommandsKnarWorld has the following useful comands:

  • /spawn – Used to go back to the spawn
  • /fly – Used to toggle fly mode
  • /speed – Used to set walking speed if walking and fly speed if flying
  • /warp – Used to warp to various locations
  • /gamemode – Used to switch between survival and spectator mode

  • Categories
    Blog Chat Example Function Live Multi Sea Season Seasons Sell Stories Stuff Survival Witch Witches

    Witches’ World SMP

    Witches’ World SMP is exactly what it is: A witchin’ good SMP!

    It has multiple great additions, though. For example live seasons, and Henri — who can sell good stuff.

    We welcome you all, but for functions such as external accces to chat, join our discord.

    10k Blog Kivcraft Kivotos Pvp Raiding Roleplay Roleplaying Rping Rtp Semivanilla Smp Survival Tpa Vanilla

    〘 KivCraft – “Vanilla with Sprinkles!” 〙

    𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚒𝚟𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚝

    〘 survival – no economy or landclaim plugins
    〘 started by players, for players!
    〘 caring, supportive staff
    〘 tight-knit, growing community


    〘 500k world border
    〘 /sethome and /home
    〘 /rtp within the first 10k of spawn
    〘 /tpa requests to teleport to other players
    〘 griefing, raiding, PvP, or work together!
    〘 feature-rich Discord with 160+ members
    blog where you can submit your creations

    〘 players and mobs have a chance to drop their head when killed

    Allies Blog Deal Inclusive Lgbt Lgbtq Neo Performance Points Political Roles Rounds Skin Survival Troll

    I’ve decided to start running a Minecraft server on one of my
    systems. The server is primarily meant for LGBTQ+ players (and allies),
    but is inclusive to everyone.
    Examples of people who I hope to see on the server include:
  • Anyone LGBTQ+, as well as allies and people wanting to learn more
  • Political activists, anyone with dissenting viewpoints and opinions to express
  • Anyone who simply wants to play Minecraft on a server that won’t judge them simply for being their selves
  • No guarantees are made regarding uptime or
    performance, but it should be reasonably performant and stable. The
    server’s IP to connect is, and it has a corresponding website at

    Also see my personal blog at

    Additional info:

    Since this server is so new, I will naturally be needing people to help moderate, test, build, etc. However, since I’m not in the mood to deal with trolls. asking for roles will be treated as grounds for an insta-ban.

    Blog Blogposts Celebration CS GO Diamonds Games Gaming Lil Nas Minecraft News Ranch Roblox Star Wars Survival Multiplayer Teen

    Is Minecraft better than Roblox?

    The world’s largest online multiplayer gaming platform is made by Roblox, a free-to-play entertainment company. But, Roblox isn’t just an open-world game, and it’s not really made for younger audiences. And yet, Roblox is so immensely popular with kids that they seem to primarily make their games out of Roblox.

    Many major franchises, including Stranger Things, Star Wars, Halo, Mass Effect, CS GO and DC, have entire games built out of Roblox.
    So Roblox is expanding as well: it’s nearing 150 million players.

    Not a bad track record for a startup that launched in the bedrooms of teenage programmers in 2002. And it’s the first of many franchises you might see emerge in the months and years ahead from this young startup.

    Making games out of Roblox

    Sure, Minecraft and Roblox share similarities. But, it’s too early to call the whole thing a draw. Even though rapping sensation Lil Nas X couldn’t resist hosting a Roblox concert for his fans.

    On one hand Roblox is so much more better than Minecraft that I feel sorry for the poor bastard that’s been stuck in a computer for the last 16 years. On the other hand I feel sorry for my poor computer. What will happen when they retire it? Will it have to run Minecraft? Will we all be forced to make a return trip to Grand Theft Auto 3? If so, that really sucks for the loved ones we might leave behind.

    What does Minecraft have that Roblox does not?

    The ability to create, level, and play in an endless world in which players and creators can interact in unique ways, bringing the world of Minecraft to life.

    You can even play Minecraft in VR, creating the ultimate virtual space by fully immersing yourself in a virtual space with an unlimited supply of diamonds, blocks that allow you to build anything!

    Could it be that Minecraft is better than Roblox, or at least that it’s more entertaining? Is it possible for Minecraft to overtake Roblox in the coming years? I’m not sure. But, based on some recent data, it looks like Minecraft’s popularity is gaining.

    Is Minecraft just more popular? Is Roblox just more entertaining? Maybe.

    2b2t Amar Blog Blogposts Cary Grief Griefable Grieffree Meme Nametags News Scary Shit Slug World Of Minecraft

    2b2t has a griefing problem?

    2b2t moved to another server recently, and then moved to a new server again. The griefers switched to minecraft, of course, the server, as you would expect, are packed with griefers, hell you can even find various thumps in these people. As for what they do in the game, I honestly don’t know. The sheer dedication and passion they show is disgusting and the amount of grief that I am seeing in these people is scary.

    I never did consider griefing, I guess I knew that griefers liked being alone in their depression because they get pleasure out of using their shitty weaponry. I am now faced with one of the greatest challenges in my life as a gamer: I can’t let them win. The griefers move to new servers so that they can have better stuff like diamond armour and withers with meme nametags, which should never be seen by anyone, I cannot believe that this is happening, I cannot stand it anymore.

    PvP is great. You can make friends with people in different worlds with similar interests, many of whom are based on camaraderie. But the world of Minecraft will not be much different. So instead of killing them, or making new friends, it’s better to get used to the griefers.

    Blog Blogposts Brain Children Colour Colourful Google High IQ Interactive Nature News Research Youtube Youtuber Youtubers

    Minecraft is good for your brain?! Well, at least according to Google.

    The search engine giant recently posted a short video on YouTube called ‘Why You Should Play Minecraft’.

    It goes through some of the research behind the game, which claims that it is one of the best ways to improve your brain function.

    Here’s how it breaks it down:

    The game’s ‘interactive nature’ allows people to interact with the world in different ways. It encourages children to interact with their environment, as it’s filled with colourful elements, allowing your brain to grow very fast.

    You can solve problems and learn things without thinking about them.

    It’s also a creative environment, which can have a positive impact on your mood and creativity.

    So there you have it. While the game isn’t designed to be cognitively challenging, it’s definitely a game that’ll keep you interested for a long time.

    Blog Bully Economy Fun Illegal Mcmmo Mojang Nicknames Plots Ranks Reveal Royalty Skyblock Survival Trusted

    TrustMC | Survival Economy, Skyblock & Plots

    TrustMC, Minecraft Server (v1.16.3) is a Survival Economy, Skyblock and Plots Creative Minecraft Server. We strive to bring new content to the server and allow players to relax and enjoy Minecraft on TrustMC, where there are a community and friendly staff to look up to. There are new updates every week and we post on our community blog every few days, there are exclusive ranks you can purchase to get a better experience on TrustMC. We are aiming to grow as a community and ensure that players are satisfied with TrustMC.

    TrustMC Features:

  • Free-roam Survival Economy World
  • Great Skyblock with /is an interface GUI.
  • Spacious plots at /plots auto or /plots home.
  • Buy Ranks with in-game currency and purchase Exclusive Ranks at a low cost.
  • Lots of player Commands.
  • Rules on Website comprehensive list of Rules and Punishments to keep players on their toes.
  • Anti-Grief Plots for all players in the Wilderness and buy claim blocks cheaply.
  • Different Kits with better gear and weapons for every rank: New, Member, Trusted, Royalty, Heroic and Legendary + Exclusive Ranks.
  • In-game Economy Shop with /shop and GUI interface.
  • Teleport, set homes, home, lay in bed to turn night to day.
  • MMO driven stats for every profession job.
  • Relaxing Minecraft Server.
  • Fantastic Community.
  • Staff Applications & Friendly Staff.
  • TrustMC Rules for Players:

  • Do not troll, harass or bully other players or staff in anyway.
  • Do not use or have offensive skins, usernames or nicknames.
  • Do not reveal personal information, including real life information or home addresses.
  • Do not break the Mojang Terms of Services or engage in illegal actions.
  • Do not scam other players in the forums or in-game.
  • Do not invite players just to steal from them or harass them in anyway, or to go against the rules of the server.
  • Do not steal skins, edit them maliciously or take skins from other players and edit their skins maliciously.
  • Do not report without a reason or evidence, or criticise players and staff without physical evidence.
  • Report players and staff on the forums only.
  • Any issues send them to our contact page or to the forums.
  • Relaxing Minecraft Server
    Every player can come on to relax or to enjoy playing Survival, Skyblock or even Plots and be able to do what they want on TrustMC.

    Fantastic Community
    We have a great community that will always welcome you to the server, some will even talk in chat if you need help or anything else.

    Friendly Staff
    The staff at TrustMC is fantastic. Non-abusive Staff who answer as soon as possible, they always come on when necessary.

    Server IP:

    We are looking for new staff:

    – Helpers: Greets new players, helps players with generic questions and more.
    – Moderator: Greets, helps players with questions, moderates chat, kicks/bans temporarily, etc.
    – Support: Greets, answers generic/comprehensive questions, helps with bugs/issues in TrustMC.
    — Private message an Owner for other staff roles.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Anarchy Chunks Completed Ecipes Ios Loaded Newer Overworld Recipes Signs Structures Studios Survival Terrain Worldedit

    Hardlimit Anarchy

    Anarchy Server with a limited world border at 50k with terrain generated in 2010.
    Joinable on newer versions.

    hard limit is comprised of a ~50k overworld, and a relative ~6k nether and ~6k end.

    The overworld spawn area is comprised of mostly pre 2011 chunks, downloaded from an creative server called
    There are many builds with signs to be explored and chests with loot from pre beta 1.8 (including stacked tools and armor).
    Many of the builds were completed with the help of worldedit so you may find some bedrock, diamond, gold and iron structures around the map.

    Gather the blocks as they will be useful….

    There are some custom crafting recipes that give you vanilla items that you may find useful on your travels.

    Anarchy Armor Change Changes Custom Armor Custom Item Custom Items Invested Level Up Minimal Npc Pvp Survival Weapon Weapons

    A W Y E G A

    ———A W Y E G A———

    We are a new server focusing on PvP. We offer factions as well as custom items, gear, and skills to keep you invested in the server. We know there are a lot of servers out there you can play on and we appreciate you stopping by and giving us a try. I take any and all suggestions into consideration and am always open to changes.

    We currently have –
    Minimal Rules
    NPC Shops
    Custom Crates
    Custom Armor, Weapons, and Items
    Skills to level up your gameplay

    Feel free to stop by!

    1.13 1.19.2 1.19.3 Client Freerank Generator Generators Mvp Oneblock Rps Skill Skills Survival Trial Warps

    Oneblock Nation [McMMO, Generators, Player Warps, Quest. And more!] /freerank

    We are a 1.19.3 oneblock server.

    Providing users with quest, generators, skills and so much more!

    Join now for a 7 day trial of our MVP RANK. /freerank

    Please note, OB-Nation is currently only __1.19.2__.
    Supporting clients from 1.13 to 1.19.3!
    Bedrock: – port: 19132

    16plus Autoranks Customenchants Economy Gsit Jobsreborn Lgbtfriendly Lgbtqsupport Marriagemaster Mcmmo Mcmmotowny Roleplay Simplevoicechat Survival Towny Townychat Townysurvival Voicechat Voiceproximitychat

    ✶ 16+✶ LABORATORY SMP ✶ 1.19.2 ✶ Small Community ✶ McMMO ✶ Towny & Towny Chat ✶ Proximity Voice Chat ✶ LGBTQ friendly ✶ Possible Roleplay ✶

    Aternos Dwo Exaroton Gra Gran Grand Lin O P Offline Oto Pay Ran Rot Survival Multiplayer World

    This server is offline.lADa fOnly pay to play Minecraft server

    The server owner “This server is offline.lADa fOnly pay to play” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Base Country Create Dutch Eth Friends Ken Pig Poke Riends Smp Spigot Spoke Survival Together

    NL SMP

    Active Bedwars Data Desk Dog Ect Info Ive Join Kitpvp Lan Land Lmao Tab Tive



    Blue Economy Enviro Environment Expansion Fut Iron Learn Pvp Rive Safe Survival Top G Unturned Wns


    Blue’s Network is the one-stop Gaming Network you have been looking for! Currently, Blue’s Network owns one Unturned server and a MINECRAFT SERVER : Here at Blue’s, we always strive for expansion and improvement; we are continuously trying to grow our player base and help us reach as many new players as possible! We also strive to create a great, safe environment for our community! Any and all players are welcome into our community; we have players all over the world joining our server to hang out and play some games and we would love to have you around too! Our future is very bright, and if you would like to learn more about our plans.

    Break Epl Fres Fresh Gameplay Goal Koe Mining Ored Pal Pet Servers Skymining Survival Tod

    Opal Skymining

    Alone Economy Harry Harry Potter Potter Progression Pvp Spell Spells Survival Themed Towny Trans Upgrade Wand

    Magic Towns

    Magic Towns
    A basic survival server with towns (Towny), money, chest shops and a basic wand progression system themed after Harry Potter. Players get a basic ticket for a wand when they load in which can be upgraded with use. Players can venture out into the wild alone to start their game and build up resources which can then be sold to buy things like towns, new spells, and other cool items. No In Game Transactions (NO PAY TO WIN)

    Ander Bro Bug Dynmap Economy Factions Fast Head Plant Plants Realistic Seasons Survival Turrets Winter


    Choose between 12 factions, place turrets to defend your base, yell at all the plants in your farm to grow faster before winter kills them. Collect the head of your enemies. Earn money with a job. Check out the dynmap. Yell at AnderBRO2 to fix the bugs.

    000 Ask Border Die Dsmp Goal Mew Pat Pol Polls Pvp Skin Sleep Survival Vanilla

    Plugged SMP

    A Minecraft server with a few plugins and Bedrock Compatibility. Should be fun, there is a 25,000 border and a good community. There is PVP, War, Building and much more. Not asking for a ton just like 10-15 somewhat active players.

    There are lots of polls and goals also. Currently polling for server PFP. Just so you know there is a plugin that makes it so the server sleeps and opens if you join (so my server host doesn’t die).

    Chill Cross-Play Great Hill île Lands Mcmmo People Playing Relax Relaxing Survival Time World Wide Xin

    Wysternlands Network SMP

    Wysternlands Network SMP is a server that welcomes alot of new people world wide! People can have a great time while playing and relaxing with a chill community.

    Drama Econ Economy Experience Far Gun Guns Plot Plots Ram Strong Survival Towny Unique Warfare


    Welcome to CaxCraft! Enjoy a dramatic, unique and ethereal experience with a strong Economy, Plots, Guns, Warfare and more!

    1.19.3 1b1t 2b2t Accounts Anarchy Biomes Cross-Play Default Download Newer Offline Overworld Released Survival Vanilla [Anarchy + Fun] is a pure vanilla+ server based on old 2b2t world download map. Server is currently on the latest 1.19.3 and will be kept updated as newer versions are released.
    Server also allows cracked players (Offline accounts)
    Bedrock is also Support. (Use same IP and default port 19132)
    Server has a new vanilla biomes in the Overworld, Nether and the End.

    Awesome Cloud Content Eso Kitpvp Loud Mini Games Porte Prison Ring Skyblock Support Survival Ten Unique

    CloudLeafOne Network

    Welcome to CloudLeafOne! We offer 2 awesome game modes, Skyblock and Survival. Featuring unique content, friendly staff, and awesome players!

    More game modes coming soon!


    JAVA IP:
    BEDROCK IP: – 19132

    Active Data Desk Ect Factions Info Ive Lmao Official Sea Server.. Tab Tive

    Sea Network

    Be Official Network

    2023 Coded Economy Expansion Hardcore Minecraft Server Network Minion Minions Monsters Parkour Pve Pvp Skyblock Survival Wise


    WizzNetwork is a brand new Minecraft server network in the making, with its custom-coded survival set to be released Sunday, February 12th, 2023. It provide a hardcore experience with its Skyblock server featuring minions with 100s of levels, 30 Island Levels, 1,000s of cosmetics to choose from, play and earn rewards, delivery systems, dungeons with custom bosses, custom skills, custom enchants, and special events that happen randomly! There are random Exp/Double drop events, especially on the weekends . SkyBlock was created by SMC developments, and expanded by free lancers.

    The reason behind releasing WizzNetwork a bit early is to gain the public’s feedback. By the time survival comes, it could be possible to give players a bonus expansion on Skyblock. Please join the server and leave your feedback on the Discord, it would be much appreciated! Survival Server is on whole another level fully build to satisfy the players need to grind non stop for an amazing gears, you get coins as you battle monsters those coins can be used to purchase RANKS that otherwise cost real money. My Network Strive to provide the best experience a player can possibly need.

    Coming Data Desk Economy Factions Lane Lifesteal Lin Ming Pvp Rise Skyblock Server Soon Surprise Type

    Aslaner Network

    Aslaner Network Server. Faction Server Active! SkyBlock Server Coming Soon! We are not telling the type of SkyBlock Server! Surprise!

    Arenas Battles Economy Intense Mcmmo Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Mini Games Prison Pve Tour Tournament Tournaments Vanilla Waste

    Rede Brothers

    Hello Minecraft players!

    We would like to introduce you to our new Full PvP server. Here you can enjoy an intense and action-packed gaming experience, playing against other players in custom-built arenas.

    With a huge map and full of resources, you can build, collect items and prepare for the epic battles to come. And if you like challenges, you can participate in daily tournaments and try to be the best player on the server!

    In addition, we have a friendly and dedicated team of administrators who are always ready to help.

    Don’t waste any more time and join us right now! The server address is:

    We hope to see you soon!

    See you later!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Survival Games Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!