Aves Backpack Backpacks Best Build Civilization Class Color Craft Crafting Creative Disguise Disguises Donation Edit End Fly Friends Game Gaming Graves Join Large Lore Map Nation Noop Open Permanent Play Player Players Rank Ranks Server Town Towny Unique Website

We enjoy crafting just like you and have come up with a creative and unique towny server. Our server is unique in the way of being able to use in game credits to buy our ranks for a 30 day time period, and permanent ranks are available for donation through our website under Ranks. We also have several play enhancing plug-in’s including:

Graves for when you die
Colored blood
Rank labels
And more…
We encourage all players to join a town or make their own. Large map available with lots of room to grow your town. Come check us out…. And bring your friends…. Let’s build this civilization together.

At Fly Eating Daisys we also appreciate your feed back. We take all comments into consideration to make your gaming the best that it can be.


Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build Claim Color Community Create Creative Custom Eco Elevators End Enjin Flatland Fun Grief Job Jobs Latest Lore Mcmmo Mmo Mob Open Play Plugin Plugins Rewards Server Shop Shops Small Spells Survival Teamspeak Town Unique Votifier War Website


Votifier disabled due to port issues. All other websites work with votifier.

A Small server, Done right.


BluLegend, a small server done right. Our community based server focuses on survival – bringing Jobs, Spells, and a bunch of surprises your way. Create a town or join someone elses and become a part of the Legendary. Relax in our 50 block deep creative flatland or explore our vast and heavily customized plugins.

Server Features:

A highly developed Survival gamemode.
With survival as our main focus we bring you the lastest and greatest features.

– Advanced spawn system means every player starts somewhere different
– Earn money by mining, digging, and fighting, and more
– Spawn Town shops have almost every item for sale
– Health Bars over injured mobs and players and damage indicators when fighting
– McMMO adds Power levels earned for everything you do and power ups
– Create a town and join a nation, go to war, or remain at peace.
– Complete jobs like forester and baker for rewards.

A grief-free Creative experience.
Advanced rollback and two different world mean your build is safe, gauranteed.

– The Prism plugin allows rollbacks of everything, from block breaking to item dropping.
– Craftbook adds functional draw bridges, elevators, and more
– All of the latest blocks when running the latest version of MC
– Flatland world with 50 blocks of depth to allow for basements and more
– Protect your own stuff using a Wooden Hoe, like World Guard.

Be part of something Unique.
We pride in being a server like no other, adding great features, and a polished feel.

– Grab a backpack by crafting it in a workbench
– Our TeamSpeak server allows you to voice chat with the other players
– Chat system provides easy to understand messages and color codes
– Claim any mob as a pet from creepers to pigs.
– Constantly updating website and social media pages

BluLegend was created with the goal of having a community server where players can enjoy survival and creative with friends. Over two years of experience and effort was put into making it the most polished server of its kind.


Ban Beta Color Craft Custom Donation Donations End Fun Going Guns Hack Hacking Leveling Map Mine Minecraft Mines Mod Modified Mods Nations New Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Rank Ranks Reset Server Servers Staff Trans Unique Vote War Website




[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent][color=#ff3333]*Our Website and Server is in alpha, meaning there may be bugs and/or glitches. Report any you find “here” (Link: “”). *[/color][/background][/size][/color][/center]



[center][size=3][color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000]Welcome to MinersWarfare, a brand new Call of Duty inspired Minecraft server. MinersWarfare uses custom coded unique plugins to enhance your gameplay experience. We are currently in an open alpha, when you join you will be max level and will have all the weapons pre unlocked. Once the server has been stabilized we will move into Beta. Please note that all stats will be reset upon going into beta. In beta you will be able to level up regularly and unlock the weapons of your choosing. Remember playing with friends it always more fun than playing by yourself. For more information visit our website. Happy Shooting.[/color][/background][/color][/size][/center]


[center][size=3][color=#000000][background=transparent]Rules must be followed at all times. If you are caught breaking a rule, you are at risk of being banned. Punishments depend on the level of disruption that is caused and may range from a simple mute to a full Ip-ban. If you do not wish to follow the rules, then do not play. If you spot a cheater or rule breaker, report them on your forum. The player will be dealt with.[/background][/color][/size][/center][list]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No Hacking or Modding(This includes modified Clients)(We allow Minimap and Optifine Only.)[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No Donation Scamming of any kind[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]Always Respect staff and other Players[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No using Inappropriate Language[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No Spamming or Advertising[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]Absolutely no Flaming[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]No asking for Ranks[/background][/size][/color]
[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]Any client mods that provide an advantage over other players is strictly prohibited. We do allow Minimap and Optifine.[/background][/size][/color][/center]


[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]The leveling system is based off of Modern Warfare 2. You will gain XP and Coins for every kill and game you play. Your in-game level will increase once a certain amount of XP has been reached. A full list of the levels and XP required can be found “here” (Link: “”). You can purchase new guns and equipment with the coins you receive. Once you reach max level which is 70 you can choose to keep playing at lvl 70 or prestige. (Not implemented yet).[/background][/size][/color][/center]


[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MinersWarfare. You can vote once every 24 hours and will receive +++++++ per vote.[/background][/size][/color][/center][list]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MinecraftMP: “” (Link: “”)[/background][/size][/color]
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MineStatus: “” (Link: “”)[/background][/size][/color]
[*]PlanetMinecraft:[color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent] [/background][/size][/color]”” (Link: “”)
[*][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]MCIndex: “” (Link: “”)[/background][/size][/color]

[center][color=#000000][size=3][background=transparent]*Donations have been disabled until beta. More information can be found “here” (Link: “”).*[/background][/size][/color][/center]

[center][size=3][color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000]We are a non-profit server which means all donations at the end of each month, get put back into our servers.[/color][/background][/color][/size][/center]


Active Ark Ass Aves City Class Color Colorful Conomy Craft Dark Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Forest Hide Huge Inecraft Join Lit Map Mine Minecraft Nether Ores People Play Pvp Sky Skyscraper Snow Survival Multiplayer War


RazorPvP is minecraft with a little twist. The object of RazorPvP is to defeat as many people as you can and be rewarded while doing it with our economy system. On RazorPvP we have a very colorful map for you to play on. It consist of a Snow biome, Nether Biome, City Biome and Mushroom Biome. You can go Hide deep in the forest or even in the deep dark caves and last but not least the huge skyscrapers. You can join RazorPvP at

Active Apply Cat Chest Chestshop Clan Class Color Craft Drop Eco Game Gamers Iconomy Inecraft Join Lore Lwc Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Money New Ored Plugin Plugins Ring Server Shop Sign Survival Survival Multiplayer Tea Town Towny

Hellsgamers Survival

Welcome to the hellsgamers server!
Do you want to become instant member on our server?
well apply for recruit and get Member instantly instead of boring Default!
To become member you have to join the clan 😀 at

also for more info on the server:

Main Plugins:

Active Admin Bukkit Chest Chestshop Class Color Com Erver Essential Essentials Good Kit Lit Ming Play Player Plugin Plugins Pro Professional Rvival Server Shop Slots Soon Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Survivor Time Vip Votifier Welcome World Worlds


Coalition of Professional Survivors –
Welcome to our Bukkit server, we hope that you’ll have a good time with us! We’ve installed plenty of good plugins as:

Essentials – DynColor – Hawkeye – ChestShop – Votifier, so on.

24 Player slots and wonderful staff.

2 Worlds (Spawn/admin world – Survival world.

VIP Coming soon!

Active Awesome Build Class Color Craft Creative Custom Customized Dynmap Event Great Grief Hard Home Join King Map Mature Multiverse New Normal Old Play Player Players Playing Prevention Protection Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Regeneration Reset Server Survival Update Vanilla World


We reset our map for the 1.7.2 update, we have some great regular players and we are looking for lots more mature and awesome players to join our ranks.

Our server to includes multiverse so we have a creative world and also a hard difficulty world, so when you join us you get a choice of playing in one, two or all three. Inventories in each world are separate and we use Grief Prevention for our protection. We have a dynmap setup for our normal and creative rules world customized so you can tell which player is in what world by color formatting.

Our hard world has the rule of ‘no health regeneration’ to give it a little bit of a twist, the only way to heal is with potions or golden apples. We have tried to keep the hard world as vanilla as possible, only way to set a home is via a bed.

We have a monthly UHC competition with a brand new world each competition as well as monthly build competitions with different and challenging themes.

Allowed Build Chat Color Craft End Enjin Fun Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Home Lag Lore Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Mods New Normal Open Peace Play Player Playing Pvp Server Servers Stealing Swearing Trading Vanilla War Whitelist Who World

The Vanilla World

[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=7]Vanilla World[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=7][/size][/font][/center]
[center][size=6][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Server info:[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Our new server is a server with no mods, no advanced add-ons that make minecraft to a different game. Here, you can build wherever you want and do whatever you want. (griefing excluded) We dont have PVP enabled either so do not worry about being assaulted when you are on your way home from a trip to your mine. We aim at having fun and having a great time together.[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]30 Slots[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]No whitelist. Everyone can join.[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]No lag.[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Rules[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Griefing, scamming or stealing is not allowed[/font][/size][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]No hacking[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]No spamming chat[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]Respect all players[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]Swearing and racism is not allowed[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]Our Goal[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]We want people to have fun and meet new friends with a common goal: to have a great time playing Minecraft as it was intended to.[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]We will later on, implement a trading system for people to use, as we think that is something that would improve the Minecraft experience.[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]Looking forward to seeing you in game.[/size][/font][/center]
[center][size=5]Trust system[/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]We have just embedded a “trust” system which means its only for those who we are sure dont grief. You will have had to play on the server for some time without having griefed or anything like that. After you join, you will be tped to the place where you can build in peace.[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Just ask DanishNinja96 if you want to be a part of the trusted players. You will get a green-colored name so other know that you are trusted.[/font][/size][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]White named players are normal players[/size][/font][/center]
[center][color=#008000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]Green named players are Trusted players[/size][/font][/color][/center]
[center][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5][color=#0000FF]Blue is Dev[/color][/size][/font][/center]
[center][color=#FF0000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=5]And red named players are Owners and Co-owners[/size][/font][/color][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Specs: [/font][/size][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]2048MB RAM, [/font][/size][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]20GB SSD[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Owner: DanishNinja96[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Co-Owner: Groovesmith, xUnCoded[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=5][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Dev: Son588[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=7][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Before you join, please register at our site: [/font]”” (Link: “”)[/size][/center]
[center][size=5]Pictures from the server:[/size][/center]


Awesome Big Build Castle Class Color Create Disney End Forge Free Frozen Fun Ill Join Kill Lag Lore New Noop Open Ored Plugin Plugins Power Red Rol Server Spawn Staff Survival Tea Town Towny Troll Website Who

Angels Frozen server

Did you ever wanted to walk inside of Disneys Frozen Elsas castle? Or create a town near it? Or build Arendelle in survival? Well, connect to -=Frozen=- server and all your wishes will come true.
True 1.8+ survival server with Fully-functional Towny plugin. Awesome big Mesa Plateau biome near spawn to build from colored clay. 24/7 – no lag – free to join server without bad words and bad guys.
No overpowered staff who trolls or kills you just for fun. And dont forget to check some news on website


Arcade Awesome Build Class Color Craft Create Drops End Enjin Experience Fac Faction Factions Free Friendly Game Games Great Grief Home Homes Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minigame Noop Open Play Rank Server Sky Skygrid Social Unique Vampire

Minecraft43 is all about Skygrid. We are a friendly, grief free Skygrid server that promotes and maintains a positive social experience for everyone regardless of age or rank. Our grid took 8 months to create and is nothing like any other default generated Skygrid out there. It is filled with hidden prizes including Homes, treasures and awesome Mythic Drops. If Skygrid isnt your thing, check out our equally unique FACTIONS experience. We also have a great MiniGame Arcade including VampireZ, Build-it, ColorMatch and many more games. Come check us out.


Creative Cross-Play Death Feat Fun Grief Hard Hes Mob Plugin Pve Pvp Read Skills Survival

Gooney Town

A challenging survival server set on HARD. With Elite Mobs, there are several nasty monsters. But, you get a skills plugin to increase your attack damage, strength, health, etc. There are several other features as well like death chests, enchantment extractors, save XP in bottles, land protection with grief prevention, toggle pvp on/off. I designed this to be as fun as possible, as challenging as possible, and as safe as possible.

This server is also crossplay with bedrock clients. Users are already able to join from switch and mobile.

2017 Anarchy Server Anne Ban Hack Hacking Joe King Let Read Survival Tea Team Title Type

anarchy no hacking

this is a anarchy server but the 1 and only rule is no hacking aswell teaming is completly alowed i will banned you id you do hack anyways welcome to my server 🙂

Anti Best Box Cheat Cross-Play Day Desk Ect Elytra Heat Kitpvp Mini Games Pvp Staff Today


Elytra PVP box server.
we have the best box server with a strong anti cheat and active staff.
join us today with this IP: | Port: 19132
you can join from 1.18.2 – 1.19.4

Addition Cooper Cross-Play Desk Earn Economy Every Hes Pes Pin Pve Reach Read Survival Vanilla

Bohica Gaming

Welcome to BOHICA GAMING Minecraft, the ultimate destination for both Bedrock and Java players seeking a thrilling and fun-filled Minecraft experience. Get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in a server packed with exciting features and a vibrant community!

Our server is carefully managed by a team of active admins who are passionate about creating the best possible environment for players. They are always available to assist and ensure that your gameplay runs smoothly, ensuring a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone.

At BOHICA GAMING Minecraft, we embrace the PvE (Player versus Environment) nature of the game. Explore our expansive world, filled with breathtaking landscapes, treacherous caves, and engaging quests. Immerse yourself in a cooperative and supportive community, where players can build, farm, and collaborate on epic projects.

To enhance your gameplay, we have implemented a range of quality of life plugins. These plugins introduce convenient features such as jobs, allowing you to earn currency by taking on various tasks, and quests that offer exciting challenges and rewards. Additionally, our land claim system ensures that your creations are protected and allows for hassle-free collaboration with other players.

For those seeking a competitive edge, we offer an adrenaline-pumping PvP (Player versus Player) arena. Step into the arena and put your skills to the test against other players in exhilarating battles. Show off your strategic prowess and lightning-fast reflexes as you strive for victory.

To further enhance your experience, we offer both an in-game store and a Tebex store. Browse through a wide variety of items, cosmetics, and perks to customize your gameplay and stand out from the crowd.

Join us at BOHICA GAMING Minecraft and unlock a world of endless possibilities. Whether you’re on Bedrock or Java, our server is ready to welcome you into a vibrant and lively community. Build, explore, fight, and forge lasting friendships as you embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today!

Community Desk Develop Earth Economy Faction Factions Fly Lopi Nations Pin Plugin Plugins Town Towny

NewAge Nations

NewAge Nations is a mod pack that aims to bring a more warfare setting to the average geopolitical server. Sometimes we get sick of the vanilla gameplay, whether that be Factions or Towny war, we just want to shoot missiles, fly an A10, drive a tank, or form a nation. The geopolitical community needs something a bit more intense, this is the goal of NewAge Nations. We have spent weeks developing and testing publicly available plugins, join us on the official server to help us test features and keep contributing.

Adult Awesome Chill Community Desk Discord King Player Small Survival Vanilla Vanilla Server Web Website Whitelist

Raccoon Cavern

This is an Adult (18+) Minecraft Semi-Vanilla Server. We are a small chill server that started on May 17th. We are looking for more players to join! If you want to be a part of this awesome community, please join the discord. Invite link is also in our website.

Amazing Bedwars Community Creative Cross-Play Desk Ich Joya Kitpvp Lifesteal Mem Mini Games Pvp Ranked Bedwars Sing


AcentraMC is a rising Minecraft Network, which offers an enjoyable experience for its fellow community. Join us to try our amazing gamemodes!

– Annhilation
– Ranked Bedwars
– Practice
– Prison
– Creative
– Skyblock
& more…

Clan Clans Community Comp Complete Cross-Play Custom Dedicated Desk Discord Gem Ich Koth Let Pvp


EuphoryBox is a completely new BoxPvP server with many Custom mechanics which you can enjoy, we are a community that is growing, we have:
– Gem System
– Keys
– KoThs
– Custom Items
– Clans
– Dedicated Discord
and many more things!
IP: EuphoryBox.Live

Cross-Play Desk Discord Economy Emo Este Gamemode Hell Join Life Lifesteal Mem Mod Sco Tea


Hello, Welcome to RiyanSMP, We are a Minecraft server focused on Lifesteal and other gamemodes. You can join us once and try, for more info, Join our discord.

Bac Check Desk Donation Earn Economy Faction Factions Ingin Pvp Raiding Ranks Rewards Season Start Store


Uniquin-PvP is a new 1.8+ Factions server with 1.8 cannoning and PVP. Our first season started on 5/21/2023, and we are focused on bringing back the feeling of original factions from 2015. Ranks and rewards can be purchased via the store donation shop or earned through playtime.
Check us out at

Catch Custom Desk End Grief Hes Increased Map Packs Pawn Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Survival Tent Vote


Welcome to Silvermons!

Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.3
Minecraft Version 1.16.5
Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (
Server IP:

Silvermons is a survival Pixelmon Reforged server with custom content. This includes custom progression-based gyms and elite 4 that limit the maximum level you can train or catch Pokemon. The server also has a Battle Tower, Global Trade System, Vote Crate, and more to come!

Server Features: Custom Gyms and Elite 4, Progression Based Content, Battle Tower, Global Trade System, Vote Crate, Increased Legendary and Shiny Spawn Rate, Teleportation Commands, JourneyMap, /Pokemenu for easy navigation, Keep Inventory, Land, Chest, and Grief Protection.

End Ends Friend Friends Invite Join Joins Oins Riends Survival Multiplayer

invite friends minecraft server

The owner of the “Invite Friends” server has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Bedrock Cross-Play Cub Desk Economy Fer Ich Java Lagging Low Ping Open Pin Player Pvp Survival

Cube SMP

Cube SMP is a Minecraft Survival server that is open to players from all over the world. It offers both Java and Bedrock versions, The server is known for its smooth gameplay and low ping, which makes for a great experience for players who want to focus on survival gameplay without lagging.

Comp Connect Desk Discord Hard Mcmmo Mini Games Pixelmon Plan Pokemon Server Qué Roleplay Stal Supp Survival

Cobblemon Park SMP Pokemon Server

Welcome to Cobblemon Park! We’re a Cobblemon SMP Minecraft server! We have only the best hardware and server plan, frequent support via updates, a fully fleshed out free and premium battle pass, and weekly competitive and casual tournaments! Join our Discord and install our modpack to connect directly to the server, no hassle!

Adding Cam Economy Economysurvival Efficient Filled Goodbye Ours Roleplay Sid Step Survival Towny Townyeconomy Townysurvival


Welcome to our lively Towny server! Step into a world where players come together to explore, build, and immerse themselves in a plethora of exciting activities. Our server boasts a range of enticing features, along with some fantastic plugins that add extra flavor to the gameplay.

With Towny at its core, our server allows you to unleash your creativity and establish your very own towns. Claim land, recruit residents, and forge a unique community filled with camaraderie and friendly competition. The possibilities are endless as you collaborate with fellow players, creating a thriving and picturesque virtual world.

Lovebirds, rejoice! Our Marry plugin adds a touch of romance to the mix. Players can embark on in-game relationships, organize dazzling weddings, and enjoy the benefits of being happily wed. From proposals to exchanging vows, experience the joy of union with your special someone, accompanied by friends who are there to celebrate your love. The perks of marriage extend beyond just companionship, offering you exciting bonuses that promote partnership and teamwork.

Take a breather and find your spot of tranquility with the GSit plugin. Sit back and relax on stairs, slabs, or even custom-configured blocks. Whether you fancy a moment of solitude in a cozy café or a delightful conversation with fellow players, GSit ensures that you can do so effortlessly, adding a touch of comfort to your virtual adventures.

Looking to move between levels swiftly? Our Iron Elevator plugin comes to the rescue! Utilize iron blocks and redstone to create smooth and efficient elevators within your town. Say goodbye to tiresome stair climbing and enjoy the convenience of seamless vertical transportation. Navigating your town has never been this effortless!

But that’s not all. Our server is renowned for hosting a plethora of events that cater to every taste and playstyle. Brace yourself for thrilling building contests, exhilarating PvP tournaments, thrilling treasure hunts, mind-bending parkour challenges, and so much more. Engage with fellow players, showcase your skills, and relish the chance to win fantastic rewards. Our events foster a sense of unity and camaraderie, strengthening the bonds within our vibrant community.

Step into our enchanting world and become part of a growing community brimming with adventure, friendship, and endless possibilities. Join us on our Towny server today and embark on an unforgettable journey!

Coming Cross-Play Desk Economy Hardcore Joining Like Nex Oops Pvp Sid Started Survival Word Yone


Simple SMP server for everyone! Java and Bedrock! HC coming soon! What do you get from joining our server? You get no pay2win, fresh world, have a word what will come next, simplicity and ofc minecraft. We have no economy on our server so you are free to drop trade your items if you like to take that risk in our PVP based world. /rtp to get started and protect your land from other players and pvp. Enjoy!

1710modded 1710modpack 1710mods Apocalypse Bugs Decimation Drugs Guns Gunspvp Here's Pve Pvp Survival Zombies Zombiesapocalypse

Kovolska – decimation community server (zombie apocalypse)

KovolskaBased on Decimation Modpack

Kovolska is a 1.7.10 decimation server, which is a modpack that features looting, zombies and player PvP with guns. The modpack can be found here on curseforge.The server features 3 safezones, many turfs which can be claimed, spots to make usable and sellable drugs and various locations to have wars in.To connect, install the modpack, then launch it, click on other servers and add the server’s IP.

on Kovolska there’s some unique features, such as:

  • Major known decimation bugs got fixed
  • You can craft and use drugs
  • There is an oil rig that works; if havee to defend it to get some juicy loot.

  • Categories
    Atlauncher Banter Bosse Crafté Disco Divers Fab Fabricmod Ger Like Set Smp Step Survival Tod


    Welcome to MineSouls, the ultimate Minecraft experience awaits you! Immerse yourself in a server like no other, where adventure knows no bounds and your wildest dreams become a reality. With a powerful combination of Fabric mods and an all-in-one package, get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey!

    🔥 Conquer Epic Bosses: Challenge yourself and your friends as you face off against fearsome bosses that will test your skills to the limit. Gather your allies, strategize, and prepare for the ultimate showdown!

    🌟 Embrace Unique Races: Discover a world where diversity thrives! Choose from a range of unique races, each with its own abilities and strengths. Unleash your true potential and forge your path in this dynamic and immersive realm.

    ⚔️ Unleash Custom Weapons: Arm yourself with extraordinary weapons crafted exclusively for this server. From enchanted blades to explosive projectiles, every battle will be an exhilarating display of power and skill.

    👹 Face More Foes: The world is teeming with new and dangerous creatures. Encounter menacing mobs that will push your combat prowess to its limits. Survive the onslaught and reap the rewards!

    🌈 Stunning Shaders: Immerse yourself in breathtaking visuals with our selection of shaders. Watch as the sun sets on a vibrant landscape, casting enchanting shadows and bringing every block to life. Prepare to be amazed!

    🚀 Performance Fixes: Say goodbye to lag and optimization issues. We’ve fine-tuned our server to deliver the smoothest gameplay experience possible, ensuring you never miss a moment of the action.

    🎨 Express Yourself with Custom Skins: Unleash your creativity and stand out from the crowd with custom skins. Create a unique avatar that truly represents your personality and become the envy of fellow adventurers.

    🌟 HD Skins: Take your appearance to the next level with our high-definition skins. Enjoy crisp and detailed designs that enhance your character’s visual impact. Let your style shine bright!

    🏠 /home Command: Never get lost again! With our convenient /home command, teleport back to your base or favorite locations instantly. Explore the vast world with ease and efficiency.

    💬 Chat with GPT Villagers: Engage in captivating conversations with GPT-powered villagers! These AI-driven inhabitants bring the world to life with their witty banter, intriguing stories, and valuable advice. Immerse yourself in a truly interactive and immersive experience.

    ⚔️ Better Combat Mechanics: Prepare for heart-pounding battles with our enhanced combat mechanics. Engage in thrilling skirmishes where every swing of your weapon counts. Master your skills, employ cunning strategies, and dominate the battlefield like never before!

    🌟 Endless Variety: With a plethora of plugins, mods, and features, the possibilities are truly limitless. From custom mini-games to hidden treasures, secret dungeons to dynamic events, you’ll always find something new to discover. Never endure a dull moment again!

    Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey through an enchanting realm. Whether you seek epic battles, unparalleled customization, or stunning visuals, MineSouls has it all. Join us today and experience the ultimate Minecraft adventure with our all-in-one package. The possibilities are endless, and the excitement is just a click away!

    To join our extraordinary Minecraft server, follow these simple steps to get started:

  • Download ATLauncher: ATLauncher is a launcher platform that allows you to easily manage and install modpacks. Visit the ATLauncher website ( and download the launcher appropriate for your operating system.
  • Install ATLauncher: Once the download is complete, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install ATLauncher on your computer.
  • Launch ATLauncher: After installation, open ATLauncher. You will be greeted with a login screen. If you don’t have an account, you can create one by clicking on the “Register” button.
  • Importing the Modpack: Once logged in, navigate to the “Instances” tab within ATLauncher. Here, you can manage and install modpacks.
  • For the first modpack, click on the “Add Instance” button, and a new window will appear.
  • In the new window, select the “Import Pack” option.
  • Paste the following URL in the provided field:
  • or if the top link doesnt work try this one
  • so either try to import the pack through the link in the import option in the instance tab or download it through the link and then import the .zip file
  • Launch the Modpack: Once the import process is complete, you will see the imported modpacks listed in the “Instances” tab. Select the desired modpack and click on the “Play” button. ATLauncher will handle the necessary installations and configurations for you.
  • Connect to the Server: After launching the modpack, navigate to the multiplayer server list. Look for our server’s IP address and click on it to join. You’re now ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure in our Minecraft server!
  • Please note that it’s essential to have a legitimate Minecraft account to play on our server. If you encounter any issues during the installation or joining process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team for assistance. Get ready to dive into an unforgettable Minecraft experience on our server!

    Coming Community Desk Economy Este Giving Lifesteal Lifesteal Server Mem Server Pro Survival The Best Vanilla Vin W Minecraft


    Relentless Networkz Ranked As One BEST of The SMPs When It Comes To Experience Is Exactly what your looking for to have your best minecraft experience ever, you can start this ULTIMATE Minecraft Experience By Coming To The Best Network Giving You The Best Experience For One Of The Best Know Minecraft Gamemodes EVER! And By Ever i mean ever, our pvp server acquires on mostly all of the gamemodes on the 1.9+ Minecraft Community And Our Lifesteal Server Provides You With The Premium Lifesteal Experience You’ll Ever Need!

    Ger Gets Hardcor Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Hardcorepvp Hardcoresmp Ours Put Strong Strongest Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalpvp Survivalworld

    GriefWars – Hardcore SMP [3 Lives] [PVP] [Anarchy] [Terraform]

    Our server is new and offers a hardcore survival experience for the most skilled Minecraft players. Every player gets 3 lives, when you run out of lives you will be banned FOREVER. However you will only lose a life when you get killed by another player. Griefing is allowed and even encouraged, only the strongest will survive. You can hide and build a base and gear up, maybe even team up … or you can go out and kill those other players taking all their loot … the choice is yours!

    Thanks to the terraform plugin we have a jaw-dropping impressive world with unique biomes and huge trees. Also many of the minecraft structures differ from the standard worlds, no more boring little villager towns, they know how to build nice houses on our server!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!