Ats Axe Deo Ideo Know Minion Minions Nodes Pickaxe Pls Power Skyblock Sword Swords Video

SAT Skyblock


Casual Economy Essentials Landclaim Paper Plugins Purpur Qol Ranks Smp Spigot Survival Survival Multiplayer Towny Townysurvival


ADHDMC Season II has started!
Survival Multiplayer, community focused.
• A few QOL plugins
• Run with Towny, and Essentials.
• Taking community input on what more should be added.
I don’t know what else to include, uh, a lot of us have ADHD but that’s not a requirement.

Best Survival Server Custom Item Custom Items Customize Customized Ecipes Ladder Mcmmo Menu Menus News Portugal Recipes Survival Vanilla


Best Survival Server 1.16.5 in Portugal!
Our main objective is to satisfy the community.

There will always be news, the server has been 90% customized by our staff team.

– Easy and affordable savings
– Custom menus and commands
– Store
– Events
– Custom items!
– Customized recipes
– Crates and ranks
– And much more!

Bases Chats Dedsurvival Discord Hob Homo Killing Near NSFW Racism Semi Vanilla Sex Sfw Survival Swearing

The Ded Survival

Make sure to join our discord!

You have to get white listed so you can start the server on your own

We are a Minecraft survival (semi vanilla)

1.No sexism, racism, homophobia etc. or hate speech will be here or ban.
2.No NSFW (Note: This does count as flirting, saying inappropriate things, ect.) will be ok here its a Minecraft server not a NSTW server so don’t treat it like one.
3.Don’t spam its not nice and no self promos that means no saying it in chats nor DMing ppl bout it.
4.If you see someone breaking a rule tell an admin are admins are very nice so DM them if needed.
5.Swearing is fine but no words that could hurt people.
6.Be nice to new members they are people too so treat people how you want to be treated.
Minecraft rules:
1.No griefing.
2.No killing mobs that aren’t hostile that are near peoples bases.
3.Have fun and if you don’t have Minecraft don’t worry dm an admin about it and they’ll give you a role for it and just let us know when you do get Minecraft.

Euro Europe Information Live Lives Making Minigames New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Parkour Pvp Release Universe Universum Ves

Universe MC

We are making new minecraft server with lot of fun minigames! Our servers are in Filnand, so everybody who lives in Europe have low ping. Server release soon and we wan’t to see you in our disord. Here you get more information.

Cross-Play Crossplay Days Getting Started Hag Large Mcmmo Pvp Realistic Seasons Stream Streamer Streams Survival Vanilla

SMP-Server of the streamer “Pythagoraz”
We’re a small server just getting started 🙂
・ Semi-Vanilla
Java / Bedrock crossplay
・Version 1.8 – 1.18 support
・Custom Quests
・Large 20K x 20K world
・Realistic seasons

If you want to join a small community with a cool streamer who streams every few days this server is right for you.

Hope to see you soon on the server or in the stream 😀
Have good one. o7

Android Axe Bedrock Edition Cross-Play Droid Fire Ios Mobile Op Prison Server Pickaxe Prison Unlock Wind Windows Windows 10

Rupture Prison

Rupture Prison is a brand new OP Prison server! Unlock new pickaxes with custom enchantments! Join today from the IP!

This server is supported on bedrock edition through with port 25565. You can join with the following devices:
-PC (Windows 10 Edition)
-Mobile Devices (iOS, Android & Windows)
-Kindle Fire
-Fire TV
-Gear VR/Oculus VR

Anarchy Cked Client Crack Cracké Cracked Cross-Play Java And Bedrock Ked Lifesteal Little Mini Games Party Survival Vanilla


— 404 Anarchy —
An smp type server with little to no rules
Allows cross play between Java and Bedrock players
Support for cracked or 3rd party clients

Box Fol Follow Forum Forums Make Noop Port Pve Economy Servers Sit Site Support Target Website


This PVP Box Server Is one of the fun servers join now!
you can join the discord server for support and more!
the website is
you can make a account on the forums

Bedro Bedrock Beta Claims Coming Default Information Pat Plugin Port Rock Rpsurvival Survival Tmc Voting


New survival Server in Beta Phase
Bedrock compatible port: Default Port
Portmc discord server coming. Voting Plugin.
More Information coming…
Discord coming…

Asa Aternos Cri His Insta Kat Love Op Minecraft Our Sam Script Survival Multiplayer Top Top Minecraft Top Minecraft Server

instasamkatop minecraft server

The server owner “instasamkatop” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

117server Axolotl Bedrock Coreprotect Creative Crossplay Discord Englishlanguage Essentials Free Java Kid Kits Minigames Nicestaff Nick Nopvp Pvp Ranks Semivanilla Semivanillasmp Sit Spleef Survival Vanilla Veinminer Viaversion Youtuberserver

💖AXO.BAR NETWORK💖 is one of the most wholesome small minecraft server networks on the planet!
you can play loads of gamemodes, talk with us on discord and in general have a lot of fun!

if you’re searching for a small survival server, you’re definitely at the right place!

streamers and youtubers are welcome!

this is a youtuber server, meaning that it’s created by the youtuber JohnHeikens..

Apex Love Moddé Modded Origin Origins Originsmod Roleplay Rp Server Rpserver Smp Story Survival Tak Whitelisted

Blossom SMP | 1.18.1 Origins RP

Blossom SMP is a whitelisted, modded Origins survival server with a small, but active community! We would love to have you come take part in our RP server! Come join our story at:

300 Address Button Currency Difficult Difficulty East Edition Emerald Emeralds Java Edition License Region Restart Survival Multiplayer

WestEast server Minecraft

Welcome to minecraft server – WestEast.

Server version: Java Edition 1.16.5 (not licensed)

Server address:

Server restart at 7 am!

Difficulty: Hard

One private up to 300,000 blocks

Checking the region with the right mouse button with the item “stick”

Game currency: E-coin (electronic emeralds)

Cat Cats Clans Fanclan Play Riverclan Role Role Play Roleplay Roleplay Server Rp Server Rps Shadowclan Skyclan Starclan Thunderclan Warrior Warrior Cats Warrior Cats Rp Warrior Rp Warriors Warriors Rp Windclan

Warriors of Wandering Lights [1.18.2] – Warrior Cats Roleplay

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Art Contest Event *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Our server is holding an art contest event until May 20th 2022! Gain points for drawing your own characters! Check out our Discord server for more information
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* DISCORD *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Join us on Discord for access to many applications & detailed information on lore!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Warriors of Wandering Lights *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Warriors of Wandering Lights is a Warrior cats roleplay server with 5 fan-made Clans, loners, loner groups, and extra territories. StarClan has spoken to these cats, and together they must seek peace among each other. WOWL has plenty to offer, such as…
– Warriors-related economy.
– Custom plugins
– Custom designed weapons and resource pack
– Playtime given ranks
– Gatherings every Sunday at 5:00pm CST/ central
– FREE access to roleplay loners, rogues, dark forest cats, and kittypets
– Multiple character slots (up to 12 FREE)

– Playtime perks such as /fly, /feed, /heal, /editsign, and multiple sethomes

To learn more about our server, join us now!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Our Clans *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Warriors of Wandering Lights [1.18.2] - Warrior Cats Roleplay Minecraft Server
This Clan is located on the edge of a cliff, where their dens are dug from old badger dens. These cats climb to get to their camp. Their Clan is located next to a river, yet they do not like water. These cats have ranging fur lengths. They have more muscle than average. These cats are slightly taller than average. They are usually gray, black, or brown, and are tabbies or pointed.
Leader – Brightstar (Solfxllen)
Deputy – Pythonstrike (R0ttenC0re)
Medic – Moonshine (St0rmySkies)
Medic apprentice – Dewpaw (Hedgiequeen13)

Warriors of Wandering Lights [1.18.2] - Warrior Cats Roleplay Minecraft Server
This Clan lives on a hill with a spread forest. They are surrounded by a lush forest that protects their Clan. Their camp and dens are ditch-like, the trees trickling into camp. These cats have thin or average fur lengths, and are taller than average. These cats are also usually gray, tan, or black, and can be tabby, pointed, or solid.
Leader – Palestar (Alycat42)
Deputy – Briarfield (MaloniPoni)
Medic – Flamefern (Doctorfroggers)
Medic apprentice – Shroompaw (fallinqvirgo)

Warriors of Wandering Lights [1.18.2] - Warrior Cats Roleplay Minecraft Server
This Clan is built within the roots of a large willow tree, and beside a lake. Their dens are carved from the roots of the tree. They don’t get rained on, but sometimes their dens flood. These cats have slick, usually fluffy fur, and are average height. These cats are mostly brown or tan, and are tabbies with white underbellies.
Leader – Frozenstar (Xyrus__)
Deputy – Eveningbreeze (lionchompers)
Medic – Cloudrain (akeshu)
Medic apprentice – Open!


This Clan hides in large grass hills, inside a gorge. Their dens are within tunnels and rocks, keeping the cats safe. Prey mostly comes right to them. These cats have fur lengths that range from short to long, and they’re usually shorter than average. These cats are also usually brown and tan, and are tabbies or solid.
Leader – Lynxstar (akeshu)
Deputy – Cottontail (chongyvn)
Medic – Thistlehollow (bunnykoo)
Medic apprentice – Tinypaw (lionchompers)


Formed from a group of loners, kittypets, and former Clan cats, EchoClan is new to Clan life entirely. Their Clan is located in a said to be haunted forest, abandoned many years ago by ancient beings. Crystals form from the ground, trees, and in caves. EchoClan builds their camp up with bush barriers. These cats can have any fur length, body type, ect… since most of them have unique origins.
Leader – Dawnstar (kaciecat)
Deputy – Stagheart (lionchompers)
Medic – Beebringer (R0ttenC0re)
Medic – Mistysong (MaloniPoni)

Ridge Colony

Ridge Colony is a group just outside Clan boundaries that have unique roles and morals. They live within a lush valley surrounded by tall mountain walls. Their territory is full of beautiful wild herbs and has plenty of prey. The cats living there, called valley cats, are typically friendly to newcomers of all kinds as per their valley code.
Manager (Head healer) – Fal (Sunfallen)
Manager (Head hunter) – Yuffie (akeshu)
Manager (Head guard) – Astram (pancakepuffypaw)
Manager (Head Coach) – Seurasoni (bunnykoo)
Manager (Head keeper) – Cadmus (St0rmySkies)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Our Staff *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Owner – kaciecat
Co-owner – St0rmySkies

Moderator – lionchompers
Admin – theturtlekid
Admin – akeshu
Head Moderator – R0ttenC0re
Moderator – bunnykoo
Moderator – MaloniPoni
Moderator – pancakepuffypaw
Moderator – SouthernSol
Helper – fallinqvirgo
Helper – Xyrus__

Want to join our staff team? Join our discord to learn how to apply!
Banned? Click here to appeal

Beta Elo île Loaded Meg Mega Minecraft Version Need Staff Port Ports Reloaded Rts Support Survival Versions

OmegaX Reloaded NEED STAFF

Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can Supports Minecraft versions 1.8 through 1.18 New Server BETA Join Now and get Staff while u can

Aternos Com Come Cri Donate Exp Expensive Grief His Ice New Our Script Survival Multiplayer Vice


The server owner “COME ALL NEW GRIF SERVICE DONATE NOT EXPENSIVE” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Best Survival Server Bro Bros Eula Hun Hunt Lucky Money Protection Rankup Residence Survival Treasure Wip Wipe

Come join the best survival server for you and all your bros!

Protection: Residence.

Events: Lucky Bro, Wipeout & Treasure Hunt

Rankup with in game money!

EULA Compliant

Anti-grief Coop Flash Griefprevention Ios Near No Donations No hacking Nocheat Nocheatplus Nogrief Nowhitelist Populationdensity Shot Vanilla

Obios Survival | griefprevention & population density

Obios SurvivalDamn-Near Vanilla
This server is trying to bring back an old school vanilla-ish survival experience, which means: No kits, no /back and an focus working together.

There are no donations, voting rewards or ranks, just minecraft, with a few anti-griefing and quality of life features added in.
If you’re looking for a chill, coop experience without flashy gimmicks and pay-to-win, than come join and give the server a shot.


  • GriefPreventions
  • PopulationDensity
  • NoCheatPlus
  • Rules:

  • Be nice
  • No griefing
  • Try to be mature
  • No hacking

  • Categories
    Alcohol Alliance Alliances Cosmetics Countries Dimension Dimensions Empires Incendium Osmetics Political Roleplay Strategy Terralith Worldbuilding


    Euneya is unique server, one of the first in Worldbuilding style, started 16th of May.

    Create lore, countries, character; become rich and wealthy, prove to be the best in strategy, grind and PvP.

    We offer:

    – Custom 2.5k x 2.5k map using Terralith and Incendium for both dimensions;

    – Possibility to create cities, countries, empires, alliances and enemies

    – Custom enchantments and mobs to increase variation in PvP and PvE

    – Alcohol of many kinds

    – Non-P2W environment with lots of cosmetics

    Our discord:

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best 1.8 Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!