1.13 Crate Crates Dropparty Factions Fair Hole Lose Original Partys Sable Schoo School Survival Tnt


Miss the Original Factions? Want to find a Cracked server you can spend hours enjoying. Then look no further. Sky-Craft old school Factions with a close community, Daily droppartys, Crates and many more.
Our server has TNT disabled to make it fair to raid for players, making it a Survival – Factions server.
A whole new kind of gameplay.

Join us today on: | 1.7 – 1.13


Ass Com Ect Forestry HiTech Industrial Craft Information Minecraft Server Mon Official Pro Project Sit Site Ter

Moncraft Project Minecraft Server

Server description All information on the site “”

Address Alpha Autorank Craftbook Ddos Economy History Mcjobs Oce Overhaul Protections Pvp Survival Themed Vanilla


This text is currently being updated to something more inviting to players 🙂

In the mean time, here’s a brief about the server:

Currently we offer the following plugins for use on our server are mcMMO, iConomy, mcJobs, Essentials, Survival Games (Not yet set up, but is in the works), Lottery, AutoRank (Only for Cucumber -> Pickle, requires 7 hours of game play), Towny, MobArena, LWC Protections, ChestShop, Auctions, CraftBook, And more to come!

We have a functional website where you can find links for voting, our rules, forum links and an extended about us section which outlines our history. We’re currently a small community due to some DDoS issues we had prior to our re-opening late last year.

So, if you want to join us, connect via the address and stay for a while! 🙂

Application Change Chill Expansion Fun Global Greif Hill History Laugh Oce Record Rts Rules Story

Expansion III

With a strict application process, we will not allow any bad players to play, and will only let people in who want to have fun, chill and have a laugh. We look at the global ban records for each new player to check to see if they have a bad history. If not, they will be accepted into our community. If a member starts to greif and break the rules, we can roll back their changes as if they were never there. Visit for more info.


Creative Dutch Egg Eggwars Eng English English Server Factions Kywars Minemen Prison Skyblock Skywar Survival Unique

MineMensia **CRACKED**

MineMensia Network is a Dutch and English server.
We have a prison, survival, factions, skyblock and creative server. You can also play Skywars or Eggwars

We try to offer nice and unique servers to ensure you have a great time on MineMensia.


Ace Ages Beautiful Bee Build Building Buildings Calm Class Craft Fresh Game Gameplay Ill Inecraft Interesting Land Lands Long Mine Minecraft New Old Play Pro Project Projects Resource Resources Server Servers Survival Survival Multiplayer This Time Vote World

WorldMandia server Minecraft

WorldMandia server description – new minecraft server

This is the new server where you will see:

1. A lot of untouched land in survival, this ensures a beautiful place to build buildings and a lot of resources.

2. Usually on old servers, where wipes have not been spent for a long time, there are problems with finding resources and interesting landscapes, of course, there will not be such a problem on new projects – the world is fresh and clean. (wipe every half year-year)

3. Naturally, a crowd of people does not run on the new servers and they are quite calm, this is also one of the advantages for lovers of silence and such a tempo of gameplay.

38 VoteGet button code

Amazing Arme Best Best Minecraft Crates Edm Farmer Minecraft Op New Op Prison Op Prison Server Opprison Prison Server Trees

PixelatedMC (Builders wanted)

Come have fun on the best Minecraft OP Prison server with custom crates, ore trees, stims, and mines, you can be entertained for hours. Mine in the mines to rankup and become the best miner, or farm stims to sell to the market to become the best farmer. With many ways to play you can stay on and grind for hours! We are also currently looking for builders to help on the server.

Factions Gratuit Marry Mini Games Music Parkour Permanent Pvp Pvparena Survival Tok Token Treasure Treasurehunt Vampire

Mc.Just2Play.Ro Survival/PvP/Factions

-Drop capete activ.
-Spawn 100% unic.
-Kit-uri gratuite la SPAWN [cu timp]
-Token sistem. [TreasureHunt]
-Slots implementate. [Pacanele]
-Marry sistem. [Casatorie]
-MobArena 100% Originala.
-PvPArena 100% Originala.
-Vampirea Minigame.
-SpawnMusic in permanenta..

8.2 Ass Boss Children Class Com Craft Erver Exp Experience Experienced Full Hack Hacking Host Hosted Inecraft King Mature Mine Minecraft Network New Newer Play Playing Pro Server Servers Staff Style Survival Multiplayer Top Two Work



IP: Stop playing on servers hosted by inexperienced children. Stop being bossed around by abusive and corrupt staff. Take the next step. Come to Vortex Network – where youll see a newer side of Minecraft – a side that isnt full of hacking children and immature staff.


Awesome Builds Community Diamonds Discord Free Hermitcraft Join Jumbo Minecraft Mumbo Needed New Nopay2win Nowarps Openworld Redstone Server Staff Survival Vanilla Whitelist

MCValley Hermitcraft | Whitelist | 1 Week old | New

This server is based around hermitcraft, if you are looking for a hermitcraft style or just plain survival server for you and your mates, this is the one for you. No land claiming, no griefing. Lovely community where everything is based on trust. You are free to do as you please, with very small amount of rules like no stealing or griefing. The basics. No matter your age, experience or anything, you will most likely be accepted. We like to keep our server based on trust that is why we use whitelist. Wanting to join? It’s simple, join our discord and type in apply channel. Staff will react very quickly and help get you on your way to joining the server. The server has its own personal developer {Poa} to help prevent any kinds of server lag using custom made plugins. This also means we have a few added commands to help out the basics. Such as finding slime chunks, Listing all shops in the shopping district. Just to make the server easier to understand. Still reading? You seem interested. Come apply now, bring your mates or come alone:

Start Date: 17th June 2020 {7 days old}

Advanced Alone Bases Creative Deathmatch Economy Flag Limits Pvp Structure Structures Survival Teaming Territory Towny

Evolve Gaming

Welcome to Evolve Gaming. We have recently upgraded into a network and now offer Survival Towny, Creative Plots, Factions and Minigames! With over 2 years uptime, we have a very friendly community and helpful staff in charge of each server. We welcome all new players with open arms, join today!

Our rank system for survival, creative and factions works by the more you play, the higher you can rankup.

Survival is where you can free roam around the world claiming your own territory thanks to our Towny plugin and build whatever you can imagine. Create towns and nations and PvP in the wilderness.

Creative allows you to endlessly build what your heart desires with no limits! Using an advanced plot system, you can merge plots together to build bigger structures and rankup to achieve perks like WorldEdit.

Factions is where you put your skills to the test. Have fun creating your own faction, teaming up with friends and dominating others by raiding their bases.

Minigames uses a custom plugin called MCWar to bring you free for all, team deathmatch, capture the flag and spleef! Fight alone or as a team to win the game.

Visit the website for more info!

200 Ass Class Com Craft Crafter Erver Fun Inecraft Mall Mine Minecraft Minecrafter Play Pro Raft Server Small Style Suggestions Ter Way Welcome

Small but fun server to play on.
Suggestions and ideas for improvements are always welcome


Colorful Contests Fly Free To Play Minecraft Guilds Minecraft Clans Minecraft Creative Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Marriages No Resets Roleplay Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like


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ArchiTect – a server with a special atmosphere, carrying
unlimited possibilities. Music, Gadgets and more.
With us you can easily find friends who are in their
the turn will be for you, as a family, and you, for them, will be an example of friendship.
》 Convenient and user-friendly chat and special RolePlay chat;
》 Own system of guilds, friends, parties;
》 Convenient system for integrating discord and forum account;
》 Different tops with prizes;
》 Own discord bot;
》 Good and responsive administration;
》 We give the opportunity to promote your YouTube channel;
》 Weekly contests on the forum;
》 A colorful lobby with lots of effects and gadgets.
✤ IP ✤
✤ VK ✤
✤ Discord ✤
With love, ArchiTectTeam

Active Ars Ass Bal Ball Class Craft Erver Join Kitpvp Kywars Mini Games Pain Paint Paintball Prison Raft Raid Raiding Server Sky Skywar Skywars War Wars


Hej där jag tror att du ska joina Dowcraft för den server har prison, skywars, paintball, raid och main.Så joina nu ip är

Battle Build Castle Cat Class Community Craft Eco Econ Economy Farm Fun Grief Gyms Head House Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Money New Pixelmon Play Player Players Pro Protected Server Shop Shops Stable Survival Tower Trade

Finmine Pixelmon 1.7.10

Come play on our new Pixelmon server. Join our community and catch em all in this Minecraft Survival-Pixelmon mash-up. Make use of our Battle Tower to train your Pokèmon in, or battle your way through our gyms and collect all the badges. Build a house, farm, stable, castle or anything you want and have it protected so nobody can grief. Use our shops to make money with our Economy plug-in. Trade your Pokèmon with other players, breed your own Pokèmon, or even battle it out head-to-head with other players. Finmine is an excellent community filled with fun people, and I can guarantee you wont have a bad time.


Active Art Ass Ations Class Construction Core Craft Economy Empire End Ender Event Events Home Ill Inecraft Jeux Job Jobs Lwc Map Mine Minecraft Nether Plugin Plugins Plus Pro Pvp Roleplay Semi Serveur Sus Town Towny

Minecraft Empire

Serveur Semi-RP

Sur notre serveur , vous pourrez créer votre ville et la gérer à votre façon.
Gagner des sous grâce aux jobs.
Et bien sur si vous souhaitez aller pvp libre à vous de partir à la conquêtes d’autre joueur dans les campagnes, nether, ender et map ressource.

Le serveur utilise le plugin TOWNY afin de protéger vos constructions , ainsi que LWC pour vos coffres et autres.

Vous avez accès à 2 /home et les Téléportations.

Ainsi que de nombreux autres plugins pour rajouter de l’intérêt au jeux !.

Découvrez les events et donjons pour encore plus de suspense.

à tout bientôt !

Class Cool Craft Dedicated Earth Enjin Forums Game Great Grief Griefing Guns Help Helpful Historical Horde Inecraft Map Mine Minecraft Nation Nations New Planes Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Rol Role Roleplay Rules Server Staff Tanks Unique Weapons Whitelist

Imperial Civilizations

Welcome to Imperial Civilizations. Imperial Civilizations is a minecraft roleplay server that starts in 1900 based off of real historical nations. Let’s just list some of the cool stuff we have to offer:
A detailed Earth map.
Helpful and dedicated staff and players.
A terrific forums page supported by enjin.
Unique plugins to give a proper historical feel to the game such as guns, tanks, and airplanes.
A constant advancing time, which means new inventions, weapons, and other unique and historical stuff will come into play as time goes on.
No whitelist.
Real nations that existed in the 20th century.
No griefing.
Great and sensible rules.
A player based server.


Achievements Battle Battles Build Building Buildings Call Class Cool Craft Defense Empire Has Head Ill Inecraft Interesting Invite King Land Large Level Lit Mine Minecraft Pie Play Player Players Politics Roleplay Server Servers Vanilla Vis Whitelist

NXLEVEL.RU Minecraft server

We invite you to NextLevel – a set of private servers to play on which is a complete pleasure.

Here, you can play on the Vanilla server, which has a large number of interesting and diverse achievements, as well as breathtaking buildings from cool players.

But if your calling is the head of empires and battles with other countries, then you should definitely visit the Politics server, where there is a struggle for a piece of land and defense of the territory.

Play NextLevel, play the next level.

Active Ass Awesome Class Craft Day End Enjoy Erver Eso Friend Friends Game Games Ill Join Mini Minigame Minigames New Play Raft Riends Server Skyblock Skywars Survival Games This Today


Join this awesome server today! All new minigames that you will enjoy with your friends!

Arena Ball Class Craft Donator Erver Game Games Host Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Ming Mini Minigame Minigames Paintball People Play Pvp Pvparena Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Semi Server Style Survival Tea Team Tnt Tntrun Vanilla Weeb


The MTdewdy Minecraft Server.
Hosted By People Like You.
Survival ( Semi-Vanilla )
Minigames ( DrawYourThing, PvpArena, TntRun, Paintball, … )
Roleplay ( Get Donator Access = €2.50 )
More Comming Soon.
We Are Waiting For You.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Multiplayer Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!