Active Arena Auction Awesome Class Cracked Craft Creative CTF Factions Features Game Games Inecraft Join Lag Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mmo Mob Mobarena Nolag Paintball Plot Plots Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Special Spleef Survival Survivalgames Website World


What is LavaCraft?
☆Well LavaCraft is a cracked minecraft server with many awesome features such as SkyBlock ,
MobArena ,Creative World, CTF,SurvivalGames,Paintball,NoLagg
Spleef ,mcMMO , floAuction ,Plots and much more. We also do Drop-Parties On
Special Occasions!
Ip: LavaCraftMS.Com
Join Now


Anti Antigrief Best Class Community Discord End Experience Family Friendly Grief Home Ill King Land Landclaim Noop Nopvp Open Pay Play Plugin Pve Pvp Rank Ranking Ranks Rewards Semi Semivanilla Server Survival Title Vanilla Vote War Website World


Welcome To HomeLand a semi-vanilla non-grief survival!

HomeLand is a family-friendly semi-vanilla survival community with a strong focus. We strive to provide everyone the best atmosphere and survival experience in the community. All griefs can be undone and we have an anti-grief plugin that automatically locks the doors, trapdoors, furnaces, chests, etc. In our survival world, PvP is disabled.

We are not a pay-to-win server. Our ranks are base on our ranking system, where you vote to rank up and to receive rewards.

What are you waiting for? Come check us out!

Server IP:

Active Ass Build Class Com Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Fun Game Grief Head Hunt Hunter Inecraft Join Land Mine Minecraft Mini Non Owner Play Player Pro Protect Pvp Real Run Survival Multiplayer Whitelist World

Thing Hunter

We are running minecraft 1.4.5

We are running minecraft 1.4.5


Want to build with out getting bashed over the head or griefed by an other player? No problem stay in the Non-PVP ,join the economy, and /res PROTECT your land!

Want instant fun? Join the Mini-Game world!

Claiming Fortress Griefprevention Griefresistant Near Nearvanilla Pve Pvp Real Semi Semivanilla Survival Tech Vanila Vanilla

Tech Fortress – a near-vanilla experience

Tech Fortress aims to provide the closest you can get to a vanilla Minecraft experience, while providing self-service protection against griefers (which is the main issue with vanilla servers, without resorting to things like a whitelist or large/always-online staff). Join the near-vanilla experience while enjoying simple, grief-proof property protection.


The current map was created from 2013, with no plans to reset.

Server updates and info:

Active Amazing Ass Awesome Balance Best Bukkit Class Com Craft Crafter Dcraft Eat Exp Experience Fight FTB Great Help Home Inecraft Kit Long Mine Minecraft Nerdfighter Nerdfighteria Pos Rvival Staff Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter Way


Home to the always awesome Nerdfighters!

We offer a great balance of survival and Bukkit, and along with our amazing staff help to ensure you have the best Minecraft experience possible!


Active Age Ass Awesome Class Com Craft Creative Dun Dungeon Dungeons Eat Erver Eso Game Games Geo Hun Hunger Hunger Games Kit Kitpvp Please Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival World Youtube


Awesome server with Hunger Games, Pvp, creative, survival world, and dungeons! Please check out our youtube page:

100 Ass Class Dns Las Lmao Lms Real Realm Realms Ryu Style Survival Multiplayer Urealms

Ryu Realms



Active Amazing Arena Arenas Build Casual Class Community Craft Eco Econ Economy End Free Friendly Friends Game Home Homes Mine Minecraft Nether New Nice Play Player Players Plot Plots Pvp Relaxed Server Small Smp Staff Survival Town Vanilla World

VanillaPod SMP

VanillaPod is a relaxed and casual server with small community of friendly people. Players are free to pursue any Minecraft activity: strike out alone into the wild, build a house in town, or collaborate with new friends to build something amazing.

We try to keep a Vanilla feel to gameplay, but we do have a few nice additions which we feel improve the overall experience.

Other information:
– Overworld is mostly non-PVP
– PVP is available in special arenas and Nether
– Players may protect their homes/chests/furnaces from theft and vandalism
– Basic economy
– Newbie Town is regularly expanded to provide plots for new players
Staff are non-intrusive and do not interfere with gameplay

Active Arena Backpack Backpacks City Class Craft Create Creative Eco Econ Economy End Friends Grief Horde Item Join Lwc Mcmmo Mining Mmo Mob Mobs Money Parkour Play Player Players Protection Rpg Server Sign Survival Town Towny Update Updated

Crafters Guild Survival/Creative/Mcmmo

Towny: Join a town, Create a Town and Be it’s Mayor
McMMO: RPG-like stats that allows you to level up!
Economy: Earn money fighting mobs, mining ores and selling items!
LWC:protections: Lock chests, doors, signs and dispensers.
Mob-Arena:Create Parties with your friends and battle hordes
Backpacks:An extra upgradable inventory available to all players
anti-cheat and anti-grief:
Server Specs: (Updated)
200 player capacity
3.6Ghz quad-core Xeon processor w/Turbo boost
SSD Powered
1Gbps connection speed

Active Ass Basic Blo Block Call Class Com Community Eat End Erver Friend Friendly Fun Great Kind Mmu New Ommunity Plugin Plugins Red Riendly Server Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff This Ultimate


This is a new skyblock server with great staff and a friendly community.
The server is basicly a kinda basic SkyBlock server with the plugin called: Ultimate Skyblock.

Many Plugins, lots of fun 😀

Active Build Building Community Create Custom Donation Donations Eco Elves End Event Events Fun Grief Home Lore Magic Minecraft Mod Moderator Nations New Parkour Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Safe Server Spleef Staff Survival Vanilla War Who Worldedit

Cubic Worlds

Founded in May 2011, Cubic Worlds is a gaming community and Minecraft server that anyone can log in to and explore as a Guest. Our aim is to create a safe and secure place for players of all ages and skill levels to enjoy building epic creations with others. We value your time and effort, and seek to reward you by providing a community that is amongst the friendliest in the Minecraftverse. We offer:

► Improved survival gameplay: We try to keep close to the traditional spirit of Minecraft survival whilst also taking advantage of plugins that provide security and additional gameplay options. Staff don’t magick items up except to refund losses from glitches or as prizes for events.

► Equality: Promotion is completely unnecessary to enjoy playing on the server. A new Member has identical building powers to a long-standing Moderator (excepting WorldEdit powers which are only used for preparing events). The only perks that promotion offers are the power to write coloured signs and the ability to place TNT, which we restrict Members from doing as an anti-grief measure. However, you are free to ask another player to help you do either of those things!

► Impartial and not for profit: While voluntary donations are always welcome and will be sincerely appreciated, Cubic Worlds is not run for profit and does not exist to make money. We do not sell in-game powers, privilege or influence in exchange for donations.

► Accountability: Our Staffers are not tyrannical beings that must be feared, and in fact they welcome constructive feedback on their actions to improve both themselves and the server as a whole. Just as players are expected to follow the server rules, so must staff members abide by a strict staff policy to ensure they do not abuse their position of trust.

► Fun! As well as hosting events including mainstream ideas like Spleef or PvP Tournaments and viciously evil Parkour Gauntlets, we also run completely custom events such as treasure hunts, Leaf Spleef, “The Many-Hued Path”, and the Emerald Jump. We try to host at least one event every weekend!

For a full description, we recommend you check our homepage for links to lots of helpful information.

We look forward to seeing you in Cubic Worlds!

Admin Admins Class Community Crack Cracked Creative Easy End Experience Fac Faction Faction Pvp Game Games Great Join Mine Minigame Minigames Need Nice Non Noop Open Peace Peaceful Plot Plots Pvp Raid Reddit Server Tnt Tntrun Vote World

Mine To The End Cracked

This sever have a great community with nice admins. We have faction pvp and raid options but if you want none of that, you can join the NoFac for a peaceful experience. There is also a creative world with big plots for all of your creative needs. The minigames server have TNTrun, Splegg, Temple Run and more with a easy selector for you to select.

“Vote voor Mine To The End ” (Link: )


Action Active Admin Admins Build Builder Builders Class Craft End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Good Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Mod Mods New Open Owner Play Player Players Playing Pvp Riendly Server Staff Survival Multiplayer Tail Time Version Who

Descent Craft

Owner: gig603

Descent Craft is BRAND new Minecraft PVP/Factions sever.

Since we are brand new, we are looking for Builders, Admins, Mods, and PLAYERS 🙂
If you are interested in any of those positions, just talk to one of us on the server.

Thanks for reading this, have a good time on the sever and check out!

Additional Details
Hey! Were descent craft, this is a new server that is PVP/Factions and open to anyone who wants to play. Descent is a 24/7 server with a friendly staff. Thanks for playing!

Game Version: Minecraft 1.4.5

Action Actions Ass Block Class Com Craft Creative Erver Everything Fac Faction Factions Game Games Gun Guns Has Hunger Hunger Games Ill Inecraft Love Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Player Plot Plotworld Server Sky Skyblock Style Two World


FBM Is a server that has have everything a MC player will love, including, Hunger Games, PlotWorld,Creative SkyBlock And Factions w/ guns


Active Ass Class Com Core Des Economy Hard Hardcore Horde Host Lmao Pve Raft Thor




Hardcore PVE

Action Active Allowed Arena Build Class Com Creative Death Dungeon Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Games Geo Grief Griefing Mini Mini Games Mob Mob Arena Mobs New Play Player Players Pvp Raid Raiding Rvival Server Survival Tea Team


ConstantPvP is a faction survival/pvp server, raiding and griefing is allowed. We have fun mini games; Mob Arena, Team Death Match and the all new Mob Arena Dungeon which is build for 5 players for 30-45 minutes of finding mobs and finding new gear.

Active Admin Admins Beta Build Builders Building Bukkit Community Craft Creative End Event Friendly Friends Great Grief Griefing Help Join Kit Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Multiverse Play Player Plotworld Portals Rank Ranks Server Spawn Survival Multiplayer Tale Trans War World


Creation Bay started as a couple of friends periodically transferring a Minecraft single-player save file back in the early days of Minecraft beta. Today it is a server gleaming with potential and it is yours for the taking! Work though the ranks to prove you are one of the greatest builders out there!

So what sort of server exactly is Creation Bay?
Creation Bay is a shining and highly successful Creative server, using multiverse we have 2 Worlds that can be used to express your creative talent.
When you first join the server you will be the rank “Builder” and will have spawned in our main world, aptly named “Creation Bay” 🙂 To prevent griefing the lowest two ranks on our server cannot work within the main, Creation Bay, World. They are permitted to work as frequently and as much as they’d like in out Plot World, to get there use either our StarGate portals located in spawn, or simply type /warp PlotWorld, pretty straight forward! To progress through the ranks we like to see a combination of Building talent, and personal maturity.
So with an up time of 99%, friendly and helpful admins and great high speed connections there is absolutely no reason to go past Creation Bay!

Creation Bay runs numerous Bukkit Mods that are designed to enhance the players experience. Mods that reduce griefing, restrict areas to certain ranks based on their skill level, frequent server saves and backups to ensure griefing can be undone should the unlikely case of it occur etc.
With a rapidly growing and expanding community the earlier you get on the easier it will be to get noticed and move through the ranks!
Now stop reading this and jump on!

Active Admin Admins Allowed Awesome Best Class Economy End Factions Friendly Great Grief Help Helpful Ill Join Kill Killing King Lag Land Need New Open Pro Pvp Raid Raiding Roleplay Rules Server Staff Survival Tea Team

Land Of Trahania

An awesome Pvp server!
with no rules, so grief and raiding allowed

u just need to join and freaking start killing!!!
we are new but still got a great staff team!
the admins are very helpful and friendly

No lag at all i promise you!

open 24/7 just for you

come in and be the best killer!

Active Anarchy Cat Chest Chestshop Class Combat Community Craft Create Creative Dedicated Fac Faction Factions Fun Gaming Iconomy Inecraft Job Jobs Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Rank Ranks Shop Survival Survival Multiplayer World

Doreeworld Gaming

Doreeworld Gaming Community:

Doreeworld Facts:
64 slot
2 GB and growing
24/7 dedicated
Over 1,075 players promoted to Member

5 Worlds:
Tartarus (guest world)
Elysium Fields (main survival world)
Pandora’s Box (anarchy)
iCreate (creative)
Smithsonian (creative)

Some Fun Plugins:
Factions, Chestshop, CombatTag, Iconomy, Jobs, McMmo & PaidRanks. I am always open to suggestions for more plugins

Active Ass Ations Awesome Bcraft Class Com Crack Cracked Craft Creation Erver Fun Hero Herobrine Host Ice Ill Join New Nice One Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Premium Rvival Server Soon Staff Stuff Survival Survival Multiplayer Welcome


PlebCraft is an awesome survival server.We offer you loads of stuff such as: Nice staff,awesome players,lots of fun etc…
The server is still new and we still don’t have much plugins nor creations,but be patient we will have more soon :).Everyone is welcome either cracked or premium.
When you join tell them Physxtron sent me.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and my Minecraft Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!