This is a whitelist server for now, For info on how to get whitelist join us on discord 🙂 Have you ever wanted to live in a world where real life clans came to life?? Here at Kingdoms of Yggdrasil thats become possible, As we have an awesome towny setup that is set up based off something we call the first nations. When you first join you can then chose which nation youd like to join. After this you can join the First nations town or even create your own. Then join the First Nations in their battle and struggles to becoming a world power. Face the hardships of everything from war,to building great nations and even avoiding horrible diseases and fighting the coldest and hottest parts of the world. With nothing but an open world concept in mind we have made it to where there are dungueons,quests, random ruins and prehistoric buildings for all you adventurers out there. Come on down and check out this action packed server today 🙂 is the ip 🙂 its not public so its just us friends but once we get everything done we will make it a public toxic free environment is our goal