Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Based Class Communities Community Craft Creative Custom Developed Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hub Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minez Minigame Minigames Mmo Mod Modded Modpack Network New Play Player Plot Rpg Server Survival Town Towny Twitch Unique

TekPK Minecraft

TekPK Minecraft focuses on being a community. We are mainly based off the combined communities of a few twitch streamers. Though at the moment we offer a hub, factions/mcmmo server, a creative plot server, and a unique player driven/developed towny survival server and a custom modpack server (TekPK Pack) we are new and growing quickly. Get in on the ground floor as the network expands.

Coming soon: Minigames, RPG Factions. More modded, MineZ, MC Rust etc.


Ass Bran Brand Chaotic Class Com Community Craft Custom Day Erver Future Game Gaming Huge Ice Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Ming Mod Modded New Ommunity One Plugin Plugins Ran Ring Server Style Ter This Today Tom United

Chaotic United

Chaotic United is a gaming community with a wide range of services. One of which is our Minecraft server. This is just our main server, later we plan to own a Modded Minecraft server.

We have plans to take a huge leap later on in the future, adding custom plugins and bringing a brand new game to Chaotic United.

Join today.


Active Car Class Ect End Enjoy Erver Fight Fighting Friends Great Ill Item Items Join Kit Mob Mobs Mod Modded Play Player Pot Pve Random Rvival Sell Server Shop Spawn Survival This War Warp World


WitherWorld is a survival server without all the fighting! This server is great for when you just want to enjoy the feel of modded single player with your friends. When you join WitherWorld, you will be given a kit that can be spawned every 1.5 weeks, and a button to spawn randomly in the world so you don’t have to spend hours finding the perfect spot! We have a shop that you can sell and buy items at /warp Shop. Mobs are still enabled, so be careful, and enjoy your stay!

Ace Ass Back Chat Class Com Command Craft Discord Game Gui Hack Ill Inecraft Invite Java Join King Law Menu Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Noop Open Peace Play Player Please Pro Rules Rvival Style Surviva Survival Vanilla


1.15.2 Java Vanilla Survival

Click the Peace Symbol” to the left of your name in minecraft game chat to open your player menu, you may also use the command /trigger gui

If something doesnt work properly logout and back in

Please join our discord

No Breaking United States Laws
No Hack/Modded Clients


Active Age Ages Allowed Ass Build Class Com Craft End Erver Free Friends Hank Ill Mature Mod Modded New Nks Play Player Players Please Pvp Ran Red Ree Ring Rvival Server Servers Spawn Survival Thanks This Vanilla Welcome


This is a survival, pvp vanilla server. Please don’t build too close to spawn, thanks! All ages are welcome! Mature players preferred. No modded clients allowed. New and veteran players welcome, please feel free to bring your friends!

Anticheat Best Build Chat Combat Community Custom Easy Eco Econ Economy Fair Fun Games Grief Home Homes Job Jobs Land Mob Mobs Mod Modded New Nice Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Protection Pvp Server Servers Spleef Survival Votifier War

At MPSurvival we want to provide players with the best survival experience possible. We want players to feel valued and part of the community.

We aim to make MPSurvival the number #1 survival server. We chose every plugin with our players in mind

We have two plugins that allow players to protect their items and homes from griefers.
Lockette allows players to lock chests and doors to stop their items being stolen.
Residence is a great land protection plugin, it completely stops players being able to destroy your home.

Even though the server is not based around player versus player combat, it is still important that its a fair aspect of the server.
CombatTag is a great anti-PvP log plugin, if a player logs out during PvP they are instantly killed. You will get get your loot.
AntiCheat ensures that all players have a fair experience on the server, modded clients ruin the game.

While most survival servers have an economy, MPSurvival boasts multiple ways of making money.
The jobs plugin is an easy way to make money, there are so many jobs and you can have up to 3 jobs at the same time.
It is very important that players feel appreciated and to show that, we reward them with votifier.

Just for fun
While survival is quite serious, we thought it was important that players can have fun.
Mob disguise lets players disguise as passive and hostile mobs.
We have a custom spleef plugin that allows games to be setup and boasts a new gamemode.

Every server must have rules in place to make the server a nice place to be.
1. Respect all players .
2. Do not advertise other servers.
3. Do not swear obsessively.
4. Do not use caps obsessively.
5. Do not use modded clients.
6. Do not spam the global chat.
7. Do not ask for help setting up plugins.
8. Do not duplicate items.

At MPSurvival, we accept all types of players from builders to fighters. We do not discriminate any player regardless of where they are from. What are you waiting for?


Active Ass Ball Bukkit Class Cod Coded Creative Current Custom Erver Exp Experience Game Games Hey Inventory Item Items Kit Mini Mini Games Mod Modded Pain Paint Paintball Play Player Players Rvival Server Smp Support Survival This

Sliwco Server

A bukkit modded server, with SMP, mini-games and much more! We allow for players to have a survival experience, yet also play mini-games with a separate inventory so they do not risk loosing any items, currently supporting mini-games such as paintball, all which is custom coded JUST for this server!

Block Chat Class Craft Default End Friends Gui Hard Hub Hubs Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Mods Nomods Ored Play Red Server Servers Shop Shops Simp Simple Spawn Spawns Special Staff Survival Title Vanilla Wns

Penguins Simply Survival

If you are bored of all the heavily modded Minecraft servers like I am this is the server for you, as close to vanilla as it can get.

– Play with friends – Random spawns – Vanilla – Hard – Default chat look – Staff very hands off –

Just a simple survival server nothing to it, no hubs, no shops, no special mods

Check it out if you are bored of all the mods

Amazing Awesome Build Building Builds Chill Computers Craft Earth End Fun Hard Historical Job Jobs Lore Map Minecraft Mod Modded Mods Need Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Potato Rol Roleplay Server Standard Stories Story Storyline Survival Town Vanilla Website Who

Welcome to
GospelCraft is a chill roleplay server, with 66 books of content from the Bible to be added as storyline. There are many plugins to make your semi-vanilla survival seem almost like modded, but without needing to install any mods. Explore a map of the actual planet Earth, while looking to build your town, or company.

In GospelCraft, my goal is to implement the entire Bible as content onto the server. Its going to take some time, and effort, but the content is amazing, the stories are amazing, and I can hardly wait to getting around to all of the different locations, and building the actual historical builds at their respective sites.

Plugins are like mods, but for the server. The server design has players in mind, with all mod-like changes being made server-side, so your computer doesnt suffer. Yes, mods are awesome. Who doesnt like mods, but many computers just cant handle the impact they have on their resources. Our server doesnt lack power, and therefore, we take on the brutal demand for resources by running only plugins. Plugins will not require your computer to download anything extra, and you can log right in using your standard un-modded minecraft client. Enjoy the modded lyfe, without the lag at GospelCraft. )

With jobs like explorer, you even get paid for exploring the map of Earth. Thats right. We have an actual map of the planet for you to live on. Build Paris in France, or Rome in Italy, or even your own house at your real location. The possibilities are endless. I personally like exploring tourist locations like Hawaii, and Mt. Everest.

So come on down to GospelCraft, and join in the historical fun.
Did I mention we have potatos?


Active Block Chat Class Community Craft Custom Economy End Enviro Environment Experience Friendly Friends FTB Global Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Network Play Player Players Pro Professional Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Suggestions Top Vanilla

Dextopia Network

Dextopia is a network ran by a group of professional and experienced minecraft players. We listen to community input and suggestions and thrive to make a friendly environment for the community.

We currently have 3 servers: Vanilla, SkyBlock, and custom modded server called DexTek. Our servers are linked together and have a global chat so you can always chat with a friends no matter what server they are on.

Bal Balkan Call Host Hosted Hosting Lec Mad Prem Premium Pvp Pvp Server Skypvp Tps Yes


FlameSkyPvP is balkan server made for fun!
The best skypvp server on balkan!
Our server is hosted on premium hosting called ElectroNode
Recommended hosting ElectroNode
Our Discord

Ark Big City Claim Dark Dot Elf High Hut Lands Minehut Official Roleplay Survival Vanilla

The DarkDot Junior High

The Official DarkDot SMP has a big number of plugins and you can do /trade {PlayerName} to trade and you can claim land and there will be presidents and wars over lands city’s and viliges that people create…
Check it out for your self!!!

Anarchy Backpack Backpacks Bars Economy Generation Health Images Mages Next Gen Roleplay Survival Towny Trans Vanilla


EpicSMP is part of the next generation of networks. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent. Designed for all.

custom images
death coordinates
mob/player health bars

Buff Cut Cute Gameplay Lightweight Loot Max Mean Paid Plus Polite Sethome Survival Teleport Teleportation


Payncraft semi-vanilla SMP with Grief-Prevention and custom loot. Long term server paid up till May. cool acute loot plugin give you cool names on your items and some even give small buffs or effects. We have sethome and /spawn plus the latest in random teleportation devices. Lightweight means less lag for you only 10 plugins to maximize your gameplay. this is a no swear server. Be polite and remember I have admin that are well adept in taking care of issues.

Apex Econ Enjoy Everything List Man Max Mise Non People Port Support Survival Whitelist Whitelisted


This is a fun non-whitelisted server that many people enjoy. We support all, we welcome all. We will do everything we can to maximise your fun in this server.

Back Blue Creative Dates Economy Feed Gamemodes Nda New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Panda Roleplay Survival Updates Vanilla


PandaLands (1.8 – 1.16)

We are a new Minecraft Server with updates coming all the time. PandaLands is a community-based network that values player feedback and works hard to make the server best for everyone. PandaLands currently has the following gamemodes w/ more to come!

1.8 Survival (SMP Red)
1.16 Survival (SMP Blue)

Bro Broke Broken Cat Cheat Cheater Griefers Heat Ken Pure Sin Survival Trivia Vanilla Verification


Pure vanilla experience.
Verification is required through Discord, this is to thwart griefers / cheaters and is very trivial.
This is still a work in progress so expect some things to be missing or broken!

Awesome Awsome Eso Hate Jus Knight Knights Night Nights Pay Pay To Win Playing Skyblock Way Win


Do you like playing skyblock, but you hate that its always just pay to win? Well then KnightSky is just the server for you. KnightSky is a awsome minecraft server with a awesome community and no pay to win! So why not come and hang out with us 🙂

Bot Bots Cell Cells Economy Gang Gangs Hcraid Mini Games Payout Payouts Prison Pvp Robot Robots


HcRaid Prison is a UNIQUE Classic Server Full Of Custom Features: Custom Enchants, Custom Builds, Robots, Cells, Gangs, Payouts and much more!
We have an active discord, so if you have any inquiries or just need some help please feel free to contact a staff member. Dont forget to have fun!

Bal Ball Economy Gamer Hardcore Kit Kits Parkour Paw Pay Prison Pve Pvp Spawn Survival


Dansk Prison !!

Come and join

. .

1.17 Aves Caves Glows Inventory Largest Massive Moon Pit Pve Shot Snap Snapshot Squid Vanilla


Ganymede, a satellite of Jupiter, is the largest and most massive of the Solar System’s moons. Ganymede the Minecraft server is a super chill 1.17 snapshot server! Come check out the grimstone and the glowsquid, caves and caverns! Keep inventory is on! This server is run by mature staff that aren’t all egos too.

Bar Detail Detailed Economic Heaven History Myst Post Root Story Survival Multiplayer Tail Tree Ubs Underworld

rootcraft server Minecraft

? Welcome to the Rootcraft server!

Our server is, first of all, unique because it has everything that might interest you. A versatile economic system, exciting quests, friendly players, a unique subsurface system – you can find all this on Rootcraft. There is also a fascinating history of the server itself, which will not leave anyone indifferent.

? This is a story about a sacred tree, the tree of life and knowledge that connects heaven and the underworld. Many mysteries haunt this tree, knowing them, you will receive a reward. You can find a more detailed description in other posts.

To start the game, enter our ip in the address bar:

? Store:

Apex Ars Bed Bed Wars Creative Factions Icc Mini game Mini Games Minigame Minigames Som Spleef War Wars

Kryptc Craft

we have alot of things to do like factions and mini games come check us out and have fun some of the minigames are spleef bed wars and others

Anti-grief Automatic Chill Floating Hole Peace Peaceful Peacefull Pve Pvp Racism Roleplay Survival Games Toxic Wholesome

Minecraft and Chill

Welcome! Chill with us in our wholesome server. You can roleplay, PvP, or just peacefully build. Racism, toxicity, harassment, and griefing will not be tolerated. This server has anti-griefing systems that will automatically ban spammers.

Conquer Country Create Crossover Earth Economy Erp Power Pve Pvp Super Survival Tak Town Towny

Junior crossover

[NEW SERVER] Create your own Country and be the next superpower of Earth. Form your own town, join a country and conquer earth!

Do you have what it takes to do so?

Critic Criticism Economy Exciting Feed Mcmmo Multiplay Play Minecraft Pve Pvp Roleplay Setup Signs Survival Survival Multiplayer

Antera Junior High

Antera Survival Multiplayer

Antera is a server dedicated to creating a fun and exciting community.
We would love if you could join and check us out!, we want as much Criticism and Feedback as possible.

Main Features:
Jobs – Join a Job to earn Money and Experience!.
mcMMO – Adds exciting new ways to play Minecraft.
Grief Prevention – Claim land to stop Players from griefing you!
Pets – This plugin allows you to have awesome Pets.
Sign Shops – Setup a Shop with Signs.
We have many more Plugins for you to enjoy, but this is all i will list for now

Bedrock Crossplay Dcraft Economy Factions Guard Java Mcmmo Mcserver Pvp Raiding Rock Roleplay Survival Vanguard


We aim to give our community the best experience!

Economy Hype Mai Mcmmo Mini Games Oppriso Opprison Parkour Prison Release Released Survival Unique Uses Vanilla

OPPrison | Just Released

OPPrison focuses mainly on custom and unique experiences. Join today to see what the hype is all about!


138 8.2 Auction House Daily FTB House Houses Learn Many Players Modded Modpack Optimized Pve Spicy Survival


SpicyCraft is a highly Optimized, heavily modded, custom modpack and dedicated Community! We feature a daily reward system, countless mods, many players ran shops, auction houses, and more! If you’re interested or want to learn more, please head on over to our Discord community.

000 1000 Chests Chestshop Economy Hestshop Mcmmo Nen Notable Pve Pvp Scale Timber Towny Tree

Earth Forge MC

Welcome to Earth Forge MC! A brand new 1:1000 scale earth map complete with Towny, Economy, and more! Explore all of the continents and create your own empire to rule the land!


Other Notable Features:

-Chestshop System
-Tree Timber

Join now using the IP:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!