Active Ass Back Better Claim Claims Class Com Community Craft Economy End Erver Family Friend Friendly Google Ill Inecraft King Laim Looking Mature Mine Minecraft Mmu New Ommunity Ops Pve Riendly Server Shop Shops Survival Ter Town Vanilla

Better Town

Friendly mature Minecraft+ vanilla server with shops and claims. New laid back community looking for additions to our family.

Active Amazing Aus Block Class Communities Community Craft Creative Economy End Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Forge Friendly Gun Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Network New Play Player Players Pro Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Unique Version Versions

SUGUnion | Network

Our community is expanding and always improving. We do this for the players, and we are constantly adding new ideas.

We are running our server in versions 1.13.2 – 1.15.2.

Features :

– Factions!
– Skyblock!
– KitPvP!
– Creative!

One of the most passionate and extending communities over planet Minecraft. We’re a network with active and friendly staff and an amazing community. Our network is unique because we bring an experience of Survival you won’t forget…

Come check us out today at!

Active Ass Ations Beautiful Build Builds Class Com Community Custom Customization Eat Ect Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Google Great King Looking Mmu Ommunity Perfect Play Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival This Tom

Infectious Survival

Looking for an enjoyable 1.15 survival server to play? With a great community, beautiful builds, and customizations to regular survival this is the perfect server for you.

Active Anarchy Chat Class Discord Discordsrv Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hack Hacking Ill Join King Mine Mini Games Need New Paper Play Player Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Semi Server Survival Survive Vanilla Veinminer Voice World

A New World

Anarchy – A New World

Server Type: Semi-Vanilla run on PaperMC. Anarchy Server. One World, no mini games, factions or economy. Just play and survive.

Player Plugins include Veinminer, Harbor and DiscordSRV. Hacking discouraged. Anarchy doesnt mean you need to hack…

Discord Integration for linking accounts, out of game chat and proximity voice!

Come and join us!

Active Ass Class Cool Date Dates Economy Erver Esp Free Fun Game Google Hardcore Mod Mode Prison Prize Prizes Pvp Raiding Real Ree Reviv Revive Server Special Tes Update Updates Vive Vote



ReviveMC is a really fun server with constant updates and game modes, so feel free to stick around and especially vote for some cool prizes!

Active Admin Ass Ava Class Craft Eam Economy Exp Gaming Google Inecraft Kitpvp Lin Mine Minecraft Ming Mini Pve Pvp Raft Sur Survival Vis World

Cu o pasiune pentru jocuri de cand ne stim, avand admini cu o experienta uriasa in MINECRAFT WORLD, am decis sa cream o lume a noastra, o lume plina de evenimente si concursuri.

Descopera lumea impreuna cu noi, supravietuieste, si ajuta-ne sa cream una mai buna.

Anarchy Anarchy Server Ass Auto Awaken Blo Block Cked Class Crack Cracked Ect Enjoy Erver Exp Experience Ked Ken Nam New Play Player Players Ring Server Survival This Title

[Cracked][ Anarchy Awaken

We are a new anarchy server.

We want to bring a anarchy experience to cracked players and that’s how this server was born.
I hope you enjoy 🙂

Active Cars Cities Class Custom Earth Eco Empire End Fac Faction Factions Guns Helicopters Ill Land Lit Map Nation Nations Pay Planes Politics Pve Pvp Raiding Server Ships Sub Survival Tanks Towny Vanilla War Wars World Worldwarmc

WorldWarMC Earth Server

1.8-1.15.2 WW2 Themed Earth Geopoilitcal Factions Server on a 1:1000 Earth MapFeatures:Earth map with geographically accurate oresWars and politicsCustom guns with resource packTanks, cars, motorcycles, helicopters, planesShips, submarines, airshipslarge map for cities!Non Pay2Win and will always be around!Recommended nations to make:
FranceUSAUKFinlandChinaItalyRussian Empire/Russia/Soviet UnionSerbiaPolandJapanGermany/AustriaSpainMexicoEgyptNorwaySwedenANY OTHER NATION!

Ace Action Active Age Ass Class Concours Economy Fac Fact Faction Factions Google Maga Minage One Place Plus Pvp Serveur Sin Sur Survival Use


Bienvenue sur le serveur SezFac amusez vous et créer la plus grosse faction !
dans le serveur il y a : un magasin , une arène de pvp, une zone de minage et des concours seront mis en place ; )

Ars Bed Bedwars Block Class Com Eco Economy Ect Erver Has Item Items Jobs Kywars Mine Mines Mod Mypets Pro Ranks Rvival Server Servidor Sky Skywar Skywars Solo Spain Special Specialeffects Specialitems Specialkits Staff Survival Title War Wars

MineChop 1.8-1.15.x

MineChop es un servidor nuevo de varias modalidades de momento esta solo survival con items especiales y recompensas diarias.
Estamos trabajando cada dia para añadir mas modalidades, pronto habra skywars, bedwars y muchas mas!
Comienza tu aventura de survival en este server no te arrepentiras!
Hay minas automaticas, trabajos, items especiales, y mucho mas!

Active Anarchy Anti Apply Claim Claims Class Community Craft Create Development Discord Eco Econ Economy End Friends Great Grief Hardcore Ill Inecraft Invite Join Kitpvp Land Map Mine Minecraft Owner Pro Pvp Reset Semi Server Staff Survival Vanilla

LlamaCraft Survival Anti Grief

Llamacraft is Semi-Vanilla Minecraft Survival Server, the aim is to create a server with a great community and a community driven economy, the server is currently under development and you can join today there won’t be any resets so your progress will always be saved so you never have to worry, you can also claim land here and invite your friends to your claims to protect what you have built from griefers. If you’re interested in a possible future staff position then join the server and the discord and apply via the staff-apps channel in the discord server.If you have any further enquiries please contact the Owner LlamaPvP.

Ace Active Build Building Claim Class Craft Creative End Event Family Features Ffa Friendly Friends Game Gameplay Games Happy Join King Mini Games Minigame Minigames New Old Owner Planet Play Plot Riendly Rules Server Servers Simple Survival World Worlds

MugPlanet – Family Friendly Server

Howdy Folks! I’m so excited you want to inquire more about our server!
MugPlanet is a collaboration between two older servers; DonutCraft and MugPlanet. We currently have four seperate worlds with their own features and gameplay:
Survival – Your plain survival world.
Creative – Just as the name says. Claim a plot and start building!
Minigames – We are always working on a new Minigame, so get some friends together and check them out!
Event – This world changes frequently, so check back often!
We have a few simple rules in place to keep MugPlanet happy, healthy, and family friendly. You must agree to our rules upon first join to play!
On Behalf of Mugplanet,
– DonutyBuffalo, Owner

Active Ages Chest Class Create Different Discord Eco Economy Farm Fight Google Groups Has House Ill Job Jobs Join Lag Ming Money Need New Open Play Player Roleplay Server Shop Survival Theme Unlock Village Website


Welcome to FarmAndFIght the server opens the 10th of April for now join our discord and our website
The goal is to reach the last and to become the richest player (there are 5 villages for now more will be coming after)
To unlock a new village you need to reach a certain amount of money
At the beginning you appear on the first village and you have to choose between 4 groups each group has 3 different jobs !
All villages have a different theme !
You can buy 1 house per village !
You can create your own shop
And much more…

Active Ars Ass Awesome Bed Bedwar Bedwars Class Craft Custom Erver Eso Eternal Fun Google Hole Kit Kitmap Launch Map Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Raft Server Sky Skygen Smp Staff Survival Taff Ter Tom Uhc Unch War Wars Who


A custom crafted, UHC, SMP, KitMap and SkyGen server! With bedwars just launched! Custom plugins, awesome staff, and A WHOLE LOT OF FUN!

Active Arena Ass Class Classic Com Community Craft Currency Economy Erver Google Growing Inecraft Join Mad Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Nks Ommunity Parkour Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Rps Rvival Server Sit Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival War Warp Warps


A growing community made Minecraft server
PVP Arena / Currency / Classic Survival / Server Ranks / Warps
& More!

Join our cult

Active Arena Arenas Auction Class Craft Custom Economy End Experience Fun Game Games Inecraft Job Jobs Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames New Perks Play Playing Plugin Plugins Roleplay Rpg Server Servers Shop Sky Skywars Special Town Towny War Wars World


Opheon is a new but growing server. On it you can experience the fun of using bending for Avatar the last airbender on servers such as towny, minigames, skywars, and an RPG server of the Avatar world. We have custom jobs, custom bending configuration, custom Bending Arenas, Auction plugins, shop plugins, towny war plugins and much much more. We also have special perks for VIP members~ Come check us out, relax, and have a fun time bending while playing minecraft!

Active Block Claim Claims Class Craft Custom Diamond Eco Econ Economy Edit Essentials Event Features Grief Griefprevention Gui Ill Inecraft Item Items Java Join Kill Land Land Claim Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Open Plugin Prevention Rules Server Simple Survival Vault

Diamond MC

Minecraft Java Edition Server for 1.15
Regular Minecraft survival
– Land claims (via GriefPrevention): 2000 claim blocks when you join.
– Economy system (via Essentials and Vault)
– And more

– Custom plugin features:
– /buy (opens a simple buy GUI window to purchase items with cash)
– Mob Cash System (kill mobs to earn cash)

– Don’t be an idiot.
– No strictly offensive terms (racist, homophobic, sexist, etc).

Active Ages Build Builds Class Community Craft End Enjoy Enviro Environment Event Events Features Free Friendly Friends Game Grief Home Homes Join New Peace Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pve Pvp Server Simple Small Survival Teleporting Vanilla War

Community Craft

Searching for a friendly server where you can play and build in peace? Look no further! We are a small server that strives to maintain a grief-free, laid-back environment where players of all ages can make new friends and participate in community events. Using a handful of plugins, players can protect their builds and homes from grief, make use of game-enhancing commands, and enjoy simple features like sitting on stairs or teleporting to friends. We look forward to meeting you! Join Community Craft!

Active Arena Chat Chestshop Class Coreprotect Discord Eco Econ Economy Edit Essentials Event Events Games Hungergames Job Jobs Lag Multiverse Nations Nether Play Plugin Plugins Portals Pvp Rol Server Shop Survival Survival Games Town Towny Vault War World Worldedit Worldguard


Ovania – Towny, Hungergames, essentials & economy

Vi som driver Ovania är inga mindre än Philip, Vinz & Alienboy och vi gör det för att alla ska känna sig välkomna och vårat motto är att nybörjare till proffs ska kunna gå ihop och ta lärdom av varandra. Vi har med andra ord inga krav på hur vidare du kan bygga eller inte, vi kräver inga för kunskaper! Bara ni följer våra regler så är vi nöjda! Våra framtida planer är att dagligen vara en aktiv server med återkommande spelare och även mycket roliga minnen… Vi är väldigt nya så ta saker med en nypa salt om inte allt är perfekt!

Vi kör idag med 1.15.2 och vi är igång 24/7.

Plugins: Luckperms, Worldedit, Clearlag, Holographicdisplays, multiverse-core, advancedportals, janky, netherportal, witherac, vault, coreprotect, essentials, towny, chatfeelings, hungergames, harbor, chestshop, ultimatestacker, worldguard, jobs

Vi kommer i framtiden även köra events, inom towny då såklart! Med war inom olika nations och annat kul, mycket kommer ske framöver så håll koll.

Vi har även idag som alternativ till Towny, hungergames för folk som vill spela det så håller vi just nu på att utveckla en arena för det men ni kan såklart redan idag köra, dock är arenan inte 100%.

Välkomna till oss och hoppas ni kommer trivas.

Har ni frågor, så får ni ta det i Discord vi värnar om våra spelare och lyssnar gärna på åsikter så väl som klagomål! Vi tycker att folk ska vara ärliga, och raka mot oss för det gör bara så vi kan bygga upp och förbättra med tiden.

Active Ass Base Cat Class Com Community Economy End Erver Eternal Euro Europe Friend Friendly Google List Mature Ommunity Play Player Players Power Powerful Pro Professional Ram Region Riendly Secure Server Staff Survival Taff Ter Whitelist Whitelisted

The Eternal Region

The Eternal Region provides our players with

– A mature, friendly & active community to play with
– A secure whitelisted enviorment

– A powerful server located in Europe with over 12GB of RAM

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Fun Servers on Minecraft Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!