Build Community Contests Crates End Envoys Faction Faction Pvp Factions Factionspvp Hardcore Hub Job Jobs Keys Koth Market Mcmmo Minigames Mmo Need Network Npcs Play Player Pvp Raiding Resources Server Servers Spawn Store Survival Title Town Vote Voting War


Factions. mcMMO. Bounties. Jobs. Fishing. KoTH. Drop Party at 30 players! OlympicPvP is the first server that will be made a part of the Olympian server network. Offering a wide variety of features such as Factions, mcMMO, Jobs, Crates, KoTH, Envoys, Fishing Contests, and many more, it seeks to differentiate itself from the run-of-the-mill PvP server by making it its sole goal to foster and build a valuable community of players. When you first join the server you may notice a wide variety of NPCs offering different Menus and Tasks. Use the command /menu to navigate most of the servers features.

To go to the wild, simply walk through the portal at spawn and either drop down the end portal or talk to the Random TP NPC at the survival spawn hub. If you need resources for yourself you can visit the market at the town in spawn or type /warp market where you will notice various NPCs offering loads of different resources.

You can support our server by voting. Type /vote to begin the voting process and visit the links to vote. Voting grants you a voting crate key which you can use at the warp /warp Crates. You can buy other keys at our store.

2b2t Anarchy Anarchypvp Anarchysurvival Anything Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Core Craft Ect Erver Hard Hardcore Imple Inecraft Mean Mine Minecraft One Play Rules Rulesfree Server Simp Simple Survival Title Ultra Ultrahardcore Vanilla Welcome


Welcome to! A simple Minecraft Server with no rules. That means you can’t get punished for anything you do on the server! (Just like 2b2t but without having to wait hours to be able to play.)

Anarchy Awesome Beast Best Dedicated English Experience Factions Free Friendly Great Hard Hardcore Minecraft Nohackers Pve Economy Pvp Raiding Server Survial Swedish Towns Ukserver Vanilla Vote

Etopia Anarchy-Survival


We are a Minecraft server that offers our players a vanilla style survival experience with a few plugins to make your survival journey a little more rewarding.

We offer all our players access to /tpa, allowing you to teleport to your friends without the hassle of having to walk tens of thousands of blocks to find their base. We allow all of our players to set up unique homes, giving you the opportunity to travel quickly to different bases.

However, this does not mean your base is safe. No land claiming and no grief prevention. So remember to keep your base hidden!

Play the game however you want, team up with some friends or explore on your own! Build an empire or take down other players’ hard work. The opportunities on this server are endless!

See you there!!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Building Chestshop Economy Factions Hardcore Hcf Nations Pvp Raiding Smp Survival Towns Towny Townyadvanced Unique War

CivWars: Build, Conquer, Raid, & Trade | Featuring Towny Flag War

Create or join a Town, make a Nation, and expand your Empire! Go to war, fight for land, power, and domination! Create shops and markets within your Towns for a unique trading experience. CivWars offers a superior platform consisting of PvP, Survival, Building, and Economics, all combined into one. Join now and play alongside our long-established player base!

Our Features:- Towny: Our server incorporates a semi-custom build of TownyAdvanced. This allows you to create Towns and organize them into Nations. Nations can interact with one another and make alliances, or enemies…

– War and Raiding: Here we have fair and organized war, no losing your bases while you’re asleep. Conquer enemy land by planting fence posts or war flags on outer enemy territory. If you can keep up the war flag, that land will be yours. This allows for wars to be entirely PvP based, where the better army wins the war.

– Warmongering Prevention: Because of instances where groups grow to big and dominate the server, we have enacted new rules. These allow player Towns to grow their economies and political systems free of worry. But don’t be to relaxed, the ability to war is still there!

– Politics: Players on CivWars can enjoy creating complex political systems to govern their Towns and Nations. If you are looking for this type of game-play, join today and join a community of like-minded players!

Staff: Most of our staff have the ability to play along due to the lack of abuse-able permissions. But, Administrators, Developers, and Managers may not. Regardless of whether they have an alternative account or not. We enforce this to prevent staff from abusing their administrative privileges. Our game-play is staff-intervention free and any who play aren’t above you as players!

– Vanilla Bean: Experience original survival with your friends. When you join the server, we only give you enough food and supplies for your first trek out into the wild. We aim to keep the Vanilla Minecraft Survival experience. Barring only a few restrictions and modifications to certain vanilla mechanics.

– Building: The possibilities for building are endless. Towny allow you to collaborate with friends to create wonderful builds. Towns are claimed areas of land, and this area may be composed of up to 2000+ combined Town blocks. Or to keep it simple, a Town block is equal to a 16*16 Minecraft Chunks. (You can actually see them with ‘F3 + G’!) Make your Town an architectural wonder, create a sprawling city today!

– PvP and Balance: Our entire world has PvP enabled, including all Towns. If you are in a Nation, you can ally and enemy other Nations, making organized, fair, and fun wars and raids. You won’t have to worry about abuse of McMMO mechanics used by an over-powered Faction. Or, unscheduled drop parties that further put offline players at a disadvantage.We strive to make sure everything on CivWars is aimed to be fair and balanced. If you vote for the server, you don’t get diamonds; or if you donate, you don’t get fly or vanish.??
If you log off during PvP on CivWars, you die — and drop all your items.

– Economy: We have implemented a balanced economy and market systems. On the main server market, you cannot sell items, allowing for a unique trading experience. Players have the ability to create markets within their Towns. There, players can create shops for others to sell to, or buy from. This allows for a true economy. The main hard currency we use are diamonds, which are exchangeable for fixed prices at spawn.

– Mining Rewards: Here on CivWars we have implemented a custom feature called Lost Souls. This is a special currency, with it’s own special shop. To get them, simply keep mining under Y-30, they are extremely hard to come by. You can’t pay real money for them and all players have the ability to find them! Start searching today!

Raid, and Fight for Domination. Become the wealthiest player, or the leader of a great Nation. Create your Town and rise to the top. Join us today and be the master of your own destiny!
Stop by our Discord to say hello!
Or, just give us a try at

Best Challenge Chill Craft Discord Dragon Eco End Free Graves Gravitree Grind Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Hardmode Land Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod Need Normal Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Skills Sky Skyblock Title Vanilla Who


Ever wanted a place to show off your CHAD GAMER status to other Chad’s who appreciate the tough grind as much as the gamer next to you? Need a chill place to bro out but challenge those Minecraft gamer skills like ever before? You have the time now, why not join the best of us at ChadCraft.

We have two gamemodes: skyblock and extreme hardcore!
Skyblock is about- eh it’s normal skyblock, who cares. You make an island whatever.

Now extreme hardcore… it’s the craziest thing ever put together.
It’s all of these plugins on hard difficulty, PVP, free-for-all:

ChadCraft’s plugin list:
– ExtraHardMode
– gravitree
– elitemobs
– bountyhunters
– bettersleeping3
– graves
– airdrops
– playerskills2
(more information can be found on our discord)

I have no idea if anyone can make it to fight the Ender Dragon by the end of the summer.
I don’t think it’s possible. Prove us Chads that you can do the impossible.
At the end of the day, I’m hoping that this place becomes a chill spot for those cool gamers wanting a different
experience to the vanilla grind. Thank you, and I hope to see you on Chadcraft!

Boss Bosses Build City Clan Community Create Creative Custom Customenchants Death Dedicated Dungeons Economy End Events Friendly Grind Hardcore Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Play Plots Plugin Pve Economy Pvp Rewards Rpg Server Spleef Story Survival Survive Towns Towny Trans Vanilla

Miksweezalcraft – Economy – Survival – PvP – Towny – Spleef! – Zombie Survival!

It’s 2011, you’ve just purchased Minecraft and you really have no idea where to go from there. You search through a few server lists and eventually you find a community to play on, but it’s a real community. It’s a community where everyone knows everyone, where you go out and build your first base after exploring the sprawling spawn after a while, where you grind through the server’s mob arenas for prizes and awards, where you play a game of spleef with your town mates. It’s a community where people care, where the development team is involved and listening to players to create the best experience possible, where real effort is put into the growth of a stable community. It’s a community with a story, and we’re trying to write the next chapter in a book that began nearly a decade ago.

MiksweezalCraft is an ode to the communities that spaned the Minecraft world many years ago and the facets they included at that time. Our server is a love-project that is continuous and on-going with new features and editions constantly being completed and simultaneously added to our already overwhelming list of planned implementations. We have a considerable amount of mini-games to choose from as well as micro-dungeons to suit just about every type of player.


Compete against other players in a match to the death with.. eggs? Be the first player to break the snow beneath their feet and watch them fall to a fiery lava-induced death in a heated and intense match of spleef. This is one of the game modes that we use to host admin-sponsored events, which leads us into our next feature..

Hands-on hosted events!

With the popularity of large and completely automated servers, interactive events hosted by real people have seen a slow and sad death, and with them a large chunk of the spirit that truly is Minecraft- a game with a focus on community. Our aim is to see that spirit revived and brought back to life by interactively hosting events and placing a focus on player-driven events. Don’t just be another player tag in some random hub–come to find out what it means to be a part of a real, dedicated community run by people who know what a real community is; what a real community feels like.

Mob Arena!

Another feature of older servers that has seen a slow and sad decline has been revived in true style with multiple ways to play across several different arenas. Fight your way through round after round of Zombie Survival in a fully custom Castle or try your luck in haunted forest swamplands. The longer you survive, the more rewards you’ll reap, including food, diamonds, armor, and experience, but beware- these are no easy feat. Bring your squad and class up.. you might just need a healer for the level bosses.


Of course, you need a way to clan-up with your friends and we’ve included Towny as a way for you to form and share a base with your teammates. Expand into a town and control the surrounding area, grow into a city and control a vast area, and eventually transform into a nation and branch out through your towns to become the largest presence you can form. What kind of empire do you want to lead? You make the decision.


One of our most popular features is the implementation of custom hand-built micro-dungeons that utilize vanilla Minecraft to the maximum extent of it’s capabilities creating various different micro-dungeons that are completely plugin-free! With over 100+ hours of development invested into these completely fleshed out dungeons, we’ve created custom mobs, custom rewards, and a custom experience to expand what you thought was possible with the vanilla aspect of Minecraft through creative engineering.

Just the start..

What you’ve read above are just a few of the aspects that we feature in this ode to what Minecraft used to be many, many years ago. If you’re an OG, you’ll be able to appreciate the nostalgic feeling of what Minecraft used to be at what we believe to be its peak of community. If you’re new, you can experience what it not only feels like to belong to, but actually belong to a true community of players that share one thing in common- their love of what this game truly is, a shared experience.

Our mission statement is simple, one community for all, and all of what it has to give for one.

This is MiksweezalCraft.

Let’s go!

Ass Auto Blo Block Bran Class Core Discord Drop Ect Erver Follow Hard Hardcore List Mcp Mob Mobs Nen Noop Open Permanent Pie Pro Ran Server Servidor Survival Ten Title Tps Tren Whitelist

Hardcore Chevere 2


<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Apocalypse Best Build Building Challenge City Community Craft Diamond Free Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Help Houses Join Lag Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod Old Open Play Player Plots Plugin Pvp Roleplay Scifi Server Shop Shops Survival Title Website World

=XATRUN= [Apocalypse][Money] [Plots] [Shops][24/7] [Aliens] Realife in minecraft!

Metropolis city 24/7 We’re open forever! No shutdown
This server is like real life, you collect materials like: iron,gold,wood, or anything and sell it at the shop for money.
With the money you can buy houses, plots, armors, tools or anything you like!
Or you can go HARDCORE PVP and get a bunch of money by killing other players or hunting mobs!

The richest person on this server got $700,000 in money just by selling!

Visit the official website!:

City features:
1. Train Station
2. Mcdonalds (Buy steaks, bread, chickens etc!)
3. Shops (Buy Wool, food, lights, iron gold diamond or anything!)
4. Enchantment shop
5. Help center
6. Apartment for rent (rent an apt and live on it!)
7. Plots for sale (Buy a plot in the city and build your own house!)
8. Pixel art
9. Backery (Buy cake, bread, cookies)
10. Money plugin (Let you gain money by selling materials in the shop)

There many more features! Join in the server and see it yoursefl! You’ll love this server.

Special and the only one 2Gbps Fiber Optic Connection
We’re the only server in the PMC community with a 2Gbps internet connection! The world’s first and the only 2Gbps internet!
This server is currently being hosted at Japan.
If it lags it’s your connection.Additional NotesA large city with modern buildings and houses, this city has help center, shops, train stations and a big museum and many plots where you can buy and build your own house! Monsters free city!

Ark Ball Block Class Core Craft Creative Enjoy Essentials Event Fun Grief Griefprevention Hard Hardcore Join Mcmmo Mmo Normal Paintball Park Parkour Plots Plugin Plugins Prevention Server Sky Skyblock Survival Title Votifier Voting Weather


BugCraft isn’t like any other server.
We offer
Hardcore survival
Survival+ (without plugins)
And soon paintball

We have a lot of fun plugins like
Day/night/weather voting
and more!
Join now and enjoy our lovely server

Greetings, Buglady

Creative Custom Faction Pvp Factions Hardcore Hcf Hill King Kitpvp Old Pvp Raiding Tribes Tribesmc Wrath Wrathpvp

WrathPvP Factions Survival

WrathPvP Factions Survival

Founded in 2012, WrathPvP is one of the first and original Faction PvP servers that has served hundreds of thousands of players from all around the world. Returning in 2020, we hope to serve the Minecraft community with a wholesome, old school factions experience driven by the community just like the old days.

Server IP:

Minecraft Version: 1.15.2
Map Start Date: May 16th, 2020
Map Size: 6,000 x 6,000 All Worlds (3k Worldborder)

– Player Shops
– ClueScrolls
– SilkSpawners
– ObsidianDestroyer
– More to come!

18x Buycraft Car Cart Cartoon Factions Gar Kangaroo Kitpvp Mini Games Pve Sub Ubs Vie Youtube


This server is mainly a PvP server, with many things that make us
different from other PvP servers, we don’t have a lot of staff, and
the server is not always on, but you can check the website: to see if the server is on, or
you can go to our discord: I also have a
shop, where you can buy ranks:
My YouTube: HAVE FUN!!!!!

9.2 Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Pro Project Projects Pvp Sol Survival Survival World Welcome

ProjectsMisol MC

Welcome to the Projects Misol server. Survival world, PVP and economy.
Welcome to the Projects Misol server. Survival world, PVP and economy.
Welcome to the Projects Misol server. Survival world, PVP and economy.

Art Auction Auto-mine Case Donate Everything Full Grief Kit Life Magazine Minecraft Cases Minecraft Kit Start Star Start

LifeGrief Minecraft server

Server for a full-fledged Vulture all conditions kit start donate cases auction everything is there

620 Ceb Economy Facebook Imple Insta Instagram Prison Pvp Ram Simp Simple Tag Twitter Youtube

Simple Prison

——- Coming Soon! ——-
YouTube: Simple Prison
Facebook: simpleprison
Twitter: @simpleprison
Instagram: @simpleprison_
——- Coming Soon! ——-

24 Hours Art Day Earth Eth Good Need Need Staff Pls Pls Join Pvp Save Survival Vanilla Worlds

Save The Earth Server

We are a very good server. We may not be up 24 hours a day every day but we will try and we need staff. Pls join our server

Défi Endless Example Fort Huge Idea Ideas Meta Needed Private Sever Survival Multiplayer Table Tir Yes

metamine.rf 1.16.1 – we appreciate your comfort Minecraft server

Description of the server This is vanilla survival, which we try to make as comfortable as possible, our main task is to ensure that your time on the server is as comfortable as possible. Yes.
The world is practically endless, as needed – we will expand it. The sizes of privates are huge, you will have several, if we hear from you that the size is not enough for all your creative ideas, or, for example, you want to take over the entire server with your private, we will definitely help.

1.15 2020 April Enchant Enchants Factions Hosting Mcmmo Mcserver Popular Pvp Raiding Rates Release Released

TearOut Factions

TearOut Factions 1.8-1.15 Factions 24/7 Custom Crates Custom Enchants MCMMO

TearOut Factions is a Minecraft server that released on April 18th 2020. We have a lot of experience with hosting fun, popular and unique servers!

Join Today! –

Anarchy Apex Crack Cracked Dev Developer Economy Eng Engine Engineer Experienced Factions Mcmmo Pvp Survival


Koekoekcraft is a very active Factions, MCMMO, Cracked, Survival server! The staff is very experienced. Developer team of two second year software engineers and very active players, come and join today!

1.12 1.12.2 1.8 Auto-mine Ect Light Magazine Minecraft Cases Minecraft Kit Start Persona Personal Pro Project Robots Sun

SunLight 1.8 – 1.12.2 Minecraft server

The owner of the “SunLight 1.8 – 1.12.2” server has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

1000 Cru Crusade Crusader Mcmmo Pve Pvp Roleplay Sad Scale Survival Towny Usa Vanilla Vie


CrusaderCraft is a towny server that uses player-based gold economy and a unique 1:1000 scaled Earth Map, which can be viewed here: map.crusadercraft.orgDISCLAIMER:This server is a free speech server.Racial Slurs are allowed.If you dont like it you can do /ignore to ignore specific people.

Cash Competition Competitions Fly Journey Mega Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Grief Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Servers Minecraft Survival Prizes

UnityMega .-. X Survival Anarchy BedWars server Minecraft

Hello, are you looking for popular Minecraft servers?
Then you come to us)
The community has just started its journey and is planning to create the FIRST project in Minecraft where there will be competitions in mini-games for cash prizes!

Our server has modes such as: DeyZ, classic survival, Anarchy, Vulture and mini-games!

Abilities Drops Economy Envoy Factions Inventory Kitpvp Prices Pvp Raiding Survival Sus Votifier Warz Warzone


Why us? We have a lot of cool things, such as:
Envoy happens every 2 hours in server, Envoy drops 5-7 crates in warzone, you can get ton of good stuff, custom set, and more!
Pets plugin allows you to buy different pets, you can put the in your inventory and they will fly with you! Every pet gives different abilities!
There is 20 unique pets that you can use!
Auction Shop
Auction shop is place where you can put any items with your own prices and names, and rest of world can buy your items!
Votifier plugin allows you to vote for server, and get vote keys, some goodies and money!
Minable Spawners
You can mine every spawner with silk touch enchant, use it or sell it for other people!

Aim Economy Feature Invested Isa Keep Laim Len Market Mcmmo Popular Pve Sable Survival Ves


SpectralSMP is a new survival server that has plenty of features to keep you invested. We are striving to create a fun and friendly community. SpectralSMP features popular plugins like McMMO and a player market! Players can choose to enable/disable PVP and claim land to prevent grief.

Exclusive Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Economy Minecraft Survival Minecraft Version Mission No Donations No Dupes No Launcher No Protection Potato Pvp Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

Potato Minecraft server

The server runs exclusively on minecraft version 1.15
Completely vanilla server with griffin permission!

Actually Economy English German Initial Lobby Many Players Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Mini Games Parkour Problems Pvp Skyblock Skywars


Hello Minecraft players!

We offer you a completely new gaming experience at SB-Games: In principle, our concept is similar to a normal mini-game server. But instead of a hub or a server lobby, we have SkyBlock. Confusing? Yes, it is initially. To put it briefly: If you like mini-games, we have them. If you like SkyBlock, we have it too. But if you play the mini games, you also earn money that you can spend on your island. But if you prefer only the mini-games or only SkyBlock, that’s no problem either: Apart from the rewards in the form of money, both are independent of each other!

We are actually a German server team, but our server is completely English-speaking because we want to share this great concept with many players. Our team speaks English, so there should be no problems with questions.

Our game modes in addition to Skyblock: BedWars and Parkour. SkyWars will be added soon!

We look forward to your visit,
your SB-Games team

Design Economy Generation Idea Ideas Mines Networks Next Gen Shockbyte Skyblock Super Superior Survival Trans Vinecraft


MineSuperior is part of the next generation of networks. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent.
join us today!

Apply Apps Ask Atm First Gamemode Gamemodes Hardcore Kind Kitpvp Please Pvp Ship Survival Vanilla


Please join the discord first and kindly ask for me to turn on the server. this server has 2 gamemodes as of rightnow, the server isnt really the best becuase i dont have any staff atm, so staff apps are open (internship only) apply by dming me on discord.

620 Crack Cracked Java Ked Life Mid Middle Middle School Quality Schoo School Survival Uptime Vanilla


Java | 1.15.2 | Middle School
24/7 Uptime
No lag
Cracked players are welcome.
Quality Of Life plugins
True Vanilla!
Join now!

Ash Buy Cash Donation Hiring Hosting Mana Manage Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server Pay Reflex Sub Survival Ubs

Reflex Economy

Reflex Economy is a Minecraft Survival server, it has 24 hour hosting, the server is currently on a low paying plan, if you buy ranks/cash/subscriptions from the game, your donation will go towards the server! Join today! We are hiring ranks up to Community Manager! Join our Discord!

1.15 Dedi Economy Emb Factions Port Ports Punk Pvp Raiding Rts Steam Steampunk Support Survival


SteampunkPVP is a server dedicated to giving all our members a good Factions experience.


Supports 1.8 – 1.15.2

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!