Builds Claiming Custommobs Dungeons Events Farming Fight Minecraft Minecraftserver Mobfight Moderated Nonpay2win Pve Pvp Semivanilla Spleef Staff Survival Villagers Voting

☀ Aero Survival ☀ || Land Claiming ● Free Fly ● Voting ● Ranks

Aero Survival

IP: Play.AeroSurvival.Net
Website: (Coming April / May 2020)
Version: Paper Spigot 1.15.2


Welcome to Aero, a unique and fun place to hangout, and chat with friends. Aero is a Survival Multiplayer server with aspect that offers unique experiences ,custom events, and an abundance of free perks that differentiates us from any other server.

Our Development

With top quality plugins from Spigot and Hand-Written configurations, you can expect a pleasant, easy-going experience. If you encounter any bugs feel free to report them to staff in our ‘┃helpop’ Channel!


While being rather new, Aero comes with a plethora of features that are ready to go. You can find a list of them below.

• Lands Management, create lands and invite friends with limited to no griefing.
• Villager Shopping, custom villagers trade various items for Heads, Rares, Or Harder To Find Loot.
• Events, custom server events like Spleef, and LabRats that feature rewards and giveaways.
• Voting Rewards, vote for our server and get unique, valuable rewards, and high teir ranks.
• Extra Perks, for just joining the server you get free Flight in Spawn, Tpa, Hat, and Stone Tools.

Anticheat Arena Ban Bean Bedwars Best Class Craft Discord End Fair Games Hack Kit Lag Lobby Map Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Parkour Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Servers Sky Skywars Spawn Team Title Vote War Wars Youtube Youtuber

BaxNetzwerk [] | 1.8-1.15

Hey Minecraft Spieler,

wir sind das BaxNetzwerk,
ein kleines Minecraft Server Netzwerk mit Innovation.

Willkommen auf unserer Planet-Minecraft Seite, hier kannst du Infos über unser MiniGames Netzwerk nachlesen!

Minecraft Server IP:

– Du kannst mit allen Minecraft Versionen ab der 1.8 auf dem BaxNetzwerk spielen (1.8 – 1-15). Wir empfehlen jedoch die 1.8 zu benutzen um ein bestmögliches Spielen zu ermöglichen!

Alle Minispiele auf unserem Server:
– KnockIT(Schlage die anderen Spieler von einer schwebenden Plattform)
– Bedwars(Baue das Bett des Gegners ab um diesen vernichten zu können
– Skywars(Besiege alle Gegner auf schwebenden Inseln um zu siegen)
– JumpBozz(Springe durch einen Parkour und sammle dabei Ausrüstung, um am Ende gegen deine Gegner anzutreten)
– LuckyArena(Öffne Lucky-Blöcke und sammle daraus Ausrüstung, um nach der Schutzphase gegen deine Gegner anzutreten)
– Tunnelwars(Grabe dich durch Tunnel zur gegnerischen Basis, um den Respawn Block zu zerstören, sodass du die Gegner vernichten kannst)

Weitere Infos zu jedem Spielmodi erhälst du auf der Lobby unseres Servers! Dort gibt es ein Item, auf dem du alle Infos, Anleitungen etc. zu jedem Spielmodi nachlesen kannst!

Was bieten wir darüber hinaus?
– Mit in den Spielmodi erspielten Coins kannst du dir einen Rang kaufen
– Unser Serverteam ist freundlich und wird deine Fragen zum Server beantworten und eine gute Spielatmosphäre ermöglichen
– Wir bieten ein gutes Anticheatsystem, welches den Großteil der Hacker direkt bannt, um ein fairesSpielgeschehen zu ermöglichen
– Wir bieten bis auf ein paar Ausnahmen selbstgeschriebende Plugins und ausschließlich selbstgebaute Maps!
– DU kannst unseren freundlichen Support per Email oder in unserem Discord Supportchannel erreichen und Fragen stelle, Entbannungen anfragen oder dich bewerben!
– unsere Server sind auf unsere Systeme und Spieler abgestimmt was ein lagfreies spielen ermöglicht
– Ränge für Youtuber mit mehr Möglichkeiten um besser zusammen mit Abonnenten auf dem Server spielen zu können.

Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch auf unserem Server und wünschen dir viel Spaß beim Zocken!

➥ Wenn du für den Server votest erhälst du eine kleine Belohnung!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Application Ass Ations Best Block Cat Class Com Ect Erver Everyone Free Google Has Ill Mine Miner Miners Noob Noop One Open Owner Pvp Ran Rank Ree Rvival Server Staff Surviva Survival Ter This Title Vip Wip


Hello! This server is a WIP But… Since it is a WIP Everyone gets free VIP!!!! If you are too late then you will have to stick up with NOOB Rank!
OWNER: LiamIsTheBest26

Ash Ass Auto Blo Block Build Builder Builders Class Ect Erver Flash Game Games Host Hosting Imple King Looking Mini Minigame Minigames Nam New Pvp Server Simp Simple Staff Taff Title

The Flash

The Flash is a new minigames server !
looking for staff and builders !

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Based Bee Block Class Craft Eco Economy Emo Grief Guard Hard Help Ill Item Items Kill King Kit Kits Mcmmo Minecraftserver Mmo New Perks Plugin Plugins Pro Protection Safe Server Shop Skills Survival Title Update Updated World Worldguard

MashCraft Survival

MashCraft Survival!

Welcome, MashCraft is a brand new server as of early 2020. I have been working hard to fit and adjust appropriate plugins to fit a survival eco based world. so far we have a main server shop, with mostly all prices adjusted so it can’t be taken advantage of. I have WorldGuard for grief protection and to keep your precious items safe!. a few starter kits to help you get started on your journey, Mcmmo is included with all the skills and extra perks. This server information will be updated as i add/remove/change anything within the server.

Ban Boss Build Building Claim Claiming Clan Clans Custom Eco Economy Elves Enchantments Force Fun Good Hiring Interesting Job Jobs Kingdom Kingdoms Lore Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Play Player Pvp Quest Quests Rol Server Servers Staff Survival Title Town Unique

BUCKETRY MINECRAFT ★ 1.15.x ★ Land Claiming ★ Survival ★ McMMO ★ Jobs ★ Quests ★ Custom Enchantments


About Us

We are a server that focuses on what’s enjoyable in Minecraft. While at its core, it is a no-holds-barred PVP server with emphasis on building clans and overpowering your enemy, it also retains what Minecraft should be on the outside, with unique and interesting terrain, massive caves to explore, and a magnitude of monsters to fight. Bucketry Minecraft is not just a PVP server, it’s also about survival and creation.

The Server Objective

The objective of the server is the concept of players having fun through PvP, acting as either individuals or a combined force through the town system. It is the staff interacting with players, it is kingdoms trying to conquer the land of other kingdoms, it is roaming bandits taking what they want by force. It is a world where the players themselves play the biggest role.

No Nonsense

We who run the show are players much like yourself. We’ve played those servers. We’ve fought those people. It was all in good fun until the cruel realization came that PvP and creativity could not coexist. At our server, we believe that the core aspect of Minecraft can remain intact while you bash in the face of your enemy. Magnificent skyscrapers and fields bathed in blood, together in sweet harmony.

What’s the Catch?

Only that you obey the rules and respect the staff, everything else is up to you. Want to be a wandering nomad, killing any you come across? Go for it. Interested in being the kingpin of the server, dominating the economy and hiring other players as mercenaries to do your dirty work for you? You’re the boss. Maybe you just want to lead the top nation on the server, make the most jaw-dropping town. Make it happen. Of course, perhaps you just want to make the most incredible structures the world of Minecraft has ever seen? If you want it, make it so – be weary of the PvPers out for blood, though. The choice is yours, the only limit is your imagination.

Admin Adventure Allowed Class Community Fair Going Good Great Hack Hacks Hard Hardmode Help Home Mod Nether New Online Play Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Rps Server Sethome Stealing Title Update Updated Vanilla War Warp Warps World

Snapshot 1.16 updated 20w120b

This is a vanilla MC Server with plugins like anti cheat and other administrative tools to help server owner manage a fair playing field.
  • No warps or tp (teleports)
  • No sethome (use your bed for waypoints)
  • Hard Difficulty
  • PVP, Raiding, Stealing are Allowed (considering adding a bounty plugin or similar concept but not yet)
  • Hacks and xray not allowed. If there is no admin online to monitor, server will be in adventure mode
  • Okay, nether update is here, check out the new features on a great running server with plenty RAM 24/7
    Updated daily as necessary at least until official release of 1.16, perhaps we will have a community going forward from there!

    Good Luck!

    updated to 20w20b

    Acid Acidisland Ars Beautiful Bed Bedwars Block Caveblock Class Ect Erver Game Games Island Islands Kit Kitpvp Land Lands Map Maps Mini Murder Murder Mystery Mystery New Pirate Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Skygrid This Title War Wars

    The Pirate Bay

    This is a new server with beautiful maps of the Pirates Islands. There are such mini-games, as SkyBlock, AcidIsland, CaveBlock, SkyGrig, BedWars, Murder Mystery, KitPvP.

    Anarchy Best Block Class Custom Economy Element Features Fun Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Hardcorepvp Hcfactions Hcpvp Ill Item Items Kill Lol Play Player Players Playing Pro Pvp Raid Raiding Rol Role Rules Server Survival Title Top Unique Weapons

    LOLPVP (1.7.x – 1.15.x)

    LOLPVP features a unique style of PVP that includes custom weapons, items, and armor sets. The top tier items require a lot of skill to earn which adds a role playing element to the server. All of these things add a very fun tier system and you have to work your way up to prove you are the best! There are no rules against lying to other players, raiding other players, or backstabbing other players.

    Chill Crates Creative Discord Donations Economy Economysurvival Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Fun Griefprevention Hiring Hiringstaff Keepinv Keepinventory Kits Landclaim Mcmmo Network Nophantoms Playershops Pve Pve Economy Pveeconomy Ranks Rankups Relaxed Shops Skyblock Staffneeded Staffwanted Survival Towny

    [1.15.2] Ryland Economy Survival (Hiring) [Ranks] [Jobs] [Custom Items/Bosses] [PremiumMcMMO]

    Hello and welcome!

    24/7 Dedicated VPS
    Intel i7-6700K
    32gb Ram

    Welcome to the latest iteration of Sts’s Ryland. We have an exciting 1.15 world ready to be explored!

    The server will have 99.9 uptime forever, so if you’re looking to dedicate
    yourself to a small, but growing community, this is your chance!

    We have a multitude of premium plugins that have been fully
    updated and configured to give you the smoothest 1.15. experience possible:
    Mcmmo, ranks, playershops, jobs, land protection, kits, silkspawners, keepinventory and more.

    Our server is home to a small community of respectful players that have played on the Ryland server
    over the years. Joining our discord via the in-game-command /discord will be an integral part keeping
    you updated and informed on the workings of the server, as well as announcements and community.

    We are an economy based server, utilizing jobs, resource selling, player
    shops, and farming in order to make money and achieve higher ranks,
    which in turn unlock more commands and permissions.

    We have the premium, lands protection system to prevent grief and theft.

    As far as help, I am definitely looking
    for mature, active players to help with things like building, shop and
    economics logistics, moderating, administration, plugin support, and

    If you excel at any of these things please feel free message me on
    discord AFTER you have built a house and ranked up to at least rank

    Hope to see you there!

    No griefing active claimed towns, hacking, x-raying, stealing,
    harrassing, spamming, disrespecting staff or other players, or ban evading

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!