Active Arena Chat Chestshop Class Coreprotect Discord Eco Econ Economy Edit Essentials Event Events Games Hungergames Job Jobs Lag Multiverse Nations Nether Play Plugin Plugins Portals Pvp Rol Server Shop Survival Survival Games Town Towny Vault War World Worldedit Worldguard


Ovania – Towny, Hungergames, essentials & economy

Vi som driver Ovania är inga mindre än Philip, Vinz & Alienboy och vi gör det för att alla ska känna sig välkomna och vårat motto är att nybörjare till proffs ska kunna gå ihop och ta lärdom av varandra. Vi har med andra ord inga krav på hur vidare du kan bygga eller inte, vi kräver inga för kunskaper! Bara ni följer våra regler så är vi nöjda! Våra framtida planer är att dagligen vara en aktiv server med återkommande spelare och även mycket roliga minnen… Vi är väldigt nya så ta saker med en nypa salt om inte allt är perfekt!

Vi kör idag med 1.15.2 och vi är igång 24/7.

Plugins: Luckperms, Worldedit, Clearlag, Holographicdisplays, multiverse-core, advancedportals, janky, netherportal, witherac, vault, coreprotect, essentials, towny, chatfeelings, hungergames, harbor, chestshop, ultimatestacker, worldguard, jobs

Vi kommer i framtiden även köra events, inom towny då såklart! Med war inom olika nations och annat kul, mycket kommer ske framöver så håll koll.

Vi har även idag som alternativ till Towny, hungergames för folk som vill spela det så håller vi just nu på att utveckla en arena för det men ni kan såklart redan idag köra, dock är arenan inte 100%.

Välkomna till oss och hoppas ni kommer trivas.

Har ni frågor, så får ni ta det i Discord vi värnar om våra spelare och lyssnar gärna på åsikter så väl som klagomål! Vi tycker att folk ska vara ärliga, och raka mot oss för det gör bara så vi kan bygga upp och förbättra med tiden.

Active Ass Base Cat Class Com Community Economy End Erver Eternal Euro Europe Friend Friendly Google List Mature Ommunity Play Player Players Power Powerful Pro Professional Ram Region Riendly Secure Server Staff Survival Taff Ter Whitelist Whitelisted

The Eternal Region

The Eternal Region provides our players with

– A mature, friendly & active community to play with
– A secure whitelisted enviorment

– A powerful server located in Europe with over 12GB of RAM

Active Allowed Ban Casual Class Craft Donor Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Factions Farm Fly Good King Mature Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mod Modern New Old Play Player Players Pve Pvp Rank Ranking Ranks Rol Roleplay Server Servers Survival Trans Vanilla



This is a server for mature, casual gamers! Its old school semi-vanilla with a twist on classic economy. It is meant to be a modern version of the good ole 2012 minecraft survival servers without all the micro-transactions and in your face bullshit. There are no donor ranks, you can get FLY and GOD as regular players after ranking up to the higher ranks. Toxic people and trolls will be banned. Massive afk farms and fish farms are ALLOWED and encouraged! Can you become the richest and most respected person on the server?

Action Active Age Ass Class Ein Epl Fac Fact Faction Factions Gen Google Mine Mineplay Mod Mods Play Pvp


Xeluim est un pvp Faction crée par agent_gogol et MinePlay85 actuellement en V1.5 et la v2 sera modée avec plein de mods

Active Age Anarchy Ass Ban Bans Bit Class Com Community Courage Discord End Google Ill Join Lag Mmu Ommunity One Pure Pve Pvp Rage Ring Survival Vanilla


The purest form of anarchy.
any form of lag machine will be inhibited.
No bans.
Endearing community!
I encourage anyone that wishes to join to join our discord for more info.

Anti Anticheat Build Cities City Claim Class Craft Creative Creativeplots Customplugins Discord Farm Free Freebuild Game Games Hack Item Lag Lobby Map Minigame Minigames Mod Modded Network Premium Pvp Pvpsurvival Server Shop Shops Staff Staffteam Survival Team Title Tnt Villagedefense

CraftJunkies Powered by Lädt alle ein zum Mitspielen.Wir bieten:
  • CItyBuild im Survival sowie Creative
  • Eigene Farmserver für die CityBuild Server
  • Marktplatz und Mall für Spielershops auf der Lobby
  • Freebuild mit Claim System
  • PVP auf einer Lost Cities Map mit Creeper und TNT Block Schaden aktiv
  • Minigames (aktuell nur VillageDefense mehr in arbeit.)
  • Eigenes AntiCheat System
  • großen TS3 Server sowie Discord
  • Premium Ränge mit Ingame Währung
  • Modded Server
  • Wir bieten nicht:

  • Items vom Staffteam
  • Echtgeld Shop / vorteile für Echt Geld
  • Hackern/Scammern ein zuhause

  • Categories
    Ace Active Ars Beta Class Classes Custom Dungeon Dungeons Enjoy Features Geo Google Gui Guild Guilds Item Items Join Level Ming Mob Mobs Pve Pvp Quest Quests Race Races Resource Roleplay Rpg Server Survival War Wars


    RPG Server currently in beta we have a lot of features coming hope you guys join and enjoy your stay!

    -Guild Wars
    -Custom Items
    -Resource Pack
    -Custom Mobs
    -Level System
    Coming Soon
    -More Quests
    And More!

    Active Ambient Ass Class Com Comunidad Core Craft Creative Discord Economy Esp Google Hard Hardcore Inecraft Ita Mine Minecraft Minecraft Survival Mod Pet Play Pve Pvp Raft Ran Rvival Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tps


    ▶️Insomnia, Minecraft Survival y la nueva modalidad

    🆕”Hardcore”. ¡Gran comunidad por su calidad y ambiente respetuoso estáis todos invitados!

    IP ►

    WEB ►

    Discord ►

    Active Anarchy Ass Awesome Blo Block Class Com Craft Creative Day Eat Erver Eso Google King Looking Mod Mode One Pure Raft Raiding Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival


    Looking for an awesome server? PureCraft is the one for you! We have all types of modes such as survival, creative, Skyblock and MORE COMIING EVERY DAY!

    Access Active Anarchy Ass Aztec Base Based Chat Class Conomy Creative Dedi Eat Eco Econ Econom Economy Edit Erver Fun Google Large Multi New Plot Plots Pvp Rvival Server Shop Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival World Worldedit


    New and fun plot based server!

    -Creative plots and Anarchy
    -WorldEdit access on creative
    -Shop and economy on survival
    -Multiple chat channels
    -Large plots

    Active Best Beta Class Content Currency Custom Economy Ect Erver Exclusive Exp Experience Forge Gaming Google Gts Join Mcmmo Ming Mini Games Mmo Need One Pack Pixelmon Play Player Reforged Rewards Ring Server Staff Survival This Trade War


    Reforged v7.2.2 –
    Our Pixelmon server is packed with custom & exclusive content like:
    GTS, WonderTrade, McMMO, Dex Rewards, Custom Currency etc
    all this to bring the best possible gaming experience to you, the player.

    Currently in beta, but anyone can join!

    000 100 1000 Active Ass Class Craft Dom Economy Erver Google Inecraft Map Mine Minecraf Minecraft Owny Raft Server Town Towny World World Map


    Dovahhatty minecraft Towny server, 1:1000 world map.

    Active Bee Beta Block Build Building Class Community Craft Create Creative Economy End Enjoy Friends Fun Game Join King Mcmmo Mod New Play Player Players Playing Pro Release Rol Server Sky Skyblock Survival Survivalcraft Unique War Who World Youtube

    Synaptic SurvivalCrafts

    Hello, looking for a few beta testers to join our newly created server. That being said, there may be a few bugs, incomplete worlds, and unexpected crashes. Here to make some new friends and build a community:
    As of now we have a survival world, creative mode, and skyblock server, all in-progress with a ton of plug ins.
    Looking for players who dont mind trolling around and just enjoying the game while we work to release the server.

    The entire server has been build by yours truly and if interested I have videos of the building of certain worlds I might add to youtube to get more players. Have a unique building style? Come join us and well have some fun!

    We look forward to playing with you!


    Abilities Active Build Casual Community Create Dedicated Easy Eco Econ Economy Environment Good Hard Home Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo Mod Nations New Open Pay Play Player Pvp Roleplay Server Skills Small Staff Survival Town Towns Towny Trade Vanilla Wns

    The Forgotten Realm

    IP: or
    TFR is a Hard-mode survival Towny server running on 1.15. We were originally founded in December of 2017, and after shutting down mid-2019, we’re finally back.
    No matter how you choose to interact with the towns and nations around you, you’ll also want to pick up a job! Jobs Reborn is the foundation of our economy, and we’ve worked hard to set up a good system that pays well for your time and effort. You can use the money earned from jobs to pay for town expenses, trade with other players, and purchase permissions through an in-game
    – mcMMO: build up skills to unlock sweet abilities just by playing the game!
    We sincerely hope you can join us for this reboot and find a home here! We love our community and new faces are always welcomed with open arms! Our small-but-dedicated staff team strives to create and maintain a casual, easy-going environment that everyone can enjoy together.

    Ass Auto Bar Bauen Blo Block Class Craft Craftedeu Die Eam Ect Erver Esp Fun Kit Kitpvp Mod Nam Nur Pay Pie Pvp Rad Server Sky Skypvp Sol Style Tea Team Ter Title Upgrade Version

    Craftedeu | SkyPvP | PVP


    Der Server soll dem ehemaligen Server Craftedeu nachempfunden werden, auf dem unser Server Team früher viel gespielt hat.
    Aktuell ist nur der Spielmodus Kit-PvP verfügbar, da sie der Server noch im aufbau befindet jedoch werden neue Spielmodi folgen.
    Wir suchen außerdem noch Unterstützung wer also Interesse hat unseren Server mit aufzubauen kann sich dafür bewerben.

    Ein Upgrade auf die neuste Version 1.15.2 wir folgen.
    Auf dem Server wird es kein Pay to Win geben !!!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Active Anarchy Anarchy Server Ass Build Class Craft Destroy Erver Familia Google Grief Hack Hot Inecraft Latest Mine Minecraft Minecraft Anarchy Paw Pve Pvp Raiding Rule Rules Server Shot Snap Snapshot Snapshots Spawn Survival Tes Test Vanilla

    Crimson Anarchy

    Minecraft anarchy server on the latest snapshots for minecraft.

    If you are unfamiliar with anarchy, there are no rules. You can grief, hack, etc. Don’t build too close to spawn or it’ll get destroyed.

    Active Ars Ass Back Bed Bedwar Bedwars Blo Block Class Factions Game Games Google Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Knockback Kywars Mini Games Pvp Rvival Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Version Versions War Wars



    Versions: 1.8.9-1.15+

    -Knockback PvP

    Active Block Cat Class Community Craft Dedicated Development Discord Eco Economy End Features Forums Friendly Growing Join Mcmmo Network New Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Premium Server Staff Survival Tea Team Title Welcoming Whitelist

    ImmenseCraft [1.15.2] Survival

    Immensecraft is an ever evolving server changing and growing every day. With a core focus on becoming a successful survival server, with a welcoming community of players, and a zero tolerance on bullying. We are friendly and love to have new players! We are currently adding in more features to give players more to be excited about.

    Features:No whitelist, just join and play!
    Premium Plugins enabled on ImmenseCraft
    Dedicated development team
    Active and well equipped staff team

    Other Information:
    IC Network Forums:

    Action Active Chill Chilled Class Craft Custom Earth Economy End Event Experience Extra Fac Faction Factions Flight Fly Fun Game Google Great Grief Has Hill Ill Join Map Ortal Portal Portals Prevention Pvp Rvival Scale Survival Time Vanilla


    Feeling Blu?

    Join BluCraft and have a great time!
    Here we try to keep a vanilla aspect of the game while adding extra fun!

    Survival has fly, no pvp, and grief prevention, just a chilled survival experience.

    Factions has Pvp, no flight, map of Earth scale 1:1000, custom end portals.

    Action Active Anarchy Big Block Blocks Class Craft Creative Eco Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Gameplay Great Has Host Inecraft Join Kit Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mod Network Networks Play Pvp Server Simp Simple Sky Skyblock Skyblocks Survival

    Blockade Networks

    Blockade Network is a Minecraft server that has fun game modes, with the potential to become BIG! Join today for a great, fun, and simple gameplay experience. We host KitPVP, Factions, Creative, Anarchy Survival, Mysterious Survival, and Skyblocks.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Smps to Join. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!