Conquest Exchange Expansion Explosion Farmwelt Farmwelten Horse Leather Netherite Professions Property Rights Survival Tame Tax

We are a small network that would have the opportunity to become big.
Opening is on: 08.07.2022

What awaits you:

Towny Advanced
→ Cities, Nations, Territorial Conquest Battles.

→ Tame your own horse and level it up.

→ Lots of different jobs.

→ Exchange, trade, auctions and much more.

→ Over 100 spells to learn.

→ Worlds with enough materials

towny worlds
→ compact, regenerating game worlds.

→ PvP is active almost everywhere.

→ You will love and hate the server.

game concept:

Found your own town or join a community.

Found your own nation or join a nation.
Wage wars to expand your influence or forge alliances with other cities and nations to protect yourself from aggressors together.

Can I lose my city?
Nations can rule cities. However, the building rights remain with the city owner forever.
You can only lose a city if it cannot pay its daily taxes or the spoils of a siege from the city treasury.

There are many professions. The more players choose a profession, the less you earn from it. Furthermore, there are maximum earning potential to suggest a diverse and reasonably stable economy.

Through player shops (city plots), trade, auction house, jobs and property taxes, we try to integrate other interesting aspects into the Minecraft world.

There will be… Kappa

Everything is hard and you die more often than you want. But even if you’re a beginner, this might just be the challenge you’ve been looking for. Improve your gameplay and notice how you keep getting better and better. And don’t forget: In this world it is worth coming together and overcoming hurdles together.

Which clientele do we want to reach:
Players who want to interact with other players and maybe even throw in a little “roleplay”. Whether building, farming or PvP, all activities are needed and can also be lived out excessively.

Magie in Minecraft:
You start with a wand and can buy spells at an enchantment table and much more.

Weight and Combat System:
A weight system has been introduced to make fights more interesting and maybe even fairer. In contrast to Netherite armor, for example, leather armor has no weight penalty and you can move better/faster through the game world.
Players need to be more organized and think carefully about what they have in their inventory. Each player has a backpack (/bp) in which he can carry items without a weight penalty (does not replace the ender chest!).
Think carefully about what you need and want to take with you 🙂

Further information:
We came about because 3 knaves thought they could play a world in hardcore mode on 1.18.2. After a lot of work, we made the first server/world: “Alpha” publicly available on July 8th, 2022. If you believe in the Big Bang, the server is actually still in the explosion. Expansion is possible, but actually we only want to play with a few people. Everything imaginable has been done to ensure that the game world remains intact across epochs.

Army Build Citybuild Deutschland Discord Dragon Dragonfire Erp Farmwelt Fire Gamerpascal2210 Germany Survival Travel Worlds

Hey are you looking for a great CityBuild server? Then have a look at You can also travel to different worlds

more information on our Discord server

Das DragonfireArmy Team

DEV: GamerPascal2210

Chunks Claimen Dank Economy Farmwelt Farmwelten Geld Java Version Leb Mcmmo Pve Survival Vanilla Votes Votesystem Freebuild

Community-Freebuild bietet ein einfaches aber großartiges Erlebnis in einer Welt generiert vom Terra Weltgenerator.

Java Version: 1.9-1.16.5
Bedrock Version:

Was erwartet dich:
– Du kannst in der Freebuild Welt und im Freebuild Nether Chunks frei nach Wahl claimen.
– Ein strukturiertes GUI Menü
– Dank mcMMO erhältst du passive Fähigkeiten
– Bis zu drei Jobs können ausgeführt werden um Geld zu verdienen.
– Votesystem mit Belohnungen
– Fast alle Mobs können als Pet gehalten werden – diese können eingefangen oder gekauft werden.
– Farmwelten werden zurückgesetzt
– Und vieles mehr!

Adminshop Bukkit Capturetheflag Citybuild Deutsch Events Farmwelt Gens Instagram Nur Nvme Portals Ryzen Survival Warps

Projekt Chaos Theorie | CityBuild

Eines Tages spielten SeroX Gaming TV, J_User und JaTiTV Minecraft und unterhielten sich darüber wie es theoretisch denn währe einen eigenen Server zu eröffnen. 2 Wochen Später war er da, Der Server.
Und 6 Monate später sind wir hier und eröffnen den Server.
Von einer Chaotischen Theorie zu einem Projekt.

Herzlich willkommen bei Projekt Chaos Theorie
Bei dem Server von Projekt Chaos Theorie handelt es sich anerster Stelle um ein Citybuild.
Weitere Games / Maps sind geplant.

Unsere Priorität ist es, allen Spielern den bestmöglichenSpielspaß zu bieten. Aus diesem Grund setzten wir für den Minecraft Server nur
Marken Hardware ein. Diese auch in einem Zertifizierten Rechenzentrum in
Deutschland steht. Die nur von uns genutzt wird und nicht von vielen anderen.
So wie es bei fertig Hostern der Fall ist. Die Pflege und Wartung übernehmen
unsere Developer
die natürlich auch vom Fach sind.

– CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 Hexa-Core 6 Kerne, 12Threads, bis zu 4,2GHz
– Mainboard: ASRock B450M Pro4
– RAM: Samsung 32GB DDR4 ECC
– Speicher: 2x 512GB Samsung NVME-SSD Hardware-RAID1
– Anbindung: 1Gbit/s inkl. DDos-Schutz
– OS: Debian-Server 10 64bit

Komme auf unseren Server, tritt unserer Community bei undbaue das was dir gefällt und Teile dies mit der Community. Verkaufe oder Kaufe
dir das was du brauchst oder farme es dir selber auf der Farmwelt. Und Baue
damit auf deinem Eigenem Plot dein Reich

Was euch der Server zu bieten hat?

– Viele leere Plots (Grundstücke) um eure Ideen umzusetzen
– Du kannst einzelne Plots verbinden um diese zu einem großenPlot zusammenzufügen
– Handel mit anderen Spielern mit Ingame-Währung
– Signiere Gegenstände um diese Einmalig zu machen oder alsDein Eigentum zu markieren
– aktuell einnormaler Citybuild (PlotWelt)
– geh einfach farmen in der Farmwelt oder im Nether

Verbessere mit deinen Ideen den Server, trete der Communitybei und erweitere ihn dadurch oder werde Teil des Teams

Status Seite:

Ein Projekt von:



<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Access Anticheat Backpack Citybuild Economy Farmwelt Fit Minecraft City Pve Pvp Roleplay Stable Survival Towny Vanilla

Reezli – The best city build server 2020

Minecraft Citybuild Server: [Version 1.12.2 – 1.16.3]


On our non-profit server.
All accessible without real money! We offer you a stable, lag-free server with a few extras.
Now you’re wondering where the hack is, what is it costing me to play on your server? The nice thing is that it doesn’t cost anything for you as a player, except time.
We offer:
– Good AntiCheat system
– Job / Economy System (available soon)
– backpack system
– Daily reward
– Citybuild
– Farmwelt
– Nether

Dom Farm Farmwelt Farmwelten Hey Mob Mobs Nether Plot Plots Plotsquared Pve Economy Random Square Super

Hey wir sind der server

was wir alles bieten

– PlotSquared mit Coolen Wegen und Farmwelten

– Nether random Mobs

– dauernd events free ränge

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

Alien Bald Bean Beans Chb Erza Farmwelt Imperium Nur Stadt Steam Steampunk Survival Teleports Wirtschaft

Galdreen Minecraft Server

Willkommen auf Galdreen

Dies ist die Planetminecraftseite vom
Minecraft Server Galdreen.

Unser Server befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung.
Daher können bislang nur unsere Entwickler joinen!

Wir sind allerdings zuversichtlich,
das sich unsere Pforten bald öffnen werden!

Zum Konzept:

Unsere Welt besteht aus fliegenden Landmassen, welche sich in der Größe stark unterscheiden.
Von der kleinsten Insel bis hin zum Riesen Kontinent ist alles dabei!
Reisen könnt ihr durch spezifische Teleportstationen (Luftschiffe) oder mit Elytren,
welche ihr craften könnt!
Zeitlich gesehen befinden wir uns in einem Epochenmix zwischen dem:

1500 und 1800 Jahrhundert
Durchaus Fantasylastig
mit einigen Steampunk Elementen
z. B. Zahnräder, Dampfmaschinen und Luftschiffe

Als Spieler könnt ihr Grundstücke claimen und diese bebauen wie ihr lustig seid, solange es dem Serverkonzept entspricht
Durch ein Siedlungssystem könnt ihr Eure Region erweitern und besondere Feature freischalten.
Besonders Spielergruppen haben hier durchaus mehr Vorteile.
Questregionen sowie Dungeons bringen einige RPG Elemente mit sich.
Aber auch Server eigene Events werden durchgeführt.

Hier sind nur ein paar der Funktionen aufgelistet:

  • Custom Rezepte
  • Custom Mobs
  • Quest
  • Siedlungen gründen und aufsteigen
  • Shop´s erstellen
  • PVP
  • PVE
  • Die Welt

    Unser Server bietet euch Spielern eine Welt voller Geheimnisse,
    gefüllt mit zahlreichen Quests,
    eigenen Mobs und einer spannenden Survivalerfahrung!
    Durch regelmäßige Events und eine aktives Team
    wird der Serveralltag abwechslungsreich gestaltet.

    Die Welt nennt sich Galdreen.
    Galdreen ist eine von Hand geformte Welt,
    die von unzähligen fliegenden Inseln geprägt ist.
    Im Zentrum dieser Inseln liegt Brukstad,
    die größte Stadt. Hier fließen alle Luftströme zusammen.
    Von hieraus könnt ihr mit Elytren
    oder über ein weit verzweigtes Luftschiffnetzwerk
    zu den verschiedenen Inseln fliegen.
    Auf diesen Inseln findet ihr weite Flächen,
    hohe Berge, ins Nichts fließende Flüsse und vieles mehr!
    Nicht selten werdet ihr auf alte Ruinen,
    ganze Dungeons oder auch kleinere Siedlungen treffen.
    Und das herrenlose Land könnt ihr zu eurem Eigen machen!

    Errichtet euer Imperium!

    Du als einzelner Spieler oder ihr in einer Gemeinschaft
    könnt eine Region für euch beanspruchen.
    Auf dieser könnt ihr ganz nach eurem Geschmack
    eure Projekte verfolgen.
    Wird eure Region einmal zu klein,
    könnt ihr sie durch das Erfüllen bestimmter Bedingungen erweitern.
    Wollt ihr eine Stadt errichten,
    so könnt ihr vier Siedlungspfaden folgen.
    Innerhalb dieser könnt ihr zu höheren Rängen aufsteigen,
    was euch ein stärkeres Einkommen,
    mit dem ihr besondere Features, wie eigene NPCs,
    freischalten könnt.
    Ihr könnt auch automatische Strukturen errichten,
    die dann für euch kontinuierlich weiter produzieren.
    Eure Baumaterialien erhaltet ihr aus den Farmwelten,
    die getrennt von der Hauptwelt
    mittels Luftschiffen erreichbar sind.

    Handelt und werdet reich!

    Es gibt zahlreiche Dinge,
    die ein aktives Wirtschaftssystem ermöglichen.
    So gibt es viele spezielle Items,
    die nur in Ruinen oder Dungeons gefunden werden können.
    Und auch besonders gute Ausrüstung ist einiges wert.
    Neben den NPC-Händlern in Brukstad
    könnt ihr Spieler auch direkt untereinander handeln.
    Dabei gibt es eine eigene Währung.
    Euer hart erarbeitetes Geld könnt ihr dann
    in eure erweiterbaren Bankfächer einlagern.
    Doch passt auf! Langfinger könnten versuchen,
    sich an eurem Reichtum zu beteiligen.

    Erzähl deine eigene Geschichte!

    Zu Beginn entscheidest du dich,
    welcher Gilde du dich anschließen möchtest.
    Diese Entscheidung eröffnet dir zahlreiche Quests,
    eigene Dungeons und einige Craftingrezepte,
    die nur Mitgliedern dieser Gilde bekannt sind.
    Im Verlauf des Spiels kannst du deinen Charakter
    über deine Abenteuer weiterentwicklen.
    Auch kannst du immer bessere Ausrüstung finden
    oder aber herstellen.
    Ein neues Ausrüstungssystem mit neuen Attributen
    und Effekten sorgt hierbei für frischen Wind!

    Ihr habt Fragen oder Feedback?

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Adminshop Bank Bauen Chestshops Chestshopsystem Farmwelt Handelsserver Krieg Male Minecraftserver Neu Projekt Spielerhandel Survival Usw

    MineTopia | Survival Server 1.16

    ✘ Hallo liebe Spieler und Spielerinnen ✘
    Hallo, wir sind, eine hilfsbereite Community die immer neue Spieler sucht! Das (manchmal nicht-ganz-so-) normale Survival steht bei uns im Vordergrund. Durch die vielen kleinen und großen Anpassungen versuchen wir dir das echte Minecraft-Gefühl mit der richtigen Würze an Extras und einem dicken Topping der Gemeinschaft zu bieten. Unsere Community ist perfekt für Anfänger geeignet. Uns ist es egal ob du zum ersten Mal Minecraft gestartet hast, oder schon viele Jahre Minecraft spielst.

    ✘ Was wir euch bieten ✘ ➸ Survival.➸ AdminShop.➸ Farmwelt. (Reset alle 2 Wochen.)➸ Bau Nether.➸ Farm Nether. (Reset alle 2 Wochen.)➸ End. (Reset alle 2 Wochen)➸ Ingame Bank.➸ Uvm.✘ Allgemeine Funktionen ✘➸ Freies bauen in der Wildnis Welt.
    ➸ Sicherung per Plugin der Grundstücke.
    ➸ Sicherungen der Kisten, Türen, Usw.
    ➸ Den Befehl /back um zurück zu kommen.
    ➸ Erstelle dir ein Bank Konto um Zinsen zu kriegen.
    ➸ ChestshopSystem
    ➸ Einen Adminshop
    ➸ Und viele weitere Extras.

    ✘ Unsere Community ✘Doch was wäre ein Server, ohne seine Community? Und genau darauf legen wir einen großen Wert! Bei uns das Zusammenspielen und damit steht die Community bei uns im Vordergrund. Wir bieten euch den Discord Server um mit der Community im Gespräch zu bleiben. Bei fragen oder sonstigem hilft euch das Server Team und somit wird der Einstieg auf den Server leicht ermöglicht✘Die Wildnis ✘

    Dir stehen verschiedene Welten offen, um dich auszuleben. Den Kern des Servers bei uns ist die Wildnis Welt, welche dir Platz zum freien Bauen jeglicher Art bietet. Egal ob du gerade anfängst und eine kleine Hütte als Unterschlupf brauchst, hier findest du für alle deiner Projekte eine Ecke. Unsere Wildnis Welt ist auf der 1.16, wodurch das Spiel auf dem neusten Stand ist.

    Komm auf unseren Server!
    ➸ Server IP ➸➸ Discord IP ➸➸ Webseite ➸➸ Viel Spaß beim Spielen auf dem Server.➸ LG Das Server Team von MineTopiaEU

    Admins Bauwelt City Claiming Economy Farm Farmwelt Mcmmo Minecraft Vanilla Mods Pvp Skyblock Tak Vanilla Whitelisted

    Lost-City Communiry

    Minecraft Vanilla Server from the Lost-City Community
    We offer you an open, active community and a server with Skyblock, Bauwelt, Farmwelt and PVP-Welt, claiming and direct contact to admins and mods via Discord. Take a look there and be whitelisted!

    Creative Economy Farmwelt Farmwelten Global Legend Legendary Legends Mini Games Ortal Portal Pvp Skyblock Warrior Warriors



    Home of the legendary light warriors.

    Economy | Skyblock | Farmwelten
    Creative | PvP | Events
    TS³ | Portal | HP

    Global Address:

    Your LightLegends team

    Active Adventure Adventures Ass Boss Bosses Clan Clans Class Com Community Craft Custom Customized Economy Emo End Erver Friendly Friends Fun Google Has Inecraft Item Items Join Long Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Pack Pro Riendly Rvival Server Survival Venture


    FarawaySurvival has finally progressed to a completed state, packed with fun adventures and memorable moments! Join us, along with your friends today!

    Custom items, bosses, friendly community, and clans!

    Fully customized 1.14.4 Minecraft Server

    Active Ambient Anti Antihack Ass Class Com Crate Crates Eco Econ Econom Economy Emo Encantamientos Google Hack Hacks Ita Leplay Network One Ores Pay Persona Personal Personalizado Play Pro Proteccion Ran Rangos Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Servidor Stable Survival Two


    Pampano es una Network en crecimiento, por el momento contamos con un servidor survival 1.15.2, con economía, crates, protecciones, rangos, encantamientos personalizados y roleplay.
    Tenemos antihacks y evitamos el pay2win, asi crearemos una comunidad estable dentro del servidor.
    Hay muy buen ambiente entre los jugadores, si tienes dudas te ayudan y responden.

    Action Active Battle Claim Claiming Class End Erver Experience Fac Faction Factions Friends Google Hardcore Has Join Kit Kitpvp Laim Make Ming Network New Pvp Raiding Rvival Server Smp Style Survival Tea Team Teams This Version


    Ever wanted a new Factions + SMP style server and more? Well, in CorruptNetwork you get that! Form teams, make friends, go into battle.

    This server ditches the claiming system for a true survival experience. What are you waiting for? Join now!
    It also has a fantasic KitPvP server!

    [version: 1.8]

    Access Active Ass Class Com Craft Economy Ect Erver Eset Evolved Fall Fres Fresh Google Has Infinity Mod Modpack Pack Please Pot Public Pve Raft Relax Reset Server Survival Tes Thaum Thaumcraft This Umc

    FallenCrescent INF

    FallenCrescents’ Infinity Evolved Server! This certain modpack has just got through a reset and is fresh to the public! Grab your mates and come relax on this mixing pot of a modpack.

    Please directly use this IP to get access to Thaumcraft!

    Action Active Air Airships Battle Class Create Different Eco Fac Faction Factions Fly God Google Gun Guns Ill Lms Mcmmo Network Play Player Players Playing Real Realm Realms Server Servers Ship Ships This Weapons

    Yes GodRealms Network is back!!

    This server is one of our many other servers part of the Godrealms Network. In GodRealms you can create and fly airships of all shapes and sizes. You can create a faction and battle other players and become strong. There are many different weapons to choose from such as guns.

    Active Admin Admins Class Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Enhanced Event Events Google Grief Lms Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs New Owner Pro Protect Protection Pvp Real Realm Realms Rvival Server Stable Survival Vanilla Weekly

    The Summer Realms

    MCMMO, Survival+, Stable Economy, Grief Protection and Enhanced Enchantments. New Server with veteran owners and admins!
    Weekly Events with custom Mobs!!!

    Ace Active Age Ages Ass Chill Class Erver Google Green Hill Ill Mall New Nks Place Ran Rank Ranks Rat Ree Rvival Server Small Stuff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tag Way

    green incinerator

    Just a small humble Survival server.
    a place where you can chill.
    im always trying to add new stuff.
    no ranks no advantages

    Active Ass Blo Block Blocks Class Cloud Com Custom Date Day Dedi Dungeon Dungeons Eat Enchant Enchants Erver Features Full Geo Google Has Isle Join Long Mine Mines New Server Sky Skyblock Today Update Updated

    Clouded Isles

    Clouded Isles is a Skyblock server fully updated to 1.15.2. It has all the new blocks and features that 1.15 has to offer along with some additional custom features. There are custom enchants, dungeons, custom mines, and much more. Join today, with the ip

    Active Air Allowed Base Based Best Build Claim Class Com Community Donator End Erver Friendly Google Great Grief Ill King Kingdom Laim Land Land Claim Mean Network Open Perk Perks Rank Ranks Riendly Server Survival This Towny Two

    Airgene Kingdom

    Airgene Kingdom, is a friendly based community server.
    This is a land claim server, which means there is no grief allowed here. If this server works out great we will open a network to it.
    Every month end, were giving away Donator perks, or ranks, to the best build in the server.

    Active Chat Class Community Craft Discord Economy Emo Erver Forge Google Gym Help Helpful Ill Inecraft King Lit Looking Mall Mine Minecraft Ming New Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Pokemon Reforged Server Small Star Start Survival Talk Tea Team Teams Version

    Celestial Pixelmon

    Small, new server!
    Shiny Starters!
    Looking for Gym leaders/Elite four!
    Tournament coming soon May 17, 1 PM EST
    Helpful community
    Pokemon Go Teams Mystic, Instinct & Valor
    You can talk in chat from anywhere using our discord so that you will never be out of touch!

    Pixelmon Reforged : 7.3.1
    Minecraft Version : 1.12.2

    Active Allowed Arena Build Claim Class Craft Creative Discord Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Factions Game Games Grief Griefing Hate Join Mcmmo Mini Games Mmo Mob Plot Plotme Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Server Spleef Survival World


    Welcome to PrimeCraft!

    We are a PvP raid server on 1.15.2 with McMMO, Factions, Economy, and many other plugins. On our server griefing is allowed, so be careful.

    Every Sunday, there is a drop party at 7:00pm ET.

    Aside from the survival worlds, we have do a Plotme world. Claim a plot and build whatever you want using creative!

    We also have mini games like Mob Arena and Spleef. More games coming soon!

    Join our Discord at

    Active Ammo Apex Armor Ass Challenging Chest Class Crack Cracked Dead Discord Elytra Eng Erver Exp Features Game Google Hard Infernal Island Ita Land Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Ored Pvp Ran Red Rvival Season Server Survival


    Kerita MMO Season 4 !
    Stranded Island Survival


    – MCMMO Exp x6!
    – PVP

    Discord server type in game /discord

    Active Class Community Craft Custom Discord Dragon Dragons Dungeon Dungeons Economy Eternal Fac FTB Ill Inecraft Join Lit Mine Minecraft Mod Modpack Network New Old Online Play Player Players Pve Server Servers Sky Skyblock Survival Tekkit Towny Vanilla

    Helioss Network

    Welcome to Helioss! We are an eight month old server host, with servers ranging from Expert Skyblock Packs to Plain Ol’ Vanilla, and we have servers for all players regardless if you’re a new player or a veteran Minecrafter. and everything in between. Community is important to us, and we hope those that join our Discord and servers understand its importance as well.

    Our roster of Servers include…
    Enigmatica 2 Expert
    Project Ozone 3 Kappa and Titan (Skyblock)
    Vanilla 1.15.2
    Stoneblock 2
    Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles
    MC.Eternal and MC.Eternal Lite
    In Development: Custom Modpack

    Application Discord –
    Message me on Discord – Drew#7585
    No Discord? No problem! Apply via our online form! –

    Ace Active Chat Class Craft Disguise Disguises Donor Economy Enjin Fly Forums Free Gui House Ill Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft New Open Perk Perks Play Rank Ranks Relax Relaxing Server Social Survival Town Towny Tumblr Website

    Grandmas House

    Welcome to Grandma’s place! Would you like a cookie?

    Here at Grandma’s place, we love and accept everyone, we are a drama free survival server. Grandma’s place is a 1.15 server, with Towny and ChatFeelings. Our aim with Grandma’s place is to have an open, accepting, drama-free and relaxing place to just play Minecraft.

    A very quick note, this server is very new, and therefore there are still parts that are being set up, particularly our social media.

    We have three current donor ranks, each with their own perks and additions! These include (but certainly are not limited to) /fly, /heal, disguises, /craft, and many, many more.

    Our websites are:
    Tumblr: grandmashousemc

    Active Anarchy Aus Based Build Claim Claiming Class Community Craft Eco Econ Economy Element Emerald Experience Grief Griefing Has Ill Inecraft Join Land Land Claim Life Lit Mine Minecraft Pay Pro Protection Pvp Raiding Server Survival Vanilla Who

    Minetow Survival

    Minetow Survival

    Minetow is a survival server featuring vanilla survival with a handful of quality-of-life changes as well as an emerald based economy. Minetow has ZERO pay to win elements. Minetow offers an authentic Minecraft survival experience by offering no land claiming or protection system and a tightly knit community. On Minetow, you are encouraged to only build with people you can wholly trust because griefing is not punishable on Minetow. Come join us today!

    Active Aus Aussie Awesome Based Block Build Class Craft Creative Free Game Hard Hardcore Inecraft Join Keys Mine Minecraft Mod Pet Pets Play Plot Plots Prison Rank Ranked Rol Role Roles Server Sky Skyblock Skygrid Stream Survival Tree Youtube


    An Aussie based Minecraft server with a difference. We have a wide range of game modes Prison, Skyblock, Skygrid, Hardcore, Survival, CaveBlock, Creative Both Ranked plots Free Build. Mini Pets, Trails, suffixes, Keys and many more awesome things are also available. Join now and play your way, Youtube Streamer roles available.

    Check out Apex Hosting for minecraft server hosting.

    Active Awesome Class Community Crates Economy End Friendly Friends Fun Game Ill Job Jobs Lgbt Mature Mcmmo Mmo Money Nice Perks Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Professional Pve Rank Ranks Semi Server Shop Shops Slimefun Small Staff Survival Vanilla


    Society v3.0.0 Live Release
    Running 1.15.1

    Society is a semi-vanilla Survival server.
    What we offer:
    – A mixture of all your favourite plugins such as Jobs, MCMMO, Shops, Crates, Slimefun and more!
    – A few smaller, less noticeable additions that will surprise you during gameplay. We like to spice it up!
    – Professional setting; all of our staff is personally trained to better assist you, the player.
    – Cheeky community, everyone here loves to joke around, have fun, and make friends.
    – Many ranks with awesome perks that can be purchased with in-game money.
    – A nice place for more mature MC players to relax and play.
    -Very LGBT friendly!
    And so much more to discover!

    Active Advanced Ars Class Download Erver Factions Fight Google Ice Login Mad Make Milky Non Play Player Players Pvp Roleplay Rvival Server Sever Ship Ships Staff Star Survival Tech Technic Universe Video Vis War World Worlds Youtube

    StargateMC is a Survival Canon-ish server that focuses around the Stargate Universe. Players can visit up to 25,000 worlds via Advanced Rocketry FTL Ships or Stargate!

    When you login, you can deal with Stargate Command staff and travel offworld to one of a random 1000 Milky Way worlds, each able to be made your own whilst fighting off the Goauld – or travel to Pegasus and make war against the Wraith…. the choice is yours!

    To play, download StargateMC on the Technic Launcher.

    Note: The Youtube video was made for 1.7, several years ago. Things have changed a lot since then!

    Active Bee Chat Class Community Craft Discord Eternal Experience FTB Growing Inecraft Join Lag Lit Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Mods Network Non Play Player Players Pro Pve Server Servers Small Survival Town Towny Twitch Vanilla Who

    Andromeda Network

    Andromeda Network is a collection of both modded and non-modded Minecraft servers! We are a small, growing community of players who have been together since 2013! Come join us today! We offer 24/7 servers with little to no lag, cross server chat, and so much more!

    We currently host the following servers:

    -Stompzcraft – The OG Towny experience! Join with ip:

    -Project Ozone 3 (Kappa Mode) – join via the twitch launcher at

    -MC Eternal – join via the twitch launcher at

    -All the Mods 3 Remixed – join via the twitch launcher at 26637

    -FTB Interactions – join via the twitch launcher at

    Join us on Discord:

    Creative Factions Friendly Friends Fun Games Geek Geekorama Geeky Geekyservers Helpful Mob Skyblock Skyblockserver Survival

    GeekyServers – Everything Server!

    After over four years, GeekyServers has finally returned under new management! However, you may be wondering, “What is GeekyServers?” Well then, let me explain.

    GeekyServers is a fun, family-friendly and non-linear Minecraft gaming server with so many options that it’ll raise the bar on what you’re used to seeing and expect from a Minecraft server. We do not limit our players to any single activity. The possibilities are endless and there are so many things to do! What are you waiting for? Join us, you won’t regret it!

    We strive to be the best! You are never stuck doing any single activity. We’ve created different types of worlds to fulfill the wide array of play styles that are possible in Minecraft. For instance, if you want to play in Creative Mode, you can. If you want to play Survival, you can! You are not limited at all on our server. Once you’re done with one thing, you can take a break and do something completely different. The possibilities are endless! We separate our worlds, so it’s like having multiple servers all-in-one!

    We’re also constantly updating and creating new ways to keep our players busy and having fun! Above and beyond everything mentioned, our server is also family friendly! We keep peace on our servers and avoid drama, disallow cursing, abusive and offensive chatter whenever possible.

    Just about the only thing missing from our server is YOU! So come on in and experience a server unlike any other, you won’t regret it.

    Minecraft Server IP:

    See You There!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of servers.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!