030 Animation Chb Creative Equestria Equestrian Horse Journeymap Library Modded null Plugin Survival Swem Thanos

Star Worm Equestrian Minecraft Server

(mods on curseforge) requires: Star Worm Equestrian Minecraft Server Minecraft ServerAstikorCarts [​Horse Carts]pau101astikorcarts-1.16.5-1.1.1.jar

Star Worm Equestrian Minecraft Server Minecraft ServerFTB Essentials (Forge)FTBftb-essentials-1605.1.5-build.32.jar

Star Worm Equestrian Minecraft Server Minecraft ServerFTB Library (Forge)FTBftb-library-forge-1605.3.4-build.90.jar



Just Enough Items (JEI)means-1.16.5-


Star Worm Equestrian

Chb Customnpc Customnpcs Ezz Golem Hbm Journeymap Kids Library null Pvp Semianarchy Shop Survival Turrets

Tech ServerLite

This server is a smaller version of my original tech server
the only mods are
Custom NPCsNoppes_CustomNPCs_1.12.2-(05Jul20).jar

FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy)FTBFTBLib-

Tech ServerLite Minecraft ServerFTB Utilities (Forge)FTBFTBUtilities-

Tech ServerLite Minecraft ServerHbm’s Nuclear Tech Mod ReloadedTheOriginalGolemhbm-1.6.4a-Gv2.jar


Just Enough Items (JEI)mezzjei_1.12.2-



Open Modular TurretsKeridosopenmodularturrets-1.12.2-3.1.14-382.jar


Scaling HealthSilentChaos512ScalingHealth-1.12.2-1.3.42+147.jar

Silent Lib (silentlib)SilentChaos512SilentLib-1.12.2-3.0.14+168.jar


ToroHealth Damage Indicators

1.16.5 138 333 Bedwars Chb Creative Cross-Play Earth Factions FTB Fut Future Guy Hardcore Hub

Future Network

Mongol server for: 333333
Survival 1.16.5 shuu guys tged orood toglood online map edr bga goy baigaarai :nfjieahuifchbea9iuvfea89hvuioesgyuegfvyehgufheuieahvuiwebvhube3

1.8 Ark Bloo Blood Chb Dutch Feel Grief Mods Protect Protection Rot Sleep Sleeping Vanilla

DBG DutchBloodGaming

The DutchBloodGaming minecraft server is a 1.81.1 survival server. The server has grief protection and sleeping plugin. The server is a vanilla server without the unnecessary plugins/mods. The community exist mostly out of ark players but we also want to go into minecraft, so feel welcome to join.

Boost Chb Different Kitpvp Live Mini Games Multi Pvp Skyblock Skywars Survival Survival Games Tech Thoughts Tip


TechBoost – A gaming community that values their member’s thoughts. TechBoost is a gaming community that runs multiple different game servers, we are also a part of the TechVerse network. Join us now!

1.7 24h 24hrs Animation Bro Chb Enchantment Factions Origin Original Punch Special System Unch Vanilla


original minecraft server faction style 24Hrs 1.7.x to 1.16.x, with new enchantment plugins, special animation system among other things. Come play ip:

Ambient Architecture Chb Chisel Crayfish Flower Flowers Furniture Harvestcraft Immersiveengineering Mrcrayfish Roads Shopkeepers Survival Trains


The server is modded survival with a modern city with a traditional city not far way and medieval town to and small villages along the way we have a main railway line going threw the world. you can drive your trains on we have a roads mod to to connect your towns and citys.

You all can add your towns to the roads and rails you can build your own houses in survival and make a town or city you can buy plot town plots and city plots in the world there expensive thou just ask the owner/co-owner they will help out or the gms there helpful to you can buy or rent land of buy a big plot of land and put your own houses on to sell them to players or rent and make a lot of money threw it our money system is modded money you get from killing mobs or players then spend in our shopkeepers shop for your goods got to a atm for storage of your money.

We have one minigame called build battle if you vote each day on server you get money and a gift if you go into our mall you can buy your building blocks food and trains but there expensive the trains the furniture is good priced the mall is still being worked on but we will broadcast it when a shops are completed.

You can have a job in the server i will be making custom jobs to there is a rank going for train driver you will get payed to when you join please read the rules and look at the banned items board in spawn hope to see you all soon stay safe. we are now open now join soon.not setup votes yet but will soon if want want to try trialgm ask gms or founder search it up on twitch launcher ModernRealityCraft20UK

Rank list










more coming soon

Mods List
AmbientSounds by CreativeMD
architecturecraft by darkevilmac
Chisel-MC by tterrag1098
CTM-MC by tterrag1098
extrautils2 by RWTema
FastLeafDecay by olafskiii
Ferdinand’s Flowers by c0_0ry
Fureniku’s Roads by Fureniku
furniture by MrCrayfish
Hwyla by TehNut
ImmersiveEngineering by BluSunrize
ImmersiveRailroading by cam72cam
jei by mezz
journeymap by techbrew
malisiscore by Ordinastie
malisisdoors by Ordinastie
mcjtylib by McJty
mcw-roofs by sketch_macaw
NeverEnoughCurrency by Zundrel
obfuscate by MrCrayfish
Pam’s HarvestCraft by pamharvestcraft
rftools by McJty
TrackAPI by cam72cam
traffic control by CSX8600
vehicle-mod by MrCrayfish

Alien Bald Bean Beans Chb Erza Farmwelt Imperium Nur Stadt Steam Steampunk Survival Teleports Wirtschaft

Galdreen Minecraft Server

Willkommen auf Galdreen

Dies ist die Planetminecraftseite vom
Minecraft Server Galdreen.

Unser Server befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung.
Daher können bislang nur unsere Entwickler joinen!

Wir sind allerdings zuversichtlich,
das sich unsere Pforten bald öffnen werden!

Zum Konzept:

Unsere Welt besteht aus fliegenden Landmassen, welche sich in der Größe stark unterscheiden.
Von der kleinsten Insel bis hin zum Riesen Kontinent ist alles dabei!
Reisen könnt ihr durch spezifische Teleportstationen (Luftschiffe) oder mit Elytren,
welche ihr craften könnt!
Zeitlich gesehen befinden wir uns in einem Epochenmix zwischen dem:

1500 und 1800 Jahrhundert
Durchaus Fantasylastig
mit einigen Steampunk Elementen
z. B. Zahnräder, Dampfmaschinen und Luftschiffe

Als Spieler könnt ihr Grundstücke claimen und diese bebauen wie ihr lustig seid, solange es dem Serverkonzept entspricht
Durch ein Siedlungssystem könnt ihr Eure Region erweitern und besondere Feature freischalten.
Besonders Spielergruppen haben hier durchaus mehr Vorteile.
Questregionen sowie Dungeons bringen einige RPG Elemente mit sich.
Aber auch Server eigene Events werden durchgeführt.

Hier sind nur ein paar der Funktionen aufgelistet:

  • Custom Rezepte
  • Custom Mobs
  • Quest
  • Siedlungen gründen und aufsteigen
  • Shop´s erstellen
  • PVP
  • PVE
  • Die Welt

    Unser Server bietet euch Spielern eine Welt voller Geheimnisse,
    gefüllt mit zahlreichen Quests,
    eigenen Mobs und einer spannenden Survivalerfahrung!
    Durch regelmäßige Events und eine aktives Team
    wird der Serveralltag abwechslungsreich gestaltet.

    Die Welt nennt sich Galdreen.
    Galdreen ist eine von Hand geformte Welt,
    die von unzähligen fliegenden Inseln geprägt ist.
    Im Zentrum dieser Inseln liegt Brukstad,
    die größte Stadt. Hier fließen alle Luftströme zusammen.
    Von hieraus könnt ihr mit Elytren
    oder über ein weit verzweigtes Luftschiffnetzwerk
    zu den verschiedenen Inseln fliegen.
    Auf diesen Inseln findet ihr weite Flächen,
    hohe Berge, ins Nichts fließende Flüsse und vieles mehr!
    Nicht selten werdet ihr auf alte Ruinen,
    ganze Dungeons oder auch kleinere Siedlungen treffen.
    Und das herrenlose Land könnt ihr zu eurem Eigen machen!

    Errichtet euer Imperium!

    Du als einzelner Spieler oder ihr in einer Gemeinschaft
    könnt eine Region für euch beanspruchen.
    Auf dieser könnt ihr ganz nach eurem Geschmack
    eure Projekte verfolgen.
    Wird eure Region einmal zu klein,
    könnt ihr sie durch das Erfüllen bestimmter Bedingungen erweitern.
    Wollt ihr eine Stadt errichten,
    so könnt ihr vier Siedlungspfaden folgen.
    Innerhalb dieser könnt ihr zu höheren Rängen aufsteigen,
    was euch ein stärkeres Einkommen,
    mit dem ihr besondere Features, wie eigene NPCs,
    freischalten könnt.
    Ihr könnt auch automatische Strukturen errichten,
    die dann für euch kontinuierlich weiter produzieren.
    Eure Baumaterialien erhaltet ihr aus den Farmwelten,
    die getrennt von der Hauptwelt
    mittels Luftschiffen erreichbar sind.

    Handelt und werdet reich!

    Es gibt zahlreiche Dinge,
    die ein aktives Wirtschaftssystem ermöglichen.
    So gibt es viele spezielle Items,
    die nur in Ruinen oder Dungeons gefunden werden können.
    Und auch besonders gute Ausrüstung ist einiges wert.
    Neben den NPC-Händlern in Brukstad
    könnt ihr Spieler auch direkt untereinander handeln.
    Dabei gibt es eine eigene Währung.
    Euer hart erarbeitetes Geld könnt ihr dann
    in eure erweiterbaren Bankfächer einlagern.
    Doch passt auf! Langfinger könnten versuchen,
    sich an eurem Reichtum zu beteiligen.

    Erzähl deine eigene Geschichte!

    Zu Beginn entscheidest du dich,
    welcher Gilde du dich anschließen möchtest.
    Diese Entscheidung eröffnet dir zahlreiche Quests,
    eigene Dungeons und einige Craftingrezepte,
    die nur Mitgliedern dieser Gilde bekannt sind.
    Im Verlauf des Spiels kannst du deinen Charakter
    über deine Abenteuer weiterentwicklen.
    Auch kannst du immer bessere Ausrüstung finden
    oder aber herstellen.
    Ein neues Ausrüstungssystem mit neuen Attributen
    und Effekten sorgt hierbei für frischen Wind!

    Ihr habt Fragen oder Feedback?

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Chb Computer Creative Defense Flughafen Fun Mariokart Minigames Misc Nur Reallife Skypvp Survival Tower Defense Vanilla


    GermanCraft-Netzwerk [​1.8. – 1.16]

    Schön, dass du unseren Server gefunden hast.

    Nach langer Pause sind wir wieder da – aber wir sind nicht untätig geblieben!

    Unser aktuell größter Spielmodus. Tausche deine Spitzhacke gegen Bananenschalen ein und setz dich hinters Steuer der momentan originalgetreusten Nachbildung des beliebten Klassikers.

    Was wäre wenn – man einen Wave-Shooter ins Leben rufen und ihn mit einer Prise Tower Defense garnieren würde? Auf jeden Fall wäre stundenlanger Spielspaß vorprogrammiert. Der Spielmodus befindet sich aktuell allerdings noch in der Entwicklung.

    Run, Forrest, run! Sei der letzte auf der Plattform während die Blöcke hinter dir verschwinden.

    Der Klassiker unter den PvP-Modi darf bei uns natürlich nicht fehlen – eine Mischung aus KitPvP und Jump’N’Run. Dazu noch ein paar Extras – lass dich überraschen!

    Du hast schon immer vom Eigenheim geträumt? Bald kannst du dir diesen Traum bei uns erfüllen. Noch dieses Jahr wirst du auf unserem Community-Server eigene Apartments kaufen können, die du nach Herzenslust mit Möbeln dekorieren kannst. Du wolltest dir schon immer eine Fotobox ins Wohnzimmer stellen? Oder möchtest du doch lieber die Villa mit Whirlpool?
    Sei gespannt, was wir uns noch alles einfallen lassen 🙂

    Natürlich kannst du bei uns auch einfach nur abschalten – Vanilla-Spielmodi wie Survival bieten wir ebenso an.

    But wait, theres more:
    Wir planen dieses und nächstes Jahr noch viel mehr Spielmodi, die wir nach und nach veröffentlichen werden. Es lohnt sich also, regelmäßig reinzuschauen!

    Wir befinden uns aktuell noch in der Open Beta, daher erwarten euch in der nächsten Zeit noch sehr viele neue Features, auf die wir uns mindestens genau so freuen wie ihr!

    Betritt unseren Server und werde Teil der GermanCraft-Familie. Auch über Bewerbungen als Supporter oder Builder freuen wir uns jederzeit, denn wir haben noch viele Ideen, die wir umsetzen wollen. Aber macht euch doch einfach ein eigenes Bild ^-^

    Hoffentlich bis bald,
    euer GermanCraft-Team 🙂

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Architecture Castles Chb Colorful Desert Fortress Harbor Magazine Mansion Minecraft Cities Minecraft Kit Start Minecraft Magic Stadt Tycoon Waterfall

    Liberty-Craft Minecraft server

    ♥ Beautiful hand-built starting cities
    ♥ Ability to found your own settlement
    ♥ RP-wagering
    ♥ Frequent events
    ♥ Architecture contests
    ♥ No donation
    ♥ Magic
    ♥ Ability to create NPCs and public quests

    Hong Shulin is a pearl of trade and adventurism. This city opens to everyone in a different way: someone sees majestic cliffs and rustling waterfalls; someone notices interesting and unusual architecture in their own way; for some, Hong Shulin is just a place where he can cash in on adventures or performing dangerous money maneuvers. The Cloudy Depths harbor the ancient knowledge of the air magicians …
    Hong Shulin is not the only city in our vast world. You will also have access to such places as the brick town of Rottstadt, which attracts with the snow-capped Weischberg Mountains and the wealth of minerals, Fertilia, alluring with its narrow streets, cozy courtyards and vast fertile fields, the County of Bratskul, which leaves behind a magical trail of its colorful castles and architecture.
    If you get tired of the bustle of big cities, or you have a leadership spirit, you can try to become the Count of Bratskul, maintaining your castle, or even build a completely new fortress and found your own independent settlement. Become a tycoon, live in huge Hong Shulin mansions. Find distant Ain Senet in the vast desert, or defend your people behind the high walls of Do Sang. Equip yourself with a magic wand while studying at the Volkhvinskaya fortress. Get ALL the wealth of this world from the depths of the Weischberg Mountains. Or equip your farm and start an agricultural business. All in your hands!

    Join LibertyCraft!

    Survival Multiplayer


    Survival Multiplayer

    Darcraft PvP

    Darcraft PvP is a server looking for willing players to pvp just for the fun of it, griefing is allowed. It has friendly staff if you don’t get on there bad side.

    Survival Multiplayer


    Are you tired of PVP servers with the name hunger games slapped on it even though it has nothing to do with the book? Are you tired of servers where hackers run amuck getting endless warnings but never any punishment? Do you want a good staff that is always keeping things fun and enjoyable for everyone? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then creeperlife is for you! We have a 24/7 staff keeping the games fun as well as many custom plug-ins making sure that everything stays fair and realistic. We have multiple arenas so if you do have to wait to join one, it will be very short. During this time you can find all of our hidden easter eggs in the lobby 😀 We also have a survival free for all server with no plug-ins except for No-cheat and jail. Once you leave the spawn the only things you cant do are water/fire/lava grief. If this sounds fun to you come join us at
    See you there!



    Welcome to Corrupted Lands, a cutting-edge Minecraft server that takes the game to a whole new level. Explore a server that’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

    Survival Multiplayer

    Kingdom Of Sanctuary [Hun

    Kingdom of Sanctuary er en dansk pvp server! Med plads til 128 spillere! Egen spændene og unik hunger games arena for op til 24 personer! 6 Spændende og udfordrende PVP arenaer for Premium 3 spillerne Vær og spawn og vær sikker på du aldrig er alene, der er du altid under beskyttelse fra vagterne! Du kan også tage dig en lille snak med de forskellige! Start din egen by for 25.000$ ingame, og beskyt dine bygninger fra andre! Øg dine skills og blive den ultimative Pvp mester! Eller kom ind og socialisere med nogle af de mange andre spiller som er på serveren!

    For English speaking Player we got a free to join self buillded Hungergame Arena i the big building in spawn, so join if you like!

    Mmo Rpg Skyblock Survival


    FullSendMC offers new experiences on the Slovenian minecraft scene! We offer custom survival and skyblock.
    Join today!

    Server version: 1.20.2

    Factions Pve Pvp Skyblock Survival Games

    Lost In Translation

    There are many things that make our server great. We have lots of staff that are usually on and willing to help you. We have many fun plugins like Factions, Essentials, Survival Games, Chestshop, LWC, Skyblock, and more. We also have many different maps for many different things. We have a creative world, PvP world, PvE world, Activity World and Spawn. The Spawn is authentically created by one of the server co-owners Maklom, even though they look really good. We also have fun activity’s like a Maze, Dungeons, Skyblock , Mob Arena, Spleef arena, Hunger Games, and Parkour. If you have any questions just go to our website and they will be answered. If you want to find out things that are not on the website, email me at [email protected].


    SMP Earth Civilizations

    Towny Smp earth for all! You can play as your own town or nation or join a prexisting one. Raid and seige other nations and Towns! Active player base.

    Survival Multiplayer

    ChiRho Entertainment

    ChiRho Entertainment (XPE) is based on Christian-influenced values to establish a family-friendly community for those who participate in gaming of any kind. We think that providing such an environment would be appreciated by parents who can feel safe to allow their children or themselves to be a part of a community without having to worry about negative influences of others that they may interact with in the gaming community. This is accomplished through chat filters, periodic log monitoring, server rules, and staff who enforce these rules.

    Survival Multiplayer


    Hey, glad you found us!

    CatServe is a UK based server with an awesome community, we have many ranks, found at and many many features, come online and start the best minecraft experience ever at today!
    This server is run by an MCBans Staff member and is a great deal of fun!


    Vortex2bt2t Minecraft server

    Can you survive? Will this player help you, kill you, or help you so they can kill you later? Betrayals, wars and horrors against kindness, help and unity

    Survival Multiplayer

    GameOn365 Minecraft

    12 GB Ram, Quad-core 3.4GHz processor, 100Mbit uplink.

    Consistent uptime, free building for all players, PvP and survival options, friendly but fair administrators and moderators. Always willing to help make your gaming experience the best it can be!

    Multiple ranks and player permissions available!

    Hunger Games soon to come? Let us know by giving input on our forums!

    Survival Multiplayer

    Dewcraft Survival Minecraft Servers Survival Server is a Minecraft Survival Server. Mobs and damage for an exciting PvE and PvP environment.

    * Build permissions granted after application (This protects our users from griefers)
    * PvP environment with all regular mobs and health
    * Griefer protection with tracking and rollbacks using LogBlock
    * Active userbase
    * Helpful moderation team

    Build permissions are granted after registration and application. Please see our website, , for more details.

    Connect using

    Creative Economy Pvp Survival


    Sverrecraft is a big minecraft server with many opportunities!
    You can explore the world as mutch as you want with no border and play in different gamemodes!
    The staff is nice and helpfull.
    The owners of the server are sverre26 and johannessogn.
    Usefull commands:
    You find more info at the server webpage(
    Remember to register on the forum (

    Survival Multiplayer


    Hello, ChuboCraft is a PvP Faction server where the whole point is to raid, conquer, and survive.

    The best way to do this is to get more faction members, build up your kingdom, and take out your enemys.

    At the moment, the server can currently hold up to 40 people at a time, and is mostly up 24/7.

    We back-up the map often so if’s someone has hacked the server, it will be back up with not so much of a loss.

    Its currently cracked, free to come and play on, and as well has some friendly Mods

    and Admins.

    For more up to date infomation and pictures, please visit here:

    Survival Multiplayer

    ★ HitCraft Factions★

    24/7 Factions Server with has ★PVP ★Griefing ★Raiding ★ Allowed!
    Join now at:

    Vote for 6 diamonds here:

    Click on the Green + sign to vote!

    Survival Multiplayer

    Craft Portugal 1.2.4

    Minecraft PT 1.2.4 server you can join without having the original game.
    We have unlimited Clans, levels, events, and slots.
    The server is hosted and is connected 24 hours a day.
    Come to our website

    Economy Factions FTB Pvp Survival


    MutinyCraft is a hub server that is primarily focused on building a great community based gameplay. We do not try to compete with the large servers with our player base, but we do try to offer a friendly welcoming environment that will make you feel at home when you log onto our server. Our staff players are very active to assist you with most issues that you will have.

    We offer the following servers:

    Survival, Creative, Hardcore Factions, KitPVP, and FTB

    Creative Economy FTB Mini Games Pvp

    ImDeity Kingdoms

    ImDeity Kingdoms is one of the longest-running servers (3+ years) featuring an exclusive Class / Rank / Skills system, a thriving economy, custom-designed Questing system as well as a town and Kingdom system!

    Also check out our custom-designed mini-game: DeityWar (team PvP matches) with kits (all free!).

    We also have a PvP (Factions) server @ and a Creative (freebuild) server @!

    NEW: Feed the Beast too! We’re running the Magic Farm 2 FTB modpack

    Join us today! [ IP: ]

    Cross-Play Mini Games

    Block Battles

    Get ready for an epic adventure as our Block Battles servers open their gates today at 4:30 PM EST! Immerse yourself in thrilling battles, explore new realms, and conquer the pixelated world with your friends.

    But that’s not all – the anticipation continues! Our Buycraft and Coin Shop will unlock their treasures tomorrow. Prepare to enhance your gaming experience with exclusive items and perks.

    Join us on this thrilling journey, starting at 4:30 PM EST today! Your next gaming adventure awaits.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Pocket Edition Prison Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!